One-after-another Sentence Examples
Then he attacks the arguments, one after another.
The answers fell into place, one after another like a child's wooden puzzle, and even absent the last lingering block, the finished the picture was finally clear.
Attacked in detail, they vanish one after another into as many teasing spectra of uncertainty.
In the 16th century a new era began with the discovery by the Portuguese of the route to India round the Cape, and the naval powers of Europe started one after another on careers of oriental conquest.
The only other algebraical symbol is A for minus; plus being expressed by merely writing terms one after another.
Whilst simple evidence of the fact of the transmission of an acquired character is wanting, the a priori arguments in its favour break down one after another when discussed.
The strongest personal interest in his life was the affliction which befell him in the loss of his children, one after another.
Since Ferhan's death the Porte has favoured one after another of his many sons, hoping to keep the South Shammar disunited, especially as they are more than the others.
The capture of three British frigates one after another caused a painful impression in Great Britain and stimulated her to greater exertions.
After 639, however, the race began to decline, one after another the kings succeeded to the throne, but none of them reached more than the age of twenty or twentyfive; this was the age of the "rois fainéants."
AdvertisementThe latter are always set in a row of twelve or more, and are one after another charged once or twice a day at appropriate intervals, so that a regular evolution of gas takes place all the day round.
When Joan led forth the French tion of king to crown him at Reims, all the towns of Cham- Charles pagne opened their gates to her one after another.
It is noteworthy that the problems of Hexateuchal criticism are gradually changing their character, as one after another of the main contentions of Biblical scholars regarding the date and authorship of the Hexateuch passes out of the list of debatable questions into that of acknowledged facts.
This is effected by the power of accommodation of the eye, which can so alter the focal length of its crystalline lens that images of objects at different distances can be produced rapidly and distinctly one after another upon the retina.
Vision with a movable eye, or " direct vision," gives exact information as to the parts of the object one after another.
AdvertisementAnother company, a lucky one for not all the companies had vodka, crowded round a pockmarked, broad-shouldered sergeant major who, tilting a keg, filled one after another the canteen lids held out to him.
He saw over the mist that in a hollow between two hills near the village of Pratzen, the Russian columns, their bayonets glittering, were moving continuously in one direction toward the valley and disappearing one after another into the mist.
Only senseless things, lacking coherence, presented themselves one after another to Prince Andrew's mind.
Trap-ta-ta-tap! cracked the shots, now together, now several quickly one after another.
Pressed by the throng against the high backs of the chairs, the orators spoke one after another and sometimes two together.
AdvertisementPictures of the near past--her father's illness and last moments--rose one after another to her memory.
The guns of that battery were being fired continually one after another with a deafening roar, enveloping the whole neighborhood in powder smoke.
But all that evening and next day reports came in one after another of unheard-of losses, of the loss of half the army, and a fresh battle proved physically impossible.
Malasha looked down from the oven with shy delight at the faces, uniforms, and decorations of the generals, who one after another came into the room and sat down on the broad benches in the corner under the icons.
This was followed by two whistling sounds of canister shot, one after another.
AdvertisementThe German who knew little French, answered the two first questions by giving the names of his regiment and of his commanding officer, but in reply to the third question which he did not understand said, introducing broken French into his own German, that he was the quartermaster of the regiment and his commander had ordered him to occupy all the houses one after another.
Kutuzov merely shrugged his shoulders when one after another they presented projects of maneuvers to be made with those soldiers-- ill-shod, insufficiently clad, and half starved--who within a month and without fighting a battle had dwindled to half their number, and who at the best if the flight continued would have to go a greater distance than they had already traversed, before they reached the frontier.
There was a constant thudding of dead bodies as they were thrown one after another from the rampart.