Optimism Sentence Examples
Katie watched, her optimism fading.
Optimism is empowering, uplifting, and inspiring.
She had trouble retaining her optimism after the zombie attack began.
She appreciated her friend's optimism in the face of the difficult situation.
Optimism is the key to being joyful about the future.
Dana'soptimism and great attitude is contagious to the people around her.
Optimism, on the other hand, says, "There is a way."
They say thatoptimism is as important as skill in getting a job done.
Alex's optimism always caused him to trust others more than he should.
Too much optimism can be harmful, so it is important to also stay realistic.
AdvertisementAn attitude of optimism is important to have when dealing with difficult situations.
Her lack of optimism was probably due to her poor experiences with harassment at her previous employment.
Even after the tragic incident, the country had optimism and hope for restoration.
As he grew older his metaphysical optimism waned.
Marsh is good at mixing cynicism with guarded optimism.
AdvertisementBetween optimism and pessimism is the theory of "meliorism," according to which the world on the whole makes progress in goodness.
Pessimism and optimism have, however, been expressed in systematic philosophical forms, a brief summary only of which need here be given.
The attitude of a man who denies the doctrine of immortality and rejoices in the denial is not strictly pessimistic. A Christian again may be pessimistic about the present; he must logically be optimistic about the future - a teleological view of the universe implies optimism on the whole; the agnostic may be indifferent to, or pessimistic, regarding the future, while exceedingly satisfied with life as he finds it.
In Leibnitz we find a philosophic or religious optimism, which saw in the universe the perfect work of a God who from all possibilities selected the .best.
Pessimism is naturally connected with materialist, optimism with idealist, views of life.
AdvertisementTo cut to the scene 4 days post release, the prevailing mood at present is one of optimism.
Ellingham Mill at low water The effects of change can inspire optimism.
For instance say renewed optimism more allows you to.
All this must not, however, lead to a naive optimism.
There is this slightly unhinged optimism that comes from a belief in his own intentions.
AdvertisementThere's worse vices than optimism, I suppose.
God, the world, the soul, free will, immortality, optimism; What then is God?
This conception sets us free from the antithesis of optimism and pessimism.
Yet he states this optimism moderately.
Dana's optimism and great attitude is contagious to the people around her.
On the whole, your attire over the weekend should be respectable and radiate a theme of optimism.
The amazing thing is that his optimism is contagious.
We call it optimism.
I look forward to the next ten years of glider aerobatics with cautious optimism.
The results we review give grounds for cautious optimism.
It is the antithesis of "optimism," which denotes the view that on the whole there is a balance of good and pleasure, or at least that in the long run good will triumph.
By this time Burgers was no longer blinded by _the foolish optimism of a visionary who had woven finespun theories of what an ideal republic might be.
Thus Candide attacks religious and philosophical optimism, L'Homme aux quarante ecus certain social and political ways of the time, Zadig and others the received forms of moral and metaphysical orthodoxy, while some are mere lampoons on the Bible, the unfailing source of Voltaire's wit.
Anticipating the impact Will the report cause undue anxiety or optimism among audiences or readers?
Ariès surveyed the gamut of childhood, finding it to be a largely happy age, perhaps reflecting postwar triumphal optimism.
This isn't naïve optimism, it's God's promised future.
The general mood of the Chinese petty bourgeoisie changed rapidly from extreme optimism to extreme pessimism.
The lack of shared experiences means that Basildon Man finds his personal optimism transformed to social pessimism behind his back.
Despite the bad news, optimism about the economy remains rife.
Brian Ashford Russell of Polar Capital Technology Trust is relatively optimistic, but his optimism is also tinged with caution.
This interpretation combines a complacent universalism about values, with an optimism that China is slowly waking up to them.
Analysts said the improvement had come because of a weaker yen and more optimism about company earnings.
Wrapped in this optimism, Count Corti proceeded, as first Italian delegate, to Berlin, where he found himself obliged, on the 28th of May, to join reluctantly in sanctioning the Austrian occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
It has been truly said that such optimism is a profound relative pessimism.
The Iranian optimism has been replaced here by a strong pessimism.
This, the original doctrine of the Buddha, though not adopted in the full sense by all his followers, is in fact at least as optimistic as any optimism of the West.
It is an unwarranted idealism and optimism which finds the course of nature so wise and so good that any change in it must be regarded as incredible.
She wrote The Story of My Life (1902), and volumes on Optimism (1903), and The World I Live in (1908), which both in literary style and in outlook on life are a striking revelation of the results of modern methods of educating those who have been so handicapped by natural disabilities.
This is the refutation of pessimism, which ultimately agrees with optimism in making pleasure the standard of value.
If this view of his optimism be correct, Shaftesbury, as Mill says of Leibnitz, must be regarded as maintaining, not that this is the best of all imaginable but only of all possible worlds.
It Is Marked By The Wholesomeness Of Canadian Life And Canadian Ideals, And The Optimism Of A Land Of Limitless Potentialities.
He also rejected the optimism of Leibnitz and Hegel, and placed the most irrational of wills at the base of the worst possible of worlds (see further Schopenhauer).
The truth of Nature is force; the truth of will is rational desire; the truth of life is neither the optimism of Leibnitz and Hegel, nor the pessimism of Schopenhauer and Hartmann, but the moderatism of Aristotle.
On music, hunting, expensive feasts and theatrical performances money was squandered, while, with unexampled optimism the pope was blind to the deadly earnestness of the times.
Its "sugary optimism, unctuous phraseology and pulpit logic" appealed, however, to the reviving pietism of the age succeeding the Revolution, and these qualities, as well as his eloquence as a preacher, early brought Ancillon into notice at court.
Thus it will be seen that both historically and philosophically the doctrine of Malthus was a corrective reaction against the superficial optimism diffused by the school of Rousseau.
It was the same optimism, with its easy methods of regenerating society and its fatal blindness to the real conditions that circumscribe human life, that was responsible for the wild theories of the French Revolution and many of its consequent excesses.
To most minds, however, which cherish such aspirations the gentler optimism of men like Emerson was more congenial.
Those writers did not share, could not be expected to share, the exuberant optimism of the early Buddhists.
The latter work is more perfunctory in execution and written for a wider public than his first history, but the narrative is dramatic and vivid, the portraiture is sympathetic, and the historical events are interpreted by the light of the rationalistic optimism of the later 18th century.
Schiller's art, with its broad, clear lines, its unambiguous moral issues, and its enthusiastic optimism, has appealed with peculiar force to the German people, especially in periods of political despondency.
In point of fact, Schiller's genius lacks that universality which characterizes Goethe's; as a dramatist, a philosopher, an historian, and a lyric poet, he was the exponent of ideas which belong rather to the Europe of the period before the French Revolution than to our time; we look to his high principles of moral conduct, his noble idealism and optimism, rather as the ideal of an age that has passed away than as the expression of the more material ambitions of the modern world.
He argued against the tyranny of authority, the vagaries of unfettered imagination and the academic aims of unpractical dialectic; the vital energy and the reasoned optimism of his language entirely outweigh the fact that his contributions to the stock of actual scientific knowledge were practically inconsiderable.
On the other hand, the ethical optimism of Shaftesbury, rather broadly impressive than exactly reasoned, and connected as it was with a natural theology that implied the Christian scheme to be superfluous, challenged attack equally from orthodox divines and from cynical freethinkers.
Long, in particular, followed the Platte and South Platte across the state in 1819, and his despairing account of the semi-arid buffalo plains - whence arose the myth of the Great American Desert - finely contrasts with the later history and latter-day optimism of dry-farming and irrigation.
His cheery optimism was at the basis of this attitude, and strongly coloured his belief in the Messianic ideals.
America was birthed in optimism.
Our national character is centered on optimism.
And yet, even then, joy will overcome the tears of sorrow so that the optimism is felt in the emotions.
War between Great Britain and Russia was declared on the 27th of March 1854, and it thus fell to the lot of the most pacific of ministers, the devotee of retrenchment, and the anxious cultivator of all industrial arts, to prepare a war budget, and to meet as well as he might the exigencies of a conflict which had so cruelly dislocated all the ingenious devices of financial optimism.
His work is fused by a steady glow of optimism.
Baur maintained a thorough-going evolutionary optimism.
These books are often bitter and melancholy, yet not destitute of optimism.
Enough advance-booked summer guests allowed cautious optimism that Bird Song the business had a chance of making it—barely.
There'll be lots of vehicles, he added with more optimism than he felt.
This document provides guidance on the stages in scheme development at which optimism bias can be reduced.
The ruling helped engender optimism that stronger, more enlightened policies could soon emerge in the Olympic movement.
Dee shared in this optimism, for he had also had a hand in the defeat of the Spanish armada.
And goodness, there's a lot of optimism, just as there are a lot of majestic mid-tempo ballads.
Believe the good reports and add a dollop of optimism into the mixer of belief as well.
From the depths of despair before the Lincoln game to a sudden glimmer of optimism today - so our roller coaster season goes on.
This just might give you the tiny glimmer of optimism for your own script.
In the rosy glow of an FA Cup win perhaps we can allow ourselves some optimism.
It is resistant, indeed hostile, to any form of literalism, including political literalism, and opposes any crude demand for optimism.
With hindsight, the Government's initial optimism and its failure to impose an instant ban on animal movement were completely misconceived.
The letters Rommel sent to Schmundt (which the colonel undoubtedly showed to Hitler) exuded optimism from every line.
Could you please renewed optimism more time in life.
Zerzan's unrealistic optimism is merely the flipside of the pessimism that comes with defeat.
On the other, there is a kind of boundless optimism.
And as I look to the past and the present, I see two phenomena that especially drive my optimism.
Frustrating to play against a player who renewed optimism more be a rewarding.
Technological optimism, scientific medical advances and Christian triumphalism went hand in hand.
The generation immediately after independence had almost unbridled optimism.
Harker 's bravery is initially suggested through his optimism despite unfamiliar surroundings.
They are, as a result, sometimes accused of unrealistic optimism about human nature and human capacities.
There 's worse vices than optimism, I suppose.
Optimism is the key to beingjoyful about the future.
With great optimism, we released our first product, a curated selection of work-from-home jobs.
Unbridled optimism is great, but don't let it interfere with startup realities.
High profile stars who share their struggles with fans can inspire hope and optimism.
Allowing her to indulge in her fantasies can enrich her sense of wonder and optimism as she grows into adulthood.
A psychologist may be able to improve a teenager's vision of life by listening to the young person and conveying optimism regarding the future.
Well-nurtured and loved, the infant develops trust and security and a basic optimism.
Pale yellow - This color brings about stability, good luck, flexibility and optimism.
It might be a little far fetched to say that a lime green handbag can sustain your optimism for the entirety of your trip, but it's certainly a striking piece of fashion.
It now sells everything from clothing to pet products and furniture to toys, each with that touch of optimism that life is good.
He's idealistic about the world; even when he's suffered hard knocks, his optimism in love and human nature always bounces back stronger.
It's also quite an expense for a small tube, but I purchased two with cautious optimism.
Butterfly wedding themes are wistful and romantic, giving butterfly favors conveys that romance to guests, giving them a small piece of the couple's optimism to share.
Bergamot - Helps to fight depression and sadness by invoking feelings of optimism and well-being.
Is it any wonder that green promotes optimism?
Victorians were fascinated with 'modern' technology, and full of optimism, Most of the era's speculative stories dealt with fantastic voyages to fabulous places and returning.
The sunny optimism of the Roddenberry vision is here as well, as the group of squabbling actors who don't even like each other come together as a crew, discover their inner heroes, and save the day.
Lightbringers tend to exhibit marked empathy and optimism, as well as a near-codependent urge to take responsibility and guilt for the world's problems.
Geulincx's idea of life is "a resigned optimism."
The resplendent medieval colouring of the subject, the essentially heroic character of Joan of Arc, gave Schiller an admirable opportunity for the display of his rich imagination and rhetorical gifts; and by an ingenious alteration of the historical tradition, he was able to make the drama a vehicle for his own imperturbable moral optimism.
In his diplomacy with Napoleon and Great Britain Jefferson betrayed a painful incorrigibility of optimism.