Onions Sentence Examples
The young onions are of course pulled while quite small.
Sweet potatoes, white potatoes and onions also are important crops.
The principal crop is Bermuda onions; in 1909 it was estimated that 150o acres in the vicinity were devoted to this crop, the average yield per acre being about 20,000 lb.
These bulbless onions are sometimes called Scallions, a name which is also applied to old onions which have stem and leaves but no bulbs.
The chief vegetables grown are potatoes, pumpkins, carrots, onions and tomatoes.
Onions in many sections can be harvested.
Onions may be forced like mustard and cress if required for winter salads, the seeds being sown thickly in boxes which are to be placed in a warm house or frame.
It forms no bulbs, but, on account of its extreme hardiness, is sown in July or early in August, to furnish a reliable supply of young onions for use in salads during the early spring.
Sow also in heat mustard and cress for salads, onions for salads; tomatoes, celery to be pricked out for an early crop; and Early Horn carrot and kidney-beans on slight hotbeds.
The principal market products are cauliflower, cabbage, onions, asparagus, gherkins, cucumbers, beans, peas, &c. The principal flowers are hyacinths, tulips, crocuses, narcissus and other bulbous plants, the total export of which is estimated at over 200,000.
AdvertisementSweet potatoes, ground nuts, yams, onions and other vegetables are largely grown.
Garlic was placed by the ancient Greeks on the piles of stones at cross-roads, as a supper for Hecate (Theophrastus, Characters, AECUISacµovias); and according to Pliny garlic and onions were invocated as deities by the Egyptians at the taking of oaths.
There were green crops such as clover, and lentils, peas, beans, radishes, onions, lettuces (as a vegetable and for oil), castor oil and flax were grown.
The large onions sold in Great Britain as Spanish are extensively produced in the northern provinces.
Does the smell of onions or chicken soup suddenly make you feel sick?
AdvertisementWhen eating protein-filled foods, add non-starchy vegetables, like leafy greens, celery, carrots, squash, cucumber, zucchini, onions, asparagus, and cauliflower.
Try any combination of bell peppers, onions, eggplant, carrots, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, bean sprouts or snow peas.
Chicken or Tofu Stirfry - Stirfry or wok your chicken or tofu with a variety of chopped vegetables, including green cabbage, carrots, and green onions.
Spray a large pot with non-stick cooking spray and saute the celery, carrots, and onions until tender.
Elsewhere in the township the surface is gently undulating and generally well adapted to agriculture, especially to the growing of onions.
AdvertisementThe food of the people consists as a rule of boiled rice with salted fresh or dried fish, salt, sessamum-oil, chillies, onions, turmeric, boiled vegetables, and occasionally meat of some sort from elephant flesh down to smaller animals, fowls and almost everything except snakes, by way of condiment.
Potatoes and onions are grown for exportation at seasons when they are scarce in northern Europe.
Oranges, lemons, grapes, passion fruit, figs, pine-apples, guavas and other fruits grow abundantly; while potatoes, onions, maize and arrowroot can be cultivated.
The following are among the best varieties of onions for various purposes For Summer and Autumn.
It suits many of the esculent crops, as onions, beans, cabbages, carrots, beet-root, asparagus, &c.; the quantity applied varies from 5 to to bushels per acre.
AdvertisementThe chief crops grown for early supplies, or " primeurs " as they are called, are special varieties of cos and cabbage lettuces, short carrots, radishes, turnips, cauliflowers, endives, spinach, onions, corn salad and celery.
Propagate all sorts of pot-herbs, and attend to the hoeing and thinning of spinach, onions, turnips, carrots, beet, &c. Earth up cabbages, cauliflower, peas, beans and early potatoes.
Sow salading every ten days; also carrots, onions and radishes for drawing young; and chicory for salads; sow endive for a full crop. In the first week sow Early Munich and Golden Ball turnips for succession, and in the third week for a full autumn crop. Sow scarlet and white runner beans for a late crop, and cabbages for coleworts.
Lift onions, and lay them out to ripen on a dry border or gravel-walk.
Hardier sorts of vegetable seeds and plants, such as beets, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, lettuce, onions, parsley, parsnips, peas, potatoes, radishes, spinach, turnip, &c., should all be sown or planted by the middle of the month if the soil is dry and warm, and in all cases, where practicable, before the end of the month.
Onions that were not harvested and dried last month must now be attended to.
This industry declined in the later years of the 19th century, and was supplanted by the cultivation of sugar-cane, and afterwards of bananas, tomatoes, potatoes and onions.
Indian corn, beans, onions, fruit and mandioca are the principal products.
Among vegetables garlic and onions take the chief place, and form an indispensable part of the diet of all Spaniards; besides these, tomatoes and Spanish pepper are the principal garden crops.
Other foodstuffs raised are lentils, beans, onions and melons.
It is cultivated for the sake of its leaves, which are used in salads and soups as a substitute for young onions.
Just because my conscious mind doesn't remember doesn't mean my subconscious didn't dredge it up with the steak and onions we had for dinner.
Ornamental onions On the other, southern side of Weather Hill is a stand of tall alliums, ornamental onions.
Try frying diced smoked bacon in the butter with the spring onions for even more flavor.
Serve with rice, mango chutney, boiled green bananas, fresh red pepper, sliced onions and tomato salad.
Home made with chunks of British steak, mushrooms and onions, slow cooked in ale and beef bouillon until very tender.
She just fixed him one of his favorite foods, fried cabbage with green onions mixed in, using her special oil.
Heat the oil in a large saucepan and add the onions, crushed cardamoms, ginger, orange zest and peppers.
Add peeled and diced carrots and potatoes, chopped onions, salt, pepper, bay leaf, tomato sauce and parsley.
Dice the carrot and red pepper, chop the celery, then add to the onions and fry for a further 5 minutes.
Onions and apples contain large amounts of a flavonoid called quercetin.
Peel and slice the garlic and onions, slice the chillies and pound them all in a mortar with the ginger and mustard seeds.
Peppered beef with mushrooms and glazed onions or a simple filet mignon with green peppercorn cream sauce.
Add the spring onions and remove the pan from the heat so that they remain crunchy.
Onions have suffered a similar fate with prices up to eight times normal.
The steak was like mousse, the onions were a miracle of candy floss texture.
Add a few cloves of crushed garlic to the onions.
Plot 29 onions garlic Shallots and Peas To the right in the foreground, onions garlic and shallots planted last year.
Prepare the onions and carrots Crush the garlic into a little dish and add the ground ginger.
Stir-fry green cabbage with celery, purple sprouting broccoli, onions, carrots, leeks and flat green beans for a tasty seasonal treat.
My steamed halibut came on a bed of creamy risotto flavored with spring onions and with a sauce made from mussels infused with saffron.
Next add the hazelnuts and fry for a further 3-5 minutes, or until the onions begin to brown.
Meat mains include interesting offerings such as minced lamb with parsley, pine kernels & onions or whole quail seasoned with coriander.
Peel and finely chop the onions, add to them trimmed, washed and shredded leeks.
Leek moth - Mainly a pest of leek moth - Mainly a pest of leeks and onions, the caterpillars of leek moth feed within the leaves.
Reply I have always used African marigolds to reduce nematodes on my onions.
Yvette wore orange sequined balls for earrings and a new white cocktail dress, and Teddy made martinis with onions, and every-one danced.
Brakes Healthier Choices Potato Salad contains diced, cooked potatoes and onions bound in a low fat mayonnaise with parsley.
It consists of grilled meatballs served with raw onions in flat bread.
It produces the most delicious caramelized onions to top grilled goats cheese on a French baguette.
Basically, pickled onions are just small onions pickled in vinegar.
A great steak with some simple fried onions is wonderful.
It is often garnished with fried green peppers (bell peppers) and shredded onions.
That salt rubbed on the hands after peeling onions will entirely remove the smell.
Serve with the roasted parsnips and onions, any remaining glaze and a fresh green salad.
Also, I seem to remember having onions, garlic and spring onions last year, which did look good in the veg patch.
Peel, core and chop pears, add to onions and garlic.
Basically, pickled onions are just small onions pickled onions are just small onions pickled in vinegar.
Mix the frozen petits pois into the softened onions.
Serve with a crunchy mixed salad RECIPE TIP - Red onions, green peppers or chopped fine beans can also be used.
Baked potatoes with onions, peppers, tomatoes and peppered salami in pesto.
So she always bought two skeins of these onions, although she had plenty in the garden as well.
In Japan they just add a little soy sauce and chopped spring onions.
To prepare the stuffing, peel and chop the onions.
Tommy's wrist - the smell of onions is familiar.
However, you can still add any other toppings, like onions, mushrooms or cheese.
Beside the house, a wooden trellis was hung with strings of onions.
Beans, peas, root veg grown around R & brought in; onions imported from Africa & Gaul.
It could be mutton with tomatoes, onions and red-wine vinegar, or bits of duck with ginger, star anise and soy.
At about 10pm we would have supper, cold ham, cheese and pickled walnuts and pickled red cabbage and pickled onions.
This includes zucchini, bell or Italian peppers, onions, spices that include basil, garlic, crushed red pepper, and pesto.
The vegetable productions are less numerous, but they include sweet potatoes, cabbages, cauliflower, lettuce, beans, peas, onions, garlic, tomatoes, okra, radishes, cucumbers, couve, chuchu (Sechium edule), and aipim (Manihot aipi).
Its crop of potatoes in 1909 was 52,560,000 bushels and that of Maine, the next largest, 29,250,000 bushels; and the state is a large producer of onions, turnips, cabbages, cauliflower, sweet Indian corn, cucumbers, rhubarb, parsnips, carrots, green peas and green beans.
Hard by is the kitchen garden (o), the beds bearing the names of the vegetables growing in them, onions, garlic, celery, lettuces, poppy, carrots, cabbages, &c., eighteen in all.
Among the common vegetables used in the green state are peas, beans, cabbage, cauliflowers, asparagus, Indian corn, onions, leeks, tomatoes, lettuce, radish, celery, parsley, cucumbers, pumpkins, squash and rhubarb.
The Berber diet largely consists of cucumbers, gourds, water-melons and onions, and a small artichoke (Cynara humilis) which grows wild.
Carrots, melons, vegetable marrows, cucumbers and onions are extensively grown.
Pears, plums; apricots, cherries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries, cabbages, onions, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers are grown in considerable quantities.
Onions The onion seedlings in the greenhouse are doing OK.
Try spring onions, lettuce, radish, dill and coriander, sowing in a small drill every three to four weeks.
They come out even better between other brightly colored plants like Delphinium, ornamental onions, iris stork 's bill or violet sage.
In a large bowl, mix remaining stuffing ingredients with onions; season.
Remove the bay leaf and serve the beef olives with the onions and thickened sauce.
Beans on Plot 29 The runner bean tipi (left) with onions in the foreground.
Mix tofu mixture into onions and smooth with a knife.
Then abruptly she went on, but tommy 's wrist - the smell of onions is familiar.
Potatoes and onions should be stored in bowls or baskets in an area where there is plenty of air circulation.
A frying pan is essential for cooking eggs, sautéing onions and pan frying fish.
Tulip bulbs look kind of like onions, with a pointy end and a flat end.
You walk by an entire display or bulk onions that are $1.99 for a thirty pound bag.
While that is a good deal, you may not have onions on the list.
Are you really going to use the entire bag of onions in a reasonable amount of time?
Never feed your cat chocolate, alcohol, onions, pork (including bacon), raw fish, raw eggs, milk or bones.
For people who want to experiment a bit with this recipe, add a little salt and pepper, some freshly grated horseradish for kick and consider adding gherkins, green cocktail olives or cocktail onions.
Keep lime wedges, lemon and orange slices, stemmed maraschino cherries, olives and cocktail onions on hand to dress up different cocktails.
You can get quercetin in your diet by eating red apples and red onions since quercetin is the phytochemical that contributes to the red coloration.
Vegetables like cucumbers, carrots and onions are popular items as well as crab meat, shrimp and even hamburger.
Kebabs are traditionally served with grilled vegetables, like onions, but hot rice and flat bread can also accompany a typical kebab meal.
Similarities lie in the use of a roux for thickening, and the inclusion of the trinity of bell peppers, onions, and celery in most dishes.
Meats and tougher vegetables, such as celery, carrots, and broccoli will cook longest, while vegetables such as bean sprouts or green onions don't require much cooking at all, so you add them last for the least amount of cooking.
Most Chinese dishes have at least one or two fresh vegetables in them, like bok choy, green onions, cabbage, mushrooms, carrots, celery, and seasonings like fresh ginger and soy sauce.
For example, classical cooking sauces and soups will use a mirepoix of onions, carrots, and celery while most sauces and soups in Creole cooking will use a mirepoix of onions, celery, and bell peppers.
In a large mixing bowl, combine corn, cucumbers, onions, garlic, and tomatoes.
Be sure you do not let the onions or any other ingredient burn or get too brown.
Saute the garlic and onions in butter over medium heat until translucent.
The mini is a speedy choice for mincing garlic or small amounts of onions and hot peppers.
Use it for mincing onions or blending together all kinds of homemade condiments, salad dressings and spicy sauces.
Food storage for root vegetables such as potatoes, yams, onions, and squash should always be in cool, dry place.
Onions and potatoes shouldn't be stored together; they give off gases that cause them to deteriorate.
If the recipe calls caramelized onions, try cooking them first over a low flame with a little oil until they turn a rich brown color.
Chopped tomatoes or onions can also be added to the cheese.
Cook over a medium flame until the onions become translucent.
Cook over low heat until the onions become translucent.
Anaheim chilies, cilantro, garlic, ginger, onions are favorites.
Add the reserved pineapple juice, red pepper, green onions, and wine to the skillet.
Cook until the onions soften a bit and the garlic becomes fragrant.
Vegetables - Onions, tomatoes, eggplant, and cucumbers are staples.
Saute the onion and peppers until the onions are golden - about eight minutes.
Sauté onions and garlic over medium heat until onions are translucent, about five minutes.
Because I have been classically trained, I could not conceive of starting this recipe in any way other than heating some oil and sweating some onions.
So my quick enchilada sauce recipe was going to start like marinara with olive oil and sweated onions.
In the casserole dish, create a layer of potatoes, then a layer of onions, then a layer of cheese.
Serve in a bowl, garnished with the chopped green onions.
In a mixing bowl, combine the cornmeal, flour, baking powder, salt, hot sauce, and onions together.
Native Americans taught the newcomers to make use of available produce like beans, peas, squash, greens, onions, nuts and berries.
Usually with tomatoes, onions and some sort of pepper, it is made from left over rice that is fried in olive oil and seasoned with salt, pepper and paprika.
Vegetables - From Portobello mushrooms to broccoli and onions, you can make satisfying burgers with vegetables as the star ingredients.
If you'd rather skip the onions in a marinated salad and substitute bell peppers instead, the point value will not change, and you'll be happier with the result.
In particular, veggies with high water content, such as asparagus, tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, and eggplant taste excellent when grilled.
The most important consideration when cooking for your dog is there are many food types that dogs cannot have - for example, chocolate, onions, raisins and grapes, just to name a few.
Most of the foods on the table are not harmful for your dogs, but stay away from anything with either onions or raisins, both of which can be toxic to our dogs.
We were always careful to keep the dogs from onions, turkey bones, chocolate and too much stuffing, which can actually lead to bloat.
Remember to stay away from onions, turkey bones, chocolate, raisins, heavily salted foods and too much stuffing, not to mention alcohol of any kind.
Onions can also keep away slugs, aphids and other pests.
For root crops, consider chives, radishes and bunching onions at this time.
Onions, for example, can survive in many hardiness zones by simply covering the bulbs with a thick layer of mulch.
Members of the Allium family such as onions, leeks, and chives are often planted with members of the nightshade family.
Allium members also may be planted with brassica vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, or kohlrabi because onions deter cabbage worms.
Brassica family members are planted with geraniums, rosemary, and nasturtium in addition to onions.
Tomatoes are best helped by basil, oregano, onions, chives, and nasturtium.
Small plants such as carrots, radishes, and green onions are planted very close together with four rows of four in each one foot square.
Beets and onions - both root crops complement each other and help repel insects.
Produce such as onions and potatoes grow well outside, whereas other fruit and vegetables such as tomatoes and peppers need to be grown under cover.
There are also specific instructions and tips for growing 36 different types of vegetables, from carrots to artichokes, rhubarb to tomatoes, lettuce and onions.
All of the things on the above list are pretty easy to grow, and growing onions may even keep pests out of your garden.
Some fruits and vegetables seem to not retain pesticide residue, such as papaya, asparagus, bananas, avocados, broccoli, sweet corn, cauliflower, kiwi, onions, mangoes, pineapples and sweet peas.
Fedco Seeds sells untreated and non-GMO vegetable seeds, specializing in onions, potatoes, and Jerusalem artichokes.
It can also be used to keep produce from ripening as soon; to eliminate insects; and to impede the growth of sprouts on items such as onions, beans and potatoes.
Companion plants like marigolds, yarrow, and onions can add a pretty border to the raised beds as well as keep pests from moving in.
I personally think asparagus, red bell pepper, zucchini, and green onions are absolute heaven on the grill too!
Grilled Portobello mushrooms and sliced onions, eggplant, etc. are stunning done on the barbeque as well.
With camping cookware, you can cook full-course meals, from delicious cheesy potatoes and onions to biscuits and sausage and more.
Skewer chunks of chicken or beef, alternating with onions, peppers, and pineapples on metal skewers.
Put in a pork chop and add baby peeled carrots, potatoes, onions and salt and pepper in each can.
Place chopped potatoes, carrots, cabbage, onions and a teaspoon butter on the foil.
Consuming foods with strong odors, such as those containing garlic and onions, should be avoided because it can cause a person's sweat to smell stronger.
In addition to lactose, known problem-causing substances include caffeine, beans, onions, cabbage, cucumbers, broccoli, fatty foods, alcohol, and certain medications.
Germanium occurs primarily in garlic, shiitake mushrooms, and onions.
Other useful herbs to reduce symptoms are yarrow (Achillea millefolium), eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis), garlic (Allium sativum), and onions (Allium cepa).
Simmer until the onions start to turn translucent.
Strain out the sauce to remove the onions, bay leaf, and clove.
I like to sweat the onions before adding them to the recipe.
Sweating is when you slowly cook the onions over a low heat until they become soft and translucent.
The best way to do this is by dicing the onions and then placing them in a pan with a little vegetable oil and sprinkling them with salt.
Once the onions are very soft and rather clear, you are ready to add them to your pie.
For the best flavor, I like to add half of the garlic to the onions just before they are finished sweating.
Just before you are done sweating the onions, add the remaining garlic.
You can grill vegetables by adding olive oil and seasonings to red onions and other vegetables.
The small container is 16 ounces and is a perfect choice when you need to dice peppers and onions for use in your favorite recipes.
It's perfect for dicing peppers and onions, chopping fresh herbs, making salsa and many other purposes.
The 16 ounce container is an excellent option for chopping peppers and onions to use in your favorite recipes.
Do keep a pack of gum handy, but also be sure to brush your teeth and tongue two to three times daily, floss, use mouthwash, and avoid foods with garlic, onions, and other ingredients that cause bad breath.
Avoid eating pungent foods like garlic or onions before French kissing.
You can add chopped green onions or fresh corn kernels for a corn bread with some added flavor.
Add about ½ to 1 cup of finely diced, sautéed onions to the mix.
It is simple to make your own substitute for the cream of mushroom soup, and if you are feeling adventurous, you can even make your own fried onions.
If you are not up to frying onions, raw or toasted slivered almonds can be sprinkled on the casserole after baking to give it that characteristic crunchy texture.
Add some hard-boiled egg, toasted sunflower seeds, red onions, and you have a healthy gluten-free Thanksgiving salad recipe.
Mayonnaise makes a good base for a southwestern spread with a bit of chopped chipotle and green onions.
You can use this crust recipe for any type of filling such as Swiss chard and red onions, acorn squash and apples, or sautéed tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and eggs.
Daytime TV's best hunks are onions, whose depth of character is revealed with each layer that is peeled away.
Traditional Indian living style is observed, and the diet is strictly vegetarian (and yogic, meaning no garlic or onions).
These include allicin from garlic and onions, beta-carotene and vitamin C from dark green leafy vegetables and broccoli, and vitamin E from nuts and seeds.
Add onions, garlic, peppers and seasoning; sauté about 10 minutes.
Good fibrous cooked vegetables are cabbage, broccoli, celery, corn, mushrooms, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and onions.
Many larger grocers have salad bars, which are great places to grab those prepared bell pepper rings or chopped onions.
Other vegetables, like salad greens, spinach and green onions, also are very low in carbohydrates.
An easy menu might include an omelet with bacon or ham, along with onions and tomato slices.
While you might immediately think about corn, beans, and lettuce, don't forget other flavor-filled veggies like onions, radishes, cabbage, and mushrooms.
High fiber vegetables, like peppers, or broccoli, should be added along with the carrots, onions, and celery.
These noodles are a perfect foil for any kind of Asian-style salad that might include sesame oil, fresh ginger, rice wine vinegar and blanched vegetables such as snap peas, sliced green onions, and red or yellow bell peppers.
Sauté uncooked rice with olive oil or butter and onions to coat the grains with the oil.
Tapas are finger foods, ranging from shrimp fritters to toothpick-skewered meat, olives and pearl onions.
Be sure to eat plenty of foods that contain Vitamin C, like citrus fruits, apples, green onions, black and red currants, and rosehip tea.
Other additions include tomatoes, curry leaves, onions and garlic.
Offerings include pizza with figs, gorgonzola, caramelized onions, and truffle oil, an appetizer of grilled rabbit livers with pancetta, rosemary and trio tapenade, and several fish dishes.
It varies widely by region and season but always contains tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, onions, olives and feta cheese.
But you also won't want to miss the entrees such as the ground lamb cooked with onions, or tandoori chicken breast and shrimp.
If you don't know where to begin, sample the inviting house favorites such as calimari pakora (squid fried in a chick-pea batter); dal (lentils cooked with tomato and spices); and shrimp or chicken buna (cooked with onions, tomatoes and bell peppers).
Breakfast choices include omelets, creamed chipped beef, and the mildman's special which includes eggs scrambled with diced ham, onions, green peppers and home fries.
Nightly lunch and dinner specials vary, with items such as crab legs, lobster ravioli, grilled pork, smoked salmon, plus vegetarian options such as omelets and fresh mozzarella with tomato and onions.
One of the local favorites is the onion sirloin, which is served on top of beer-braised onions.
Or splurge and order a flammekueche--a dish resembling a thin-crust pizza stacked with onions, bacon and quark cheese.
Indian breads are superb, particularly the onion naan, which is stuffed with onions and served directly from the tandoor oven.
All dinner entrees include hot bread, apple sauce and a choice of two side dishes, including salads, baked potatoes, fries, onions and mushrooms.
Order a sirloin, prime rib, or porterhouse steak with sautéed mushrooms and onions, blue cheese or a brandy peppercorn sauce.
One of my favorites from the menu here is the "bife con cebolla" which is a filet mignon sauteed in onions.
For the main course, enjoy the massaman curry with tamarind juice, peanuts, onions and potatoes.
They talked mostly baseball until the mushrooms, olives, peppers, onions, sausage and extra cheese of the house special were safely put away.
Among vegetables the common kinds grown include radishes, pumpkins, cucumbers, melons, potatoes, onions and leeks.
The mild climate assists the growth of esculent plants and roots; and a considerable trade is carried on with New York, principally in onions, early potatoes, tomatoes, and beetroot, together with lily bulbs, cut flowers and some arrowroot.
About the end of August a crop is sown to afford a supply of young onions in the spring months.
The principal vegetables cultivated are potatoes, onions, mangold and beet, beans and peas.
They have alto a little Garden for Herbs, Onions, &c.