Only-just Sentence Examples
I have only just learned there is more than my selfish anger that matters.
Dawn had come an hour earlier but only just managed to push away the shadows of night from the cloudy mountain hiding place that had become her home.
First there were the natural sciences, themselves only just emerging from a confused conception of their true method; especially those which studied the borderland of physical and mental phenomena, the medical sciences; and pre-eminently that science which has since become so popular, the science of biology.
The proprietors of Queen's Hall, London, did much for it when they undertook the alteration, at great expense, of their large concert organ, which had only just been erected.
In i879 4000 men were employed; in 1902 only just over 1oo0.
On hearing of the death of the poet Dakiki, he conceived the ambitious design of himself carrying out the work which the latter had only just commenced; and, although he had not then any introduction to the court, he contrived, thanks to one of his friends, Mahommed Lashkari, to procure a copy of the Dihkan Danishwer's collection, and at the age of thirty-six commenced his great undertaking.
Dalwigk was one of Prussia's enemies, and during the war of 1866 the grand-duke fought on the Austrian side, the result being that he was compelled to pay a heavy indemnity and to cede certain districts, including Hesse-Homburg, which he had only just acquired, to Prussia.
With horses only just recovering from an epidemic, they proved quite unequal to the task of catching the Cossacks, who swarmed round them in every direction, never accepting an engagement but compelling a constant watchfulness for which nothing in their previous experience had sufficiently prepared the French.
Splendid banquets lasting far into the night, private and intimate conversations between the princes who had only just emerged from a mortal struggle, seemed to point to nothing but peace and friendship in the future.
Otto appointed his younger son Dietrich as his successor and was attacked and taken prisoner by his elder son Albert; but, after obtaining his release by order of the emperor Frederick I., he had only just renewed the war when he died in 1190.
AdvertisementThe Imperial fleet, moving up the Tiber and led by the great general, only just failed to succour the city, which must then, perforce, open its gates to the Goths.
The English officers, who in vain tried to rally them, themselves only just escaped by scrambling into their boats and putting off to the war-vessels, whose guns checked the pursuit and enabled a remnant of the fugitives to escape.
The whole of the Southern army in the west swung round on its left wing as the pivot, and Buell only just reached Louisville before his opponent.
At Aduatuca (near Aixla-Chapelle) a newly-raised legion was cut to pieces by the Eburones under Ambiorix, while Quintus Cicero was besieged in the neighbourhood of Namur and only just relieved in time by Caesar, who was obliged to winter in Gaul in order to check the spread of the rebellion.
He began to scheme a revolution, but was discovered and had only just time to escape to the United States.
AdvertisementIf the situation is cool, the stone hard, and the concrete carefully rammed directly it is laid down and kept moist with damp cloths, only just sufficient to moisten the whole mass is required.
These are cut up into half-inch lengths (more or less), and inserted in light sandy soil round the margin of a cutting pot, so that the upper end of the root cutting may be level with the soil or only just covered by it.
In point of fact, however, the entire volume of fresh water poured into the Caspian is only just sufficient to compensate for the loss by evaporation.
So stealthily did the invader advance that the emperor had only just time to escape from Aix-la-Chapelle before the town was seized and plundered.
The practical difficulties of the reformers, however, were only just beginning.
AdvertisementIf the unfinished cell in the old nest had been only just begun, while that in the substituted nest were nearly completed, the bee would add so much material as to make the cell much larger than the normal size, her instinct evidently being to do a certain amount of building work before filling the cell with food.
The only just judgment of these notes is to be obtained by looking at them, and by testing his suspicions with the letters of Hamilton, Ames, Oliver Wolcott, Theodore Sedgwick, George Cabot and the other Hamiltonians.
Sicily being lost, the king directed all his efforts to save Naples; he appealed to Great Britain and France to prevent Garibaldi from crossing the Straits of Messina, and only just failed (for this episode see under Lacaita, G.).
Although the Vaishnava sects hitherto noticed, in their adoration of Vishnu and his incarnations, Krishna and Ramachandra, usually associate with these gods their Brot wives, as their saktis, or female energies, the sexual element is, as a rule, only just allowed sufficient scope to enhance the emotional character of the rites of worship. In some of the later Vaishnava creeds, on the other hand, this element is far from being kept within the bounds of moderation and decency.
The collapse of the International on the outbreak of the World War was a great sorrow to him, and is thought to have hastened his death, which took place in 1915 when he had only just completed his fifty-ninth year.
AdvertisementManufacturing industry is only just beginning, wine-making (17,000,000 gallons annually), cloth-mills, iron-works, soap-works and tanneries being the principal branches.
In this lies their importance, to a degree which is only just being adequately realized.
But the troubles of England were only just beginning; the protest against the misgovernment of SOmerset and the rest Richard of the confidants of the king and queen was now duke of taken up by a more important personage than the York, adventurer Cade.
He sincerely believed that the exaggeration and exaltation of the popular editor of the Pesti Hirlap would cast the nation back into the old evil conditions from which it had only just been raised, mainly by Szechenyi's own extraordinary efforts, and in Kelet nepe, which is also an autobiography, he prophetically hinted at an approaching revolution.
To gain a footing in the House of Commons was all that his confident spirit ever asked, and Froude vouches for it that he succeeded only just in time to avert financial ruin.
Whatever Le Bon's offences, his condemnation was to a great extent due to the violent attacks of one of his political enemies, Armand Guffroy; and it is only just to remember that it was owing to his courage that Cambrai was saved from falling.
Vainly did Louis, brought back a captive to Paris, swear on the I4th of September 1791 solemnly mere lip-service to the constitution; the mistrustful party of revolution abandoned the constitution they had only just obtained, and to guard against the sovereigns mental reservations and the selfish policy of the middle classes, appealed to the main force of the people.
It is only just to record that, although Malatesta's intrigue with Isotta had long been notorious to all, and he had never sought to conceal it, no one ever accused her of either direct or indirect complicity in her lover's crimes.
I have only just noticed that the filaments, holding the anthers, are covered in fine brown hairs.
I have only just learned of the death of Bruce Olson last autumn.
It had been a year since they had seen each other and the solitude had been only just bearable.
The new igniter - an Aerotech motor igniter from a larger motor - only just fit in the slot, and looked very chunky.
Research into the field of Swedish clavichords is only just beginning.
They had found Mr Frey selling counterfeit DVDs that included films that had only just gone on general release in the cinema.
And there was the baby duckling last week... She's 6 next month and has only just started killing birds.
I've only just started reading the Black Sea Letters, the verse epistles published in the same Penguin volume.
The top floor internal block walls are nearing completion but the external brick facings have only just been started.
The throw, tho, from the substitute fielder Stephen Peters, who had only just taken the field, missed the stumps.
I've only just begun to be able to do a headstand.
The footpath along the trackbed was only just passable.
The Court's reasons have only just been made public.
It has only just been repaired with a new slate roof.
We've only just begun looking for X-ray synchrotron radiation.
It was only just to abbreviate the terms; under the old sentence the transportee knew that if well conducted he would spend the greater part of it in comparative freedom.
Internal difficulties, low transport capabilities, and the necessity of garrisoning almost all parts of Albania and Macedonia to prevent local risings, added to the customary slackness in administration and training and the customary dishonesty in supply and equipment matters, resulted in the putting into the field of two armies which were numerically inferior, unequally trained, and poorly equipped - possessing indeed few assets beyond the solid fighting-worth of the individual Mahommedan Turk .2 With all this, however, the prestige of a great Power facing a group of small states, whose mutual hatred and rivalries had only just been composed, stood high, especially in Germany where the positive effects of the Turkish army reforms initiated by von der Goltz and others were overrated.
I was only just learning to speak, and had previously repeated her name until I could say it perfectly.
It's a burden to him, and Bory's life is only just beginning....
The Emperor had only just fallen asleep and so Savary had to wait.
The sun was only just appearing from behind the clouds, the air was fresh and dewy.
Alpatych at a gliding trot, only just managing not to run, kept up with him with difficulty.
The flogging was only just over, and the executioner was releasing from the flogging bench a stout man with red whiskers, in blue stockings and a green jacket, who was moaning piteously.
A young round-faced officer, quite a boy still and evidently only just out of the Cadet College, who was zealously commanding the two guns entrusted to him, addressed Pierre sternly.
One desperate, frightened yell from the first French soldier who saw the Cossacks, and all who were in the camp, undressed and only just waking up, ran off in all directions, abandoning cannons, muskets, and horses.
Do you know I have only just come back!
From broken remarks about Natasha and his father, from the emotion with which Pierre spoke of that dead father, and from the careful, reverent tenderness with which Natasha spoke of him, the boy, who was only just beginning to guess what love is, derived the notion that his father had loved Natasha and when dying had left her to his friend.
In 1992 the economy was only just emerging from the deep recession of the early 1990s.
Tho it seems at mo Stallman is only just finding time to do quick replies to emails as he is touring.
We 've only just begun looking for X-ray synchrotron radiation.
I only just realized that Blogger lets you upload pics in a roundabout MT kind of way... Interesting.
Of course, you've only just begun decorating your baby's nursery.
Research into Bach flower remedies using standard scientific experimental protocols has only just begun.
Time was the problem for this team, who only just managed complete their project.
If he doesn't, then he's a loser and he's either changed his mind (guys, attention spans like small insects, I tell you what) or he was only just flirting to begin with.
While her career is only just starting to take off, Fox is recognized as a sex symbol around the world.
The rhizome should not be planted deep, but only just below the surface, as in most cases the roots perish when planted deeply.
Do avoid the temptation to buy something that only just fits - this will not serve you well over long periods.
Your baby's skin is extra-sensitive and delicate, and his immune system is only just beginning to develop.
Various statistics have been printed about parents and children who homeschool in the U.S. Researchers are only just beginning to understand this schooling movement, which to some, threatens to undermine the public school system.
Yes, there are many love games, and we've only just scratched the surface, but alas, our time together has ended.
A deeply romantic card may be awkward to send to someone you've only just begun dating, while a cutesy, best friend style card may be disappointing if you are in a more committed relationship.
Black diamonds are rare and luxurious gems that are only just beginning to draw more notice in the jewelry industry.
Don't force them into shoes that only just fit.
But, really the work has only just begun!!
The Ashley Tisdale biography is only just beginning, as this young star has a bright future ahead.
Their single Blue Monday is not only just the best-selling New Wave 12-inch but the best-selling 12-inch of all time.
This brother and sister duo hit it big with songs like Close to You and We've Only Just Begun.