Omniscient Sentence Examples
His power is limitless, his anger at wrong-doing unassuageable, and he is omniscient.
Immortal doesn't mean omniscient or anything.
Such a view is essential to any theistic view of the universe which postulates God as the Creator, omniscient and all-good.
God is " all truth, all knowledge, all bliss, boundless, almighty, just, merciful, unbegotten, without a beginning, incomparable, the support and Lord of all, all-pervading, omniscient, imperishable, immortal, eternal, holy, and the cause of the universe; worship is due to him alone.
He did not need to let him be tortured just to prove a point to Satan who is not omniscient.
If you can, quote someone who is considered unimpeachable, if not omniscient, by your opponents.
Alongside such mediated narrations there is also omniscient narration.
It is recognized that the moral individual must have some kind of initiative, and yet since God is omnipotent and omniscient man must be conceived as in some sense foreordained to a certain moral, mental and physical development.
And how much can we believe our omniscient narrator?
The most richly stored intellect which had ever spent itself in acquiring knowledge was in the presence of the Omniscient" (Pattison) .
AdvertisementBut there are certainly " designers, " tho these are neither omnipotent nor omniscient in the absolute sense of the term.
Now you too can become omniscient - Impress your friends!
The Oriental point of view for the 13th century appears in Jelaleddin's history of the Ayyubite sultans of Egypt, written towards the end of the 13th century; in Maqrizi's history of Egypt, written in the middle of the 15th century; and in the compendium of the history of the human race by Abulfeda (f1332); while the omniscient Abulfaragius (whom Rey calls the Eastern St Thomas) wrote, in the latter half of the 13th century, a chronicle of universal history in Syriac, which he also issued, in an Arabic recension, as a Compendious History of the Dynasties.
And then there's you, their omniscient, omnipotent deity.
The Parsis adore fire as the visible expression of Ahura-Mazda, the eternal principle of light and righteousness; the Brahmans worship it as divine and omniscient.'
AdvertisementGossip Girl full episodes are narrated by the mysterious gossip girl herself, an omniscient figure who authors a blog populated with gossip about these Upper East siders.
The omniscient God, by means of His "scientia media" (the phrase is Molina's invention, though the idea is also to be found in his older contemporary Fonseca), or power of knowing future contingent events, foresees how we shall employ our own free-will and treat His proffered grace, and upon this foreknowledge He can found His predestinating decrees.
Buddhism repudiated the authority of the Veda, but found it needful to supply its place; and the word of the omniscient Teacher, faithfully reported by his disciples and guaranteed by concurrent traditions, became the rule of belief for the new Order.