Oo Sentence Examples
The " ordinary " expenditure was L3, 595,3 oo.
None the less Pericles sailed with i oo triremes, and ravaged the territory near Epidaurus.
The most prominent and profitable of these is that of rubber-collecting, which was begun in Bolivia between 1880 and 1890, and which reached a registered annual output of nearly 35 oo metric tons just before Bolivia's best rubber forests were transferred to Brazil in 1903.
The unit of antitoxin in Ehrlich's new standard is the amount requisite to antagonize i oo times the minimum lethal dose of a particular toxin to a guinea-pig of 250 grm.
It consists of z oo volumes containing 689 works, of which there are two or three complete sets in Europe, one of them in the India Office library.
Among the European population the birth-rate is about 33.00 per thousand, and the death-rate 14 oo per thousand.
The birth-rate among the coloured inhabitants is about the same as with the whites, but the death-rate is higher-about 2 5 oo per thousand.
Figures and letters may even be used in combination; thus 16 may be followed by 16a and 16b, and these by 17, and in such a case the ordinal i oo does not correspond with the total (cardinal) number up to this point.
The town is situated in the valley of the Austreberthe, a small affluent of the Seine, here crossed at a height of i oo ft.
The Assembly itself was subject to constant the oo electors as a temporary municipal overnment 3 P Y P g cipality of the Assembly sent a deputation to confer with them at the Hotel de Ville, and on a sudden impulse one of these deputies, Bailly, lately president of the Assembly, was P power.
AdvertisementThe former was called simply o and the latter u (ov, pronounced as oo in moon).
Usually, we pretty much hold our own (oo er ), but don't quite make the placings.
Tom Shelley reports A retired designer is building ' OO ' gage model locomotives that run on real live steam.
Old Julius ' oo were gettin ' cold Said " Send out a scout an ' look slippy " .
The moral character of Europe in 1300 was no longer the moral character of Europe in 110o; and the Crusades, which had been the active and objective embodiment of the other worldly Europe of I i oo, were alien to the secular, legal, scholastic Europe of 1300.
AdvertisementAny circular filament can be started from rest by the application of a circumferential impulse 7rpmdr at each end of a diameter; so that a mechanism attached to the cylinders, which can set up a uniform distributed impulse rpm across the two parts of a diameter in the liquid, will generate the vortex motion, and react on the cylinder with an impulse couple-pmira 2 and pm7rb 2, having resultant pm7r(b 2 -a 2), and this couple is infinite when b = oo, as the angular momentum of the vortex is infinite.
Similarly, parallel to Oy, the increase of effective inertia is NT'/th n th(n-a), reducing to M'/th n=M' (a/b), when a= oo, and the liquid extends to infinity.
The displacement curve of the waves from a tuning-fork on its resonance box, or from the human voice sounding oo, are nearly smooth and symmetrical, as in fig.
C S T R V I ® p s v m Oo O Ooooo, _® ?t?
Skipwith, a judge of the common pleas, cited a statute under which for any erasure in the rolls to the deceit of the king z oo marks fine was imposed for every penny, and so Wykeham owed 960,000 marks.
AdvertisementOld Julius ' oo were gettin ' cold Said " Send out a scout an ' look slippy ".
Unique (pronounced oo neek) is used to mean, the only one.
B, Digestive gland from interior A, B, and C magnified about of pitcher, in pocket-like deI oo diameters.
On the 2gth of June 1881 the Chamber adopted a Franchise Reform Bill, which increased the electorate from oo,ooo to 2,000,000 by lowering the fiscal qualification from 40 to 19.80 lire in direct taxation, and by extending the suffrage to all persons who had passed through the two lower standards of the elementary schools, and practically to all persons able to read and write.
All civil cases involving less than z oo roubles value were within their competence, and more important cases by consent of the parties.
AdvertisementFor strong magnetizing forces (which in these experiments did not exceed II= 48.9) the permeability remains almost constant at its initial value (about 400), until the temperature is within nearly i oo of the critical point; then the permeability diminishes more and more rapidly until the critical point is reached and the magnetization vanishes.
By the principle of energy the illumination over the entire focal plane must be equal to that over the diffracting area; and thus, in accordance with the suppositions by which (3) was obtained, its value when integrated from E= co to = -1-x, and from n = - oo to n = -1-oo should be equal to ab.
If the subject of examination be a luminous line parallel to n, we shall obtain what we require by integrating (4) with respect to 77 from - oo to + oo.
Thus with a' =o, a stream is split symmetrically by a wedge of angle ' zr/n as in Bobyleff's problem; and, by making a = oo, the wedge extends to infinity; then chnS2= u, sh nS2= b n u.
A green pigment known as Rinmann's green is prepared by mixing I oo parts of zinc vitriol with 2.5 parts of cobalt nitrate and heating the mixture to redness, to produce a compound of the two oxides.
If we assume that s is a linear function of 0, s= so(I +aO), the adiabatic equation takes the form, s 0 log e OW +aso(0 - Oo) +R loge(v/vo) =o
The constant co is the value of c at some standard temperature oo.
Izerbacea and arctic species generally, to 1 oo ft., and occurring most abundantly in cold or temperate climates in both hemispheres, and generally in moist situations; a few species occur in the tropical and sub-tropical portions of the three great continents.
Thus the contribution to the total impulsive pressure exerted on the area dS in time dt from this cause is mu X udtdS X (11 3 m 3 /,r 3)e hm (u2+v2+w2 )dudvdw (I o) The total pressure exerted in bringing the centres of gravity of all the colliding molecules to rest normally to the boundary is obtained by first integrating this expression with respect to u, v, w, the limits being all values for which collisions are possible (namely from - co too for u, and from - oo to + oo for v and w), and then summing for all kinds of molecules in the gas.
The aggregate amount of these pressures is clearly the sum of the momenta, normal to the boundary, of all molecules which have left dS within a time dt, and this will be given by expression (pp), integrated with respect to u from o to and with respect to v and w from - oo to +oo, and then summed for all kinds of molecules in the gas.
It is positive for all values of y and increases steadily from o toward as y increases from -co towards + oo.
Thus on each side of the point B repre o oo 100 renting this compound, the FIG.
These attain at places a height of from z oo to 150 ft., and are continually shifting to the westward.
It is now (by the enlargement of 1902) limited to oo knights grand cross, of whom the first or principal is grand master, exclusive of extra and honorary members, of 300 knights commanders and 600 companions.
All these phenomena are parallel with those of 1 oo% carbon steel at this same critical point Ar l.
An imperial guarantee of interest was obtained in 1905 for the construction of a railway from Hickory to Bayong, a place z oo m.
The coins are chiefly Theban, of all dates down to 315 B.C. There are about oo archaic Aeginetan staters, and some other rare coins.
Here, too, is the Doric pillar, 1 oo ft.
Now x, x have a resultant through H, represented in magnitude and direction by 00, whilst y,y have a resultant through K represented in magnitude and direction by OO.
The average breadth of this northern Pathan district is 150 m., but it narrows to less than I oo m.
The dock and victualling yards occupy together an area of some i oo acres spread over the shores on both sides of those arms of the great harbour known as "Dockyard" and "French" creeks, the dockyard being partly on the former, but principally on the latter creek.
The second point, however, is omitted, so that we write it o 0037 or 0037, this expression meaning i 8 - 0 1 o of i o = T-08-030v, On the same principle, since 37% of 45% is equal to M of -14-05w = i _o y ou = v o +(3 6 r$ 0f i oo), 3% of 2% can be expressed by 0006.
For practical purposes logarithms are usually calculated to base i o, so that log l o 10 = I, log i n I oo = 2, &C.
In particular, when a = oo, the extra inertia is M'.
At first she frowned, then broke into a huge smile and started to sing, "You oo oo love her."
By differentiation with respect to g i it may be proved that from g, = - oo to g i = - 2h1, from g, = - 2h, to g1=0, from g, = 0 to g, =2h,, from g,=2h, to g,=oo.
Buller's operations, too, had cost at Colenso r roo men, at Spion Kop r 700, at Vaalkrantz 400, and now in the last long-drawn effort 16 oo more - over s000 in all.
An ellipse interior to n = a will move in a direction opposite to the exterior current; and when n = o, U = oo, but V = (m/c) sh a sin 13.
Helmholtz, of the efflux of a jet between two edges A and A 1 in an infinite wall, is obtained by the symmetrical duplication of the above, with n = 1, b = o, a' = - oo, as in fig.
One of these, which settled at Florence before the year II oo, divided in the 13th century into the two branches of San Miniato and Sarzana.