On-the-level Sentence Examples
Finally he kneeled in front of her so that their eyes were on the level.
The soil is not very productive, although agriculture flourishes in the valleys and on the level ground; grain has to be imported to meet the demand.
The city consists of two parts; the modern French town, built on the level ground by the seashore, and the ancient city of the deys, which climbs the steep hill behind the modern town and is crowned by the kasbah or citadel, 400 ft.
I.- being laid on the turnpike road which was crossed Plateat Loughborough on the level.
When, however, a company desires to construct a line on a commercial scale, to acquire land compulsorily, to divert rivers and streams, to cross roads either on the level or by means of bridges, to pass near houses, to build tunnels or viaducts, and to execute all the other works incidental to a.
The Regulation of Railways Act of 1871 extends the provisions of the above act to the opening of " any additional line of railway, deviation line, station, junction or crossing on the level " which forms a portion of or is connected with a passenger railway, and which has been constructed subsequently to the inspection of it.
To avoid the delay thus caused the branch line which would occasion the diamond crossing if it were taken across on the level is sometimes carried over the main line by an over-bridge (" flying junction ") or under it by an under-bridge (" burrowing junction ").
It is usual to subtract these resistances from the observed pull, so as to obtain the draw-bar pull reduced to what it would be at a uniform speed on the level.
The approach to the grotto lay through a portico on the level with and fronting the street, and a pronaos, in communication with which was a kind of sacristy.
Diamantina is built partly on a steep hillside overlooking a small tributary of the Rio Jequitinhonha (where diamond-washing was once carried on), and partly on the level plain above.
AdvertisementThe first process in laying out the workings consists in driving a gallery on the level along the course of the coal seam, which is known as a " dip head level," and a lower parallel one, in which the water collects, known as a " lodgment level."
Beyond the Bab-el-Bahar (sea-gate), now called Porte de France, on the level ground by the Bahira, is the marine town, or Quartier Franc, built since the French occupation in 1881.
Adjoining this bridge, on the level.
They are distributed along both banks of the Kerwan, a brook which flows south through the Wadi-ed-Der to join the Zerka or Jabbok; but all the principal buildings are situated on the level ground to the right of the stream.
Alpacas are kept in large flocks which graze on the level heights of the Andes of southern Peru and northern Bolivia, at an elevation of from 14,000 to 16,000 ft.
AdvertisementColumbia is picturesquely situated on the level top of a bluff overlooking the Congaree, which falls about 36 ft.
The modern quarters have been laid out on the level ground at the base, especially towards the south.
Two theatres, on the eastern slope of the Acropolis, faced the bright waters of the Marmora, and a stadium was found on the level tract on the other side of the hill, close to the Golden Horn.
Or we may take the opposite view, and regard the story of Osiris and his war with Seth (who shut him up in a box and mutilated him) as a dualistic myth, originally on the level of the battle betweenaGaunab andTsui-Goab, or between Tagar and Suqe.
The wedge heels brought her up to his height, and she met his gaze almost on the level.
AdvertisementWhether spots or stripes form, according to the model, depends on the level of response of the bacteria to the chemical attractant.
Interior noise - the noise inside passenger vehicles has a great effect on the level of passenger comfort.
Who's made a lunar landing on the level?
A cutting, or cut, is simply a trench dug in a hill or piece of rising ground, wide enough at the bottom to accommodate one or more pairs of rails, and deep enough to enable the line to continue its course on the level or on a moderate gradient.
Thus let an engine and tender weighing 80 tons haul vehicles weighing 200 tons at a uniform speed on the level of 40 m.
AdvertisementThe ivory figures, however, found by Hogarth on the level of the earliest temple of Artemis show Asiatic influence, and resemble the so-called "Phoenician" ivories from the palace of Sargon at Calah (Nimrud).
Shop around for a great deal on the level of quality that you want, but don't compromise when it comes to quality.
Bright sunlight can potentially make screens unreadable, depending on the level of contrast and the type of display used.
The type of instrument you choose depends largely on the level of the musician.
Outpatient care involves the patient coming to the center for individual and group counseling, from three to five times a week, depending on the level of care needed.
Recommended treatment for a Percocet addiction can vary depending on the level of addiction and other health factors.
Perhaps it puts them more on the level of the average person, but the public thrives on catching celebrities in the wrong.
Depending on the level of the weapons charge felony, the maximum sentence is seven years in prison.
Your child's need for specialized tennis gear will also depend on the level and depth of her involvement in the sport.
Dogs need to chew at various stages of their lives, and perhaps throughout their lives depending on the level of activity they need.
The pale greenish-yellow flowers are small, not showy, but the plant is useful from its form and silvery hue for groups and edgings, growing readily in ordinary soil on the level border or on slopes of the rock garden.
In winter it perishes in heavy, rich clays when on the level ground.
The best are rock plants, but they grow freely on the level ground in borders.
In winter they are apt to go off on the London clay, at least on the level ground, but are well suited for mixed borders, banks, or copses.
Always check every few panels to make sure you're staying on the level.
Primarily open to those 47-60, members pay a graduated membership fee, based on the level of access to potential friends.
Smith's polarchromic lenses are unique since they can darken or lighten automatically depending on the level of light.
It depends on the level of discounts the winery will give, but it's definitely something to ask about before you sign up.
In spina bifida, many complications arise, dependent in part on the level and severity of the spine malformation.
Although stress can be a factor, parents should consult with their doctor on the level of risk and methods of discipline that can be effective for their child.
The benefits available to Sears employees- from salary to health insurance and pension plans- differ depending on the level of employment.
Of course, this depends on the level of use.
Decide for yourself if you believe these stories on the level.
Before you can begin your yoga teacher training program, you must decide on the level of certification.
Depending on the level of the particular relationship and extent of effort put forth, the acknowledgement can be as simple as a thank you note or a small token of appreciation, especially one in the interest of the writer.
The cost of the monthly premiums is based on the level of coverage you request as well as the breed, age and geographical location of your pet.
These products are only available to members of AAA and these memberships come with an annual cost that varies depending on the level of membership obtained.
Here is something else you might want to think about when deciding on the level of protection you need during physical activity; if you find that your breasts, back or both are sore after working out, it is time to get a better sports bra.
They are all more on the level of a specialty than they used to be.
Depending on the level of activity in your workplace, it may be a good idea to make sure that the top is a breathable or wicking fabric such as cotton.