Oral-sex Sentence Examples
Are you thinking of starting oral sex to jump start your relationship?
Hated the beginning, hated the ELO songs, hated the frankly awful oral sex joke at the end.
Or that if you have oral sex with someone with a cold sore you could get genital herpes?
Condoms are also recommended for use on a male when oral sex is being performed on him.
Today's generation uses group friendship as an opportunity to pair off and have casual sex or what you refer to as oral sex.
Bill Clinton was almost impeached on account of a blow job... So seems that having oral sex is actually worse than killing people.
I was wondering if you had a few tips for me about how to get your relationship going and what should I do before I start oral sex?
While I don't have much information about your current relationship or a relationship you are interested in developing, I would like to clarify one thing; oral sex is sex and should not be used as a tool to getting someone to like you.