Organizations Sentence Examples
There are also several scientific organizations and societies.
In 1906 (according to Bulletin 103 (1909) of the Bureau of the U.S. Census) there were 659 organizations with 7.73 church edifices reported and the total membership was 124,938.
Among the enterprising and shrewd Catalans, who look upon their rulers as reactionary, and reserve all their sympathies for the Provencal neighbours whom they so nearly resemble in race, language and temperament, French influence and republican ideals spread rapidly; taking the form partly of powerful labour and socialist organizations, partly of less reputable bodies, revolutionary and even anarchist.
But the earlier of these organizations only contemplated employing women for educational work on a very small scale.
The Christian Reformed Church, an "old school" secession, had in 1906, 174 organizations, 181 churches and a membership of 26,669, I In 1832 the articles of Church government were rearranged and in 1872-74 they were amended.
In Canada and Australia, the Anglican, Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist and other communities have regular organizations for foreign missions.
The principal organizations in Holland are the Netherlands Missionary Society and the Utrecht Missionary Society, working mainly in the Dutch colonies.
The newer American organizations are, as in England, nondenominational and " free-lance," especially the Christian and Missionary Alliance (1897), developed from the 4.
Missions to the Jews are worked by distinct organizations.
Northward, Central and East African organizations, following the Cape to Cairo route, are in touch with North African agencies working up the Nile.
AdvertisementWomen no longer provide an almost inexhaustible supply of free labor for party organizations.
The site is a good source for finding service dog organizations.
The Minskys were so successful that theater producers and real-estate interests (along with some conservative religious organizations) banded together to get the act of striptease itself banned in New York City.
The following organizations are good sources for open-pollinated, organic, heirloom or international tomato seeds.
They have also set up giveaways through philanthropic organizations like the Red Cross for support after Hurricane Katrina, and they have given away hundreds of thousands of dollars in the form of scholarships for young musicians.
AdvertisementHindu tract societies and young men's associations, which are modelled on Christian organizations.
In 1906, according to Bulletin 103 (1909) of the Bureau of the United States Census, the Church had 1736 organizations in the United States, 1740 churches and 292,654 communicants, of whom 177,270 were in Pennsylvania, and about one-sixth (50,732) were in Ohio.
This office has done much in the matter of unifying the systems of various railways and of regulating their relations to the military, postal and telegraph organizations; it also took a leading part in the framing of the international laws regarding goods traffic; but the imperial code of railway law which it drafted has never been laid before the Reichstag.
As the ecclesiastical metropolis and seat of an archbishop (Primate of all Ireland) in both the Protestant and Roman organizations, it possesses two cathedrals and two archiepiscopal palaces.
In raising funds and equipping and supplying troops the governor showed great energy and resourcefulness, and his plans and organizations for caring for the needy widows and children of Pennsylvania soldiers killed in battle, and for aiding and removing to their homes the sick and wounded were widely copied throughout the North.
AdvertisementHe was a director in many organizations, including the Amoskeag Manufacturing Co., Old Colony Trust Co., Puget Sound Light & Power Co., Walter Baker Co., and Ames Plow Co.
Its appearance has been associated with the invasion of the Israelites or with the establishment of the independent monarchy, but on very inadequate grounds; and since it has been independently placed at the latter part of the monarchy, its historical explanation may presumably be found in that break in the career of Palestine when peoples were changed and new organizations slowly grew up. 5 The great significance of these vicissitudes for the course of internal conditions in Palestine is evident when it is observed that the subsequent cleavage between Judah and Samaria, not earlier than the 5th century, presupposes an antecedent common foundation which, in view of the history of the monarchies, can hardly be earlier than the 7th century.
The history of the past is viewed from rather different positions which, on the whole, are subsequent to the relatively recent changes that gave birth to new organizations in Samaria and Judah.
Aihong other similar organizations are an Academy of Medical, Physical and Natural Sciences (1863); a national library, established in 1901, and having in 1908 about 40,000 volumes, including the finest collection in the world of materials for Cuban history; an anthropological society; various medical societies; and a Bar association.
This we should expect indeed from its insistence upon individual freedom; yet, notwithstanding certain notable exceptions, amid the diversity there is a substantial unity, a unity which in our day finds expression in common organizations for great practical ends, for example in the " Bible Societies," " Tract Societies," the " Young Men's Christian Associations," " Societies of Christian Endeavour," &c., which disregard denominational lines.
AdvertisementIn all this the Church shows its essential oneness with other organizations of society, the government, the family, which are at once deeply rooted in the past, and yet subject to the influences of the present.
Following the repeal of the Sherman Law and other acts and tendencies unfavourable to silver coinage in 1893 and thereafter, the silver question became the dominant issue in politics, resulting in the success of the Populist-Democratic fusion party in three successive elections, and permanently and greatly altering prior party organizations.
The table on the following page shows the material progress of the respective organizations in recent years.
Affiliated to the territorial force are officers' training corps, cadets, "veteran reserves," and some of the other organizations mentioned below, the Haldane scheme having as its express object the utilization of every sort of contribution to national defence, whether combatant or non-combatant, on a voluntary basis.
Under the reform of 1865 full religious freedom is practically accorded, and it is provided that the services of religious organizations other than the Roman Catholic may be held in private residences or in edifices owned by private individuals or corporations.
Of ecclesiastical organizations the most important, next to Catholicism, was the Marcionite community.
At the head of their organizations are vicars-apostolic for the Cape (eastern district), the Cape (western district), Natal, Orange River, Kimberley and the Transvaal, and prefects-apostolic for Basutoland and Zambezi (or Rhodesia).
Its inmates were formerly taught various trades, but owing to the opposition of labour organizations this system was discontinued, and the prisoners are now employed in work on the military reservation.
Hartley translated Heaven and Hell (1778) and True Christian Religion (1781); Clowes, who taught New Church doctrine in the existing churches and was opposed to the forming of new organizations, translated 17 volumes, including the Arcana Coelestia, and published over 50 volumes of exposition and defence.
Protestantism, however, is a generic term which in England covers a great variety of opinions, and a large number of rival religious organizations.
Various foreign churches which have numbers of adherents settled in England have also branch churches and organizations in the country, notably the Orthodox Eastern Church, - with a considerable number of adherents in London, Liverpool and Manchester, - the Lutheran, and the Armenian churches.
It is a form of empire or state building which appears when a powerful, expanding state comes in contact with feebler political organizations, or when a state falls into decay, and disintegration sets in.
There were also a number of private schools in the larger towns, usually maintained by religious organizations.
It was founded at New York in 1843 by a number of German Jews, headed by Henry Jones, and is the oldest as well as the largest of the Jewish fraternal organizations.
The B'nai B'rith society has also co-operated largely with other Jewish philanthropic organizations in succouring distressed Israelites throughout the world.
In devising his scheme, Forster endeavoured to utilize, as far as possible, the educational machinery which had been voluntarily provided by various religious organizations.
The ticket is made up of as many coloured sheets as there are party organizations (plus one for independent nominations), and the name of each candidate is on a perforated slip, which must be detached if it is to be voted.
At the opening of the 19th century, with one exception, all the churches of Boston were occupied by Unitarian preachers, and various periodicals and organizations expressed their opinions.
The commissioner must inspect once each year all penal, correctional and eleemosynary institutions, including public hospitals, jails, poorhouses and corporations and organizations doing charitable work; and the commissioner appears as next friend in cases affecting the property of orphan minors, and has power to investigate complaints against public and private institutions whose charters may be revoked for cause by the commissioner.
In the Monologen he threw out his ethical manifesto, in which he proclaimed his ideas as to the freedom and independence of the spirit, and as to the relation of the mind to the world of sense and imperfect social organizations, and sketched his ideal of the future of the individual and society.
This society acts in consort with two other powerful organizations (the Royal Commission on Horse-breeding, which began its work in 1888, and the Brood Mare Society, established in 1903), with the desirable object of improving the standard of light horse breeding.
He enforced the censorship with unexampled rigour, and h13 interference with the food-supply work of the Zemstvos and Towns Union created a serious danger to the activities of these organizations.
His interest in the fortunes of foreign Jews led him to make several continental journeys on their behalf; he was one of the leading spirits of the Russo-Jewish Committee, of the International Jewish Society for the Protection of Women and of other philanthropic organizations.
He needed to make sure that the staffs each knew to adhere to service level agreement's between both organizations.
I also want to briefly challenge organizations on the revolutionary left such as the SWP who are critical of feminism and women's autonomy.
He said that smaller organizations appeared cynical about "key skills" as understood by learning providers.
Many projects fail due to organizations' inability to administer the wide range of funds available.
The Business Environment examines the external influences on business organizations.
The NGOs may well prove invaluable in overcoming the limitations inherent in international organizations that are comprised of sovereign states.
Most public sector organizations will have policies for managing absence.
All these organizations are democratically accountable to their members.
The Forum is part of a new expansion of community accountancy support and advice services for organizations in Bromley from 1 July 2006.
While provisionally accredited, organizations can undertake two installations.
Civil society organizations effectively promoting the activism of UK citizens for poverty eradication.
Voluntary organizations are sometimes characterized as highly adaptive but so too are for-profits.
African-American organizations applied for the.
Media organizations preferred to recruit knowledgeable all-rounders who could be taught broadcasting or writing skills in a professional environment.
We don't ban organizations, but we do make our elected representatives answerable for their actions.
Therefore, I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to the US administration, Congress, and friends from various organizations.
The client/server architecture gives organizations the opportunity to deploy specialized servers which are optimized for handling specific data management problems.
Genesis works in partnerships and supports emerging artists through organizations such as the Young Vic, the Royal Court Theater and others.
In addition, the College is able to offer training to employees who will become work-based assessors with these organizations for future MA candidates.
We also include just assured, a risk management and business assurance consultancy providing services to small housing organizations across the country.
Arkive's online species profiles include scientifically authenticated fact-files and links to further information services and relevant conservation organizations.
These are largely autonomous, enabling organizations based on specific areas of interest for students.
Participants will include youths, adults and key workers with ethnic minority backgrounds from groups, organizations and networks throughout Edinburgh.
The project also organizes energy efficiency installations on behalf of other organizations and can arrange installations on behalf of landlords and property managers.
Even where these needs are today addressed by voluntary organizations the funding is largely by public grants rather than private benefaction.
We have also produced a useful ESD Directory, an A5 binder listing the many organizations who can offer support.
The review is taking place as a result of a co-ordinated request from a number of organizations representing boaters, including IWA.
Often membership organizations bootstrap from donations, although often membership orgs don't pay their own way.
Innate Management Systems stand 61 bridging the credibility Gap - Organizations are looking at IT departments to deliver business value.
We deal with National organizations as well as regional and independent brokerages and general and commercial legal practices.
The assets of these organizations comprise the bulk of the Federal Government's telecommunications resources.
This puts pressure on organizations to become more businesslike in their approach.
Those who form this cabal operate in a network of shadowy organizations that proselytize the demise of western democracy.
Over 5,000 individuals and organizations formerly registered under the major inquiry procedures following call-in.
Its membership is open to all such organizations including chamber orchestras, symphonic wind and jazz orchestras.
In her introductory chapter, Bush sets the context for the emergence of female imperialist organizations in Edwardian Britain.
The Order, like many such organizations, drew heavily on the ideals of medieval chivalry.
Mr Miliband said the government was also seeking to empower citizens through third sector organizations in order to improve services at local level.
The Belgian capitalist class was seeking to cripple the workers organizations; the workers were moving to sweep capitalism away.
It helps to strengthen and build the capacity of youth clubs and organizations.
The Feathers is one of several pubs that through the years has offered a large clubroom for use by organizations in the town.
The plan is to pull together diverse health organizations, NGOs, health publishers, government organizations, even commercial sponsors.
We must spread communism in the parliaments, in the trades unions and in the Party organizations.
Communist PartyCommunist Parties were mass organizations, but nevertheless minorities.
Community Councils are made up of a combination of people elected from the local community Councils are made up of a combination of people elected from the local community, along with representatives of local community organizations.
Organizations in all sectors need to demonstrate compliance, which has become a key driver for the use of assessments within the workplace.
These don't seem complicated, yet many organizations are opting to buy network support rather than maintain expertise in-house.
See our section on Beyond SSSIs for more information on geological conservation outside of the SSSI series and for links to partner organizations.
Its position at the center of Wiltshire has made it the headquarters of many countywide organizations, including the constabulary.
They range from working parties and advisory committees to organizations like development trusts, and community-based coops.
A selection of organizations with WWW servers, including many major computing, electronics and telecoms corporations.
Organic organizations say that cross-pollination could take place between the GM maize and the organic sweetcorn grown at Ryton.
The amicus curiae brief filed by several pro-science organizations is also included.
Many of these organizations have linked together to manage dedicated learning centers for businesses and individuals working within that sector.
This day was attended by delegates from many organizations with polar interests.
The same day, 20 Chinese-American organizations issued a denunciation of his treatment.
The points I've made are not derogatory toward these excellent organizations.
For some time now, governments and non-governmental organizations in the region have been taking measures at local and national levels to combat desertification.
The dilemma is that organizations need integrated data to meet their information needs, yet the data resource is becoming increasingly disparate.
Their ' offers ' of all-British unity, within their very undemocratic centralized organizations, only promote greater disunity.
In common with many large organizations, Royal Mail has seen its pension fund hit by the downturn in the stock market.
Constructive collaboration between all organizations will maximize the resources available to humanely remove the hedgehogs from the Uists to help conserve this unique ecosystem.
The field of the labor movement is today still encumbered with huge remnants of the old bankrupt organizations.
Such a robust level of income from independent sources might seem to put international organizations in a strong - if not enviable - position.
The members of all of the organizations listed here are professionally qualified and are bound to uphold the business ethics their organizations maintain.
Some organizations have excellent graphics people who could take the simple outlines and make them visually exciting.
Children using the net can be exposed to commercial organizations in a potentially exploitative situation.
Very often organizations in a crisis are already handling the emotional fallout of the prospective failure.
Our first Chairman was Michael Young, founding father of numerous public interest organizations, among them Consumers Association.
Home secretary automatically to consider deporting any foreigner involved in listed extremist bookshops, centers, organizations and websites What?
He provides technology foresight support to a number of organizations.
After Beira elected former the rebel Renamo Party in 2003, the BLB began working primarily with non-governmental organizations (NGOs ).
The seminars bring a number of healthcare professionals from different trusts and organizations together, establishing an open forum.
Religious organizations don't exercise any state functions Religious organizations don't interfere with the matters of the State.
Organizations may need a go-between to link organizations together.
There is tremendous goodwill from a number of high-profile organizations, but the problems are daunting.
Part of Liverpool John Moores University, it aims to empower organizations using digital technology, enabling them to create groundbreaking, innovative content.
The Club will make every effort to be flexible with staff and to promote harmonious working relations, through trade unions and other organizations.
There are many more questions, not just from the supplier perspective but also from the end users, their organizations and strategic has.
The annual health check The annual health check is the system for assessing and rating the performance of NHS healthcare organizations in England.
The framework is not high-minded, but is meaningful, practical and has helped many organizations become successful.
Have these professional hypnotherapy associations and organizations promoted and maintained the practice of hypnotherapy associations and organizations promoted and maintained the practice of hypnotherapy as a ethical profession?
Such incidental benefit seems to be almost inescapable with non-charitable organizations receiving this service.
These organizations are involved in helping refugee integration, either directly or indirectly.
Both organizations were set up to explore intersections between artistic disciplines.
Other alliances, with organic food growers and protectionist food organizations in France and England, created a Juggernaut against GM food.
It provides a statutory framework for the President to impose sanctions against foreign drug kingpins and their organizations on a worldwide scale.
Although it has a sharp learning curve, once learned sophisticated models of interacting organizations and cognitive agents can be swiftly developed.
During these earlier stages input from external organizations can be very effective in shaping the proposed legislation.
Nevertheless, given the confluence between technology and management, the two organizations are working to strengthen linkages in appropriate areas.
It may only be broken when developing specific logotypes for statutory NHS organizations.
To achieve these aims the CrossBo partnership of some 19 organizations from 15 countries participated in a series of business matchmaking events.
Robert could get with more than state of healthcare organizations worldwide maximize.
To ensure continued integrity of the PRINCE2 methodology, only Accredited Training Organizations can train & examine in this subject.
Europe and the World The SSP rejects totally the frenzied British nationalism of the Tory Party and organizations such as the UK Independence Party.
This also proved a valuable forum to raise the profile of approved gene nomenclature with all the organizations present.
For organizations reducing emissions voluntarily, carbon offsets provide a means to become carbon neutral.
Symantec Event Manager for Firewall enables organizations to leverage that data and capitalize on their existing investments in firewall security.
The Concept of the State support of the non-governmental organizations was adopted in January 2002.
The company was founded with a mission to support non-profit organizations working for LGBT equal rights.
Unlike most publications in its field, it is particularly helpful for individuals working in not-for-profit organizations.
The degree of co-operation between insurers and their umbrella organizations has continued.
The CCES provides services and resources to athletes, coaches, sport organizations, the media and the general public.
Utilizing san-serif fonts that echo the agencies visual style while using a simple two-tone color pallette that emphasizes each organizations brand identity.
We get donations from many organizations that are not pharmaceutical companies.
Sadly, financial service providers are not philanthropic organizations.
The existing legal pigeonholes make us insensitive to the many varieties of organized crime, criminal organizations, and networks of criminal cliques.
Their vision is to be globally recognized as a technology powerhouse and become one of the most admired organizations for best business practices.
This e-procurement technology is completely proprietary to the Company and is licensed to medium and large sized organizations in the private and public sector.
A number of organizations involved in terrorism have been proscribed under the Terrorism Act 2000.
The bill being rushed through parliament includes the proscription of 15 " terrorist " organizations.
It analyzes the main reasons why supposedly rational, sophisticated organizations seem to dig enormous, disastrous holes for themselves.
There is also a growing recognition that diversity is at the core of good community renewal organizations.
For many years reformism was completely dominant and revolutionary organizations existed as a minority.
You should think about asking several timeshare resale organizations to value your timeshare to get an idea about how much it is worth.
A majority of the organizations were identified through the questionnaire respondents, others were identified by working with local volunteering infrastructure agencies.
Full membership of the Federation remained restricted to veterinary organizations of EEC Member States, while other European countries could become observers.
Retaining workers of all age groups will be increasingly important for organizations looking to maximize the retention of skills, knowledge and experience.
Given the complexity face problems obtaining corrupt organizations RICO.
There's a bit about the specialist law enforcement organizations and techniques used, and on the fate of rogue robots.
Pay structures Occupations remain strongly segregated by gender even in larger organizations.
The program addresses the characteristics of learning organizations and offers a framework for school self-improvement whilst helping schools achieve Investor in People status.
A number of organizations are already starting to integrate speech-based self-service into their contact center activities.
The course should be attended by workers who have sufficient seniority to make policy decisions within their organizations.
The existing far left organizations, even the most open of them, remain narrow and tied to their own particular shibboleths.
Forming partnerships Community regeneration organizations are not stand-alone organizations.
On the interim Ceredigion local access forum a number of organizations were given observer status (for example Forest Enterprise, Wildlife Trusts ).
Agencies defined by subsection (4)(b) are voluntary organizations which place children with foster parents in their own right.
Donors are entitled to accurate information about the charitable organizations that seek support.
People are understandably suspicious about the way some organizations treat them, but good Data Protection practice reassures them that they can trust you.
This web based tool is used to stimulate increased collaboration between organizations and facilitate industrial symbiosis.
The Script Factory has become one of Europe's leading development organizations working to support screenwriters by finding and developing new screenwriting talent.
Back to top Useful organizations Drugscope 32-36 Loman Street, London SE1 0EE tel.
Some resources link to organizations who support therapeutic cloning, believing that it will lead to improvements in treatments and possible cures.
To work with British and overseas conservation organizations to develop new wildlife tourism destinations.
As a freelance trainer he has developed and delivered customized training for many large organizations.
Understanding how climate change affects mountains is vital as governments and international organizations develop strategies to reverse current global warming trends.
The term ' vehicle underclass ' is used by many organizations to refer to those vehicles that do not comply with motoring laws.
The reluctance of the refugees to move again underscores some of the problems that have plagued relief organizations, particularly the UN.
For that reason partnerships formed around existing organizations may seem very unequal to other participants.
The demands of socialist unity requires us to seek agreement between all these organizations, and to promote cooperation.
The HLF should encourage the use of ICT to produce content that can support the educational activities of heritage organizations.
Do the big organizations actively promote vegetarianism, which would help the dolphins?
More than 80 volunteering organizations from across the UK have signed a pledge to deliver the 70,000 volunteers required for the Games.
These contained the telephone numbers of organizations which were to receive air-raid warnings.
National equine welfare Council Represents about 60 equine welfare charities and equine based organizations having equine welfare as a main aim.
Many people have long suspected that many multi-national organizations now wield more power than national governments.
This service is updated twice yearly, and sent to individual bookers, libraries, community organizations and arts contacts.
Much of the improvement in the lot of the wage-earners has been due to the Labour organizations, yet so late as 1881 these organizations were of so little account, politically, that when the law relating to trades unions was passed in New South Wales, the English law was followed, and it was simply enacted that the purposes of any trades union shall not be deemed unlawful (so as to render a member liable to criminal prosecution for conspirac y or otherwise) merely by reason that they are in restraint of trade.
They are most common in the north and centre, a circumstance which shows them to be promoted less by the more backward and more ignorant peasants than by the better-educated laborers of Lombardy and Emilia, among whom, Socialist organizations are widespread.
In France the Alliance Israelite (founded in 1860), in England the Anglo-Jewish Association (founded in 1871), in Germany the Hilfsverein der deutschen Juden, and in Austria the Israelitische Allianz zu Wien (founded 1872),in America the American Jewish Committee (founded 1906), and similar organizations in other countries deal only incidentally with political affairs.
He diagnosed this evil as being due to the absence of personal influence, spiritual oversight, and the want of parochial organizations which had not kept pace in the city, as they had done in rural parishes, with the growing population.
It is chiefly through these two practices that the party organizations have grown so powerful, and have been developed into an extremely complicated system of machinery, firm yet flexible, delicate yet quickly set up, and capable of working efficiently in the newest and roughest communities.
Nevertheless when Taylor meetings became the fashion and newspapers began to advocate his nomination, party lines threatened to disappear despite the frantic efforts of the oldtime chiefs of the two leading organizations to stem the tide against the popular favourite.
The nation wished for the establishmentof internal unity through religious tolerance and the extinction of private organizations; it looked for the extension of Frances external power through the abasement of the house of Spain, protection of the Protestants in the Netherlands and Germany, and independence of Rome.
Puppeteers UK home of Puppets Online puppeteers directory and events listings puppetry organizations puppetry news...
This is perhaps a reflection of a 'master storyline ' that assumes international standard-setting activities are almost solely the purview of larger organizations.
But we know that the phenomenon exists tho it seems that pay relativities between organizations matter far less.
The Doha Development Agenda quotes the rhetoric of sustainability; Fair Trade organizations have the experience of how to make this a reality.
There 's a bit about the specialist law enforcement organizations and techniques used, and on the fate of rogue robots.
Paid sabbatical leave Some organizations do provide paid sabbaticals.
To date 14 public sector organizations have elected to submit for the STEPS scheme.
They have details of all the shiatsu therapy organizations that are members on their website.
The first set applies to smallholders organized in cooperatives or other organizations with a democratic, participative structure.
Four pilot projects have been running in which solicitors directly employed by the Board work in partnership with advice organizations.
Stadia Sports is committed to providing goods and services of the highest standard and quality and is approved by many recognized organizations.
The meeting starts at 8 pm and will discuss what Fairtrade is and how organizations and the town can attain Fairtrade status.
On the interim Ceredigion local access forum a number of organizations were given observer status (for example Forest Enterprise, Wildlife Trusts).
Written by experts, they will stimulate thinking about what current trends mean for practitioners and their organizations ' activities.
We have provided extracts or links to stories written by external news organizations.
The danger today, however, is that some supranational organizations are being invested with more powers than they are suited to wield.
The event attracts white supremacist organizations, including the Ku Klux Klan.
The Script Factory has become one of Europe 's leading development organizations working to support screenwriters by finding and developing new screenwriting talent.
It includes the trades unions, pensioners ' organizations, the Labor Party, the Co-operative movement and the Communist Party.
There are several umbrella organizations covering the various styles.
The undersigned organizations believe this action will worsen the current humanitarian, security and economic crisis in the Occupied Territories.
For many of us this just clarifies the reality of working in understaffed units or organizations.
In 1991 LA Council agreed in principle to a proposal from the discussion group that the three organizations unify to form a new body.
Only a few organizations seem to be uninterested in this issue.
The paperwork for the scheme has been designed to be user-friendly to encourage, in particular, smaller organizations to take part.
Claims from organizations like the Countryside Alliance that the Government is carrying out a vendetta against the people of the country are ludicrous.
Many of these are vocational in focus and include contact with outside organizations and professionals working in the industry.
Certificates are signed by a number of organizations that will vouch for the authenticity of the website you visit.
National Equine Welfare Council Represents about 60 equine welfare charities and equine based organizations having equine welfare as a main aim.
These organizations are generally not household names, and therefore often have to work twice as hard to secure the funding they need.
Exploiting the latter, the bureaucracy wrested the power from the hands of mass organizations.
Local non-profit organizations will collaborate on the holiday project.
Our aim is to devise tax credits, refunds, and abatements in order to benefit these non-profit organizations.
Most organizations aren't sufficiently agile to shift as their product shifts, and so they may have the right product but the wrong business model.
As you probably know, big organizations are often poor innovators.
To understand why these attributes are so important in corporate settings, let's take a quick look at why innovation is such a struggle in large organizations.
The challenge for large organizations is allowing the chaotic process of invention free reign, and that's something many organizations find difficult to do.
To facilitate product morphing, organizations need to be open to every option, to accommodate failures, to test product ideas that seem to come out of left field.
Large organizations, of course, are filled with specialists in silos, adding another obstacle beyond the cultural aversion to chaos.
Be sure you join parent-teacher organizations, such as PTO and PTA.
Check out the following organizations and websites for help.
There are many single parent organizations that you can first check out on the Web, and then search for local chapters in your area.
Look for single parent organizations such as Parents Without Partners and Web MD. The Big Brothers/Big Sisters Organization is a great way to find a mentor for your child and some much needed extra time for you.
There are several volunteer organizations which seek donations of preemie clothes.
While many people may associate attachment style parenting with adoptive families, the goal of many parenting organizations is to encourage all parents to become nurturers toward their children, both physically and emotionally.
There are sponsoring organizations throughout the country which handle the actual assignment and coordination of placing a participant with a host family.
Your county or state may also have local single parent organizations.
She has served on the Boards of many philanthropic organizations including the Boston Symphony Orchestra Overseers (1993-2003), YWCA (1988-1998; Austin, Boston and New York), DoSomething (2003-2005) and Public Allies (2006-present).
In some cases, adoption professionals, including agency representatives and lawyers, ask larger adoption organizations to post various adoptions situations on the Internet.
The American Academy of Adoption Attorneys often present situations to organizations such as AdoptLink with the hopes that a successful adoption match can occur.
There are numerous organizations devoted to the education and promotion of adopting older children.
Several different organizations have created growth charts but two of the most commonly used versions were developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO).
Obtaining a dog through rescue organizations will probably cost less money than buying one from a breeder.
However, rescue organizations are less likely to have puppies, while puppies are exactly what breeders specialize in.
There are several guides to breeders and rescue organizations on the Internet.
You can even check with organizations like the Better Business Bureau to make sure the dealer has not had complaints lodged against it.
The results of your search will likely include listings posted by real estate agencies, individual apartment and condominium owners, travel agents, and organizations that provide multiple apartment postings.
In addition, be leery of Mystery Shopper organizations that advertise in the help wanted section of a newspaper or email solicitations.
Lack of certifications from independent testing organizations.
There are a lot of fraudulent organizations out there that take advantage of uninformed consumers.
Should you decide that adopting from a Siamese cats rescueorg is right for your household, there are many different organizations that adopt out rescued cats, matching them with the best home possible.
Below is a list of some of the most popular organizations.
Is your vet active in social and community organizations?
Maine Coon cat rescue organizations exist to provide care and shelter for Maines that are homeless, abused, or in need of care for some reason.
Support an emerging breed - It can be exciting to be on the frontier of a new cat breed that is seeking acceptance into CFA and similar organizations.
You may also be interested in Cornish Rex rescue organizations.
These organizations work together to rescue abandoned, mistreated and unwanted Cornish Rex cats from around the country.
In fact, many animal organizations encourage pet owners to keep pets indoors for the safety of both the pets and the environment.
The microchip is inserted just under the skin and can be read by scanners used by veterinarians and animal welfare organizations.
Schools and community organizations often take on a book drive as a community service project.
Although the UNL Libraries site appears to be the largest resource for free educational comic books online, there are a number of organizations offering special issues of comic books suitable for use in classroom lesson plans.
This program has been adopted in a number of communities all over the United States and is financed by local businesses, civic organizations, government agencies, school districts, and individuals.
Library of Congress Surplus Books Program-Surplus books that are given to the Library of Congress are offered to non-profit tax-exempt organizations and schools, colleges, and universities.
Lisa Libraries- Lisa Libraries' mission is to work with small organizations to provide books for needy children, particularly those children who have never owned their own books.
Book drives-Local organizations, schools, and individuals often sponsor book drives to provide books to underprivileged children.
The SBRC also offers product discounts to partner organizations like Pitney Bowes and Compu-Pay.
Some cards are linked to specific travel organizations, like a cruise lines or resorts, and you earn extra points for purchases made through those companies.
Collection agencies are usually the last resort for financial organizations.
Back in the 1950s when lending organizations needed a way to rate potential clients, they wanted an easy-to-understand number that would let them compare the client with other consumers.
All three organizations offer fast and secure delivery of your financial information, and more importantly, guarantee the accuracy of any information you choose to receive.
These individuals teach consumers to manage spending and control debt, frequently through nonprofit organizations offering free or low-cost services.
There are organizations which have open membership to anyone, and membership into these organizations grant eligibility into Pentagon FCU membership regardless of military affiliation.
The members of these organizations are supposed to adhere to certain standards.
There are new organizations popping up right and left.
One-time set up fee of $50 (waived for tax-exempt organizations) and $10 per month for accounts using less than 1,200 gallons per month.
There are organizations out there that are happy to help with advice and, if suitable, creating a payment plan where you pay a lump sum each month which the organization pays out to lenders.
This includes all of those who are currently employed or retired from these organizations.
While some groups are nonprofit organizations, others are for-profit companies charging a fee for their service.
For those looking for a true Christian based company, determine the company's relationship with these organizations prior to working with them.
Partnership Organizations - Check to see if the company belongs to any organizations such as the United States Organization for Bankruptcy Alternative.
Both of these organizations evaluate debt settlement companies and their performance.
Both options are available from organizations claiming to operate under Christian ideals.
While many debt consolidation companies represent themselves as service organizations, they usually charge either a one-time fee or an ongoing monthly charge.
It's best for an interested person to contact these organizations by phone instead of filling in the online forms.
You may think that these companies are run by churches or affiliated religious institutions, but the truth is that they are independent organizations, just like any other company of this type.
Some are truly nonprofit organizations, but you can't expect this just because you see the word "Christian" in the name.
People facing the inability to pay their debt should consider using these organizations.
Also important to note is that both non profit and for-profit organizations are likely to charge a fee for this service.
The for-profit organizations may have a higher fee, whereas the fee charged by the non profit is for administration expenses only.
It is not possible to purchase one from Visa directly, but the website lists various organizations offering Visa gift cards for purchase.
These organizations often sell Visa gift cards, sometimes in bulk.
Churches, school groups and other nonprofit organizations sell gift cards for the same reason retailers do.
In addition, some third party organizations provide this service.
Ask these organizations if you can use another form of identification rather than your Social Security number for their records.
Government agencies are the only organizations that have the need for your Social Security number.
These emails pretend to be from legitimate organizations.
Many other groups and organizations provide recent information about identity theft as it pertains to their particular mission or business offerings.
For businesses and non-profit organizations, this debit card program can be a revenue-earning tool.
By becoming a partner, these organizations can offer the debit card payment option to customers or members.
However, divorce help is available through organizations designed to help fathers deal with the legal, financial and emotional aspects of the divorce.
Organizations provide divorce help for the legal, financial and emotional issues that women face when they are going through a divorce.
Many organizations will send divorce attorneys information about support groups so that they can disseminate it to their clients.
For these situations, the best help for children with divorced parents may come in the form of professional organizations like the ones discussed in this section.
Multiple organizations, including the Women's Bar Association in Massachusetts, support initiatives that address some reform of current alimony laws.
Contact your local Superior Court's clerk of court to see if they provide these forms, offer guidance on their completion or can recommend attorneys or organizations offering low-cost or free legal advice.
You'll find articles that detail popular furniture stores with information on how a company got started, the types of furniture they sell and even which charitable organizations they contribute to.
Virtually every town has a pool league that is affiliated with one of the two main organizations for pool players.
The author also cites the non-profit organization, SELF (Solar Energy Light Fund) that works with government and non-government organizations in more than 15 developing countries.
It is only by making our needs and wishes known that companies and organizations will start to appreciate the need for new alternatives.
The program centers on a voluntary program with over 9,000 private and public manufacturers and organizations that provide the technical information consumers need to choose energy-efficient products and systems.
Many schools accept electronics in working order, and many charitable organizations are grateful for old phones that are easily refurbished.
Despite regulations and the effort of environmental organizations to educate the public, many hazardous items that require special handling when being discarded end up in landfills.
Often organizations use the distance between the moon and earth as a way to demonstrate the volume of waste items.
Fears about how the carbon footprint of individuals, corporations and organizations are affecting the environment means that action needs to be taken now.
One way that many people and organizations reduce their carbon footprint is to offset the carbon generated in some way.
The Sierra Club is one of the oldest and most reputable environmental organizations in the United States, and they are interested in joining with Clorox to help make environmentally sound cleaning products more mainstream.
It is also useful for schools, companies, large organizations and any place where people consume materials.
Even if you have no need for the finished compost, you are bound to have plenty of neighbors who are keen gardeners or local organizations who will be pleased to take it from you.
The EPA website has an extensive list of organizations that recycle or accept donations of computer equipment.
There are organizations set up who will accept working computer equipment.
Charitable organizations such as Cell Phones for Soldiers provide those serving overseas with prepaid phones to connect with family members.
The company refurbishes these cell phones and donates them to volunteer organizations.
Much of the clean energy in the Midwest is thanks to the work of various organizations that promote and track the use of renewable energy.
In order to encourage the use and installation of renewable energy sources, there are a number of organizations specific to the Midwest region that focus on promoting the expansion of clean energy.
These bins may be run by the Salvation Army or Goodwill, as well as by Planet Aid or other organizations.
Finding resources for interior design in Philadelphia is easy when you know more about the professional organizations in the city.
Washington, D.C. is home to several organizations that can help you get started in your search for an interior design professional.
Other levels and types of memberships exist, from educator memberships to "industry partner" memberships, for manufacturers of interior design related materials or members of other trade organizations.
Most charity organizations will give you a tax deductible receipt as well.
The fleur de lis is a popular symbol for many organizations, including militaries, around the word.
Other Goodwill organizations from all over the country participate with this website by offering goods from their vast resources of donated goods.
Some organizations, like the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals, offer membership only to qualified individuals who pass a test and review of their work.
The American Cancer Society is one of the charities that has benefited from Blinc, and they also support overseas organizations such as Doctors Without Borders and Children International.
The financial aid website may also offer links to outside scholarship-granting organizations and can help you find grants and loans to supplement scholarships.
Professional organizations have a vested interest in developing the next generation in their field, whether chemists, journalists or librarians.
Religious and ethnic organizations also provide scholarships to their members, from the National Italian American Foundation to the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Some mailing lists are maintained by professional organizations, so if you're interested in joining one, you can start by visiting the web sites of state or national associations in your chosen field.
The Virtual Pet Adoptions Network, for example, is an online network of various animal rescue organizations located throughout the San Francisco Bay area.
Nonprofit organizations with pet adoption programs can participate in the site at no charge, listing photos and information about animals that are in need of adoptive families. - This site is a national online pet adoption community, with listings from animal shelters and other pet rescue organizations throughout the United States.
There are so many, in fact, that many organizations make it a public service to distribute those novels over the Internet.
Project Gutenberg was one of the first online organizations to offer scanned copies of public domain books.
Wachovia offers individual banking features; mortgage organizations; commercial banking for the middle market; business, agricultural, and real estate lending; commercial real estate services and bank-owned insurance brokerage services.
Since digital scrapbooks can be easily copied, it's a great idea to market your services as the ideal solution to creating scrapbooks for sororities, fraternities, class reunions, sports teams, community organizations, and other groups.
Stamp and scrapbook organizations holding the conventions may be national, or only hold shows in a few localities.
Business owners who are involved in craft niches can often find merchandise at trade shows given by such organizations as the Craft and Hobby Association.
Many people like the idea of being a "small fish in a big pond" and so prefer working in large organizations.
Financed primarily by people and organizations that hope to focus on the future of their community's young people, they also receive donations for their nationwide programs such as summer camps and scholarships.
I'm going to recommend some great organizations you can reach out to, that are specifically trained to help you understand your feelings better so you can decide what's best.
If not, you can try Boys and Girls Clubs, after school programs, or local theater/museums/community sports organizations.
In addition, there are also many organizations and churches that are willing to help you, free of charge, no questions asked.
In addition to the soccer, cycling, and skating opportunities listed previously, Bozeman Parks and Recreation offers information on dozens of teams, leagues, and organizations devoted to sports and fitness.
There are essentially two organizations that attempt to nationally rank high school soccer teams.
With that said, there are other, often more active soccer organizations that organize state championships and where teams and divisions are divided according to age.
Because they are national organizations, they also hold state, regional and national championships.
Teens volunteering can look for ways to incorporate community service in the organizations to which they already belong.
Cyndi's List- This mega-site lists a variety of genealogy websites, including alumni organizations, list of faculty and classmates, and a section on yearbooks and annuals.
At the time of the public outcry, researchers from the aforementioned organizations reiterated that tofu consumption helps prevent colon, breast, and prostate cancer as well as atherosclerosis and post-menopausal hip fractures.
If you are not aware of any charities, contact your local golf club for information on tournaments and charitable organizations that supports various groups.
Visit the to find charities and non-profit organizations you can contact to find out how to make a donation.
For example, few churches allow real rose petals to be scattered in the center aisle, as they stain carpeting and can pose a slipping danger to the procession - a liability some organizations do not want to be responsible for.
Active members of religious organizations often can get the use of their church free or for a small donation.
Some organizations offer employee assistance programs geared to employees needing professional help.
Group support can be found on the Internet or through organizations, therapists, medical centers, and religious or spiritual centers.
If you have no insurance, contact your local county or state non-profit organizations.
Other support groups can be found within churches, community centers, non-profit organizations, and online.
Through community-based organizations like 12-step programs, positive role modeling and peer counseling are stressed.
The need for professionals to help addicts in private practice, hospitals, recovery programs, or community organizations is one that constantly needs filling.
Support may come from family and friends or through organizations and associations like Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous.
In fact, all of the major cancer organizations in the world not only list smoking as a large danger but explicitly cover the topic - usually with pages and pages of information specific to tobacco and cancer.
You'll find quizzes to help identify the problem, national organizations for gamblers and their friends and family members and even online forums.
The most viable options are provided through government agencies, community services and charity organizations.
Many charitable organizations and churches offer free or low-cost care.
There are a number of national organizations and ways to offer help.
This organization offers monetary assistance to charity organizations around the world.
He also set up the Elton John AIDs Foundation, which has become one of the largest AIDS nonprofit organizations in the world.
At 44, Greene has acted in dozens of movies, released two bilingual CDs, wrote a young adult novel and now, is a socio-political activist working with several local and international organizations.
Michele Dominguez Greene also fights for many social issues facing the world today, and works with organizations such as Amnesty International USA, Death Penalty Focus and Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace.
Sandra Bullock is well known for her support of the American Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders, and has donated one million dollars to the organizations on three separate occasions for disaster relief.
The teens were eventually caught after news organizations aired surveillance videos from the homes of Patridge and Lohan.
In addition, her work in this film was also nominated for numerous other awards from other organizations.
He has made donations to many Republican candidates and organizations, and is outspoken in his beliefs.
The faculty at HBS is made up of pioneering researchers and entrepreneurs, as well as former managers of leading companies, non-profits, and government organizations.
Many college scholarships are highly competitive and most organizations only have a limited amount of funding available.
Finally, organizations such as CIEE and International Studies Abroad devote themselves to providing courses in other countries.
You can find lists of departments and majors, the dates of home football games, student job postings, links to student organizations, and much more.
In addition, scholarships are often awarded by private organizations.
Many colleges and universities also have pre-professional organizations students can join to learn more about what it's like to work in a particular field.
There are also a number of private community organizations providing financial assistance to college students.
Officially, it is forbidden by both local campuses and national Greek organizations, but the practice still exists.
Since fraternities don't have open membership like many college organizations, there is a long-standing belief that the groups are elitist.
Many scholarships are available to students of all ages, and some organizations offer different awards for students of various ages and education levels.
Contacting hobby and professional affiliate organizations can often uncover some unusual awards as well.
In addition to the financial aid offered by the school you wish to attend, remember that there are multiple scholarships provided by organizations across the United States.
Read on to learn more about the severe nursing crisis in this country, and what many organizations are doing about it.
A number of public and private organizations have recognized this critical nationwide shortage of registered nurses.
The following organizations are offering significant nursing scholarships to future nurses.
The organization accepts funds from individuals and organizations who wish to start an endowed named scholarship, then handles the process of screening students and distributing scholarship funds each year.
This is why so many organizations offer financial support to the men and women who help this country to care for its sick and injured citizens.
These organizations usually have peer or professional counselors ready to sit down with you to discuss your problems and questions about coming out.
After coming out, LGBT organizations can continue to help you by providing you a place to share any successes or issues that come up in the future.
Many cities have these organizations or groups to help individuals within the community.
Investigate your options by contacting state or corporate offices and organizations related to your field of study.
Organizations such as The American Legion, the National Jewish Committee on Scouting and the Sons of the American Revolution also award Eagle Scouts with scholarship opportunities to further their education.
The university boasts accreditation from ten different accreditation organizations.
The college offers several clubs and organizations, from sororities and fraternities to the requisite Computer Club.
There are also many musical organizations, including the Chamber Orchestra and the Madrigal Singers.
The Clinton campus offers 18 student organizations.
Individual colleges within the university have specialized accreditation with different organizations.
Next, make a list of Catholic organizations that might offer a scholarship for qualified students.
Businesses and other organizations may work with TCC to design a program that meets the needs of their employees or associates.
The workforce development program also meets the needs of area businesses and organizations in assessments and other services.
In addition, individual programs are accredited by associated professional organizations.
A student clubs and organizations office spearheads administration for the many student groups on the Frostburg campus, and a cultural events series offers jazz and live concerts.
They are available from a variety of schools and organizations.
Public loans are available through government agencies, such as state and federal education agencies, while churches, civic organizations and specific schools offer loans privately.
While scholarships typically restrict your use of funds to tuition and related expenses, some organizations offer grants for textbooks, project supplies, computer equipment and other items you need to successfully complete your education.
Since private organizations set the criteria for their grants, application requirements vary widely from one grant to the next.
Some organizations require you to complete a simple application form, while others require letters of reference, school transcripts and other detailed information.
Some organizations have very specific application rules, so you don't want to make any mistakes.
Some organizations require you to submit receipts to document how you've spent the money.
Public scholarship and grant programs are available to any qualified student, while private programs are administered by specific schools or organizations.
Talk to your parents and relatives to determine if their employers or civic organizations offer scholarships for students.
Check with your church and local civic organizations to determine if any of those groups offer the opportunity to win money for college.
Other popular sources of grant money include public service organizations, such as a local Masonic Temple, Shriner's Temple, or Kiwanis Club.
Grants available through these organizations have very specific requirements, so contact your local chapter for an application and information on the minimum requirements for each grant.
Federal financial aid is available to many students, while other private scholarship programs or organizations may assist in paying tuition as well.
The prices of books, student organizations or fees, dorm or room fees are all taken into account in addition to tuition when determining the cost of your college expenses.
Many Greek organizations throw parties regularly, up to several times per week, and the parties almost always involve heavy amounts of alcohol.
The school encourages students to join clubs and organizations, offering dozens of activities on both the main and Monroe campuses.
Student organizations enhance the Kirkwood experience.
There are clubs devoted to hobbies, like the Anime Club, and organizations focused on specific career fields, such as the Respiratory Therapists Club.
Students participate in a variety of clubs and organizations, including student government, NJCAA tournaments, intrumural sports, environmental activities, and stress reduction workshops.
There are many organizations that are looking for people that understand various levels of business, not only on the management end, but also on the financial level as well.
Only organizations recognized by the U.S. Department of Education may accredit a college or college program.
Independent or specialized accreditation is offered by independent or private organizations such as the American Medical Association (AMA) with regard to programs that credential students in an area of specialization.
Many employers and organizations do view distance learning with a skeptical eye and may be under the impression that online education is not as rigorous or valid as traditional education.
They are prepared to help their specific organizations strategically plan and solve challenges.
There are many organizations that issue scholarships for applicants to global MBA programs.
In addition to being ABA approved, the best online paralegal schools are often members in good standing with the American Association for Paralegal Education (AAFPE) and other regulatory organizations that ensure their high quality.
Graduates typically work in healthcare management and might oversee care organizations, customers, or companies.
It's unlikely that you'll land a top-level managerial or executive position with a recent bachelor's degree, but you can get a start in one of many organizations that offers such opportunities for advancement.
There are many organizations that rank college degree programs and colleges themselves on an academic scale, but the best known is perhaps the Princeton Review.
Female-only Christian cruises are among the most popular trips offered by religious organizations.
Consequently, dozens of religious organizations have flooded the market with cruises designed to teach married couples how to strengthen their relationship with God and enhance their commitment to one other.
Professional animal organizations have resources to help you find a reputable breeder.
They can take many forms from individuals who rescue and care for only a few dogs each year to nationwide non-profit organizations.
Breed specific rescue organizations exist for nearly every breed and type of dog.
It does not include dogs turned over to rescue organizations or dogs that were abandoned.
Rescue organizations can be found in nearly every city and state.
Many pet rescue organizations provide veterinary care, personality assessment, behavioral training, socialization, and have the dogs spayed and neutered.
Breed specific rescue organizations are a great choice for those seeking purebred dogs.
Online lists of rescue organizations can be found on, The Dog Rescue Email List, and many other websites.
Many rescue organizations have a website you can visit to see which dogs are up for adoption that week.
There are many organizations striving to end animal abuse.
If you are passionate about ending animal abuse, consider joining any one of these organizations.
There are several organizations that offer educational opportunities to those interested in learning more about dogs and how to train them.
Dog rescue shelter organizations are not focused on customer service, the people at the shelter are there to advocate for the dog and try to insure a secure future for him.
The company has four certifications from different organizations that recognize that Innova is committed to excellence.
Organizations such as the SPCA offer valuable tips on how to play tug of war with your dog.
Fortunately, in the past ten years, Greyhound rescue organizations have convinced racetrack owners to bring their dogs to the various rescue shelters throughout the US.
In some cases, Greyhound puppies may be available through either of these organizations.
Other Pyrenees come to rescue organizations after being saved from local shelters where they faced possible euthanasia.
Rescue organizations and the people connected with them act as the advocates for these displaced, unwanted and abandoned dogs.
Most Great Pyrenees rescue organizations do not discriminate against dogs that are Pyrenees mixes.
Rescue organizations for these giant dogs want to make sure that placement is in the correct home for both the adoptive care givers and the dogs.
Great Pyrenees rescue organizations find themselves placing these Pyrs in new forever homes because of impulsive puppy purchases.
Read My Paws is an innovative company specializing in T-shirts for dogs and their people as well as fundraising for dog rescue organizations.
I thought this saying was the best form of recycling and could be used to help rescue organizations.
Many mill survivor stories are posted at pet advocacy sites such as the Humane Society and mill rescue organizations.
The California network has individuals across the state and organizations in Northern California, Southern California and San Diego.
There are other organizations, including your local ASPCA or Humane Society chapter, who often list English Bulldog mixes for adoption.
The Bulldog Club of America Rescue Network is one of the organizations that makes sure a rescue dog finds the right owner and home for a happy and healthy life.
The lists of rescue groups recommended by the American Kennel Club or the Bulldog Club of America have already passed the two organizations' high standard of care for dogs.
Many pet care websites, dog health organizations and personal dog owner sites have free recipes for dog food and treats.
Further, many therapy dog organizations utilize the program as an initial screening tool.
There are also rescue organizations that cater specifically to one type of dog or another.
Animal shelters are run by both county government agencies and private organizations, and they require potential owners to have the animal spayed or neutered prior to adoption.
Therapy Dog International is one of the world's largest organizations dedicated to training and placing therapy dogs.
More and more service dog organizations are beginning to add this type of dog training to their program.
Do not hesitate to contact one of these organizations if you or someone you know could benefit from the services of these specially-trained dogs.
Since that time, many different Christian and secular organizations have promoted wearing an abstinence ring.
Many Christian organizations and abstinence advocacy groups provide free purity rings as part of abstinence programs.
You will have the best luck talking with local abstinence groups and Christian organizations to locate free abstinence rings.
Colonial Williamsburg and other organizations dedicated to history have extensive resources for studying the fashions of the period.
Galas and balls are held for various organizations, from the charitable to political.
Seeds of Change has a program in which it donates seeds to various organizations that are promoting education about organic gardening and sustainable living.