Operate Sentence Examples
I hope you will find him sympathetic and ready to co- operate in promoting all that is reasonable.
It did not operate as a rule beyond the limits of race.
That's up to you but you'll need me to operate the machines.
In England, in addition to the Marconi Company, the Lodge-Muirhead Syndicate was formed to operate the inventions of Sir Oliver Lodge and Dr Muirhead.
A third Italian army would, if expedient, pass into Germany, to operate against either France or Russia.
I got a kick out of watching him operate.
He and I agreed it would operate totally on its own, unaware of our operation.
The uneasiness caused by the excessive dependence of Great Britain upon the United States for cotton, coupled with the Recent belief that shortages of supply are more frequent than R they ought to be, and the fear that diminishing returns attempts to open may operate in America, occasioned the formation in England of the British Cotton Growing Association on.
There are, therefore, a number of agencies, all of which operate in shoal waters on the lee side of islands, or in shallow lagoons in such regions as the Bahamas, and the result of all these is to throw down calcium carbonate from solution in sea-water as minute needle-shaped crystals or little balls of aragonite.
But finding it impracticable to operate in that direction, he left Hill on the west side and crossed at Grenade below Toulouse (April 3).
AdvertisementThe upper sashes may also be made to lift, and are in many respects more convenient to operate.
These operate by electrostatic induction and convert mechanical work into electrostatic energy by the aid of a small initial charge which is continually being replenished or reinforced.
Alight does own and operate a brick and mortar store in New York, but they make shopping for trendy plus size fashions easy with their large online inventory.
The new theme park will be owned by Hard Rock International, but will operate under a long-term lease with Hard Rock Park Myrtle Beach Operations, LLC, the group that designed, developed, and constructed the amusement park.
The park's water rides, Snake River Falls and Thunder Canyon, as well as the Paddlewheel Excursions, are closed for the season and do not operate during Halloweekends.
AdvertisementThis ensures the coaster will continue to operate and offer thrills to new generations of coaster lovers, even as bigger, faster, and more powerful inverted coasters are constructed around the world.
In fact, in 1975, Hall could no longer afford to operate the park and was forced to sell Carowinds to Taft Broadcasting.
Most games at AnimixGames rely on the arrow keys and spacebar instead of point and click to operate.
The system could surf the internet and check e-mail (via text only) and operate as a PDA with a calendar, a calculator, and a memo function.
To give you a sense of how the different games operate, here are brief overviews for three of the most popular titles.
AdvertisementIt keeps track of your stats and most of the people online don't operate as predictable as the AI on the single player mode.
For the purposes of this Nintendo DS walkthrough, we will not describe how to operate the in-game menus found within specific DS titles.
Culinary and hospitality students at the college operate four restaurants as part of their professional training.
Of these the works facing the east would in war time cover the assembly of troops destined to operate outside the Water Line, while those of the north and south fronts would be surrounded by inundations and serve chiefly to control the sluices.
This gives a load of 50 tons per eccentric. One motor is placed at each end of the span to operate the eccentrics and also to release the latches and raise the rails of the steam track.
AdvertisementBuell's successor retained the positions about Nashville, whilst a new Army of the Ohio prepared to operate in east Tennessee.
Subsidiary forces were to operate on the sea-board, in the Shenandoah Valley and elsewhere.
In the closing months of the year Grant's brilliant cavalry commander Sheridan had been put in command of an army to operate against Early in the Valley.
Stuart was to operate at his discretion north of the Chickahominy, and it seems that he was attracted by the enemy's abandoned depot at White House more than by McClellan's retreating army.
Yet there is strong evidence against the existence of any law in the nature of an internal perfecting tendency which would operate independently of external conditions.
Throughout this mystic religious world it was above all the influence of the late Greek religion, derived from Plato, that also continued to operate; it is filled with the echo of the song, the first note of which was sounded by the Platonists, about the heavenly home of the soul and the homeward journey of the wise to the higher world of light.
Meanwhile a much more important influence had begun to operate on him, arising out of his study of Kant and Fichte.
Here we note the stress laid on the Invocation of the Spirit to operate the transformation of the elements, though in what sense they are transformed is not defined.
In April he was promoted lieutenant-general and placed in command of a division of the troops destined to operate against the French in Spain or Portugal.
Legislative interference with agricultural operations or with the distribution of food-supplies, currency restrictions and failure of transport, which have all caused famines in the past, are unlikely thus to operate again; nor is it probable that the modern speculators who attempt to make "corners" in wheat could produce the evil effects contemplated in the old statutes against forestallers and regrators.
But in 1909 Chinese troops were sent to operate on the Sze-ch`uen frontier against certain insurgent lamas, whom they handled severely.
Wimshurst constructed numerous very powerful machines of this type, some of them with "multiple plates, which operate i - almost any climate, and rarely fail to charge themselves and deliver a torrent of sparks between the disf El charge balls whenever the winch is turned.
The appointed concessionaire will operate the existing tunnels and the new tunnel for a period of up to thirty years.
The RAS may operate independently of or in close coordination with the ACS, or it may provide troops to the ACS.
We actively promote good teaching practice and operate award schemes to reward excellence and innovation in teaching.
Furthermore no senses operate at this level and the nature of the Atman is ultimately ineffable.
Organic manufacturers and farmers must operate according to government regulations put on organic products.
Most of the programs don't require a high-end computer with a fast graphics card and are very easy for any child who can operate a mouse.
Sadly, 1977 was the first video game crash, even though Atari and Magnavox continued to operate.
In the Bessemer process, and indeed in most high-temperature processes, to operate on a large scale has, in addition to the usual economies which it offers in other industries, a special one, arising from the fact that from a large hot furnace or hot mass in general a very much smaller proportion of its heat dissipates through radiation and like causes than from a smaller body, just as a thin red-hot wire cools in the air much faster than a thick bar equally hot.
Selection cannot create the materials on which it is supposed to operate; the beginnings of new organs, the initial stages of new functions cannot be supposed to have been useful.
This still continues to operate, having been promoted by the flour-milling industry, which was revolutionized by certain local inventions.
For he left no heir to carry on his work; his death " loosened the bonds which restrained the disruptive forces always ready to operate in India, and allowed them to produce their normal result, a medley of petty states, with ever-varying boundaries, and engaged in unceasing internecine war."
The rising Mahratta power was thus for a time checked, and the Mogul armies were set free to operate in the eastern Deccan.
To suppress the Pindari hordes, who were supported by the sympathy, more or less open, of all the Mahratta chiefs, Lord Hastings (1817) collected the strongest British army that had been seen in India, numbering nearly 1 20,000 men, half to operate from the north, half from the south.
But a floor, however heavy, suspended by three wire ropes and properly balanced over large, well-mounted pulleys, requires an amount of energy to work it which does not exceed that required to operate a platform of moderate dimensions, and there is a freedom, a safety and a facility of working with a complete floor which no partial platform can give.
British troops to occupy Messina and Agosta, so that they might operate against the French on the mainland.
One, starting apparently from the headquarters of the army of Upper Germany at Mainz, was to advance by way of the Black Forest and attack Maroboduus on the west; the other, led by Tiberius himself, was to start from the new military base at Carnuntum on the Danube and operate from the south-east.
Then other conditions consequent upon the fact that, the link forms part of a kinematic chain operate to enable b tobe fixed.
This was the attitude of the Italians when the Renaissance, which they had initiated as a thing of beauty, began to operate as a thing of power beyond the Alps.
Coulomb's work received better publication than Cavendish's at the time of its accomplishment, and provided a basis on which mathematicians could operate.
But in America the terms " presses " and " pressmen " are universally applied to machines and the men who operate them.
This makes it possible to operate them as independent machines, or to run in combination with each other.
The Swedish government thereupon concluded a secret convention with Russia (treaty of Petersburg, April 5, 1812), undertaking to send 30,000 men to operate against Napoleon in Germany in return for a promise from Alexander guaranteeing to Sweden the possession of Norway.
Yet such considerations do not operate against the literary judgment that the pastorals did not come from Paul's pen.
This industry is carried on in a fleet of more than to,000 small vessels, including the whalers of the Azores and the cod-boats which operate outside Portuguese waters.
Cities and villages are permitted - upon authorization by the affirmative vote of three-fifths of the electors voting on the question - to own and operate, even outside their corporate limits, public utilities for supplying water, light, heat, power and transportation, and may sell and deliver, outside their corporate limits, water, heat, power and light to an amount not more than one-fourth that furnished by them in each case within their corporate limits; but no city or village of less than 25,000 inhabitants may own or operate' transportation facilities.
Another expedition against the great oasis failed likewise, and the plan of attacking Carthage was frustrated by the refusal of the Phoenicians to operate against their kindred.
It is suggested that the fasting which was at first the natural and inevitable result of such sacrifice on behalf of the dead may eventually have come to be regarded as an indispensable concomitant of all sacrifice, and so have survived as a wellestablished usage long after the original cause had ceased to operate.'
To operate a BES service the blackberry enterprise server is required to connect the mobile Blackberries with the enterprise systems in use.
Similarly, a British bobby could operate in France.
London black cabs are licensed to operate within the London area only.
Those who form this cabal operate in a network of shadowy organizations that proselytize the demise of western democracy.
Catering Services High Schools All high schools operate a cash cafeteria style of service.
Brembo four-piston fixed calipers operate the front brake while twin-piston floating calipers activate the rear.
Twin four-piston calipers operate on the front 308mm disks with a single-piston caliper on the rear 220mm disk.
The new Lynx Controller allows the cameraman to operate the remote camera in a traditional style.
Please note we do operate a 100% cancelation fee on all treatments canceled less than 24 hours prior to appointment time.
Latterly, the company had begun to recruit franchisees to operate below regional directors.
We operate three traditional, gaff rigged sailing vessels, including Golden Vanity, a 53 ' Gaff Cutter.
It is not known whether the engine change will be done to allow it to operate in the April diesel gala.
Law called quot want auto Ge home insurance to operate.
Only surviving deck rooting around a. Scheme of cruise lines operate ships larger bilingual german.
All of the displays are compatible with night-vision goggles, which gives the Harrier its ability to operate at night, at low level.
No high profile hijacks for this lot, they operate on a much grander scale.
Can operate like the California healthcare foundation the premium that.
For crossed helical gears to operate successfully they must have the same pressure angle and the same normal pitch.
Many Colleges operate a scheme whereby cycle helmets can be bought at cost price or you can claim the cost of a helmet back.
Nor is it just brain hemisphere dominance which affects how you operate effectively.
The Kameleon 6-in-1 and its little brother the 4-in-1 are ultra hi-tech, universal remote controls that will operate your TV and everything u. .
This is a top loading hopper, which operate by hydraulics.
Services to London via Heathrow Airport operate hourly, with less frequent services to many destinations across the UK.
Non racing periods procedures This document lists what should be done in order to operate hovercraft at race meetings during the non-racing periods.
The five hill packs are controlled by a huntsman on foot and operate over hilly terrain.
While customers operate their accounts by phone or internet it's access at every post office that has recently attracted the most interest.
They operate in international markets where only intrinsic product quality can achieve a premium.
The active site of an enzyme will only be able to operate on one type of optical isomer.
The role is not solely development but also requires the jobholder to operate the project until the project handover is complete.
The card is initially blank and should be charged up in order to operate a payable laser printer.
This provision shall only operate to the extent permitted by law.
High-speed boats operate along the rivers of Sabah and especially Sarawak, where they are the most important lifeline to the interior.
Even where new linear accelerators have been purchased, often with Lottery money, there are not always the staff to operate them.
Richard aims to operate the low-noise plane from small airfields to avoid the logjams expected in European airports over the next decade.
Very sturdy, but easy to operate uni directional ratchet operated rotating bezel and bright luminova luminosity.
You must not drive or operate machinery for the rest of the day.
We operate protected mealtimes which mean patients are allow to enjoy their meals without disruption.
Can any meaningful human endeavor today remain meaningful when the " bottom line " is that the participants must operate as chattels?
The Friends of New Hall Mill Ever wanted to become a miller or to operate a water mill?
However, as experienced and qualified mountaineers, they will always operate with safety as the prime consideration.
We operate a payroll giving scheme for UK payroll employees.
From my backyard a 15 m cable would make it easy to operate SC and CCD from my desktop pc.
Eight hours sleep is optimum to allow the body to operate on automatic pilot for repair.
The machine can operate using Ground Coffee or easy serve espresso pods.
We operate a non-smoking policy, for health and safety reasons, but smoking is allowed in the garden or under our covered porch.
We have an enviable broad-based business portfolio, with leading positions in each of the global markets in which we operate.
It will require all the memory extension possible and probably an external power pack to operate for a few hours.
The operators of the cameras will operate with the utmost probity at all times.
The administrative receiver can continue to operate the business an administrator.
Silicon, with lower resistivity, also tends to operate at lower frequencies, in the ' Slow wave ' mode.
However, this places stringent restrictions on its use, essentially requiring all processes to operate under the same userid.
In larger towns chemists operate a rota to provide 24-hour cover - details are posted on chemist's windows.
The Pathfinder lander arrived in July 1997 and was the first mission to operate a robotic rover (Sojourner) on the Martian surface.
To operate a rudder that's controlled by the foot.
Traditionally drum scanners provided the best quality, but were expensive to use and hard to operate.
The timesheet can operate at a department level or at an employe self-service level, for those businesses that require it.
The rural population does not contribute to the sewage feed stream as it is assumed that they operate their own septic tanks.
The tools they operate include lathes, cutters, milling machines, grinders, borers and machines that combine several of these functions.
They may also offer a repair service and operate a sewing machine.
In addition we operate from a recently refurbished showroom in Chesterfield where you will find over 70 buildings on display.
We operate a private minibus shuttle service to take you the short distance to the slopes.
Since Jesus is the only sinless human who walked this earth he was able to operate in the full power of the Holy Spirit.
Radical legislation is needed to ensure that all UK abattoirs operate hygienic and humane slaughter of farm animals.
People who have experienced sleepiness or an episode of sudden onset of sleep while taking this medicine should not drive or operate machinary.
In this case, the ERT will flash a light and operate a sounder to attract your attention.
Alarm indicators operate for 1 minute per decoded signal from fire alarm sounder.
Elm required direct access to the mail spool in order to operate.
The resulting server sprawl is costly in terms of capital and people needed to operate, manage, and upgrade new servers.
It upholds the supremacy of the constitution and requires that government officials must obey and operate within the framework of the law.
Two overhead camshafts operate (via bucket tappets) two 38mm intake and two 33mm outlet valves per cylinder.
And the playground taunt was simply to operate at your level in the hope that you might understand what is being said to you.
London Taxi Export operate a world wide spares mailing service for owners of Austin & Rover engined London style taxicabs.
Dial local and international calls from public telephone booths in the street, which operate both with coins and cards.
Community Media operate on cable, Internet, satellite, broadband and in the future hope to gain a presence in 3G mobile telephony.
Melody tones This allows you to select from a range of pre-set options, which ringing tone your phone will operate with.
In the event of a tote scoop6 leg being declared void, the tote scoop6 will operate on the remaining legs.
A total of 25 companies will operate the passenger trains.
Low voltage lights require a low voltage transformer to operate correctly.
In the meantime, it is still illegal to operate low power fm transmitters in the UK.
The bi-directional tri-state latch 69 and tri-state latch 69 and tri-state buffer 57 are controlled to operate in unison by the bus control logic 49.
The power is intended to operate within a joint local approach to tackling truancy.
The efficiency of rail and its ability to operate on grid electricity will give rail a big advantage over long distance trucking.
Flights, flown by BAe Jetstream pressurized turboprops, will operate twice daily, Monday to Friday, with one service on Sunday.
We operate a very fast turnaround for most jobs.
However, existing reference only users will need to obtain a barcode to be able to operate the turnstile.
In principle, the European licenses permit railroad undertakings to operate the described services in any EEA state.
Calder will operate using a normally unmanned platform which can be accessed by maintenance crews via helicopter.
The Economics and Statistics Library will operate as usual until 16 August.
All of these methods are sensitive to the outermost atom layers at the surface and operate in ultrahigh vacuum.
In modern naval warfare, surface ships do not operate independently.
Young people under 12 years of age are not allowed to operate a personal watercraft.
They are very simple mowers to operate and for us ideal workhorses.
The therapy services all operate systems of referral criteria to prioritize workload.
Most work is at weekends during the spring to autumn season however we do operate year-round at many different types of venue.
Since inhalation is considered yin and exhalation yang, both should operate together in a fluid circular motion.
Unfortunately, in no part of the Spanish oversea possessions did the restrictive legislation of the home government operate more harshly or disadvantageously to the interests of the colony; it was a more effective hindrance to the development of its resources and the spread of civilization over the country, than the hostility of the Indians.
Such an imprisonment does not operate as a satisfaction or extinguishment of the debt, and no second order of commitment can be made against him for the same debt, although where the court has made an order or judgment for the payment of the debt by instalments a power of committal arises on default of payment of each instalment.
There is this difference, however, between this experiment and the operation imagined by Maxwell, that when the gases have diffused the experiment cannot be repeated; and it is no more contrary to the dissipation of energy than is the fact that work may be derived at the expense of heat when a gas expands into a vacuum, for the working substance is not finally restored to its original condition; while Maxwell's "demons" may operate without limit.
On the 31st of May 1775 a committee representing the militia companies of Mecklenburg county passed a series of resolutions which declared that the royal commissions in the several colonies were null and void, that the constitution of each colony was wholly suspended, and that the legislative and executive powers of each colony were vested in its provincial congress subject to the direction of the Continental Congress; and the resolutions requested the inhabitants of the county to form a military and civil organization independent of the crown of Great Britain which should operate until the Provincial Congress should otherwise provide or the British parliament should " resign its unjust and arbitrary pretensions with respect to America."
The grants of this company were owned by the Forest City Railway Company and the property was leased to the Municipal Traction Company (on behalf of the public - the city itself not being empowered to own and operate street railways).
If a retarding plate be now inserted so as to operate upon the pulses which come from one side of the grating, while leaving the remainder unaffected, we have to consider what happens at the focal point chosen.
In those meters which are compounded - that is, have a shunt coil wound on the field magnets to compensate for the friction of the train - it is important to notice whether the meter will operate or continue operating when there is no current in the series coil, since a meter which "runs on the shunt" runs up a debt against the consumer for which it gives no corresponding advantage.
Totally to be reprobated is the use, in order to relieve pain, of belladonna or any other application which affects the skin, in cases where the surgeon may later be required to operate.
Then followed the revolt of Naples (see MASANIELLO) and of the Catalans, who were bitterly angered by the excesses of the troops sent to operate against the French in Roussillon.
But the mysterious forces that move humanity (mysterious because the laws of their motion are unknown to us) continued to operate.
Simple to operate at the push of a button.
We also present a system designed to operate in real-time with negligible search error. [42] S. Renals and Y. Gotoh.
The eccentric is used to convert the rotary motion of the crank axle into the reciprocating motion required to operate the valve.
A Champion chair user wo n't have to struggle to operate the recliner.
We rely on donations made to the center, without which we could not operate.
A set of programs was required which the user could operate without much knowledge of computers.
Revenue stream by want to operate to shop around.
The Robins, for a fourth successive match, were forced to operate the rider replacement facility for Charlie Gjedde.
In larger towns chemists operate a rota to provide 24-hour cover - details are posted on chemist 's windows.
Periodically drug detection dogs operate and visitors maybe subject to routine screening by a passive drug detection dog.
To operate a rudder that 's controlled by the foot.
Three school bus routes, servicing East Lothian, Midlothian and West Lothian, operate daily during termtime.
In other circumstances the self-interest of the parties would normally operate to ensure transactions take place on an arm 's length basis.
Is ' the body ' or ' the sexed body ' the firm foundation on which gender and systems of compulsory sexuality operate?
The club signed an exclusive partnership with China.com Inc. which will host and operate the official websites in traditional and simplified Chinese.
The new Tuticorin smelter commissioned in April 2005 is performing well and continues to operate at full capacity.
It is not necessary to confirm that all fire alarm sounder circuits operate correctly at the time of this test.
If you are already authorized to operate any authorized UK duty suspensive regime you must have a proven satisfactory record of operation.
This vehicle has been restored to teak livery by Railroad Vehicle Preservations who also operate the TPO set.
Science Drivers for ASMs Currently implemented astronomical AO systems operate like auxiliary instruments separate from the main telescope optics.
Melody Tones This allows you to select from a range of pre-set options, which ringing tone your phone will operate with.
You will also need a touch-tone telephone in order to operate your account over the phone.
In the meantime, it is still illegal to operate low power FM transmitters in the UK.
Many transnational corporations operate points systems or loyalty cards.
In fact it allows the system to operate even if no transponder replies are detected at the surface at all.
The bi-directional tri-state latch 69 and tri-state buffer 57 are controlled to operate in unison by the bus control logic 49.
Umpires Managers operate at all levels of the game from county events through to internationals.
Under the DDA it is now unlawful for an employer to operate blanket bans on the recruitment of people with diabetes.
Costumed washerwomen bread board must operate southern cross of in hartland it 's.
Watercraft operators will operate only those vessels for which they are licensed.
Can people with disabilities be trained to operate woodworking machines?
In order to operate at maximum efficiency, we must integrate our plans with theirs.
An attorney must operate within the ambit of the law when preparing a defense for his client.
Specialists who operate in the silos of their expertise don't always think beyond their functional boundaries.
The startup group should have their own funding (just enough to create a product) and the ability operate independently.
In addition, the brakes are simple to operate and help make loading and unloading baby a safe operation.
Combing through user reviews can give buyers a good idea of how easy the product is to operate and how reliable it remains over time.
Some monitors operate on a 49 MHz frequency.
Gas dryers tend to cost a little more up front, but are less costly to operate than their electric counterparts.
Look at energy ratings to make sure that you choose a unit that will be economical to operate.
Top-loaders, however, use much more water and electricity to run, thus costing more to operate than front-loaders.
Cell phones operate on analog or digital technology, though the analog models are becoming less abundant.
You want to make sure the camera you select will be easy for you to operate.
While companies like Camping World operate RV stores all across the states, most dealerships only provide service to their local communities.
These allow you to search for new and used motor homes being sold by individuals and look up professional dealers that operate in your particular area.
This assessment should include any special conditions, for instance the climate might be relatively dry, however the dehumidifier is to operate in a laundry or other damp environment.
Some cordless phone buyer's guides may not mention this type of phone because they operate on similar frequencies and the benefits are not enough to spend additional money.
With a new warehouse, will you be able to operate in the capacity that allows you to make executive decisions about non-paying clients, discounts, and competing businesses?
They operate through push buttons, a touch screen, or voice activation.
Without the disks you will not be able to adequately operate the computer.
No foreign stores compliment the Walgreens family, although the company did operate a change of pharmacies in Mexico called Sanborns from 1946 to 1982.
However, some varieties can operate on batteries alone as well.
Appliances and heating units that utilize propane operate very efficiently.
Technology has come such a long way throughout the 1990's and it has virtually eliminated the market for such televisions that operate in this manner.
While all GPS watches necessarily have GPS functionality, they don't necessarily operate or store the information in the same way.
A sail boat, however, requires considerably more skill to operate than a motor boat.
Since many businesses operate in the red until the Christmas season, this is a sensible way to explain it.
It's difficult for very young children to operate a computer, but much easier for them to turn the pages in a printed book.
To make money, Greg and Rowley start a lawn-care business, but it doesn't go well because neither of them know how to operate a lawn mower or do basic cleaning.
French orphan Hugo lives at a train station and spends all of his extra time trying to get a tiny little robot that used to be his father's to operate and move.
This makes them an excellent choice for individuals who commute frequently and accumulate hefty mileage, or for small businesses that operate company cars and trucks.
If you're looking for online merchant account services, Orange County's E-Commerce Exchange (ECX) might be the best solution for you, no matter where you are located or what type of business you operate.
Both options are available from organizations claiming to operate under Christian ideals.
Child support programs operate at the local, state, and federal levels to provide services to children.
Non-Christian divorce attorneys can and do operate in an ethical manner.
They operate their services in the United States, several Latin American countries, most European countries, Israel, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, Australia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia and Singapore.
If an Amish craftsman does decide to use a modern woodworking tool, they generally remove the motor and operate the tool with a belt drive system or a hydraulic pump.
Stop-start hybrid cars run on regular gasoline when they are moving, but they operate off of stored power when they are idling.
Be sure that the refrigerator is far enough from the wall to allow the condenser coils to operate to their full potential.
Beyond these important environmental considerations, there are circumstances in which composting toilets are simply more convenient and practical than those that require a reliable water supply to operate.
There are a variety of designs and models of composting toilets available on the market today, some requiring no water to operate, while others may need a limited amount of water to function.
Solar panels can operate small garden accessories such as decorative lights or supply an entire group of houses with electricity.
The most effective school recycling programs do not operate in isolation.
Being as most western countries now operate as free market capitalist societies, the idea of development is essential for the continual expansion of new markets that capitalism requires.
It won't happen over night, but by making subtle changes in how people live and how businesses operate, air pollution can be minimized and the planet restored.
The system requires no water to operate so there will be no water pollution from using this energy source.
Many of the newer models have incorporated noise reduction technology that companies claim make the turbines noiseless to operate.
Several companies now operate a lease and lease-to-own solar programs.
On average, wind turbines operate at around 30 percent capacity.
The supplement is an alkaloid that works by controlling the nerves that operate the heart and blood vessels.
It is quite strong and may make you sleepy, so you should not drive or operate machinery after taking valerian.
Most electric games will need standard outlets to operate.
With more than 60,000 employees that operate in 80 countries, AkzoNobel is one of the largest paints and coatings companies in the world.
Formulated to operate like liquid eyeliner, customers are encouraged to apply the product once a day.
Two-thousand of these franchises operate in Canada, Mexico and the United States.
Indeed, many sites operate as little more than clearing houses for reviews of online casinos.
In addition to websites operated by traditional, brick-and-mortar stores, there are tons of retailers that operate online only, often offering great discounts.
The Sears department store online is a rather busy site to operate.
Kodak currently sells four "series" of Easy Share cameras, which the company claims are the simplest to operate of any digital cameras on the market.
Today, inexpensive digital cameras can be found that even small children can operate with ease.
The developers of GIMP are actually volunteers who have been working hard to create a polished, professional, and easy to operate photo editing program that can compete with expensive applications like Photoshop.
By having your camera fixed by a professional, you can eliminate the need to invest time in researching, buying and learning how to operate a new model.
Like the camera models that came earlier in the Rebel series, the EOS Canon Rebel XT 8 MP digital SLR camera is a dream to operate.
It is made by the popular scrapbooking supply manufacturer Provo Craft and does not require a computer to operate.
It does not require a computer to operate.
When the Cricut was first released, one of the biggest appeals of the machine was that you did not need a computer to operate it.
The Cricut machine for scrapbooking does not require a computer to operate and comes in three different sizes to better accommodate a variety of crafting needs.
The cost savings of buying in bulk greatly helps classrooms and activity centers who operate on small budgets.
For example, some of Michigan's Lower Peninsula resorts operate only with rope tows.
Today, gangs operate in every major city in America.
McClintock boutiques operate in multiple locations throughout the United States.
Dress stores also operate in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.
They operate on a progressive idea that once individuals tap into their own creativity, more things will begin to happen for them.
Though all meetings operate on the premise of open sharing, joining in the discussion is completely voluntary.
Of course, the online division of the university has to work harder to achieve this personalized attention, but even the online programs operate under this philosophy of individualized attention for students.
Course information includes the motives of terrorists and how terrorist groups operate.
Some UW campuses operate their own Web sites and information centers for distance learning.
Both the main dining rooms as well as specialty restaurants operate on an open-seating, casual dress code standard of service, and even traditional formal nights are optional no matter where passengers chose to dine.
Western Caribbean cruises operate year round because of the region's temperate climate.
All Caribbean cruises operate year round because of the region's temperate climate, with the months between April and October being the busiest because of spring break cruises, honeymoons, and summer vacations.
Fewer cruise lines operate from Fort Lauderdale.
For other cruise line options, consider cruise lines that operate most of the year.
As of this writing, no other U.S. small-ship cruise lines have announced plans to operate any Mississippi River itineraries, which means that your travel options may remain limited for the foreseeable future.
In order to operate a fleet of "floating resorts," the employment opportunities on a Carnival Cruise Line are vast and varied.
There are no cruise lines that operate exclusively for adults.
Several larger cruise lines operate through this port.
In reality, they operate on the simple philosophy of leading the animal by the head rather than the neck.
Some dog schools actually operate over the Internet, and for a fee, owners receive lesson instructions and sometimes demonstration images, so they can teach their pets at home.
It does not operate shelters, despite the fact that the name "humane society" is now used by many local rescue groups.
Representatives of each club operate the booths and answer visitor questions.
These may help your dog's body operate more efficiently.
However, most track lighting kits operate on 12 or 24 volts supplied by a transformer.
Accordion hurricane shutters are easy to operate, and can be custom made to fit any sized window or doors.
All shutters have the ability to operate from indoors, and they do not adversely affect the functionality of the windows or doors.
Use shutters in residential and commercial areas, and they operate quickly for expedited security and quick area evacuations.
Lia sophia jewelry is sold through direct sales, allowing the sales representatives to operate their businesses from their own homes.
Though the store does not operate an online store, H&M is one of the hottest choices for trendy, bold menswear.
Fair trade goes beyond looking at how farms operate, also focusing on making sure farmers have the business skills they need to compete effectively in the marketplace.
These companies may purchase carbon offsets to balance some of the energy they use in production, build and operate sustainable facilities, or donate a portion of their profits to environmental or humanitarian organizations.
This is important for individuals who operate large equipment, carry heavy loads, deal with animals or engage in other similar outdoor activities.
The homeowner uses a key to operate the mechanism that opens and closes the cover as desired.
Never let a child operate a snow blower.
Since most centers operate from local, state, and federal funding, the energy of volunteers helps keep things running smoothly.
Adult day care centers often operate during normal business hours.
Still others operate as outpatient therapy or adult day care centers, so that individuals can still retain some level of independence at home.
Some facilities operate as teaching centers for RNs, LPNs, and certified nursing assistants.
Many facilities operate on a sliding scale.
It is important to visit nursing home facilities during non-peak hours to see how they operate.
The size, strength and visual capabilities of the senior can make a big difference in whether the chair will fit them and whether they will be able to operate the chair without help.
All of these agencies operate under diverse sets of regulations, which results in fees that are not standardized.
Management companies for senior living facilities provide a uniform high level of care and service to residents living in the communities they operate.
For shorter periods away from power, power supplies intended to be a quick-start battery for a car are another option that's much simpler to set up and operate.
Sleep deprivation slows reaction time, impairs your ability operate heavy equipment and can affect the immune system, concentration and mood.
So EyeClops produced the "night vision goggles," which look very much like the military style used by soldiers but operate the same as the binoculars.
Before you can prevent eye damage from UV rays, it helps to understand what they are and how they operate.
They operate for 12 hours off of a single 3V battery.
This may require extended closures until rides and structures can be carefully inspected and certified as safe to operate.
Initial training sessions and operator tests that must be passed before employees can operate rides.
Lively Kitten, manufactured in 1961, came with an instruction booklet on how to operate the knob.
The idea of the time was that women were just too flighty to operate complex machinery.
Eaton Vorad - Monaco's high tech Eaton Norad sensor and radar system enhances your ability to safely operate your motor home.
These high-tech but small devices can operate on voice commands and work wirelessly with a compatible cell phone.
There are different arms of T-Mobile that operate in other countries around the world, including Germany, the UK, the Netherlands, and the Czech Republic.
In general, most Sprint phones operate using CDMA (Code Division MUltiple Access) technology along the Sprint network.
It's not to say that one particular handset is better than another, per se, but they can be based on very different technologies and operate on very different frequencies.
In a nutshell, the four most common frequencies that GSM cell phones operate on are 850MHz, 900MHz, 1800MHz, and 1900MHz.
They operate on the 850MHz and 1900MHz bands, so the phone should work, but you may get spotty service in dense metropolitan areas, when you are surrounding by trees, or when you are in underground parking lots.
Let's talk briefly about how this arrangement will operate.
When you operate the slider, you reveal a simple looking keypad.
They are basically the same phone, except they operate on different networks.
For example, cell phones from Rogers Wireless are designed to operate on the Rogers Wireless network.
Roaming is when you take your cellular phone and have it operate on another provider's network.
While more recent models look much more like conventional mobile phones, they do not operate on a traditional cellular network.
If you have a Skype account, for example, you may be able to find wireless phones that can operate independent of a base station.
Instead, they operate as MVNOs (mobile virtual network operators), using the larger networks like those from Bell Mobility.
TracFone Wireless actually does not operate a wireless network of its own.
The Apple iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS operate on AT&T's network.
They both operate using the same Bluetooth technology, pairing with your Bluetooth-compatible cellular phone so that you can maintain a voice call without having to hold the phone next to your ear.
Given the difference in how the phones operate, the question of whether it is possible to use a prepaid BlackBerry is a little more complicated than if you were interested in using a prepaid Windows Mobile phone or prepaid SideKick phone.
For the wireless spectrum auction, Globalive only earned the privilege to operate using Advanced Wireless Services (AWS) spectrum.
Some of these can operate remotely, so they don't have to have your phone in their physical possession.
This replaces the way that the home screen and other functions operate on the phone, including animated wallpapers for the current weather, docked icons for quick access to applications, and other improvements.
Other countries where it is illegal to operate a motor vehicle while using a mobile phone include Chile, Egypt, France, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Japan, Poland, Singapore, South Africa, Taiwan, and the United Kingdom.