Openings Sentence Examples
Sieve Tubes.The sieve tubes consist of partially fused rows of cells, the transverse cr lateral walls being perforated by minute openings, through which the contents of the cells are connected with each other, and which after a certain time become closed by,the formation of callus on the sieve plates.
Alternately, you can look for job openings at companies that need writers.
Small tote bags or other bags with easy openings can be used as door bags, or inverted cone-shaped bags are sometimes designed especially for this use.
Whether your preference is for sleek, shopper-type styles or totes with wide openings, you'll find it here - and at discounted prices, too.
The top portion of the bag features two mesh openings so that you can view your pet.
The way she had it figured, the hospital in Bartlesville would tell her there were no openings.
No doubt, it was a letter stating that there were no openings.
There were no openings.
For her sake, he made an effort to behave, but he truly loved the openings she gave him.
The eyepiece slides into the tube cd, which screws into the brass ring ef, through two openings in which the oblong frame, containing the micrometer slides, passes.
AdvertisementThe temples on the east side of the Otolum are distinguished by tall narrow vaults, perforated by numerous square openings giving the appearance of coarse lattice work.
Besides the delta of the Po and the large marshy tracts which it forms, there exist on both sides of it extensive lagoons of salt water, generally separated from the Adriatic by narrow strips of sand or embankments, partly natural and partly artificial, but havin openings which admit the influx and efflux of the sea-water, and serve as ports for communication with the mainland.
It is occupied by the branches and offshoots of the mountain ranges which separate it from the great plain to the north, and send down their lateral ridges close to the water's edge, leaving only in places a few square miles of level plains at the mouths of the rivers and openings of the valleys.
The district is by no means devoid of fertility, the steep slopes facing the south enjoying so fine a climate as to render them very favorable for the growth of fruit trees, especially the olive, which is cultivated in terraces to a considerable height up the face of the mountains, while the openings of the valleys are generally occupied by towns or villages, some of which have become favorite winter resorts.
There are a number of openings through the outer bank and several small towns or ports have been built upon it.
AdvertisementThere are thus two female openings, one for copulation, the other for oviposition, as well as a male opening.
Fertilization takes place as the egg is laid, the spermatozoa being ejected from the spermatheca of the female and making their way to the protoplasm of the egg through openings (rnicropyles) in its firm envelope.
The two external openings of the nephridia are situated sometimes more 2 towards the ventral, at other times more towards the dorsal side.
The line of the genital openings is usually dorsal to the lateral nerve.
A zoning law determines definitely the residential, industrial and commercial districts; 29 street widenings, openings and cut-offs were under construction in 1921.
AdvertisementIt was an assessed tax on the rental value of the house, levied according to the number of windows and openings on houses having more than six windows and worth more than £5 per annum.
From these structural and palaeontological evidences, geologists suppose that the formation of the cave was carried on simultaneously with the excavation of the valley; that the small streams, flowing down the upper ramifications of the valley, entered the western opening of the cave, and traversing the fissures in the limestone, escaped by the lower openings in the chief valley; and that the rounded pebbles found in the shingle bed were carried in by these streams. It would be only at times of drought that the cave was frequented by animals, a theory which explains the small quantity of animal remains in the shingle.
The dressed ore is introduced through a "hopper" at the top, and exposed to a moderate oxidizing flame until a certain proportion of ore is oxidized, openings at the side enabling the workmen to stir up the ore so as to constantly renew the surface exposed to the air.
The first pair of foliaceous appendages in each animal is the genital operculum; beneath it are found the openings of the genital ducts.
Below the falls the river rushes through a rocky gorge, and openings in the cliffs to the water are rare.
AdvertisementThese openings are usually the sandy beds of dried-up or intermittent affluents, such as the Bak, Ham, Houm, Aub (or Great Fish) rivers of Great Namaqualand.
The pipes are assorted into sizes by passing them through graduated openings in a grilled wire frame, and those of good colour are bleached by the fumes of sulphur.
As the sinking of shafts or the driving of narrow entries or drifts is expensive, and as the mineral extracted rarely pays more than a small fraction of the cost, it is usual to plan this exploratory work so that the openings made shall serve some useful purpose later.
Large pillars of mineral should be left for the protection of the main openings, whether these be shafts or adits.
As the mine is opened the deposit is subdivided into blocks of convenient size by parallel passages, which form later the main haulage roads, and by transverse openings for ventilation.
A mine, however, may be over-developed, which results in loss of interest on the capital unnecessarily locked up for years by excessive development, and involves additional cost for the maintenance of such openings until they are needed for active mining operations.
In any case whether natural or artificial means be employed, a mine can only be ventilated properly when it has at least two distinct openings to the surface, one an intake or " downcast," the other a chimney serving as an " upcast."
Two compartments of a shaft may be utilized for this purpose, but greater safety is ensured by two separate openings, as required by law in most mining countries.
If the two openings to the mine are at different levels the difference in weight of the inside and outside air due to difference in temperature causes a current, and in the winter months large volumes of air will be circulated through the mine from this cause alone.
A certain pressure of air is required to maintain circulation against the resistance, and for a given volume per minute the smaller and more irregular the mine openings the greater must be the pressure.
In very deep mines this flowing of soft rock will doubtless add greatly to the difficulty of maintaining openings.
In many cases, however, it has been found necessary to reopen the mine through the fallen ground, and even to excavate openings through the solid mineral.
For the purpose of the removal of the glass, the cooler end of the furnace is provided with a number of suitable openings, provided with movable covers or shades.
The plate with the glass attached to it is inverted, and compressed air or steam is introduced through openings in the plate.
When the window openings were large, as was the case in basilicas and other public buildings, and even in houses, the pieces of glass were, doubtless, fixed in pierced slabs of marble or in frames of wood or bronze.
This, being folded and placed in its sheath, is attached by both ends to the head, so that the melted liquor runs into both openings at the same time.
I, A, and it will be seen that, in addition to the openings of the male A 9" FIG.
The body of the still is provided with one or more openings at different heights to serve for the discharge of the residue in the still, and sometimes with a glass gauge to record the quantity of matter in the still.
He has, indeed, described in graphic terms the greatest of the more superficial changes he underwent; how he had " carried into logical and ethical problems the maxims and postulates of physical knowledge," and had moved within the narrow lines drawn by the philosophical instructions of the class-room " interpreting human phenomena by the analogy of external nature "; how he served in willing captivity " the ` empirical ' and ` necessarian ' mode of thought," even though " shocked " by the dogmatism and acrid humours " of certain distinguished representatives "; 1 and how in a period of " second education " at Berlin, " mainly under the admirable guidance of Professor Trendelenburg," he experienced " a new intellectual birth" which " was essentially the gift of fresh conceptions, the unsealing of hidden openings of self-consciousness, with unmeasured corridors and sacred halls behind; and, once gained, was more or less available throughout the history of philosophy, and lifted the darkness from the pages of Kant and even Hegel."
The portal consists of three arched openings, above which are two stages of arcades, open to the light and supported on slender columns.
They may be characterized as very elongated reptiles without limbs (unless with tiny vestiges of posterior limbs), without eyelids and external ear openings, with the teeth anchylosed to the supporting bones, a bifid slender tongue which is telescoped into its basal half, and with a transverse vent.
These openings are small and provided with a valve interiorly, which is opened during respiration, and closed when the animal dives.
They are provided with lids, made either of lead or of wood lined with lead, which have openings to serve for the introduction of the alloy and acid, and a vent tube to lead off the vapours evolved during the operation.
The external openings in the male are armed with a pair of hollowed spines.
The numerous niches, generally containing sacrificial (?) tables, 2 are often approached by window-like openings hewn out of one of the flat slabs by which they are enclosed.
In the former, which is also known as " post and stall" or "bord and pillar " in the north of England, " pillar and stall " in South Wales, and " stoop and room " in Scotland, the field is divided into strips by numerous openings driven parallel to the main rise headings, called " bords " or " bord gates," which are again divided by cutting through them at intervals, so as to leave a series of pillars arranged chequer-wise over the entire area.
Billwiller introduced the idea of sucking air into the flame at or just below the burner tip, and at this juncture the Naphey or Dolan burner was introduced in America, the principle employed being to use two small and widely separated jets instead of the two openings of the union jet burner, and to make each a minute bunsen, the acetylene dragging in from the base of the nipple enough air to surround and protect it while burning from contact with the steatite.
On each side, behind the head, there is a row of seven branchial openings, through which the water is conveyed to and from the gills.
Immediately above this fixed plate, and almost in contact with it, is another of the same dimensions, and furnished with the same number, n, of openings similarly placed, but passing obliquely through in an opposite direction from those in the fixed plate, the one set being inclined to the left, the other to the right.
Two additional arms were therefore constructed, consisting of a north-east and north-west breakwater, leaving two openings, one Boo ft.
The shore piers carry cantilevers projecting one way over the river openings and the other way over a shore span where it is secured to an anchorage.
The exterior wall of the Merveille is of remarkable boldness; reaching a height of 108 ft., it is supported by twenty buttresses and pierced with a variety of openings.
Further, personal and domestic relations with the ruling families abroad give openings in delicate cases for saying more, and saying it at once more gently and more efficaciously, than could be ventured in the formal correspondence and rude contacts of government.
Canu in 1892 proposed two groups, Monoporodelphya and Diporodelphya, the copulatory openings of the female being paired in the latter, unpaired in the former.
In 1892 he distinguished the former as those in which the first antennae of the male have both members modified for holding the female, and the genital openings of the female have a ventral position, sometimes in close proximity, sometimes strongly lateral; the latter as those in which the first antennae of the male are similar to those of the female, the function of holding her being transferred to the male maxillipeds, while the genital openings of the female are dorsal, though at times strongly lateral.
The coast of Australia is high and unbroken; there are no inlets of considerable size, although the small openings include some of the finest harbours in the world, as Moreton Bay and Port Jackson.
Inside the present sandy coast is a peculiar tide-water channel called the Rio Lagartos, which follows almost the whole northern shore, with occasional openings or bocas, connecting with the open sea.
The discharge of a river at a weir can be regulated as required and considerably increased in flood-time by introducing a series of openings in the centre of a solid weir, with sluice-gates or panels which slide in grooves at the sides of upright frames or masonry piers erected at convenient intervals apart, FIG.
The barrage at the head of the Nile delta, and the regulating sluices across the Nile at Assiut and Esna in Upper Egypt below Assuan, are examples of draw-door weirs, with their numerous openings closed by sluice-gates sliding on free rollers, which control the discharge of water from the river for irrigation.
Hence it passes through the vessels of the glandular walls of the nephridia right and left into the gilllamellae, whence it returns through many openings into the widelystretched auricles.
The part of the urethra above the openings of these ducts really belongs to the urinary system only, though it is convenient to describe it here.
Pieces of paper punctured with small holes are placed over the trays in which the hatching goes on; and the worms, immediately they burst their shell, creep through these openings to the light, and thereby scrape off any fragments of shell which, adhering to the skin, would kill them by constriction.
One day, approaching Coventry, "the Lord opened to him" that none were true believers but such as were born of God and had passed from death unto life; and this was soon followed by other "openings" to the effect that "being bred at Oxford or Cambridge was not enough to fit and qualify men to be ministers of Christ," and that "God who made the world did not dwell in temples made with hands."
The windows must have been mere openings in the walls or roof, for glass was not used for this purpose before the latter part of the 7th century.
The enceinte is pierced by nineteen openings or gateways, but of these seven are not used by the public. As soon as the enceinte was finished eight detached forts from 2 to 22 m.
Early in the 29th century the missionaries had not been able to do much by way of education, but the new openings were seized with such power as was possible, and while in 1876 there were 289 mission schools with 4909 pupils, in 1910 there were 312 9 schools with 79,823 scholars.
The London Mission has always been conspicuous for the contribution made by its agents to linguistic and literary knowledge, the name of James Legge being an outstanding example; it is now, in co-operation with other societies, earnestly taking up the new educational and medical openings.
When, then, Paul proposed, after the Jerusalem council of Acts xv., to revisit with Barnabas the scenes of their joint labours, he naturally demurred to taking Mark with them again, feeling that he could not be relied on should fresh openings demand a new policy.
The earth must be kept moist, which is perhaps best done by a thick mulching of moss, the moss being also bound closely over the openings in the vessel, and all being kept damp by frequent syringings.
Garden pots are made with a comparatively large hole in the bottom, and those of the largest size have also holes at the side near the bottom; these openings are to prevent the soil becoming saturated or soured with superabundant water.
The largest pair of branchiae is placed immediately behind the renal openings and corresponds to the single pair of other molluscs, the organs being repeated anteriorly only (Metamacrobranchs) or anteriorly and posteriorly (Mesomacrobranchs).
Both the openings are close together, the external opening being just in front of the principal gill near the posterior end of the body.
The openings of the auricles into the ventricle vary in different forms. In many of the lower forms (Lepidopleuridae, Mopalidae, Ischnochitonidae) the opening on each side is single and anterior.
Strophomenia, where the openings are separate.
Conceive these gases passing at this great velocity through the narrow openings between the adjoining lumps of coke and ore.
The Bay of Spezia is sheltered from all except southerly winds, and on its western shore are numerous openings, which afford perfectly safe anchorage in all weathers.
These main conduits, being very costly, are constructed for the warping of large adjoining districts, and openings are made at such points as are then undergoing the operation.
Two approaches to the citadel were constructed, both passing through the wall; the openings of both are rectangular.
Through these openings the rainfall of the southern half of the inner plateau reaches the sea.
Barnard's photographs of its structure leave little doubt on the matter; the numerous rifts and dark openings show that its thickness cannot be very great.
In the winter of 1873-1874 she visited Egypt, and was profoundly impressed by the new openings for archaeological research.
They communicate with the coelom by several openings or nephrostomes, and with the atrium by a single opening in each case, the nephridiopore.
In order that the needle may project outside the guard tube, openings are made in its two sides; hence the moment the needle is deflected each half of it becomes unsymmetrically placed relatively to the two metallic pieces which join the upper and lower half of the guard tube.
In the other two families there are eight radial canals, and between them a network of canals with many openings into the ring-canal.
The most peculiar modification, perhaps, is that found in the Cirripedia (Thyrostraca), in the larvae of which the antennules develop into organs of attachment, bearing the openings of the cement-glands, and becoming, in the adult, involved in the attachment of the animal to its support.
It is highly characteristic of the Malacostraca, however, that the trunk-limbs are divided into two sharply defined tagmata corresponding to the thoracic and abdominal regions respectively, the limit between the two being marked by the position of the male genital openings.
The its muscular coat; g, g, the heart is of the usual Arthro lateral teeth, which when podous type, lying in a more or in use are brought in conless well-defined pericardial blood tact with the sides of the sinus, with which it communi median tooth m; c, c, the cates by valvular openings or muscular coat.
They are farthest forward in the case of the female organs of the Cirripedia, where the openings are on the first thoracic (fourth postoral) somite.
It is characteristic of the Malacostraca that the position of the genital apertures is constantly different in the two sexes, the female openings being on the sixth, and those of the male on the eighth thoracic somite.
The chamber is seen in a perfectly symmetrical perspective, its rear wall pierced by three plain openings which admit the sense of quiet distance and mystery from the open landscape beyond; by the central of these openings, which is the widest of the three, the head and.
The genital organs in both Asteroidea and Echinoidea would retain the interradial position they first assumed in Edrioaster; and in Echinoidea their primitive temporary openings to the exterior were converted into definite pores, correlated with five interradially placed plates at the aboral pole.
From Schleswig eastwards to Lubeck Bay the coast is pierced by a number of narrow openings or Fohrden, the result of encroachment of the sea caused by subsidence.
An enormous increase of business, consequent upon the use of steam machinery and free-trade openings to commerce, filled the land with prosperity, and discredited all statesmanship but that which steered by the star over Manchester.
His next novel was The Crater, or Vulcan's Peak (1847), in which he attempted to introduce supernatural machinery with indifferent success; and this was succeeded by Oak Openings and Jack Tier (1848), the latter a curious rifacimento 'of' The Red Rover; by The Sea Lions (1849); and finally by The Ways of the Hour (1850), another novel with a purpose, and his last book.
These lava streams, which are of a doleritic character, flowed before the Glacial age, or during its continuance, out of lava cones with gigantic crater openings, such as may be seen at the present day.
With few exceptions the islands are surrounded by barriers of coral, broken by openings opposite the mouths of streams. Viti Levu is the most important island not only from its size, but from its fertility, variety of surface, and population, which is over one-third of that of the whole group. The town of Suva lies on an excellent harbour at the south-east of the island, and has been the capital of the colony since 1882, containing the government buildings and other offices.
A and feet with two primary papillae on the anterior side and one on the posterior side; outer jaw with one minor tooth at the base of the main tooth, inner jaw with no interval between the large tooth and the series of small ones; last fully developed leg of the male with enlarged crural gland opening on a large papilla placed on its ventral surface; coxal organs absent; the nephridial openings of the 4th and 5th pairs of legs are placed in the proximal spinous pad.
P. tholloni, Bouvier, (Equatorial West Africa [Gaboon]), shows some neotropical features; there are 24 to 25 pairs of legs, the genital opening is between the penultimate legs, and though there are only three spinous pads the nephridial openings of the 4th and 5th legs are proximal to the 3rd pad, coxal organs are present, and the jaws are of the neotropical type; the oviducts have receptacula seminis.
A variable number of posterior legs of the males anterior to the genital opening with one or two large papillae carrying the openings of the crural glands; well-developed coxal organs present on most of the legs.
With 23 to 25 pairs of claw-bearing legs, four spinous pads on the legs, and nephridial openings of legs 4 and 5 in the middle of the proximal pad or on its proximal side; feet with two primary papillae, one anterior and one posterior; outer jaw with two, inner jaw with two or three minor teeth at the base of the main tooth, separated by a diastema from the row of small teeth; crural glands present in the male only, in the two pairs of legs preceding the generative opening; coxal glands present.
The air is distributed by means of wood air trunks with openings controlled by slides, and similar trunks are pro vided in connexion with the suction of the compresser to conduct the air back to the machine.
Above this the comb is divided into nine sections rising by large steps to the apex, each pierced by 30 or more openings, like an immense dovecote.
Sticky traps have openings at both ends with the inside surface covered with a very sticky adhesive and slow-release food attractant.
With a hand lens, the openings where the hair follicles once penetrated the dermis are easily visible.
We identify special skills - market openings, if you like - and we hone them and want to give exclusivity to them.
Given a choice I would prefer a two-piece hull ' with openings ' than a one-piece hull ' without ' .
They all drain through very small openings into the nose to prevent infections passing into them.
Temperatures remained relatively mild throughout the month, with only four mornings later in the month where ground frost delayed course openings.
The end pavilions are the most prominent part of the composition, with giant arched openings with stone surrounds and keystones.
The upper stage is pierced with eight circular openings, two on each face, and it is capped by a low pyramidal spire.
No windows were glazed, but were openings protected by wooden staves morticed into the frames above and below.
Use to close cavities at openings, to prevent thermal bridging.
Like all-in wrestling too it gives fairly great openings for showy acting.
Didelphia, the alternative name of the group was given in allusion to the circumstance that the uterus has two separate openings; while other features are the inclusion of the openings of the alimentary canal and the urino-genital sinus in a common sphincter muscle, and the position of the scrotum in advance of the penis.
Tracing the widening female duct onwards we now come to the openings of the digitate accessory glands d, d, which probably assist in the formation of the egg-capsule.
The " gatherer " approaches one of these openings, removes the shade and introduces his previously heated " pipe."
In the first series of circles, reckoning from the centre the openings are so made as to divide the respective circumferences, on which they are found, in aliquot parts bearing to each other the ratios of the numbers 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20,.
The frames hang vertically from the bottom of the overhead bridge, and rest against a sill at the bottom when the weir is in operation, the openings between the frames being closed below the water-level by rolling-up curtains or sliding panels, which are lowered or raised by a travelling winch carried by a small foot-bridge formed by hinged brackets at the p ack of the frames, and situated a little above the highest floodlevel.
It was an oblong edifice divided by columns into a central hall and a corridor running round all the four sides with a tribunal opposite the main entrance; and, unlike the usual basilicae, it had, instead of a clerestory, openings in the walls of the corridor through which light was admitted, it being almost as lofty as the nave.
With this he began walking in the air toward the high openings, and Dorothy and Zeb followed him.
Within the entrenchment stood ten guns that were being fired through openings in the earthwork.
One of its sides had fallen in, another was on fire, and bright flames issued from the openings of the windows and from under the roof.
We do not have any openings at present for salaried employees, nor are we likely to have in the future.
Be sure to cover all the openings with scotch tape to prevent loss data.
Wales had their openings to mark this March 1 occasion with a morale-boosting win, notably Craig Bellamy, who spurned two great openings.
Dormer windows and stairwell openings are formed by placing multiple trusses either side of the openings and framing the resulting space with loose timbers.
Keep the original size and proportions of openings as unconsidered changes can destroy the design of a whole frontage.
First, go for those with a lot of side snaps or wide enough openings for any cords to fit through.
One-handed clips-There is no need to fumble with your bra before feeding your baby when you have Hot Milk's easy-access one-handed nursing clip openings.
The waistband and leg openings of a properly-fitted brief will lay flat across your skin without pinching or pulling.
The free information is easy to filter through, but if you want continued support with up-to-date emails and possible openings of new wholesale archery dealers, then you'll want to pay for a Gold Member account.
From the base your cat can climb a ladder to the first level that consists of an enclosed area that can be accessed by several different shaped openings.
The inflation valve openings are extra wide to make the process of inflating your love seat fast and easy.
Use caulk to seal any drafts you can feel around openings such as doorways and windows.
In looking to the Internet as a way to communicate, many businesses have discovered the benefits of posting job openings online.
The bad news is that job openings for digital photography teachers are limited.
Carefully wrap the parchment over the salmon and carrots, making sure that you leave no openings where steam can escape.
While some classes may have openings on the day of the event, Creating Keepsakes highly recommends registering online to ensure a spot in the desired classes.
They started out offering flare jeans and were an immediate hit with their variety of washes and leg openings.
In addition, lots of employers regularly hire teens by listing openings in local newspapers or by putting a help wanted sign in the window of their business.
However, note that you will have to register with the site in order to view those job openings.
Ask your family and friends if they know of job openings.
Depending on your state, you'll likely need to visit this office to get 'working papers' before you can start working anyway so it won't hurt to ask if they know of any openings.
Accessories like hats and mittens can be difficult to put on a squirming toddler as well, so choose hats that have plenty of room and mittens that feature large Velcro openings for easy access to little hands.
In addition, this company assists with the openings of new children's clothing shops.
Whatever job you're looking for in the cruise travel industry, you can find openings suitable for your interests and expertise.
Online job searches, however, are more useful tools and can compile information about openings from several large and small cruise lines simultaneously, giving you a greater chance of finding the position you are interested in.
The flexibility to depart immediately is another good attribute because you will be able to fill any short notice openings.
In addition, the company has openings for singers and comedians, and individuals with acrobatic, stunt, and acting skills.
If you're interested in learning more about employment opportunities on a Carnival Cruise Line, visit "Fun Jobs" for current openings.
Most cruise lines that feature Caribbean itineraries have online career opportunity job boards, which include a list of current job openings.
Most harnesses have adjustable leg and neck openings, so you can tighten or loosen the harness as necessary as long as it's designed to fit your dog's size.
Cut off a quarter inch to three-eighths of an inch from the bottoms of door jambs, case openings, etc. How much you cut off will depend on the thickness of the flooring and underlyament pad you plan to install.
The tiny openings in the mesh let the water in easily.
Fireplace inserts are specifically designed with openings on the sides and bottom of the insert and not on the back.
Cut openings in drywall panels for doors and windows before hanging them.
Older galvanized pipes with threaded openings may need adapters to work with your new fixture.
Now measure the height and width of all the openings, like the garage door, entry door or window, and subtract that by the area.
Trim pieces are used along corners, under eaves and around openings like windows and doors.
Install new sheetrock and trim over the openings and you've just learned how to replace windows without spending a fortune on a contractor.
In this section of the website you can browse job openings, explore their benefits package and obtain a list of stores that are currently hiring.
Conservative leg openings prevent the swimsuit from pulling up too far.
It turns you into a compact ball that can fit into cramped openings.
There are openings for the microphone, speaker, and charging cord.
These include defective heart valves, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (enlarged heart muscle), holes or abnormal openings in the walls of the heart (septal defects), aortic aneurysm, or other congenital heart disease.
Milk ejection is the forceful expulsion of milk from the alveoli openings.
Abnormal openings also form in the upper part of the atrial septum (called sinus venosus ASD) where the superior vena cava and right atrium join, and lower parts of the atrial septum (called primum ASD).
Abnormal openings in the atrial septum are twice as common in females as in males.
Children who require hospitalization receive fluids intravenously and supplemental oxygen through a mask or nasal cannulae (small tubes into the openings of the nostrils).
Newer MRI scanners have shorter patient openings that allows the patient's head to remain outside the machine during body scans.
If the child has mumps, the openings to the ducts inside the mouth will be slightly inflamed and have a "pouty" appearance.
Small surgical openings are made in the uterus, and a tiny fiber optic fetoscope is inserted to guide the operation.
Toddlers sometimes put small objects into their noses, ears, and other openings.
Although children eat small objects and stick things into their bodily openings of their own volition, they inhale them unwittingly while choking.
Additional surgeries may also improve the appearance of the lip and nose, close openings between the mouth and nose, help breathing, and stabilize and realign the jaw.
This is a minimally invasive type of surgery done through one or more small one-inch (2.5 cm) incisions and a laparoscope, an instrument with a fiber-optic light containing a tube with openings for surgical instruments.
Some victims of rabies have been attacked by infected animals, particularly bats, that entered through unprotected openings.
A number of different heart defects are common in Down syndrome, including abnormal openings (holes) in the walls that separate the heart's chambers (atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect).
Place the empty bottle on top of the first one, lining up the openings in the bottle (they should now look like an hourglass).
There is no reason for a job seeker to ever pay a fee to get information about job openings or how to apply for jobs.
Most cruise lines post job openings, application forms, and information about how to apply on their own websites.
Do your own legwork, and submit your applications directly to the cruse ship lines with job openings that appeal to you.
Jobs Nepal lists the job title, company, number of openings, type of position, post date, and deadline to apply.
If you are interested in applying for a position as a Walmart associate, the easiest way to be considered for available openings is to simply complete an application using the computerized kiosk in your local Walmart store.
If you are interested in one of Walmart's professional positions, however, you can search for available openings and learn more about application procedures by visiting the Careers page of the Walmart website.
Finding job openings in Nigeria can be difficult, especially if you don't already live there.
You should carefully evaluate the risks to your safety before pursuing job openings in Nigeria.
The best source for bank openings is the banks themselves.
If you've weighed all the pros and cons and you're ready to find job openings in Nigeria, there are some sites that can assist in your search.
These sites list openings, links to companies hiring in Nigeria and helpful information for job seekers.
There is information about seeking employment in many countries in the Job Openings category on LoveToKnow Jobs.
You may also want to look for openings on websites that focus on worldwide teaching opportunities, including Academic Careers Online, Escape Artist, and Educators Overseas.
See the Job Openings category page to see if any of the countries that interest you are listed.
I think it's a good idea to develop a list of law firms in your area, search their web sites for employment postings, and submit resumes to all of them that have openings posted.
Dear Mary I am looking for job openings in Presque Isle,Maine-04769.How do I check on the web site for any openings at all around the area.
The best way to start looking for job openings in your area is to check with local employment agencies, look in your local classified advertisements, and check Job Search Web Sites using a geographic search criterion.
Once you've settled on a few specific areas where you'd like to live, contact employment services and search relevant Job Search Engines for openings that match your qualifications in the proper areas.
You'll find information about a wide variety of international job openings in the field.
Contact the HR departments of various employers and ask if there are any openings.
When you're ready to start learning more about the process of going to work in different countries, it's a good idea to check out the Job Openings articles on LoveToKnow Jobs.
This website exclusively lists professional job openings throughout Sweden for individuals seeking positions that require fluency in English.
When you're looking for job openings in Finland, it's a good idea to start by looking at the various online job boards that advertise available positions in the country.
You also have the option of creating a resume on the site to make it easier for you to apply for any job openings you are interested in.
When you register for the site, you can search through job openings posted on the site by category, and apply to the ones that interest you the most.
While those who are looking for employment don't have to pay anything to use this website to research job openings, companies who advertise on the site pay a fee to list their open positions.
The businesses that advertise on Flex Jobs are legitimate companies that employ telecommuters, and they're actively seeking workers to fill specific openings.
The best way to find out which cruise line employment agencies are likely to have legitimate openings on cruise ships is to contact the cruise lines you are interested in working with.
When you research job openings with a particular cruise line, you'll find out how the organization approaches hiring new employees.
You can also search company and industry specific postings, or browse openings in entire categories.
You can search for openings in up to 20 job categories from the main page of the website using keywords and geographic specifications.
Once your resume is posted to the site, you'll be able to use the site's 'Quick Apply feature to quickly and easily submit your resume to advertised job openings.
Member sites join together to form a nationwide network focused on helping match employers with job seekers who live in, or are interested in relocating to, the particular locations in which they have job openings.
The site prides itself as being Canada's top choice for hiring, largely due to its ability to allow employers to quickly post job openings and review the site's resume database for candidates.
Eluta specializes in posting new job openings as soon as they are published on the employers website.
Job openings are supported with information about the employer's business, working conditions and recruiting programs.
Job loss centers can also help businesses who need to hire workers by letting them post job openings there.
While some job openings appropriate for teenagers may be publicized online and in newspapers, teens who want to find work should plan to visit local employers and apply in person.
When you find stores that have openings and that hire teens in your age group, fill out and submit an employment application.
There are several ways to find openings for civil service jobs, including those at the federal, state, and local level.
You can search for job openings in several ways, including by agency, location, and occupation.
Once you select the agency you are interested in, you'll be able to browse all current openings within that particular department.
If you'd like to live in a particular state, you'll want to browse openings by location.
If you are interested in finding local government job listings, contact the human resources department for the municipality or county where you would like to work and inquire about openings and the hiring process.
Federal and state agencies are required to post their job openings and hiring procedures where interested parties can find them.
You can search current openings in your area as well as find out more about working at Target.
Find out what kinds of positions exist in the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and learn where to find announcements for current openings and how to apply online.
You can search for job openings by keyword, using details such as the job title you are interested in, the name of the agency where you would like to work, or the job announcement number a particular position (if available).
Are you interesting in learning about UPS job openings?
Not all opportunities in the package operations division are part-time, so you should check for openings in your area regardless of the hours you are interested in working.
Each listing will provide information about the status of hiring for each job, including whether or not there are current openings, or applications are being accepted for backup workers or future openings.
Homeland Security job openings are Federal positions that revolve around keeping the nation safe and ready to handle emergency situations.
If Homeland Security job openings sound like something you'd like to browse through for a perfect fit, check for listings of all kinds.
Seeking out Homeland Security job openings could result in a rewarding career.
Job seekers can browse current openings from the comfort of their own home via the Internet.
In addition to looking for openings on the websites of major overseas contracting companies, you may also want to include regular reviews of free job search engines that publish information about these types of job openings.
There are several fee-based sites that specialize in overseas employment opportunities, providing a place for employers to list job openings and information about what is involved in applying for civilian contractor jobs.
Are you considering applying for one of the Federal Express job openings available?
Are you looking for information about U.S. Census job openings?
Individuals hired for U.S. Census job openings are responsible for making personal visits to people's homes in the neighborhoods where they are assigned to work.
If the idea of working as a part-time census taker appeals to you, consider applying for one of the U.S. Census job openings.
Are you looking for information about job openings at Target?
When you visit the company's Careers page you can quickly and easily obtain information about current job openings, find dates and locations of upcoming recruiting events, and submit your application for employment.
If you're ready to apply for job openings at Target, you'll need to complete a formal application for employment with the company.
Roughneck job openings are often available.
If you are looking for roughneck job openings, consider the following resources.
Although these websites do update their openings from time to time, keep in mind that they may not offer a full picture of what positions are available.
Although it is a good idea to invest time in these websites to find roughneck job openings, it is also possible to find job openings by contacting oil-drilling companies directly.
Job openings for teenagers range widely.
Some of the best job openings for teenagers are not those listed in the wanted ads or online.
Pipeline job openings are readily available in some areas of the country.
The other option is to locate job openings through employment websites and other resources.
Numerous states have openings for people who want to work in the pipeline transportation industries.
Going straight to the companies that develop and maintain the pipelines throughout the country is one option for individuals looking for pipeline job openings.
Are you looking for security guard job openings?
The key to finding this type of employment is to conduct a thorough search for job openings and to present yourself to prospective employers in the right light.
One of the best ways for individuals to find openings for security guard positions is to visit the websites of leading security companies in their local areas and apply directly, when possible.
Current job openings are listed on firm's website.
Many of the job websites offer listings for security guard job openings.
The following websites may have security job openings listed, depending on needs.
There is good news on the labor front for people who are interested in land surveyor job openings.
Someone looking for land surveyor job openings should focus his or her job search on architectural and engineering firms.
Other places to look for land surveyor job openings include online job boards, such as the Surveying Jobs page at
Many organizations seeking quality blog and web content writers turn to this job board when they have openings.
Verizon Wireless boasts the largest telecommunications network in the United States, with nearly 100 million customers, and numerous Verizon job openings are available to those who want to work with the company.
Verizon job openings come with plenty of benefits to keep the employee happy and to ensure the lowest possible job turnover rate.
The site lists all job openings available to people of certain fields, and the jobs are broken down by the area in which the individual wishes to be employed.
Verizon job openings under the corporate umbrella include systems analysts, security consultants, disability benefits specialists, and auditors.
Hourly job openings are listed on the Website, as are professional positions geared toward individuals with degrees and work experiences.
Once you've decided that you'd like to pursue a career at Kmart, it's time to see what Kmart job openings are available.
You'll probably not qualify for every job available, but searching out the Kmart job openings that fit your needs (and your background) is an important step in getting that job at a Kmart store.
While job openings at Kmart stores may be advertised in local newspapers and at stores, you might need to use the Internet to find a job at a Kmart store that fits your needs.
Kmart job openings are split into types of jobs.
That action will take you to a results page that provides information about current openings that match the information you entered.
You can review the openings and determine which ones interest you.
Openings for district managers are posted on the District Manager page in the Careers section of the Sears Portrait Studios web site.
Kmart is owned by Sears Holdings Corporation, so your search for job openings and information about working for the company will need to start on the careers page on the company's website.
To do this, simply visit the "Search Openings" page on the Sears Holdings Corporation website.
When you click on the Search Openings link, you will be taken to a searchable database that includes information about professional positions with all of the stores and brands owned by Sears Holdings Corporation and corporate office jobs.
See information regarding the variety of federal jobs openings overseas.
An internal posting system is used so that employees are aware of openings throughout the company.
Anyone can view the job openings posted on the site at no cost.
Employers are required to pay a fee to advertise job openings on the site.
Employers pay a fee to publicize job openings on the site and those who are seeking computer employment can search for positions at no charge.
It is also free for individuals seeking contract IT positions to review published openings, but there is no mechanism for job seekers to publish resumes on the site.
The best way to find openings for federal jobs is by searching the USA Jobs website.
The first step in seeking this type of employment is to find and apply for openings that you are qualified to fill.
Search for job openings in several ways, including by agency, location, and occupation.
Some federal agencies post job openings on their own websites in addition to listing the with the USAJobs website.
Federal, state and local government agencies are required to post their job openings and hiring procedures where interested parties can find them.
Computer forensics job openings are available across the globe in just about any city.
You should quickly find many computer forensics job openings from a variety of cities.
Keep in mind that most of the computer forensics job openings will probably be with a third-party company that gets hired as experts or consultants.
At the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS), you can browse the list of job openings that will most likely be with some kind of government agency.
Kmart job openings are varied and many offer great flexibility.
Are you looking for medical assistant job openings?
Whatever your reasons, medical assistant job openings are in abundance with just a click of the button.
Health Career Web lists job openings by the most recent date posted.
Listings include job openings for a wide variety of allied health occupations.
Yes, you'll get a large listing of openings, but visiting the original site might elicit even more.
The Internet is not the only source for finding medical assistant job openings.
When you find one or more openings for jobs that interest you, it will be necessary to fill out an employment application.
Selected Med Connections shows openings for nursing jobs in Canada as well as in the United States and Australia.
The 100 best careers offer relatively good pay and prospective job openings in the future.
If not, ask about any other job openings while you have have a hiring contact on the phone.
Employers often advertise openings in advance of the time they expect to have immediate hiring needs.
There are several websites that feature summer camp nurse openings, such as the Association of Camp Nurses and
Most banks publish job openings on their websites, so searching the "careers" pages on the sites of financial institutions where you might like to work can be a great place to start.
This Full Cut French Bottom matches the halter flower print top and is delightful with its high waist and even higher leg openings that create the illusion of longer legs.
Cutting also applies to plunging necklines, practically non-existent thong bottoms and high-cut leg openings that rise to the top of the hips, all of which can give bathing suits a very unusual, and often extremely sexy look.
Pinup Girl Clothing has high-waist bikinis as well as one-piece swimsuit options ranging from swim dresses to ruched-hip styles with very low-cut leg openings.
The fencing should be a minimum of four feet high, and with openings small enough to deter climbing.
They typically have a banded or belted top, and leg openings that lack gathered elastic.
They also show up to do boating events, grand openings and conventions.
There are several openings in each room that can be closed with the addition of small doors.
Openings also serve as connectors if she wants to add more accessories to her hamster's home.
The tunnel can be attached to one of the openings in the funhouse, and the Zhu Zhu Pet can go round and round on its exercise wheel.
Thier jackets are made to fit narrow shoulders, have higher arm openings and are cut shorter so that the jacket will sit just at the hips.
The openings in the wire rack allow for even cooking.
There are over 1,000 openings each with hundreds of combinations.
While openings may take similar paths, how you proceed through the middle to end-game is determined by your playing style.
First-timers and novices need to learn some of the basics - like moves, strategies and simple openings - before diving into games with stronger players, chess programs, or tournaments.
You can also visit a website such as Volunteer Match to find openings in your region without hardly any effort at all.
The full-body getup has openings for the arms, legs and face.
The St. Bernard mascot costume is among the most popular around and is used for all kinds of special events, from grand openings to school functions.
A typical mascot costume comes with an oversized character mascot head with see-thru eye mesh, a furry bodysuit with attached tail and miniature brandy barrel, large paw-like mittens with hidden openings, and a pair of foot covers.
Go to gallery openings and charity balls.
Whether you're looking for a local position or plan to move across the country, you can quickly post your resume and search for openings that match your skills.
If you're looking for jobs for journalists, don't forget that networking is often a very valuable way to learn of openings that may fit your career goals.
Two zippered side mesh openings add plenty of ventilation.
Two padded chin rests are housed on both side openings, so your pet can relax while he enjoys his surroundings.
You'll find a zippered top panel that allows access to the main compartment and two zippered side mesh openings for ventilation.
Daycare institutions that care for infants can be hard to find or have no openings.
As of March 21, 2006, their site has four grand openings listed for the month.
When you visit the Off Broadway website, you'll see stores that are just opening as well as where future store openings are planned.
Look for tiny openings that hold pins which run through the length of each link.
When you look for work, don't limit your search to advertised job openings; these only represent a small percentage of all available jobs.
Talking to people you know about your job search and asking them to let you know of applicable openings is another effective strategy.
Using a resume career objective if you are qualified for several positions with the company may mean that the employer won't consider you for multiple openings.
If you're seeking a job in the auto industry in the UK, the website partners with Monster and offers the latest job openings at dealerships near you.
A metal grate with directional louvers covers these openings, called registers.
If you desire to paint around the duct openings or the grates, now would be the ideal time.
Place the cardboard rings in a row on the paper or cloth so that their openings are at the top and bottom.
You may need to dilute the paint to a consistency that does not block the openings in the canvas.
The pink, 100 percent cotton batiste baby doll is sleeveless, ruffled, trimmed with lace and comes with adorable bloomer-style bottoms with non-binding leg openings.
Fishnet material is a diamond shaped knit with various size openings.
Some of the best polka-dotted boyshorts have flexible lace edging around the leg openings that picks up or coordinates with the color of the polka dots in the pattern.
That area of the lingerie either has slits or small openings.
They are great for most body types and are particularly attractive for full-figured women because the high cut leg openings and low-slung fit create a slim, sexy appearance.
These bikinis are universally flattering because of their low-rise profile and high cut leg openings.
It features a wide gusset, narrow, pinch-free sides, satin-trimmed waist and leg openings, and moderate coverage.
Features include seamless leg openings, full coverage, and an easy fitting waistband.
It features an embroidered front and peek-a-boo back panel, easy fitting elastic leg and waist openings, and a high rise.
Special features include extra roominess in the rear panel, wide nylon gusset, extra-high sides, and elastic leg openings.
Girdles can have leg openings or open bottoms.
There are two types of girdles, the open bottom and the kind with leg openings, often called a panty girdle, that extend about halfway down the thigh.
The open bottom styles are most often the ones you'll want to show off to a lover later, while the ones with leg openings are best reserved for undressing without an audience.
The type with leg openings is usually available in nude shades.
This underwear covers the area between the waist and the upper thighs; they will have a bold band along the waist, and coordinating elastic along the leg openings.
You can find festivals, art gallery openings, educational presentations, musical performances, plays, and much more.
SirLinksALot - This site doesn't look like much visually, but it's updated almost daily with new reality TV openings.
You can also message other users to see if they have any openings.
The best form of open fireplace is the ventilating stove, in which fresh air is passed around the back and sides of the stove before being admitted through convenient openings into the room.
This site pulls job openings from other sites around the net, and employers list their openings on here themselves.
Submit your resume and writing examples to the managing editor to be considered for any available openings.
Associated Press Sports Editors has a job board with a variety of sports journalism openings.