Once-more Sentence Examples
She squeezed him once more and then released him.
In his absence, Julie surprised us once more by thanking us for referring Howie to a psychiatrist.
She shook her head and began to cry once more.
I'm on the road once more with only my memory of sweet little Marcia for company.
He crossed his arms, wary once more.
She pulled her knees to her chest, feeling small and vulnerable once more.
If Gabriel didn't fall in love with Deidre in three days, he would be betrayed once more.
She shook her head no once more.
Molly shook her head no once more.
He continued past her, up the hill once more.
AdvertisementDamian felt the unusual urge to look in on her again, to feel her soft skin against him once more and make sure she was safe.
She rubbed her temples and issued a challenging glare to the contents of the pantry, furious once more she could eat none of the wonderful things it held.
She shook out the sexual energy running through her and turned on a light, not wanting to be alone in the dark while the dead man in her thoughts began to sob once more.
His gaze was wary and moving, and he was guarded once more.
In a few minutes, they were strolling through the mall once more.
AdvertisementInstinctively, she flattened her palm against his chest once more to feel his heartbeat.
Deidre closed the door, near tears once more.
He was amused at whatever game he played as he closed the distance between them once more.
He nudged her head once more.
Gabriel asked, looking at her once more.
AdvertisementHe sat, his warmth surrounding her once more.
He hesitated once more but took it.
Selyn's squawked once more and pointed.
Her hope had been crushed in every other way – except that it stirred once more at the idea there was more to him than she knew.
Deidre felt tears on her cheeks once more.
AdvertisementSelyn nodded once more.
The passageway continued beyond where Martha had ventured and the Deans continued another hundred yards but once more the passageway forked.
Westlake twisted around the seat once more and after a struggle pulled out an old step pump.
Dean resolved to try once more in the morning to get word to her.
She looked once more at Dean, turned, and began hobbling down the road to her car.
She shook off the strange feeling and followed once more.
He was able to sense her presence once more without knowing she'd been gone from his reach for an entire night.
What did you do, Gabriel? she demanded at last, the fire flaring in her eyes once more.
Deidre's face flamed red once more.
She moved once more to the edge of the lake and stared at the souls.
Building their relationship would mean easing into intimacy once more.
Any pain she caused was going to be short lived and quickly fixed, when she revealed herself to Gabriel once more and told him they could be together.
And she did, clearly enough that she felt the pain of her heart aching once more.
He stripped off his shirt and flung it then tossed all his weapons in a pile at his feet before seating himself once more.
The news of their deal had infuriated Gabriel once more and driven him off, leading Deidre to believe that he had loved the human more than her.
The Dark One's mate appeared uncertain once more.
Deidre felt herself lifted once more.
A quick shower later, she joined him in the garden once more in a tank top and jeans.
Gabriel was waiting with the patience of Death, though he'd started to tense, indicating his guard was going up once more.
Deidre sighed, her body going lax once more.
Gabe mumbled, infuriated by past-Deidre once more.
She folded her legs beneath her once more on the chair.
As if sensing her fear, Darkyn held out his hand once more.
He gripped her arm and pulled her against him once more.
He gazed around once more and then turned and walked away, back into the shadow world.
His fury rose once more.
She felt his pain once more at taking away everything Rhyn had and pitied the assassin, despite her predicament.
Kiera's face skewed again as she started crying once more.
For once, she hadn't corrected his English, only nodded once more and held out her arm for the bracelet.
The translator hummed once more.
She took another hasty step back as he grabbed it once more.
She removed the translator and replaced it, satisfied at the faint hum indicating it was working once more.
He looked her over once more.
Kiera roused herself, climbed to her feet, and stretched before the prisoner snagged her arm once more and began the quick pace again.
The prisoner stepped into it, the disc soaring away once more.
The ensuing silence, however, reminded her once more of their awkward status.
He took a long breath and relaxed, satisfied with his choice once more.
He approached and stood a short distance behind her, watching once more.
Her eyes flew to his once more.
Mansr offered no other advice but rose and bowed once more before striding to the door.
Her gaze went once more to A'Ran's face as they walked.
Edith looked once more at her son and then picked up the garment and the comb.
Edith looked up at the ceiling once more but in a few moments there was only silence.
Dean had tried to telephone Cynthia once more with no luck.
Instead, he returned to Bird Song to once more try to contact his wife.
Dean followed her, happy beyond belief to have her once more share his bed.
Dean dropped once more with the same bone-jarring result, this time slamming against the cliff-side with his entire right side and arm.
Before entering, he looked up at the cerulean fall sky once more to feel the sun.
Jackson kissed her gently, then took her arm once more.
It was clear and cool outside of Gabe's small cottage in the middle of a possessed jungle. Rhyn felt the sense that someone else was there once more and looked around. Assuming the feeling has something to do with his magic, Rhyn shook it off once more. He opened the front door without knocking, already sensing it was empty. Gabe had left in a hurry. The wardrobe near his bed was open and his walls were missing many of the weapons Rhyn had seen last time.
He considered once more the folly of his undertaking, but pushed away his second thoughts.
Later, when the game had run to silence, she became serious once more.
Darian started towards the palace, intending to take her to bed with him once more before he started his official duties.
Convincing herself it was only his magic, she couldn't help sensing once more there was something else between them.
Tendrils of coldness stretched from its home within her chest, testing her strength before subsiding into stillness once more.
By the time he engaged the third, the woman was running once more.
She held his gaze in silent challenge a moment longer before dropping back and stretching out once more.
Rissa was dressed in clean men's clothing, her hair braided once more.
Sirian's gaze returned to hers, and the two exchanged a look that made the hair on the back of Taran's neck rise once more.
She flushed and rose, visibly frustrated once more.
She was calm and in control once more.
Taran turned on his heel, retreating into the squat building once more.
Panic and fear made her hands shake once more.
He expressed no emotion, simply dropped his eyes to hers once more.
She once more closed the distance between them, leaning forward to kiss him.
She leaned her head against the wardrobe once more.
Uneasy, he placed it across the chamber on the table once more.
She wiped her face once more.
His path was once more clear.
Taran looked at the ocean once more.
The door was opened, and she was hauled out once more.
Her heart hammered in her ears, her eyes watering once more.
The sense of falling once more made him clutch the cloak.
Pain registered once more.
She tested her vision once more.
Jonny faced her once more and pulled free a piece of paper from his pocket.
A janitor was mopping down the hall, and she stood once more in front of the closed door to Ashley's room.
Her attention shifted to her laptop once more.
It is good to see the position of Grey God filled once more.
She retrieved her penlight once more and walked around the room, finally kneeling to look under the bed.
It swiped at her and retreated once more.
His direct gaze left her unsettled once more.
He reached past her, his heat and scent stirring her senses once more.
The assistant straightened her hair once more then stepped back.
Jessi hesitated once more then ascended.
Dusty grudgingly faced off against Sofi once more.
As if sensing her doubt about how much of a jerk he was, he slapped her hard on the ass once more.
Just that fast, he'd turned the tables on her once more.
Jessi looked away, gaze settling on Xander once more.
She faced him once more.
Xander rolled onto his side and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into his body once more.
She looked up at him once more then at Sofi, who was frowning.
Jessi breathed in his scent, wanting to feel the safety of his arms once more but torn by her situation.
Xander brushed his lips across hers once more then eased off her.
The device lit up once more at her feet.
Jessi whirled and ran, only to come face-to-face with him once more.
She looked around once more with apprehension.
His lips teased her, his mouth opening so she could taste him once more.
He set her on the bed and lay on his side, pulling her into his body once more.
He watched with anxiety every opportunity of once more freeing his country from Austria.
Liberated by an amnesty, Garibaldi returned once more to Caprera amidst general sympathy.
But a careful study of the seventh poem of the last book, in which Propertius gives an account of a dream of her which he had after her death, leads us to the belief that they were once more reconciled, and that in her last illness Cynthia left to her former lover the duty of carrying out her wishes with regard to the disposal of her effects and the arrangements of her funeral.
Musat returned to the island once more and made himself master of it, but was defeated and taken prisoner under the walls of Cagliari in 1050, when the dominion of Pisa was established.
But when Ahmad Shah returned to Kabul the Sikhs rose once more and re-established their religion.
The Sicilians refused to be made over once more to the hated French whom they had expelled in 1282, and found a national leader in the regent Frederick.
Not till the 13th of February were the miserable remnants of the population permitted to rebuild their houses and cultivate their fields once more.
After crossing the Hydra - 6 tes (Ravi) he once more came into contact with hostile tribes, and the work of storming petty towns began again.
Southern Albania and Epirus fell once more under Byzantine rule, which, however, was shaken by numerous revolts.
In 1678 it was once more declared independent, and so continued till 1835.
The ancient differences between Old and New Side were revived, and once more it was urged that there should be (1) strict subscription, (2) exclusion of the Congregationalized churches, and strict Presbyterian polity and discipline, and (3) the condemnation and exclusion of the new divinity and the maintenance of scholastic orthodoxy.
Urquiza at this juncture resigned the presidency, and Doctor Santiago Derqui was elected president of the fourteen provinces with the seat of government at Parana; while Urquiza became once more governor of Entre Rios, and Mitre was appointed governor of Buenos Aires.
The struggle for supremacy between Buenos Aires and the provinces had, however, to be fought out, and hostilities once more broke out in 1861.
Beginning with the Aptian and Albian the sea again gradually spread over the country and attained its maximum in the early part of the Senonian epoch, when once more the ancient massifs of the Central Plateau, Brittany and the Ardennes, alone rose above the waves.
The mass widens out once more in the Liverpool Range, where the highest peak, Mount Oxley, reaches 4500 ft., and farther north, in the New England Range, Ben Lomond reaches an elevation of 5000 ft.
This proved to be the last pitched battle of the war, the Danes never again venturing to attack their once more invincible enemy in the open field.
Their strength had been seriously weakened by the overthrow of Roosebeke, but Philip on his accession found them once more advancing rapidly in power and prosperity.
During the next few weeks Cromwell appears to have made once more attempts to come to terms with Charles; but the king was inflexible in his refusal to part with the essential powers of the monarchy, or with the Church; and at the end of December it was resolved to bring him to trial.
Cromwell furnished 6000 men with a fleet to join in the attack upon Spain in Flanders, and obtained as reward Mardyke and Dunkirk, the former being captured and handed over on the 3rd of October 1657, and the latter after the battle of the Dunes on the 4th of June 1658, when Cromwell's Ironsides were once more pitted against English royalists fighting for the Spaniards.
On the 26th of June 1657 he was once more installed as Protector, this time, however, with regal ceremony in contrast with the simple formalities observed on the first occasion, the heralds proclaiming his accession in the same manner as that of the kings.
In 1271 he was once more involved in a party struggle.
Louis, who was sick with fever, withdrew to his ancestral home, Dillenburg, to recruit his health, and then once more to devote his energies to the raising of money and troops for another invasion of the Netherlands.
Urban's bull was once more promulgated, at the council of Vienne in 1311, by 1 The pope's decision, so the story goes, was hastened by a miracle.
At the receiving station electrical mechanisms record the signals once more as perforations in a paper strip forming an exact replica of the transmitting tape.
In a large city, where several inter - connected exchanges have to be built and thousands of subscribers are put into communication with each other, the service is at once more costly and more valuable than in a small town with a few hundred subscribers accommodated in one exchange.
Rome fell once more into the hands of her nobles.
When Frederick once more crossed the Alps in 1166, he advanced on Rome, and besieged Alexander in the Coliseum.
Other communes which stit preserved the shadow of independence, like Perugia and Bologna began once more to dream of republican freedom under theii own leading families.
In 1748 the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, which put an end to the War of the Austrian Succession, once more redivided Italy.
After the retirement of the British troops in 1814 the constitution lapsed, and the royal authority became once more absolute.
All Venetiaexcept the capital was thus once more occupied by the Austrians.
This proposal broke on the refusal of the peror Francis Joseph to cede Austrian territory except as the lIt of a struggle; and Napoleon, won over by Biswarck at famous interview at Biarritz, once more took.up the ides of Prusso-Italian offensive and defensive alliance.
The treaty having been duly ratified, and an indemnity of 400,000 paid to Menelek, the Shoan prisoners were released, and Major Nerazzini once more returned to Abyssinia with instructions to secure, if possible, Meneleks assent to the definitive retention of the Mareb-Belesa-Muna line by Italy.
In April 1695 he was impeached once more by the Commons for having received a bribe of 5000 guineas to procure the new charter for the East India Company.
The archbishopric was soon removed to Ipek, in Old Servia; but after the Turkish garrison had been expelled in 1862 the city became once more the head of a diocese.
Among many lectureships, the Gifford Lectures are supposed to be strictly appropriated to Natural Theology; yet subjects and 2 Dr MacTaggart's beliefs once more present themselves as an unexpected modern type (Studies in Hegelian Cosmology, chap. iii.).
On all sides his enemies rose up against him; in Romagna the deposed princes prepared to regain their own, and the Orsinis raised their heads once more in Rome.
In the palace which he built on the Aventine, Otto sought to surround himself with the splendour and ceremonial of the older emperors of Rome, and dreamed of making Rome once more the centre of a universal empire.
It was reconsecrated in 1828 for worship, was again secularized in 1830, was once more a place of worship from 1851 to 1870, and was then a third time secularized.
Meanwhile the German War continued, and the two Quintilii, who had been left in command, begged Aurelius once more to take the field.
It is customary to speak of the disastrous effect, of cold winds, snow, hail and frost, lightning, &c., under the heading of atmospheric influences, which only shows once more how impossible it is to separate causes individually.
The works of the ancient Greek geographers were translated into Arabic, and starting with a sound basis of theoretical knowledge, exploration once more made progress.
After a journey into Spain he set out once more for Central Africa in 1352, and reached Timbuktu and the Niger, returning to Fez in 1353.
He started once more in December 1771, and at length reached the Coppermine river, which he surveyed to its mouth, but his observations are unreliable.
Under the Khuen-Heclvary Government he became on June 18 1910 once more president of the House of Magnates.
After these adventures he returned to Scotland in March 1565, but withdrew once more before the superior strength of his opponents to France.
By his attainder the Norfolk titles were once more forfeited.
Susa once more became a capital, and on the establishment of the Persian empire remained one of the three seats of government, its language, the Neo-Susian, ranking with the Persian of Persepolis and the Semitic of Babylon as an official tongue.
It is an attempt once more to demonstrate all scholastic dogmas out of the book of creation or on principles of natural reason.
Salvation consists in this, that that which was combined for evil is once more separated.
The oldest building in Sofia is the little round chapel of St George in the Jewish quarter - originally, it is said, a Roman temple; then a church, then a mosque, and now a church once more.
The two countries were thus once more united and better able to resist aggression, but some of the great nobles were discontented and Basil hoped with their assistance to attain his ends.
The old tendency illustrated by the outcome of the revolutionary movements of 1848 was once more in evidence - the tendency of merely artificial theories of democratic liberty to succumb to the immemorial instinct of race and race ascendancy.
On the representations of Great Britain the Buenos Aireans withdrew, and the British flag was once more hoisted at Port Louis in 1833, and since that time the Falkland Islands have been a regular British colony.
It was the task of Ezekiel to take up once more the broken threads of Israel's religious traditions, and weave them anew into statelier forms of ritual and national polity.
The new covenant of redeeming grace - the righteousness which is in the heart and not in externalities of legal observance or ceremonial - are once more proclaimed, and the exalted ideals of the suffering servant of Isa.
Urged by such considerations, he once more turned his eyes to the scene of his early exile, where he might live on his decent patrimony in a style which was impossible in England, and pursue unembarrassed his literary studies.
O'Donnell went to Spain, where he died soon afterwards, and Tyrone with a shattered force made his way once more to the north, where he renewed his policy of ostensibly seeking pardon while warily evading his enemies.
O'Neill's chief need was supplies for his forces, and failing to obtain them from Monck he turned once more to Ormonde and the Catholic confederates, with whom he prepared to co-operate more earnestly when Cromwell's arrival in Ireland in August 1649 brought the Catholic party face to face with serious danger.
After the Armistice the unsatisfactory consequences of the peace negotiations, the heavy burden of suffering and loss caused by the war, and, above all, the intolerable internal policy of the Nitti Cabinet, brought about the return of Giolitti to the sphere of practical politics once more.
Israel was once more in league with Damascus and Phoenicia, and the biblical records must be read in the light of political history.
In Zerubbabel the people beheld once more a ruler of the Davidic race.
The new temple heralded a new future; the mournful fasts commemorative of Jerusalem's disasters would become feasts; Yahweh had left the Temple at the fall of Jerusalem, but had now returned to sanctify it with his presence; the city had purged its iniquity and was fit once more to become the central sanctuary.
The Jews of Palestine thus became once more a subject state, stripped of their conquests and confined to their own borders.
So there was once more a king of Judaea, and a king who observed the tradition of the Pharisees and protected the Jewish religion.
Claudius intended that Agrippa's young son should succeed to the kingdom; but he was overruled by his advisers, and Judaea was taken over once more by Roman procurators.
So Judaism survived once more the destruction of its central sanctuary.
It is nevertheless certain that some of the old traditions were preserved by the remnants of the old population now reduced to a subject condition, and that these finally leavened the whole lump, so that once more - this time under a Hellenic guise - Crete was enabled to anticipate mainland Greece in nascent civilization.
Though the outbreak was unconnected with the religious feud, the latent fanaticism of both creeds was soon aroused, and the island once more became a scene of pillage and devastation.
The Gregorian correction of the calendar in 1582 has once more led to different days being observed.
In June Crichton was once more in Venice, and while there wrote two Latin odes to his friends Lorenzo Massa and Giovanni Donati, but after this date the details of his life are obscure.
This sacrifice of territory was afterwards ratified by the National Assembly at Bordeaux, though not without a protest from the representatives of the departments about to be given up; and thus Alsace once more became German.
When Frederic the Great gained West Prussia by the first partition of Poland (1772), he was uniting together once more the dominions of the Order, sundered since 1466; and it is the kings of Prussia who have inherited the Order's task of maintaining German influence on the banks of the Vistula.
A few months later the Lesghians in Daghestan, who had risen in revolt, were defeated and their country once more reduced to obedience.
The pressing need for Seleucus once more to take the field against Antigonus was at any rate in large measure the cause of his abandonment of India.
At low tide the limpet (being a strictly intertidal organism) is exposed to the air, and (according to trustworthy observers) quits its attachment and walks away in search of food (minute encrusting algae), and then once more returns to the identical spot, not an inch in diameter, which belongs, as it were, to it.
Thanks to the friendly intervention of the marechal du camp, baron Duteil, Bonaparte once more gained leave of absence for three months and reached Corsica in September 1791.
The parallel extends even to the secret negotiations; for, if Austria could have been induced in May 1807 to send an army against Napoleon's communications, his position would have been fully as dangerous as before Austerlitz if Prussia had taken a similar step. Once more he triumphed owing to the timidity of the central power which had the game in its hands; and the folly which marked the Russian tactics at Friedland (14th of June 1807), as at Austerlitz, enabled him to close the campaign in a blaze of glory and shiver the coalition in pieces.
If the story is correct, his acts at Bayonne showed once more his custom of biding his time in order to take an overwhelming revenge.
The main object of the Austrian chancellor probably was to let Napoleon once more show to the world his perverse obstinacy.
The Cretans have stayed their previous decadence, and are once more possessors of a progressive civilization.
The palace at Cnossus was once more destroyed, and never rebuilt or re-inhabited.
He asked him for information about Thule, but Aungervyle, who promised information when he should once more be at home among his books, never sent any answer, in spite of repeated enquiries.
In June 1338 he was once more sent abroad to secure peace, but within a month of his appointment 1 De Ill.
While furnishing - almost unconsciously, however - additional evidence for overthrowing that classification, there is, nevertheless, no attempt made to construct a better one; and the elaborate tables of dimensions, both absolute and proportional, suggestive as is the whole tendency of the author's observations, seem not to lead to any very practical result, though the systematist's need to look beneath the integument, even in parts that are so comparatively little hidden as birds' feet, is once more made beyond all question apparent.
But the Venetians, in face of the danger, once more removed their capital, this time to Rialto, that group of islands we now call Venice, lying in mid-lagoon between the lidi and the mainland.
The fingers of the clock had been pushed back; once more things were as they had been at the time of the First Crusade; once more the West must arm itself for the holy war and the recovery of Jerusalem - but now it must face a united Mahommedan world, where in 1096 it had found political and religious dissension, and it must attempt its vastly heavier task without the morning freshness of a new religious impulse, and with something of the weariness of a hundred years of struggle upon its shoulders.
He sailed back to Otranto in order to recover his health, but the new pope, Gregory IX., launched in hot anger the bolt of excommunication, in the belief that Frederick was malingering once more.
In the following year a form of self-government was established, but was once more followed by internal strife among the petty chieftains.
Hildebrand, now pope as Gregory VII., next summoned him to Rome, and, in a synod held there in 1078, tried once more to obtain a declaration of his orthodoxy by means of a confession of faith drawn up in general terms; but even this strong-minded and strong-willed pontiff was at length forced to yield to the demands of the multitude and its leaders; and in another synod at Rome (1079), finding that he was only endangering his own position and reputation, he turned unexpectedly upon Berengar and commanded him to confess that he had erred in not teaching a change as to substantial reality of the sacramental bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ.
The contents of the pan are once more allowed to cool and settle, and the soap as now formed constitutes a pure curd coap, carrying with it some proportion of uncombined alkali, but containing the minimum amount of water.
After only a few months of wedlock his wife died, and Gallatin was once more alone.
While still in Europe he had been asked by Madison to become minister to France; this appointment he accepted in January 1816, and adhered to his acceptance in spite of his being asked in April 1816 to serve once more as secretary of the treasury.
In November 1827 he once more returned to the United States and bade farewell to public life.
Henry on his side looked to find in Becket the archbishop a coadjutor as loyal as Becket the archdeacon; and anticipated that the Church would once more be reduced to that state of dependence in which she had stood during the latter years of Henry I.
Of these a portion may probably be attributed to the Peisistratids, in whose time the Acropolis once more became the stronghold of a despotism.
Owing to the numbers and activity of its institutions, both native and foreign, for the prosecution of research and the encouragement of classical studies, Athens has become Scientific once more an international seat of learning.
By his economic legislation Solon placed Athenian agriculture once more upon a sound footing, and supplemented this source of wealth by encouraging commercial enterprise, thus laying the foundation of his country's material prosperity.
But before leaving Paris Ignatius heard once more that complaints had been lodged against him at the Inquisition; but these like the others were found to be without any foundation.
After prolonged attacks lasting to nightfall, Hood had once more to draw off, with about io,000 men killed and wounded.
The Confederates were once more unsuccessful, and the losses were so heavy that the "fighting" policy ordered by the Confederate government was countermanded.
He believes that he is once more with Briinnhilde on the Valkyries' mountain height; and the harmonies of her awakening move in untroubled splendour till the light of life fades with the light of day and the slain hero is carried to the Gibichung's hall through the moonlit mists, while the music of love and death tells in terrible triumph more of his story than he ever knew.
The result was that in March 834 Louis was restored to power at St Denis; Judith once more returned to his side and the kingdoms of Louis and Pippin were increased.
In the north the pendulum swung back once more and the French reoccupied Milan in April, causing the downfall of the Sforzas, much to Alexander's gratification.
As France and Spain were quarrelling over the division of Naples and the Campagna barons were quiet, Cesare set out once more in search of conquests.
In his own kingdom Charles took some steps to reform the financial and judicial administration and so to increase his revenue; but he was soon occupied once more with foreign entanglements, and in July 1362, in alliance with Peter the Cruel, king of Castile, he invaded Aragon, deserting his new ally soon afterwards for Peter IV., king of Aragon.
Nay more, the Gentile Christians took possession of them, and just in proportion as they were neglected by the Jews - who, after the war of Bar-Cochba, became indifferent to the Messianic hope and hardened themselves once more in devotion to the law - they were naturalized in the Christian communities.
In December 1901 the mullah was, however, once more raiding in the neighbourhood of Burao, and in May Wars with 1902 Colonel Swayne led another expedition against the Mullah him, the Somali levies being strengthened by the 2nd Mahomme dKing's African Rifles, consisting of Yaos from Nyasa- Abdullah.
Before taking up residence in his parish he once more went abroad, and made in Rome the acquaintance of the Chevalier Bunsen, who afterwards dedicated to him part of his work, Hippolytus and his Age.
Murad thereupon returned to Europe with a large force, and sent Chendereli Zade Ali Pasha northwards; the fortresses of Shumla, Pravadi, Trnovo, Nicopolis and Silistria were taken by him; Sisman III., rebel king of Bulgaria, was punished and Bulgaria once more subjugated.
The Morea was quickly overrun; in April 1826 Missolonghi fell, after a heroic defence; in June 1827 Athens was once more in the hands of the Turks.
The struggle that followed was, however, destined once more to be a duel between Russia and Turkey.
The war that followed proved once more the wonderful resisting power of the Turks.
The acceptance of the principle of complete independence, once more warmly advocated by Metternich, seemed now essential if Greece was not to become, like the principalities, a mere dependency of Russia.
The Eastern Question had now suddenly once more entered an acute phase.
On the 25th he was ordered out once more.
Since that period it has remained nominally a part of the Turkish empire; but with the decline of Turkish power, and the general disintegration of the empire, in the first half of the 18th century, a then governor-general, Ahmed Pasha, made it an independent pashalic. Nadir Shah, the able and energetic usurper of the Persian throne, attempting to annex the province once more to Persia, besieged the city, but Ahmed defended it with such courage that the invader was compelled to raise the siege, after suffering great loss.
She exulted in the meeting of the states-general, and most of all when her father, after being driven to Brussels by a state intrigue, was once more recalled and triumphantly escorted into Paris.
She stayed there as usual for the summer, and then set out once more for Germany, visiting Mainz, Frankfort, Berlin and Vienna.
In the Church of England, however, it was retained among the episcopal ornaments prescribed by the first Prayerbook of Edward VI., and, though omitted in the second Prayerbook, its use seemed once more to be enjoined under the Ornaments Rubric of Elizabeth's Prayer-book.
Wellington then, ostentatiously making preparations to enter Spain by the Badajoz line, once more turned northward, crossed the Tormes (June 17, 1812), and advanced to the Douro, behind which the French were drawn up. Marmont had erected at Salamanca some strong forts, the reduction of which occupied Wellington ten days, and cost him 600 men.
By November 1812, Hill having joined him at Salamanca, Wellington once more had gone into cantonments near Ciudad Rodrigo, and the French armies had again scattered for convenience of supply.
The freezing point curve usually lies below the electrical one, but approaches it as dilution is increased.2 Returning once more to the consideration of the first relation, which deals with the comparison between the number of ions and the number of pressure-producing particles in dilute solution, one caution is necessary.
Johannes was a Calvinist, however, and the strict Lutherans of the Palatinate caused him once more to become a wanderer; in 1578 he settled at Leiden as student of theology, and finally became pastor at Dort, where he died in 1585.
In the early years of British occupation, about 1829, they gave much trouble; and in 1883 they broke out once more into their old habits.
Montrose was to appear once more on the stage of Scottish history.
When the strong magnetizing field is gradually diminished to zero and then reversed, the needles pass from one stable position of rest to another through a condition of instability; and if the field is once more reversed, so that the cycle is completed, the needles again pass through a condition of instability before a position of stable equilibrium is regained.
Thomson and others once more brought the conception of moving electric charges into prominence.
His establishment of the northern confederacy was a reversion to the traditional policy of Prussia in opposition to Austria, which, after the emperor Nicholas had crushed the insurrection in Hungary, was once more free to assert her claims to dominance in Germany.
In order to husband his few remaining days he resolved in June 1866 to return once more to Italy.
In 1678 it was recaptured by the Venetians, but was again restored in 1699, by the treaty of Karlowitz to the Turks; in the war of independence it finally became Greek once more (March 1829).
The Revolution roused him once more to activity and cheerfulness.
He now set out once more for Scotland, but was intercepted by the Florentine cardinal Luigi Capponi, who induced him to remain at Bologna as professor of Humanity.
After six months of civil war peace was once more established, but there still remained some small rebel groups in Rio Grande do Sul.
When driven from the French throne by the revolution of 1830, Charles once more found a home in the ancient palace of the Stuarts.
Peace was once more patched up with Florence in 1454.
Many of the Boers who would not acknowledge British rule trekked once more over the mountains into what are now the Orange Free State and Transvaal provinces.
But it was not long before their worst fears with regard to the Boers began to be realized, and their patience was once more severely taxed.
As the London Convention had stipulated that there should be no trespassing on the part of the Boers over their specified boundaries, and as Natal had been the basis for those operations against the Zulus on the part of the British in 187 9, which alone made such an annexation of territory possible, a strong feeling was once more aroused in Natal.
On his return from Huntingdonshire he became once more a frequent guest at Mr Tooke's house at Purley, and in 1782 assumed the name of Horne Tooke.
Alarmed at the sudden revival of the Eastern Empire, which under the Macedonian dynasty extended once more to the Danube, and thus became the immediate neighbour of Hungary, Duke Geza, who succeeded Taksony in 972, shrewdly resolved to accept Christianity from the more distant and therefore less dangerous emperor of the West.
The Eastern Empire ceased to be formidable on the death of Manuel (1080), and Hungary was free once more to pursue a policy of aggrandizement.
Not till 1409 could Sigismund be said to be king in his own realm, yet in 1413 we find him traversing Europe in his endeavour to terminate the Great Schism, as the first step towards uniting Christendom once more against the Turk.
But in the autumn of 1656 a great statesman, Mahommed Kuprili, obtained the supreme control of affairs at Constantinople, and all Europe instantly felt the pressure of the Turk once more.
But, in 1690, the third of the famous Kuprilis, Mustafa, brother of Fazil Ahmed, became grand vizier, and the Turk, still further encouraged by the death of Innocent XI., rallied once more.
On the 25th of May the Hungarian capital was once more in the hands of the Hungarians.
The question of Italian unity had no sooner been settled than the question of The German unity arose, and fresh international difficulties Austro- once more inclined the Austrian government towards moderation and concession.
The Balkan crisis threw this question into the background during the winter; but, with the settlement of the international questions raised by the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, it once more came to the front.
In the event, neither of these courses proved possible, and on the 28th Dr Wekerle once more announced his resignation to the parliament.
On the two following days Dr Lukacs and Mr de Justh had audiences of the king, but without result; and on the 31st Hungary once more entered on a period of extra-constitutional government.
As this ungrateful work brought no reward, Richelieu, in spite of the earnest entreaties of the queen-mother, retired once more to his bishopric. But the king, while approving his conduct, was still suspicious of him, and he was exiled to Avignon, along with his brother and brother-in-law, on the 7th of April 1618.
Yolande of Anjou, who in 1444 had married Ferri of Lorraine, count of Vaudemont, became heiress of Nicholas of Anjou, duke of Calabria and of Lorraine, in 1473, and of Rene of Anjou, duke of Bar, in 1480; thus Lorraine, with Barrois added to it, once more returned to the family of its ancient dukes.
It was granted in 1738 to Stanislaus Leszczynski, ex-king of Poland, and on his death in 1766 was once more attached to the crown of France.
During the final stages of the German treaty the Adriatic problem was once more shelved, until on June 29 and July 6 armed conflicts took place in the streets of Fiume between Italian and French soldiers, resulting in several deaths.
This was followed by a new election for president, and once more Pretorius was called upon to fill that office.
Meanwhile events in Great Britain had once more taken a turn which gave encouragement to the disaffected Boers.
This, however, was not immediately available, and on the 13th of December the Boers in public meeting at Paardekraal resolved once more to proclaim the South African Republic, and in the meantime to appoint a triumvirate, consisting of Kruger, Pretorius and Joubert, as a provisional government.
In the articles of the new convention the boundaries were once more defined, concessions being made to the Transvaal on the Bechuanaland frontier, and to them the republic was bound to " strictly adhere."
It probably acquired municipal rights in 90 B.C., but Augustus, owing to the fact that it did not support him, assigned a part of its territory to his veterans in 41 B.C., and henceforth it is once more called colonia.
Syracuse rose again out of her desolation - grass, it is said, grew in her streets - and, with an influx of a multitude of new colonists from Greece and from towns of Sicily and Italy, once more became a prosperous city.
The congress of Vienna (1815) restored the lower part of the Rhenish valley to Germany, but it was not till the war of 1870-71 that the recovery of Alsace and Lorraine made the Rhine once more "Germany's river, not Germany's frontier."
The political conflict once more resumed its normal condition, for the first time since 1892.
In a speech at Stirling on the 23rd of November, Sir Henry appeared to him to have deliberately flouted his well-known susceptibilities by once more writing Home Rule in large letters on the party programme, and he declared at Bodmin that he would "never serve under that banner."
But if Lord Rosebery once more separated himself from the official Liberals, his principal henchmen in the Liberal League were included in the cabinet, Mr Asquith becoming chancellor of the exchequer, Sir Edward Grey foreign secretary, and Mr Haldane war minister.
He did not make himself a slave to his visitors, but reserved much time for work and for his immense correspondence, which had for a long time once more included Frederick, the two getting on very well when they were not in contact.
On the 30th of May the priests were once more sent for - to wit, his nephew, the abbe Mignot, the abbe Gaultier, who had officiated on the former occasion, and the parish priest, the cure of St Sulpice.
The question was once more elaborately argued in May 1899 before an informal tribunal consisting of the archbishop of Canterbury (Dr. Temple) and the archbishop of York (Dr. Maclagan), at Lambeth Palace.
Opposition to France was the inspiring principle of the Historisches Journal founded by him in 1799-1800, which once more held up English institutions as the model, and became in Germany the mouthpiece of British policy towards the revolutionary aggressions of the French republic. In 1801 he ceased the publication of the Journal, because he disliked the regularity of journalism, and issued instead, under the title Beitrdge zur Geschichte, &c., a series of essays on contemporary politics.
But the peace of 1810 and the fall of Stadion once more dashed his hopes, and, disillusioned and "hellishly blasé," he once more retired to comparative inactivity at Prague.
During the protectorate all patent rights virtually lapsed, and mirrors and drinking-glasses were once more imported from Venice.
Then came the mutiny, and Sikhs once more were recruited in numbers and saved India for the British crown.
The principle of perfection is a new one, at once more rational and comprehensive than benevolence and sympathy, which in our view places Ferguson as a moralist above all his predecessors."
He was once more residing at Winchester in 1683 when Charles came to the city with his doubtfully composed court, and his residence was chosen as the home of Nell Gwynne; but Ken stoutly objected to this arrangement,.
He was succeeded by his brother En-anna-turn I., under whom Gis-ukh once more became the dominant power.
The arrangement was evidently intended to flatter the Babylonians by giving them once more the semblance of independence.
Nabopolassar was followed by his son Nebuchadrezzar II., whose reign of 43 years made Babylon once more the mistress of the civilized world.
Fresh disputes about the possession of Montepulciano and other places having arisen, the Florentines declared war once more.
In 1279 Pope Nicholas sent his nephew, the friar preacher Latino Frangipani Malabranca, whom he had created cardinal bishop of Ostia the same year, to reconcile the parties in Florence once more.
All this decreased Savonarola's popularity to some extent, but the enemy having been beaten at Leghorn and the league being apparently on the point of breaking up, the Florentines took courage and the friar's party was once more in the ascendant.
The friar's sermons against ecclesiastical corruption, and especially against the pope, resulted in his excommunication by the latter, in consequence of which he lost much of his influence and immorality spread once more.
In February 1792, at his own mortal peril, he once more succeeded in reaching Paris with counterfeit credentials as minister plenipotentiary to Portugal.
In October 1900 a conditional agreement for the reduction of the bounties was made in Paris between France, Germany and Austria-Hungary; in February 1901 the Belgian government proposed a new session of the Conference of 1898, and on the 16th of December following Brussels welcomed once more the delegates of all the powers, with the exception of Russia, to the eighth European Sugar Bounty Conference since that of Paris in 1862.
In 1637 he was once more in the star chamber, together with Bastwick and Burton.
It thus was once more declared to include all violations of the divine law.
John was forced to withdraw to Burgundy (August 1413), and the university of Paris and John Gerson once more censured Petit's propositions, which, but for the lavish bribes of money and wines offered by John to the prelates, would have been solemnly condemned at the council of Constance.
As soon as the adapters have been cleaeed of their contents, they are replaced, and again left to themselves for two hours, to be once more emptied and replaced, &c. The complete exhaustion of the charge of a furnace takes about eleven hours.
The country was once more split up into small governments, more or less independent, and groups of wandering tribes carrying on their petty feuds.
The judges who governed the island were always at strife, and, as some of them applied to Pisa and some to Genoa for assistance against one another, the Italian seas were once more stained with blood, and the war burst out again and again, down to 1259, when it terminated in the decisive victory of the Pisans and the consolidation of their supremacy in Sardinia.
These old days shall return once more.
But after Yoritomos death the land became once more an armed camp, in which the rival barons discouraged travel beyond the limits of their own domains.
Not until the Tokugawa family obtained military control of the whole empire (I6o3), and, fixing its capital at Yedo, required the feudal chiefs to reside there every second year, did the problem of roads and post-stations force itself once more on official attention.
There is ample evidence that the civil law was soon once more a favourite study at Oxford, where we learn that, in 1190, two students from Friesland were wont to divide between them the hours of the night for the purpose of making a copy of the Liber pauperum.
With the approach of the revolutionary year 1848, however, Radicalism once more began to lift up its head.
In 1676 the French admiral, Abraham Duquesne, defeated the combined fleet of Spain and Holland; but, notwithstanding this victory, the French suddenly abandoned Messina in 1678, and the Spanish occupied the town once more.
After publishing The Mock Mourners, intended to satirize and rebuke the outbreak of Jacobite joy at the king's death, he turned his attention once more to ecclesiastical subjects, and, in an evil hour for himself, wrote the anonymous Shortest Way with the Dissenters (1702), a statement in the most forcible terms of the extreme "high-flying" position, which some high churchmen were unwary enough to endorse, without any suspicion of the writer's ironical intention.
At the end of that period the evil spirit, encouraged by the demons he had produced, once more rushes upon the good creation to destroy it.
It was truly tragic that his doom should have come at the moment when he had once more drawn together a great alliance in Europe, and when he possessed a popularity in England such as he had never before enjoyed.
On the death of Fox he joined (1806) the Grenville ministry as president of the board of control, with a seat in the cabinet, and thus brought himself once more into line with the Whigs.
In April 1790 he could stand London no longer, and once more joined his parents at Paris in the rue de Clery.
But once more Bolingbroke's "fortune turned rotten at the very moment it grew ripe," 4 and his projects and hopes were ruined by the king's death in June.
The last event of the period was a success, the recovery of Euboea (357), which was once more added to the league.
In January 1865 Sherman marched northwards again, once more abandoning his base, towards Petersburg, where Grant and Lee were waging a war of giants.
It was retaken by the British in 1810, but once more restored to the Dutch in 1814.
As the sky-god again he is appealed to as the witness of oaths in the special capacity of the Dins Fidius, producing once more an abstract offshoot in the goddess Fides.
The war dragged on with varying success, until the severe defeat of the allies at Marsiglia and their selfish neglect of Victor's interests induced him to open negotiations with France once more.
In the beginning of his reign he adopted a prudent policy of amity with his two most powerful neighbours, the emperors of the East and West, but the death of Manuel in 1180 gave Hungary once more a free hand in the affairs of the Balkan Peninsula, her natural sphere of influence.
Later on in the autumn we find him once more with Guicciardini at Bologna.
At the time of Suffolk's fall in January 1450 Kempe once more became chancellor.
He was once more successful, however, in 1802, when he sat for Appleby, and it seemed as if the great ambitions of his life were about to be realized when the Whig party came into power in 1806.
Everything was brought into a state of uncertainty once more by the escape of Napoleon from Elba; but the events of the Hundred Days, in which Talleyrand had no share - he remained at Vienna until the Toth of June - brought in the Bourbons once more; and Talleyrand's plea for a magnanimous treatment of France under Louis XVIII.
Wallenstein thus gained time to reestablish his order, and once more the now exhausted brigades of the Swedish first line were driven over the road.
But Wimpheling had only some timid suggestions to make, and, since Maximilian was once more on happy terms with the pope, political considerations served to cool completely his momentary ardour for ecclesiastical reform.
In 1527, supported by the diet, he carried his measures for secularizing such portions of the Church property as he thought fit, and for subjecting the Church to the royal power (Ordinances of Vesteras); but many of the old religious ceremonies and practices were permitted to continue, and it was not until 1592 that Lutheranism was officially sanctioned by the Swedish synod .2 Charles V., finding that his efforts to check the spread of the religious schism were unsuccessful, resorted once more to conferences between Roman Catholic and Lutheran theologians, but it became apparent that no permanent compromise was possible.
Philip of Hesse also surrendered, and Charles tried once more to establish a basis of agreement.
The king's ardent desire that diversities of minds and opinions should be done away with and unity be " charitably established " was further promoted by publishing in 1543 A Necessary Doctrine and Erudition for any Christian Man, set forth by the King's Majesty of England, in which the tenets of medieval theology, except for denial of the supremacy of the bishop of Rome and the unmistakable assertion of the supremacy of the king, were once more restated.