Oratorios Sentence Examples
The compositions of Haydn include 104 symphonies, 16 overtures, 76 quartets, 68 trios, 54 sonatas, 31 concertos and a large number of divertimentos, cassations and other instrumental pieces; 24 operas and dramatic pieces, 16 Masses, a Stabat Mater, interludes for the " Seven Words," 3 oratorios, 2 Te Deums and many smaller pieces for the church, over 40 songs, over 50 canons and arrangements of Scottish and Welsh national melodies.
His appeal to musicians was made in a threefold capacity, and we have, therefore, to deal with Liszt the unrivalled pianoforte virtuoso (1830 - r848); Liszt the conductor of the "music of the future " at Weimar, the teacher of Tausig, Billow and a host of lesser pianists, the eloquent writer on music and musicians, the champion of Berlioz and Wagner (1848-1861); and Liszt the prolific composer, who for some five-and-thirty years continued to put forth pianoforte pieces, songs, symphonic orchestral pieces, cantatas, masses, psalms and oratorios (1847-1882).
The musical selections (settings of scenes from sacred history) were called oratorios.
Another of the local choral pioneers was Morgan Morgans who founded a choir which as early as 1864 was performing oratorios locally.
We sing mainly oratorios and sacred songs, but also a wide range of lighter pieces.
His operas, for all their daintiness and melody, no longer hold the stage; the Masses in which he praised God with a cheerful heart " have been condemned by the severer decorum of our own day; of his oratorios the Creation alone survives.