On-earth Sentence Examples
Why on earth would anyone feel sorry for you?
This was heaven on earth.
I cringed at the thought of who might have spent their last nights on earth on that pallet.
That there was a better chance of her selling art if she painted something no one else on earth could imagine?
She'd never seen one on earth.
The leader of the bad guys on earth died and was replaced.
Why are you on earth?
What on earth did you do?
For her, the last fourteen months had been nothing short of heaven on earth.
She'd just made a complete fool of herself and Evelyn … how would she react if someone were as terrified of kittens on earth?
AdvertisementWhat on earth could I possibly be mad at you for?
If you get Katie back and the world goes to shit, all you've done is given her an Immortality of hell on earth.
What on earth would we do?
What on earth made you think that camper was the one you were looking for?
Josh was the last person on earth she wanted to talk to right now.
AdvertisementOne of five Original Beings, he'd landed on earth when the Originals escaped from their immortal exile.
There are now two places on earth where we can enter from the immortal world.
He sensed several Others and Watchers on earth.
Others didn't like me picking off their kind on earth?
And the immortals stuck on earth?
AdvertisementHe was the one person on earth who could send her heart into a frenzy with one kiss.
Where on earth did you find such a beautiful kitten?
It had the effect they desired of convincing the Others he had crushed the gem and was unleashing hell on earth in his quest for revenge for them taking Jessi.
It is evident that it was originally a goddess who was supposed to be in control of Irkalla, corresponding to Ishtar in control of fertility and vegetation on earth.
Apotheosis can mean nothing to those who hold that a man may be reborn as a god, but still needs redemption, and that men on earth may win redemption, if they are brave enough.
AdvertisementAll who have successfully gone through a triple probation on earth are admitted to share these blessings.
And, if no government on earth ever fully carried out the literal meaning of aristocracy as the rule of the best, these civic nobilities come nearer to it than any other form of government.
It was discovered very early in the movement that the accuracy of these communications could not always be relied on; but it is maintained by spiritualists that by the intelligent exercise of the reason it is possible to judge whether the communicating intelligence is trustworthy, especially after prolonged acquaintance with particular intelligences, or where proofs are given of identity with persons known to have been trustworthy on earth.
The so-called Spectre Huntsman of the Malay Peninsula is said to be a man who scours the firmament with his dogs, vainly seeking for what he could not find on earth - a buck mouse-deer pregnant with male offspring; but he seems to be a living man; there is no statement that he ever died, nor yet that he is a spirit.
The cardinal was brought to trial at Westminster (17th of June 1535) on the charge that he did "openly declare in English that the king, our sovereign lord, is not supreme head on earth of the Church of England," and was condemned to a traitor's death at Tyburn, a sentence afterwards changed.
The former includes (1) the notion that a last terrible battle with the enemies of God was impending; (2) the faith in the speedy return of Christ; (3) the conviction that Christ will judge all men, and (4) will set up a kingdom of glory on earth.
Amongst these was the expectation that the future kingdom of Christ on earth should have a fixed duration - according to the most prevalent opinion, a duration of one thousand years.
This idea that the Messianic kingdom of the future on earth should have a definite duration has - like the whole eschatology of the primitive Church - its roots in the Jewish apocalyptic literature, where it appears at a comparatively late period.
Forthwith begins the one undivided kingdom of God in heaven and on earth.
Their interest is in the ethical training of the individual on earth.
When the struggle between the colonies and the mother country began, although he felt much sympathy for the former, his opposition to any form of obstruction to the Stamp Act and other measures, and his denunciation of a resort to force created a breach between him and his parish, and in a fiery farewell discourse preached after the opening of hostilities he declared that no power on earth should prevent him from praying and shouting "God save the King."
He behaved with his usual quiet cheerfulness during his stay in the Tower, spending his last day on earth as he had intended to spend the following Sunday if he had reached it.
Cobden's efforts in furtherance of free trade were always subordinated to what he deemed the highest moral purposes - the promotion of peace on earth and goodwill among men.
Object and Contents of Apocalyptic. - The object of this literature in general was to solve the difficulties connected with the righteousness of God and the suffering condition of His righteous servants on earth.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, begotten of the Father, only begotten, that is of the substance of the Father, God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten not made, of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made, both those in heaven and those on earth.
But when the seer is exalted tg heaven he sees no trace of the turmoil on earth.
The idea of the supreme power on earth of a general council of Christendom, deliberating in the name of the Holy Spirit, convoked, if necessary, independently of the popes, was defended by many, and advocated by the university of Paris.
Miinzer dreamed of an approaching millennium on earth to be heralded by violence and suffering, but Hubmaier and Denk were peaceful evangelists who believed that man's will was free and that each had within him an inner light which would, if he but followed it, guide him to God.
It regards church authority as inhering, according to the very genius of the Gospel, in each local body of believers, as a miniature realization of the whole Church, which can itself have only an ideal corporate being on earth.
In return he receives the souls of the slain who in his palace, Valhalla, live a life of fighting and feasting, similar to that which has been their desire on earth.
Christ lived on earth the life of man, and without questioning the equally genuine Divine element laid stress on this genuine human consciousness.
Christ then raised the spiritual body of Jesus which remained on earth for eighteen months, initiating a small circle of elect disciples.
Whatever he has, he wants it all for himself, because, the more 'he merits on earth (by Christ's grace) the greater is his glory in heaven.
Learning the secret of his birth, he, full of remorse, sought the prophet who, he had heard, had power on earth to forgive sins.
This, however, is a consideration altogether alien to the Christian spirit, the aspiration of which is to lay up treasures not on earth but in heaven.
It has its centre not on earth but in heavenly places, where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God."5 (c) Thirdly, there is no question that the Lord intended the one fellowship of his saints to be a visible fellowship. The idea of an invisible church has only commended itself in dark hours when men despaired of unity even as an ideal.
The dual position of the pope, as supreme head of the Church on earth and as a minor Italian prince, was destined to break down through its inherent contradiction; it was the task of Pius IX.
In some of the writings no Messianic kingdom is looked for; in others only a temporal duration on earth is assigned to it; in others still it abides for ever either on earth as it is, or on earth transformed.
A millennial reign of Christ on earth is interposed between the first resurrection, confined to the saints and especially the martyrs, and the second resurrection for the rest of the dead.
The Alogi in the 2nd century rejected the Apocalypse on account of its chiliasm, its teaching of a visible reign of Christ on earth for a thousand years.
The presence and power of His Spirit, the spread of His Gospel, the progress of His kingdom have been as much a fulfilment of the eschatological teaching of the New Testament as His life and work on earth were a fulfilment of Messianic prophecy, for fulfilment always transcends prophecy.
Johns (1771-1845), in George Street, Manchester, where his daily round of laboratory work and tuition was broken only by annual excursions to the Lake district and occasional visits to London, "a surprising place and well worth one's while to see once, but the most disagreeable place on earth for one of a contemplative turn to reside in constantly."
The genus Peziza (in its widest sense) may be taken as the type of the group. Most of them grow on living plants or on dead vegetable remains, very often on fallen wood; a number, however, are found growing on earth which is rich in humus.
James was " Christ's silly vassal," so Andrew Melville told him, and " Christ" in practice meant the preachers who possessed the power of the keys, the power to bind and loose on earth and in heaven.
But He claims that " the Son of Man bath authority on earth to forgive sins."
Ganymede was afterwards regarded as the genius of the fountains of the Nile, the life-giving and fertilizing river, and identified by astronomers with the Aquarius of the zodiac. Thus the divinity that distributed drink to the gods in heaven became the genius who presided over the due supply of water on earth.
Assuming human freedom it at the same time assumes that the ills of life may be overcome by a wise employment of man's resources, and it silently regards universal happiness on earth as the goal of human development.
Time soon tested, too, his principle that that government must prove the strongest on earth "where every man.
The popular factor is the belief in the influence exerted by the movements of the heavenly bodies on occurrences on earth - a belief naturally suggested by the dependence of life, vegetation and guidance upon the two great luminaries.
Starting with this belief the priests built up the theory of the close correspondence between occurrences on earth and phenomena in the heavens.
In another division of the religious literature of Babylonia which is largely represented in Assur-bani-pal's collection - the myths and legends - tales which originally symbolized the change of seasons, or in which historical occurrences are overcast with more or less copious admixture of legend and myth, were transferred to the heavens, and so it happens that creation myths, and the accounts of wanderings and adventures of heroes of the past, are referred to movements among the planets and stars as well as to occurrences or supposed occurrences on earth.
This, however, ignored the difficulty that if Christ during his sojourn on earth was not subject to human limitations, especially of knowledge, he was not a man as other men, and therefore not subject to their trials and temptations.
According to Mr Gore this means that Christ, on his incarnation, became subject to all human limitations, and had, so far as his life on earth was concerned, stripped himself of all the attributes of the Godhead, including the Divine omniscience, the Divine nature being, as it were, hidden under the human.'
At any rate it may be said that generally speaking the maximum, minimum and mean temperatures of points of approximately equal altitude are respectively but slightly different in northern or southern California.2 Death Valley surpasses for combined heat and aridity any meteorological stations on earth where regular observations are taken, although for extremes of heat it is exceeded by places in the Colorado desert.
Its essential characteristic is the doing of the Father's will on earth as in heaven.
When the empire became Christian in the 4th century, the notion of a kingdom of Christ on earth to be introduced by a great struggle all but disappeared, remaining only as the faith of obscure groups.
Nevertheless the latter continues because of its presence in the primary sources, but it is no longer a determining factor, since its presupposition - the Messianic kingdom on earth - has been obscured.
For his life on earth with his material body was only an appearance, a seeming, a phenomenon, and simultaneously with its activities the true Buddha existed unmoved and eternal.
Egyptian summaries recognized gods in the sky, on earth and in the water; gods of the north and south, the east and west, gods of the field and the cities.
Above man on earth rose rank after rank of angels in the seven heavens.
Here the opposition between the good spirit of light and the demons of evilbetween Ormuzd and Ahrimans till remained the principal dogma of the creed; while all other gods and angels, however estimable their aid, were but subordinate servants of Ormuzd, whose highest manifestation on earth was not the sun-god Mithras, but the holy fire guarded by his priests.
In his elaborate defence of Judaism our author glorifies circumcision and the sabbath, the bulwarks of Judaism, as heavenly ordinances, the sphere of which was so far extended as to embrace Israel on earth.
The central point of primitive Buddhism was the doctrine of "Arahatship " - a system of ethical and mental self-culture, in which deliverance was found from all the mysteries and sorrows of life in a change of heart to be reached The here on earth.
These beings were supposed to possess the power, whilst they continued to live in heaven, of appearing on earth in a Nirmanakaya, or apparitional body.
He sets forth the restriction of the mission of Jesus during His life on earth to the people of Israel in a way which suggests at first sight a spirit of Jewish exclusiveness.
In both schools, the ancient doctrine of the contemporaneous appearance on earth of all species of animals having been abandoned under the positive evidence of geology, it is admitted that the animal kingdom, past and present, includes a vast series of successive forms, whose appearances and disappearances have taken place at intervals during an immense lapse of ages.
In 1747 he joined the movement started in Scotland called the " concert in prayer," and in the same year published An Humble Attempt to Promote Explicit Agreement and Visible Union of God's People in Extraordinary Prayer for the Revival of Religion and the Advancement of Christ's Kingdom on Earth.
For a name carried with it, for those who were so blessed as to be acquainted with it, whatever power and influence its owner wielded in heaven or on earth or under the earth.
Lord Clarendon, the head of the British foreign office, told the French ambassador, who read him this despatch, that no consideration on earth would induce the British parliament to pass a measure for the extradition of political refugees, but he added that it was a question whether the law was as complete and as stringent as it should be, and he stated that the government had already referred the whole subject to the law officers of the crown for their consideration.
To explain these, myths have been developed to show that they arose in some grotesque incident of Baiame's personal existence on earth.
In that early age of culture known as the "nomadic" stage, which under normal conditions precedes the "agricultural" stage, the moon cult is even more prominent than sun worship, and with the moon and sun cults thus furnished by the "popular" faith it was a natural step for the priests, who correspond to the "scientists" of a later day, to perfect a theory of a complete accord between phenomena observed in the heavens and occurrences on earth.
The movements of the sun, moon and five planets were regarded as representing the activity of the five gods in question, together with the moon-god Sin and the sun-god Shamash, in preparing the occurrences on earth.
There is a state of constant struggle between good and evil here on earth and a similar struggle in the immortal world between the Others and another faction called the Watchers.
Admittedly, I'm the youngest of the oldest immortals and the only immortal on Earth of my generation.
I bet the Watchers were counting on manipulating the only creature in the mortal realm that can battle an Other on earth.
To contain the, uh, coaching being done, the Original Beings are ordaining a new god to act as a sort of referee here on earth who will have the ability to bridge the physical and divine worlds.
There are four immortal Sanctuaries on earth.
She'd just made a complete fool of herself and Evelyn … how would she react if someone were as terrified of kittens on earth?
Certain symbols pulled up certain features of the ships or angles of battle, similar to how picture-symbols in her video games on earth brought up different functions, allowing her to maneuver characters in the game or review the armament and skills of her opponents.
They couldn't recognize a predator if it sat at their feet, and she was surprised to find her senses much more honed to such a ploy despite their social statuses rivaling those of royalty's on earth.
There is an ethical imperative not to destroy the wonderful diversity of life on Earth.
The tropical rain forest biome is one of the test productive areas on earth.
This makes it snow on Earth and if it is done too roughly, it could cause blizzards!
This precept is one which the Essenes had adopted because they were trying to form a bridgehead for heaven on earth.
Why do you hope humankind will awaken from its nightmare and seek to establish brotherhood and goodwill on earth?
While there are higher mountains, by virtue of the equatorial bulge, Chimborazo summit is the point on earth nearest the sun.
Which was the largest carnivore ever known on earth?
The movie's aliens were able to induce meteorological convulsions on Earth to warn everyone of their power.
The evil child was supposed to provide a counterweight to the good influence of Jesus Christ on earth.
It rose fifteen cubits above the highest mountain on earth.
Only a passing object the size of an actual star would be guaranteed to cause environmental devastation on Earth.
How shall ye dwell on earth awa ' frae me?
Sexual reproduction has enormously enriched the wealth of life on Earth.
So how on earth could Sony get away with this outright fabrication?
The groups are members of opposing political factions, each aiming to be the first to land on Earth.
Nothing on the outside tells you what on earth to expect inside no minarets, no bells to summon the faithful.
The fastest creature on earth is thought to be the peregrine falcon can reach speeds of over 150 mph in a dive.
But for sheer ferocity and lust of blood, perhaps no creature on earth can equal that uncanny brute, the common garden spider.
Beside, the ice caps are more like a winter frost than the ice caps you get on Earth.
Why on earth she would have to lose weight is beyond me, have you seen the gal?
How on Earth do you ' judge ' a family get-together?
Deep in the jungles of Rwanda live some of the last mountain gorillas on earth.
As plants evolved so did animal life on earth with cereal grains being the most advanced plant form creating humans.
Harlequin ladybird is the most invasive ladybird on Earth.
Should we revive dactylic hexameter for What on Earth features?
Past life regression therapy raises the important question of whether our spiritual evolution on earth is attained through successive incarnations.
For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name.
Wettest spots on earth a few heartbeats pond koa canoe.
The biggest challenge in writing the libretto for Sirius on Earth was to create a detached yet familiar reality within a short time frame.
It is the Father's love to the Son, which is heaven's glory, finding a lodgment on earth!
In evolutionary terms we are all linked together in time and linked even with every other creature on earth however lowly.
That is why the summer polar mesosphere is the coldest place on earth despite also being the sunniest.
This remarkable book uncovers the mystery of life in the spirit world after death on earth.
Christianity is the only religion on earth that has felt that omnipotence made God incomplete.
No unarmed man on earth could stand long before a furious male ostrich without being killed.
Consider a photon emitted by a galaxy a billion years ago, now caught on a photographic plate on Earth.
Such volcanic plumes have been known to cause lightning on Earth.
It makes our little lives on earth seem puny.
How on earth can you " knit one purl one " at speed?
The coast redwoods are the tallest living species on Earth.
The beloved of god is the king, god's regent on earth.
Yet scientists have estimated that about three quarters of the material erupted on Earth each year originates at spreading mid-ocean ridges.
How on earth would he react if he ever learned that Sabrina, his own roommate is a witch?
We may have just witnessed the first salvo in what could prove to be an irreversible trip to hell on earth.
At the climax of this trek you will climb Poon Hill at dawn to enjoy one of the most spectacular mountain scapes on Earth.
Why on earth are we getting involved with such a bunch of criminal scum?
That will be a more pleasing, spectacular sight than anything we have known or could ever imagine on earth.
Here heaven on earth has become a sinister slum, an annex of history.
On the basis of a genuinely socialist planned economy, it could be the richest country on earth.
Differentiation - bacterial spores are one of the most resistant life forms on earth.
After we put the phone down Philip said " what on earth was she going on about stripy tights for?
Go to the most veggie friendly place on earth?
How on earth did he explain the distinctive voice that seemed to be present in even his early work?
The Andaman Islands, so near countries that have for ages attained considerable civilization and have been the seat of great empires, and close to the track of a great commerce which has gone on at least 2000 years, are the abode of savages as low in civilization as almost any known on earth.
By night Luria's soul ascended to heaven and conversed with celestial teachers who had once been men of renown on earth.
These seven hells are subdivided into innumerable compartments corresponding to every species of sin, where the demons torture the poor deluded human beings who have suffered themselves to be led astray whilst on earth.
The futile council of Pisa in 1409, however, only served to increase to three the number of rival representatives of God on earth.
Upon this doctrine was built, not by Augustine himself but by others who came after him, the structure of the papacy, the bishop of Rome being finally recognized as the head under Christ of the civitas Dei, and so the supreme organ of divine authority on earth (see Papacy and Pope).
It was impossible, however, to think that a true idea had become obsolete merely because it found no expression on earth for the time being; Israel looked again for an anointed king to whom the words of the sacred hymns should apply with a force 1 The transcription is as in - for -Aw4, Onomastica, ed.
In my fancy the pagan gods and goddesses still walked on earth and talked face to face with men, and in my heart I secretly built shrines to those I loved best.
There is a tradition that under this tree King Philip, the heroic Indian chief, gazed his last on earth and sky.
I would rather ride on earth in an ox cart, with a free circulation, than go to heaven in the fancy car of an excursion train and breathe a malaria all the way.
We now no longer camp as for a night, but have settled down on earth and forgotten heaven.
You say you can't see a reign of goodness and truth on earth.
Hindus believe in reincarnation which is the idea that the human soul is reborn into a new body on earth after death.
Such waves would eventually refract upwards into Jupiter 's stratosphere where they might be imaged by infrared detectors on Earth.
The beloved of god is the king, god 's regent on earth.
Virtues developed on Earth become part of heaven, and then these heavenly virtues come back down to Earth when the ego reincarnates again.
Wayne, Neil and I were in our element - it was the greatest scree run on earth !
Space shuttle makes safe landing The space shuttle has landed safely back on Earth.
Have we come, have we sojourned here on earth in vain?
Rejoice, Christian Dew through which God spouts forth on earth !
How on earth do you make stodgy rice, and why would you want to when it 's easier not to?
Why on earth should we accept the straitjacket of a one-size-fits-all interest rate when it 's not the right rate for our economy?
After we put the phone down Philip said what on earth was she going on about stripy tights for?
These surprising findings could mean a radical overhaul for much current scientific thinking about the most common organic compound on earth.
Why on earth they would do that seems crazy if you were all sort of tootling along and everything fine and doing incredibly well.
A GPS receiver can pinpoint any location on earth with the help of data transmitted by the satellites.
They look rather like the remains left by the Incas on Earth to my untutored eye.
Spanky is a sort of inverse Divine rail-thin but still vying to be the most disgusting person on earth.
Now that his pilgrimage on earth is about to close, the future welfare of his well-beloved son is giving him concern.
The Martian hydrosphere is radically different from our hydrosphere here on Earth.
If it weren't for gravity, life on earth would be impossible.
Why has your baby decided that his bed is the last place on earth he wants to be?
Twins are special in any form, but this type is especially fascinating with their similarities and differences that are unlike any other sibling on earth.
It's as though it's the most fascinating thing on Earth.
Plus, almost every common animal on Earth has its own book, from the polar bear to the snake to the elephant to the horse.
Global warming can potentially affect every aspect of life on Earth.
As the average temperature on Earth continues to rise due to global warming, increased carbon emissions will reach the atmosphere, resulting in a cycle that will significantly affect the planet.
As the population on Earth increases, food and housing demands also increase.
There is no denying that change is occurring on Earth.
Search for other recycling locations in your area on Earth 911 or My Green Electronics.
While less than 3 percent of this water is drinkable, all of it is necessary for supporting life on Earth.
The area directly around the equator is heated more than any other place on earth.
Many Christians believe that there are guardian angels always watching over them and their loved ones here on earth.
Rather than carrying around a large, bulky map in your bag, you can use your phone as a map for just about anywhere on Earth.
If you are looking to shop and crop, then these organized get-togethers are little slices of paper heaven on earth.
Unresolved anger doesn't just drive a destructive wedge into relationships here on earth.
They don't see a future on earth and decide to commit suicide because their life has caused them too much disappointment and grief.
Or will the other ten million women on Earth -- besides the dumped Kate Bosworth -- who are dazzled by the young celebrity's charm and good looks, get a shot at putting a smile on his face?
She recently co-starred in the 2006 film, The Last Guy on Earth.
Steven Spielberg's film about an alien stranded on earth and a group of children that befriended him was the role that made seven-year-old Drew Barrymore a bankable Hollywood starlet.
Though there is a significant distance between San Diego and Cabo San Lucas, the four day excursion enables passengers to quickly cruise to the end of the longest peninsula on earth.
Couples cruises are specially designed to refresh and rejuvenate husbands and wives as they continue their spiritual journey on earth.
The 50-mile-long Panama Canal is one of the most popular cruise destinations on earth.
By far, the largest selection of used electric guitars on earth can be accessed through eBay.
A good quality emerald is amongst the rarest stones on earth and is more valuable than diamonds.
When you look around and see the immense popularity of hip hop clothing, you may wonder how on earth such a distinctive look has grown to become a part of the mainstream fashion industry today.
You can ask the locals or, as you're doing right now, hop online for a look at what the streets of one of the hottest cities on Earth have to offer.
Enjoy your happy birthday at the happiest place on Earth with this free celebration offer.
However, AllEars.Net stands out as being one of the only ones that shines the spotlight exclusively on Disney theme park guests and the photos they snap while vacationing at the happiest place on earth.
Cold War erupted once again because those that were to remain on Earth were a little irritated.
They want revenge and have their sights set on Earth.
Your mission is to recreate the stars, one by one, using whatever you can find on Earth.
The MIB agency has been monitoring alien activity on earth for several decades.
Recently there has been an upsurge of dangerous aliens landing on Earth with evil intentions.
It's hard to imagine, perched on a hillside overlooking the smaller-than-expected Valley, that it's one of the best spots on earth for growing grapes and making wine.
However, doses of radiation received in most x rays are quite similar to the environmental (background) radiation one is exposed to simply by living on Earth.
It's a way to send the person off with the memory of who he or she was while on earth.
Water is an essential element to all life on Earth and brings many nurturing benefits to your home when used properly.
The two yin and yang koi complete each other and create a perfect balance of the negative and positive energies of chi energy, which is the life-force of all things on earth.
Now, you may be wondering, "Where on earth am I going to wear that?"
You or your child will always remember the wonderful time you had at the greatest place on earth whenever you look at the classic Mickey ears.
What's more, Everest Nutrition Krill Oil is taken from the most pristine waters of Antarctica, arguably the cleanest waters on earth.
Last Night on Earth comes with a variety of supplements to enhance and give the game more replay value.
Visit the official site at Last Night on Earth for additional information.The creators of the game promote their game will by visiting conventions and continuing to revive the game with new releases.
When shopping for a cubic zirconia engagement ring, be as discriminating as you would if shopping for the most flawless diamond on earth.
In fact, it is one of the strongest substances on Earth.
Can't break away from reality long enough to plan a trip to the Happiest Place on Earth?
In situations like these, perusing the aisles of a designer purses clearance sale can be heaven on earth for handbag fanatics!
Pairing this with the Mayan calendar ending, Nostradamus scholars believe that the statement is projecting that God will intervene on Earth in a powerful way, and that there will be a time of great horrors for humans.
The typical Aries feels as though he has been put on earth to build and to propel.
The basic plot line of these toys is that the robots - originally from another planet - transform into familiar forms in order to blend into the environment on Earth.
The television show Scariest Places on Earth featured the Northampton State Hospital.
Doreen Virtue - Doreen Virtue is a clairvoyant who believes that her guides are actually angels that are here on Earth to guide us.
Still, so many cases exist where ships and aircraft were lost in this part of the world that it is very well deserving of its title as one of the deadliest places on earth.
These theorists believe that the Bermuda Triangle is one location on earth where the fabric of time is very thin, and it is easy to slip through it and emerge on the other side in a completely different time.
The overwhelming theme from the Christian side of the debate is that actual life on earth is brief, but the afterlife in the Kingdom of Heaven is eternal.
Dell aspires to become the greenest technology company on Earth.
Fortunately, there are ways to find discounted tickets, coupon codes, and special offers that can make a fantasy getaway to the Happiest Place on Earth much more affordable.
When Fred joined her on Earth (he was demoted), Jane/Deb struggled through her "new" life as an attorney, picking up where Jane left off.
He is said to be the supervisor of all healers on earth.
These angels are assigned large tasks that often alter the way of life on earth.
Before you know it, you'll be married and honeymooning in one of the most beautiful and romantic places on earth - Mexico.
If your expenses don't allow the purchase of a fancy timepiece, how on Earth do you go about getting one?
The array of satellites are set up to orbit so that there are always at least four satellites in the sky no matter where you are on Earth.
This list cuts across the entire spectrum of vehicles and reveals the automobiles that actually experienced more sales than just about any other car on earth.
Peace on Earth will come to stay, when we live Christmas every day.
Protecting the environment is all about resourcefulness, and crafters are some of the most resourceful people on Earth.
Kelly Cutrone is an unlikely reality TV star, but she has been a central cast member on four shows and counting, including her own flagship show Kell On Earth.
Although the other reality shows offer behind the scenes looks at People's Revolution, Kell on Earth offered much greater access to the PR company.
The first two seasons end with the frightening discovery of the Xindi, a species who despises humans and are planning to kill millions of humans on Earth.
Four big screen films detailing Superman's arrival and adventures on Earth.
Finally after three films audiences are shown a professional Quiddich match in a pitch that rivals every sports arena you've ever seen on Earth.
The novel also follows the machinations of Ender's siblings, Peter and Valentine, as they work to manipulate the political process on Earth.
Pavel Chekov was born in Russia on Earth in 2245.
Daughter of M'Umbha, Lt Uhura was born in the United States of Africa on Earth in 2239.
Even when shown on Earth during various time periods, she has a hat fitting for the occasion.
In the fourth Star Trek movie, the crew of the Enterprise found themselves on Earth in the 1980s trying to save the whales.
Years later she became commander and coordinated a relief effort on Earth suffering from ecological attacks by orbiting probes.
Ford Prefect - has been stranded on Earth for the past fifteen years, a native of Betelgeuse, and roving researcher for that amazing compendium, the Hitchhiker's Guide.
The ending of the '60s film was a downer - Seymour winds up as Audrey II food and you are left with the impression that the plant will eventually wipe out life on Earth.
The season concludes with Clark piecing together the true reason he is on earth after he has a nightmare that shows him something awful is going to happen to Smallville.
Sniegoski embraces the hosts of angels in the war of Heaven on Earth with his nourish detective novels featuring Remy Chandler.
The Prometheus was the center of many storylines including two thefts - the first on Earth and the second during the series 8th season when Vala took the ship from General Hammond, with Daniel onboard.
Autobots, both new and old, have to pull together as a team when The Fallen is freed and Megatron orders a full-blown attack on earth.
The planet's government maintained an Embassy on Earth and provided numerous advisors.
For example, in Orson Scott Card's book, Ender's Game, the author starts the story on earth and quickly takes it into space.
Right now it was like being the last person on earth.
You know they're at war with each other and playing games with us here on earth.
One towered just as tall as the other men but was thinner than any waif-like model she had seen on earth.