Only-for Sentence Examples
Did he think the rules were only for the others?
She wrenched away, only for the robed man to snatch her ankle and drag her down.
Food had become an overlooked stranger, and she'd found herself leaving her studio only for the bathroom and the bedroom.
It's nice to have the place nearly to ourselves, even if it is only for a few days, Dean said, as he stifled a yawn.
I'm in another country, if only for a short while to see if the pickings here are to my liking.
He paused, but only for a moment.
She deserves to know, if only for her peace of mind.
Going three thousand miles away sounds like a good idea for you folks, even if it's only for a couple of days.
He hung it up only for it to ring again.
She stopped at a stoplight, only for the car behind her to slide into her.
AdvertisementThey'd dated only for a couple of months, and she knew he wasn't right for her the first date.
We had eyes only for each other then.
While she couldn't shake the sense of doom that followed her from the visions, she felt more normal, less afraid, at the thought that she'd be rejoining the rest of humanity for a shopping trip with the girls, even if only for a morning.
He released her without another word, and she curled onto her side, weeping not only for the bizarre world she'd entered but from the realization she'd never, ever, ever return to hers.
I thank my God that I too had you, if only for a little while.
AdvertisementHe'd regretted taking her to his bed initially but now wished he'd taken up her offer to become his companion, even if only for the few nights they had together.
Deidre and Toby stood. Katie started forward, only for the rumbling ground to drive her to her knees. Horrified, she saw the chasm form a rough circle around them, trapping them on a small island surrounded by football field wide trees and chasms too wide to jump.
Those glasses are only for reading, Fred replied, without looking up.
Dean managed to hand her his business card but she seemed to dismiss it, with eyes only for the charming Fred O'Connor.
There are still too many shit heads out there that think a woman is only for cooking and you-know-what.
AdvertisementIt's only for a week, Carmen.
She rose only for Darian to seize again, sending her crashing onto her stomach.
He replaced a stack of breeches into the trunk he pulled them from, only for a small book to fall out.
He could not imagine any siding with a man like Sirian, but he knew men well enough to know there were those like Sirian and Memon who cared only for power and gold.
You'll earn his favor, even if only for an evening.
AdvertisementI cared only for you.
She should take more interest in it – if only for his sake.
You had eyes only for Tessa.
It was a step characteristic of his love for extreme and dramatic action, but it added to the dissensions between him and those who wished only for autonomy under the old dynasty, and his enemies did not scruple to accuse him of aiming at the crown himself.
Agriculture exists only for the supply of local needs.
The youngest servant of the Company claimed the right of trading on his own account, free from taxation and from local jurisdiction, not only for himself but also for every native subordinate whom he might permit to use his name.
Waiting only for the decisive victory of Buxar over the allied forces of Bengal and Oudh, he resigned his seat and sailed for England in November 1764.
The mineral springs, which belong to the adjoining abbey of Tepl, are eight in number, and are used both for bathing and drinking, except the Marienquelle, which is used only for bathing.
A father could disinherit a son in early times without restriction, but the Code insisted upon judicial consent and that only for repeated unfilial conduct.
Heavy falls of snow in June are not uncommon, and only for a short time towards the end of July are the nights totally exempt from light frosts.
It is a system of empiricism and materialism, remarkable only for teaching free will.
The acts of councils of this age are full of the trials of bishops not only for heresy but for immorality and common law crimes.
Small fragments, formerly thrown away or used only for varnish, are now utilized on a large scale in the formation of "ambroid" or "pressed amber."
The river flows in exquisite wooded reaches, navigable only for small boats.
The great westward projection of the coast of Africa, and the islands to the north-west of that continent, were the principal scene of the work of the mariners sent out at his expense; but his object was to push onward and reach India from the Atlantic. The progress of discovery received a check on his death, but only for a time.
In the latest empire Ausonius, Symmachus, Apollinaris, Sidonius and other Gaulish writers, chiefly of Gallia Comata, kept alive the classical literary tradition, not only for Gaul but for the world.
Others are navigable only for short distances by steamers of light draught.
In the districts bordering on the coast the thermometer seldom falls below 37°; and only for a few moments and at long intervals has it been known to rise as high as 105°.
Coal takes, however, an altogether secondary place as a fuel in Russia; wood is much more extensively used, not only for domestic, but also for industrial purposes.
In America the type is used only for shunting.
In 1859 the mines were worked only for their gold; the ignorant miners threw away the " black stuff " which was really valuable silver ore with an assay value four times as great as that of their ores of gold; and when this was discovered there came a period of unprecedented silver production.
It is navigable only for a few miles above the mouth, but its salmon fisheries are both attractive to sportsmen and of considerable commercial value.
The narrow coastal zone on the Pacific is only for m.
Love grows with the knowledge of its object, he proceeds, and at the highest stage self-love is so merged in love to God that we love ourselves only for God's sake or because God has loved us.
So great was the shock that for the rest of his life he spent most of his time at a villa at St Veran, near Avignon, returning to his Blackheath residence only for a short period in each year.
The first step is to see whether there is a prima facie case for inquiry, for many acts of parliament have been passed which have never come into operation at all, or have been administered only for a short time on too limited a scale to have important or lasting results.
The elective councils for the department and for the arrondissement (a new area which replaced the "districts" of the year 1795) continued to exist, but they sat only for a fortnight in the year and had to deal mainly with the assessment of taxes for their respective areas.
But, as society exists only for the proper development of persons, we have a criterion by which to test these institutions, viz.
The Mandaean places of worship, being designed only for the priests and their assistants (the worshippers remaining in the forecourt), are excessively small, and very simply furnished; two windows, a door that opens towards the south so that those who enter have their faces turned towards the pole star, a few boards in the corner, and a gabled roof complete the whole structure; there is neither altar nor decoration of any kind.
Forty different kinds of cloth were formerly manufactured in this district, the bulk of which during many years was made from English twist, country thread being used only for the finest muslins.
In northern and temperate latitudes where insects disappear in the winter, species of Argyopidae like Aranea diademata, live only for a single season.
In 1867 Louis entered the North German Confederation, but only for his lands north of the Main, and in 1871 Hesse-Darmstadt became one of the states of the new German empire.
In 107 Hadrian was legatus praetorius of lower Pannonia, in 108 consul suffectus, in 112 archon at Athens, legatus in the Parthian campaign (113117), in 117 consul designatus for the following year, in 119 consul for the third and last time only for four months.
He died on the 28th of October 1763, having survived his master only for a few weeks.
But the Buddha is now forgotten there, and the bas relief is reverenced only for the figure of the mother, who has been turned into a tutelary deity of the place.
In former times it was a common article of food in England and France, but is now rarely if ever eaten, being valuable only for the oil obtained from its blubber.
Indian corn is grown only for home use.
Opposite to the promontory of Sabbioncello, and at the entrance to the Bocche di Cattaro, the frontier of Herzegovina comes down to the Adriatic; but these two strips of coast do not contain any good harbour, and extend only for a total distance of 141 m.
Turkey had originally maintained, no representatives abroad, and appointed such only for special occasions as e.g.
In October, after Waterloo, she set out for Italy, not only for the advantage of her own health but for that of her second husband, Rocca, who was dying of consumption.
The events of the Peninsular War, especially as narrated in the Wellington Despatches, are replete with instruction not only for the soldier, but also for the civil administrator.
The use of the first two is restricted, as they are suited only for galena ores or mixtures of galena and carbonate, which contain not less than 58% lead and not more than 4% silica; further, ores to be treated in the ore-hearth should run low in or be free from silver, as the loss in the fumes is excessive.
In Cumberland, Northumberland, Durham and latterly the United States, the reverberatory furnace is used only for roasting the ore, and the oxidized ore is then reduced by fusion in a low, square blastfurnace (a "Scottish hearth furnace") lined with cast iron, as is also the inclined sole-plate which is made to project beyond the furnace, the outside portion (the "work-stone") being provided with grooves guiding any molten metal that may be placed on the "stone" into a cast iron pot; the "tuyere" for the introduction of the wind was, in the earlier types, about half way down the furnace.
Although the above useful formulae, (io) to (15), are true only for an infinitely small magnet, they may be practically applied whenever the distance r is considerable compared with the length of the magnet.
Steinmetz's formula applies only for very weak inductions when the alloys are at the ordinary temperature, but at the temperature of liquid air it becomes applicable through a wide range of inductions.
Bologna was only for a short while subject to the Lombards, remaining generally under the rule of the exarchate of Ravenna, until this in 756 was given by Pippin to the papacy.
The indigenous fauna of Brazil is noteworthy not only for the variety and number of its genera and species, but also for its deficiency in the larger mammals.
Along the coast, much of the virgin forest has been cut away, not only for the creation of cultivated plantations, but to meet the commercial demand for Brazil-wood and furniture woods.
He wrote poems of all kinds in a language hitherto employed only for ballads and hymns; he instituted a theatre, and composed a rich collection of comedies for it; he filled the shelves of the citizens with works in their own tongue on history, law, politics, science, philology and philosophy, all written in a true and manly style, and representing the extreme attainment of European culture at the moment.
Under the tebenna, or toga, which was necessary only for public appearance, the Etruscans wore a short tunic similar to the Greek chiton.
The seventy decrees of the council begin with a confession of faith directed against the Cathari and Waldenses, which is significant if only for the mention of a transubstantiation of the elements in the Lord's Supper.
Before he was sixteen he attended lectures at Owens College, and at eighteen he gained a mathematical scholarship at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated in 1871 as senior wrangler and first Smith's prizeman, having previously taken the degree of D.Sc. at London University and won a Whitworth scholarship. Although elected a fellow and tutor of his college, he stayed up at Cambridge only for a very short time, preferring to learn practical engineering as a pupil in the works in which his father was a partner.
The size, shape and design of the cars depend on the size of the mine passage and of the hoisting compartments of the shafts; on whether the cars are to be trammed by hand or hauled in trains; whether they are loaded by shovel or by gravity from a chute; and whether they are to be hoisted to the surface or used only for underground transport.
Wooden or steel buckets, holding from 35 to 200 gallons, are employed only for temporary or auxiliary service or for small quantities of water in shallow shafts.
The Contents are licensed only for the personal, household, educational use by a single individual.
The determination of the O's and x's is a kinematical problem, solved as yet only for a few cases, such as those discussed above.
In northern Russia the produce is mainly a large, coarse, heavy, dark leaf, of use only for the manufacture of plug and snuff.
The produce is usually leaf of considerable size, of medium colour and suited only for cigarette and pipe smoking.
Young adults with slighter forms of hypermetropia need glasses only for near work; elderly people should have one pair of weak glasses for distant and another stronger pair for near vision.
The average number of employes in 1850 was 20,967; in 1890, 81,111; and in 1 The 1905 census of manufactures gives statistics only for establishments under the factory system, excluding the hand trades, and gives factory statistics for 1905 and for 1900.
The town (or township) is the unit of local government, the county being recognized only for judicial purposes and to a certain extent in the appointment by central administrative boards.
And as these truths were self-evident, so the religion he deduced from them was sufficient, not only for his own moral and intellectual nature, but also for man as he conceived him, for history as he knew it, and for society as he saw it.
Conspicuous above all others, not only for grace of form but also for the immemorial attention paid to them by Japanese artists, are the crane (tsuru) and the heron (sagi).
Katsukawa Shunsho (d- 1792) must next be mentioned, not only for the beauty of his own work, but because he was the first master of Hokusai; then Yeishi (worked c. 178 11800), the founder of the Hosoda school; Utamaro (1754-1806), whose prints of beautiful women were collected by Dutchmen while he was still alive, and have had in our own day a vogue greater, perhaps, than those of any other of his fellows; and Toyokuni I.
Montaigne said of him,"I give the palm to Jacques Amyot over all our French writers, not only for the simplicity and purity of his language in which he surpasses all others, nor for his constancy to so long an undertaking, nor for his profound learning.
Below Dole the river is navigable only for some 8 m.
Charles died at an early age, and, having no male heirs, the aged Philip of Bresse succeeded, but reigned only for one year.
Herodotus, though he once at least controverts his statements, is indebted to Hecataeus not only for facts, but also in regard of method and general scheme, but the extent of the debt depends on the genuineness of the Ns xrEp1050s.
It was declared in a prefatory note to the volume that the authors were responsible only for their respective articles, but some of these were deemed so destructive that many people banned the whole book, and a noisy demand, led by Samuel Wilberforce, then bishop of Oxford, called on the headmaster of Rugby to dissociate himself from his comrades.
Nansen perfected the instrument, adapting it not only for enclosing a portion of water at any desired depth, but by a series of concentric divisions insulating in the central compartment water at the temperature it had at the moment of collection.
The theatre, built under Goethe's superintendence in 1825, memorable in the history of art not only for its associations with the golden age of German drama, but as having witnessed the first performances of many of Wagner's operas and other notable stage pieces, was pulled down and replaced by a new building in 1907.
Gradually, from Eratosthenes to Tycho, Hipparchus playing the most important part among ancient astronomers, the complex astrolabe was evolved, large specimens being among the chief observa tory instruments of the 15th, 16th and even 17th centuries; while small ones were in use among travellers and learned men, not only for astronomical, but for astrological and topographical purposes.
The nationality of those born abroad, which used to be returned only for British subjects, was called for from all not born within the kingdom.
The theorems are of use, not only for finding the volumes or areas of solids or surfaces of revolution, but also, conversely, for finding centroids or centres of gravity.
A severe property-tax and an increase of customs duties in 1879 only for a moment achieved financial equilibrium.
In these they reacted against both the supralapsarian and the infralapsarian developments of the doctrine of predestination and combated the irresistibility of grace; they held that Christ died for all men and not only for the elect, and were not sure that the elect might not fall from grace.
He believes the United States to be a unified republic, a sovereign nation; and not a federation of independent states united only for mutual benefit and protection.
The sentences which he passes are decisive, not only for the human pair and the serpent, but for their respective races.
Such hinges have been used not only for metal arches, but in a modified form for masonry and concrete arches.
Hard steel, if used at all, is used only for compression members, in which there is less risk of flaws extending than in tension members.
In 1794 he returned to St Etienne, where, but only for a short period, he filled a municipal office; and from 1797 to 1799 he devoted himself to strenuous study, more especially of the literature and history, both ancient and modern, of Greece and Italy.
The larger valleys of the Black Hills district contain fertile alluvial deposits washed from the neighbouring highlands, but in the plains adjoining these mountains the soils consist of a stiff gumbo suitable only for pasture land.
Although the township exists throughout the state, in many cases it is organized only for school purposes and in many others its jurisdiction is so restricted as not to extend to the villages and boroughs within its limits.
In 1827 he obtained a seat in the supreme council, and in March 1835, after he had acted as the first governor of the proposed new presidency of Agra, he provisionally succeeded Lord William Bentinck in the governor-generalship. During his brief tenure of office (it lasted only for one year) he carried out several important measures, including that for the liberation of the press, which, while almost universally popular, complicated his relations with the directors at home to such an extent that he resigned the service of the Company in 1838.
But its mixture of real eloquence and apparent cogency is exactly such as always carries a multitude with it, if only for a time.
The Meping and Mewang on the W., rising among the loftiest ranges, are rapid and navigable only for small boats, while the Meyom and Menam, the eastern pair, afford passage for large boats at all seasons and for deep draught river-steamers during the flood-time.
Moreover, other letters are present only for use in certain words imported from Bali or Sanskrit.
He was in Paris, apparently only for a short while, in November 1679.
All that the gentry contributed at present was two pence (groschen) per hide of land, and this only for defensive service at home.
He was not to lead the militia across the border except with the consent of the szlachta, and then only for three months at a time.
It was a strongly fortified town which resisted successfully the attacks of the Turks, into whose hands it fell by treachery in 1594, but they retained possession of it only for four years.
This latter route began at Inglis's Ferry, on the New river, in what is now West Virginia, and proceeded west by south to the Cumberland Gap. The " Wilderness Road," as marked by Daniel Boone in 1775, was a mere trail, running from the Watauga settlement in east Tennessee to the Cumberland Gap, and thence by way of what are now Crab Orchard, Danville and Bardstown, to the Falls of the Ohio, and was passable only for men and horses until 1795, when the state made it a wagon road.
The delay, together with the proposal of John Jay, the Secretary for Foreign Affairs and commissioner to negotiate a commercial treaty with the Spanish envoy, to surrender navigation rights on the lower Mississippi for twenty-five years in order to remove the one obstacle to the negotiations, aroused so much feeling that General James Wilkinson and a few other leaders began to intrigue not only for a separation from Virginia, but also from the United States, and for the formation of a close alliance with the Spanish at New Orleans.
Under these conditions the Unionists asked only for the maintenance of neutrality, and a resolution to this effect was carried by a bare majority-48 to 47.
Mexico has suffered much from the reckless destruction of her forests, not only for industrial purposes but through the careless burning of grassy areas.
Adam's Historia - known also as Gesta Hammaburgensis Ecclesiae Pontificum, Bremensium praesulum Historia, and Historia ecclesiastica - is a primary authority, not only for the great diocese of Hamburg-and-Bremen, but for all North German and Baltic lands (down to 1072), and for the Scandinavian colonies as far as America.
He succeeded his father as professor of chemistry, but only for a year, dying in New York on the 20th of November 1882.
All of these are rapid and shallow, affording navigation only for canoes; but the largest of them, Nelson river, drains the great Manitoban lakes, Winnipeg, Winnipegosis and Manitoba, which are frequented by steamers, and receive the waters of Lake-of-the-Woods, Lake Seul and many others emptying into Winnipeg river from Ontario; of Red river coming in from the United States to the south; and of the southern parts of the Rocky Mountains and the western prairie provinces drained by the great Saskatchewan river.
Those Who Read Haliburton'S Books Only For The Sake Of The Humour Will Miss Much Of Their Value.
The proper course would be not to mention the first conjecturer or to mention him only for his error.
Appointments to this office are now made only for special occasions, such as the coronation of a sovereign or the trial of a peer by his peers.
After Simon's death at Evesham his forfeited estates were conferred on his son Edmund of Lancaster, who also obtained a grant of the stewardship, but only for life.
The fertile glens of the Alcaraz district are richly wooded, and often, from their multitude of fruit trees, resemble the huertas or gardens of Alicante; but broad tracts of land are destitute of trees, and suitable only for pasture.
He had a barbarous hatred not only for Christians but for all civilization.
Soon afterwards the sultan died (1219) and was succeeded by his brother, Ala ud-din Kaikobad I., the most powerful and illustrious prince of this branch of the Seljuks, renowned not only for his successful wars but also for his magnificent structures at Konia, Alaja, Sivas and elsewhere, which belong to the best specimens of Saracenic architecture.
The population of Georgia in 1880 was 1,542,180; in 1890 it was 1,837,353, an increase of 19.1%; in 1900 it was 1 The manufacturing statistics for 1900 which follow are not those given in the Twelfth Census, but are taken from the Census of Manufactures, 1905, the 1900 figures here given being only for " establishments on a factory basis," and thus being comparable with those of 1905.
He was held responsible not only for the occupation itself, but for every untoward incident to which it gave rise; even Blucher's attempt to blow up the Pont de Jena, which he had prevented, was laid to his charge.
It is valuable only for the latter years of the empress, after she had retired from any active share in the world's affairs.
This is now used only for illumination by raising and lowering a fire-basket.
They supply teachers not only for Wesleyan, but for council schools all over the country, and no colleges have a higher reputation.
It cares not only for waifs and strays, but for cripples and delicate children.
In the western half of the empire Arianism found no foothold, and even the despotic will of Constantius, sole emperor after 351, succeeded only for the moment in subduing the bishops exiled for the sake of their belief.
Of the special regard which Henry seemed to have conceived for him Latimer took advantage to pen the famous letter on the free circulation of the Bible, an address remarkable, not only for what Froude justly calls " its almost unexampled grandeur," but for its striking repudiation of the aid of temporal weapons to defend the faith, "for God," he says, "will not have it defended by man or man's power, but by His Word only, by which He hath evermore defended it, and that by a way far above man's power and reason."
Wilkinson's preliminary discourses to these translations and his criticisms of Coleridge's comments upon Swedenborg displayed a striking aptitude not only for mystical.
The grain crop suffices only for a few months' local consumption; but considerable quantities of olive oil of good quality are produced.
Their engagements usually lasted through life, but sometimes only for a specified period or during the continuance of specified circumstances, and they were always ratified by oath, occasionally reduced to writing in the shape of a solemn bond and often sanctified by their reception of the Eucharist together.
The grand cross is only for members of the imperial house and ladies of the highest nobility.
Other orders are the Siamese Crown (Mongkut Siam), five classes, founded 1869; the family Order of ChulahChon-Clao, three classes, 1873; and the Maha Charkrkri, 1884, only for princes and princesses of the reigning family.
Tears, dejection and passionate expressions of a despair "wishing only for death," bore fitful and variable witness to her first sense of a heavier yoke than yet had galled her spirit and her pride.
This act recommended him to popular favour, and he was called to the government of the city - but only for the distinct purpose of establishing the "catasta," a property tax which should fall with equal incidence on every citizen.
In 1775 he travelled for nine months in Italy with Prince Leopold of Brunswick, and in the following year he married Eva KOnig, the widow of a Hamburg merchant, with whom he had been on terms of intimate friendship. But their happiness lasted only for a brief period; in 1778 she died in childbed.
This removal of the cinder very greatly improved the steel; but the process was and is so costly that it is used only for making steel for purposes which need the very best quality.
In addition to this work of purification, the furnace may be used for melting down the initial charge of cold metal, and for beginning the purification - in short not only for finishing but also for roughing.
The question frequently arises, not only for those interested in the production of fur apparel, but for those who derive so much comfort and pleasure from its use, whether the supply of fur-bearing animals is likely to be exhausted.
In 1860 the grants were only for little over one-eighth of the total in 1903.
The internal façade of the Palazzo Ginetti is finely decorated with stucco, and has a curious detached baroque staircase by Martino Lunghi the younger, which Burckhardt calls unique if only for the view to which its arched colonnades serve as a frame.
Diamonds are now employed not only for faceting precious stones, but also for cutting and drilling glass, porcelain, &c,; for fine engraving such as scales; in dentistry for drilling; as a turning tool for electric-light carbons, hard rubber, &c.; and occasionally for finishing accurate turning work such as the axle of a transit instrument.
This tendency produced the orders of the Camaldulians or Camaldolese (c. 975) in Italy, and in France the Grandmontines (1076) and Carthusians (1084), all leading practically eremitical lives, and assembling ordinarily only for the church services.
It is called - as usual without any authority - the villa of Arrius Diomedes; but its remains are of peculiar interest to us, not only for comparison with the numerous ruins of similar buildings which occur elsewhere - often of greater extent, but in a much less perfect state of preservation - but as assisting us in understanding the description of ancient authors, such as Vitruvius and Pliny, of the numerous appurtenances frequently annexed to houses of this description.
The water used may be turbid or clear, and it acts, not only for moistening the soil, but as manure.
In this way as the water sinks down through the porous subsoil or into the subterranean drains oxygen enters and supplies an element which is needed, not only for the oxidation of organic matters in the earth, but also for the direct and indirect nutrition of the roots.
The Nanda dynasty seems to have survived only for two generations, when (321 B.C.) Chandragupta Maurya, the founder of the great Maurya dynasty, seized the throne.
The writer in the Saxon abbey of Corvey, or in the Franconian abbey of Fulda, knows only about events which happened near his own doors; he records, it is true, occurrences which rumour has brought to his ears, but in general he is trustworthy only for the history of his own neighborhood.
The Benedictine Rule was taken as the basis of the life; but austerities were introduced beyond what St Benedict prescribed, and the government was framed on the mendicant, not the monastic, model, the superiors being appointed only for a short term of years.
Then from 1st January 1900 the old reckoning by gulden was superseded, that by krone being introduced in all government accounts, the new silver being made a legal tender only for a limited amount.
The channel between Cape Bon in Tunis and the south-west of Sicily (a distance of 80 m.) is, on the whole, shallower than the Straits of Messina, being for the most part under 100 fathoms in depth, and exceeding 200 fathoms only for a very short interval, while the Straits of Messina, have almost everywhere a depth exceeding 150 fathoms. The geological structure in the neighbourhood of this strait shows that the island must originally have been formed by a rupture between it and the mainland, but that this rupture must have taken place at a period long antecedent to the advent of man, so that the name Rhegium cannot be based even on the tradition of any such catastrophe.
What would have happened had it continued to depend upon its spiritual force only for propagation we cannot say.
This holds good not only for the daily ritual, but also for many festivals that were celebrated on the same day throughout the whole length, of the land.
Demotic.Widely varying degrees of cursiveness are at all periods observable in hieratic; but, about the XXVLth Dynasty, which inaugurated a great commercial era, there was something like a definite parting between the uncial hieratic and the most cursive form afterwards known as demotic. The employment of hieratic was thenceforth almost confined to the copying of religious and other traditional texts on papyrus, while demotic was used not only for all business but also for writing literary and even religious texts in the popular language.
The adze (41) was used not only for woodwork but also for dressing limestone.
It may be so to worldly eyes, but in the time of danger to Islam the Moslem turns away from the things of this world and thirsts only for the service of his Faith, even though he looks in the face of death To establish confidence in the minds of the Egyptian public that the authorities could maintain order and tranquillity, it was determined to increase permanently the strength of the British garrison.
That the excited state spreads only to previously unexcited portions of the muscle fibre shows that even in the skeletal variety of muscle there exists, though only for a very brief time, a period of inexcitability.
Among the Greeks and Romans, on the other hand, the chariot had passed out of use in war before historical times, and was retained only for races in the public games, or for processions, without undergoing any alteration apparently, its form continuing to correspond with the description of Homer, though it was lighter in build, having to carry only the charioteer.
The word halite, however, is sometimes used not only for the species rock-salt but as a group-name to include a series of haloid minerals, of which that species is the type.
Thus Laminaria digitata, which characterizes the lowest zone, is only occasionally exposed at all, and then only for short periods of time.
It is still in use, though only for special purposes where a quick-setting material is required.
All cements having calcium sulphate as their base are suitable only for indoor work because of the solubility of this substance.
Its church (13th and 16th centuries) is interesting only for the possession of two masterpieces of sculpture of uncertain authorship, executed approximately between 1490 and 1550.
On other views of inheritance, there would be required for prediction knowledge not only of the immediate parents but of the whole line of ancestry, with the result that prediction could reach only some degree of probability for any single individual and be accurate only for the average of a sufficient number of individuals.
The small rivers serve only for irrigation and the growing of rice, which is of superior quality.
And they were adopted not only for this reason.
A provincial auditor is also appointed by the Union ministry and is removable only for reasons which must be submitted to the Union Parliament.
These summits are remarkable, not only for their great height, but also for their apparent symmetrical arrangement in parallel lines, sometimes in pairs facing each other across this cyclopean passage.
The hacienda of Antisana, 13,306 ft., and the herdsmen's hut of Cunayaco on Chimborazo, 13,396 ft., are occupied only for a part of the year.
During this year he published a book When Labour Rules, in which he, speaking, of course, only for himself, depicted the kind of policy which Labour in power would favour - such as the right to work, development of nationalization, better homes, shorter hours, state endowment of motherhood, great extension of university facilities and a national theatre and opera.
The descendants of one of these, Henry, known only for his translation of an Italian morality play Freewyl (Tragedio del Libero Arbitrio) by Nigri de Bassano, settled at Pyrgo in Essex.
In 1829 Adams retired to private life in the town of Quincy; but only for a brief period, for in 1830, largely by Anti-Masonic. votes, he was elected a member of the national House of Representatives.
Consequently the Jews were divided into two parties - Pharisees and Sadducees - of whom the Pharisees cared only for doing or enduring the will of God as revealed in Scripture or in the events of history.
The great commentaries exist only for the Posterior Analytics, Physics, De Caelo, De Anima and Metaphysics.
It is remarkable only for the bad conduct of the British dragoons and the steadiness of the infantry.
Pelagius insisted that sin was an act, not a state, an abuse of the freedom of the will, and that each man was responsible and liable to punishment only for his own acts.
The feature of personal serfdom is also noticeable, but it provides a basis only for the comparatively small group of servi, of whom only about 25,000 are enumerated in Domesday Book.
Sheep and goats are bred on the imperial farms, but only for sacrifice.
This was of great importance to William, not only for military reasons, but also because of his firm resolve to make the under-tenants (though the "men" of their lords) swear allegiance directly to himself.
He accepted it only for a day, and then returned to his own dwelling.
A vivid realization of the industrial revolution in the state is to be gained from the reflection that in 1875 California was pre-eminent only for gold and sheep; that the aggregate mineral output thirty years later was more than a third greater than then, and that nevertheless the value of farm produce at the opening of the 10th century exceeded by more than $100,000,000 the value of mineral produce, and exceeded by $50,000,000 the most generous estimate of the largest annual gold output in the annals of the state.
The tiara, the pontifical head-dress, is not used strictly speaking in the course of the liturgical functions, but only for processions.
The former soon fell into disuse for ordinary purposes and was retained only for inscriptions, coins, &c.; the latter, which is more cursive in character, is the parent of the Arabic writing of the present day.
An outbreak of plague at Messina in 1743 is important, not only for its fatality, but as one of the strongest cases in favour of the theory of imported contagion.
The question was, however, a vital one not only for Sweden but for Great Britain, whose trade in the Baltic was threatened.
It should be understood that the instantaneous centre considered in the preceding paragraphs is available only for estimating relative velocities; it cannot be used in a similar manner for questions regarding acceleration.
After more than twelve years' exile, Humayun regained his sovereignty, which, however, he had held only for a few months when he died.
Hitherto infallibility had been thought of as the supreme weapon of the Church's armoury, destined only for use at some extraordinary crisis; hence it was naturally conceived of as residing only in the extraordinary authority of a general council presided over by the pope.
They would feel bound to disregard their sporadic intuitions, and act only for reasons that would be clearly set out in black and white.
Large quantities of wine are produced in Alsace-Lorraine, Baden and Wurttemberg, but the majority of these have little interest, inasmuch as they are used only for home consumption.
With his relatives he had little intercourse, and even Lord George Cavendish, whom he made his principal heir, he saw only for a few minutes once a year.
It yielded no fruit, was serviceable only for disputation, and the end it proposed to itself was a mistaken one.
These two-colour presses are intended only for long runs, short runs may be worked to advantage separately on the ordinary single-colour machine.
These yielded a remarkable extension of Pierre Provost's "Law of Exchanges," and enabled him to establish the fact that radiation is not a surface phenomenon, but takes place throughout the interior of the radiating body, and that the radiative and absorptive powers of a substance must be equal, not only for the radiation as a whole, but also for every constituent of it.
They are not used as beasts of burden like llamas, but are valued only for their wool, of which the Indian blankets and ponchos are made.
The Miami and Erie Canal, formerly important for traffic, is now used only for power.
Sweyn retained Inge and the kingship only for three years.
In order to meet the cost of the new army organization the Riksdag of 1902 increased the revenue by progressive taxation, but only for one year.
He used them to represent square roots, but only for particular numerical examples, and appears to have had no theory on the subject.
The shahs grandmother, by feigning herself sick and dependent upon wine only for cure, obtained reversal of the edict.
Strictly speaking, any such communication is an epistle, but at the present day the term has become archaic, and is used only for letters of an ancient time, or for elaborate literary productions which take an epistolary form, that is to say, are, or affect to be, written to a person at a distance.
In 1809 he started a magazine called The Friend, which continued only for eight months.
Such analysis had been already attempted by Hobbes, and the result he came to was that man naturally is adapted only for a life of selfishness, - his end is the procuring of pleasure and the avoidance of pain.
The chief rivers flow north and south into bays, but are navigable only for a few miles during the rainy season.
So too his scorn for the Roman populace of his time, who cared only for their dole of bread and the public games, is unqualified.
The rapids, or porogs, form a serious obstacle to navigation; it is only for a few weeks when the river is in flood that they are passable, and even then the venture is not without risk and can only be undertaken with the assistance of special pilots.
The wood of the horse-chestnut is soft, and serves only for the making of water-pipes, for turner's work and common carpentry, as a source of charcoal for gunpowder, and as fuel.
Nearly Ioo stone implements were excavated - axes, hammer axes, stone hammers and mauls - which, according to Dr Gowland, who superintended the work, had been used not only for breaking the rude blocks into regular forms, but also for working down their faces to a level or curved surface.
But the great bulk of the collection consists of Mahayana books, belonging to all the previously existing varieties of that widely extended Buddhist sect; and, as the Sanskrit originals of many of these writings are now lost, the Tibetan translations will be of great value, not only for the history of Lamaism, but also for the history of the later forms of Indian Buddhism.
In 1564 a new and enlarged edition was printed in Edinburgh, and the Assembly ordered that "every Minister, exhorter and reader" should have a copy and use the Order contained therein not only for marriage and the sacraments but also "in Prayer," thus ousting the hitherto permissible use of the Second Book of Edward VI.
For a time, but only for a time, he deprived the Greeks of Ravenna.
It was found that in the American case damages were claimed not only for the property destroyed by the Confederate cruisers, but in respect of certain other matters known as "indirect losses," viz.
To us, therefore, they are valuable not only for their eloquence, but still more as giving us our clearest insight into Livy's own sentiments, his lofty sense of the greatness of Rome, his appreciation of Roman courage and firmness, and his reverence for the simple virtues of older times.
The quantity of morphine that any one may legally possess, and then only for medicinal purposes, is in India 10 grams, and in Burma five.
This allowance of space has been ascertained by experience to be sufficient, not only for comfort, but also for subsistence for one day, provided that the density of the ordinary civil population is not less than 200 persons to the square mile.
Raritan Bay, to the S., is navigable only for small vessels.
The first administration lasted only for a few weeks, and it was some years before constitutional government worked smoothly.
The latter division, characterized by the possession of 19 somites and pairs of appendages (apart from the eyes), by the division of the appendages into two tagmata corresponding to cephalothorax and abdomen, and by the constancy in position of the generative apertures, differing in the two sexes, is unquestionably a natural group. The Entomostraca, however, are certainly a heterogeneous assemblage, defined only by negative characters, and the name is retained only for the sake of convenience, just as it is often useful to speak of a still more heterogeneous and unnatural assemblage of animals as Invertebrata.
The act of 1890 also forbids the keeping for more than forty-eight hours of the body of a person who has died of infectious disease in a room used at the time as a dwelling-place, sleeping-place or workshop. It provides for the bodies of persons dying of infectious diseases in a hospital being removed only for burial, and gives power to justices in certain cases to order bodies to be buried.
In India Bishop Heber laboured indefatigably, not only for the good of his own diocese, but for the spread of Christianity throughout the East.
At a very early date the original harbour at Naples, now known in its greatly reduced state as Porto Piccolo, and fit only for boats and lighters, became too small.
Of drawings there are very many, including few only for the "Last Supper," many for the Sforza monument, as well as the multitude of sketches, scientific and other, which we find intermingled among the vast body of his miscellaneous MSS., notes and records.
It is usual in both girders and beams to provide not only for the safe support of the greatest possible distributed load, but for the greatest weight, such as that of a safe or other heavy piece of furniture which may be moved over the floor at its weakest points, the centres of the girders and beams. It must always be borne in mind that the formulae for the ultimate strength of the " I " beams only hold good when the upper chord or flange is supported laterally.
Enrolment ceased to be obligatory, lasted only for a year, and the limit of age was dispensed with.
The Rhine campaigns were entirely unimportant, and are remembered only for the last appearance in the field of Prince Eugene and Marshal Berwick - the latter was killed at the siege of Philippsburg - and the baptism of fire of the young crown prince of Prussia, afterwards Frederick the Great.
Autumn is the mildest season; spring lasts only for a few weeks.
The catacombs on the northern slope of Mithradates Hill, of which nearly 200 have been explored since 1859, possess considerable interest, not only for the relics of old Greek art which some of them contain (although most were plundered in earlier times), but especially as material for the history and ethnography of the Cimmerian Bosporus.
Athanasius was once more compelled to seek safety from his persecutors in concealment (October 365), which lasted, however, only for four months.
It is remarkable not only for its many splendid verses and for the nobility of its sentiment, but from the fact that not one of its characters lacks interest, a commendation not generally to be bestowed on its author's work.
The victors carried off the "black stone," which was not restored for twentytwo years, and then only for a great ransom, when it was plain that even the loss of its palladium could not destroy the sacred character of the city.
Symons, F.R.S., of the Meteorological Office and of the Royal Meteorological Society, has resulted in the establishment of a vast number of raingauges in different parts of the United Kingdom, and it is generally, though not always, found that the mean rainfall over a long period can be determined, for an area upon which the actual fall is known only for a short period, by assigning to the missing years of the shortperiod gauges, rainfalls bearing the same proportion to those of corresponding years in the long-period gauges that the rainfalls of the known years in the short-period gauges bear to those of corresponding years in the long-period gauges.
He retained the position only for a very short time.
It is then to the episcopate, assembled in ecumenical council, and to its chief, that the function of legislating for the whole Church belongs; the inferior authorities, local councils or isolated bishops and prelates, can only make special laws or statutes, valid only for that part of the Church under their jurisdiction.
In theory, this law has as its author the local ecclesiastical authorities, councils or bishops; but this is true only for laws and regulations which are in harmony with the common law, merely completing or defining it.
The benefit of the disafforestment existed only for the owner of the lands; as to all other persons the land was forest still, and the king's wild beasts were to "have free recourse therein and safe return to the forest, without any hurt or destruction other than by the owners of the lands in the purlieu where they shall be found, and that only to hunt and chase them back again towards the forest without any forestalling" (Manwood, On the Forest Laws - article "Purlieu") .
From Beybazar come the fine pears sold in Constantinople as "Angora pears"; its muskmelons are equally esteemed; its grapes are used only for a sweetmeat called jevizli-sujuk (" nutty fruit sausage").
But the delusion that Scotland had been finally subdued was to last only for a year, although in 1305 Edward seemed to have accomplished his task, and stood triumphant, with the northern realm at his feet, his domestic foes humbled, and France and the papacy defeated.
Strengthened by the cessation of any fear of military violence, the Commons placed the crown in financial dependence on themselves by granting a large part of the revenue only for a limited term of years, and by putting strictly in force their right of appropriating that revenue to special branches of expenditure.
It is impossible to exaggerate the importance, not only for England but for the world at large, of the epoch which culminated in the passing of the Reform Bill of 1832.
The remarkable outburst of literary culture in Northumbria during the 7th and 8th centuries produced a real historian in Bede; Bede, however, knows little or nothing of English history between 450 and 596, and he is valuable only for the 7th and early part of the 8th centuries.
Zeuthen in the case of curves of any given order establishes between the characteristics pc, v, and 18 other quantities, in all 20 quantities, a set of 24 equations (equivalent to 2 3 independent equations), involving(besides the 20 quantities) other quantities relating to the various forms of the degenerate curves, which supplementary terms he determines, partially for curves of any order, but completely only for quartic curves.
Such teeth are adapted only for catching slippery living prey, like fish.
In 1858 he became professor of mathematics at St Andrews, but lectured only for a session, when he vacated the chair for the Lowndean professorship of astronomy and geometry at Cambridge.
The little island won great favour as a religious resort, not only for the Egyptians and the Ethiopians and others who frequented the border district and the market of Assuan, but also for Greek and Roman visitors.
Sometimes they lasted only for a day.
It is only for geographical purposes that we include this district under Attica, for both the Dorian race of the inhabitants, and its dangerous proximity to Athens, caused it to be at perpetual feud with that city; but its position as an outpost for the Peloponnesians, together with the fact of its having once been Ionian soil, sufficiently explains the bitter hostility of the Athenians towards the Megarians.
He was famous not only for his interest in schemes for the alleviation of poverty in Moscow, but also as the founder of new churches and monasteries.
Dumouriez, who cared only for the successful prosecution of the war, urged the king to accept the decrees.
But though Plato holds this inseparable connexion of best and pleasantest to be true and important, it is only for the sake of the vulgar that he lays this stress on pleasure.
His youngest son Lazar succeeded him, but only for a few months.
In Astrolabe i Bay the limit is 6; with the more degraded tribes it is 3, or, as in Torres straits, they have names only for 1 and 2; 3 is 2 +1.
It has the disadvantage of giving the solution of the problem only for a particular case, and of being inapplicable in researches in which the general equations of dynamics have to be applied.
The numerical computations were worked out by Hill only for the first approximation.
Stratiotes has similar flowers which come above the surface only for pollination, becoming submerged again during ripening of the fruit.
In an endeavour to break with the tradition that the colonies existed only for the benefit of Portugal the Lisbon Government in 1914 granted them a measure of autonomy.
The greater nobles could hold Protestant services in their houses; the lesser nobles could do the same, but only for gatherings of not more than thirty people.
He was long remembered, not only for his great learning but for his modesty and kindly disposition.
His choice rhetoric stigmatized the dean of St Patrick's as assheaded, a blockhead who cared only for his kitchen and his belly.
But it was pleasant only for those who conformed to the state religion.
The Danube between Linz and Vienna is renowned not only for its picturesque beauty but for the numerous medieval and modern buildings of historical and archaeological interest which crown its banks.
The science of mythology has to account, if it can, not only for the existence of certain stories in the legends of certain races, but also for the presence of stories practically the same among almost all races.
Being essentially a man of order, he loathed, as he said, all demagogic action, Jacobinism and visions of liberty, which he desired only for himself.
Possibly, therefore, Tacitus's statement holds good only for the period subsequent to the revolt of Civilis, when we hear of the Canninefates for the last time.
The pope admitted him to six long audiences in the course of two months, wrote an enthusiastic letter to the grand-duke praising the great astronomer, not only for his distinguished learning, but also for his exemplary piety, and granted a pension to his son Vincenzio, which was afterwards transferred to himself, and paid, with some irregularities, to the end of his life.
Similar phenomena occur in the case of many other couples, and it is found that the thermoelectric power p is not in general a constant, and that the simple linear formula (I) is applicable only for small differences of temperature.
There was this difference, that he asked only for neutrality, not armed assistance, and it is improbable that he ever intended to alienate any German territory; he showed himself, however, on more than one occasion, ready to discuss plans for extending French territory, on the side of Belgium and Switzerland.
Since this value for the distance of distinct vision is only conventional, it is understood that the capacity of the simple microscope given in (2) holds good only for eyes accustomed to examine small objects io in.
The removal of the spherical aberration and the sine-condition can be accomplished only for two conjugate points.
This reaction lasted only for a generation under Leo the Armenian, who died 820, Michael II.
In the Red Sea regions frankincense is valued not only for its sweet odour when burnt, but as a masticatory; and blazing lumps of it are not infrequently used for illumination instead of oil lamps.
Persia longed only for help against Russia and had no desire, when all hope of that was past, to attack India.
Gold is worked under European direction in the district of Gorontalo, but with only partial success; the search for coal in the southern peninsula has yielded no satisfactory results; tin, iron and copper, found in the eastern peninsula and elsewhere, are utilized only for native industries.
Furnaces may be classified according as the products of combustion are employed (i) only for heating purposes, or (2) both for heating and bringing about some chemical change.
More than likely the girls were throwing the party - likely only for Alex.
He was sent to jail, but only for the rape they could prove.
I doubted Martha would embrace a separation from her daughter, even if only for a few short days.
I ask only for your loyalty, daughter.
Better to have him concentrate on Fitzgerald, who was beginning to look more and more like a candidate, not only for sheriff, but for some nefarious activities.
One of the demons launched itself down the hall after her, only for the other to tackle it and the two of them to roll down the hall in a furry mass of wings, legs, and snapping teeth.
I am happy he found you, not only for Anshan but for him.
Summer moved into Parkside on Friday, if only for a preview, blanketing the city with the hot-and-stickies.
She should take more interest in it – if only for his sake.
Images are often outdated - of spartan surroundings, rules and regulations and a mistaken belief that hostels are only for young people.
Ashley Young, who had been lively from the start reached the byline inside the box only for the defender to bring him down.
No one is prevented from reading A canticle for Leibowitz because it's reserved only for the elite who can pay.
And that would not be so bad, only for the deadly contagion.
The radio crackled into life once more, only for us to discover they had still not turned up at camp.
Known not only for its water birds but also for its fresh water crayfish population.
Anyway, worthy of inclusion in our little list only for the little ditty entitled ' The Derby Ram ' .
Miss Bell and Mr Denton gave us a violin duet, followed by Mrs M'Lagan, who sang ' Only for thee ' .
Use light fittings only for lighting - never run an electric appliance from a lamp fitting.
Isis publications speak only for themselves and within their own particular field of expertise.
Resting only for long tall glasses of fresh lemonade, or big round bowels of chocolate ice cream.
Vote only for candidates who put individual liberty high on their platform of beliefs.
We charge only for book loans, and photocopies and inter-library loans at cost.
The Spanish considered Belize a backwater suitable only for cutting logwood to be used for dye.
Mary, 73, underwent a mastectomy 23 years ago only for her cancer to return two years later.
At this point let me dispel the notion that counseling is all about Freud, couches and is only for certain types of people!
There are trails leading past Mount Robson to iceberg laden Berg Lake, these are only for back packers.
In this case, the internal form is an integer pixel value that is valid only for a particular screen.
To work only for self, to cloister oneself in the seeking of spiritual rapture, is to run from this responsibility.
To handle recursion, Tcl will call this function frequently asking only for directories to be returned.
Wherefore [ye] must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.
The heart of guy pitting on pays only for Bombay sapphire had.
Not only for the various stalls but for one in particular â the " council housing sell-off stall " .
Young children are able to go on reindeer safaris, however husky dog sledding is only for adults.
Italian german Spanish a bunch of only for squares.
Drivers caught speeding could have their license endorsed to be valid only for driving vehicles with an ISA installed.
Join us not only for coffee and a chat but also to look at the cake, book and bric-a-brac stalls.
The defence-splitting pass played in the pacy striker only for him to poke the ball wide of the post from 18 yards.
Freedom only for the rich to rob the state treasury, for the big powers to bomb and pillage.
Jonas Davidsson headed heat twelve up the back straight, only for Schlein to dive inside on the third turn.
You are responsible during the lifetime of the goods, but only for faults that are not due to fair wear and tear.
Agriculture exists only for the supply of local needs, though tobacco of a superior quality is grown.
The leaders of the The Reformation searched the New Testament not only for f o doctrinal truth but also to ascertain the polity of the primitive Church.
Hence it would follow that the war lasted from shortly after 507 B.C. down to the congress at the Isthmus of Corinth in 481 B.C. (ii.) It is only for two years (490 and 49,) out of the twenty-five that any details are given.
By far the most frequent and important of the religious ceremonies is that of baptism (masbutha), which is called for in a great variety of cases, not only for children but for adults, where consecration or purification is required, as for example on all Sundays and feast days, after contact with a dead body, after return from abroad, after neglect of any formality on the part of a priest in the discharge of his functions.
The compilers knew Roman law, but drew upon it only for their method of presentation and for their terminology; and the document presents Germanic law in its purity.
The peace of 1712 had been concluded only for a term of years, and the neglect of the tsar to carry out its provisions had all but led to a fresh outbreak of hostilities when the intervention of the other powers led in 1713 to the renewal of the treaty; and in November 1720 it was superseded by a treaty of " perpetual peace," signed at Constantinople.
The council of Constance assembled in 1414 under auspices hopeful not only for the extinction of the schism but for the general reform of the Church.
The scene in the garden is without the agony of Gethsemane; a faint echo of this historic anguish appears in the scene with the Greeks four days earlier, and even that peaceful appeal to, and answer of, the Father occurs only for His followers' sakes.
The theoretical assumptions of Newton and Euler (hypotheses magis mathematicae quam naturales) of a resistance varying as some simple power of the velocity, for instance, as the square or cube of the velocity (the quadratic or cubic law), lead to results of great analytical complexity, and are useful only for provisional extrapolation at high or low velocity, pending further experiment.
He was again attacked with the same mental malady in 1885, which henceforth left him fit only for occasional letters and notes.
The Stadium was used not only for foot-races, but for boxing, wrestling, reaping, quoit-throwing and javelin-throwing.
The internal façade of the Palazzo Ginetti is finely decorated with stucco, and has a curious detached baroque staircase by Martino Lunghi the younger, which Burckhardt calls unique if only for the view to which its arched colonnades serve as a frame.
He was most active and energetic in his efforts, not only for the improvement of Stafford - shire pottery, but almost equally so for the improvement of turnpike roads, the construction of a canal (the Trent & Mersey) and the founding of schools and chapels.
This motive would account not only for the arrangement of the material, but also for certain changes in the language which seem intended to remove difficulties, and to interpret what is ambiguous or obscure.
This great assemblage is always a dangerous centre of infection, and the days of Mina especially, spent under circumstances originally adapted only for a Bedouin fair, with no provisions for proper cleanliness, and with the air full of the smell of putrefying offal and flesh drying in the sun, produce much sickness.
Thus, in the Parmenides, with the paradox of likeness and unlikeness for his text, he inquires how far the cur14nt theories of being (his own included) are capable of providing, not only for knowledge, but also for predication, and in the concluding sentence he suggests that, as likeness and unlikeness, greatness and smallness, &c., are relations, the initial paradox is no longer paradoxical; while in the Sophist, Zeno's doctrine having been shown to be fatal to reason, thought, speech and utterance, the mutual Koevwvia of Elan which are not abra KaO' abra is elaborately demonstrated.
The intendant became the kings factotum, not purchasing his office but liable to dismissal, the governments confidential agent and the real repository of royal authority, the governor being only for show (see INTENDANT).
Thenceforward, partly from prudence and partly from penury, Vergerines cared only for the maintenance of peacea not too easy task, in opposition to the greed of Catherine II.
To avoid privacy issues at this point, let's stipulate that everything is recorded only for your future reference.
Remember the notion that the Internet wouldn't turn out to be only for one purpose—that while my car is clearly for taking me places, the Internet won't be for doing one single task, but many?
I shall prize the little book always, not only for its own value; but because of its associations with you.
She said she did not consider a degree of any real value, but thought it was much more desirable to do something original than to waste one's energies only for a degree.
It was about a foot in diameter at the big end, and he had expected to get a good saw-log, but it was so rotten as to be fit only for fuel, if for that.
Bilibin's services were valued not only for what he wrote, but also for his skill in dealing and conversing with those in the highest spheres.
And don't I see that that idiot had eyes only for Bourienne--I shall have to get rid of her.
And I have become calmer since I began to live only for myself.
At the same time his mother-in-law, Prince Vasili's wife, sent to him imploring him to come if only for a few minutes to discuss a most important matter.
His major-domo came in a second time to say that the Frenchman who had brought the letter from the countess was very anxious to see him if only for a minute, and that someone from Bazdeev's widow had called to ask Pierre to take charge of her husband's books, as she herself was leaving for the country.
The French, collecting booty, cared only for gold.
Is the fire only for you?
These questions, then as now, existed only for those who see nothing in marriage but the pleasure married people get from one another, that is, only the beginnings of marriage and not its whole significance, which lies in the family.
If he now incurred Natasha's censure it was only for buying too many and too expensive things.
He seeks only for peace, and only these people sans foi ni loi * can give it him--people who recklessly hack at and strangle everything--Magnitski, Arakcheev, and tutti quanti....
Place in a receptacle used only for this purpose.
Pre-emption rights ' renunciation agreement will be valid only for rental contracts that exceed 5 years time period.
It is self-evident that central government has to give leadership responsible not only for resourcing, but obviously for wider macro-economic issues.
Not only for the various stalls but for one in particular â the " council housing sell-off stall ".
We care only for sincerity of peaceful purpose attested by deeds.
Heath burst through onto a ball from Davidson only for Hook to smother the ball at his feet.
However, monasteries in the Middle Ages had a key function not only for their order, but also for society as a whole.
Some work permits allow a foreign citizen to work only for a sponsoring employer.
Defra and the agriculture departments in Scotland and Wales now issue permits for purchase and use of strychnine hydrochloride only for biocidal purposes.
The OB1 stands out from the crowd not only for its svelte good looks but also for sheer performance.
Statistical tables are sometimes tabulated only for one-tailed hypotheses.
This information is used only for security reasons to verify who you are should you ever need to contact us.
However, approximately one-half of all infants under the age of three months will suffer with this condition even if only for a short period of time.
Some parents prefer sending their children every day but only for two or three hours, while others may send their children all day for two or three days a week.
Ventilator. Most premature babies are placed on ventilators to help them breathe, even if only for a short time.
Blanket choices" From an experienced parent, we learned that the crib comforter is rarely used as the baby will kick it off - it is sometimes used only for decoration.
A newborn baby gourmet gift basket is a wonderful way to encourage parents to take some time for themselves, even if it is only for a few moments while baby is sleeping.
At the end of the day or during baby's mid-afternoon nap, mom and dad need to relax, even if it is only for a few minutes.
Many consumers opt to buy Christmas trees from local retailers, not only for convenience but also to help support the local economy.
If you thought that metal roofing was only for specialized buildings such as those found on farms or storage rental places, then the next time you take a trip or venture through your town, notice check out some of the houses.
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From their domestic parentage, Bengal cats have developed a calm, friendly nature, making them good candidates not only for family life, but also for the show ring.
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The most important piece of information regarding the use of calculators is to keep in mind that they are only for estimation purposes.
If the marriage is found to be fraudulent (entered into only for the purpose of obtaining a green card), then the alien will have his/her permanent-resident status terminated.
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However, this site is only for downloading Mac versions of GIMP.
This recommendation is not only for those seeking to shed a few pounds, but also for your overall health and well-being.
Every person is responsible only for his or her own actions, and that is all anyone can control.
While you may think that these stress balls are only for people with small hands, they are just as useful for larger hands.
In some school districts with high student-teacher ratios in classrooms, finding the opportunity to cheat is there, not only for one student but sometimes the entire class.
Attire was kept to Sunday best, and these chaperoned dances were only for the senior class.
There are a few things you can do to assure your success if only for one brief semester.
This site allows users to create a profile and it is only for teen users.
Wilderness camps are not only for the troubled teen, they are for the parents too.
If you love the look of a long dress, you may want to consider wearing your longer gown only for pictures.
Many couples may initially assume that cupcakes are a relatively simple treat suitable only for elementary school lunchboxes, but in fact there are many reasons why cupcakes are the perfect choice for even the most sophisticated wedding.
Choosing an outdoor wedding venue takes careful consideration, not only for the venue itself, but also for whether or not an outdoor wedding is best for you.
It's important to note here that package pricing is only for the bride and groom; however, the cruise can accommodate more guests for a price.
After all, you don't want to spend an entire weekend in heels, and wearing heels only for the more formal activities will make your attire more appropriate.
These meetings are open to anyone, while closed meetings are only for those who admit to being an alcoholic.
Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understand Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
But this is not to say that decorating a cake is only for the experts.
Born in 1943, Jagger proves rock 'n' roll isn't only for the young.
The two remained under-the-radar, with Holmes making headlines only for her wholesomeness and vow to remain a virgin until marriage.
Tyra Banks pursued a music career, if only for a brief time.
Brad Pitt is one of those heartthrobs who will always be remembered, not only for his acting abilities, but for his good looks, his celebrity hook-ups and quiet charm.
A few years after her cancer diagnosis, Fawcett announced that she was cancer free, only for the disease to reappear a short time later.
Music producer Timbaland is best known not only for his own work, but also for working with high profile musicians like Justin Timberlake, Missy Elliot and Jay-Z, just to name a few.
During his days on the show Cheyenne, Walker became known not only for his acting but also for his rich, deep singing voice.
From holidays to special interests like sports or poetry, there is a shirt well suited not only for children, but every member of the family.
If you are ordering only for your son, you need to make sure that the style matches.
Smart parents know that this really is only for the very young set - it's the rare boy who will tolerate wearing an actual romper past a certain age.
The website is conveniently organized so you can browse only for the size and age range of your child.
Travel-only grants are available only for Italy, Germany, and Hungary.
Whether you are going to college for the first time or returning as an adult, the largest variable you need to tackle is discovering the degree that works not only for your career, but for you personally.
However, because you're looking only for institutions with a Christian affiliation, you might also encounter a few differences along the way.
Dedicated shore excursions only for group members.
Is it only for families or will singles enjoy it, too?
The card is good only for travelers returning to the United States by land or sea -- not air -- from Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean or Bermuda.
Keep in mind this option is only for select cruises.
Which course of action is best is only for the proper authorities to decide, but nothing can be done unless they are alerted to problem situations.
Sounds like it's time for a follow up with your vet since some of your prescriptions were only for one month.
Bulldogs are not energetic and should be exercised gently and only for very short walks. Healthy Stuff is not only for pets.
The last is the best, but not one is ornamental enough for border culture, but only for banks and dry walls.
Suited only for dry banks and chalk-pits, associated with climbing and trailing plants.
The berries are not only for the holidays!
Playing by sheet music, which is the more traditional way to learn musical pieces, not only for guitar, but for other instruments as well.
The high school student can personalize the ring with a variety of side designs - not only for sports and clubs, but zodiac signs, hobbies, flags, careers and more.
Dress shirt tailors are not only found in high-end shops, and they are definitely not only for the high-end shopper.
You can put together an office casual look that will be comfortable, cool and professional, whether it's only for Fridays or every day.
Many men will opt only for a jacket, or just a simple design for the jacket and trousers, so as to get the overall effect without spending quite as much money.
Bike shorts are designed not only for comfort but for protection.
Men like the brand not only for its durable workwear but also for the stylish denim options that are up-to-date on the current trends in fashion.
White socks are only for sports and are never worn with dress clothing.
Generally, the bra is designed only for functionality with little, if any, lace or color features as found on other plus size lingerie.
Trendy clothing isn't only for younger women.
Don't save your silk lingerie only for special occasions.
Ask anyone who's stepped out in a glamorous bra or panties and she'll usually tell you how bold and beautiful she feels, if only for the hint of mystery involved in wearing something so sexy, yet completely unseen by others.
Some sequin tops - those that are all or primarily sequins - are appropriate only for the fanciest nights on the town.
They have a fishnet "dress" that, unlike some of the other items you can find, is suitable only for the bedroom, not the club.
Sleep shirts are a comfortable option, not only for plus size women but for women of all sizes and ages.
Material is important - not only for comfort, but also for its ability to fit you like a glove.
Finding support during all stages of Alzheimer’s is essential not only for the person affected with the disease, but also for the caregiver.
If you're in the market not only for a golf retirement community, but also a luxury home, this is a terrific resource for uncovering locations throughout the United States, as well as Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean Islands.
This is a group of housing units meant only for use by seniors.
Don't make the mistake of thinking that entrepreneurial ventures are only for younger adults or those who have more knowledge than you.
These products work, but usually work only for a limited time as the body will adjust to them.
No matter which type of sleep disorder you suffer from, you should see your physician for regular checkups not only for the sleep disorder but also for associated conditions.
However, there will be times when they may just get tired of CPAP treatment and they consider giving it up, if only for a night.
In addition, there are sometimes promotions, coupons, or codes sent out only for customers who have signed up for these e-mail alerts.
Oakleys are coveted not only for their style but for their performance.
It is important to get fitted for your lenses not only for comfort but for safety.
Enhance lenses only come in plano and are designed only for fashion.
First, you will have to pay some money upfront, but at least it's only for the shipping cost of getting your glasses to the company.
My Eyeglass Case has a wide range of cases not only for glasses but for contacts as well.
Save money and take advantage of the Vanquish "Pay only for Postage and Handling Deal" until January 31st, 2007.
According to some of the feedback in online discussion forums Vanquish Eyewear's "Pay only for Postage and Handling Deal" may be a semi-scam.
They don't usually have on-site labs, so you'll have to wait not only for your eyeglasses to be made, but for mail time, too.
Some kids may need them only for reading at a distance while others may need to wear them full time.
Furthermore, simple parks are often less crowded than famous theme park destinations, and visitors can usually opt to pay only for the attractions they are interested in, rather than larger parks that charge an overall gate admission.
These first editions were built only for the extremely wealthy, and were considered to be a great privilege.
A two day ticket may be valid only for two consecutive days, or it may be valid for a certain time period from the first use, such as seven days, allowing the guest to return within a week to visit the same park again.
Depending on the parks' policies, the ticket may be valid only for one park each day, or both (or more) parks on the same day.
The park closed its gates at the end of the 2000 season, reopening only for one season in 2002.
For five years, Disney's California Adventure food and wine festival has been a huge success not only for food and wine lovers, but for the park as well.
If you are stuck on a level and it is hindering your enjoyment of the game, then use a walkthrough only for that purpose.
For more help on a variety of video games, not only for the Xbox but also for just about every other major video game console, be sure to peruse through the cheat code archive that we have on this site as well.
Making backup copies of your own video games and movies is not illegal, so long as these backup copies are only for your own use and not for distribution.
You can only get the updates through EA Online and only for the current game released for the season.
Usually, the stories in these kinds of games are lackluster, generated only for the excuse to make a game.
Blu-ray discs are used not only for high-definition movies from several Hollywood studios, but the disc format is also used for most games for the PS3 as well.
This can be done with hard-coding on the part of the consumer, which is only for advanced experts, or it can be done by acquiring the official mods released for the game.
Often used as a toy that was reserved only for Sundays, the arks were usually filled with Noah and his family as well as a variety of wooden animals.
Day use fees are generally only for parking.
Following the Nokia 3250's launch in March 2006, it started selling like hotcakes, not only for its music-centric functionality, but perhaps more so for its unique rotating bottom half.
Do you want a plan only for yourself or for several family members?
The initial launch of the service on this date was only for the greater Toronto area.
As it turns out, the "great app purge of 2010" was not only for sexually-themed applications, but for other iPhone apps as well.
Be sure to shop around not only for your favorite style, brand, and color, but also for the best price!
Most are appropriate only for oral administration; however, ketorolac (Toradol) is appropriate for injection and may be used in moderate to severe pain for short periods.
In addition, there is a blood test for fifth disease, but it is generally used only for pregnant women and for people who have weakened immune systems or who suffer from blood disorders, such as sickle cell anemia.
Sharp, jagged, or pointed objects or machinery parts should be used according to the manufacturer's instructions and only for their intended purpose.
A "Mature" rating is considered suitable only for ages 17 and older and may include more intense violence, profanity, and mature sexual themes.
Surgery is mentioned as an option only for palmar and axillary hyperhidrosis and only as a last resort.
While the oral and injected forms generally should be used only for one to two weeks, the inhalant forms may be used for long periods.
Although it is approved only for children over the age of six months, the drug has been used for newborn infants with encephalitis.
Anti-influenza drugs should be used only for patients who cannot receive vaccinations.
Such paralysis normally lasts only for the period of time that the nerve is unable to transmit messages.
Patients who have very mild cases of shigellosis may improve without any antibiotic therapy; therefore, these drugs are indicated only for treatment of moderate or severe disease, as found in the tropics.