Ont Sentence Examples
Esquimalt, Halifax, Kingston (Ont.) and Quebec have wellequipped graving-docks.
At Kingston (Ont.) is the Royal Military College, to the successful graduates of which a certain number of commissions in the British service is annually awarded.
C. Loyseau, in his Traite des seigneuries (3rd ed., 1610, p. 14), explains that there are two kinds of public seigneuries, that is, sovereign seigneurs, possessing summum imperium, and suzerains, " Les suzeraines sont celles qui ont puissance superieure mais non supreme."
Both in Italy and France he was engaged in collecting materials for his great work, which occupied him about twenty-five years, L'Histoire des ordres monastiques, religieux, et militaires, et des congregations seculieres, de l'un et de l'autre sexe, qui ont ete etablies jusqu'd present, published in 8 volumes in 1714-1721.
In short, they took nothing from them but the ideas, the spirit, the life; they ` found' (ils ont trouve) all the rest " (p. 80).