Optimates Sentence Examples
In 75 he was consul, and excited the hostility of the optimates by carrying a law that abolished the Sullan disqualification of the tribunes from holding higher magistracies; another law de judiciis privatis, of which nothing is known, was abrogated by his brother.
He had previously been recalled by the optimates, but ignored the order.
Caesar's uncle was consul in 91 B.C., and his father held the praetorship. Most of the family seem to have belonged to the senatorial party (optimates); but Caesar himself was from the first a popularis.
The optimates finally decided to support him for the consulship in order to keep out Catiline, and he eagerly embraced the " good cause," his affection for which from this time onward never varied, though his actions were not always consistent.
He was one of the better representatives of the optimates, and enjoyed some reputation as an orator.
During the first period of the empire, the " princes " were the whole body of the optimates who took rank next to the emperor.
The optimates resented the extraordinary powers that had been conferred upon him; Lucullus and Crassus considered that they had been robbed by him of the honour of concluding the war against Mithradates.