Oracle Sentence Examples
The Oracle at Delphi actually got it right.
He is the man whom the oracle meant.
We will finally be able to build an oracle, and we will use that tool, that collection of life experiences, to optimize our own lives.
The most famous of these was the Oracle at Delphi.
And Croesus was so amazed that he endowed the Oracle at Delphi with all kinds of gifts and planned to run all-important questions by this oracle.
He returned to the Sanctuary, to the Oracle, who was busy scribbling.
Scholars today are pretty sure that in the case of Delphi, the oracle was inadvertently breathing gases that rose from the cave in which she sat.
I had to wait until you found your Oracle to tell you.
The Oracle probably knew how this day would end, which world would survive.
Even Jonny hesitated, eyes going to the pale Oracle.
AdvertisementMemories of a time when he'd been happy as the White God with his Oracle at his side.
The Oracle looked exhausted, worry on her features.
Sofi, the wife of the White God, Damian, was the most powerful Oracle Xander had ever met in his long history.
It was bad news for him, though, if the Oracle who hated him felt the need to warn him.
He might need to pay the Oracle a visit.
AdvertisementOr your Oracle could tell you.
Dusty's sharp order made the Oracle jump.
You took her to the Oracle?
The Oracle had to have told her husband something.
Oracle, she reminded herself.
AdvertisementJessi met the Oracle's gaze curiously.
He felt the cool power of an Oracle move through Jessi and into him.
Her father, having been warned by an oracle that she would bear a son by whom he would be slain, confined Danae in a brazen tower.
After a period of instruction in medicine by a doctor who also, according to Lucian, was an impostor, he succeeded in establishing an oracle of Aesculapius at his native town.
The reputation of the oracle, which was in origin medical, spread, and with it grew Alexander's skilled plans of organized deception.
AdvertisementThe result was a great disaster, and Alexander had recourse to the old quibble of the Delphic oracle to Croesus for an explanation.
These officials, at the command of the senate, consulted the Sibylline books in order to discover, not exact predictions of definite future events, but the religious observances necessary to avert extraordinary calamities (pestilence, earthquake) and to expiate prodigies in cases where the national deities were unable, or unwilling, to help. Only the interpretation of the oracle which was considered suitable to the emergency was made known to the public, not the oracle itself.
Farmer's Oracle, began publication in 1797.
As the final victory of Athens over Aegina was in 458 B.C., the thirty years of the oracle would carry us back to the year 488 B.C. as the date of the dedication of the precinct and the outbreak of hostilities.
Thus for the 7th, 14th, 21 st, 28th and also the 19th days of the intercalary Elul it is prescribed that "the shepherd of many nations is not to eat meat roast with fire nor any food cooked by fire, he is not to change the clothes on his body nor put on gala dress, he may not bring sacrifices nor may the king ride in his chariot, he is not to hold court nor may the priest seek an oracle for him in the sanctuary, no physician may attend the sick room, the day is not favourable for invoking curses, but at night the king may bring his gift into the presence of Marduk and Ishtar.
Troy he founded, in conjunction with Mopsus, another famous seer, the oracle of Mallos in Cilicia.
A list of the Elamite deities is given by Assur-bani-pal; at the head of them was In-Susinak, "the lord of the Susians," - a title which went back to the age of Babylonian suzerainty, - whose image and oracle were hidden from the eyes of the profane.
In response to an oracle he was bidden to move northwards to Judah and successfully occupied it with Hebron as his capital.
Laius, having been warned by an oracle that he would be killed by his son, ordered him to be exposed, with his feet pierced, immediately after his birth.
One makes him the son of Mandane, a daughter of Astyages (originally evidently by a god), who is exposed in the mountains by his grandfather on account of an oracle, but suckled by a dog (a sacred animal of the Iranians) and educated by a shepherd; i.e.
Alexander of Hales was the oracle of the Franciscans, while the rival order rejoiced in Albertus Magnus and Thomas Aquinas.
Moreover the Dorian population of Delphi constantly strove to establish its independence and about 590 B.C. induced a coalition of Greek states to proclaim a "Sacred War" and free the oracle from Phocian supervision.
The Delphic oracle bade them sacrifice a virgin of the house of Aepytus.
A special reference seems needed at this point to the oracle on Egypt, chap. xix.
He was afterwards worshipped as a hero and an oracle was consecrated to him.
The famous oracle of Amphiaraus was situated in the territory of Oropus, 12 stadia from the city.
Worshippers used to consult the oracle of Amphiaraus by sleeping on the skin of a slaughtered ram within the sacred building.
The Henriade had got on considerably during the journey, and, according to his lifelong habit, the poet, with the help of his friend Thieriot and others, had been "working the oracle" of puffery.
In consequence of an oracle which had commanded him to marry his daughters to a lion and a boar, he wedded them to Polyneices and Tydeus, two fugitives, clad in the skins of these animals or carrying shields with their figures on them, who claimed his hospitality.
When the tribe of Dan subsequently sought new territory and sent men to search for a suitable district they passed by Micah's house, recognized the Levite and requested an oracle from him.
Its situation, said to have been fixed by the Delphic oracle, was remarkable for beauty and security.
He had an oracle at Orchomenus, but during a plague it became L silent and remained so in Plutarch's time (De Defectu Oraculorum, 44).
The steady dependence of Sparta on the Delphic oracle, for example, is best explained as an observance inherited from Parnassian ancestors.
On this spot was the oracle of Trophonius in an underground cave; those who wished to consult it first offered the sacrifice of a ram and called upon the name of Agamedes.
They give no certain information as to the sacred cleft and other matters relating to the oracle.
For the influence and history of the oracle see Oracle.
The oracle at Delphi was asserted by tradition to have existed before the introduction of the Apolline worship and to have belonged to the goddess Earth (Ge or Gaia).
Julian afterwards sent Oribasius to restore the temple; but the oracle responded to the emperor's enthusiasm with nothing but a wail over the glory that had departed.
The importance of the fountain is attested by the fact that the Greek poets and the Delphic oracle instead of saying Corinth said, "the city of Pirene."
According to the legend, the emissarium (outlet) which still drains it was made in 39 8 -397 B.C., the Delphic oracle having declared that Veii could only be taken when the waters of the lake reached the sea.
An oracle having declared that Troy could not be taken without the arrows of Heracles, Odysseus and Diomedes (or Neoptolemus) were sent to fetch Philoctetes.
The former oracle referred originally to the actual Temple, and contained a prediction of the preservation of the Temple.
Relying upon a Sibylline oracle that three Cornelii should be rulers of Rome, Lentulus regarded himself as the destined successor of Cornelius.
The male god Dagon has his partner Astarte (qq.v.), and Baal-zebub, a famous oracle of Ekron (2 Kings i.) finds a parallel in the local " baals " of Palestine.'
There was another temple dedicated to him on the road from Thebes to Potniae, and here was the oracle of Amphiaraus consulted by Croesus and Mardonius.
Heliopolis was made a colonia probably by Octavian (coins of 1 st century A.D.), and there must have been a Baal temple there in which Trajan consulted the oracle.
Three gods of the inscriptions are named in the Koran - Wadd, Yaghuth and Nasr. In the god name Ta'lab there may be an indication of tree-worship. The many minor deities may be passed over; but we must mention the sanctuary of Riyam, with its images of the sun and moon, and, according to tradition, an oracle.
AmOng the Babylonians and Assyrians the baru (from bars to see, inspect) was a soothsaying priest who was consulted whenever any important undertaking was proposed, and addressed his inquiries to Samas the sun god (or Adad) as bet biri or lord of the oracle (accompanied by the sacrifice of lambs).
An oracle of the god came through him.
The voice of the god might be uttered in omens which the skilled could read, or conveyed in the inspired rhymes of soothsayers, but frequently it was sought in the oracle of the sanctuary, where the sacred lot was administered for a fee by the sadin.
The temple at Shiloh, where the ark was preserved, was the lineal descendant of the Mosaic sanctuary - for it was not the place but the palladium and its oracle that were the essential thing - and its priests claimed kin with Moses himself.
The oracle at Delphi has ordered that it shall be given to the wisest of wise men, and for that reason we have brought it to you.
This belief was supported by the Delphic oracle, which was largely instrumental in promoting hero-worship and keeping alive its due observance.
Now among the Arabs, as we have seen, ritual service is the affair of the individual, or of a mass of individuals gathered in a great feast, but still doing worship each for himself and his own private circle; the only public aspect of religion is found in connexion with divination and the oracle to which the affairs of the community are submitted.
But in the desert there is no king and no sovereignty save that of the divine oracle, and therefore it is from the soothsayers or ministers of the oracle that a public ministry of religion can most naturally spring.
In point of fact some form of revelation or oracle appears to have existed in every great shrine of Canaan and Syria,' and the importance of this element in the cultus may be measured from the fact that at Hierapolis it was the charge of the chief priest, just as in the Levitical legislation.
The soothsayer differs from the priest of an oracle by giving his revelation under excitement and often in a frenzy allied to madness.
In the divided state of the nation, indeed, this sanctuary was hardly visited from beyond Mt Ephraim; and every man or tribe that cared to provide the necessary apparatus (ephod, teraphim, &c.) and hire a priest might have a temple and oracle of his own at which to consult Jehovah (Judges xvii., xviii.); but there was hardly another sanctuary of equal dignity.
But the land was cursed with barrenness, and the oracle declared that Alcmaeon would never find rest until he reached a spot on which the sun had never shone at the time he slew his mother.
The rise of this function of the prophets is plainly parallel with the change which took place under the kings in the position of the priestly oracle; the Torah of the priests now dealt rather with permanent sacred ordinances than with the giving of new divine counsel for special occasions.
The revelation thus looked for may be found in natural omens, in the priestly lot or some similar sacral oracle, or, finally, in the words of a seer who is held to be in closer contact with the deity than common men.
According to the oracle, the wrath of Poseidon could only be appeased by the sacrifice of one of the king's daughters.
He allowed his supporters to suggest the offer of the regal title by putting in circulation an oracle according to which it was destined for a king of Rome to subdue the Parthians, and when at the Lupercalia (15th January 44 B.C.) Antony set the diadem on his head he rejected the offer half-heartedly on account of the groans of the people.
The Delphic oracle, under the influence of Cleomenes' bribes, pronounced in favour of Leotychides, who became king (491 B.C.).
To the north lay the lake to which the answer of the Delphic oracle referred, Kiva Kaµapevav, when the citizens inquired as to the advisability of draining it.
The inspiring influence of Westcott's intense enthusiasm left its mark upon these three distinguished men; they regarded him not only as their friend and counsellor, but as in an especial degree their teacher and oracle.
This paper soon became an oracle in Wales, and played a great part in stirring up the nationalist movement in the principality.
The oracle was, however, still consulted, e.g.
The evacuation of Egypt by Antiochus Epiphanes at the bidding of the Roman ambassadors suits the warning addressed to "Greece" (732-740) against overweening ambition and any attempt upon the Holy City, which is somewhat strangely enforced by the famous Greek oracle, "Let Camarina be, 'tis best unstirred."
Older than these are the Babylonian oracle (97-154) and the Persian (381-387).
A later Jewish oracle (46-62) refers to the wars of the second Triumvirate of Rome, and the whole compilation seems to come from a Christian redactor.
But Praeneste was chiefly famed for its great temple of Fortune and for its oracle, in connexion with the temple, known as the "Praenestine lots" (sortes praenestinae) .
The oracle continued to be consulted down to Christian times, until Constantine, and again later Theodosius, forbade the practice and closed the temple.
He was so well acquainted with the contents of the volumes which he exposed for sale that the country rectors of Staffordshire and Worcestershire thought him an oracle on points of learning.
A writer who was guilty of such improprieties had little right to blame the poet who made Hector quote Aristotle, and represented Julio Romano as flourishing in the days of the Oracle of Delphi.
He was ordered by the oracle to settle in a place where he should receive hospitality from wild beasts.
Athamas, regarding this as the fulfilment of the oracle, settled there and married a third wife, Themisto.
There was an oracle of Ammon established for some centuries in Libya, in the distant oasis of Siwa.
South of the Ibos live the Aros, a tribe of relatively great intelligence, who dominated many of the surrounding tribes and possessed an oracle or ju-ju of reputed great power.
It was noted from early times for its temple and oracle of Apollo, and, as the port of Xanthus and other towns of the same valley, had a large trade, and was regarded as the metropolis of Lycia.
He visited Memphis, founded Alexandria, and went on pilgrimage to the oracle of Ammon (Oasis of Siwa).
Madame de Kriidener, and her colleague, the evangelist Empaytaz, became the confidants of the emperor's most secret thoughts; and during the campaign that ended in the occupation of Paris the imperial prayer-meetings were the oracle on whose revelations hung the fate of the world.
Pindar erected a shrine of the Mother of the gods beside his house, and the Athenians were directed by the Delphic oracle to atone for the execution of a priest of Cybele during the Peloponnesian War by building the Metroon.
When the Persian war was over the Delphic oracle bade the Athenians fetch the bones of Theseus from Scyrus, and' lay them in Attic earth.
Under this form the god appeared when he founded the celebrated oracle at Delphi, the name of which commemorates the circumstance.
At last, Temenus, Cresphontes and Aristodemus, the sons of Aristomachus, complained to the oracle that its instructions had proved fatal to those who had followed them.
Thus Apollo has to fight the oracle serpent of Gaia, and it has been observed that where Apollo prevailed in Greek religion the serpent became a monster to be slain.
This temple was dedicated to Zeus, and connected with the temple was an oracle 1 Voyage et aventures de Francois Leguat, &c. (2 vols., London, 1708).
Croesus proposed to the oracle his well-known question; Lysander sought to obtain from it a sanction for his ambitious views; the Athenians frequently appealed to its authority during the Peloponnesian War.
It is spoken of in the Iliad as the stormy abode of Selli who sleep on the ground and wash not their feet, and in the Odyssey an imaginary visit of Odysseus to the oracle is referred to.
The priestesses were called doves (7r XEtac) and Herodotus tells a story which he learned at Egyptian Thebes, that the oracle of Dodona was founded by an Egyptian priestess who was carried away by the Phoenicians, but says that the local legend substitutes for this priestess a black dove, a substitution in which he tries to find a rational meaning.
In it and around it were found the most interesting products of excavation - statuettes and decorative bronzes, many of them bearing dedications to Zeus Naius and Dione, and inscriptions, including many small tablets of lead which contained the questions put to the oracle.
Carapanos conjectures to have been connected with the oracle, but which show no distinguishing features.
The leaden tablets of the oracle contain no certain example of a response, though there are many questions, varying from matters of public policy or private enterprise to inquiries after stolen goods.
The temple of Dodona was destroyed by the Aetolians in 219 B.C., but the oracle survived to the times of Pausanias and even of the emperor Julian.
Through the dream the living was put into communication with the dead, which sometimes embodied itself in peculiar and pathetic literary forms, such as the Icelandic dream-verses imparted by the spirits of those who had been lost at sea or overwhelmed by the snow; and a whole series of steps leads up from necromancy to prophecy and oracle, .?
Unsuccessful in his search, he came in the course of his wanderings to Delphi, where he consulted the oracle.
According to the legend, the emissarium of the Alban Lake was constructed in obedience to the Delphic oracle, which declared that, until it was drained, Veii could not be taken.
He took an active part in the subjugation of the Gauls in the north of Italy (225), and after the battle of Cannae (216) was employed by the Romans to proceed to Delphi in order to consult the oracle of Apollo.
A man of small stature and unimpressive appearance, he was somewhat lame from birth, a fact which was used as an argument against his succession, an oracle having warned Sparta against a "lame reign."
Many of the most remarkable among the younger men of that period resorted to Highgate as to the shrine of an oracle, and although one or two disparaging judgments, such as that of Carlyle, have been recorded, there can be no doubt that since Samuel Johnson there had been no such power in England.
In his twentieth year he was ordered by the Delphic oracle to return home and revenge his father's death.
All these three writers combined the posts of keeper of the archives and royal chronicler, and were, in fact, the king's men, though Lopes at least seems rather the historian of a people than the oracle of a monarch.
They dwelt on lofty mountains covered with forests and snow, and on the highest of these was an oracle of Dionysus, whose utterances were delivered by a priestess.
But the strongest argument, and one which has never been attacked by authorities really competent to judge, is that the "griffe de l'aigle" is on the book, and that no known author of the time except Rabelais was capable of writing the passage about the Chats fourres, the better part of the history of Queen Whims (La Quinte) and her court, and the conclusion giving the Oracle of the Bottle.
At last it is determined that Pantagruel and his followers (Friar John has reappeared in the suite of the prince) shall set sail to consult the Oracle of the Dive Bouteille.
At last the Land of Lanterns, borrowed from Lucian, is reached, and the Oracle of the Bottle is consulted.
It is not indeed possible to deny that in the Oracle of the Bottle, besides its merely jocular and fantastic sense, there is a certain "echo," as it has been called, "of the conclusion of the preacher," a certain acknowledgment of the vanity of things.
Yet in one respect Apollo was more dominant in the political life; for Apollo possessed the more powerful oracle of Delphi.
His father, after a vain search for him, consulted the oracle, and was referred to the person who should suggest the aptest comparison for one of the cows of Minos which had the power of assuming three different colours.
Two projecting cliffs, named the Phaedriadae, frame the gorge in which the Castalian spring flows out, and just to the west of this, on a shelf above the ravine of the Pleistus, is the site of the Pythian shrine of Apollo and the Delphic oracle.
The oracle of Ammon having announced that no relief would be found until the king exposed his daughter Andromeda to the monster, she was fastened to a rock on the shore.
It was a Megarian colony founded on a site so obviously inferior to that which was within view on the opposite shore, that it received from the oracle the name of "the City of the Blind."
When he was grown up, Cypselus, encouraged by an oracle, drove out the Bacchiadae, and made himself master of Corinth.
Dionysus further possessed the prophetic gift, and his oracle at Delphi was as important as that of Apollo.
Closely connected with the god of oracles was the god of the healing art, the oracle being frequently consulted in cases of sickness.
Thus, at Athens,Apollo Patroos was known as the protector of the Ionians, and the Spartans referred the institutions of Lycurgus to the Delphic oracle.
There is a tradition that the Delphian oracle was consulted as early as the period of the kings during the reign of Tarquinius Superbus, and in 4 3 o a temple was dedicated to Apollo on the occasion of a pestilence, and during the Second Punic War (in 212) the Ludi Apollinares were instituted in his honour.
Again, the probability that the passage in Jeremiah incorporates disjointed fragments of an older oracle is greatly increased by the fact that the prophecy against Moab in the preceding chapter uses, in the same way, Isa.
Graf (Jeremia, p. 558 f.), Robertson Smith and others, that Jeremiah and our book of Obadiah alike quote from an older oracle.
This is probably an ancient oracle independent alike of the flood story and the genealogical scheme in Gen.
The words might mean that Japheth was an intruding invader, but this is not consonant with the tone of the oracle.
It is guarded by a body of chosen knights, or templars, and acts alike as a life and youth preserving talisman - no man may die within eight days of beholding it, and the maiden who bears it retains perennial youth - and an oracle choosing its own servants, and indicating whom the Grail king shall wed.
It is almost incredible that the superb imaginative amplification of the description of Hyder Ali's descent upon the Carnatic should be from the same pen as the grave, simple, unadorned Address to the King (1777), where each sentence falls on the ear with the accent of some golden-tongued oracle of the wise gods.
Tricca in Thessaly and Epidaurus in Argolis disputed the honour of his birthplace, but an oracle declared in favour of Epidaurus.
Within it were found a temple of Amphiaraus, a large altar, and a long colonnade, which may have been the dormitory where the patients slept in hope of obtaining counsel in dreams. There were also baths and a small theatre, and numerous inscriptions relating to the arrangement and observances of the sanctuary and oracle.
Hence Baentsch would refer this oracle to the time of Antiochus IV.
The pre-eminent wisdom which the Delphic oracle attributed to him was held by himself to consist in a unique consciousness of ignorance.
The right of precedence in consultation of the oracle (7rpoyavrEia) was transferred from Athens to Philip. While indignant Athenians were clamouring for the revocation of the peace, Demosthenes upheld it in his speech "On the Peace" in September.
He was consulted as an oracle on all questions of casuistry - as, for example, on the lawfulness of inoculation for the small-pox.
Might there be a psychic; some fortune-telling soothsayer clairvoyant oracle bitch sticking her witch-nose into my business?
I am an Oracle, Dusty.
As the only Oracle and soul reader in existence, she was the only one who could repair the mind of her mate's brother, the Grey God, who suffered a fate worse than death as a slave to Czerno.
Dusty couldn't help but wonder how he'd gotten stuck with a pregnant Oracle and an equally moody teenager with godlike powers and no ability to control them.
After the trip to the hospital, he'd drop her off for the Oracle to deal with and go back to work, where maybe he could shake his sense of doom by killing some vamps.
He resisted the urge to reach out to her as he did Sofi when the Oracle cried after a particularly brutal session with Darian's bad memories.
She was too young of an Oracle to have mastered her ability yet.
She's an Oracle who can see the future.
The Oracle Sofia felt the youth enter the library like a cold breeze in a sauna.
Sofi watched him, her own transition from human to Oracle causing fresh pain.
It was a part of him, just as being an Oracle was a part of her.
The Oracle said no more and took Darian's place at the breakfast bar.
It felt … foreign to the Oracle's body, yet was intense.
The Oracle had pinned it to a corner of her mind, but it was slipping free.
The Oracle resisted at first then gave, and Bianca swept it away.
Most of them know better than to mess with an Oracle.
Bianca stifled a laugh, genuinely liking the subtle yet feisty Oracle.
The devil shot the Oracle twice, then once more.
Darian fought himself, groping with glazed eyes for the crumpled Oracle.
The door tore off, and Darian was flung out, his grip around the Oracle tight enough to take her with him.
Damian's mother, an Oracle as crazy as she was powerful, told her son about the slave child with blue eyes who'd one day change the path of fate.
He'd known how powerful his little Oracle could be.
As dark as the war was quickly becoming, he had hope in his adopted brothers, his little Oracle, and his child.
At least, they had been until about a year ago, when the White God found the first Oracle since the Schism.
Right about now, he'd give almost anything to talk to Sofia, the White God's Oracle.
So you defied your brother for the little blonde Oracle?
Darian had spent thousands of years enslaved to the Black God before the Oracle freed him, and Jule couldn't imagine how deeply that experience must have scarred the Grey God's soul.
He trusted Sofi over the Watchers but couldn't help wishing the damned Oracle had been a bit more specific.
Did the damn Oracle do this?
The Oracle is my mate, Damian growled.
The Oracle will know where I am.
Another thought crossed Damian's mind, one that told him his little Oracle must've known who Jonny would've chosen to send him in exchange for Jenn.
The Oracle will know where I am, Xander had said.
The Oracle seemed to be waiting for him.
You have a message for me, Oracle, and an answer I seek.
Jule shifted forward as the vamp held out his hand, palm up, in the traditional greeting to an Oracle.
A pleasure, Oracle, Xander said and opened his eyes.
The Oracle was silent.
That's what happens when you have an Oracle for a mate.
The Oracle didn't tell you you're intended for … greatness?
She didn't know if he'd met with the Oracle or not, but his words sounded eerily like Sofi's, who had claimed her destiny merged with Darian's.
She's also an Oracle, so she comes up with strange, random things sometimes, Jule said, winking at the small woman.
The Oracle's gaze sharpened as she looked at Jule.
Only an Oracle's blood was drained to force her to bind with her master.
Century-long wars had been fought in Damian's father's time over who claimed a discovered Oracle, no matter how competent the Oracle turned out.
An Oracle … now that was worthy of his attention.
The last blood-bound Oracle was Damian's mother, who went mad soon after his birth.
He who binds the Oracle, binds the future, his brother had once told him.
That she was an Oracle was fantastic.
Between you and the Oracle, there's no stopping me.
Unfortunately, none of them knew what to do with an Oracle.
His mind traveled to the sexy Oracle, and he wondered if she'd be anything like the Oracles from his father's time.
He started to Travel to the Oracle's room but thought better of it.
Her gaze was unusually steady and clear, as if she were already a legendary Oracle capable of seeing through whatever was before her.
No, this Oracle wasn't another Claire, without potential or skill.
This was an Oracle the world hadn't seen since before the Schism, the type of Oracle that belonged at her king's side.
His new Oracle was dangerous.
He'd almost forgotten that the word for Oracle in his native tongue also meant soul-reader, the dual nature of a woman whose talent allowed her to see a person's soul and future with a simple touch.
His heart skipped a beat as he realized that the last great Oracle, his mother, appeared just before the Schism, when the Watchers went to war and the universe was almost destroyed.
In my world, you'd be called an Oracle, one who can see a person's future by touching them.
What the hell was an Oracle anyway?
He didn't dare mess with an Oracle, though.
An Oracle must be blood bound to her master to be of any use and keep you from dying from the Transformation.
The period between when an Oracle could be bound and when she permanently died was brief.
He gently removed the tube from the Oracle and placed his hand over the wound to heal it.
You are the proud owner of an Oracle.
You must die first. … an Oracle must be bound … for all eternity … She jerked out of the memory with a cry.
You must die first. … an Oracle must be bound … for all eternity … You will never hunger for food nor thirst for water.
How silly was an Oracle who refused her own destiny?
If she was an Oracle, she needed to learn to be one.
One volume, Oracle, See Thyself Home, caught her attention.
Her reading had shed some insight, saying that when an Oracle died, she could be brought back to life by a blood bond.
I'm trying to learn to be an Oracle.
His terrified, brave little Oracle was entrancing, the shimmer that caught his attention when they met much stronger with their bond.
He couldn't risk alienating the woman in his bed, partly because she was still too delicate, too new to his world to take the next step and partly because he was still leery of the powers of an Oracle.
Depended on the king and the Oracle.
Will you … can you have a mate and an Oracle?
Many times, a king will take an Oracle as his mate.
He closed the door and moved the laptop Pierre had brought her to supplement her Oracle research.
Pierre returned a couple of hours later as she checked off the fourth box on her list of Oracle self-training.
Ikira, in our time, an Oracle greeted all visitors to the king's palace to assess their loyalties to her king.
Damian's gaze lingered on the door after the Oracle fled.
And a terrified little Oracle who's sobbing her eyes out right now.
She was alone and segregated, partly because she was new, and partly because an Oracle's soul-reading job was brutal enough that most Oracles—including his mother—killed themselves soon after their full powers manifested within them.
Grimly, he returned grudgingly to his duties of entertaining his guests, feeling as if he needed to do something for his little Oracle.
Your skills as an Oracle were terrible, but he would've mated with you anyway, he corrected her.
We found an Oracle, executed some traitors, chased down bad guys, hosted the Quarterly, and are evac-ing soon.
Damian shook his head, comforted by the little Oracle and his adopted brother.
In our time, whoever controlled the Oracle, controlled the battle.
Damian, Dustin, Jule, I'm an Oracle.
Even if your Oracle remains in Florida?
I think you just picked up Oracle babysitting duty.
The little Oracle knew just how to affect him.
You don't leave my sight, Oracle.
According to my source of information, a blood relative can sustain an Oracle marooned without her master.
She paced and stared at him. … a blood relative can sustain an Oracle.
If she'd been any less of an Oracle than what she is … Darian would have spent the remainder of his life in the hell that'd claimed him.
He didn't want to think about the probability behind such a powerful Oracle appearing when she did.
He released a deep breath and rose, aware the birth of a new god and discovery of a powerful Oracle indicated nothing but more trouble to come.
Yep. Dusty and Darian will be babysitting my Oracle.
The Oracle says you made your first deal as his mate.
She felt bad for the Oracle trapped in a book.
He tapped the Oracle book waiting where she left it.
At the Caribbean Sanctuary, Fate watched the Oracle record the latest batch of deals made between deities.
Was it, too, unofficial and therefore not recorded in the Oracle's book?
The Oracle was re-writing the present, based on who was killed and who had lived that wasn't supposed to.
Gabe watched it, anger stirring as the Oracle confirmed Darkyn's story about bringing back a dead-dead immortal.
If past-Death and Darkyn made any kind of deal, the Oracle would have record of it.
He found himself on the Caribbean Sanctuary, in the small chamber with the Oracle book. Sea breeze swept through the small windows of the room, and he took a step towards the lectern on which the open book rested. The pages displayed had a few words written on them rather than the constantly shifting writing that normally scrawled itself across the pages. He felt himself compelled towards the book even as his fight-or-flight instinct reared up.
You know what they say about the inner ring of Hell, Gabe. Death's words were written on both pages of the Oracle's book.
They say the Oracle put a spell on you.
Your Oracle advice sounds like it came out of a fortune cookie.
The small woman was the most powerful Oracle since ancient times, stronger even than his own mother.
Fitting. Black cat for an Oracle.
The Oracle Sofia descended the stairs to the main floor of her mate's Texas ranch, one hand on the railing and the other on her stomach.
Her head spun from the visions she'd been having since Ireland, and she'd fought with herself for days before coming to the conclusion she'd have to break one of her Oracle vows.
The awkward lull in talk made him wonder if a certain Oracle had told them otherwise.
You're a powerful enough Oracle, he said.
The Oracle side of her knew there was more at stake, that there was no guarantee they'd make it out of the immortal world, if Darian didn't do what he needed to.
Xander said he spoke to the Oracle, and the Oracle confirmed that one world would die.
She shook her head and twisted to face the corner, where the blonde Oracle and brunette Healer sat together.
She knew the Oracle was powerful, but seeing her in the immortal world drilled home just how strong her power was.
At around four months pregnant, the Oracle barely showed in the mortal world but looked closer to nine months here.
The firm words came from the Healer, not the Oracle, who smiled in agreement.
Jenn took Sofi's hand and staggered at the vision the Oracle implanted.
She'd thought the Oracle looked much larger than a few months pregnant.
The Oracle was ready to pop and the wall was guarded by half a dozen men.
Is this the Oracle or the pregnant chic talking?
Jenn glanced over her shoulder and saw the Oracle teetering to her feet with Bianca's assistance.
Jenn glanced at the fiery Oracle, impressed by her spunk.
She'd knocked the Oracle out to make Traveling a little more comfortable.
I'm an Oracle, a creature from the human realm who has the ability to see the future.
As an Oracle, she'd foreseen this moment in time, as well as another.
She was an Oracle, a human with the spotty ability to predict the future.
Eden touched her Oracle magic.
Xander suspected the Oracle warned him only because it interfered in her plans for him.
Xander remembered her older and realized he had always viewed Eden through the eyes of the child who embarked on a journey with the Oracle obsessed with destroying the last Grey God.
Xander had no second thought about the Oracle predicting he'd show up today.
He held out his hand, palm up, to the Oracle in the typical greeting – and permission for her to check his future.
She knew it; one of the few limitations an Oracle had was the inability to see her own future.
The Oracle wasn't intimidated by Xander; she wasn't about to let him disrupt her day, a thought he heard when they were touching.
Fake left, right to the kidney, Xander instructed the Oracle in the ring.
Xander suddenly was tame, compared to an Oracle who read her past and future in two seconds.
Her benefactor was a human, an Oracle, Xander continued.
The Oracle told my mother that she wanted to turn me into a creature beyond mercy with power no one could counter.
He wrestled with himself silently for a moment – or maybe with the Oracle, who no doubt was able to talk to him mentally – then stepped back and threw open his arms.
The bad thing about being mated to an Oracle – you never know what she's plotting.
From what she knew of the Oracle, Sofi was probably dancing in joy right now, knowing she won a round with Xander.
The first-time blinkers worked the oracle for Ocean Pride last time, but can he defy a rise?
The oracle... ' a divinely ordained mission to expose the false conceit of wisdom ' (Brickhouse & Smith, Plato ).
Oracle has repeatedly promised to bend over backward to keep PeopleSoft's 12,200 customers happy, but some are already disgruntled.
Senior Oracle staff don't carry money; they have an entourage which handles all that.
Also quite delicate, with cherry flavors and a slightly gamey background, is Oracle Shiraz 2001 (Oddbins ).
Other tech heavyweights, including Hewlett-Packard, Oracle, Google and Yahoo, have plans to hire employees in India.
Customers were also leery of Oracle discontinuing support and development for the PeopleSoft applications they were running, he added.
Streams uses Oracle's log Miner infrastructure to read redo logs.
He may consult an oracle should his partner fall ill.
I entreat you to ask the oracle how I can recover my voice.
You can use this oracle to gain insights about love and relationships, finances, career planning, and much more!
The only way you will learn to work the oracle is through diligent work in your daily life.
The Delphic oracle was not some sort of magical mystery show.
A prophetic oracle in ancient times, there is a large temple dedicated to the sun god Apollon here.
Thus she was in a fair way to become queen of France, as my divine oracle had predicted.
Also used in Feng Shui and as an ancient Chinese oracle or fortune telling.
Each can certainly be considered to be a kingdom oracle with heightened imagery.
So, do SQL*Plus scripts accurately reflect real-world Oracle behavior, or do you need full-blown multi-user benchmarks?
Of particular interest is the discovery of the 17th century workhouse, the Oracle, and a 16th century tannery.
You owe the Oracle a can opener that doesn't require an opposable thumb.
The Athenians were preparing to make reprisals, in spite of the advice of the Delphic oracle that they should desist from attacking Aegina for thirty years, and content themselves meanwhile with dedicating a precinct to Aeacus, when their projects were interrupted by the Spartan intrigues for the restoration of Hippias.
According to the traditional account, when Greece was threatened with famine, the Delphic oracle ordered firstfruits to be brought to Athens from all parts of the country, which were to be offered by the Athenians to the goddess Deo on behalf of all the contributors.
According to the common story, the Locrians consulted the Delphic oracle as to a remedy for the disorder and lawlessness that were rife amongst them.
In Greece, on the other hand, divination was not generally a priestly function, but it did belong to the priests of the Oracles (see Oracle).
Having been appointed by Pompey to the command in Greece, in obedience to an ambiguous oracle he crossed over to Euboea, where he died about 48, before the battle of Pharsalus.
In the crisis of the second Punic War (205 B.C.), when the Romans lost faith in the efficacy of their own religion to save the state, the Senate, in compliance with an oracle in the Sibylline books to the effect that the foreign foe could be driven from Italy if the Idaean Mother (Cybele) were brought from Pessinus to Rome, sent ambassadors to the town, who obtained the sacred stone which was the symbol of the goddess and brought it to Rome, where the worship of Cybele was established.
The priests of Amane at Meroe and Napata, in fact, regulated through his oracle the whole government of the country, choosing the king, directing his military expeditions (and even compelling him to commit suicide, according to Diodorus) until in the 3rd century B.C. Arkamane (Ergamenes) broke through the bondage and slew the priests.
If the experiment cannot be regarded as successful, the fault lies in the difficulty of reconciling the artificial conventions of the Greek theatre, the chorus and the oracle - here represented by dreams and superstitions - with the point of view of the poet's own time.
Being desirous of reconquering his paternal inheritance, Hyllus consulted the Delphic oracle, which told him to wait for "the third fruit," and then enter Peloponnesus by "a narrow passage by sea."
The oracle, being again consulted by Temenus, bade him offer an expiatory sacrifice and banish the murderer for ten years, and look out for a man with three eyes to act as guide.
From inscriptions and later writers we learn that in historical times there was worshipped, together with Zeus, a consort named Dione (see further Zeus; Oracle; Dione).
According to the legend, Gordium was founded by Gordius, a Phrygian peasant who had been called to the throne by his countrymen in obedience to an oracle of Zeus commanding them to select the first person that rode up to the temple of the god in a wagon.
Tell the wise man why you bring it, and repeat to him the words of the oracle.
Radius Topology works seamlessly with MapInfo products in an Oracle environment.
The company are currently recruiting for a project accountant with industry and Oracle experience.
You owe the Oracle a can opener that does n't require an opposable thumb.
Symbols Thousands of oracle bones have been unearthed which date back to the Shang dynasty.
The skull is located in the Oracle level.
A form of divination providing inspiration and answers from the world's oldest oracle, free I Ching readings are based on ancient Chinese wisdom.
When this powerful oracle was first used, people threw three yarrow stalks and the prediction depended on the pattern formed once they fell.
The following websites are a sampling of those that provide free readings from the ancient oracle.
Now you have all the information you need to consult the oracle.
As early as the fourteenth century B.C. the ancient Chinese were inscribing oracle bones with pictures that depicted phenomena that occurred naturally in the universe such as night and day.
Used as a divination method in ancient China, the oracle bones, found and dated by archeologists and scientists are the earliest records of the symbols used by man to represent the concept of ying and yang.
I Ching can guide you to achieve balance between the yin and yang energies within yourself and any external circumstances or situations by offering you specific actions as directed by the I Ching Oracle (Book of Changes).
It's all a matter of how you form your question and the way you interpret the oracle meaning as it relates to your question.
You can find all 64 hexagram meanings within the I Ching oracle, the ancient guide for deciphering hexagrams.
You can find various interpretations to assist you in deciphering the oracle meanings.
The oldest form of divination, the I Ching oracle provides insight and guidance in the form of hexagram patterns.
When a person, referred to as the seeker, asks a question of the oracle, the seeker must think about the answer and how it relates to their particular situation.
The seeker asks the oracle a specific question or asks for advice or insight, by typing the request into a question box.
Practitioners often ask the oracle questions in regard to areas in your home where negative energy is difficult to correct.
His book, The Televisionary Oracle, described as a "docufiction memoir," was published in 2000.
Of particular interest is a feature called the "Free Inkblot Oracle Reading".
To use this feature, visitors are instructed to think about a question and then click on "Go to the Oracle".
Aunt Shaneequa is an oracle who gets a copy of the tape and helps Cindy discover a lighthouse image which will in turn help her locate the place where the tape was filmed.
These diviners worked for the Shang kings; most of the "forecasts" found on these Oracle bones dealt with warfare, weather, hunting, and best days for ceremonies.
The service was renamed "Yahoo!" shortly thereafter, which stands for "Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle".
Oracle Corporation has stepped up to meet this need with their ThinkQuest site, which makes a content management system available to teachers to work with their students.
I want to see the Oracle.
I will see the Oracle.
What's up with your Oracle?
Your Oracle and Darian had to do the real work.
In the words of an Oracle I once knew, get used to it.
It's called an Oracle.
He leaned forward, intrigued as the Oracle scribbled down the agreement.
I guess I can check the Oracle.
Gabriel left for the Caribbean Sanctuary, where the book possessed by a long dead Oracle was busy scribbling notes about the Present.
The Oracle listed the complete terms, but Gabriel was only able to see the portion concerning his domain.
Darkyn's end of the deal was hidden from Gabriel, but the deal was marked as fulfilled, according to the Oracle.
He tapped the lectern on which the Oracle was busy writing in her book.
His gaze went to the Oracle, who had shed no light on what was going on in his underworld.
He motioned to the Oracle's book.
His gaze drifted back to the Oracle.
The Oracle had given him nothing, and he didn't feel able to sit still and drink tea with Daniela, the headmistress of the order of nuns who managed this Sanctuary.
Or checking with the Oracle.
I can't read her mind or find all the deals in the Oracle.
The room of the Sanctuary where he materialized consisted of nothing more than a lectern holding a massive book possessed by a long-dead Oracle.
The Oracle was quiet, scribbling words.
With a last look at the Oracle, Gabe trailed.
I have to verify it with the Oracle first.
What kind of deal had past-Deidre made that the Oracle didn't record?
Gabriel rubbed his jaw and strode out of the Oracle's small room.
Gabriel turned the pages of the Oracle's book, watching as words scribbled themselves across the parchment, updating a chain of events that changed with every decision made by the Council That Was Seven.
Only the long-dead Oracle possessing the book and the deities could see the Past, Present, and Future.
Gabriel's lover and master, the deity Death, materialized beside him at the Oracle's altar in the center of an ancient fortress in the Sanctuary.
Each of the four Sanctuaries sat on an island straddling the human and immortal worlds and housed an immortal treasure, such as the Oracle.
Death took her human form out of respect for the women of the convent-like Sanctuary that housed the Oracle.
Keep in mind, you're not supposed to be anywhere near the Oracle.
Her human form was tiny enough that the Oracle's book reached her shoulder level.
She slid the Oracle's book carefully into a satchel and replaced it inside the altar before placing the hourglass in front of him.
The heavy Caribbean air rustled the pages of the Oracle's book.
She whirled away and crossed to the Oracle's book, closing it after his failed attempt to see Rhyn's fate.
You can't check the Oracle?
Where Claire had been a weak Oracle, Jenn was a mind manipulator.
Sofi was the only Oracle to be found since the Schism.
That she was a weak Oracle unable to access her magic meant nothing to him at the time.
Beside it was the name of their Oracle mother, Kinila, who had gone crazy soon after Damian's birth.
This much has been clear for months, since the Oracle made her appearance.
It was so before the Schism, when the White God took an Oracle as his bride and was himself betrayed.
Jenn glanced at the Oracle.
Jenn cleared her throat and looked away before the Oracle saw her smile.
The Oracle was staring at them, displeased.
The Oracle strode forward, hand held out.
The Oracle shook her head.
Jenn turned to see Bianca's other hand on Sofi, while the Oracle's hands were around her stomach.
Bet you didn't see this one coming, Oracle.
Jenn asked, startled as the Oracle pushed her aside to stand before Xander.
The Oracle took it, and Bianca took her other one.
Darian saw the hard look on Jonny's face as the Black God bent down to pick up the Oracle.
The Oracle is on her own.
In Strabo's time a tribe called Dardanii, then reckoned Illyrian, living next the Thracian Bessi (in whose land was the oldest oracle of Dionysus), were probably as much Thracian as Illyrian.
The oracle of Delphi determined that the city had no founder but Apollo, and in the Athenian War in Sicily Thurii was at first neutral, though it finally helped the Athenians.
He had a temple and oracle in Apulia.
We all thought she was your sister, not Damian's wife, and I had no idea she was an Oracle until this morning, when she told me to evac the motor pool.
Now the oracle at Delphi was supposed to be very wise.
So the governor sent a messenger to Delphi to ask the oracle what should be done with the tripod.