Opens Sentence Examples
Door opens out, not in.
She opens up for him; more than any other stranger.
If she opens her mouth, he either doesn't listen or whacks it shut.
If it was someone he knew, then that opens up another list—his wife, a business enemy, an old grudge, or he could have been scooped.
That opens up a whole new list of sub-topics, like was it just a random mugger or someone he knew?
With this third Moses (the other two being the Biblical lawgiver and Moses Maimonides) a new era opens in the history of the Jewish people.
The great port of Le Havre stands at the mouth of the Seine estuary, which opens into the bay of,the Seine on the east.
With one exception, the intestine has a caecum, and the pouch is large and opens forwards.
The tertiary era opens with a climate in which during the Eocene period something like existing tropical conditions must have obtained in the northern hemisphere.
The vas deferens descends with many undulations down the lateral side of the ureter of the same side, and opens upon a small papilla into the urodaeum.
AdvertisementIt lies on the estuary of the Lymington, which opens into the Solent.
Kells opens early on the weekends so you can enjoy all your favorite sports, and great food is always available from the pub menu.
I have to be at the market as soon as it opens.
The small pouch, supported by the usual epipubic bones, opens backwards.
James, opens up new suggestions in philosophy; the bearing of these upon theistic (or other) beliefs is hard to define.
AdvertisementIt is situated in the Sivas-Samsun chausee, altitude 2280 ft., at the mouth of a rocky glen which opens out to the broad valley of the Tozanli Su, a tributary of the Yeshil Irmak.
The spiraculum is median and opens far back, in front of the vent.
The ante-Nicene period of patristic literature opens with the "apostolic fathers," 5 i.e.
Twentysix miles farther down lies the town of Deir, where the river divides into two channels and the river valley opens out into quite extensive plains.
Now the second period of her history opens; it remained for Roman territory to become romanized.
AdvertisementThe first book opens with a few verses, in which Boetius describes how his sorrows had brought him to a premature old age.
Of the first the Tudor gateway opens upon Chancery Lane.
In the most primitive existing Gastropods the gonad opens into the right kidney (Patellidae, Trochidae, Fissurellidae).
The most important of these opens by the ventral pedal pore, situated in the median line in the anterior half of the foot.
The liver opens by two ducts into the digestive FIG.
AdvertisementThe Mandaean places of worship, being designed only for the priests and their assistants (the worshippers remaining in the forecourt), are excessively small, and very simply furnished; two windows, a door that opens towards the south so that those who enter have their faces turned towards the pole star, a few boards in the corner, and a gabled roof complete the whole structure; there is neither altar nor decoration of any kind.
The female genital opening usually lies in front of the eighth abdominal segment, the male duct opens on the ninth.
The vagina usually opens in front of the eighth abdominal sternite.
The ejaculatory duct which opens on the ninth abdominal sternum in the adult male arises in the tenth abdominal embryonic segment and subsequently moves forward.
The treatise opens with an able sketch of psychology, founded upon, but in some important respects varying from, Aristotle's De Anima.
In 1900 it was shown that the coxal gland of Limulus is provided with a very delicate thin-walled coiled duct which opens, even in the adult condition, by a minute pore on the coxa of the fifth leg (Patten and Hazen, 13A).
Previously to this, Lankester's pupil Gulland had shown (1885) that in the embryo the coxal gland is a comparatively simple tube, which opens to the exterior in this position and by its other extremity into a coelomic space.
Scholasticism opens with a discussion of certain points in the Aristotelian logic; it speedily begins to apply its logical distinctions to the doctrines of the church; and when it attains its full stature in St Thomas it has, with the exception of certain mysteries, rationalized or Aristotelianized the whole churchly system.
The apocryphal Neoplatonic treatises and the First views of the Arabian commentators obscured for the effects of first students the genuine doctrine of Aristotle, and the the new 13th century opens with quite a crop of mystical knowledge.
The older part of Folkestone lies in a small valley which here opens upon the shore between steep hills.
A little east of Church Square this street opens on to Market Square, with commodious market buildings.
The subject of the conditions under which dropsical liquids are poured out opens up a very wide question, and one about which there is the greatest diversity of opinion.
The choir opens into a beautiful cloister, the massive vaulting of which is supported on heavy piers adorned with statuary, between which intervene slender columns arranged in pairs and surmounted by delicately carved capitals.
B, Diagram of the nephridium of Alciope, into which opens the large genital funnel (coelo mostome).
Externally, the nephridium opens by a straight part of the tube, which is often very wide, and here the intracellular lumen becomes intercellular.
In all these cases we have a duct which has a usually wide, always intercellular, lumen, generally, if not always, ciliated, which opens directly into the coelom on the one hand and on to the exterior of the body on the other.
Thus, in Octochaetus multiporus a large nephridium opens anteriorly into the buccal cavity, and numerous nephridia in the same worm evacuate their contents into the rectum.
Each testis communicates by means of an efferent duct with a common collecting duct of its side of the body, which opens on to the exterior by means of a protrusible penis, and to which is sometimes appended a seminal vesicle.
Into each ovarian sac behind the transverse junction opens a slender tube, which is greatly coiled, and, in its turn, opens into a spherical "spermathecal sac."
From this an equally slender tube proceeds, which joins its fellow of the opposite side, and the two form a thick, walled tube, which opens on to the exterior within the bursa copulatrix through which the penis protrudes.
Viewed from a distance the mountains appear as dark perpendicular barriers, quite impenetrable; but narrow paths lead round the precipitous face of the hills, and when the inner side is gained a wonderful panorama opens out.
It is at times sacculated, but its chief interest is that, as Lebedinsky 1 has shown, the tip of the caecum in embryonic life opens to the exterior as the blastopore.
Each opens in a vas deferens which bears three diverticula or vesiculae seminales, and three pairs of cement glands also are found which pour their secretions through a duct into the vasa deferentia.
The latter unite and end in a penis which opens posteriorly.
His next work, The Crisis (1901), opens in St.
The nervous system is thus essentially epidermal in position and diffuse in distribution; but an interesting concentration of nerve-cells and fibres has taken place in the collar-region, where a medullary tube, closed in from the outside, opens in front and behind by anterior and posterior neuropores.
In most species of Balanoglossus each gill-slit may be said to open into its own atrial chamber or gill-pouch; this in its turn opens to the exterior by a minute gill-pore.
At the end of the canal is a large commercial harbour, beyond which the channel opens into the lake - in reality an arm of the sea - roughly circular in form and covering about 50 sq.
The great arm-sinus of each side of the lophophore lies beneath the fold or lip which together with the tentacles forms the ciliated groove in which the mouth opens.
It opens into the perioesophageal sinus.
Crania in life opens its valves by moving upon the straight hinge, without sliding the valve.
In it the hairs are confined to the dorsal middle line and the creeping setae are hooked, of a finer structure than in Chaetosoma, and situated so far forward that the vagina opens amongst them.
He thus created an epoch in German literature, philosophy and law, and Spittler opens with him the modern period of ecclesiastical history.
The elongated axis which opens at the stigma in Scorpio and which can be cleared of soft, surrounding tissues and co agulated blood so as to present the appearance of a limb axis carrying the book-like leaves of the lung is not really, as it would seem to be at first sight, the limb axis.
One is an inscription in the rocky valley of Hammamat, through which the desert road from the Red Sea to the valley of Egypt opens on the green fields and palm groves of the river Nile near Coptos..
It is the finest of the four ancient round churches in England, dating from 1185, but an Early English choir opens from the round church.
The origin of the two counties in which London is chiefly situated opens up an interesting question.
On again F J J raising the piston the valve E opens ?g G admitting more liquid whilst F re- mains closed.
On lowering the piston its valve opens and air passes in from the vessel to be exhausted; this is further rarefied on the next stroke and so on.
South of Thayetmyo, where arms of the Arakan Yomas approach the river and almost meet that spur of the Pegu Yomas which formed till 1886 the northern boundary of British Burma, the valley of the Irrawaddy opens out again, and at Yegin Mingyi near Myanaung the influence of the tide is first felt, and the delta may be said to begin.
If the blowing iron is held vertically with the bulb uppermost the bulb becomes flattened and shallow, if the bulb is allowed to hang downwards it becomes elongated and reduced in diameter, and if the end of the bulb is pierced and the iron is held horizontally and sharply trundled, as a mop is trundled, the bulb opens out into a flattened disk.
The fractured end is heated, and by the combined action of heat and centrifugal force opens out into a flat foot.
From this point (c. 1150 B.C.) - the point at which (roughly) the monarchic history of Israel in Palestine opens - Egyptian records cease to mention Kheta; and as we know from other sources that the latter continued powerful in Carchemish for some centuries to come, we must presume that the rise of the Israelite state interposed an effective political barrier.
Telford's road, raised on the lower Berwyn range side and overlooking the Dee, opens up the picturesqueness of Corwen, historically interesting from the reminiscences of Wales's last struggle for independence under Owen Glendower.
The Yahweh, at a time known only to Himself, shall appear with all His saints on Mount Olivet and destroy the heathen in battle, while the men of Jerusalem take refuge in their terror in the great cleft, that opens where Yahweh sets His foot.
Inability of the first vice-president to assume the office opens the way for the second vice-president, who becomes acting president until a successor is chosen.
The first book opens with the mysteries of God and the angels, and then passes on to the works of the six days and the creation of man.
The book opens with a passage on the essence of mysticism, the union of the soul with God in love, and the bulk of it is a compendium of the spiritual teachings scattered throughout her letters.
The excretory system opens to the exterior by a pair of dorsal pores at the level of the pharynx.
The excretory system is highly developed and opens at the posterior extremity by a paired muscular bladder.
Jullien believed that this pore opens into the tentacle-sheath, but it appears probable that it really communicates with the compensation-sac and not with the tentaclesheath.
The Positive Philosophy opens with the statement of a certain law of which Comte was the discoverer, and which has always been treated both by disciples and dissidents as the key to his system.
The deputy receives and opens in the sheriff's name all writs, the return or execution of which belongs to the bailiff of the liberty, and issues to the bailiff the warrant required for the due execution of such writs.
The tongue is short, and the sheath in which it lies concealed opens near to the front margin of the lower jaw; scarcely more than the two terminating points are exserted from the mouth when the animal is in the water.
The hole leads into a canal, which opens as a semi-canal towards the end of the tooth.
Sometimes the subject opens his eyes to get rid of an unpleasant vision of this kind.
The sober lists of names with which it opens; the account of the embassy, so business-like in its estimates of costs and terms, and suddenly breaking into a fervent description of how the six deputies, "prostrating themselves on the earth and weeping warm tears, begged the doge and people of Venice to have pity on Jerusalem"; the story immediately following, how the young count Thibault of Champagne, raising himself from a sickbed in his joy at the successful return of his ambassadors, "leva sus et chevaucha, et laz!
The only ancient remains on the mountain are those of a small building in good polygonal work (a style of construction very rare in Sicily), consisting of a passage on each side of which a chamber opens.
This central Orontes valley ends at the rocky barrier of Jisr al-Hadid, where the river is diverted to the west, and the plain of Antioch opens.
It lies in a plain bounded, except westward, where it opens on Osaka Bay, by hills of considerable height, on both sides of the Yodogawa, or rather its headwater the Aji (the outlet of Lake Biwa), and is so intersected by riverbranches and canals as to suggest a comparison with a Dutch town.
Almost the only characters they possess in common are the short and spike-like horns of the bucks, which are ringed at the base, with smooth tips, and the large size of the face-gland, which opens by a circular aperture.
In the duikers themselves the single pair of horns is set in the midst of a tuft of long hairs, and the face-gland opens in a long naked line on the side of the face above the muzzle.
Just to its south-west there opens the chief Waldensian valley, the Val Pellice, watered by the stream of that name, but sometimes called inaccurately the Luserna valley, Luserna being simply _a village opposite the capital, Torre Pellice; near Torre Pellice the side glens of Angrogna and Rora join the Pellice valley.
To the north-west of Pinerolo, up the Chisone valley, there opens at Perosa Argentina the valley of St Martin, another important Waldensian valley, which is watered by the Germanasca torrent, and at Perrero splits into two branches, of which the Prali glen is far more fertile than that of Massello, the latter being the wildest and most savage of all the Waldensian valleys.
Celsus opens the way for his own attack by rehearsing the taunts levelled at the Christians by the Jews.
The bridge opens in 15 seconds and closes in 25 seconds.
Canals connect with the great manufacturing district of South Yorkshire, and the Trent opens up wide communications with the Midlands.
Commerce is chiefly agricultural and is stimulated by a good position in the railway system, and by a canal which opens a water-way by the Panaro and the Po to the Adriatic. Modena is the point at which the railway to Mantua and Verona diverges from that between Milan and Bologna, and has several steam tramways to neighbouring places.
These struggles constitute the entire political history of Geneva up to about 1535, when a new epoch of unrest opens with the adoption of Protestantism.
The second great period in the tariff history of the United States opens with the Civil War.
This remarkable document opens by citing a long series of precedents for the suppression of religious orders by the Holy See, amongst which occurs the ill-omened instance of the Templars.
The second period of Oecolampadius's life opens with his return to Basel in November 1522, as vicar of St Martin's and (in 1523) reader of the Holy Scripture at the university.
The mouth opens through a narrow pharynx (p) into a chamber which is (as in Crustacea) at once crop and gizzard, the mastax (ma), whose thickenings are imbedded in the posteroventral wall.
Into this also opens the genital duct from the single or paired gonad (ov).
The chapter-house opens out of the same alley of the cloister.
In the plan before us this apartment (E) opens from the south cloister walk, adjoining the refectory.
The later work opens with the Ynglinga Saga, a brief history of the pretended immigration into Sweden of the Aesir, of their successors in that country, the kings of Upsala, and of the oldest Norwegian kings, their descendants.
Each opens by its internal extremity into the pericardium.
This opens into the reflected portion which overlies it as shown in the diagram fig.
The genital duct opens by a pore into the urino-genital groove of the oyster (the same arrangement being repeated on each side of the body) close to but distinct from the aperture of the nephridial canal.
Solenomya, in which the gonad opens into the reno-pericardial duct.
In Arca, in Anomiidae and in Pectinidae the gonad opens into the external part of the renal tube.
The small opening among the fimbriae by which the tube communicates with the peritoneal cavity is known as the ostium abdominale, and from this the lumen of the tube runs from four to four and a half inches, until it opens into the cavity of the uterus by an extremely small opening.
The base of the triangle is upward, and at each lateral angle one of the Fallopian tubes opens.
The coelom opens to the exterior by ducts which are primarily genital ducts by which the ova or sperms are discharged.
Among the Gastropoda, in the Aspidobranchia, there is no genital duct, and the gonad opens into the right kidney; in the more modified forms the left kidney alone is functional, the right has been converted into the genital duct.
The afferent vessel of the' ctenidium receives blood from the vena cava or principal blood-sinus of the body, the efferent vessel opens into the auricle of its own side.
The small railway dock opens from Humber dock.
The drafts from the dressing frame are made into little parcels of a few ounces in weight, and given to the spreader, who opens out the silk and spreads it thinly and evenly on to the feeding sheet, placing a small portion of the silk only on the sheet.
Frequently also from this junction of the ovaria and the vitellaria a median tube is given off which either opens to the exterior or into the intestine, in the latter case it appears to serve as.
The branched intestine (G) is drawn on one side of the animal only; it opens to the exterior by means of a pharynx (not shown).
The mouth, a longitudinal slit, opens on to the ventral surface of the head.
The middle lobe forms the alimentary canal; it closes behind and opens to the exterior anteriorly and so makes the mouth.
The mouth leads into the buccal cavity, on the ventral side of which opens the radular caecum.
The mouth opens into a muscular pharynx lined by a thick cuticle.
The stomach opens into a short straight rectum which opens into the branchial chamber.
Used in its widest sense this includes the Hysteriaceae, Phacidiaceae, Helvellaceae, &c. The group is characterized in general by the possession of an ascocarp which, though usually a completely closed structure during the earlier stages of development, at maturity opens out to form a bowl or saucer-shaped organ, thus completely exposing the layer of asci which forms the hymenium.
In the last-named genus the peridium is double and the outer layer becomes ruptured and spreads out in the form of star-shaped pieces; the inner layer, however, merely opens at the apex by a small pore.
The harbour, which is small but deep, and sheltered by high ground, opens to the east.
In the male there are a right and a left protrusible penis in every genital segment, into which opens the nephridium and a sperm-sac. The wide funnels of the nephridia of this region are possibly of coelomic origin.
No glands open into the alimentary canal, but a diverticulum, which varies enormously in size, opens into the rectum.
A so-called heart lies on the dorsal surface of the oesophagus; it is closed behind, but in front it opens into a circumoesophageal ring, which gives off vessels into the lophophore and tentacles.
A pit or depression, known as "the cerebral organ," opens into the brain just above the mouth; this usually divides into two limbs, which are deeply pigmented and have been called eyes.
The sepals, very rarely three, which are two in number, fall off as the flower opens, the four (very rarely five or six) petals, which are crumpled in the bud stage, also fall readily.
The inter-action of Christianity and Hellenism opens large fields of inquiry.
There is a Middle Path discovered by the Tathagata' - a path which opens the eyes, and bestows understanding, which leads to peace, to insight, to the higher wisdom, to Nirvana.
Situated in the basin of the Wei river, along which runs the great road which connects northern China with Central Asia, at a point where the valley opens out on the plains of China, Si-gan Fu occupies a strategical position of great importance, and repeatedly in the annals of the empire has history been made around and within its walls.
After this decisive breach a new period opens.
It opens with a startling reversal of the common estimates of happiness and misery.
The Galilean ministry opens with enthusiasm, ripening into a popularity which even endangers a satisfactory result.
There are two series of ovaries extending through a large part of the body and accompanied by two uteri; the latter open by two oviducts which debouch into an atrium which also receives the intestine and a single receptaculum seminis, and is continued backward as the cloaca; this opens posteriorly.
Among these the most important are the Wadi Selman (Valley of Aijalon) which seems to have been the principal route to Jerusalem in ancient times; the Wadi Isma`in south of this, along which runs the modern carriage road from Jaffa to Jerusalem; and the Wadi es-Surar, a higher section of the bed of the Nahr Rubin, along which now runs the railway line; farther to the south we may mention the Wadi es-Sunt, which opens up the country from Tell es-Safi (Gath?) eastward.
All alike receive some measure of pecuniary support, which is justified by the guarantee of regular inspection; and a series of scholarships at once stimulates efficiency and opens a path to the university for children of the poor.
Near the end of the defile stands the most elaborate of the ruins, el-Hazne or " the Treasury of Pharaoh," not built but hewn out of the cliff; a little farther on, at the foot of the mountain called en-Nejr, comes the theatre, so placed as to bring the greatest number of tombs within view; and at the point where the valley opens out into the plain the site of the city is revealed with striking effect.
The De Interpretatione opens with a reference to this psychological distinction, implying that names represent conceptions, propositions represent combinations of conceptions.
Portsmouth Harbour opens into Spithead, one of the arms of the Channel separating the Isle of Wight from the mainland.
The articulation of the mandible to the quadrate-bone is such as to allow of a very considerable amount of lateral play, and, by a particular arrangement of the muscles which move the former, it comes to pass that so soon as the bird opens its mouth the point of the mandible is brought immediately opposite to that of the maxilla (which itself is movable vertically), instead of crossing or overlapping it - the usual position when the mouth is closed.
Though both Genoese and Venetians in their day of power planted numerous trading posts on various portions of the Mediterranean shores, of which some almost deserve the name of colonies, the history of modern colonization on a great scale opens with the Spanish conquests in America.
Before reaching the Cilician Plain the river receives the waters of the Kerkhun Su, which cuts through the Bulgar Dagh, and opens a way for the roads from the Cilician Gates to Konia and Kaisarieh.
But in Acts it is Peter who first opens up the way for the Gentiles.
And if some of the incidents (those of the third book in particular) seem to belong to the beginning of the war, it must be considered that poetically, and to the hearers of the Iliad, the war opens in the third book, and the incidents are of the kind that is required in such a place.
The embryo now consists of two layers of cells, epiblast and hypoblast, surrounding a cavity, the archenteron, which opens to the exterior by the orifice of invagination or blastopore.
The accession of Mary opens the third period of his life.
The Taitza lake is divided only by a strip of marshland from Lake Razim, a broad landlocked sheet of water which opens on the Black Sea.
As the traveller proceeds farther down the valley, the country gradually opens out into wide plains.
The Bay of San Carlos on the northern coast of Chiloe, which opens upon the narrow Chacao channel, has the port of Ancud, or San Carlos, and is rated an excellent harbour for vessels of light and medium draught.
The genital opening on each side is situated in a depression of the surface into which the renal organ also opens.
The main lagoon waterway goes by the name of the Bum-Kittam river, and to the north opens into the Sherbro estuary.
The work on this subject is highly suggestive, and opens up new possibilities with regard to the investigation of bacterial action within the body.
It is surrounded on three sides by hills covered with forests and vineyards, and opens to the S.E.
Under Ataulphus, the brother-in-law and successor of Alaric, another era opens, the beginning of enterprises which did in the end lead to the establishment of a settled Gothic monarchy in the West.
The former leads to a protrusible pharynx (B), from which the oesophagus opens into a wide intestinal chamber with branching lateral diverticula.
After passing through four tunnels the road bends north (leaving the Guiers Mort which flows past St Pierre de Chartreuse), and the valley soon opens to form the upland hollow in which are the buildings of the convent.
Shortly after this is done the mechanism at the back of the hopper automatically opens the doors at the bottom of the hopper, and the coal drops out.
The mouth does not open directly into the general cavity of the body, as is the case in a hydrozoan polyp, but into a short tube called the stomodaeum, which in its turn opens below ` into the general body-cavity or coelenteron.
In all these families the polypary originates as in Monograptus from a nema-bearing sicula, which invariably opens downwards and gives off only a single bud, such branching as may take place occurring at subsequent stages in the growth of the polypary.
General navigation opens as a rule in the middle of April and closes in the middle of December.
Below the entry W of the air-blast there is a throttle valve d which is closed as soon as the damper S opens the gas canal; thus a second security against the production of a mixture of air and gas is afforded.
Its food consists mainly of termites, to obtain which it opens their nests with its powerful sharp anterior claws, and as the insects swarm to the damaged part of their dwelling, it draws them into its mouth by means of its long, flexible, rapidly moving tongue covered with glutinous saliva.
Indeed, another possibility opens up here.
The latter is thick and short, and the wall of the sporangium, which opens by a median slit, has a group of thick-walled cells at the summit, forming the annulus.
The fourth somite is that in which the mouth now opens, and which accordingly has its appendages converted into hemignathous mandibles.
One of these branches communicates with the afferent lophophoral vessel, while the other one opens into the crescentic efferent lophophoral vessel (r.v.).
The second book opens with the election of Frederick I.
The capsule opens transversely by a convex lid and contains numerous seeds.
A forensic speech, composed for a public cause, opens the political career of Demosthenes with a protest against a signal abuse.
The latter opens into the large stomach with plicated walls, extending almost to the hind end of the animal.
There appears to be evidence that some species are occasionally or normally oviparous, and in the supposed oviparous species the oviduct opens at the end of a papilla called from its supposed function an ovipositor, but the oviparity has not yet been certainly proved as a normal occurrence.
Off its western shore opens Passamaquoddy Bay, a magnificent sheet of deep water with good anchorage, receiving the waters of the St Croix river and forming part of the boundary between New Brunswick and the state of Maine.
The sepals are generally of a greenish colour; their function is mainly protective, shielding the more delicate internal organs before the flower opens.
The endothecium varies in thickness, generally becoming thinner towards the part where the anther opens, and there disappears entirely.
It opens up a new series of questions upon which subsequent philosophic reflection has been directed, and gives to them the form, under which it is possible that they should be fruitfully regarded.
It is no enthusiastic crusader, but an anxious and farseeing if somewhat speculative statesman who thus opens his mind to us.
Isotta's history, however, is a strange one, and opens up many curious questions.
Won't the alarm sound when the bastard opens that door?
When the portal opens, go with Czerno.
If it was someone he knew, then that opens up another list—his wife, a business enemy, an old grudge, or he could have been scooped.
Among other things, this opens the way to comparative perspectives.
This box only opens the pilot air valve between 500-2000 rpm, and is the most common un-restricted SAPC box available.
The moment the flower opens, on the plant chosen to be female, snip off the pollen covered anthers.
The first (Très lent) opens with a flute and clarinet theme answered by the strings followed by harp arpeggios.
Always watch the bartender as he/she makes your drink or opens your bottle.
The second movement opens with a haunting melody from a solo bassoon, creating a feeling of calmness.
A Song For All Seasons opens with a flurry of sleigh bells, but before you can say " Is it Christmas again already?
For example, Charlotte opens a trendy boutique selling clothes aimed at the young adult.
The film opens with Meg Altman (Jodie Foster) and her teenage daughter viewing a magnificent four-story brownstone in the heart of Manhattan.
His production of Frank McGuinness's there came A Gypsy Riding opens at the Almeida in January.
A doorway opens to a lobby with stone steps down to the wine cellar.
The curtain opens, and we see a cellist passionately lost in his world of music.
An incompetent cervix, which opens too early in the pregnancy without any signs of labor.
The gynecologist opens (dilates) the cervix with instruments called dilators, and then inserts a hollow tube through the cervix with instruments called dilators, and then inserts a hollow tube through the cervix.
This easy-to-use clamshell mechanism - another Citizen ' trademark ' feature - opens fully to give easy access to the printer.
The door opens easily with a nice action and shuts with a really satisfying clunk.
Otherwise clicking this bottom button opens a window which displays the text pending coincidences and a list of these.
Selecting the Collocation command from the Query menu opens the collocation command from the Query menu opens the Collocation dialog box.
In the violin concerto, the second movement opens with a beautiful melody played by the oboe.
Binding of GABA opens an integral chloride channel, producing an increase in membrane conductance that results in inhibition of neuronal activity.
The fact that this type of connection is permanent and always connected opens up many opportunities.
This drug opens up -- dilates - the small blood vessels to relieve constrictions.
Then the thermostat opens, allowing the coolant to pass through the exhaust manifold and hence back to the cooling tanks.
The gorge opens out into farmland, normally a mixture of golden cornfields with the bright colored poppies that are in large abundance.
Creationism school opens in Middlesbrough A new £ 20 million school teaching biblical creationism school opens in Middlesbrough A new £ 20 million school teaching biblical creationism has just opened in Teeside.
Maurice opens the tune with an utterly distinctive and special guitar pattern.
The cd opens with taxman, george harrison's witty ditty about the state of taxes in britain at the time.
One of the three double settees opens out in to a double divan.
When she opens the door there stands Bob, the next door neighbor.
As the sun climbs the upper tangent arc opens and then droops like a gull's wings.
But understanding the Spirit's work within the context of inaugurated eschatology opens up a different way forward.
Agency Ten Alps opens its £ 3m UK pavilion at world exposition Expo 2005 in Japan.
After all, the impending famine in Africa opens up a new market to sustain the multi-billion dollar US biotechnology industry.
When the market opens up to international players, competition gets fierce.
Command + O or Command + Down Arrow Key - Opens the selected folder or volume.
The .pdf file format opens in adobe acrobat reader.
Gazan butcher Mohammed Hadad opens the door to a walk-in fridge, releasing a pungent smell of rotting meat into his shop.
The doors lead into a vestibule under the west gallery, and this opens with three arches into the nave proper.
And the mirror opens dripping a little black goo and giving access to the halls Ramon was trapped in before.
In the late summer and autumn the dwarf gorse opens its yellow flowers, but in winter and spring the tall common gorse blooms.
The base of the tube opens out like an inverted mushroom to a chamber of 8 feet square with 5 feet headroom.
He opens with an attack on " the rather hysterical reaction of successive health secretaries " over PM organ retention.
This engagement opens up what seems otherwise almost impenetrable.
Baytree opens the door to education and widens the participation of the socially isolated and disadvantaged.
The south aisle opens to the nave by an arcade of two bays and has three trefoiled lancets in the east wall.
The hunt for the killer opens up the complex latticework of lies which have been spawned by that first, original, falsehood.
I saw a British cartoon in which Blair opens a gift box from Bush to find a dog leash!
It opens with an X-Files effect - Celtic mysticism, anyone?
Scientific Impact A new window into the Universe opens with the advent of high energy neutrino telescopes.
Breathing in through dilated nostrils opens their lungs to their fullest capacity.
Without a word, she opens a notepad and starts to write directions on it.
The range over which the velum opens depends on when the previous obstruent was, and whether it was nasal.
On the other side of the island, where it opens upon the boundless ocean, it has the islands called Orcades.
An example would be a player with 11 points whose partner opens in third seat and hears a 1NT overcall on his right.
The bus itself is an articulated pantechnicon that opens out to provide a fully equipped state-of-the-art classroom/kitchen for 16 students.
But the reclaimed parquet will need cleaning before laying n The double trunk heavy wooden coffee table, below, opens up for storage.
A serving hatch opens into the oak dining room and library with wood parquet floor.
Particle physicists are waiting for 2007 when a new particle accelerator opens in the world's largest particle physics laboratory, CERN.
Mature male peacocks have a long train of tail feathers and when the male opens the tail he reveals a highly colorful pattern.
The game opens with you, a little guy or girl with horns, arriving penniless in a town populated with anthropomorphic animals.
Prolog ' First Strike ' opens the story with a high ranking military personnel being escorted to a secured US location.
Below the east window of the vestry to which it opens is the cinquefoiled head of a fifteenth-century piscina, built in.
As such it opens our psychic faculties and link and understanding of the astral planes.
The main front entrance portico with roman pillars opens to the marble floored hallway with double height ceiling.. ... ... ... .
The strong cash position opens a number of alternatives for the Company.
A quick puff of breath opens the chamber which is allowed to fall away from the blower to produce this pendant bulb shape.
Where else, for example, would you encounter the witty put-down of unruly audiences that opens Frogs?
The movie opens up with a seemingly random group of people suddenly dropping stone-cold dead in Boston.
The.pdf file format opens in adobe acrobat reader.
The main window opens pretty large and resizing doesn't automatically realign the buttons along the left side of the window.
Window in wall opens into twisting trench which soon rejoins stream in high passage lowering to shingle chokes upstream.
On that rearward motion, a skilled rifleman opens the bolt, ejecting the empty.
First sanatorium for TB patients, the Holt sanatorium for TB patients, the Holt Sanatorium, opens.
Click here to view the 1999 scoreboard (opens in new window ).
The work opens in a mood of quiet serenity.
Opens follicles and raises bristles for a closer, smoother shave.
She has fiddled with toe shoes left on the upright piano, but she tosses them behind the piano before she opens the door.
This research opens a better way to diagnose and treat chronic sinusitis, and reduce the annual 300,000 sinus surgeries that are needed.
It opens up possibilities for innovations which challenge existing social (and natural) categories.
The Crystal Spring, for female voices, opens with soprano solo.
A pop song akin to something like their own ' Age Of Consent ' opens the second side of songs.
The battle with which the film opens has a choreographed quality and a thumping soundtrack which almost turns it into a rock video.
A single entrance, lit by the morning sun, opens onto three large interconnecting chambers.
The large power sunroof opens two ways to maximize open-air sensations.
With a deft touch the PEBL U6 opens automatically to reveal an attractive keypad and large 262K color display.
The bladder has a trapdoor, which opens inwards with two or three trigger hairs on the outside.
Each chapter of this slim volume opens with the historical context of the religious debates current when the plays were written and performed.
Five section gate with walk-through center gate that opens with one hand action.
When she opens the wallet, she'll be delighted by the rose petal inserts that tumble out.
The Prospects website also has useful advice on changing course (opens in new window ).
A wide valley collecting streams from several of the ravines on the north side of the island opens into Cumberland Bay, and is partially enclosed and cultivated.
The stud y of the insect life of the peninsula opens a splendid field for scientific research, and the profusion and variety of insects found in these forests probably surpass those to be met with anywhere else in the world.
Externally, the nephridium opens by a vesicle, as in many Oligochaetes whose lumen is intercellular.
The salivary duct opens on its hinder surface.
Anteriorly their vasa deferentia soon unite into a common duct, which opens into the pouch containing the penes.
Recently, however, a well-known sugar maker in Germany has altered his battery in such manner that instead of having to open a large door below the cells in order to discharge them promptly, he opens a comparatively small valve and, applying compressed air at the top of the cell, blows the whole contents of spent slices up a pipe to the drying apparatus, thus saving not only a great deal of time but also a great deal of labour of a kind which is both arduous and painful, especially during cold weather.
The chief difference between the reproductive organs of the two classes is the presence in Cestodes of a separate vagina and uterus, each of which opens in some families to the exterior by an independent pore.
The lower half is the neck or cervix and is cylindrical; it projects into the anterior wall of the vagina, into the cavity of which it opens by the os uteri externum.
His Histoire des doctrines chimiques, the introductory discourse to his Dictionnaire, but published separately in 1868, opens with the wellknown dictum, "La chimie est une science francaise."
In some Guttiferae, as Hebradendron cambogioides (the Ceylon gamboge plant), the anther opens by a lid separating from the apex (circumscissile dehiscence) .
And then technology opens up completely new ideas and methods for us.
It commonly opens about the first of April, a week or ten days later than Flint's Pond and Fair Haven, beginning to melt on the north side and in the shallower parts where it began to freeze.
Then he bursts into one of his wild furies and rages at everyone and everything, seizes the letters, opens them, and reads those from the Emperor addressed to others.
The beekeeper opens the lower part of the hive and peers in.
The beekeeper opens the upper part of the hive and examines the super.
The keeper opens the two center partitions to examine the brood cells.
But I understand that you value what opens up a fresh line, said she, repeating words Pierre had once uttered.
The Unix command view opens vi in read-only mode.
The main window opens pretty large and resizing does n't automatically realign the buttons along the left side of the window.
This opens up the possibility that a simple process can be developed for the elimination of these recalcitrant materials from effluents.
Soul Spark is a six-session course that opens up some of the riches of the Christian tradition to enable a deeper and healthier spirituality.
Rosebay willow-herb Chamerion angustifolium; male stage When the flower opens the anthers are beginning to mature and shed pollen.
First sanatorium for TB patients, the Holt Sanatorium, opens.
Hreidarsson opens the scoring with a header from a corner.
Click here to view the 1999 scoreboard (opens in new window).
Firstly a solenoid valve opens which admits water at 1.7 bar pressure to flush the bowl.
The film opens effectively with a sorority initiation going horribly wrong.
From here some splendid scenery opens up with the chance to see the whole Taurus range including Mt.
Thereâs no reception area either - the stairwell door opens onto a single, open-plan office.
From there, the way opens into a large passage with several stalagmite columns in the floor.
He opens a Pandora 's Box of terror and torment that will chill the blood.
Fun foot to floor ride-on tractor with bonnet that opens.
His new show, Postcards from the Wedge, opens at Brixton 's Fridge Gallery on 22 March and includes 10 triptych pieces.
Good action with twirling cane, mouth opens and closes, vibration causes the toy to move around on smooth surfaces.
The patio window opens to veranda with sea views.
The Prospects website also has useful advice on changing course (opens in new window).
Finally, don't forget that shopping online opens a world of possibilities.
Most moms prefer the lapel style simply because the corsage will be out of the way while the guest-of-honor opens all of her shower gifts.
In addition, even if you have a bra that opens in the front, trying to close the bra while handling an infant can be quite tricky.
Blooming Tea - these may be either white or green teas that are hand tied into a bundle that opens up during steeping to reveal a "flower".
In general, warmer clothes include something like a pair of overalls or a one-piece that opens with snaps or Velcro.
This is a cell phone with a lid that opens up.
This opens the door for tons of easy to play games where all you have to do is touch and move on-screen objects.
Air is built up inside the nail canister and when you pull the trigger, a "door" opens and the nail is pushed out at tremendous speed.
Bleve occurs when (prolonged) extreme temperatures cause the propane inside a tank to heat up and expand, which in turn opens a safety relief valve.
Often you'll see products discounted from the time the store opens to 11 a.m. or, more common, Noon.
Kids insert a toy coin in the slot, turn the dial and the toy opens up into a play set filled with tiny, soft characters.
If you want to bid on an item, be prepared to wave your arms and card around to get the auctioneer's attention (once the bidding opens, of course).
This opens up the opportunity for back-to-back pregnancies which can really drain a queen's resources while she trying to rear the current litter.
The book opens with "If you are a dreamer, come in".
The book opens when main character Milo, a small boy who struggles with boredom, discovers a magical tollbooth in his room.
He opens up to Milo as the book progresses and turns out to be kinder than his initial intimidating persona indicates.
If a recipient of the email opens the message, he or she is greeted with a warning that an account has been compromised or some other emergency has happened.
When a thief opens a new account in someone else's name, it can be very damaging.
Bank fraud occurs when an individual opens a bank account in the name of another person.
Selecting a year opens the list of all marriage and divorce actions in Texas during the time.
This form opens a file and tells the court what type of case it is.
One great example is the Willow Twin Sleeper which opens into a twin bed.
Many retailers cater to the small furniture niche and it can be easy to tie a whole look together affordably, quickly, and in a way that opens up the room rather than drawing attention to the limited amount of space.
It opens to reveal a storage compartment that can function as a cooler or as a trash receptacle, and it even includes an integrated checkers board.
This tea soothes the throat and opens up the bronchial tubes while supporting the respiratory system.
If the door opens into the bathroom, replace it with a sliding or pocket door.
This opens up the option of serving dessert and coffee in another room.
If you have an eat-in kitchen, a breakfast nook or a kitchen that opens into another room, consider the use of an accent wall along with the rest of the kitchen colors.
The effect is that it essentially makes two windows and really opens up the space.
Having brown eyes opens you up to endless possibilities.
Enhancing the arch, even minimally, opens up the eye area, resulting in a cleaner look.
It opens with the citric brilliance of mandarin and bergamot, the richness of the Thuja tree and the edgy herbal pungency of Clary sage.