Oncogenes Sentence Examples
We are collaborating on an exhaustive molecular characterisation of cancer cell lines to identify novel oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in ovarian cancer.
Gene therapy Scientists are studying oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes.
The significance of the abnormalities has been discussed in relation to sites of cellular oncogenes.
They also suggest that the HIV-1 envelope gene could interact with human oncogenes that have Chi sequences.
However, the inserted transposon efficiently creates mutations in genes such as recessive oncogenes associated with cancer.
Further rounds of infection with other recombinant virus constructs could allow introduction of other oncogenes.
Additionally, it slows the growth of target cells and inhibits the expression of certain oncogenes.
These included increased expression of several oncogenes, as well as decreased expression of several tumor suppressor genes and genes that regulate airway inflammation.
This paradigm is currently being extended to determine if other transcription factor fusion oncogenes confer similar self-renewal properties.
However, a strong synergism between the v- raf and v- myc oncogenes was revealed.