Operative Sentence Examples
Railway, street railway, telegraph and telephone franchises can be granted only by the Executive Council with the approval of the governor, and none can be operative until it has been approved by the President of the United States.
That only absolute, all else relative to it, representative of it, operative by it..
The entire revocation of the muzzling order, which accordingly followed, proved, however, to be premature, and it became necessary to reimpose it in the districts where it had last been operative, namely, certain parts of South Wales.
In both cases the operative cause was the same.
If, instead of supposing the motion at dS to be that of the primary wave, and to be zero elsewhere, we suppose the force operative over the element dS of the lamina to be that corresponding to the primary wave, and to vanish elsewhere, we obtain a secondary wave following quite a different law.
There too disintegration has been to a remarkable extent operative.
The proper distance was maintained - and proper was the operative word.
Rescinded February 15, 1876, it was re-enacted on November 28, 1876, and is still operative.
These influences were certainly much less operative in the first century of the empire.
Similar events were meanwhile happening in North America, for the seas were steadily filled with sediments which drove them from the northeast towards the south-west, and doubtless those movements which at the close of this period uplifted the Appalachian mountains were already operative in the same direction.
AdvertisementBut while in all cases the suggestion of Clement's authorship came ultimately from his prestige as writer of the genuine Epistle of Clement (see Clement I.), both (3) and (4) were due to this idea as operative on Syrian soil; (5) is a secondary formation based on (3) as known to the West.
His next move was to attempt to detach Sweden from France; but, Sweden showing not the slightest inclination for a rapprochement, Denmark was compelled to accede to the anti-French league, which she did by the treaty of Copenhagen, of January 1674, thereby engaging to place an army of 20,000 in the field when required; but here again Griffenfeldt safeguarded himself to some extent by stipulating that this provision was not to be operative till the allies were attacked by a fresh enemy.
A law of 1901 provided for a system of initiative whereby any question of public policy might be submitted to popular vote upon the signature of a written petition therefor by onetenth of the registered voters of the state; such a petition must be filed at least 60 days before the election day when it is to be voted upon, and not more than three questions by initiative may be voted on at the same election; to become operative a measure must receive a majority of all votes cast in the election.
It combines amid diverse material a hero of Bethlehem and rival of Saul with the idea of a conqueror of this district; it introduces peculiar traditions of the ark and sanctuary, and it associates David with Hebron, Calebites and the wilderness of Paran 3 The books of Samuel and Kings have become, in process of compilation, the natural sequel to the preceding books, but the conflicting features and the perplexing differences of standpoint recur elsewhere, and the relationship between them suggests that similar causes have been operative upon the compilation.
The question of at what point, in a war of conquest, the state succession becomes operative is one of great delicacy.
AdvertisementCeremonial and sacrificial observances of all kinds are held to be useless in themselves, but operative for good or ill indirectly by their effect upon the mental attitude of those who practise them.
For the now operative treaties of extradition to which Great Britain is a party, it will be sufficient to refer to the article Extradition.
Now, that same principle had been operative from the very dawn of the history of Aryanized India.
Marriage and child-bearing, in the first place, are operative amongst a fraction of the population only - those of conceptive age; whereas to the Urn of Death, as Dr Farr expressed it, all ages are called upon to contribute in their differing degrees.
By the national up from last operative Bennett has up by millions.
AdvertisementNow this view is inconsistent with the evidence of Plato, who, in the Sophist, in his final and operative definition, gives prominence to the eristical element, and plainly accounts it the main characteristic not indeed of the sophistry of the 5th century, but of the sophistry of the 4th.
Even then, however, the amount of operative heat is very small in comparison with that which passes through the steam-engine, per cubic foot swept through by the piston, for the change of state which water undergoes in its transformation into steam involves the taking in of much more heat than can be communicated to air in changing its temperature within such a range as is practicable.
Natural philosophy is again divided into speculative or theoretical and operative or practical, according as the end is contemplation or works.
In English law obligation is used in at least four senses - (1) any duty imposed by law; (2) the special duty created by a vinculum juris; (3) not the duty, but the evidence of the duty - that is to say, an instrument under seal, otherwise called a bond; (4) the operative part of a bond.
The Storthing thereupon unanimously adopted a resolution stating that, as the king had declared himself unable to form a government, the constitutional royal power " ceased to be operative," whereupon the ministers were requested, until further instructions, to exercise the power vested in the king, and as King Oscar thus had ceased to act as " the king of Norway," the union with Sweden was in consequence dissolved.
AdvertisementThe discrepancy seems to depend upon Young having treated the attractive force as operative in one direction only.
In a striking form of the experiment, the water is contained, to the depth of perhaps one inch, in a large flat dish, and the operative part of the surface is limited by a flexible hoop of thin sheet brass lying in the dish and rising above the water-level.
The French protection of them, which dates from Louis XIV., is no longer operative but to French official representatives is still accorded a courteous precedence.
This operative principle is called both Logos and God.
In 1807 he produced a System of Comparative Surgery, in which surgery is regarded almost wholly from an anatomical and operative point of view, and there is little or no mention of the use of medicinal substances.
Courts of justice are operative and taxes are peacefully collected.
When ethical speculation first begins, conceptions such as those of duty, responsibility, the will as the ultimate subject of moral approbation and disapprobation, are already in existence and already operative.
Secret was the operative word.
On completion of training, you will have a recognized industry grading as a skilled craftsperson / operative.
Whatever racial, class, or gender distinctions might have been operative beforehand now count for nothing.
Treatment is usually either by percutaneous drainage under ultrasound or CT guidance, or by formal operative drainage.
But the truth is that multiculturalism increasingly became an operative mode for establishing fiefdoms.
The inflammatory mass around the cholecystocolic fistula in the right upper quadrant was left undisturbed to minimize operative morbidity.
Treatment is by operative repair, either a sutured repair or, more commonly, insertion of a prosthetic mesh.
Disclosing the identity of a covert intelligence operative is a violation of federal law punishable by up to 10 years in jail.
Gabrielle Union plays a Drug Enforcement Agency undercover operative who also happens to be Smith's love interest and Lawrence's cousin.
The former Tesco warehouse operative was appointed in July 2003.
How did the social insects become so co operative?
She earned 15s per week as a cotton operative.
Questions in the operative period When and where did Francis Wall acquire the painting?
The mean operative time for all the patients undergoing distal pancreatectomy was 4 hours, ranging from 3 to 5 hours.
In this case, PP refers to preambular paragraph and OP refers to operative paragraph.
The declaration required of Iraq in operative paragraph 3 within 30 days was absolutely essential.
In the organization of the administrative machinery of these kingdoms, the higher power of the Hellene to adapt and combine had been operative; they were organisms of a richer, more complex type than the East had hitherto known.
The treatment of wounds, injuries and deformities, with operative interference in general, is the special department of surgical practice (the corresponding parts of pathology, including inflammation, repair, and removable tumours, are sometimes grouped together as surgical pathology); and where the work of the profession is highly subdivided, surgery becomes the exclusive province of the surgeon, while internal medicine remains to the physician.
Dr Begemann considers that possibly during the decade from 1720 to 1730 a kind of Rosicrucian or Hermetic influence took place in the lodges of London, some additions to the ritual of that period not having been derived from operative masonry; but in the previous century no such influence is traceable.
The operative paradox here is that you must take your idea seriously, but not too seriously.
The term "girls" is really the operative word when it comes to dress shopping.
Brevity is the operative word for the reviews and they are generally three to five terse lines that pass judgment of the wine.
This therapy requires a small operative procedure and a local anesthetic.
Extreme is the operative word here as these styles feature just string and little else.
Since the operative word here is discreet, you probably won't come on to your co-worker in the break room or approach your aerobics instructor immediately after class.
Whatever you choose, remember, the operative word is fun!
On Larry King Live ("live" being the operative word), Falcon inadvertently spilled the beans that the whole thing was a plot to drum up attention for a reality show Heene was shopping.
The rebels he was working with have vanished into the Badlands with a Federation undercover operative onboard, and Janeway has been assigned to track them down.
The local affairs of the commune are decided by the municipal council, and its decisions become operative after the expiration of a month, save in matters which involve interests transcending those of the commune.
He thus produced in 1896 for the first time an operative apparatus of electric wave telegraphy.
If we go to Mill to discover what it is, we find that " it is not pretended that the law of diminishing return was operative from the beginning of society; and though some political economists may have believed it to come into operation earlier than it does, it begins quite early enough to support the conclusions they founded on it."
These charges are not wholly unfounded; but the chief social and political evils in Bosnia and Herzegovina may be traced to historical causes operative long before the Austro-Hungarian occupation, and above all to the political ambition of the rival churches.
The resultant magnetic field, therefore, is compounded of two fields, the one being due to the poles, and the other to the external causes which would be operative in the absence of the magnetized metal.
That certain Fellows of the College of Physicians (especially in gynaecology) have personally taken operative procedures in hand is some good omen that in time the unreal and mischievous schism between medicine and surgery may be bridged over.
In the department of abdominal disease progress has been made, not only in this enormous extension of means of cure by operative methods, but also in the verification of diagnosis.
Lardaceous disease, however, here and in other regions, now appears to be due to the specific toxins of pyogenetic micro-organisms. In stone of the kidney a great advance has been made in treatment by operative means, and the formation of these stones seems to recent observers to depend less upon constitutional bent (gout) than upon unhealthy local conditions of the passages, which in their turn again may be due to the action of microorganisms.
There is everywhere the influence of certain central ideas, partly identical with, but largely developments of, those less reflectively operative in the Synoptists.
For twenty-six years (1863-1889) he was connected with the medical faculty of the university of Pennsylvania, being elected professor of operative surgery in 1870 and professor of the principles and practice of surgery in the following year.
The artificial causes of famine have mostly ceased to be operative on any large scale.
This, however, was never operative, for in 1774, by the famous Quebec Act, the Illinois country was annexed to the province of Quebec, and at the same time the jurisdiction of the French civil law was recognized.
There is no evidence that this plan of Edison's was practically operative as a system of telegraphy.
Although the cost of transport from the remote forest regions of some districts is a serious consideration, this is not likely to be operative in reducing production until there has been a considerable and permanent fall in price, by which time new areas in those countries in which planting is now taking place will probably have come into bearing.
The invasion of the lymphatic glands and the spreading of the growth into neighbouring organs, render the successful operative treatment of gastric cancer hazardous and disappointing.
The vibrations corresponding to the two parts are precisely antagonistic, since if both were operative the resultant would be zero.
The force operative upon the positive half is parallel to OZ, and of amount per unit of area equal to - b 2 D = b 2 kD cos nt; and to this force acting over the whole of the plane the actual motion on the positive side may be conceived to be due.
The abdomen is still "full of surprises"; and he who has most experience of this deceptive region will have least confidence in expressing positive opinions in particular cases of disease without operative investigation.
It can readily be seen that in a government of this kind the essential operative element was the baron.
But for this he would hardly have established so absolute an antithesis between industrial and military competition, and have shown himself readier to recognize that the law of the struggle for existence, just because it is universal and equally (though differently) operative in every form of society, cannot be appealed to for guidance in deciding between the respective merits of an industrial or military and of an individualist or socialist organization of society.
The general results of the last fifty years of the first period (130 to 80) may be thus summed up. In poetry we have the satires of Lucilius, the tragedies of Accius and of a few successors among the Roman aristocracy, who thus exemplified the affinity of the Roman stage to Roman oratory; various annalistic poems intended to serve as continuations of the great poem of Ennius; minor poems of an epigrammatic and erotic character, unimportant anticipations of the Alexandrian tendency operative in the following period; works of criticism in trochaic tetrameters by Porcius Licinus and others, forming part of the critical and grammatical movement which almost from the first accompanied the creative movement in Latin literature, and which may be regarded as rude precursors of the didactic epistles that Horace devoted to literary criticism.
She'd taken in everything she could, like any good operative would.
The receipt of bullion and the delivery of coin from the Mint is under the charge of the chief clerk, the manufacture of coin is in the hands of the superintendent of the operative department, and the valuation of the bullion by assay, and matters relating to the fineness of the coin are entrusted to the chemist and assayer.
The determination is then gazetted, and it becomes operative over a specified area, which varies in different cases, on a date fixed by the board.
Both occupants were gaining a healthy glow - and gaining was the operative word.
Besides the attainments mentioned above, in respect of operative progress, many important revisions of older rule-of-thumb knowledge have come about, and not a few other substantial discoveries.