One-drop Sentence Examples
She looked at the instructions again and saw the queen depicted with one drop of what she assumed was blood.
When prescribed it is generally rendered more soluble in water by the addition of dilute sulphuric acid or of citric acid, one drop of the former or 4ths of a grain of the latter being used for each grain of the quinine sulphate.
If two natures, divine and human, are added to each other, what can the humanity be except one drop in the ocean of divine power, wisdom, goodness ?
Put one drop of red food coloring into a bowl and add the marzipan.
A number of flasks containing a nutrient medium were each inoculated with one drop of this mixture; it was found that some remained sterile, and Lister assumed that the remaining flasks each contained a pure culture.
Standard cribs typically offer at least one drop side, and some actually feature drop sides on both sides of the baby bed.
If you're looking for a perfume that wears well while offering a wide range of scent varieties, you may be interested in switching to an oil based fragrance such as One Drop Perfume.
You can expect that an application of just a few drops of scented oil will cover all of your pulse points, hence the name One Drop Perfume.
Fill the container with one cup of water and add one drop of liquid dish detergent.
Next, add your food coloring, one drop at a time.