Ooi Sentence Examples
In size their cells are commonly about o ooi mm.
The mean result of the best determinations shows that when a current of one ampere is passed for one second, a mass of silver is deposited equal to o ooi i 18 gramme.
The value of the constant / 7 ranges in different metals from about o ooI to 0.04; in soft iron and steel it is said to be generally not far from 0.002.
But the Benedictines, whose settlement in Hungary dates from the establishment of their monastery at Pannonhalma (c. 1 ooi), were the chief pioneers.
Estimates of this distance vary, but it may probably be put at more than three thousand light years (parallax less than o ooi ").
Hence, in order that this zone may be perfectly formed, there should be no error in the circumference of the order of ooi cm.
Since 9 2 is less than 4 of 2 734 3 3141 59 0820 29 02 7 34 10 94 0 27231415927 2734 0859 00 0628 32 230 68 219 91 1 35 1 26 (ooi) 2, we can obtain three more figures approximately by dividing 2 - (1.414) 2 by 2.818.
An essential accompaniment therefore of the potentiometer is a series of standard low resistances, say of o 1, o oi, o ooi ohm, and also a series of higher resistances divided into known fractions.