Organisation Sentence Examples
This is based on promise from my own organisation that they would be giving me better position and pay slightly lesser than my offers, which I agreed.
However now I feel that my decision was not correct and I took it with a zest to somehow grow in my organisation where I am more or less comfortable.
In front of the Perches redoubts, the Bosmont, whence the Prussian engineers began their attack, is now heavily fortified with continuous lineslcalled the Organisation defensive de Bosmont.
Organisation des rim.
Arloing, " Organisation du pied chez le cheval," Ann.
These terms were explained in his great work L' Organisation du regne animal, oiseaux, begun in 1855, to mean exactly the same as those applied by Merrem to his two primary divisions.
The floral structure is so curious that perhaps less attention has been paid to the vegetative organs than the peculiarities of their organisation demand.