Original-sin Sentence Examples
In consequence of His supernatural birth the Saviour, or the second Adam, was free from original sin.
In the theological phrase original sin it means the inherited tendency to do wrong.
He held a prominent place in the New School branch of the Presbyterians, to which he adhered on the division of the denomination in 1837; he had been tried (but not convicted) for heresy in 1836, the charge being particularly against the views expressed by him in Notes on Romans (1835) of the imputation of the sin of Adam, original sin and the atonement; the bitterness stirred up by this trial contributed towards widening the breach between the conservative and the progressive elements in the church.
Truly, a worthy development of the seed-thoughts of the original narrator, and (must we not add ?) entirely opposed to any doctrine of Original Sin.
On the belief in the Fall, see Tennant, The Sources of the Doctrine of the Fall and Original Sin (1903).
The essence and mode of operation of original sin is concupiscence, which, as of the devil, subjects man in his natural state to the devil's dominion.
As regards original sin they taught that the inclinations to evil inherited from Adam are not themselves blameworthy, and only consent to them involves real guilt.
To these conflicting tendencies were probably due his self-contradictions on the problem of original sin and the conflicting claims of feeling and reason.
Baptism entirely destroys original sin.
Passing on to Anselrn (1033-1109), we observe that the Augustinian doctrine of original sin and man's absolute need of unmerited grace is retained in his theory of salvation; he also follows Augustine in defining freedom as the " power not to sin "; though in saying that Adam fell " spontaneously " and " by his free choice," though not " through its freedom," he has implicitly made the distinction that Peter the Lombard afterwards expressly draws between the freedom that is opposed to necessity and freedom from the slavery to sin.
AdvertisementSome believed that a baby dying in Original Sin risked the possibility of spending eternity in limbo.
Because of that original sin by Adam we are all imputed with the guilt of sin, the wages of which is death.
For men it is certainly more grave, or at least much more dangerous, to deny original sin that to deny God.
Today, no one except evolutionary psychologists believes in original sin any more.
Angelina Jolie - Angelina Jolie has never been shy about her body, and has appeared nude or partially naked in several movies including Taking Lives (2004), Original Sin (2001), and Gia (1998).
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