Orchids Sentence Examples
Orchids of countless varieties abound.
Orchids are very prominent among a great variety of flowering plants.
Orchids are also collected for export in the districts of Garanhuns and Timbauba.
Buttercups, violets, anemones, spring beauties, trilliums, arbutus, orchids, columbine, laurel, honeysuckle, golden rod and asters are common wild flowers, and of ferns there are many varieties.
As in the IndoMalayan sub-region, epiphytic orchids are probably most numerous in point of species, but the genera and even sub-tribes are far more restricted in their range than in the Old World; 4 sub-tribes with 74 genera of Vandeae are confined to South America, though varying in range of climate and altitude.
Tropical orchids are mostly epiphytal - that is, they grow upon trees without deriving nourishment from them.
The economic uses of orchids are not remarkable.
Ground orchids and tree orchids are well represented; Polystachya liberica, an epiphytic orchid with sprays of exquisite small flowers of purple and gold, might well be introduced into horticulture for its beauty.
In other orchids movements take place in different ways and in other directions.
This fact will account for the profusion with which some orchids, like the common bee orchis for instance, are found in some seasons and their scarcity in others.
AdvertisementIn most orchids the only stamen developed to maturity is the posterior one of the three opposite to the lip (anterior before the twisting of the ovary), the other two, as well as all three inner ones, being entirely absent, or present only in the form of rudiments.
This arrangement may be understood by reference to the following diagram, representing the relative position of the stamens in orchids generally and in Cypripedium.
Effective pollination may also occur between flowers of different species, or occasionally, as in the case of several orchids, of different genera - this is known as hybridization.
Then, there are the mangrove-fringed coasts and the dripping wooded slopes where rare orchids thrive, and above these, on the inland side of the sierra, a treeless, sun-scorched table-land where only the cactus, yucca, and other coarse vegetation of the desert can thrive without irrigation.
While in flower, orchids may with advantage be removed to a drier and cooler situation, and may be utilized in the drawing-room or boudoir.
AdvertisementThey also have impressive displays of cowslips, small scabious and devil's-bit scabious and the widest range of orchids on the reserve.
Odontoglossum and Oncidium include some of the best-known cultivated orchids.
Among these some forms, as among the trees, extend much be y ond the tropic and ascend into the temperate zones on the mountains, of which may be mentioned Begonia, Osbeckia, various Cyrtandraceae, Scitamineae, and a few epiphytical orchids.
Among the well-known forest products of this zone are arnotto, jalap, ipecacuanha, sarsaparilla, rubber, orchids and a great variety of gums.
Among indigenous fruit-bearing trees, shrubs and vines the state has the bird cherry, black cherry, blueberry, cranberry, raspberry, blackberry, gooseberry, strawberry, grape and black currant; and conspicuous among a very great variety of shrubs and flowering plants are the rose, dogwood, laurel, sumac, holly, winterberry, trilliums, anemones, arbutuses, violets, azaleas, eglantine, clematis, blue gentians, orange lilies, orchids, asters and golden rod.
AdvertisementThis is the case with many of our roses, dahlias, begonias, pelargoniums, orchids and other long or widely cultivated garden plants.
For stove and greenhouse plants, orchids, ferns, &c., labels made of xylonite, zinc and other materials are also used.
Beautiful terrestrial orchids, requiring to be planted in peat soil, in a cool and rather shady situation.
The following is a select list of genera of miscellaneous decorative plants (orchids, palms and ferns excluded; climbers are denoted by *; bulbous and tuberous plants by f) Stove Plants.
Indeed the composts now used are varied considerably according to the particular group of orchids.
AdvertisementTo keep a valuable collection of orchids in good condition requires the services of an expert orchid grower.
David, who spent some time in the Albert Edward district, that the creature dwells in the most dense parts of the primeval forest, where there is an undergrowth of solid-leaved, swamp-loving plants, such as arum, Donax and Phrynium, which, with orchids and climbing plants, form a thick and confused mass of vegetation.
In the low brushwood scattered over portions of the dreary plains of the Kandahar table-lands, we find leguminous thorny plants of the papilionaceous sub-order, such as camel-thorn (Hedysarum Alhagi), Astragalus in several varieties, spiny rest-harrow (Ononis spinosa), the fibrous roots of which often serve as a tooth-brush; plants of the sub-order Mimosae, as the sensitive mimosa; a plant of the rue family, called by the natives lipdtd; the common wormwood; also certain orchids, and several species of Salsola.
Among the more beautiful of the flowering plants are rhododendrons, orchids and .pitcher-plants - the latter reaching extraordinary development, especially in the northern districts about Kinabalu.
Flowering plants include numerous species of terrestrial orchids, the socalled arum lily (Richardia Africana), common in low-lying moist land, and the white everlasting flower, found abundantly in some regions of Cape Colony.
Other ferns, Scitamineae, orchids and climbing Aroideae are very numerous, the last named profusely adorning the forests with their splendid dark-green foliage.
Epiphytal orchids are extremely numerous between 6000 and 8000 ft.
Orchids and aloes are common.
As late as the year 1900 Mr Albert Millican, while collecting orchids on the Opon river, a tributary of the Magdalena between Bogota and the Caribbean coast, was attacked by hostile Indians, and one of his companions was killed by a poisoned arrow.
The imports include wheat flour, rice, barley, prepared foods, sugar, coal, kerosene, beer, wines and liquors, railway equipment, machinery and general hardware, fence wire, cotton and other textiles, drugs, lumber, cement, paper, &c., while the exports comprise coffee, bananas, hides and skins, tobacco, precious metals, rubber, cabinet woods, divi-divi, dye-woods, vegetable ivory, Panama hats, orchids, vanilla, &c.
Colvillia racemosa, with yellow flowers; Astrapaea Wallichii, striking attention from its abundant flowers; and species of Cryptostegia, a purple-flowered creeper, and Strongylodon, another creeper with cream-coloured blossoms. Among attractive plants are species of Hibiscus, Euphorbia, Buddleia, Ixora, Kitchingia, Clematis, &c. On the east coast two orchids, species of Angraecum, with large white waxy flowers, one with an extraordinarily long spur or nectary, attract the attention of every traveller during June and July by their abundance and beauty.
Sometimes the twisting of a part makes a change in the position of other parts, as in Orchids, where the twisting of the ovary changes the position of the labellum.
In some corollas the two lips become hollowed out in a remarkable manner, as in calceolaria, assuming a slipper-like appearance, similar to what occurs in the labellum of some orchids, as Cypripedium.
In orchids each of the pollen-masses has a prolongation or stalk (caudicle) which adheres to a prolongation at the base of the anther (rostellum) by means of a viscid gland (retinaculum) which is either naked or covered.
The term clinandrium is sometimes applied to the part of the column in orchids where the stamens are situated.
In some orchids, as Cypripedium, the pollen has its ordinary character of separate grains.
These include heath bedstraw, lesser stitchwort, yellow bartsia, tormentil cross-leaved heath and spotted orchids.
The herbs include pignut, adder's-tongue, ribwort plantain, and red clover with yellow rattle, bulbous buttercup and orchids.
Then come the early purple orchids and Goldilocks buttercups.
Plants present in the grassland include pignut, harebell, kidney vetch and several orchids including greater butterfly orchid.
In spring and early summer wild flowers bloom everywhere; the forests host dainty wild cyclamen, with wild orchids scattered here and there.
The roadside flowers were attractive and we saw our first Cretan cyclamen as well as Giant and Yellow Bee orchids.
Nearby are his greenhouses, now much dilapidated, where once he grew his prize orchids.
Serenata Flowers offer flowers and bouquets ideal for Mothers Day gifts including freesias, lillies, orchids, roses and tulips.
Hay cutting and carefully managed grazing produces a rich floral assemblage including gentians and orchids.
Small plants & hardy perennials, many bulbs & ferns, hardy perennials, many bulbs & ferns, hardy orchids & dwarf trees & shrubs.
Look out for orchids, yellow flag iris, ferns.
Just a little further along we found several orchids and a large black millipede.
To date three volumes have been published covering ferns and fern allies, orchids and gymnosperms and non-orchid monocotyledon.
Like the Spotted orchids, the Pyramidal Orchids fared better in 2004.
From June to August you can see spotted orchids.
The forest was particularly verdant, with many of the trees in fresh leaf, and the epiphytic orchids were just coming into bloom.
A small number of bee orchids have been found to the south of the site whilst marsh orchids grow in the more moist areas.
Small plants & hardy perennials, many bulbs & ferns, hardy orchids & dwarf trees & shrubs.
Here in June, the Asiatic primulas vie with native Orchids to produce a lovely tapestry of color.
Well, ' River Of Orchids ' sees XTC reborn anew, totally.
Flowers could not hide tho and we saw many Black Vanilla Orchids, Alpine Asters and more Pyrenean saxifrage, which was abundant.
John has particularly specialized in the collection of stamps featuring orchids and has a wide renown for his collection.
Orchids on the east slope include common twayblade, marsh helleborine, common spotted, fragrant and bee.
Today southern marsh orchids can be found there as well as king cups, common twayblade and other rare plants.
Common Spotted Orchid Dactylorhiza fuchsii Summer 2002 was a disappointing year for Spotted Orchids on the local protected verge.
June On our June 2003 walk we saw a little owl, yellow vetchling, bee and spotted orchids and several different willowherbs.
The shores of the larger islands are fringed in some parts with a dense barrier of mangroves, backed by an often impenetrable thicket of tropical undergrowth, which, as the ridges are ascended, give place to taller trees and deep green bushes which are covered with orchids and trailing moss (orchilla), and from which creepers hang down interlacing the vegetation.
Among flowers the orchids, with all their fantastic extravagance and mimic imitations of birds and insects, are especially prolific in examples of symmetrical effects without any repetition of similar parts or divisions into even numbers.
Among the land plants may be noted the blue anemone; the ranunculus along the road-sides, with a strong perfume of violets; the Malta heath, which flowers at all seasons; Cynomorium coccineum, the curious " Malta fungus," formerly so valued for medicinal purposes that a guard was set for its preservation under the rule of the Knights; the pheasant's-eye; three species of mallow and geranium; Oxalis cernua, a very troublesome imported weed; Lotus edulis; Scorpiurus subvillosa, wild and cultivated as forage; two species of the horseshoe-vetch; the opium poppy; the yellow and claret-coloured poppy; wild rose; Cartaegus azarolus, of which the fruit is delicious preserved; the ice-plant; squirting cucumber; many species of Umbelliferae; Labiatae, to which the spicy flavour of the honey (equal to that of Mt Hymettus) is ascribed; snapdragons; broom-rape; glass-wort; Salsola soda, which produces when burnt a considerable amount of alkali; there are fifteen species of orchids; the gladiolus and iris are also found; Urginia scilla, the medicinal squill, abounds with its large bulbous roots near the sea; seventeen species of sedges and seventy-seven grasses have been recorded.
Pyramid Orchids were frequently seen in the central area known as the Triangle and are common all over the hill.
Flowers could not hide tho and we saw many Black Vanilla Orchids, Alpine Asters and more Pyrenean Saxifrage, which was abundant.
Various orchids were widespread, and Adder 's tongue fern was common on unploughed pasture.
We took a walk in the gardens and Charles was delighted to find several Twayblade Orchids among the grasses and wild flowers.
Popular flower choices include baby's breath, tea roses, carnations, and orchids, but other flowers can work just as well.
Forced to look outside of your comfort zone, you may find yourself gravitating toward orchids in the winter.
If your favorites were Shasta daisies and they were available all year, you might never discover the beauty of orchids.
In fact, popular flower choices today include Gerber daisies, lavender, lilies or orchids.
Choose accessories that feature white flowers, like lilies or orchids, as the bride.
Of course, roses, lilies, orchids, daisies, and other traditional wedding flowers are available year round.
Traditionally, the bride in a Hawaiian wedding wears a lei that is made of white jasmine or orchids.
On the spot where the couple will exchange their vows, it is common to place a circle of orchids.
For example, you could use pineapples, orchids, and palm trees to create a tropical paradise if you're planning a honeymoon to Hawaii.
Tall glass cylinders full of winter Cymbidium orchids provide a modern twist to the festivities.
Orchids and gardenias are romantic and sweet, while bird-of-paradise bouquets combined with bright hibiscus blooms and palm leaves are dramatic and elegant as late summer wedding flowers.
If you have a green thumb and several months to plan ahead, and if exotic orchids are in your wedding plans, consider growing your own in your home.
Orchids can be grown indoors any time of year under special lamps, as can most flowers.
The handsome purple lip reminds one of some Orchids.
It is very interesting for the bog garden or a bed of hardy Orchids.
Other interesting species for a collection of hardy Orchids are O. muscifera (Fly Orchis), arachnites and aranifera (Spider Orchis).
Terrestrial orchids are beautiful, and well worth cultivation among hardy flowers.
Some of our native Orchids are worth a place, but few succeed with them, chiefly because the plants are transplanted at the wrong season.
The situation for Orchids should be an open one, and the soil a deep, fibry loam in a drained border.
There are several beautiful varieties, the best being praecox and sesquipedalis; the last being one of the finest of hardy Orchids, about 1 1/2 feet high, and a third of the stem is covered with purplish-violet flowers.
One of the handsomest of British Orchids, finest in rich soil, and if well grown in moist and rather stiff garden loam its beauty will surprise even those who know it well in a wild state.
Orchids have captured the attention, as well as the imagination, of gardeners for centuries.
The featured flowers are hibiscus, birds of paradise, and vanda orchids.
Tahitian and Hawaiian styles favor large floral prints, frequently featuring orchids and hibiscus.
He retired at 46 and lived the rest of his life in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, enjoying world travel and collecting exotic orchids.
Lei are made from fragrant tropical flowers, including plumeria, orchids and puakenikeni.
Orchids and goldenrods are some of the plants associated with the Aquarius sign.
Due to their long and linear nature, orchids also work for unique placement areas such as full sleeves and leg tattoos.
Whether you want something simple or elaborate, you can find flowers to fit the bill, from daisies to orchids and everything in between.
Centerpieces and table decorations of Orchids and Hibiscus are a fragrant and eye-catching way to set the visual tone of the party.
Other ideas for luau party decorations would be to use wooden bowls and float some orchids and candles in them.
Among the plants the wild banana, pepper, orange and mangosteen, rhododendron, epiphytic orchids and the palm; among mammals the bats and rats; among birds the cassowary and rifle birds; and among reptiles the crocodile and tree snakes, characterize this element.
In the roots of some palms and orchids a polystelic structure obtains.
In addition to these modifications, which are common to nearly all orchids, there are others generally but not so universally met with; among them is the displacement of the flower arising from the twisting of the inferior ovary, in consequence of which the flower is so completely turned round that the "lip," which originates in that part of the flower, conventionally called the posterior or superior part, or that S c ?
The number of species of orchids is greater than that of any other monocotyledonous order - not even excepting grasses - amounting to 6000, contained in 400 genera.
The cultivation of orchids is treated under Horticulture.
Travellers are especially struck with the beauty of some of the wild flowers, more especially with the lilies and convolvuluses; and European greenhouses have been enriched by several Formosan orchids and other ornamental plants.
On the mountain slopes orchids are found in great profusion.
Orchids are among the common flowers.
The orchids may be taken as offering fair types of the Japanese artists ideal in all art work.
Darwin's works on dimorphic flowers and the fertilization of orchids gave powerful support to this statement.
For epiphytal plants like orchids the most thorough drainage must be secured by the abundant use of potsherds, small pots being sometimes inserted inside the larger ones, or by planting in shallow pots or pans, so that there shall be no large mass of soil to get consolidated.
Adhesion is well seen in the gynostemium of orchids, where the stamens and stigmas adhere.