Organizing Sentence Examples
How would he feel if she started organizing his clinic?
With his energy, ability and gift of dominating and organizing, he might indeed have done a great deal.
This enterprise, of which the expenses were defrayed by the Jacobin Club, made him well known to the revolutionary leaders; and he made himself still more conspicuous in organizing the great "Fete de la Liberte" on the 1 5th of April 1792, in honour of the released soldiers of Chateau-Vieux, with Collot d'Herbois.
In 1850 he was a member of the state constitutional convention, and in 1854 took an active part in organizing the "Anti-Nebraska men" (later called Republicans) of his state, and was by them sent to Congress.
About 1748 he began to take an important part in the affairs of the town, and became a leader in the debates of a political club which he was largely instrumental in organizing, and to whose weekly publication, the Public Advertiser, he contributed numerous articles.
But he was rather a destructive than a constructive statesman, and his most important service was in organizing the forces of revolution before 1775.
The greater part of 1506 and 1507 was spent in organizing the new militia, corresponding on the subject, and scouring the country on enlistment service.
Dazzled, as it were, with the brilliancy of his own discovery, concentrated in attention on the one necessity for organizing a powerful coherent nation, he forgot that men are more than political beings.
He negotiated an alliance with Parma, Romagna and Tuscany, when other provisional governments had been established, and entrusted the task of organizing an army for this central Italian league to General Fanti.
The city was reconstituted after the battle of Leuctra and under its statesman Lycomedes played a prominent part in organizing the Arcadian League (370).
AdvertisementIn spite of the defects of Kant's statement - to which it is necessary to return - the place of the concepts and ideals of the mind and the synthetic organizing 1 Kritik d.
The towns elected (until 1856) the deputies to the general court, and were the administrative units for the assessment and collection of taxes, maintaining churches and schools, organizing and training the militia, preserving the peace, caring for the poor, building and repairing roads and bridges, and recording deeds, births, deaths and marriages; and to discuss questions relating to these matters as well as other matters of peculiarly local concern, to determine the amount of taxes for town purposes, and to elect officers.
He was active in organizing relief for the wounded at the commencement of the war, remained bravely at his post during the siege, and refused to seek safety by flight during the brief triumph of the Commune.
Of these it is enough to name John Cotton, able both as a divine and as a statesman, potent in England by his expositions and apologies of the " New England way," potent in America for his organizing and administrative power; Thomas Hooker, famed as an exponent and apologist of the " New England way "; John Eliot, famous as the " apostle of the Indians," first of Protestant missionaries to the heathen; Richard Mather, whose influence and work were carried on by his distinguished son, and his still more distinguished grandson, Cotton Mather.
The difficulties of organizing the new Dominion, the questions arising from diverse claims and the various conditions of the country, called for infinite tact and resource on the part of the premier.
AdvertisementThe 1st Army, after its long halt at Feng-hwang-cheng, which was employed in minutely organizing the supply service - a task of exceptional difficulty in these roadless mountains - reopened the campaign on the 24th of June, but only tentatively on account of the discouraging news from Port Arthur.
In that position he won repute for his organizing capacity, great power of work and unswerving probity - the last of which qualities was none too common in the French armies at that time.
On May 16th 1877, he was one of the "363" who voted want of confidence in the Broglie ministry (thus paying his debts), and he took considerable part in organizing the subsequent electoral campaign.
During the War of Secession, when each governor was responsible for organizing troops from his state, much turned upon his energy, popularity and loyalty.
Archibald, who succeeded in organizing the administration on a satisfactory basis.
AdvertisementBy this time he had to some extent withdrawn from the advanced position which he at first occupied in organizing the Old Catholic Church, for he was not in agreement with its abolition of enforced celibacy.
Abd-ul-Qasim gained the confidence of the townsmen by organizing a successful resistance to the Berber soldiers of fortune who were grasping at the fragments of the caliphate.
In March 1862 Lincoln made him military governor of the part of Tennessee captured from the Confederates, and after two years of autocratic rule (with much danger to himself) he succeeded in organizing a Union government for the state.
He was next employed in organizing the departments which were formed in Holland, of which he was governor-general from 1811 to 1813.
He acted as intermediary between the soldiers of Christ and their brothers who remained in Europe, announcing successes, organizing fresh expeditions,.
AdvertisementIn July 1888 the Societe Metallurgique Suisse erected plant driven by a 500 h.p. turbine to carry out Heroult's alloy process, and at the end of that year the Allgemeine Elektricitais Gesellschaft united with the Swiss firm in organizing the Aluminium Industrie Actien Gesellschaft of Neuhasen, which has factories in Switzerland, Germany and Austria.
It was by the members of these clubs (and a few others) that the minute exploration (now all but complete) of the High Alps was carried out, while much has been done in the way of building club huts, organizing and training guides, &c., to smooth the way for later corners, who benefit too by the detailed information published in the periodicals (the first dates from 1863 only) issued by these clubs.
In 1855 he took a prominent part in organizing the Republican party in Pennsylvania, and in 1856 was a delegate to the Republican National Convention, in which he opposed the nomination of John C. Fremont.
In March 1846 the king formed a purely Catholic ministry, but it was fiercely attacked by the Liberals, who had for several years been steadily organizing.
In 1900 laws were passed regulating the contract of labour, placing the workman on a footing of perfect equality with his employer, assuring the married woman free control of her savings, and organizing a system of old-age pensions.
In May 1832 he hastened from Paris to see the duchess of Berry on her landing in the south of France for the purpose of organizing an insurrection in favour of her son, the duke of Bordeaux, since known as the Comte de Chambord.
It was made a special subject of criticism by the Democratic party of the North, which was now organizing itself on the basis of a discontinuance of the war, to endeavour to win the presidential election of the following year.
Before the outbreak of the War of Greek Independence in 1821 he had already expended much time and energy in organizing a fleet and in training, under the supervision of French instructors, native officers and artificers; though it was not till 1829 that the opening of a dockyard and arsenal at Alexandria enabled him to build and equip his own vessels.
Upon Lord Birkenhead fell the difficult task of organizing the department and establishing regulations to deal with conditions altogether unprecedented.
In 1856 he took a leading part in organizing the Republican party in Connecticut, and in 1857 became editor of the Hartford Evening Press, a newly established Republican newspaper.
In the decade preceding the outbreak of the Civil War she took a prominent part in the anti-slavery and temperance movements in New York, organizing in 1852 the first woman's state temperance society in America, and in 1856 becoming the agent for New York state of the American Anti-slavery Society.
In 1860 he conducted the third Garibaldian expedition to Sicily, defeated two Neapolitan brigades at Piale (August 23), and marched victoriously upon Naples, where he was appointed minister of war, and took part in organizing the plebiscite.
The fine condition of his regiment was soon remarked in the army of the Rhine, and his organizing ability was made use of by an appointment on the staff, and finally by his promotion to the rank of general of brigade.
When his fame was at its height he allowed his colleague Jourdan to be beaten, betrayed all his plans to the enemy, and took part in organizing a conspiracy for the return of Louis XVIII., in which he was to play, for his own aggrandizement, the part that Monk played from higher motives in the English revolution.
Opposed to absolutism, Louis took great interest in the work of organizing the Bavarian constitution (1818) and defended it against Metternich and the Carlsbad Decrees (1819); he was also one of the most zealous of the ardent Philhellenes in Germany at the time.
He showed, moreover, as a Liverpool man, his strong sympathy with Ulster, threatened by the Home Rule bill; he went over to Ireland and constituted himself Sir Edward Carson's principal lieutenant in the resistance which he was organizing in North-East Ulster against Home Rule.
With his wife, he was instrumental in organizing women's work upon a sound basis, and he did not a little for the healthful regulation of Anglican sisterhoods during the formative period in which this was particularly necessary.
With these resources, and with the advantage of an assurance from the British government that he would be aided against foreign aggression, he was able to establish an absolute military despotism inside his kingdom, by breaking down the power of the warlike tribes which held in check, up to his time, the personal autocracy of the Kabul rulers, and by organizing a regular army well furnished with European rifles and artillery.
The duke of Hesse also took part in the principal battles of the Franco-Prussian war, while the duchess was actively engaged in organizing hospitals for the relief of the sick and wounded.
After the administration of justice he directed his organizing activity, as the circumstances demanded, chiefly towards financial questions - the incidence of taxation in the conquered territories,' and the application of the vast resources which poured into the treasury at Medina.
He was the favourite son of his mother, and took part with her in organizing the massacre of St Bartholomew.
Christianity was the one organizing principle that pulsed with spiritual life.
The whittling away of its formal or organizing rubrics, as e.g., sameness into likeness, is disconcerting to science wherever the significance of the process is realized.
It can exercise no organizing or controlling function in knowledge.
The central and organizing principle of this is that knowledge is in genesis, that the genesis takes place in the medium of individual minds, and that this fact implies that there is a necessary reference throughout to interests or purposes of the subject which thinks because it wills and acts.
The need of co-ordinating and organizing these hermits induced the popes towards 1250 to unite into one body a number of these congregations, so as to form a single religious order, living according to the Rule of St Augustine, and called the Order of Augustinian Hermits, or simply the Augustinian Order.
Corps, in reserve on the Isonzo, was charged with the duty of organizing a reserve line of defence on the river Torre.
His fortunes, however, were not thereby seriously affected, for by this time his business capacity and organizing skill had enabled him to consolidate his position, in spite of the difficulties he had encountered not only from rival manufacturers but also from the working classes, who in 1779 displayed their antipathy to labour-saving appliances by destroying a large Trill he had erected near Chorley.
Or was it rather that the status and duties of existing offices and trades came to be determined and made hereditary by some such artificial system as that by which the Theodosian Code succeeded for a time in organizing the Roman society in the 5th century of our era ?"
After Villafranca he became the organizer-inchief of the expeditions to Sicily, remaining at Genoa after Garibaldi's departure for Marsala, and organizing four separate volunteer corps, two of which were intended for Sicily and two for the papal states.
He took an important part in the work of the Inventions Exhibition (London) in 1885, and in 1887 became organizing secretary and first director of the Imperial Institute, a position he held till his death, which occurred in London on the 6th of September 1902.
The numerous local branches of the Friends of the Folk-School and the Society for Popular Education display great activity, the former by aiding the smaller communes in establishing schools, and the latter in publishing popular works, starting their own schools as well as free libraries (in nearly every commune), and organizing lectures for the people.
The fervour of the church found a channel in the operations of a " Committee on Christian Life and Work," appointed in 1869 with the aim of exercising some supervision of the work of the church throughout the country, stimulating evangelistic efforts and organizing the labours of lay agents.
His great organizing talent and oratorical power quickly made him one of the leaders of the socialists and their chief spokesman in parliament.
While he was reforming the finances of the nation, and organizing its navy, he always found time to direct the management of his smallest farm.
West Africa him associated with Clarke as one of the most active members of the Newport church, and as the date of the organization is uncertain, there is some reason to suspect that he was a constituent member, and that asabaptized man he took the initiative in baptizing and organizing.
From 1711 onward Valentine Wightman (1681-1747) of Connecticut (General Baptist) made occasional missionary visits to New York at the invitation of Nicolas Eyres, a business man who had adopted Baptist views, and in 1714 baptized Eyres and several others, and assisted them in organizing a church.
Although less active than formerly, the landgrave did not cease to intrigue on behalf of the Protestants while continuing the work of reforming and organizing the Church in Hesse.
In 1660, after five years of incessant warfare, Sweden had at length obtained peace and with it the opportunity of organizing and developing her newly won empire.
Obviously, also, he must have understood the art of organizing his people and arousing the feeling of nationality and the courage of self-sacrifice.
Af ter spending the winter in organizing a cavalry force, he made a successful incursion into Lydia in the spring of 395.
In his writings he dwelt upon important contributions of historical Christianity, and maintained especially that, in continuing the work of the Caesars, the Catholic church had been the most potent factor in civilizing the invading barbarians and in organizing the life of the middle ages.
Heraclitus offers no analogy to the doctrine of four (not three) elements as different grades of tension; to the conception of fire and air as the " form," in Aristotelian terminology, of particulars; nor to the function of organizing fire which works by methodic plan to produce and preserve the world (irup i&w 1 3aSii'ov iri ')4vEru Nor, again, is there any analogy to the peculiar Stoic doctrine of universal intermingling (Kpavms Si iiXov).
Okubo was one of the leading men of his day, and in 1872 was one of the Japanese mission which was sent round the world to get ideas for organizing the new regime.
That body in January 1862 passed a formal act organizing the territory, including in it New Mexico, but in May 1862 the Texans were driven out by a Union force from California.
During this period, however, Charles displayed great tact in his dealings with both parties, and kept his country in the path of administrative and economic reform, organizing the army, developing the railways, and establishing commercial relations with foreign powers.
All the while she was organizing her party; and ultimately, in October 1456 at Coventry, procured some change in the government.
The rapid extension of the railway system was also largely due to his energy and financial ingenuity, and he embarked on a crusade against the evils of drunkenness by organizing a government monopoly for the sale of alcohol.
Diocletian, the organizing genius, became a bloodthirsty monster, and Constantine, the murderer, a saint.
The agitation over prohibition dates from 1868; the act of that year organizing a customs district forbade the importation and sale of firearms, ammunition and distilled spirits; the Organic Act of 1884 extended this prohibition to all intoxicating liquors.
This act of the Belgian legislature regularized the position of King Leopold, who at once began the work of organizing an administration for the new state.'
He published a series of ordinances organizing the royal household and affecting the financial administration, the "parlement" and the royal forests.
His hereditary republicanism recommended him to the government of national defence, by which he was entrusted in 1870 with the task of organizing resistance in the departments of the Eure, Calvados and Seine Inferieure, and made prefect of the last named in January 1871.
Ferdinand, who died in 1188, left the reputation of a good knight and hard fighter, but did not display political or organizing faculty.
These cities he refused to cede to the sultan, and, about this period, he entered into negotiations with Venice and the shah of Persia, in the vain hope of organizing a world-wide coalition against the Turks.
He was not indeed a parish pastor; he inspired church activities which grew to large proportions, but trusted the organization of them to laymen of organizing abilities in the church; and for acquaintance with his people he depended on such social occasions as were furnished in the free atmosphere of this essentially New England church at the close of every service.
In the debates on federation he opposed the measure, but on its passage was in 1867 entrusted by the Conservatives with the task of organizing the provincial government of Ontario.
He took an active part in the organizing of the Free Soil party, in revolt at the Whigs' nomination of a slave-holding southerner for the presidency; and in 18 4 8 was defeated as a candidate for the national House of Representatives.
In 1821 he co-operated with Saint-Amand Bazard and others in founding a secret association, modelled on that of the Italian Carbonari, with the object of organizing a general armed rising against the government.
Pachomius spent his life in organizing and directing the great order he had created, which at his death included nine monasteries with some three thousand monks and a nunnery.
A few other officers were sent at Sheikh Mahmud's request to assist in organizing the local Government under British protection.
The political history of Williams later years is unimportant; his main energy was absorbed in the task of holding down and organizing his new kingdom.
After this the king abode for more than a year in Wales, organizing the newly conquered principality into a group of counties, and founding many castles, with dependent towns, within its limits.
They were even able to quell the first attempt at a reaction, by seizing and beheading Edmund, earl of Kent, the late kings half-brother, who was betrayed while organizing a plot for their destruction.
Meanwhile the conspirators of 1483 were busy in organizing another plan of invasion.
The organizing spirits of the early troubles of the reign of Henry VII.
Through the insistence of Russia an armistice was agreed upon; and Lord Beaconsfieldfor Disraeli had now been raised to the peerageendeavoured to utilize the breathing space by organizing a conference of the great powers at Constantinople, which was attended on behalf of Great Britain by Lord Salisbury.
Great advance is made in organizing Catholic theology by the fuller theory of sacraments.
Botha declared for the most loyal support of the British Government, the bulk of the burden of organizing the military forces of the Union fell upon Smuts.
The energy of Danton, the organizing skill of Carnot, and the high spirit of the French nation, resolute at all costs to avoid dismemberment, had well employed the respite given by the sluggishness of the Allies.
On the outbreak of the revolution in Vienna in March 1848, when the mob broke into the Assembly, Schmerling was one of the deputation which carried to the palace the demands of the people, and during the next few days he was much occupied in organizing the newly formed National Guard.
He opposed the South African War, took a prominent part in organizing the Second International in 1900, and from that date onwards was also active, both as speaker and writer, in advocating the grant of free institutions to India.
In this capacity he did much to advance Christianity and native education in India, especially by organizing systematic translations of the Scriptures.
Having at his disposal a large fortune he succeeded in organizing a Serbo-Hungarian expedition against the Turks in 1444.
The few remaining years of Teresa's life were spent in the old way, organizing the order she had founded, and travelling about to open new convents.
In the following year Napper Tandy took a leading part in organizing a new military association in Ireland modelled after the French National Guards; they professed republican principles, and on their uniform the cap of liberty instead of the crown surmounted the Irish harp. Tandy also, with the purpose of bringing about a fusion between the Defenders and the United Irishmen, took the oath of the Defenders, a Roman Catholic society whose agrarian and political violence had been increasing for several years; but being threatened with prosecution for this step, and also for libel, he fled to America, where he remained till 1798.
At the basis of nature lies universal reason as its organizing principle, and when reason becomes a conscious power in man it finds itself in conflict as well as in harmony with external nature.
Universal organizing action produces the forms of intercourse, and universal symbolizing action produces the various forms of science; individual organizing action yields the forms of property and individual symbolizing action the various representations of feeling, all these constituting the relations, the productive spheres, or the social conditions of moral action.
The work of organizing the three great Carolingian conquests Aquitaine, Italy and Saxonyhad yet to be done.
The opportunity of founding political liberty upon the vote and the control of taxation, and of organizing the administration of the kingdom so as to ensure that the entire military and financial resources should be always available, was gone beyond recall.
Being the outcome of the Constitution of the year III., it should have been the organizing and pacifying government of the Republic; in reality it sought not to create, but to preserve its own existence.
He ardently supported the policy of making Federal appropriations (of land, but not of money) for internal improvements of a national character, being a prominent advocate of the construction, by government aid, of a trans-continental railway, and the chief promoter (1850) of the Illinois Central; in 1854 he suggested that Congress should impose tonnage duties from which towns and cities might themselves pay for harbour improvement, &c. To him as chairman of the committee on territories, at first in the House, and then in the Senate, of which he became a member in December 1847, it fell to introduce the bills for admitting Texas, Florida, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, California and Oregon into the Union, and for organizing the territories of Minnesota, Oregon, New Mexico, Utah, Washington, Kansas and Nebraska.
The bill for organizing the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, which Douglas reported in January 1854 and which in amended form was signed by the president on the 30th of May, reopened the whole slavery dispute - wantonly, his enemies charged, for the purpose of securing Southern support, - and caused great popular excitement, as it repealed the Missouri Compromise, and declared the people of " any state or territory " free to form and regulate their domestic institutions in their own way, subject only to the Constitution of the United States."
In a country divided by sectional jealousies it was impossible to expect a committee of thirty-four members to impose unity of action even in a common cause; and the Spanish rising, the first fierceness of which had carried all before it, lacked the organizing force which alone would have given it permanent success.
But it had broken loose from Rome in 1702, and was now organizing itself into an independent church (see Utrecht).
From 1152 to 1154 Nicholas was in Scandinavia as legate, organizing the affairs of the new Norwegian archbishopric of Trondhjern, and making arrangements which resulted in the recognition of Upsala as seat of the Swedish metropolitan in 1164.
Convinced that it was impossible to meet Alexander in a pitched battle, his plan was to lay waste the country and retire into the interior, meanwhile organizing resistance on sea (where the Persians were far superior to the Macedonians) and carrying the war into Greece.
He played a great part in organizing the Jewish communal life of the middle ages.
P. Dupanloup, then engaged in Organizing the ecclesiastical college of St Nicholas du Chardonnet, a school in which the young Catholic nobility and the most gifted pupils of the Catholic seminaries were to be educated together, with a view to cementing the bond between the aristocracy and the priesthood.
He invented an electric torpedo for harbour defence, and in 1862 was ordered to England to purchase torpedo material, &c. Here he took active part in organizing a petition for peace to the American people, which was unsuccessful.
These were the chief printed media of his anti-Government propaganda; but he took every advantage of public activities, such as membership of the local municipality and the organizing of Shivaji and Ganpati celebrations, to work upon the prejudices and passions both of the masses and of the educated minority.
Ferguson then took a leading part in organizing the rising of 1685.
He also spent much personal effort in organizing the charitable institutions of the dowager empress Maria, and founded a great number of institutions for technical education.
Organizing your own Relay for Life is a tremendous achievement.
John Sanders, our Social Secretary is organizing a most interesting series of meetings for the coming autumn.
Thank you for organizing a brilliant thoroughly enjoyable bargain of a weekend.
Thanks to DJ Fatty Boy for organizing the whole bash.
By organizing courses in Hebrew for British civil servants?
The citizen's forum is organizing colloquium on the seven critical areas.
The organizing committee aims to give the Dutch or European way of fly fishing for pike a central place.
The organizing committee is actively seeking more funding in order to further substantially reduce the cost to participants.
We will be organizing a conference on risk perception to address this matter in detail.
Self organizing systems are part of the way science is beginning to understand the real cosmos in a way that traditional science cannot.
A lot of hard work went into organizing the disco which went ahead on 26th May 2005.
Part of their fund raising efforts included organizing a garden fete, raising the grand total of £ 746.
John is moving across the divide from organizing the fundraising to taking part.
By now we were all very cold and I was quite hoarse from talking to people and organizing photographers and such like.
In some areas union branches are organizing hustings... Postal workers POSTAL WORKERS in Watford have rejected a deal to end their strike.
You will be involved in organizing event logistics and preparing information for volunteers.
The Trust is grateful to Trustee Caroline Collier and her team at the Arnolfini for organizing this extremely moving and fitting event.
Harvey thinks Tom is organizing a petition to get rid of Diana.
The Wessex region is organizing a coastal tour in 2000.
How about organizing a fundraising jumble sale or coffee morning?
This led to the idea of organizing a seminar in London, together with the Italian Embassy.
The two men were suspected of organizing an arms shipment for the IRA.
Out of this initial splurge of spontaneous organizing arose the FWCUI.
Hence this organizing capacity must respect and indeed strengthen national statehood.
The Austrian Institute for Spatial Planning is organizing a symposium in Brussels on 27th November 1997.
For the fourth year 106.9 Silk FM are organizing a Local Hero Awards scheme to recognize unsung ' local heroes ' in East Cheshire.
No costs are incurred for organizing or hiring an interview venue.
I'm thinking of organizing an excursion to Pembrokeshire (west wales) to go diving sometime in the summer of 2006.
As secretary to the conclave which assembled in the monastery of San Giorgio Maggiore at Venice, Consalvi had the difficult task of corresponding with the various governments and organizing the assembly at a time when the Revolution had confused all issues and reduced the individual cardinals to beggary.
From 1868 to 1873 he was in charge of a private observatory at Aberdeen, and from 1873-6 of Lord Crawford's observatory at Dunecht, organizing from there the expeditions to Mauritius to observe the transit of Venus in 1874 and to Ascension I.
The distinguished career of the former and the widespread confidence in his ability and political integrity had marked him for the most important position in the Cabinet; and there had been a general demand that the new administration should utilize the organizing ability displayed by Hoover in many fields.
Philip stands high among the makers of kingdoms. Restless energy, determination, a faculty for animating and organizing a strong people, went with unscrupulous duplicity and a fullblooded vehemence in the pleasures of sense.
After defeating a large Neapolitan force at Mola and organizing the siege operations round Gaeta, Fanti returned to the war office at Turin to carry out important army reforms. His attitude in opposing the admission of Garibaldi's 7000 officers into the regular army with their own grades made him the object of great unpopularity for a time, and led to a severe reprimand from Cavour.
The adoption of this platform was accompanied by a party reorganization, those who approved it organizing the Constitutional Union party, and those who disapproved, mostly Democrats, organizing the Southern Rights party; the approval in other states of the Georgia Platform in preference to the Alabama Platform (see Alabama) caused a reaction in the South against secession.
If we set aside such transcendental conditions as belong to sensibility or to the receptive phase of mind and are the presuppositions of juxtaposition of parts, the remainder are ascribable to spontaneity or understanding, to thought with its unifying, organizing or focussing function, and their elucidation is the problem of transcendental analytic. It is still logic, indeed, when we are occupied with the transcendent objects of the discursive faculty as it is employed beyond the limits of experience where it cannot validate its ideas.
Is it not possible to take a step further towards recognizing and organizing the rights of man?
You might be organizing free delivery for housebound people, or supervising the heroin substitute methadone and helping a patient 's recovery from addiction.
In charge of organizing medals and awards and regatta committee kit.
This well known local company will again be organizing the spectacular shucking competition.
Russell Crowe is organizing a tribute concert to the late ' Crocodile Hunter ' Steve Irwin.
Food Not Bombs has started organizing busses, vans and truckloads of food, kitchen equipment and clothing to the people fleeing the disaster.
I 'm thinking of organizing an excursion to Pembrokeshire (west wales) to go diving sometime in the summer of 2006.
Southampton University is organizing a fantastic opportunity for any would be windsurf instructors this June.
The teacher's aideassistedwith organizing all the games for the class party.
The teacher's aide assisted with organizing all the games for the class party.
For the time being, organizing toys and displaying pictures and other items is what these pieces of furniture may be used for.
Let her be responsible for cleaning her room, making her bed, organizing her toys, etc. This will give her a sense of ownership and pride.
While giving advice certainly can't be considered one of the new baby shower games, organizing the advice into a game can make the advice less overwhelming for the mother-to-be.
Metal file cabinets are great for organizing and storing papers and documents.
There are file organizing accessories and all sorts of carrying cases.
Yahoo Shopping is a gigantic mall with some guidance content organizing the virtual stores and their latest promotions.
The company may offer advice on budgeting, paying on time, organizing financial obligations by priority and similar topics.
Invest in some good lamps and also some desktop organizing units.
To enjoy an uncluttered room and save space, use a closet organizing system and under-the-bed storage containers.
What makes a train case practical and useful when organizing cosmetic and beauty products?
Compatible only with Mac OS X and being somewhat reminiscent of the operating system's iPhoto application, Aperture 3 is an excellent tool for organizing photos into libraries and projects.
Perhaps you could also devise a place to store general craft supplies while you're organizing.
For many scrapbookers, organizing patterned paper proves to be a tricky task.
If you want to be able to find a particular page in the future, however, you'll need to come up with some sort of method for organizing your scrapbook album.
If you're having trouble choosing one particular method of organizing your scrapbook layouts, it may be helpful to invest in an album with a 3-ring binding closure.
For many people, organizing a scrapbook chronologically seems to be the most logical choice.
If the chronological approach to scrapbook organization is too linear for your tastes, you may wish to try organizing your albums by subject.
One newer trend in the world of scrapbooking involves organizing your scrapbook albums into themes.
This program makes editing and organizing photos easier and is available to purchase via either online download or CD.
Before you can decide on the best storage for Jolee stickers, it's helpful to spend some time organizing your sticker collection.
If you're the type of scrapbooker who likes to be able to see all of her supplies at glance, the Clip It Up is a great tool for organizing stickers and other embellishments.
Organizing paper by the type of pattern, such as florals or stripes, works well if you scrapbook mostly with general purpose products that can be used for any type of layout.
Creating a folder just for your no-cost scrapbook pages will make organizing your supplies much easier.
In this case, consider organizing your pictures according to themes, and then try to match your favorite layout page ideas from the Internet with your piles of pictures.
Organizing your scrapbook by themes can make for more interesting pages than simply putting your trip in chronological order.
Spend a few minutes at the end of the day organizing and cleaning up your space.
He is a big proponent of developing time management skills, and he partners with the company Franklin Covey to provide time management products, like day planners and organizing products.
You can encourage him/her to still spend time with you and the rest of the clan by organizing weekly or even monthly date nights.
Some of these chores may be things you enjoy doing anyway, like organizing, but your parents have the power to use the coupon whenever it's convenient for them.
While housewares are needed and appreciated by most newly married couples, gifts associated with organizing, cleaning, and maintaining the household are more unusual and perhaps even more appreciated.
Organizing a civil wedding in Bournemouth, England does not have to be difficult.
Websites like LoveToKnow Weddings are dedicated to providing you with all aspects of planning and organizing your wedding.
The use of plain or blank programs has many benefits for brides and grooms who are organizing their special day.
The offers benefits that make organizing enjoyable.
If you're not working with an experienced buffet caterer, ask a friend to be in charge of organizing the buffet line so that the meal can be served in an orderly fashion.
Suggestions for organizing run/walk events, celebrations with major/minor league baseball teams, and video screenings are available through the CSAT website.
This all makes organizing custom girls' dresses a bit tricky.
This will help make mornings go more smoothly - be sure and get her input when organizing these time-saving bags so that she's happy with her outfit.
You need to spend time doing homework, preparing for courses, reviewing material, organizing notes, and studying for quizzes and exams.
The program is structured traditionally and consists of 14 self-paced lessons that cover topics ranging from initial consultations to wedding etiquette, time management, and organizing honeymoons.
In fact, the added challenge of enforcing self-discipline and independently organizing a work schedule makes getting a master's even more difficult for some online students.
Organizing everything and preparing to send it off takes time and attention, and procrastinating on applications rarely works out.
The tab site xGuitar does a fine job of organizing Metallica tabs by record.
Solutions for organizing closets come in a variety of styles.
When you do get your closet organized, you'll reap rewards beyond the initial satisfaction of seeing everything in its place because organizing will help combat bad habits that invite clutter.
With luck, what you learn from organizing your closets can help you in every area of your home.
You will not find advice on building a garage but you might get advice on organizing it.
There are many different ideas for organizing earrings that will help to keep them free from damage and stop them from getting lost.
Organizing earrings isn't simply a case of hanging them on an earring tree or other organizer.
When you own several pairs, organizing them so that they are easy to find is also important.
Organizing stud earrings by placing them in a special organizer and storing them in size order from the largest to smallest will help to make finding the perfect earrings for an occasion simple and straightforward.
One idea for organizing earrings such as these is to store them lying flat in a jewelry drawer or inside a separate box.
Special earring organizers are therefore one of the best ideas for organizing earrings.
Pairs of earrings hang from the branches of the tree, offering a pleasing visual display, as well as a practical solution to the problem of organizing your jewelry.
Ring jewelry boxes with slots are a convenient way for organizing rings without worrying about them scratching each other because of the padded slots that cushion each piece.
By organizing your closet prior to your shopping venture, you're most likely to stay on track and purchase clothing that actually meets your current needs.
Unless you are a high-powered executive, actress or involved in a lot of social organizing, you probably won't have need for a party dress more than a few times a year.
Additional home protection measures can include bars on the windows, motion alarms, guard dogs, dead bolts and organizing neighborhood crime watches.
Paying bills and organizing events is difficult.
Waiting in lines at the gate to purchase tickets is a chore that can be avoided, and guests can instead focus on enjoying their getaway rather than struggling with organizing it along the way.
Whether you are organizing a holiday party or just a casual gathering with your cousins, Hasbro Family Game Night could be a great way to spend a few hours having a lot of family-friendly fun along the way.
This truly is the archetype of the genre, getting you to rotate tetrominoes (domino-like pieces that take up four units of space each), organizing them into rows that are then eliminated.
Packing and organizing motorcycle camping gear can certainly be a challenge.
This form of organizing iPhone apps is powerful, but it does require connecting your device to your computer.
These children have trouble organizing the sounds of speech in common patterns and may consistently replace one sound with another.
The LMX1B gene codes for a protein that is important in organizing embryonic limb development.
Children with this type of learning disorder have problems with spelling, punctuation, grammar, and organizing their thoughts in writing.
In 2004, Mary Rothbart emphasized reactivity and self-regulation as core processes in organizing temperamental profiles.
This is also what Baryshnikov did, organizing his defection during a tour in the U.K., and carrying it out during a tour in Canada.
Our genealogy experts share their knowldege on finding websites to start your search, point you towards databases of information and give you tips on organizing and publishing your information.
It contains a variety of features for conducting and organizing research, contacting other researchers and publishing family trees.
Consider organizing the list by individual, including as much information as you can.
Other ways to financially contribute include annual or estate contributions or organizing local fundraisers to raise awareness of this worthy cause, such as cut-a-thons to collect hair as well as donations.
Once you get past the initial stage of organizing your basic schedule, you'll see benefits for you and your children.
Resource centers help you by organizing information and keeping you abreast of changes in the law, curriculum, testing requirements and programs in your state to help you meet all of your roles.
A background in medical coding will also help your chances of getting a job in this field because what this job entails is the organizing and analyzing of medical records for every patient procedure.
Specialty clerks work at the service counter, organizing staff time sheets and handling cash register money and receipts.
If you are still unable to locate a contest, you may want to discuss the possibility of organizing the contest yourself or suggest that the radio station organize the contest.
Information on organizing fundraising events such as a benefit golf outing or a church fundraiser.
With proper organizing and planning your event is sure to be a success.
If you don't have a lot to give, consider just donating your spare change or organizing a penny drive throughout your neighborhood.
In addition, the planning process should include all of those who are organizing the project.
Similar to Christmas gift collecting, organizing a school supply drive for low-income children is a great end of summer fundraiser.
Christian fundraising ideas are only as successful as the planning and organizing of the event.
Save singles money by organizing group activities and finding same-sex roommates to share in lodging expenses.
Perhaps a plastic organizing bin or a decorative flowerpot would be more fitting.
He apologized, saying he had been stressed about the organizing responsibility - it was clear by his email he hadn't known anything may have been wrong.
A honeymoon is the perfect opportunity to pamper yourselves as a reward for the hard work of organizing a wedding.
Good engagement party plans will help to take away any stress from organizing and hosting a party and will help to ensure that everyone enjoys the party.
However, etiquette still provides a good guideline for organizing wedding plans so that important details are not overlooked.
This is ideal for couples who are organizing a small engagement party.
Games that don't require any special organizing can be great for using as a fall-back, should the festivities quieten.
Travel wallets may also have additional organizing compartments, space for a small notebook, and other features.
Our fashion editors have identified some top picks in leather travel wallets that have a number of special organizing features for travel - and they look great, too!
With supple brown or black leather, exterior pocket, full zip around security, and interior organizing compartments, this basic travel wallet never goes out of style.
From luscious leather to 100 percent organic cotton, mini tote bags are the perfect fashion accessory for organizing your purse or carrying your essentials when you are on the go.
They make organizing a larger tote, handbag or suitcase easy and enjoyable, holding makeup, kid's small toys or personal needs.
The type of organizing features is another essential.
Many other Piel bags, although not designated as organizer, have great organizing features like internal and exterior pockets and zippered compartments.
Buxton wallets and bags are designed to be affordably-priced solutions to common organizing problems seen with items like handbags and wallets.
You'll also find organizing elements that will help you keep your keys, cell phone and other essentials neatly stored and simple to find.
An extremely helpful feature of this site is their "Tips and Advice" center where customers can read articles and find information on organizing and designing kids' bedrooms for functionality and fun.
Home Depot has closet organizing furniture to utilize your space.
They enjoy grouping and organizing things.
If your church is organizing a program for Easter Sunday, teachers or group leaders may have a selection of Easter speeches they want children to recite.
Socialize with friends and save money by organizing a "swap" to trade old clothes or other household items.
For a larger coupon collection, however, you will likely need an index card box, plastic file folder, or some other organizing tool.
Your grandmother may have had to spend hours clipping and organizing coupons in the Sunday newspaper, but Coupon Sense has created an easy-to-use database that takes advantage of modern technology to simplify your couponing efforts.
Along with learning about coupon jargon, the FAQs page answers common questions such as "How do you get so many coupons?" and deals with questions relating to organizing those coupons.
This lead him to organizing a hundred-mile bike tour to raise funds to help find a cure for the debilitating disease.
Kids who are drawn to building and organizing may like models or building block sets.
While it may be a struggle to make time amid the chaos, organizing the family routines in a way that ensure that the needs of all family members are met is important.
The environment plays a critical part in the way an autistic child learns, and by organizing it with a minimum of distractions and clearly delineated boundaries, the foundation for a learning experience can be built.
Some clients prefer additional services such as laundry, dishwashing and cabinet organizing.
Her responsibilities included finding volunteers, organizing them and overseeing the construction.
Organizing your office will save time, and in turn learning to manage your time will help you become organized.
United States business tools are widely available to help with planning, organizing, and managing startups and ongoing operations for those who own or manage companies in the United States.
If you need help organizing your workspace, consider engaging the services of professional organizer to assist you.
After organizing your thoughts you will begin to see how to fit the pieces of the puzzle together.
Remember, the business plan is a tool not only to organizing the ideas behind starting your business, but also a tool to garner the financial means to do so.
The steps to organizing and creating a plan fall on the shoulders of the business owner, or whoever the company hires to develop such a plan.
Money is typically used for an after-dance party or donated to a pet charity of the organizing class.
Organizing cheer camp at a group level can be slightly more complicated.
However, smaller schools may have a difficult time organizing an event that can be very expensive on an individual level.
If you're organizing a cheer league or you have a large squad, you might want to purchase cheerleading uniforms wholesale.
The site provides a wide range of articles in order to provide readers with all he or she could want to know about cleaning, organizing and making life simpler.
From how-to articles to product reviews to expert interviews, the editorial team of Love To Know Cleaning is committed to delivering practical information designed to help you make the right cleaning and organizing choices for your needs.
Love To Know's editors and writers are professionals who keep cleaning and organizing simple so you don't have to.
A printable list can be used time and time again to gain control of all of the different facets of your busy life from organizing bills to providing your babysitter with all the necessary information.
So organizing is a two-fold system of putting everything in its place and keeping it there when not in use.
For someone just getting started on organizing their living space and habits, a good rule of thumb is to never stop in the middle.
Check out these interviews with cleaning and organizing experts.
Too often, people get caught up or distracted while cleaning and organizing, this can leave them floundering for where to start, to pause or to finish.
Cleaning and organizing can be overwhelming for people, particularly as clutter piles up and hours run long at work.
Organizing - Organize mail and items on tabletops.
Organizing clothes closets can help you gain more space in your home and allow you to feel a greater sense of order and structure.
Perhaps the most difficult part of organizing clothes closets is just getting started.
However, there are distinct advantages to organizing the place in which you store your clothes.
You may shop by room, shop by organizer needed, type of lighting or head over to the "other" category where miscellaneous items including pet organizing items are sold.
Using the catalog to comparison shop is a great way to afford yourself the best deals for your organizing needs.
Creating a collection of organizing checklists can save you a lot of time and effort both now and in the future.
Organizing checklists are, by their very nature, an invaluable tool to keeping you on track to your goals.
Organizing your shopping list is another positive tool to keep your shopping trip simple.
Check out printable to do lists for more ideas on organizing your checklist.
Organizing checklists can be used to manage a variety of tasks from vacation planning to bill paying to planning the holidays.
While the thought of cleaning and organizing your entire home may cause you to groan, the results give you satisfaction in a job well done.
A spring checklist is the first step to organizing your home as the weather warms.
Love To Know Cleaning offers numerous organizing suggestions that make the most of eliminating clutter and redistributing items to their proper places in your home.
Free printable forms for organizing are a collection of printable forms to help you organize your tasks, your bills, your personal information and so much more.
If you can never find what you are looking for, you probably need these great organizing techniques.
There are many different methods in organizing a home.
The first step in a long list of organizing techniques is getting rid of clutter.
Organizing your home is much easier when there is less to organize.
Most closets have a lot of wasted space and can certainly benefit from a few organizing techniques.
If you are very tight on space, consider using a closet organizing system.
There is no need to wait until spring to get organized, so get busy with these organizing techniques right away.
While the initial work of organizing your home can be a chore, the time and money saved and the peace of mind you will gain is well worth it.
If you add up the time that you spend digging through your closet looking for clothing items, it's easy to see how organizing your clothing can help you save time and contribute to a reduction in your overall stress level.
Choose a System That Works for You - The organizing system that you select should be one that makes sense with your lifestyle.
Organizing a space can be a chore, but one that is well worth the time and effort it takes.
The first step in organizing your space is to clean.
It's about organizing your clutter, eliminating the detritus and grouping like objects together.
Organizing your space can seem to be a tiresome task, but remember that once it's organized, the neatness and accessibility will save you time.
The most difficult part of organizing is keeping it organized.
Before you start the process of organizing, spend some time thinking about what items you have that you really do not need to keep and commit to getting rid of some of them.
If you're organizing your kitchen cabinets, for example, place cookware near the stove, food storage containers near the refrigerator and cleaning products near the sink.
If you're organizing your closet, separate your work clothes from your casual attire.
When you are cleaning out your closets, invest in a closet organizing system.
When you are cleaning the kitchen cupboards consider purchasing organizing racks or pullout mini-shelves to double your storage space.
Clearing out items that you do not need or cannot wear makes room for organizing the closets.
You will also have time during the week to straighten up closets, discard broken hangers and vacuum the floors so that you now have a neat space ready for closet organizing tools if you want to use them.
Are you thinking about adding a selection of glass food storage containers to your collection of kitchen organizing supplies?
Organizing crafts and craft supplies can be a daunting task for people who are involved in a lot of crafts and always have several crafts projects going on at once.
Here are some tips that should help make organizing our crafts a little easier.
The first step for organizing crafts is to take stock of what you have.
It makes sense that you need to know exactly what you're trying to store and how much of it you have before you can come up with solutions for organizing.
The first part of sorting when it comes to organizing crafts is to get rid of anything that is broken or in bad shape, anything you have in duplicate, and kits or supplies for projects you really have no intention of completing.
Once you've gotten rid of your excess, it's time to start the real organizing.
This is where organizing crafts gets exciting or frustrating, depending on your available space.
Organizing crafts is a balance between what you need to store and the space available to store it.
With a little creativity and knowing what you have and what you need, organizing crafts can become a fun challenge.
Looking for craft projects for organizing?
Wouldn't it be great if you could come up with crafty solutions to your crafty organizing dilemmas?
The first step for any kind of organizing project, whether you're buying solutions or making them yourself, is to determine what you need.
Then you can determine the craft projects for organizing that will work best for you.
Coming up with craft projects for organizing can be relatively easy.
There are all sorts of organizing supplies in your house; you just don't know it!
Crafting seems to encourage clutter, and most people would rather spend time creating rather than organizing.
As you become more proficient in your soap making, you're likely to discover that you need to come up with a good strategy for organizing all your supplies.
Before organizing the event, however, it is important to consider the guest list, guest of honor, and potential problems.
Check out the FAQ page for advice on organizing your music and making it accessible to other users.
Whether you're a self-proclaimed party animal or just looking to have a little fun with friends, make this your first stop while organizing your next celebration.
LoveToKnow Party is constantly updating new party themes, discount party supplies and tips for organizing your next celebration.
This guide is designed to introduce you to the wonderful (free) world of evite invitations, explaining a number of their advantages, and pointing you towards a few web destinations where you can start organizing your next party.
Whether you're organizing a birthday party, a stag or just a casual get together, it is always important to ensure that everyone on your invite list is properly contacted and accounted for.
After the show debuted, it didn't take long for various groups to start organizing campaigns to get Jersey Shore banned.
Long before there were Star Trek conventions, local science fiction societies were organizing and hosting science fiction conventions.
The Way is the organizing principles of the universe.
While a common use of this technique is to surf non-work-appropriate sites while on the job, a more socially relevant use is by political dissidents in repressive countries who are organizing and providing freedom of information.
Kompozer uses a tabbed system to organizing web pages so you can work with all the pages of your web site at once.
Second to Harmony on Gabriel's list of the most effective, Landon was her back-up when it came to organizing the missions and personnel.
In my mind, that speaks of organizing, not the kind of behavior Edith Shipton has demonstrated.
He devoted many years to carrying out a project for organizing the fur trade from the Great Lakes to the Pacific Ocean, and thence by way of the Hawaiian Islands to China and India.
The organizing genius of Dupleix everywhere overshadowed the native imagination, and the star of Clive had scarcely yet risen above the horizon.
But the earlier clubs did nothing towards organizing the game.
Organizing it like this would be easy, because it would be working with the grain of the encyclopedia itself, and usually, for instance, the county that any British or Irish town is in is listed very early in the article.
The next three years he spent at Trier, which he chiefly made his headquarters, organizing the defence of the Rhine frontier, and personally superintending the construction of numerous forts.
With Edward Cooper (son of Peter Cooper, whom Hewitt greatly assisted in organizing Cooper Union, and whose daughter he married) he went into the manufacture of iron girders and beams under the firm name of Cooper, Hewitt & Co.
An organism was to him something controlled by a formative organizing principle.
The detailed exhibition of the organizing activity of nature in the several processes of the organic and inorganic world rests on a number of fanciful and unscientific ideas.
He preached and lectured in the university, but his zeal and organizing skill soon spread his reforming influence far beyond its limits.
In 1537 he was invited to Denmark by Christian III., and remained five years in that country, organizing the church (though only a presbyter, he consecrated the new Danish bishops) and schools.
These last years of his life were spent in journeying backwards and forwards between Toulouse and Rome, where his abode was at the basilica of Santa Sabina on the Aventine, given to him by the pope; and then in extended journeys all over Italy, and to Paris, and into Spain, establishing friaries and organizing the order wherever he went.
Nicolas of Basel, the mysterious layman from whose visit Tauler dates his true religious life, seems to have been the chief organizing force among the Gottesfreunde.
For these problems we want, not a few old-established general principles which no one seriously calls in question, but genuine constructive and organizing capacity, aided by scientific and detailed knowledge of particular institutions, industries and classes.
His organizing genius, even more than his missionary zeal, left its mark upon the German church throughout all the middle ages.
The importance of his work in organizing and building up the American Lutheran Church, of which he has been called the Patriarch, can hardly be exaggerated; but his example in preaching in English as well as in German was, unfortunately for the growth of the Lutheran Church, not followed by his immediate successors.
The rival legislatures united, organizing under the Nicholls government, which the commission found was upheld by public opinion.
Meanwhile the emperor in Paris had been organizing a fresh army for the reconquest of Prussia.
Previously to this he had served, in 1855, upon the commission for organizing the Exhibition of 1855, and his services there led to his forming one of the French jury of awards in the London Exhibition of 1862.
This situation did not last long, however, for on the 3rd of March 1849 the bill organizing the territory of Minnesota was passed, and on the 19th President Zachary Taylor appointed Alexander Ramsey of Pennsylvania the first territorial governor.
In his many battles he was always victorious, his strategy eminently successful, his organizing and administrative power exceptionally great, his practical resource unlimited, his soldiers most courageous; but he never had an army fully complete in its departments and warlike equipment.
His work consisted largely in organizing the Christian societies which he found in existence on his arrival, and in planting the faith in regions such as the extreme west of Connaught which had not yet come under the sway of the gospel.
He hoped, by organizing a fraternity of armed laymen as pioneers, to restore fertility to the Sahara; but this community did not succeed, and was dissolved before his death.
Here the Amahlubi prospered, and after the diamond fields had been discovered many of the young men who had been to Kimberley brought back firearms. These Langalibalele refused to register, and entered into negotiations with several tribes with the object of organizing a general revolt.
At the request of the Arab king of Ghassan he was sent on a mission to the East after being consecrated bishop of Edessa; and the rest of his life was spent in organizing the Monophysite Church of eastern Syria.
Early in 1877 he was consecrated first bishop of Truro, and threw himself with characteristic vigour into the work of organizing the new diocese.
In organizing a mining company it must be recognized that mining is of necessity a temporary business.
Much work was done in organizing the area and its communications and landing places, but the tactical situation at Helles remained stationary for the rest of the month.
The naval authorities had been busy assembling and organizing the available small craft in anticipation of the operation that appeared to be imminent, and jetties damaged in the Nov.
He forced them to become his dependants in return under a great variety of forms, but especially developing thereby the precarium land tenure and the patrocinium personal service, and organizing a private jurisdiction over his tenants, and a private army for defence.
He was commissioned major-general of volunteers in the Army of Virginia, and assisted in organizing the volunteers.
He showed great ability in diplomacy, particularly in organizing the Protestants.
His Son, SIR John Johnson (1742-1830), Who was knighted in 1765 and succeeded to the baronetcy on his father's death, took part in the French and Indian War and in the border warfare during the War of Independence, organizing a loyalist regiment known as the "Queen's Royal Greens," which he led at the battle of Oriskany and in the raids (1778 and 1780) on Cherry Valley and in the Mohawk Valley.
In 1823, however, a treaty was made establishing a fixed toll and a uniform system of management; this was further improved in 1856 and 1865; and when Prussia took possession of Hanover and Hesse-Nassau in 1866 the chief difficulties in the way of organizing the river-trade disappeared.
Moreover, his commanding qualities were coupled with an organizing talent which made itself felt in every department of the state, and with a marvellous adaptability which made him an ideal diplomatist.
In reality he was organizing victory.
Yazdeged, the last of the Sassanid kings of Persia, who died in 651, when defeated and hard pressed by the Moslems, invoked the aid of China; the Chinese emperor, Taitsung, issued an edict organizing the whole country from Ferghana to the borders of Persia into three Chinese administrative districts, with 126 military cantonments, an organization which, however, probably only existed on paper.
For a few minutes he simply sat there, as if organizing what he wanted to say.
For the ordinary process of organizing a joint-stock company and raising share-capital the nation was not yet prepared.