Oot Sentence Examples
In juist ae glisk, the prince poued it oot an thare wes Gowd Tree as gleg an weill as ever she wes.
Ijust took a keek in ti ' find oot what was on.
He wis only a laddie at the time, an Badger wid whiles tak him oot for a nicht at the rabbits.
Get oot the road noo. ' ' But it's richt in front o yer neb!
In Ireland, if you put sixpence under yer pillow, the fairies come an take awe yer teeth oot!
In Ireland, if you put sixpence under yer pillow, the fairies come an take awe yer teeth oot !
Then wan day while we were daein the dishes he reached up high and sumpn fell oot his pocket.
She kent that the wye tae learn history wis tae play it oot.