One Sentence Examples
One brow shot up.
No, this one is ours.
First of all, I wasn't the only one involved.
Let's go do the chores one last time before we leave.
The houses of the city were all made of glass, so clear and transparent that one could look through the walls as easily as through a window.
That is the one thing I have faith in!
So he placed Dorothy upon one side of him and the boy upon the other and set a lantern upon each of their heads.
Lifting the skirt slightly with one hand so she wouldn't trip on it, she let the other hand slide lightly down the banister for added balance.
He raised one eyebrow.
They loved one child as much as the other, but one child could never take the place of another.
AdvertisementZeb struck a match and lighted one of the lanterns.
Because you're the one who is concerned about my safety.
A few minutes later the television was on one of Tammy's shows.
One little boy chose "The Horse."
It isn't one of those things you can talk through, I guess.
AdvertisementI wasn't the one running away.
Wasted years caused by one silly mistake.
I'm sorry to have missed act one, but I promise a short intermission before I give act two a try.
A balloon meant to her some other arrival from the surface of the earth, and she hoped it would be some one able to assist her and Zeb out of their difficulties.
One of the men is staying up with her.
AdvertisementAt least they had one common interest.
Not that one had anything to do with the other, but the technology of surrogacy would have been inconceivable back then.
There was only one way to find out... well, maybe two, but asking Sarah or Giddon was probably wasted effort.
Only one thing came to mind – a drug deal.
Let me make one thing clear.
AdvertisementAnyway she finally got so lonely and depressed that she locked herself in her room one day and shot herself.
That's when it first crossed my mind that you might be the one.
And all the time she thought she was the only one with the torrid thoughts.
It was the joyous weekend my future wife and I made public our marriage plans, with no one listening.
I'm here in one piece, sort of, and you've given me a clean slate to begin act two of my life.
No one had a rebuttal.
He was simply one of their children.
She was the one who had insisted on waiting until they were married.
A wisp of blond hair hung over one eye and Lisa brushed it back.
Well... Yancey, maybe you're the one I should be careful about.
He slung the dishtowel over his shoulder and one long step brought him to a point where she was pinned in the corner of the counter.
The destination of the path remained a burning mystery, but Tammy innocently tossed fuel on the flames with a chance comment one day while they were watching television.
One was an electric bill, but the other was addressed to Sharon Dobson, Brownsville, Texas.
She lit with one foot underneath her body, and the momentum of her fall threw her forward - over the ledge.
She had no idea what made him angry one minute and jovial the next.
They had cake and ice cream and talked for nearly an hour about one thing and another.
After all, he was the one who insisted that his mother was her boss.
Or was Brandon the one with the problem?
If there's one thing I don't need, it's a man telling me how to run my life.
For a moment he held Zach, body in one hand and head cradled in the other.
I thought he could stay in one of the rooms upstairs at night – if you don't mind.
I'd assume no one would believe me and I'd be at a loss to prove what I saw.
Maybe one of them is like those mushrooms you hear about that book you on a psychedelic vacation.
No one will believe a psychic is calling the shots.
You've got a baby up there asleep and you're alone in the house, tying one on.
These spires were like great spear-points, and if they tumbled upon one of them they were likely to suffer serious injury.
Suddenly a man appeared through a hole in the roof next to the one they were on and stepped into plain view.
Soon he reached the street and disappeared through a glass doorway into one of the glass buildings.
And so, one by one, the nine tiny piglets were pushed together until but a single one of the creatures remained.
In 2010, people were uploading one hundred million photos on Facebook every single day.
There was only one thing that she was sure of, and that was the fact that she had an overactive imagination.
Giddon paid no attention to the three at the pool, patting Diablo's nose and talking softly to him as if no one was around.
Only one reason came to mind - because it wasn't dangerous.
He dismounted in one graceful movement and started unsaddling Diablo.
First I'd have to find a man before I could find a new one.
It was one thing to ask casual questions of Giddon's daughter.
What was down that path that no one wanted to talk about, and why did Giddon insist that his houseguest should not wander around alone?
There might be a thousand explanations for what she had witnessed, but only one came to mind.
He wasn't buying it for one minute.
A quick check assured no one was in the house.
It was stuffed with one thousand dollar bills – fifty of them.
Assured that no one was there, she went to her room.
After one last look around to see if she was being watched, she started into the woods.
Yet, one backward glance at the hard lines of the face over hers reminded her that there was more than the gentle side to him.
The next time she glanced at the table where she had seen the driver, no one was there.
Maybe that was what the dream was about – shifting from one family to the next.
No one knew she was there except...
The one you dumped me for.
Connie caught her breath So you were the one who told him how to get to the house.
I think you're the one who is placing the blame on yourself.
Pete's attention was darting from one of them to the other.
Don't you ever try to use one of those on me again.
With that, he pivoted on one heal and walked away.
Knowing that was one thing.
She packed all the dishes and stashed them in the back of one of the wagons.
She covered her eyes with one forearm and succumbed to tears.
He was the one for her – but was she the one for him?
And yet, now the twins could return to their beloved ranch – the one she had finished paying off.
This was one time she couldn't ride the fence.
Even at this hour a piano was pounding out a raucous tune in one of the three saloons.
Bordeaux had one arm wrapped fondly around the shoulders of a saloon girl.
He spun on one heal and left the hotel.
But if Bordeaux wasn't a Mormon, why would he propose to two women in one day?
No, Bordeaux had only one reason for wanting to marry Cassie - the ranch.
There was only one thing left to do.
It was nice to get away for a while, but the way women acted, you'd think I was romantically involved with every one of the men.
He gave her a big hug and turned to Cassie with one arm encircling Darcie possessively.
She released his arm only to grab it again as one of the buggy wheels dropped into a pothole.
Grasping the break with one hand, she met his amused gaze.
Cassie, your father should be the one to tell you this, but since you're not likely to give him the chance, I'll tell you.
Of course - no one said he wasn't.
She had spent too much time hating him to do that all in one day, though.
Riding horses was one of her favorite pastimes, and the country out that way was gorgeous - winter or summer.
Still, there was one question she couldn't ask the townspeople.
One day it wouldn't start.
Apparently he spent a lot of time on the back of a horse, riding his range in all kinds of weather - a fact that prompted more than one comment by townsfolk that he had wasted a good college education.
This would be one Saturday she wouldn't have to crawl out of bed and get ready to go to the diner.
In one corner a piano perched silently, and the embers of a fire still cast a faint glow from a massive fireplace.
The laundry room was also clean and an old wringer tub still sat in one corner, as though unwilling to completely surrender to modern appliances.
The floor creaked as she chose the one on the right.
A spinning wheel stood in one corner, partially covered by a dusty sheet, and beside it, a mahogany rocker with a cobbler seat.
This was one place Cade obviously didn't spend much time.
Carrying a chair from the kitchen, she stretched to dust the top shelf of one of the bookcases beside the fireplace.
She turned and rested her hands on the back of one of the kitchen chairs.
She piled one arm high and closed the door.
The weather grew intermittently warmer and on one of those sunny warm days, Cade invited her to pack a lunch and join him in a ride on the ranch.
Cynthia leaned over as they drew near one and tried to pet it, but the cow moved away a few steps and began grazing again.
Is it the only one?
No one ever thought he'd return to the living.
One second she was falling head over heels, the next rolling on her side.
She stepped away from him, but he grabbed one arm, turning her around to face him.
It's a nice one, low mileage and looks to be in excellent condition.
He looked startled for a second, and then his eyes flashed, the brows furrowing into one.
So what difference did it make who came up with the idea as long as it was a good one?
The restaurant was one that she had heard of, but couldn't afford to enjoy.
One hand on her waist, the other holding hers lightly, he gracefully swept her around.
You're the one who thinks I'm afraid.
When the music stopped, he cupped one of her elbows and led her back to their table.
Most of the boys she dated would never have thought of practicing the age-old custom of walking around the car to open her door, or guiding her through the crowd with a gentle hand on one elbow.
No one had been to that box before her.
The ride back was quiet, but the silence was a comfortable one, only becoming awkward when they reached the door of his house.
So close, and yet she had never seen one in the yard.
To her surprise, he was the one who broke away.
She stopped suddenly, grasping the tree with one hand.
One thought had been gnawing at her consciousness since the first time she suspected him of being involved in drugs.
In spite of his size, his steps were light, as if he chose every one carefully.
One way or another, she had to get into that building.
One evening, when Tammy was in bed and the three of them were relaxing in the family room, the telephone rang.
No, he's just in one of his moods.
His eyes were dancing with amusement as he used one hand to jerk the towel free and expose cut-off blue jeans.
Finding no one there, she relaxed and began fixing breakfast.
Yancey was the first one to the kitchen.
She didn't want the family picture, as that was the one they used in the newspaper.
Instead, she collected a few small photos and arranged them all in one frame.
The one person she thought she could trust had turned on her.
She had been the one who had betrayed, and the person she had betrayed was Yancey.
Howard wasn't the one involved with drugs.
Leaning forward she reached up with one hand and cupped the back of his neck.
Len was the only one left she could trust, and she couldn't tell him anything without implicating Yancey.
One thing was sure.
No one was in the kitchen, but a note from Sarah explained that she and Tammy had gone to town shopping again.
No one was in sight when she reached the building, but the door was open.
A 55-gallon barrel stood in one corner with rags hanging over the edge.
Maybe one of those brown sacks in the laundry room would work, and she could put the pictures in with it.
He took one look at the suitcases on the bed and started toward her.
Multiple pairs of feet hurried down the hall and Connie was the first one through the door.
One day we were out, so I put some powdered sugar in a bag.
The yellow skirt of her sundress was molded to the soft curves one side of her body by a breeze.
One hand gracefully held the folds of her dress and the other brushed a wayward curl from her forehead.
There is one thing I still don't understand – it's out of character.
I trusted you with that information and you gave it to the one person she didn't want to know.
She was the one who told me that he was a child prodigy.
I'm surprised she didn't figure that one out right away.
I think helping Lisa has made me realize that one person can make a difference.
Sensing a presence, she opened one eye.
One hand shot out in an instinctive search for anything to stop her fall.
Brandon was focused on one thing, and it wasn't romance.
Yeah, and you're the only one he shares them with - and you won't tell.
One thing she had plenty of was hair.
There were only three bedrooms, and because she had to get up the earliest, she was the lucky one to have a room of her own - with the exception of Brandon, of course.
No. But if I were trying to defend my honor, you'd be the one I would choose to take up there.
The truth is, I like your companionship - and I'd like my parents to meet one of my best friends.
That one's going to beat you home.
He leaned one shoulder against the door jam and frowned down at her.
Roxanne had a set her cap for him and Adrienne had no intention of being the one to spoil her friends' plans.
He turned and mounted his horse in one lithe movement.
You lay the reins against one side of his neck, like this.
If there's one thing he can't stand, it must be an independent female.
One day when they were sitting on the porch steps together, Brandon proposed a solution.
If one of us has to leave, I'll go.
I let our stupid house rules stand between us for a long time, but I was the one who finally broke them.
Are we going to have one of these relationships where we have to constantly prove our love to each other?
In fact, he was the one who was acting selfish!
The highway ahead of them was clear, except for one big truck coming their way... and a car approaching the highway to their right.
Without a word, he backed the car until they were close to the one that had pulled out in front of them.
I'm the one who owes you an apology, not the other way around.
What would it have hurt to put her studies aside for one day?
For one brief instant, he looked at Adrienne as if he actually saw her.
You'd better call one of the girls to pick you up.
Mr. Marsh is the one who is responsible.
Mrs. Marsh had found one last reserve of uncontrollable sobs.
No, I was the one saying that.
Like he said; he only has one mother, and he can finish his schooling later.
But I think Julie is right about one thing.
She shrugged one shoulder.
You're the one who pushed this relationship.
You're the one who...
He was the one who had been deceptive.
Life was empty without him and no one seemed to be anxious to replace him - especially her parents.
Even Rachel and Julia insisted that she was the one with the problem.
You're the one who threw the ring at me.
If it's that important to you, I'll find some one to take care of the ranch.
The riders were a blur in the heat waves, but she was sure one was Pete.
If we all treated you like one of the guys, wouldn't you be a little disappointed?
If any one of you lays a hand on her, you'll be answering to me.
Bordeaux dismounted, surveying the camp, landscape and men in one rolling glance.
Turning on one heal, she stalked off to her wagon.
One thing was obvious about Bordeaux.
Each day they changed positions in line so that no one ate the dust from all the wagons every day.
If one wagon got stuck, the rest would have to stop while one of the other teams was unhitched and added to pull the wagon out.
He simply went into town one day and never returned.
She patted the handle of her whip with one hand and caressed the stock of her rifle with the other.
This was one trip that wouldn't be boring.
Throwing back the covers that had protected her from the cold night air, she grabbed one of her boots.
There was already a sizable gap between her wagon and the one in front of her.
Being first in line one day meant being last in line the next.
If you throw one more dead animal at my feet, I'm going to beat you over the head with it.
He lifted one brow.
One of the mules bared its teeth at him.
He paused with the spoon half way to his lips and raised one brow.
Noticing Bordeaux was the only one who didn't have coffee, she poured another cup and handed it to him.
Bordeaux was stretched on the sand outside the firelight, leaning on one elbow while he ate.
You were the one in the photo - the wandering nephew.
She shrugged and handed him her canteen, accepting the full one he offered.
She was the one who had become serious - and with little encouragement on his part.
Davis was right about one thing.
At the moment he was one of the most important people in her life.
He deserved an apology, and she intended to give him one - if she ever saw him again.
Bordeaux helped her into the saddle and then mounted one of the mules.
Being tempted was one thing, giving in to temptation was something else.
Cassie cleaned the supper dishes as best she could with sand, and stored them in one of the packs.
Bordeaux lay against her back, one arm around her waist and one leg thrown carelessly over hers.
One part of her mind was whispering for her to push him away, but the other side was shouting that it didn't matter.
She slipped one arm around his neck and returned the kiss, answering his question.
No one will ever know.
He pulled her close again, kissing her lips while one hand fumbled with the buttons on her pants.
What must he think of her, encouraging him one minute, and then turning away the next?
She plodded on, willing herself to take each step, not thinking of the miles to go, but merely getting through one more painful step.
Her legs felt like posts, but she drug one foot in front of another until the ground under her feet seemed to change.
Do you think it was Pete or one of the other guys?
Pouring water from one of the canteens into his hat, he watered the horse.
The old woman spoke to one of the younger women.
He wasn't one bit concerned that she had caught him.
We'd have waited for you, but we was outnumbered three to one and didn't have time to look for you.
The good looking one?
Leaning into one stirrup, she forced her other leg over the back of the horse and dismounted.
She tried to smile cheerfully as she looked at him over one shoulder.
So can I. I got along before I hired you and I think I can manage one meal now.
You were the one who thought about it long enough to calculate it out.
He was the one that kept me honest.
Like the way his broad shoulders swayed so gracefully with each step as he strode to the corral - or the way he lounged in a doorway, coffee in one hand, one long leg thrown carelessly over the other.
Thankfully it had never been one of the times that she was thinking about him though.
I saw you up there one time.
It all happened so fast that she didn't have time to think, only to cling to the one solid thing she could find - Cade.
One arm tightened around her in a light hug, and then he released her, striding away after a screwdriver.
Mary was right about one thing.
She made her way clumsily through one episode and then watched as his long fingers moved gracefully over the keys.
He coaxed one melody after another from the old piano, and then finally he folded the lid down.
I assume you're the one responsible for the new look.
One of the claws was ripped almost completely out.
Of course, what goes on between you two in this big lonely house when no one else is around is between the two of you.
Would you believe he covers up with the excuse that he's saving himself for one special girl?
His jaw muscles worked as he spun on one heel and marched to the outside door, slamming it as he left.
Claudette had gone one step too far.
Then you're the only one.
I never knew you thought of me as anything but a housekeeper - an opinionated one at that.
Oh well, life was full of unpleasantness and this was a minor one.
The lamp beside her bed was on and he had a sack in one hand.
One beautiful day followed another and she gradually wandered farther from the house exploring the ranch - sometimes on horseback, sometimes on foot.
It was on one of these occasions that she wandered farther than she realized.
He drew his mount to a halt beside her and kicked one foot free of the stirrup, offering a hand up.
There was probably another one brewing.
In the fog of desire she knew one thing - it was too late to protest.
Cade only wanted one thing - and she had foolishly submitted.
Their friendship had been destroyed by one night of passion.
She gazed up at him, completely disarmed by his smile, and yet somehow proud that she had been the one to put it there.
Her one saving grace was the fact that the next morning he didn't act as though nothing had happened.
He lifted his hat from the peg and clamped it on his head and then paused, one hand on the door while he studied her face.
That left only one thing.
You're the one who told me I shouldn't come out here in the first place.
I think you're one of the few people who would truly appreciate it.
At one end of the field was a lean-to shelter with some kind of equipment stored under it.
No, I searched a long time before I found each one and I paid dearly.
It's just too bad that you're the only one who gets to enjoy them.
Mary showed up one morning in time to witness that fact.
All her dreams had been dashed - all but one.
Until now she had been thinking of no one but herself.
His voice was low and she was sure no one else heard, but her face burned furiously.
Until now she would have sworn that he was the one who never expressed his feelings.
Now was the time to clear the air, and there was one thing about all this that didn't make sense.
They were both silent for a few moments, remembering that emotion packed morning - and another one.
One thing led to another and I finally worked up the courage to offer you the job.
Quinn seemed relieved no one was blaming him or his experiments.
I'm sorry if the lab caused problems, but no one has to sleep there again, at least with Quinn's gizmos operating.
If nothing happens, we can eliminate one possibility.
I sensed it was a difficult one on his part.
It was a Sports Illustrated swim suit issue so old they were wearing one piece suits.
But I will I find another perfect one before I'm on my way!
Howie showed no signs of the anxiety he displayed on round one but his eagerness kept him awake.
It was obvious no one was aware of me; I wasn't there to any of them.
But I'm not sure there's any accurate way of proving that one way or the other.
No one suggested evening games and by the time the dishes were cleared, everyone was fidgety and ready to proceed but Quinn remained in his lab.
Two weeks passed and I'd put Howie Abbott from my mind when Betsy called one evening as I heated a frozen dinner in my lonely apartment.
We could rent one.
One of the minions in Betsy's organization had arranged for a pleasure car for her weekend, courtesy of her boss who felt guilty for her frequent out of town travel.
Store fronts interspersed with vacant lots lined one side of the street while the other remained absent of any buildings except a closed gas station and a dollar store.
Yes. I'm sorry so many buildings are gone but that one block is enough.
It replaced an old wooden one that burned.
After leaving the town, we drove around the surrounding countryside in hopes Howie my spot one of the scenes of his other visions.
You're the only one of us who is his longtime friend.
Remember in grade school when one of those bullies would put you in a half-nelson or whatever you call it, and twist your arm up your back?
While Betsy and I shared one bedroom and the LeBlanc's the other, Howie was stuck on the living room sofa.
No need to cry on such a pretty day, little one.
Howie remained silent during verbal our exchange, looking form one of us to the other, content to let us orchestrate the production.
Off to one side was an old fire ring but no buildings or people.
We conducted one more test before lunch.
We decided to leave the house and reconnoiter at a local restaurant, one that served wine.
We only managed four sessions; one to an uninhabited area, another in open farm land but one we thought was interesting.
The newly christened Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Gustefson were finally merged into one apartment and blissfully drifting back to a day to day routine.
We stole one weekend together, remaining in New York, before answering a summons to join the others in Massachusetts.
I tried to sneak one in on my own.
I changed the subject and opened one of the bottles of wine we'd brought from New York.
Martha looked at it longingly while the three of us emptied one in no time with Quinn doening the lion's share.
There is one set of numbers he changes for the time and he can set the location somehow by longitude and latitude.
When the visions are decades ago, that's one thing.
Watching strangers is one thing but I won't look at myself.
No one want's to force anything on him.
We would perform this chore one after the other for a total of perhaps fifteen minutes.
You are one person, unique and unequaled in the world!
Betsy is standing on one leg and she's holding a Time magazine, open to page eighteen.
I was the only one to see those visions.
Timothy Burton, age five, was last seen at one PM this afternoon in the back yard of his home in Warwick, Rhode Island.
We have an out of state rental car and no one could possibly recognize either of us.
The smallest state has lots of small people; delightful children everywhere, but alas, now there is one less.
Martha cried and laughed and hugged each of us, one by one.
Both Quinn and Howie protested as one with a negative shout.
I have one situation you could try, Betsy offered.
Police called it the work of one person, attributed to at least six earlier deaths.
Can we do one more before you leave?
Now there is one less hunter to compete with me for the precious little ones.
I calmed Martha down and both Betsy and I spoke to all three of them, one by one.
Saturday ended with one success in four tries, and a sizeable telephone bill.
One incident was an obvious abduction in rural Delaware that occurred overnight.
Martha burst into tears and we tried one last time.
The child, an eight year old girl named Marcia Stonehurst, was still in bed at one o'clock.
Four dissimilar individuals, tied to a damaged being known only to one of us who at one time hated him for the loss of her friend.
I don't mean the four attempts on the one case.
No one has ever come this close to catching me!
Is it one of your cases?
One of our agents in the Midwest says his grandson was found after a weird tip.
What about giving one person a fool proof demonstration?
We completed one before bedding down just before midnight.
We agreed to limit our test to one phone call.
By the time they reached their daughter she was dead, with no one in sight.
One person has the so called ability, with support from a few others.
I answered his question with one of my own.
No one will see me and tip those who vow to stop my kind.
Personally, the thought we might work together in one location, absent the hectic schedule presently exhausting us, made me giddy and set my mind a-tumble with possibilities.
However, I was but one of five.
There's one I chat with some times.
Our nervous quintet settled in, ordered wine for the drinkers and waited for one of us to start the conversation.
There was a lion in the linen closet and no one wanted to reach for the towel.
I, for one, would like to find a secure place in a medium size town, with all of us living nearby.
Frankly, it's a pain in the ass with five people using one bathroom.
We stumbled into an incredible gift that was bestowed on Howie and we couldn't live with ourselves or look at one another if we didn't embrace everything in our power to maximize its benefits.
I may be dead wrong, but I for one say, go for it.
She made sure her computer was solely a word processor with no on line capabilities so no one could ever hack into it.
Betsy called in one tip from California on a business trip.
An overseas bank account in the company name contained a balance of one million dollars as startup funds for us to secure quarters for the enterprise.
The LeBlanc's located on Greenbriar Road in one of Keene's well established neighborhoods.
Mortgages for all of us were quickly processed through a private bank owned by one of Merrill Cooms' entities.
I see on the internet another one of us was caught!
He hinted this case was only one of his many accomplishments.
No one had a suggestion.
We'd learned to accommodate one another's quirks with no more than a raised eyebrow.
No one had learned to duplicate his settings nor did any of us want to be so educated.
One of us chatted with Merrill Cooms weekly, simply keeping in touch with our benefactor.
While Merrill Cooms knew there were five of us and had spoken to each, we'd never identified which one of us held the gift.
I am only one of a number of concerned citizen contributors.
Now the world has one less fool!
Once Howie was under, he broke a record for duration; one hour and eighteen minutes.
Do you think he's one of people we tipped about to the line?
It's not one of the ones we've caught; they're in jail, for the most part.
To create a fake identity, one would need at a minimum, our age, physical description and picture.
If one of us is identified as being part of what we're doing, we're all in trouble.
If one of us is threatened, we can't give up the others if we don't know where they went.
We received one piece of good news during our blackout period.
Julie from Boston reentered the picture bright one Monday morning when she accompanied Howie into the office.
We introduced ourselves one by one, each adding a brief history.
In any event, she's got one story and she's sticking to it like a nightly prayer, at least for now.
Mr. Singer told you I was the one they interviewed for that talk show?
At least two different people call in the tips but I'm guessing only one person is the psychic.
Successes were limited for the week with one found child, accidently trapped in a locked room of an empty house and one spousal abduction, in the face of a restraining order.
While I hadn't formulated in my mind how to tackle the problem, I resolved to attack it one on one and keep animosity at bay.
At one time, a hotel, accommodating a hundred guests and stable for seventy-five horses, adorned its slopes.
Now, a state park, the mountain remains a popular destination for one day hikers.
There are details no one could know unless they were right there when it was happening and that can't be.
If you tell me every little thing you know or even suspect, I'll just drive away and let you walk down the lane to one of those farm houses we passed.
I don't really know, but I think I answered one of the first calls they made.
At least one more thing before I release you.
One day, not long ago, I heard something strange.
New, disease resistant trees are bringing back the splendor of what has been called one of the prettiest towns in New England.
I'm the one most up in the pulpit on security.
He knew I had a wife and there was at least one other female and we numbered five.
I'm sure it's your Delaware-Alabama guy, the one who murdered the fake psychic Youngblood in California.
When Brenda went missing, no one filled in the dots.
One more problem you don't need.
Three. He killed the mother and father so there was no one to report their daughter missing, for nearly a week.
To me, that's problem number one.
In spite of my fervent hope you can continues indefinitely, I know in my heart, one day it will end.
I wouldn't deny one's right to fulfill love, but doing so will have serious consequences on an untold number of lives, even those you're saving.
No one is forcing you to witness that stuff!
He knows the tipster exists because the tipster has information no one could learn through normal means.
Why, I'd use a pay phone and one not too close by!
Surely you dwell here or in one of these surrounding towns.
Now you've learned to use caution and untraceable phones, but I caught you're one mistake, didn't I?
One clue following another until we are together and I rid myself of your foolish games and inconvenient interruptions.
I find it is funded by corporations, do-gooders, trust funds, individuals, and off shore ghost entities... unfortunately, too many names to pursue each and every one.
We five hirelings, as dissimilar as snowflakes, are tripping over one another in an effort to display mutual accommodation.
We tackle our work; professionally and without rancor to one another in spite of a pall of indecision that oft times seeps in like a chill from a leaky window frame.
With one leg in my house and one leg out, my man Aldo Benitez shot him.
He's the only one who is a direct threat and that's due to our coming so close to getting him in the past.
Howie would never ask Quinn himself; as always seeking one of us as a go-between.
Howie said you're the smart one.
He's the one the newspaper is always talking about... the psychic.
Somehow, you two have to be honest with one another, regardless of the outcome.
I regretted the words as soon as I'd spoken; suggesting a lie to cover a larger one.
If I couldn't be honest with her, there was no one I could trust.
I'll write it in general terms, speculating on how difficult it is to maintain both lives, operating one incognito.
One woman want's to write a book about it, but frankly, so might I one day.
If our boy made his getaway at more than five or ten miles an hour, you can bet your ass he was on one of these babies.
He left the wallet with the body so no one knew the card and papers even existed, much less were stolen.
My search is for more than one as person as the tipster has helpers.
It's the truth only no one will come out and say it.
She can be the one to talk Howie to sleep too.
She only brought one book from home.
I rang the bell and I could see shadow movement behind the thin drapes but no one answered.
She turned abruptly and pulling my head with one hand, kissed me hard on the mouth while her other hand groped between my legs!
The LeBlanc house was by far the largest of our group, with four bedrooms, one designed as the nursery.
No one's looking for her, but she won't buy it.
You want one, Ben?
She told me one time; she'd never cheated on Quinn.
This was one of them.
These latest grabs started up last fall so I'm looking at prison releases of sex offenders and going over them one by one.
That lady who's in the news, the one from Idaho who claims she's the tipster, she wrote an entry.
One time she was crying so when she went to the bathroom, I read it.
One chore remained before I'd do so though I was as nervous as a fly on a fry pan about it.
Do I think he'll find us from Julie's letter, one of maybe thousands; it's unlikely.
Quinn shut his off and no one calls me.
I asked her that one of them call me with the results.
We didn't get around to the other one; the newspaper lady.
I told her we escaped the Vermont abduction attempted, if it really was one.
Martha's only comment was that it was nice to hear at least one piece of good news.
Coming out was a totally new step and one I shouldn't be taking alone.
I don't even want to know which one of you is baiting the hook.
You think born again Saint Willard the Redeemed One might have been involved?
There's more than one but how many?
Best I pluck one from their pack and nicely convince that person to share their secret with Daddy!
I must be sure before I strike and not leave the psychic one behind to torment me.
Now I was the one to anxiously await contact.
It was a community where I could see Betsy and me raising children and watching grandchildren while four distinct seasons rolled slowly by, marking the years one by one.
No one ever mentioned Molly's other parent.
This was one more example of Howie turning away from anything that might prove uncomfortable.
Over the three day period, we located one lost boy, identified two girls as runaways and fingered a true abduction.
He was the only one.
Each and every one of them wants to kill us!
Don't make me be the one to call it quits.
Or just buy one in Santa Barbara, Howie.
I never made a speech or a sermon... at least one I remember.
He only owned one suit.
There were three bedrooms but the largest one, presumably belonging to Howie, was located in the rear of the house where it remained pitch black.
I slowly opened one eye with the firm intent to tell him to get lost.
I guess you took one on the head too.
One word answers were easier.
Someone broke into this house of one of my targets and some sort of mayhem followed.
If it is not she I suspect she possesses knowledge of the one I seek, the one who is my target.
This Bryce guy was probably the one who got a hold of the contest letter from Julie and broke into her apartment.
But Bryce wasn't the one who killed Brenda Washington!
The fiend who did that is still out there; the one who killed those children and police officer and God knows who else!
No one's going to storm in here and arrest you are they?
He was forty one, last July.
No one in the family ever discussed the details.
There are four bedrooms, two more than they need and I've peeked in each, even testing the bed in one.
People at the memorial service had contradictory stories and when Howie pressed them, no one seemed to have any real facts.
He's the only one who knew how to manipulate them.
She is the one from Surry and her name is listed as Elizabeth in the phone book but they call her Betty, or Becky or some foolish diminutive.
She's not as beautiful as the one who bore the infant and until, and until today lived in this house.
I could think of no one to call!
But could you do one favor?
Could you just talk to the guy who got out of jail; the one everyone thought killed my sister?
Can you do this one last favor for me?
One of the Keene campgrounds proved to be a mobile home park with no short term visitors.
Two are in California with the ill mother of the one named Howard.
He's with one named Julie but I don't know who she is nor do I know not how long they plan to stay.
Though this town is delightful, it's against my principles to remain in one place for an extended duration.
I've lingered too long in one campground as well.
How could I go on believing no one would succumb to such temptation?
I wouldn't mind having one myself.
I was basically told to keep off your back but no one mentioned I should run errands for you.
I just ask one thing; will you take my word for one item and if you stop this vehicle you'll have more reward than you'll know what to do with.
This guy killed maybe a dozen mostly children and at least one cop.
No one knows how to use any of it, Julie.
He wants me to get you to talk to that sex offender who's free; the one they thought killed Annie.
One of my men spotted a Pace Arrow and was about to stop it when he saw it had Alabama license plates so he let it pass and kept going.
As I alighted from my cab, they moved as one toward me.