Operated Sentence Examples
Betsy operated a recorder.
Department personnel operated on the basis of out-of-sight, out-of-mind.
Most of the mines are operated under " non-union " rules.
She had no idea how his world operated!
Branches, operated from the main line, are readily installed.
Three kinds of couriers operated.
The bridge can be opened in 2 minutes, and is operated by two large electric motors.
In July 1741 a British squadron from Jamaica under Admiral Edward Vernon and General Thomas Wentworth landed at Guantanamo (which they named Cumberland Bay) and during four months operated unsuccessfully against Santiago.
When the relay is operated it connects a bell between one of the wires of the circuit and earth, while the bell itself is arranged to respond to current pulsations in one direction only.
The waterworks are owned and operated by the municipality.
AdvertisementIn Argentina about 15% of the railways are owned and operated by the government, the balance being in the hands of private companies, largely controlled in England.
It would be practically impossible for a line thus used by different carriers to be operated either with safety, or with economy, or with the advantage to the public which a centralized management affords.
All types of valves are with few exceptions operated by a link motion, generally of the Stephenson type, occasionally of the Allan type or the Gooch type, or with some form of radial gear as the Joy gear or the Walschaert gear, though the latter gear has characteristics which ally it with the link motions.
The distribution of steam to both cylinders is effected by one piston-valve operated by a link motion, so that there is considerable mechanical simplicity in the arrangement.
These railways, which in part are operated jointly, were given a circular location, but the shortcomings of this plan soon became apparent.
AdvertisementThe works were to be operated by the government foi ten years, and the cost assessed against the holders of the land.1 At the conclusion of this period the system was to pass into the control of the landholders, with no further charge by the government.
Energyequations, such as the above, may be operated with precisely as if they were algebraic equations, a property which is of great advantage in calculation.
Of the total number of farms 128,978 were operated by owners or part owners, of whom 17,434 were coloured (including Indians); 19,916, by cash tenants, of whom 10,331 were coloured; and 73,092 by share tenants, of whom 26,892 were coloured.
The state prison is at Raleigh, although most of the convicts are distributed upon farms owned and operated by the state.
The low price of grain, which was imported in huge quantities from Sicily and other Roman provinces, operated to crush the small holder, at the same time as it made arable farming unremunerative.
AdvertisementThe declining prices that have operated against the growers of wheat should be studied in conjunction with Table III., which shows, at intervals of five years, the imports of TABLE III.
Plants of the gramineous, the leguminous and of other families were operated upon.
But here too the weather and the state of the roads operated adversely, for Ney came up too late, while Davout, in the full tide of his victorious advance, was checked by the arrival of Lestocq, whose corps Ney had failed to intercept, Campaign Of 1807 In Poland And Prussia Scale.
The water-works and electric-lighting plant are owned and operated by the Territorial government, and to the plentiful water-supply is partly due the luxuriant vegetation of the city.
There are a number of grey and blue limestone quarries, one of which is owned and operated by the municipality.
AdvertisementThe telegraph lines, which date from 1852, are owned and operated by the national government, with the exception of the lines constructed by private railway companies, and the cable lines of the Amazon and the coast.
At Para connexion is made with the cable laid in the bed of the Amazon to Manaos, which is owned and operated by a subsidized English company.
The mineral wealth of the state is very great, and the mining industries, largely operated with foreign capital, are important.
In its turn, being operated upon by the conditions of life, it would acquire a greater development of the same modification, which it would in turn transmit to its offspring.
If a character of much longer standing (certain properties of height, length, breadth, colour, &c.) had not become fixed and congenital after many thousands of successive generations of individuals had developed it in response to environment, but gave place to a new character when new moulding conditions operated on an individual (Lamarck's first law), why should we suppose that the new character is likely to become fixed and transmitted by mere heredity after a much shorter time of existence in response to environmental stimulus ?
The electric-lighting plant is owned and operated by the municipality.
The waterworks and electric-lighting plant are owned and operated by the municipality.
He was the author of numerous inventions, including the cagniardelle, a blowing machine, which consists essentially of an Archimedean screw set obliquely in a tank of water in such a way that its lower end is completely and its upper end partially immersed, and operated by being rotated in the opposite direction to that required for raising water.
Following on his calculations from 1509, when the population may be supposed to have been about 50,000, Dr Creighton carries on his numbers to the Restoration The same causes that operated to bring about these changes in the whole kingdom were of course also at work in the case of the City of London.
In such mines the mineral was carried out on the backs of men, and the water was laboriously raised by a long line of suction-pumps, operated by hand, each lifting the water a few feet only.
Electric and compressed air locomotives are durable, easily operated, and can be built to run under the low roofs of thin veins.
In the tail-rope system of haulage, best adapted for single track roads, there are two ropes - a main and a " tail " rope - winding on a pair of drums operated by an engine.
In the endless-rope systems cars run singly or in short trains, curves are disadvantageous, unless of long radius, speed is relatively slow, and branch roads not so easily operated as with tail-rope.
At a few mines special man-cages are operated in separate compartments by their own engines for handling part of the men, and for tools, supplies, &c. For inclined shafts, where the mineral is hoisted in skips, the operation of raising and lowering men may not be so simple.
He operated with lead, copper, silver, iron and some other metals.
The furrow wheels are placed on inclined axles, the plough beam being carried on swing links, operated by a hand lever when it is necessary to raise the plough out of the furrow.
It would then have produced a system which would have been feudal, in the wide sense of the term, but it would have been marked by different characteristics, it would have operated in a somewhat different way.
It is now possible perhaps to get some idea of the way in which the government of a feudal country was operated.
There is a good public library; much attention has been devoted to public improvements; and the water works and the electric lighting plants are owned and operated by the city.
The electric furnace has several advantages as compared with some of the ordinary types of furnace, arising from the fact that the heat is generated from within the mass of material operated upon, and (unlike the blastfurnace, which presents the same advantage) without a large volume of gaseous products of combustion and atmospheric nitrogen being passed through it.
If the substance operated upon be practically pure to start with, or the product of distillation be nearly of constant composition, the operation is termed "purification by distillation" or "rectification"; the latter term is particularly used in the spirit industry.
If a complex mixture be operated upon, and a separation effected by collecting the distillates in several portions, the operation is termed "fractional distillation."
Practically any vessel may serve as a receiver - test tube, flask, beaker, &c. If noxious vapours come over, it is necessary to have an air-tight connexion between the condenser and receiver, and to pro vide the latter with an outlet tube leading to an absorption column or other contrivance in which the vapours are taken up. If the substances operated upon decompose when heated in air, as, for example, the zinc alkyls which inflame, the air within the apparatus is replaced by some inert gas, e.g.
Dittmar showed that this may be avoided by leading a fine, steady stream of dry gas - air, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, &c., according to the substance operated upon - through the liquid by means of a fine capillary tube, the lower end of which reaches to nearly the bottom of the flask.
When the substance operated upon is of uncertain composition, as, for example, coal, wood, coal-tar, &c., the term destructive distillation is employed.
This machinery was operated by waterpower, then first used in the United States for the spinning of cotton thread; and from this may be dated the beginning of the factory system in Rhode Island.
In 1902 the mileage of street and electric railways (most of them interurban) operated in the state was 336.33 m.
The process is rarely applied to ores direct; free-milling ores are generally amalgamated, and the tailings and slimes, after concentration, operated upon.
Since the action is sometimes very violent, especially when the bullion is treated in the granulated form (it is steadier when thin plates are operated upon), it is found expedient to add the acid in several portions.
If any such law ever operated in human religious development, how can we explain the following facts.
Forrest operated in 1862-1863, and was alternately occupied by Confederate and Federal forces during General Hood's Nashville campaign (November-December 1864).
The success of the large "catalogue" houses in America has been mainly due to the system as operated by the express companies.
This ring is provided with a clamping screw, which, through the intervention of bevel-gear and rods, is operated by means of the hand-wheel 78.
After 1880 the percentage of farms operated by share tenants slowly but steadily decreased, falling from 19.4% in 1880 to 15.4% in 1900.
Ruding enumerates 128 mints operated at various times in the United Kingdom, including some established by usurpation, as in the reign of Stephen by certain barons, and also mints established by grants to ecclesiastics to be worked for their own profit.
The scissel, which amounts to about 30% of the metal operated on, is returned in bundles to the melting house.
More than two-thirds of the farms (152,956) were operated by owners, or part owners, 29,900 were operated by share tenants, and 24,303 by cash tenants.
But Irenaeus was at most fifteen when thus frequenting Polycarp; writes thirty-five to fifty years later in Lyons, admitting that he noted down nothing at the time; and, since his mistaken description of Papias as " a hearer of John " the Zebedean was certainly reached by mistaking the presbyter for the apostle, his additional words " and a companion of Polycarp " point to this same mistaken identification having also operated in his mind with regard to Polycarp. In any case, the very real and important presbyter is completely unknown to Irenaeus, and his conclusion as to the book's authorship resulted apparently from a comparison of its contents with Polycarp's teaching.
These influences naturally operated most strongly on those who were officially attached to the sanctuary.
With regard to tenure, 74.7% of the farms were operated by their owners, 15.2% by part owners and 7.2% by share tenants.
The main features of the tariff history of the United States since the Civil War have been that the internal taxes have been almost entirely swept away, the import duties on purely revenue articles similarly abolished, while those import duties that operated to protect domestic industries have been maintained, and indeed in many cases increased.
At the same time the differential duty on refined sugar, which operated as protection to the sugar trust, was not abolished, as the ardent tariff reformers had proposed, but kept in substance not greatly changed.
In 1788 there was established here the first cotton mill to be successfully operated in the United States.
We must briefly sketch the process by which this came about, tracing the causes which led to the result and indicating the manner in which they operated.
To sum up, it may be said that the Wealth of Nations certainly operated powerfully through the harmony of its critical side with the tendencies of the half-century which followed its publication to the assertion of personal freedom and "natural rights."
Agriculture on the farms still operated was now greatly modified, and the production of vegetables, fruits, dairy products, poultry and eggs was largely substituted for the production of cereals.
Of the total number of farms in 1900, 26,344, or 89.8%, were operated by owners or part owners, 1639 by cash tenants and 546 by share tenants.
The water-works are owned and operated by the city, and the water is taken from the Elm fork of Trinity river.
This habit restricts the field of choice and has operated unfavourably on the political life of the nation.
With the first of the four large systems is connected the Grand Trunk Pacific. The Intercolonial, as also a line across Prince Edward Island, is owned and operated by the federal government.
The western portion, of 1480 m., from Winnipeg to the Pacific, was to be built, owned and operated by the company itself, the government guaranteeing bonds to the extent of 75% of the whole cost of construction.
Near Augusta, on the site now occupied by the Eli Whitney Country Club, Eli Whitney is said to have first set up and operated his cotton gin; he is commemorated by a mural tablet in the court house.
Indirectly, however, there have been many agencies which have operated towards this end.
The principal railways are the lines operated by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company from New York to Washington through Philadelphia; from Philadelphia to Cincinnati, Cleveland, Chicago and St Louis through Harrisburg and Pittsburg; from Baltimore, Maryland, to Sodus Point on Lake Ontario (Northern Central) through Harrisburg and Williamsport; from Williamsport to Buffalo and to Erie, and from Pittsburg to Buffalo; the Philadelphia & Reading; the Lehigh Valley; the Erie; the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western; the Baltimore & Ohio; and the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg.
Grabau patented a method of reducing the simple fluoride of aluminium with sodium, and his process was operated at Trotha in Germany.
In 1890 also the Hall process operated by steam power was installed at Patricroft, Lancashire, where the plant had a capacity of 300 lb per day, but by 1894 the turbines of the Swiss and French works ruined the enterprise.
Ventilation is afforded at the ends, usually by tilting laths, operated by a cord.
Means of affording ventilation in all plant houses should be provided in at least two places - as near the floor as practicable, and at the top. Mechanical contrivances whereby whole sets of ventilators may be operated simultaneously are now in common use, and are much more convenient and economical than the older method of working each ventilator separately.
When a plant is too high or its habit does not conveniently admit of its being layered, it may often be increased by what is called circumposition, the soil being carried up to the branch operated on.
All grafting of this kind is done in the propagating house, at any season when grafts are obtainable in a fit state - the plants when operated on being placed in close frames warmed to a suitable temperature.
During the later years of the rule of the Welfs, however, a contrary tendency had operated, and the extent of Bavaria had been reduced.
The matter upon which thought operated is in itself indefinite and is rendered definite through the action of thought.
Lumber is sawed by steam power, and cotton mills in the Tondo district are operated by steam.
Again, it is surely plain enough that the apprehension by individuals of the evils of poverty, or a sense of duty to their possible offspring, may retard the increase of population, and has in all civilized communities operated to a certain extent in that way.
The provincial government owns a line running north from North Bay, operated by a board of commissioners.
The primary and model schools were consolidated and improved; the provincial university was given increased aid from the succession duties; various public utilities, previously operated by private companies, were taken over by the province, and worked with vigour and success.
Of course, if Darmesteter was right in seeing a Greek element in Zoroastrianism, Greek influence must still have operated under the new dynasty, which recognized the national religion.
The water-works are owned and operated by the municipality, the water being obtained from Lake Goguac, a summer pleasure resort about 2 m.
The prevailing form of tenure is that of owners, 60 7% of the farms being so operated in 190o; but during the decade1890-1900the number of farms cultivated by cash tenants increased 30.8%, and the number by share tenants 24.5%, while the increase of cultivation by owners was only I %.
A strand of wampum, consisting of purple and white shell-beads or a belt woven with figures formed by beads of different colours, operated on the principle of associating a particular fact with a particular string or figure, thus giving a serial arrangement to the facts as well as fidelity to the memory.
Wellesley operated in the Deccan, where, in a few short months, he won the decisive victories of Assaye and Argaum.
A floor can be most satisfactorily operated by hydraulic means, a platform cannot be so well worked in this way.
He is provided with quick and slow motions in right ascension and declination, which can be operated from the eye-end, and he can work in a closed and comfortably heated room.
The formal annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina by Austria (Oct.5, 1908) was an unauthorized conversion of an "occupation" authorized by the Treaty of Berlin (1878), which had, however, for years operated as a de facto annexation.
In the manufacture of sugar most of the mills in use extract only about three-fourths of the juice from the cane; in 1902 about 73% of it was manufactured by 528 mills operated by steam; 17% by 470 mills operated by hand or by a carabao; and to% by 77 mills operated by water-power.
The base was operated in a comparatively small way at first but developed into an undertaking of gigantic proportions.
So he explains " concepts or general notions " 1 by an abstraction which he represents as a sort of alt-relief operated by attention and fixed by naming, association with the name giving to a set of attributes a unity they otherwise lack.
Early on the 21st the flank attack opened; Ney and Lauriston moving direct upon Gleina, while Reynier and Victor operated by a wide turning movement against Barclay's right rear.
The water-supply system is owned and operated by the borough; the water is derived from streams flowing southward in the sparsely settled area east of the borough, and also from driven wells in the same region; it is pumped by ten engines at Ridgewood to a reservoir having a capacity of about 300,000,000 gallons, while a part of it is re-pumped to a high service reservoir near the north entrance to Prospect Park for the service of the most elevated part of the borough.
To the census question about 17,000 answers were received, and after making all deductions it appeared that death coincidences numbered about 30 in 1300 cases of recognized apparitions; or about i in 43, whereas if chance alone operated the coincidences would have been in the proportion of I to 19,000.
The total value of the products of all the factories in the District which were operated under private ownership amounted to $18,359,159, and $9,575,971, or 52% of this was the value of printing and publishing, bread and other bakery products, gas and malt liquors.
The first blast-furnace in the colony seems to have been owned by Governor Spotswood, and was built and operated at the head of the Rappahannock river about 1715 by a colony of German Protestants.
Connexion between Richmond and Washington is by a union line (Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac and Washington Southern railways) operated jointly by the Southern, Atlantic Coast line, Seaboard Air line, Chesapeake & Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Baltimore & Ohio railways.
Link Motion.A slide valve operated by a link motion receives an aggregate motion from the mechanisni driving it.
The balance weights are to be separately calculated for each system, the one set being added to the crank shaft as revolving weights, and the second set being included with the reciprocating weights and operated by a properly placed crank on the crank shaft.
The yield of oil from different classes of seed varies, but from 23 to 28% of the weight of the seed operated on should be obtained.
Silver-mining ceased to be highly remunerative beginning with the closing of the India mints and repeal of the Sherman Law in 1893; since 1900 the yield has shown an extraordinary decrease - in 1905 it was $6,945,581, and in 1907 $7,411,652 - and it is said that as a result of the great fall in the market value of the metal the mines can now be operated only under the most favourable conditions and by exercise of extreme economy.
As regards tenure, 90.6% of the farms in 1900 were operated by owners, 2.2% by cash tenants, and 7.2% by share tenants.
Electric attractions and repulsions were, however, regarded as differential actions in which the mutual repulsion of the particles of electricity operated, so to speak, in antagonism to the mutual attraction of particles of matter for one another and of particles of electricity for matter.
That from the first blow contains between 1% and 2% of copper, and is usually poured from ladles operated by an electric crane into a reverberatory, or into the settling well of the cupola.
Nearly all the oficinas, or working plants, are owned and operated by British companies, and the railways of this desolate region are generally owned by the same companies and form a part of the working plant.
These railways were built by the national government after the drought of 1877-1878 to give work to the starving refugees, and are now operated under leases.
The return of SA de Miranda from Italy operated to transform the drama as well as lyric poetry.
In the autumn he operated in the Shenandoah Valley, and with Early was defeated by Sheridan at Winchester on the 19th of September.
Cultivation by owners is the prevailing form of tenure, 91.3% of the farms being so operated in 1900 (2.3% by cash tenants and 6.4% by share tenants).
As illustrative of agricultural conditions the contrast of the products of farms operated by Indians, Chinese and whites is of considerable interest, the value of products (not fed to live-stock) per acre of the 563 Indian farms being in 1899 $1.40, that of the 16,876 white farms $4.67, and that of the 23 Chinese farms intensively cultivated and devoted to market vegetables $69.83.
Of the total number of farms 168,814 were operated by the owners (in 1904, 161,037 by owners and 914 by managers), 22,482 (in 1904, 19,525) by share tenants, 973 1 (in 1904, 7685) by cash tenants; and 312,462 of the inhabitants of the state, or 34 5% of all who were engaged in gainful occupations, were farmers.
The water-works are owned and operated by the city, the water being obtained from lakes at the foot of the Arapahoe Peak glacier in the Snowy Range, 20 m.
Between 1880 and 1900 the percentage of farms operated by owners decreased from 75.4 to 70.1; the per The amount of timber cut within the state is very small.
In 1876 the " national " line was extended to Bound Brook (as the Delaware & Bound Brook) and this road, the North Pennsylvania & Central Railroad of New Jersey, were operated under a tripartite agreement as a through line between New York and Philadelphia; but in 1879 these three lines were leased for 99 0 years to the Philadelphia & Reading railway.
He accompanied Massena to Genoa, and acted as his principal lieutenant throughout the protracted siege of that city, during which he operated with a detached force without the walls, and after many successful actions he was wounded and taken prisoner at Monte Cretto on the 13th of April 1800.
The number of farms in 1900 was 59,299; of these 18,644 contained between 50 and 100 acres and 17,191 contained between Ioo and 175 acres, the average size being 106.2 acres; 54,263 (or 91.5%) were operated by their owners, 775 were operated by part owners, 2030 by cash tenants, and only 745 by share tenants.
The proportion of farms operated by owners decreased from 95.4% (9019 farms) in 1880 to 91.2% (17,674 farms) in 190o; those operated by cash tenants increased from o.6% (60 farms) in 1880 to 2.6% (506 farms) in 1900, and those operated by share tenants from 4% (373 farms) in 1880 to 6.2% (1207 farms) in 1900.
The average size of a farm was 119.3 acres; 39.9% of all farm families owned a home clear of all incumbrance; and the percentages of farms operated by owners, cash tenants and share tenants were respectively 69.5, 11.
The city is served by the Port Townsend Southern railway (controlled by the Northern Pacific, but operated independently) and by steamship lines to Victoria (British Columbia), San Francisco, Alaska and Oriental ports.
But that subterranean method of Dutch policy which found its strongest expression in Pretoria, and which operated from Pretoria to Cape Town, could not but be resented by loyal colonists.
The distances between drains he showed must be regulated by the greater or less retentiveness of the ground operated upon, and gave io to 40 ft.
The waterworks and the sewage disposal plant are owned and operated by the municipality.
When the poises have been adjusted to weigh a load on the platform the punch is operated by a strong pull, and the impression of the raised figures is left on the card.
Nearly four-fifths of the farms (28,636) were operated by owners or part owners, 3729 were operated by share tenants, 2637 by cash tenants and 835 by owners and tenants or managers.
Its policy was to discourage colonization so as to maintain the territory in which it operated as a vast game preserve.
The waterworks are owned and operated by the city.
The new ones are built of steel, operated by steam or electricity, protected from fire by pneumatic water-pipes, and have complete machinery for drying and scouring the wheat whenever it is necessary.
Nay, it would even be found that the habit of philosophical reflection often operated adversely to the attainment of this end, by developing the thinker's selfconsciousness, so as to disturb that normal relation to external objects on which the zest of ordinary enjoyment depends.
A law of 1908 requires that an agricultural school of secondary grade be established in each of the five supreme court judicial districts, and that an experimental farm be operated in connexion with each; and in 1909 the number of these districts was increased to six.
It will be seen further that the act operated almost entirely by means of direct sales by landlords to tenants.
In many districts the building was quite overdone, and the rent obtainable being far less than enough to recoup the guardians, the system operated as out-door relief for the able-bodied and as a rate in aid of wages.
He easily defeated the Greeks in the open field, and though the siege of Missolonghi proved costly to his own troops and to the Turks who operated with him, he brought it to a successful termination on the 24th of April 1826.
Anxious not to risk his gains, but to consolidate them by organization, Philip henceforth until his death in 1223 operated through diplomacy alone, leaving to others the toil and trouble of conquests, the advantages of which were not f or them.
In the years 1880-1900 the number of farms operated by cash tenants rose from 3.1 to 9.6%; of share tenants from 14.9 to 27.3% of the total.
The water-works and the electric lighting plant are owned and operated by the municipality.
The water-works are owned and operated by the city.
The water-works and electric light plant are owned and operated by the municipality.
Since 1895 electric railways operated by the trolley system have steadily developed, their mileage in 1909 approximating 895 m.
The electromotive force so selected is balanced against the steady potential difference produced between a fixed and a sliding contact on a wire traversed by another steady current, and if there is any difference between this last, the potential difference, and the instantaneous potential difference balanced against it, a relay is operated and sets in action a motor which shifts the contact point along the potentiometer wire and so restores the balance.
According to Brennan, it was estimated between thirty and fifty serial killers operated in the United States at any given time.
In a place that operated on rigged deals where demons didn't seem to lose, she was certain anything she asked Darkyn for was going to cost her.
This included the abattoir operated by Orkney Meat, Orkney Auction Mart and the new Orkney Cheese creamery.
The air conditioning equipment also operated with refrigerants that now need replacing with more environmentally acceptable alternatives.
However, on the railroad, the brakes are permanently on - operated by a large water accumulator via the drivers hand wheel.
During the second half of 1940 at least eleven reconnaissance aircraft flying from French airfields are known to have operated over Bath.
The facility now operated by TAG at Farnborough was the first operational airfield in the UK.
Closer to the town is Mutare airfield, a civil operated field with a grass airstrip.
It is the first time a major global airline alliance has operated such a scheme in these markets.
Electric wheelchairs powered by re-chargeable batteries and operated by an easy to use joy stick control on the wheelchair armrest.
Sound and lights are operated from a control position at the rear of the raked auditorium.
It operated from 1910 to 1914, with a 300-seat auditorium and the building now houses the Oxfam shop.
The air was pumped into the helmet by means of a hand or foot operated bellows worked by another person.
His an internal rotating bezel operated by the crown at 10.
Has a matching blue aluminum bi directional friction operated countdown rotating bezel, with orange dot at 60 position.
This is electrically operated by boaters using the BW facilities key.
French windows should have one pair of key mounted mortice security bolts or key operated surface mounted bolts.
The blond bombshell blamed her 'no show ' on her knee, which was operated on in June.
A set associative cache memory nothing more than several direct-mapped caches operated in parallel.
Notes BRDC formerly operated the Silverstone motor racing circuit.
In Australia the Committee for the Advancement of University Teaching (CAUT) operated five discipline-based clearinghouses in the mid-90s.
A well located and operated coffeehouse in a dense and vibrant community can generate as much as $ 1,500,000 in annual revenues.
However, it should be recognized that the existing Tunnel would then be operated by the concessionaire who will receive the tolls income.
The unit can be operated in its carrying case, which is also conductive.
Remember to use a single crutch or stick in the hand opposite your operated knee.
Protected by a 5-lever mortise deadlock or 2 key operated security bolts on all other external doors.
The fixed exchange rate regime under which the two countries operated was undermined by the fiscal deficits that were run from the 1980s.
Fogging machine A machine which is able to be operated remotely to place detonators on a rail.
Has a sturdy ratchet operated uni directional rotating bezel, with bezel rider tabs for easy gripping.
The bezel and sturdy, it is bi directional and ratchet operated.
The air Wing of Coast Guard is operated from two stations and six air enclaves and has ten air units.
Euratom inspectors allow the plant to stay open knowing it was not being operated properly?
The services operated from these centers include Treasury, wealth management, asset finance, invoice finance, international trade and private banking.
One example was electronically operated indicator flasher systems being RF susceptible, resulting in 50-100% increase in flash rate when transmitting.
Classes of Service Offered flights operated by SWISS offer First Class, Business Class and Economy Class service on all transatlantic flights.
The Chrysler Grand Voyager and Peugeot 805 can have powered sliding doors which are operated using a key fob.
Giant octopus attack A remotely operated submarine in Canada has captured rare footage of it being attacked by a giant octopus.
Working with our joint venture company, Autogas Ltd, we're putting autogas refueling facilities on prime retail forecourts operated by Shell Retail.
Ultimately, he owned and operated his own foundry and kept his own books, unaided.
Each business outlet is owned and operated by the franchisee and is the franchisee's very own business.
Stanley International operated under a bookmakers license granted under English law.
Gym The gym The gym is operated under the guidance of a qualified gym instructor.
Portable equipment Electrical equipment connected to a fixed installation, or generator, that is either hand-held or hand operated.
The bar facility is operated by a contracted local hotelier who will provide a professional service to suit the hirer's needs.
The VSC 5000 is equipped with a high-resolution firewire color video imaging system and is operated with a PC through Windows 2000.
I operated the camera and I guarantee that you'll not see a more technically incompetent film.
The surgeon waited two days before he operated because the gall bladder was so inflamed.
The Skyros Shipping Company runs an all-year ferry operated by the islanders themselves.
The CUB kart is a battery operated off road rally kart which is extremely safe for children between 3-10 years of age.
Each control is operated via a large knurled knob which turns a screw thread to effect motion.
A coin operated launderette is located on campus for the use of resident students.
Facilities for students use include launderette, badminton and table tennis rooms, chapel and on-site bar operated by the Union of Students.
Laundrette A coin operated laundry with ironing facilities is located next to the Village Office.
There are coin operated washing machines available if you'd like to take home clean laundry.
The engine also operated a belt driven circular saw and a weaving loom.
Although it can be used with tuned induction loop antennas, it is usually operated with earthed electrodes separated by 25m to 100m.
Louvrefacade includes 390 electronically operated glass louvers set into terracotta cladding.
Steam operated flange lubricator covering all main driving wheelsets, front and rear bogies.
Very sturdy, but easy to operate uni directional ratchet operated rotating bezel and bright luminova luminosity.
Each target may be operated in either unbalanced magnetron or cathodic arc mode.
The unique business practices which grew out of this successfully operated within a social market economy for several decades.
Aqua Medic needle valve skimmer Aqua medic needle valve skimmer Aqua Medic air operated skimmer Twin metal Halide lights.
We suggest that national modulation be operated under a similar franchise to European modulation, returning the first 5000 Euros to the producer.
Battery or solar operated devices can be placed in the ground to help deter moles from burrowing in your garden.
Most insurance companies would prefer a five-lever mortice dead lock (BS3621) on all doors and key operated locks on all windows.
The tool can be operated by both handles (or by the top handle alone ), using a rotary motion.
In 1909 Cheadle was operated upon for intestinal obstruction.
Until 1916 the country was ruled by an oligarchy of landowners who operated a parliament on a restricted suffrage.
Special Meals Dietary meals may be ordered on flights operated by SWISS, provided meal service is offered.
The control surfaces are operated from the cockpit by means of a control stick or wheel column and rudder pedals.
Our pilot system was developed on an existing system called phreak operated by Intermedia Associates.
Place a folded pillow under the elbow of the operated arm to support that.
The calendar correction is operated by a small sunken pusher at the 10 position.
AlltheWeb AllTheWeb, which is operated by FAST, recently improved its search results by improving its relevancy ranking.
At shoulder height on the door was set a brass knocker which Andrews operated with short, sharp raps.
The dial also has a sun compass function Has a 10 hour ratchet operated rotating bezel, with bezel rider tabs for easy gripping.
Has a sturdy uni directional ratchet operated rotating bezel in mat black.
Has a sturdy steel ratchet operated uni directional rotating bezel.
These catalytic fixed bed reactors are operated by periodically inverting the flow direction.
A key on the control position operated the cubicle change-over relays.
Wilson's surprise resignation has been credited to a dirty tricks campaign operated by British intelligence at the behest of the US.
If the Saturday sailing operated an hour later it would provide trippers with the opportunity to undertake a round trip on the Steam Railroad.
From August 1994 until May 1997, a network of 8 three-component digital seismographs operated at the Acu reservoir.
The majority of the signaling will be pneumatically operated semaphores.
The new services, operated by the SER began on 2 April 1877.
Aqua Medic needle valve skimmer Aqua Medic air operated skimmer Twin metal Halide lights.
Additional features include a mains operated smoke detector, and perhaps an extractor fan.
The pump also has a fuel cutoff valve, operated by a solenoid with a removable coil.
Starting is easy, thanks to an automatic decompressor operated by electric solenoid.
This system is linked to a manually operated electrical system comprising of break glass points and electronic sounders.
At that point a police speed trap was being operated.
It has the advantage that it can be operated under moister soil conditions than a tractor steerage hoe.
Electronically operated up and over door, double glazed window, eaves storage space, power and light.
Longer term studies have used repeat visits by remotely operated vehicles and manned submersibles.
Children and under Melbourne Sydney and enchanted isle operated onboard meals and.
The new synchrotron is operated by Diamond Light Source Limited.
Having operated this service for a decade, BIDS and ISI had become practically synonymous.
The franchise is operated from home, with teaching studios being established in suitable halls within the franchise territory.
Many veteran cars use a tiller rather than a wheel for steering, for example, and most operated at a single speed.
Dinah operated the still camera and took the time exposures.
Snowdon Mountain Railroad Trains Trains may be operated by either steam or diesel traction.
The Seaton tramway The Tramway Today The Seaton Tramway is a charming narrow gage tram line operated by miniature replica streetcars.
These sensors are supplied power by a switching transistor to conserve power with battery operated products.
The Rothamsted moth trap is operated from within the Meteorological enclosure.
You have to wind it up and it is then operated by a foot treadle.
The balloon is attached by cable to a small wheeled trolley which is operated by two people on the ground.
In addition it can be operated like a traditional electric trolley.
Under an Open Cover operated by Aon in 1999, the subscribers agreed to be bound by the risks accepted by the leading underwriter.
The level crossings are now unmanned, operated by train crews, and all the surplus track removed.
Entrance via Dock Gate 4 SS Shieldhall is maintained and operated by the members who are all unpaid.
New Richmond Utilities - Locally owned and operated electric, water and wastewater utility, New Richmond, Wisconsin, USA.
Battery Operated vacuums A choice of two battery operated wet dry vacs from Numatic UK.
Cossart valve-gear Valve gear with four piston valves per cylinder operated by rotary cams.
It focused on the effects of recreational watercraft that are operated according to existing regulations and under the rules of good seamanship.
Both are operated from buttons and a scroll wheel on the top of the mouse.
In the center of the picture is shown a hand operated cable winch which is used to pull heavy items.
The tail gates and tail gate paddles of this lock and Lock 2w are hydraulic and operated by windlass.
A township workhouse also operated at Over Darwen, at the western end of what is now Police Street.
It is operated on behalf of PPARC by the University of Manchester and is the only world-class astronomical facility based entirely within the UK.
All models are supplied in steel storage case or tray and are suitable for use with air impact guns and air operated ratchet wrenches.
The result was a broken wrist which had to be operated in the hospital.
It describes an International Business and Technology degree program which has been operated successfully for twelve years at Northumbria University.
There are four transmitters and four receivers, which are operated independently by means of an adaptation of the multiplex system of working, and each circuit is provided with a number of segments set apart for its own use.
The city has a large traction terminal station, and is the principal centre for the interurban electric lines of Indiana, which handle freight as well as passengers; in 1908 twenty-five interurban electric lines entered the city and operated about 400 cars every 24 hours.
In mines operated through shafts the animals are stabled underground, and when well fed and cared for, thrive notwithstanding their rather abnormal conditions of life.
In this arrangement, a pair of locomotive engines, each having a plain winding drum fixed underneath the boiler, are placed opposite to each other at the ends of the field to be operated upon; the rope of each of the engines is attached to the plough, or other tillage implement, which is drawn to and fro betwixt them by each working in turn.
Telepathy or clairvoyance, with or without trance, must have operated powerfully to produce a conviction of the dual nature of man, for it seems probable that facts unknown to the automatist are sometimes discovered by means of crystal-gazing, which is widely found among savages, as among civilized peoples.
The instrument panel also houses an on-board computer that is conveniently operated by a handlebar mounted push-button.
The service frequency was about 75 minutes, operated as a push-pull working.
Tire pyrolysis plants in South Asia have been operated on a commercial basis, however.
In this model the positive feedback mechanism is operated via quantal release enhancing mobilization.
The longest running of these was carried out by the " BIG EAR " radio telescope operated by the Ohio State University.
The supersonic combustion ramjet, or scramjet, operated for about 10 seconds - the duration of its hydrogen fuel supply.
Both rooms have independently operated heating and provide perfect places to sit and relax after a busy day sightseeing.
Wilson 's surprise resignation has been credited to a dirty tricks campaign operated by British intelligence at the behest of the US.
A 100 meter stretch of river frontage at this site is operated by W.G. Readman Limited who plan to further develop the facility.
The rudder shaft can be seen about 0.8 m back from the bow, operated by a linkage from the handlebars.
In addition to operating horse drawn busses and carts, a thriving livery stable and saddlery business was operated.
The two final salary schemes operated by Reuters were closed to new members in 1999.
Laser Scalpel Ideal for appendectomies, this laser scalpel should be operated in private.
It is 300 meters resistant, sturdy uni directional, ratchet operated rotating bezel with screwed down crown and scratch resistant sapphire crystal.
The main mine operated on two levels, each level with a different seam of coal.
After a shakedown cruise to Bermuda, she operated out of New London until 1923.
It used lorries operated by the firemaster in his slater 's business.
Rawson, the Navigator, had to be operated on for a streptococcus throat infection.
Hacking movement, magnified date, sturdy ratchet operated rotating bezel.
These are operated by swipe card readers, for which you will need an ID card.
Children and under melbourne sydney and enchanted isle operated onboard meals and.
The tailstock barrel was lever operated through the simple expedient of peg passing through a slot cut through the top of the casting.
The Franchise is operated from home, with teaching studios being established in suitable halls within the franchise territory.
This batch of streetcars mainly operated from Foleshill depot on the Bedworth route and its short workings.
The Seaton Tramway The Tramway Today The Seaton Tramway is a charming narrow gage tram line operated by miniature replica streetcars.
This line was originally a tramway operated by horse opened in the 1790s.
They were also able to deploy a remotely operated vehicle under the ice, and flew aerial photography transects using the ship 's helicopters.
Once it has been authorized the application is streamed to the consumer via a carousel operated by the uplink provider.
Battery Operated Vacuums A choice of two battery operated wet dry vacs from Numatic UK.
Nevertheless, some mice will be operated on during the embryo transfer and vasectomy procedures but these operations will be performed under general anesthesia.
The UV water treatment system now installed to treat all incoming water has operated well.
On top of all that the swing is operated by only 4 D size batteries (which last quite a long time).
If the calculator is battery operated, do check on the total battery life available.
If you want a camera that stores a couple hundred images, that is easy to operated and that fits into your pocket, then the less expensive models will suit you just fine.
The first type is publicly owned and usually operated by a government agency.
Private campgrounds are owned and operated by individuals or businesses.
However, its lever operated bypass damper (which is used for starting and loading the stove) makes a bit complex to use.
Although there are some chains, such as P.F.Chang's, just as with take-out establishments, most Chinese restaurants are locally owned and operated.
There is an endless number of websites where one can purchase the Wii online, with many of the most popular sites operated by the very same stores listed above.
Before the technology for flat screen televisions became available to the public in the 1990's, all televisions operated by cathode ray tubes.
Las Vegas Outlet Mall is a part of the Premium Outlets ® portfolio owned and operated by the Simon Property Group.
Tablets are similar to laptop computers, but sometimes do not have a keyboard and are primarily operated through a touchscreen.
Battery operated cat beds come with optional features that will entice your feline with extra comforts.
Cats tend to seek out warmth, so the heat feature on a battery operated cat bed will draw your pet to it like a dish of cream.
Battery operated cat beds sometimes come with this optional feature that you can turn on and off with the flick of a remote control.
The sifter is operated by an electronic sensor that activates the rake approximately ten seconds after your cat leaves the enclosure.
It is still operated in the same fashion as an early 1900s Amish store.
No automobile will realize maximum fuel efficiency if it isn't operated accordingly.
By 1978, the firm began to transfer ownership of the firm to the employees, until by 2001 it was fully owned and operated by the employees.
If you're dining with a lot of children, you might want to leave the real candles in the cupboard, but you can get the same effect by using battery operated candles for that warm holiday glow.
Battery operated candles on window sills are extremely popular at Christmas time, but these candles can be used anywhere in the house you want a warm glow.
Candles - Battery operated candles are great, but Christmas is also a good time for real candles.
Glidden paint is owned and operated by AkzoNobel, a company based in Amsterdam, Netherlands, which makes a wide range of paints, coatings and specialty chemicals.
Shop Goodwill is the first online auction place created, owned and operated by a nonprofit organization.
Purchase battery operated strands to give the illusion of natural shards of lights reflecting in the winter snow.
If you prefer or feel more comfortable doing business with Christian owned businesses, you can rest assured most stores that sell Christian art and decor are owned and operated by Christians.
Instead of a brush, it is applied with a hand-held disk which is operated with the thumb.
Compatible Partners is a site for same-sex couples operated by eHarmony.
These early games were legitimate, operated in an above board manner, and gained a wide following.
In addition to websites operated by traditional, brick-and-mortar stores, there are tons of retailers that operate online only, often offering great discounts.
It is operated by the Department of Homeland Security.
Approximately 90 percent of all Burger King locations are owned and operated by franchisees.
The Xyron Wishblade is a computer operated die cutting machine for scrapbookers and crafters.