Option Sentence Examples
Maybe Gabriel's option was best.
Regrouping is our only option right now.
You have the option to touch me or not.
The judge liked that option rather than jailing a single mom.
The government had an option to purchase the plant of the company under the licences of 1884, but did not exercise it.
If that wasn't an option, it was time to leave.
Mom would have been the first, but since that wasn't an option, Mums was her second choice.
You've had the option of going back with Quinn and you opted not to.
Give this option we figured out a go.
The Photo option allows you to either view images pre loaded on the device or actually taking them via the included 1.2 megapixel camera.
AdvertisementAccustomed to the thought of dying, she viewed the option of living as …weird.
The government had option to purchase the company's provincial plant under the licence of 1884.
Being a stay-at-home mother had always been her career choice, but that wasn't going to be an option – unless they adopted children.
It's nice to finally have the option to vocalize my objection.
If he threw out every woman he slept with, she'd have to save this option for a last resort, in case he fired her the morning after.
AdvertisementIf she doesn't find you an option, she will consider us one.
Evening option to observe the caiman around the lake.
The Austrian general looked dissatisfied, but had no option but to reply in the same tone.
Confessing there in her kitchen was not an option, but he needed to have this behind them, so decided he would tell her as soon as possible.
State prohibition had been defeated in 1881 by a vote of 100,000; in 1902 the Anti-Saloon League organized in the state; in 1903 the Watts Law enacted rural prohibition, giving towns local option, under which many of the towns voted " no licence "; and in 1905 severe police regulations were provided for towns in which saloons were licensed.
AdvertisementThe Cala Finance funding option continues to prove highly attractive proposition for growing the business.
A built-in buzzer (available with output option) sounds an alarm whenever a limit is reached.
Also, we do have the option of hiring a car or borrowing a friend's.
Giving an explicit ' -k ' option to cvs update, cvs export, or cvs checkout overrides this default.
She didn't own a swimsuit, so bra and panties had been her option.
AdvertisementHe'd talked it over with Hannah, and they agreed it was the only option they had.
If I can't disrupt the war between Others and Watchers, it's an option.
So many drugs the doctor can give you can have harmful side effects considering a natural alternative is often a better and popular option.
This timeless town with an interesting old cathedral offers a genteel option for those seeking a quieter alternative to the larger resorts.
Some parameters offer a selection from a menu to which you give an unambiguous abbreviation to select an option.
Lockheed Martin has chosen the high performance option when it proposed converting F-16 airframes into UCAVs.
Using the option appraisal tool will help partners to assess whether the approach meets their needs.
Summary Option 4 scored highest in the options appraised.
An option for the rear (standard on the Prestigio) is a rear seat center armrest with two retractable cup holders.
Any other option would cause practical difficulties because the boundary between what was and was not regulated would be wholly artificial.
The current setting for each option is denoted by an asterisk.
Selecting the Reduce menu option will then write a unique set of voids to the Shelx INS file as dummy atoms.
Yes, subject to confirmation by your auditors, you have the option to classify your lease as ' off balance sheet ' .
The lamps with an integral ballast are usually the best option for most domestic applications.
While the last option seems barbaric, that's exactly what some parents do when their child's life is in danger.
To do this easily, input your chosen keyword, e.g. baseball / drug abuse, and use the ' plots ' search option.
Windows will give you a lot of popular game options, and word processing is a pretty basic option on any OS.
For a vegetarian option, serve your favorite pasta with a tomato and garlic sauce and garnish with purple basil leaves.
The wind chill option suddenly seemed much more bearable.
Douglas Coupland called the bewilderment induced by there being too many choices ' option paralysis ' (' Generation X ', 1991 ).
Some frame styles are not suitable for bifocal lenses and, on the website, these do not offer the bifocal option.
The tractor option let the beastie do its own biz.
Finally, the shaman offered them the option of wearing a blindfold, least they see something they would rather not.
Pedestal base option can be bolted down with K1 rawl bolts, or K4 extended rawl bolts.
To secure your first choice option, book early on the PDF hotel booking form or online through Convention Bureau website.
We chose the earlier option despite only having brunch at about 4pm.
Giving an explicit ' -k ' option to CVS update, cvs export, or cvs checkout overrides this default.
A customs warehouse facility providing the option of vat deferment.
For a truly deluxe option, you can't beat the Copley Plaza Hotel.
However, this option is only available where the applicant has first sought to apply all other derogations listed in the Act.
The examination papers are General phonetics and phonology Experimental phonetics Phonetics and phonology of English Option.
The prescribing physician will need to weigh the option of alternative treatments in women who are pregnant or are planning to become pregnant.
The fiber pigtail is provided unterminated and Laser 2000 provides any of the current industry standard terminations as an additional option.
Enter your 4-digit pin, select the ' PIN Services ' option and follow the on-screen instructions.
A stainless steel piston rod is also an option.
The remote control with laser pointer now gives you the option of controlling the lamp mode.
If no one has cast a vote then users can delete the poll or edit any poll option.
Putting the cursor over that option will make the sub menu pop-up.
There was no in long island sound a catholic priest the option for.
This option can be used to optimize output on level 1 gray scale postscript printers.
Examining this option does not violate the 1994 prohibition.
The best option is to prevent the prolapse in the first place.
Career This option allows you to burn rubber on races you have previously beaten in Career Mode.
Here's a quick run-through of what you can control through each option area.
One option was for a close parallel full-length runway, 385 meters south of the existing strip.
The only option remaining to give reliably satisfactory results is field beans, although you may get results from grazing rye in milder areas.
Sabbatical in order to pursue qualifications or undertake voluntary work is another option that enlightened employers can consider.
Here you have the option of taking a 4WD jeep safari with Bedouin guides.
Food at New Hall is good; it always includes a salad bar and a vegetarian option, and is reasonably priced.
Lumagen scalers either have the correct 75ohm RGBHV BNC output terminals fitted as standard, or they can have them added as an option.
Olanzapine appears to offer a promising new option for treating resistant schizophrenia.
A Gap Year Taking a year out at the end of compulsory schooling can be a good option.
The touch screen Sudoku also has the option to.. .
The reason for going for the quality option is mostly for comfort, but also because cheaper clothes can look scruffy very quickly.
In 2001, Scania introduced red seat belts as an option.
For the time being, you have the option to supplement with as much selenium as you please.
Option Courses are taught by a single weekly 2-hour seminar, supplemented by a weekly autonomous learning session.
Another possible option is to consider purchasing a " commercial " x server.
Another option, used for many years, is taking regular birth control pills within 72 hours of unprotected sexual intercourse.
For the tipsy laird trifle, there is always the cream sherry option.
But if the hot tub was no longer an option, tea and home-made shortbread in front of a crackling log fire was.
With an estimated shortfall of some 80,000 programmers in the UK, one option would be to send the work offshore.
Unfortunately Mike's viral head cold had developed into bacterial sinusitis and he had no option but to return home.
If you are buying for a baby 5 months or older a wraparound sling is still a good option.
There were 8 adverse reactions in the experimental group; the safer option of using sodium bicarbonate would be an efficacious alternative.
The cheapest option is to use softwood for the boards.
The speakerphone option (S models) supports position-independent, full-duplex speakerphone (FDSP) and analog cellular operation.
The speakerphone option (S models) supports position-independent, full-duplex speakerphone option (S models) supports position-independent, full-duplex speakerphone (FDSP) and analog cellular operation.
You can also select an option which reflects your chosen specialism.
At present the workshop option is only available to drivers who are just over the 30mph limit, the so-called 'low end' speeders.
This results in a noticeable speedup, but can be disabled by this option.
Option 4 -- no controls from August 2006 but an agreement by BT to protect low spenders.
The Cubic smooth option fits a smooth cubic spline to the data.
For more uneven surfaces, the newly designed mid-level spreader ensures the HDT is a convenient and stable option.
It is a good option for those who want to do the rodizio thing without spending a lot of money.
Of course, there's always another option.
You have more than one option.
Meeting the Dark One so close to the fortress, then, was not an option.
We've been through every option.
Darkyn was becoming her most promising option.
Amnesia was looking like a good option compared to Hell.
Dean was reluctant to even consider either option.
He had no idea how long it would take her to regain consciousness, or, if even then, she would be strong enough to free herself, yet he saw no other option.
Rhyn clenched his fists. Darkyn said nothing else and walked away, disappearing into the morning shadows of the forest. Rhyn felt fevered. His power was leaking out of his body, killing the plants around him. He grappled to control what he could, aware he would soon not have that option.
She had no other option.
I guess even if you ate breakfast, that wouldn't be an option.
Certainly she would like to be a stay-at-home mother, but that wasn't an option.
Assuming she survived, it was an option.
A lease by or to an infant is voidable at his option.
State-wide prohibition of the sale of intoxicating liquors was voted down in 1887 and a local option law went into effect; in 1907, when there was no licence in 145 (out of 243) counties and licence only in parts of 51 other counties, a law was passed giving local option to parts of cities and towns.
In 1893 was enacted the Alcoholic Liquor Control Act, greatly extending local option.
In 1905 Mr David Davies of Llandinam - one of the leading laymen in the Connexion - offered a large building at Aberystwyth as a gift to the denomination for the purpose of uniting North and South in one theological college; but in the event of either association declining the proposal, the other was permitted to take possession, giving the association that should decline the option of joining at a later time.
The constitution provides for local option elections on the liquor question in counties, cities, towns and precincts; in 1907, out of 119 counties 87 had voted for prohibition.
Priests of the Society are given the option of either joining other orders or remaining as secular clergy, under obedience to the ordinaries, who are empowered to grant or withhold from them licences to hear confessions.
However, some option still remains with each town and city.
In 1794 William Bradford, attorney-general of the United States, decided that all rights in the 4,000,000 acres, on which the Ohio Company had secured an option for the Scioto Company, were legally vested in the Ohio Company.
In the 1907 state legislature a county local option bill was passed in February, and immediately afterward the Sherrod anti-shipping bill was enacted forbidding the acceptance of liquors for shipment, transportation or delivery to prohibition districts, and penalising the soliciting of orders for liquor in "dry" districts with a punishment of $500 fine and six months' imprisonment with hard labour.
In 1907 a state law was passed prohibiting after the 1st of January 1908 the manufacture or sale of intoxicating liquors; nine-tenths of the counties of the state, under local option laws, were already " dry " at the passage of this bill.
The two courts would have separate spheres of activity, and litigants would practically have the option of submitting their differences to a judicial court which would regard itself as being bound by the letter of the law and by judicial methods or to a special court created ad hoc with a purely arbitrative character.
Charles, on his part, solemnly, craved pardon for the murder of John the Fearless through the mouth of the dean of the church in Paris, and handed over to the duke the counties of Macon, Auxerre, Bar-sur-Seine and Ponthieu, and the towns on and near the Somme (Roye, Montdidier, Peronne), reserving the option of redeeming the Somme towns for 400,000 gold crowns.
Under this act powers are given to the secretary of state to make an order requiring an alien to leave the United Kingdom within a time fixed by the order and thereafter to remain outside the United Kingdom, subject to certain conditions, provided it is certified to him that the alien has been convicted of any felony or misdemeanour or other offence for which the court has power to impose imprisonment without the option of a fine, &c., or that he has been sentenced in a foreign country with which there is an extradition treaty, for a crime not being an offence of a political character.
He also guaranteed a certain measure of independence to the nobles of Burgundy, giving them the option of having a special mayor of the palace, or of dispensing with that officer.
Sir William Harcourt and Mr John Morley, on the other hand, concentrated respectively upon Local Option and Home Rule.
Government proposed to distribute this money among local authorities and expend the balance in relief rates, but a clause was inserted in this bill giving burgh and county councils the option of spending the balance on technical education as well as in relief of rates.
With regard to the land revenue, the essence of his procedure was to fix the amount which the cultivators should pay at one-third of the gross produce, leaving it to their option to pay in money or in kind.
In the matter of liquor-laws there is local option, and a considerable proportion of the towns and smaller cities, particularly in the south, adopt prohibition.
The deal being completed, the player to the dealer's left looks at his hand and declares how many tricks he would play to win against all the rest, the usual rule being that more than one must be declared; in default of declaring he says "I pass," and the next player has a similar option of either declaring to make more tricks or passing, and so on all round.
Since then the whole liquor business has been subjected to a heavy tax, and since 1887 the prohibition of it has been left to the option of each of the several counties.
If upon such inspection the meat, &c., appears to be diseased, unsound or unwholesome, it may be taken before a justice for the purpose of being condemned, and the person to whom the meat, &c., belongs or in whose possession it was found is liable to a penalty or, in the discretion of the justices, to imprisonment for three months without the option of a fine.
Of these the first is that the owner may be rated instead of the occupier, at the option of the urban authority, where the value of the premises is under Rio, where the premises are let to weekly or monthly tenants, or where the premises are let in separate apartments, or the rents become payable or are collected at any shorter period than quarterly.
Under the terms of the government measure, which finally passed through the Belgian parliament in August 1901, Belgium retained her right of option, though not the right to exercise it at a fixed date.
Before 1890 some districts in the state under a local option law had established free schools, but the general free school system was founded in 1890 by a law which consolidated all the districts in each city into one large school district and classified Salt Lake City as a city of the first class, and Ogden, Logan and Provo as cities of the second class for school purposes; in 1908-9 six county school districts of the first class were formed.
The township system may be adopted by county option, but has not been widely established, though purely administrative (not corporate) "townships" are an essential part of state administration.
He did not find in Mr. Asquith's proposals, in the session of 1914, for exclusion by county option for six years, any sufficient compromise; but he formally announced that, if they were endorsed by the country, Lord Lansdowne would use his authority in the Lords to have them passed without delay.
Until 1902 the legislature was the sole law-making body in the state, but on the 2nd of June of this year the voters adopted a constitutional amendment which declared that "the people reserve to themselves power to propose laws and amendments to the constitution, and to enact or reject the same at the polls, independent of the legislative assembly, and also reserve power at their own option to approve or reject at the polls any act of the legislative assembly."
The power of the initiative was first exercised by the people of Oregon in 1904, when they proposed and enacted a local option liquor law and a direct primary law.
Among the measures defeated were the fourth woman's suffrage amendment voted down in Oregon, a single-tax bill and an "open town" bill designed to defeat the purpose of the local option liquor law.
In 1908, when the Republican party had declared in favour of county option and the Democratic party favoured township and ward option, a special session of the legislature, called by the Republican governor, passed the Cox Bill for county options.
Pitt, realizing this, had no option but to resign.
Twenty years later the Polish Diet gave anti-Trinitarians the option of conformity or exile.
Under the Clergy Discipline Act 1892 an appeal lies from the judgment of a consistory court under that act, in respect of fact by leave of the appellate court, and in respect of law without leave, to either the Arches court or the judicial committee of the privy council at the option of the appellant.
Holders of judicial offices and permanent civil servants had the option of retiring with pensions, but the constabulary, whom the Home Rulers had openly threatened to punish when their time came, were to come after an interval under the power of the Irish Parliament.
Accustomed to the thought of dying, she viewed the option of living as …weird.
Gabriel suspected there was nothing on the planet that might make her interested in an option that currently stood at failure rate of ninety nine percent.
Half drunk, shoeless, scared shitless, she had no option for escape except to crawl from her balcony onto the ledge.
Then again, she didn't know what Gabe's destination had been. Katie looked behind her, wondering what she was missing. Her eyes went to the slithering tree branches overhead. She couldn't survive on her own in the underworld. That much had been made clear to her by Gabe. And escaping a demon on her own didn't seem like a smart option.
Being a stay-at-home mother had always been her career choice, but that wasn't going to be an option – unless they adopted children.
The situation was ameliorated by the option taken.
The "hidden" input element has an id attribute option.
A top hung outward opening casement offers a medium cost window option with reduced ventilation control.
Start either by selecting the category of interest or using the generic search option.
Another option would be to process chemically using caustic soda.
The residue option uses residue centroids calculated from the currently selected atoms for the calculation.
If you use the option of " residue " then the residue centroid is used throughout the routine.
The -E option disables the interpretation of these escape characters, even on systems where they are interpreted by default.
By night, the ignorant would suppose that diners have little option but to head for the nearest chippy.
However, in the case of cardiac transplant patients, post-transplantation prophylactic cholecystectomy would appear to be the most cost-effective option.
Chrome Range The chrome Range The Chrome Range consists of 4 modern designs including a Round Rose option all finished in polished chrome.
Dual flush The cistern offers the option of a water saving or full volume flush.
I am not saying that a sunset clause is my preferred option.
Take, for example, the case of a third year option climatology course.
Other problems coccyx pain Use a chair with a coccyx cut-out wedge, or a chair with a coccyx cut-out option.
This option would also explain how I came to mistake Mr Drummond for a somnolent old codger.
This method offers the option of using results from the base calculation to calculate the coefficients for the larger data set.
For a lesion in the transverse colon it may be that an extended right hemicolectomy is safer option than a transverse colectomy is safer option than a transverse colectomy.
Another option is for the children to produce a fabric banner, with each creating a fabric collage to be sewn onto a banner.
Compiler directive option You can specify the alias assumption in each function by the compiler directive option You can specify the alias assumption in each function by the compiler directive option alias.
When the partial vectorization is not performed, the compiler option -pvctl nodivloop or the compiler option -pvctl nodivloop or the compiler directive option nodivloop is specified.
Having created the mechanism to complain via the Web, the onus would be on the PCA to communicate this option to potential complainants.
For photo portraits, users can remove red-eye effects and enhance the complexion of subjects with a Beautify Skin option.
One-to-one advice is another option but is not necessarily continuous and is usually booked on an hourly basis.
Meanwhile, midfielder Jody Morris has agreed a new one-year contract with the option to stay for a further year.
In three quick games, Lincou took and maintained control of the T, leaving Amr Shabana little option but to watch and stare.
The limited voting shares will be convertible into ordinary shares at the option of the Company at any time subject to certain conditions.
All three of these options are possible, however the first option would probably be far too costly.
Students taking the Plant Biology option may attend a week-long field course in southern Portugal.
The fourth option allows the user to specify a variance covariance matrix for the shocks.
Because if you ran away then it meant you were afraid - " flight was not an option, it meant cowardice " .
All showed a similar response, indicating that tolerance to ozone may not be an option in breeding improved cultivars.
Management of hydatid cysts Surgical treatment is the preferred option.
There is the option to have the dashboard with a purely horizontal bottom edge, or, with the end ' ears ' .
Our current 2 for 1 offer gives you the option of having daytime driving glasses as your free second pair.
It can also be personalized with the option of special side decals costing from £ 70.
Like most disabled people, I will always take the accessible option over all others, including the environmentally desirable ones.
We have no diktat; let's look for another option together.
In such patients, a continent diversion may be the preferred option.
When someone generates docs, the -link option generates links to documentation for any API referenced by the API being documented.
If you are on a tight budget the most cost-effective option in backpacking hostels is to sleep in a shared dorm.
Lynda La Plante, the television dramatist, even has an option on one of his books, Manchester Blue.
Instead, an option, called income drawdown, lets you take an income directly from your personal pension plan.
NetLibrary will give you the option of notifying you once that particular e-book is available again.
Another option is to measure idle time rather then elapsed time.
The FFE was changed back to default to using that native facility, leaving emulation as an option.
Footnotes and endnotes Don't place footnote or endnote option codes in the subdocuments.
There will be time to do some shopping or more sightseeing and of course, the option of joining a sightseeing excursion.
Further, an option on a building will remain extant on the land on which the building stood.
When you have an extra eyeball in the middle of your forehead, being subtle about it isn't really an option.
The worlds first digital music eyewear is now available in a new design with the option of even greater memory.
Well, Sunday night was after climbing, so it was an easy option, turkey fajitas.
Another option is the five times weekly vehicle and passenger ferryboat from Tasucu in Turkey to Birne on Cyprus.
Drugs can be used to help shrink the fibroid, in severe cases the only option is to undergo a hysterectomy.
He pointed out that people who do not pay fines or costs ordered by a court go to jail - there is no option.
In addition, the use of temporary forfeiture could be a very useful option.
And at Pendle Boro Council a work-life balance agreement includes the option of working a four-day week or nine-day fortnight.
Given the option of his constant channel changing and the heat in the room I told Brian to get his party frock on.
Each drink option such as quantity and milk froth etc can be individually set.
G-force gravel H2, is a hard compound tire which is bigger than the traditional gravel option.
Another option is to play a round of mini golf at the Cannon Bar.
The gasoline engine felt gutless, and the diesel option would probably make more sense.
We suggest that you use the This machine option unless lab handouts say otherwise.
Once you select the hardware handshake option the state of the CTS input to the computer becomes important.
Alternatively there is the option of an electrically powered retractable hardtop.
It is the option of last resort with consequences too hideous to contemplate.
Usually if revision hip replacement is not an option, the loosened prosthesis is removed altogether.
The employer then has the option to dismiss employees w ho were involved.
The other option is to take out a second mortgage on your holiday home.
There is also a fourth option of not testing the hydrants at all.
You may notice that my scripts invariably begin with the seemingly inconsequential, Option Explicit.
That is, is an option intellectually open when the evidence is indeterminate, or when it is essentially indeterminate?
Incandescent lights are horribly inefficient (especially the screw-in " grow bulb " type) and really not an acceptable option for plant growth.
For relatively small cases, which are computationally inexpensive, this representation can be enhanced by using the Person Shape option.
In Spain you have the option of the local Talgo, the faster intercity and the long-distance high-speed AVE.
How To 1 To access this option, click the Aliases / Forwarding icon on the main screen of your cPanel interface.
Anonymous Becky I think Option 5 is best for a gentle tranny intro.
This option unrolls only iterative " DO " loops, not " DO WHILE " loops.
To publish your own plan, the very first time you need to select the menu option jabber... Plans... Init my plan.
Java installed, your browser should offer you the option to download it.
Approximately 3.50 meters long with a mainsail, while the Pico has an option of having a jib fitted.
Available as a wall mount housing, shelf mount kit or 19 " rack mount option (pictured ).
If stability remains in doubt, a trial of nonoperative bracing with careful follow-up to identify any progressive kyphosis is a reasonable option.
I think the best option would be a steam lance.
In 1935 the first Craftsman wood-turning lathe with the option of a metal-turning kit was marketed.
An option has emerged that may allow the sport of professional Rugby league to continue in the North-East.
Option Choices Questions will appear as either a drop-down list or check box.
The -f option means to load the new builtin command name from shared object filename, on systems that support dynamic loading.
The temperature loggers also include an option for contact status logging.
The option to bet on a team losing is another major feature of betting exchanges.
The travel option remains the lynchpin of Irish government policy on abortion.
Flexible Construction (i.e. bitumen macadam) Cheapest footway construction option.
When the Normalize option is checked, the spectral magnitudes are adjusted so that power is conserved.
Championship manager 4 provides the option to fully customize the training of your team, enabling managers to assign specific schedules.
Options after a positive test bilateral mastectomy, but if this option is chosen then logically removal the ovaries should also be considered?
The -U (uniqueness) option is now misnamed as it actually controls truncation (as of version 0.80 ).
Two of the six taught modules in the final year can be chosen from the Drug Delivery option or the Cosmetic Products option.
Luckily the option of flexible training meant I could easily combine motherhood with continuing my career.
Would the option of audio narration be attractive to students who may learn better by " hearing " explanations along with the animation?
We also offer a ' studio apartment plus ' option, in a 16th century nobleman 's house.
In a third position, justice requires the nullification of some or all effects of differential option luck.
It is the sum of money received by the seller for incurring the obligation, having sold the rights of the option.
At several points riders had the option of taking off-road or road routes.
The final year research project will also be in the chosen option.
From the menu that comes up, select the option ' Delete ' .
However, provision of a hospital bed may be a preferred option.
However, despite these problems, demand remains substantial enough to make second-hand textile export a viable option for textile reuse.
If you opt for the cheaper plasterboard option, you will need to cut out the laths.
Salisbury looks to be a very attractive option to the South.
Advanced searching Click on the Advanced search menu option, or on Show advanced search at the top right of the search screen.
Earlier this year more than 100,000 staff who have bought into the share option scheme enjoyed a £ 106 million payout.
The simple search option allows you to do a keyword search restricted by subject category.
Therefore, buying a PC and installing a thin client os can be an attractive option.
If you're going for the handheld option then omni-directional is a little overkill; but certainly worth considering if scanning speed is important.
Since you're using object-specific overprint options, be sure to select the Preserve Document overprint options, be sure to select the Preserve Document Overprints option.
The Stylish option also brings an expandable divided gusset, which sounds particularly painful.
Instead, the best option is to avoid the hunger pangs in the first place.
Each option argument is also parsed into its own positional parameter.
Another option is a campaign to encourage parents to seek help.
The use of the -b option is discouraged, since when it is used the unencrypted password appears on the command line.
She knows how to have fun and dressing up, with the option of facial hair, remains a pleasurable pastime.
That's not a minority pastime or a soft option.
New pavilion Sub-committee A block built wooden clad pavilion will be costed to compare with the wooden option.
This gives you the option to add this payee to your payee list, so their account details are saved for future use.
You can also set up a new payee whilst making a Funds transfer, you then have the option of saving the payee.
To get this payoff, you pay an upfront sum called an option " premium " .
On the 25mm diameter size there is an option to have a center micro perforation across the middle of the label.
Security shutters with large perforations placed behind the window are considered to be the best option.
For the changes insurance by a parity status in have the option.
Option 2 - storybook With this option, you receive a unique and stylish individually designed storybook.
Perhaps the deciding factor in this debate should be the insistence on following the Sunna and the safe, healthy option.
Cruise control as an option, most have full electric steel sunroof.
The least expensive option is to construct shallow swales to deflect surface water to less obtrusive sections of the course.
Without the -u option, there are no unresolved references or undefined symbols to cause ld to search the archive library.
The -s option restricts the information displayed to a short usage synopsis.
The most likely development option is a subsea tieback to the nearby Captain Field.
Fully programmable electronic timer is included with an option to control both ovens.
There also remains the option to do nothing, just fill up with unleaded and adjust the timing if pinking occurs.
Tinkering with a company structure is like ordering from a Chinese menu Option one is to tinkering with a company structure is like ordering from a Chinese menu Option one is to tinker with the existing structure.
To find out whether it is an option for you a test would be done on breast tissue removed from your original surgery.
Previously the only option was paint, a time-consuming post op process that could affect dimensional tolerances.
An option for a second tranche of missiles was placed in June 1995.
They also have the option to transfer to other triposes.
They are an option if symptoms remain troublesome despite taking a short acting bronchodilator.
True that it's not cast iron yet, but its a far better option than Tina turner!
Season Mode adds a welcome twist to the tired championship option.
For instance, a fourth-year undergraduate option is taught on ' Chinese Society ' at Aberdeen University.
If the amount appears unreasonable there is no option other than not to take the accommodation.
Option theory is similar to an iceberg where the majority of matter lurks unseen.
They are also key to encouraging urban renewal because they exclude the option of growth on urban fringes.
Now if you stop thinking right there then vegetarianism looks like a kinder option.
A great hen night option with your hen night veil, they'll see you coming in this one.
You need this option if you have moved a vertex without its class (holding down the SHIFT key ).
The only remaining, politically viable option is war.
The main fix is to prevent -t option giving a segmentation violation.
I shall go for the safe option and buy a proper wooden vivarium.
But the option of using the text as bullet points with audio voice-over needs to be made more explicit in the induction.
Councilors will discuss the option of the town council appointing the warden on January 12.
The View Mother wavelet option can be used to select the wavelet and set its properties graphically.
Uncovered Sale Selling an option without possessing the wherewithal to meet the obligations implicit in that sale.
After each stop you have the option to take the winnings and go home or head on to the next pub.
So the only option was to move the wisteria to a more open position to give it a chance to actually get going.
Chris Rigby Uffculme Free option to wizards Congratulations to Kate Bevan for pointing out the people creating evil install wizards.
In the installation wizard, enable the Modify option.
Fighting helmet zealots with reason is not only challenging, arguably it's no longer an option.
Democrat Whig Democrat Whig Democrat Whig " Democrat Republican Democrat Republican Democrat Republican Democrat Republican Democrat Republican Democrat Republican Democrat present Marietta, to a point nearly opposite the site of the present Huntington, Kentucky; the other was for an option to buy all the land between the Ohio and the Scioto rivers and the western boundary line of the Ohio Company's tract, extending north of the tenth township from the Ohio, this tract being pre-empted by " Manasseh Cutler and Winthrop Sargent for themselves and others " - actually for the Scioto Company (see Gallipolis).
A submission by an infant is not void, but is voidable at his option (see Infant).
What I am saying is that as more factors align toward peace, peace becomes ever more the better economic option.
After entering the pulp chamber, an option is to continue preparation without water spray.
Long-term sewage treatment and disposal options are currently under consideration by WOSWA, including the option of pumping sewage to Stevenston.
In those with unresectable disease radio frequency ablation is an option.
The networking option allows multiple monsters to collaboratively or competitively rampage through the same city.
And now, with the option of overnight sailing you can sleep on the ferry and arrive feeling refreshed and ready to explore !
A more complete description of the relative merits of each option is beyond the scope of this module.
I understood Secretary Cohen 's remarks yesterday that this option should remain, that it has been proved to be worthwhile.
The Agency have stated that they wish to encourage remediation of contaminated soils where it is the best environmental option.
Says robert hunter property and casualty hartford insurance renter s is another option.
The output of this command can be used with the -L option to restrict and reorder the items that are restored.
The easy going ambiance and delicious repasts of a ski chalet holiday is the trendy option currently with lots of skiers.
Therefore, an option exists which allows a special header to be placed inside all messages which do not pass a reverse lookup.
Reversion of arable land to wet meadows is also an option under CSS.
Now, right click the hacked text and you'll have the option to accept or reject the changes.
In the right-hand side of the dialog box, check the Press option.
There is also an option to switch the ringer volume off.
Damages in transactional files are to be repaired with the rollback option.
Here 's a quick run-through of what you can control through each option area.
Giving staff a sabbatical in order to pursue qualifications or undertake voluntary work is another option that enlightened employers can consider.
The touch screen Sudoku also has the option to...
Select the " subtract " option - second from the left as indicated below.
We are told governments will have the option to use the new seigniorage revenue to reduce taxation.
Once you have selected which option you prefer the document may be accessed.
Genuine ethnic self-determination, however, was never an option.