Opportune Sentence Examples
It was therefore an opportune time to try to sweep the Turks and the British into the sea.
An opportune storm, however, gave the king an excuse for returning home, as Frederick II.
They appealed for aid to Philip of France, who judged it opportune to intervene once more.
It couldn't be a more opportune time to slip into a pair of slipper socks!
His vessel was wrecked, and he fell into the hands of cannibals; but he was saved by his leanness, and by the opportune invasion of a neighbouring tribe.
The place was not very opportune for her grief.
The historians bring no open accusation against Mamun, but it seems clear that the opportune removal of these men was not due to chance.
This exit seems to me to have been particularly opportune in the current context and will help the stability of our shares.
He even thought the time opportune for finishing the building begun by Papa by summoning the central assembly of the diets, and wrote to the tsar to this effect (December 31, 1845); and he persevered in this intention in spite of the tsars paternal remonstrances.
Meanwhile the reinforcements which he had despatched were most opportune.
AdvertisementThe strength of classical reminiscence and the instinct of liberty were reinforced by the support given to communal aspirations by the popular agitator and dangerous tribune, Arnold of Arnold of Brescia, whose theories arrived at an opportune Brescia.
The large majority of Bohemians, on the other hand, considered the moment opportune for recovering the ancient liberties of Bohemia, on which Ferdinand had encroached in various ways by claiming hereditary right to the crown and by curtailing the old privileges of the land.
I have personally seen bogus " death threats " he claims that were left on this vehicle at very opportune times.
It's so opportune as it is my birthday very soon, so the timing couldn't have been better!
Another interview with Diane about the state of hospital volunteering, particularly in regard to the new hospital, seemed opportune.
AdvertisementThe Holy Father will evaluate the propositions the synod fathers have presented and make the decisions he considers opportune.
The French emperor wanted a war for dynastic reasons, the tsar because he conceived his honour to be involved, and because he judged the moment opportune for expelling the infidel from Europe.
The last part she had decided only in the last few weeks, but so far she hadn't found the opportune time to tell either her father or Denton.
The refusal of Lucien to put the vote of outlawry, for which the majority of the council clamoured, his opportune closing of the sitting, and his appeal to the soldiers outside to disperse les representants du poignard, turned the scale in favour of his brother.
At the time which from a military standpoint they thought most opportune (October 9) an ultimatum was handed to the British agent at Pretoria, and a war was at once precipitated, which was not to close for over two and a half years.
AdvertisementDuring their imprisonment, Francis Dacre, Leonard's third brother, thought the time opportune for despoiling his nieces of their patrimony.
We see the time as now opportune for a major step forward in the field of Health and Prevention.
I did not forget the mistress of my poor friend Menicuccio, but the time was not opportune for mentioning her name.
Something always drew him toward those richer and more powerful than himself and he had rare skill in seizing the most opportune moment for making use of people.
It would be difficult and even impossible to imagine any result more opportune than the actual outcome of this battle.
AdvertisementIf you plan on staying in the home for an extended period of time, a mortgage refinance at an opportune time can save you quite a bit of money in the long run.
Besides the indent business there is, of course, purely merchant business by Manchester exporters, who buy on their own initiative at what they consider to be opportune times or on recommendations from their houses or correspondents abroad.
A renewed frontal attack at the opportune moment broke into his position at Yenije Vardar, and, threatened on all sides, the Turks withdrew into Salonika, where their commander and 29,000 men surrendered to Constantine on the 9th.
He was trained, partly at Paris, for the profession of architect, but his opportune assistance to two German nobles in a tavern brawl obtained for him a nomination to the military school of Munich.
A fourth, in 1869, killed 127 people, and stopped a public road for many weeks, until the opportune arrival of an English sportsman, who at last killed him.
The affair would not have gone on so smoothly, had not the opportune defection of the Arabians put a stop to the inward schism which threatened.
The Egyptian government being unwilling to recognize the sovereignty of Beheran over Assab or his right to sell territory to a foreign power, sTisconti-Venosta thought it opportune not then to occupy Assab.
Within six years the mobilization arrangements were recast, the war against Denmark in 1864 proving an opportune test of the new system.
On April 2 Brusati sent a further report upon the concentration of enemy troops in the Trentino, and stated that he had taken the steps which he considered to be most opportune in relation to the means at his disposal.
She is said to have been rescued from the hands of Death by Heracles, who arrived upon the scene at an opportune moment; a later story represents her as cured of a dangerous illness by his skill.
The Russians in Sokolnitz surrendered, an opportune cavalry charge further discomfited the allied left, and the Pratzen plateau was now in full possession of the French.
On the 3rd of November a revolution broke out at Panama, and the state seceded from Colombia and declared itself to be an independent republic. This opportune revolution was no doubt fomented by persons interested in the carrying through of the United States scheme for piercing the isthmus, but their task was one that presented no difficulties, for the isthmian population had been in a state of perennial insurrection against the central government for many years.
Several years after his death the secret of the hiding-place of his vast stores of wealth is said to have been revealed by an old man to the emperor Tiberius II., for whose charities to the poor and the captives they furnished an opportune supply.