Omnibus Sentence Examples
Since 1880 services of omnibus steamers (now municipal) have also been introduced.
Seward and his contemptuous reference to the territorial portion of Clay's compromise measures as the " Omnibus Bill."
The main access to London was by horse omnibus along Edgware Road.
It has been found, however, in the case of such circular or belt railways, that the time lost in traversing the circle and in walking from the circumference to the centre is so great that the gain in journey speed over a direct surface tramway or omnibus is entirely lost.
This belief is, of course, not specifically Christian; it has been held at all times and everywhere by men of the most various races and creeds; and, if there be any validity in the contention that that is true which has been held semper, ubique, et ab omnibus, no fact is better established.
The BBC airs an omnibus edition of the week's episodes every Sunday.
On December 4th 1859, the aged paupers were transported " by omnibus " from the old premises to the new workhouse.
Ita Cornua Ammonis, quae ex nautilorum numero habeantur, passim et forma et magnitudine (nam et pedali diametro aliquando reperiuntur) ab omnibus illis naturis discrepare dicunt, quas praebet mare.
If you participated in your employer's group health plan, you may have an option to elect continuation of coverage under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA).
The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) is the result of your right to continued health care after a layoff.
AdvertisementCases are judged by three auditors, who succeed each other periodically (per turnum) according to the order in which the cases are entered, and in exceptional cases by all the auditors (videntibus omnibus).
Thus Herbert sought to do for the religion of nature what his friend Grotius was doing for natural law, - making a new application of the standard of Vincent of Lerins, Quod semper, quod ubique, quod ab omnibus.
Until the underground opened, people have had to hire a carriage, or catch an omnibus to get to their destination.
One is only two steps from the beach so nice walk after food with sea air, much better than taking a red omnibus.
I think I hear you say that it is a respectable position to drive an omnibus?
AdvertisementThe first omnibus was heard on 5th January 1952 (Saturday) and moved between Sundays and Saturdays with various timings in the 50s.
There's only one place he can get a new leather omnibus.
It was broadcast every weekday evening with a weekend omnibus edition.
The Arithmetic consists of three books, entitled-(I) De Computationibus Quantitatum omnibus Logisticae speciebus communium; (2) De Logistica Arithmetica; (3) De Logistica Geometrica.
It's best to apply directly through a specific cruise line site instead of using one of the omnibus cruise ship jobs sites, many of which charge for their services.
AdvertisementThe "COBRA Stimulus" is the portion of The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act pertaining to The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation (COBRA) Act.
The omnibus system is very extensive, embracing all the principal streets throughout the county and extending over a large part of Greater London.
The two principal omnibus companies are the London General Omnibus and the London Road Car.
On the 21st of July the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified, and a section of the state constitution (which denied the power of state courts to entertain against any resident of the state suits founded on contracts existing on the 15th of June 1865) was repealed by the legislature in pursuance of the congressional " Omnibus Bill " of the 25th of June 1868, and as evidence of the restoration of Georgia to the Union the congressmen were seated on the 25th of July in that year.
The Compromise Measures are sometimes spoken of collectively as the Omnibus Bill, owing to their having been grouped originally - when first reported (May 8) to the Senate - into one bill.
AdvertisementInternal communications include a railway about eight miles long from Valletta to Notabile; there are electric tramways and motor omnibus services in-several directions.
In it he discusses the "notes" which distinguish Catholic truth from heresy, and (cap. 2) lays down and applies the famous threefold test of orthodoxy - quod ubique, quod semper, quod ab omnibus credi-tum est.
Laennec, to whom we are indebted for the practice of auscultation, freely admits that the idea was suggested to him by study of Hippocrates, who, treating of the presence of morbid fluids in the thorax, gives very particular directions, by 1 " Hippocrates Cous, primus quidem ex omnibus memoria dignus, ab studio sapientiae disciplinam hanc separavit, vir et arte et facundia insignis " (Celsus, De medicina).
Leo explains "political" as implying that the verses are "scorta et meretrices, quod omnibus sunt obsequiosae et peculiares, et servitutem publicam serviunt."
Some see the guarantee, or at least the indication, of infallibility in the consensus of the Church (quod semper, ubique, et ab omnibus) expressed from time to time in general councils; others see it in the special grace conferred upon St Peter and his successors, the bishops of Rome, as heads of the Church; others again see it in the inspired Scriptures, God's Word.
In fact, he was only consistent in his inconsistency (semper in omnibus varies).