Ordinal Sentence Examples
Enderlein has recently shown that the jaws of the Hemiptera can be recognized in a reduced condition in connexion with the louse's proboscis, the modification is so excessive that the group certainly deserves ordinal separation.
Instead of distinguishing the days by the ordinal numbers first,, second, third, &c., the Romans counted backwards from three fixed epochs, namely, the Calends, the Nones and the Ides.
On the whole, the ordinal use is perhaps the more common.
There are, in addition, various other forms (Seroand Exo-sporidia), also primitive in character, but which are as yet too insufficiently known for it to be certain whether they are of distinct ordinal rank, or should be placed with the Haplosporidia.
One of the primary distinctions in the use of number is between ordinal and cardinal numbers, or rather between the ordinal and the cardinal aspects of number.
To see this, we may represent ordinal numbers by the ordinary numerals I, 2, 3,..
These relation-numbers are the infinite ordinal numbers.
Therefore, ordinal numbers describe the order of something.
Roman authorities have from the beginning and throughout consistently repudiated orders given according to the Edwardine ordinal.
Y is represented by the length of the ordinate NP, so that the representation is cardinal; but this ordinate really corresponds to the point N, so that the representation of X is ordinal.
AdvertisementWas nice to see them, had the usual Gaffer surreal conversations from giant flowerpots to ordinal numbers... !
Whilst I took Nanna home, she did some maths of some sort - ordinal numbers apparently from Singapore maths 1a thinking skills.
Since there is an infinite ordinal, every finite ordinal is a set and the first infinite ordinal ω is a set.
With the latter, however, they share the idea that only ordinal non-comparable information should be retained about individual preferences.
It basically revolves round the set of all ordinal numbers.
AdvertisementHaliday (1836), who made a careful study of the British species and recognized that their structural peculiarities required ordinal separation.
Owing to the correspondence between the finite cardinals and the finite ordinals, the propositions of cardinal arithmetic and ordinal arithmetic correspond point by point.
The difficulty first arises in elementary mensuration, where it is partly met by associating arithmetical and geometrical measurement with the cardinal and the ordinal aspects of number respectively (see Arithmetic).
It is the only French ordinal in English; the older word was "other," Ger.
These three classes are the Monotremata (or Prototheria), the Marsupialia (Didelphia, or Metatheria), and the Placentalia (Monodelphia, or Eutheria); the distinctive characters of each being given in separate articles (see Mono Tremata, Marsupialia and Monodelphia.) The existing monotremes and marsupials are each represented only by a single order; but the placentals are divided into the following ordinal and subordinal groups, those which are extinct being marked with an asterisk (*) i.
AdvertisementThe functions of the office are defined in the Ordinal - "to assist the priest in divine service and specially when he ministereth the Holy Communion, to read Holy Scriptures and Homilies in the church, to instruct the youth in the catechism, to baptize in the absence of the priest, to preach if he be admitted thereto by the bishop, and furthermore to search for the sick, poor and impotent people and intimate their estates and names to the curate."
The existential quantifier argument will work if the ordinal stage at which the model is being constructed is a weakly compact cardinal.
The easiest way to remember what ordinal numbers are is to remember that 'ordinal' refers to what 'order' you are in.
Ordinal numbers are always positioned before the noun as opposed to afterwards.
In addition to ordinal position, there may come a point where you'll want to use the idea of first and last.
AdvertisementIt had already been understood that the various genera of the Ratitae were the representatives of so many different groups, each of which was at least equivalent to ordinal rank, and that therefore, if the Ratitae were still to be considered a natural group, this common ancestry must be referred to a remote geological epoch.
This ancient idea of the diaconate, ignored in the Roman Pontifical, has been restored in the English ordinal.
Arithmetic is supposed to deal with cardinal, not with ordinal numbers; but it will be found that actual numeration, beyond about three or four, is based on the ordinal aspect of number, and that a scientific treatment of the subject usually requires a return to this fundamental basis.
One difference between the treatment of ordinal and of cardinal numbers may be noted.
Where a number is expressed in terms of various denominations, a cardinal number usually begins with the largest denomination, and an ordinal number with the smallest.
In using an ordinal we direct our attention to a term of a series, while in using a cardinal we direct our attention to the interval between two terms. The total number in the series is the sum of the two cardinal numbers obtained by counting up to any interval from the beginning and from the end respectively; but if we take the ordinal numbers from the beginning and from the end we count one term twice over.
It is therefore remarkable that it should now only be used for ordinal purposes, while the Hindu system, which is ordinal in its nature, since a single series is constantly repeated, is used almost exclusively for cardinal numbers.
When numbering begins, the names of the successive numbers are attached to the individual objects; thus the numbers are originally ordinal, not cardinal.
Gardiner, Banner, Heath, Day and Tunstall were one by one deprived of their sees; a new ordinal simplified the ritual of ordination, and a second Act of Uniformity and Book of Common Prayer (1552) repudiated the Catholic interpretation which had been placed on the first and imposed a stricter conformity to the Protestant faith.
Parker's consecration was, however, only made legally valid by the plentitude of the royal supremacy; for the Edwardine Ordinal, which was used, had been repealed by Mary and not re-enacted by the parliament of 1559 Parker owes his fame to circumstances rather than to personal qualifications.
R and R', x and x', &c. It is evident that the ordinal similarity of two relations implies the cardinal similarity of their fields, but not conversely.
This relation-number is the ordinal number corresponding to n; let it be symbolized by it.
The definition of the ordinal number requires some little ingenuity owing to the fact that no serial relation can have a field whose cardinal number is 1; but we must omit here the explanation of the process.
The ordinal number is the class whose sole member is the null relation - that is, the relation which never holds between any pair of entities.
Parker thus was consecrated by a true bishop according to the Edwardine ordinal, i.e.
In short, the English reformers knew very well that the ordinal and communion office which they drew up could not satisfy the requirements of medieval theology.
No ordinal name used in the class has had so many varying meanings given to it by different authors.
Hence, Knowing Which Of The Years Are Embolismic, From Their Ordinal Position In The Cycle, According To The Rule Before Stated, The Times Of The Commencement Of Successive Years May Be Thus Carried On Indefinitely Without Any Difficulty.
The ordinal was not attached to this Prayer Book at its first appearance, but it was added under another act of parliament in the following year, 1550.
It was very similar to the present ordinal except that the words " for the office and work of a Priest in the Church of God, now committed unto thee by the Imposition of our hands " were wanting, and the chalice or cup with the bread were delivered, as well as a Bible, to each newly-ordained priest.
These present special characters usually sufficient for ordinal determination.
Figures and letters may even be used in combination; thus 16 may be followed by 16a and 16b, and these by 17, and in such a case the ordinal i oo does not correspond with the total (cardinal) number up to this point.
One number is less or greater than another, according as the symbol (or ordinal) of the former comes earlier or later than that of the latter in the number-series.
Whether the extinct Tillodontia are most nearly allied to the Rodentia, the Carnivora or the Ungulata, and whether they are really entitled to constitute an ordinal group by themselves, must remain for the present open questions.
Whales and dolphins being thus demonstrated to be nothing more than highly modified Carnivora, might almost be included in the same ordinal group.
Herein remains, attributed to no fewer than a score of species, which were referred to eight different genera, are fully described and sufficiently illustrated, and, instead of the ordinal name Ichthyornithes previously used, that of Odontotormae was proposed.
That first discovered is known as Burali-Forti's contradiction,' and consists in the proof that there both is and is not a greatest infinite ordinal number.
The preface to the ordinal (1550) goes farther.
The ordinal name for the genera and species of Amphioxus is Cephalochorda, the term referring to the extension of the primary backbone or notochord to the anterior extremity of the body; the family name is Branchiostomidae.
A general uniformity of the trunk-limbs in Isopoda justifies the ordinal name, but the valviferous Astacillidae, and among the Asellota the Munnopsidae, offer some remarkable exceptions to this characteristic. Among many essential works on this group may be named the Monogr.
This led to a prolonged controversy; Hooper had already denounced the "Aaronic vestments" and the oath by the saints prescribed in the new Ordinal; and he refused to be consecrated according to its rites.
Even in commercial transactions, in dealing with sums of money, the statement of an amount often has reference to the last item added rather than to a total; and geometrical measurements are practically ordinal (§ 26).
It might appear as if the writing of 1876 was an exception to this rule; but in reality 1876, when used in this way, is partly cardinal and partly ordinal, the first three figures being cardinal and the last ordinal.
To make the year completely ordinal, we should have to describe it as the 6th year of the 8th decade of the 9 th century of the 2nd millennium; i.e.
In reality there is a transition from a cardinal to an ordinal system, but to an ordinal system which does not agree with the original ordinal system from which the cardinal system was derived.
There is nothing in the Anglican ordinal to show that the Holy Ghost is given for the consecration of a bishop in the Roman sense.