Omitted Sentence Examples
And he was still more angry at having omitted to say it.
The triforium was omitted.
Those standing behind noticed what a speaker omitted to say and hastened to supply it.
This provision was omitted from Magna Carta, except so far as it related to aids from the citizens of London.
If this is omitted, things are stolen by the Jan.
Smith had omitted the paragraph in question (an omission which had escaped notice for twenty years) on the ground that it was unnecessary and misplaced; but Magee suspected him of having been influenced by deeper reasons.
In the part omitted, at p. 154 of the original edition, Hobbes refers to his first introduction to Euclid, in a way that confirms the story in Aubrey quoted in an earlier paragraph.
He felt that Luther had omitted to make adequate answer to an important practical question, how Christ's death on the cross could be brought into such actual connexion with every individual believer as to be the ground of his actual justification.
We observe that the Pastorals are omitted.
It is omitted in the Septuagint.
AdvertisementSix logarithms omitted in Schulze's work, and which Wolfram had been prevented from computing by a serious illness, were published subsequently, and the table as given by Vega is complete.
The extraing to foot of rotifers; at, median blastoporic opening of antenna, united by a nerve to br, brain the cloaca leads us to a (letter omitted in B); bl, bladder, re ver y different view, which ceiving ramified kidney in B, C, D; finds negative support f, foot, and f.g, its cement-gland;.
In the English translation by Miss Winkworth (1852) a great deal of the correspondence is omitted, but the narrative is rendered more full, especially as concerns Niebuhr's participation in public affairs.
Like the corresponding ammeters, they have the great advantage that the scales are equidivisional and that there is no dead part in the scale, whereas both the electrostatic and electrothermal voltmeters, above described, labour under the disadvantage that the scale divisions are not equal but increase with rise of voltages, hence there is generally a portion of the scale near the zero point where the divisions are so close as to be useless for reading purposes and are therefore omitted.
The copy from which Shelley's Julian and Maddalo was printed was written on very narrow paper, and the punctuation marks at the ends of the lines were frequently omitted.
AdvertisementWhen similar letters or groups of letters stand next to each other, one of these is liable to be omitted.
An accidental omission is discovered, and the person responsible, or another, places what is omitted in the margin at the foot of the page or in some other part of the text, usually adding a mark to show where it ought to have been.
In order, however, to impute the whole work to Anaximenes, Spengel took one of the most inexcusable steps ever taken in the history of scholarship. Without any manuscript authority he altered the very first words " three genera " (T pia -yin) into " two genera " (Suo -ybni), and omitted the words " one declamatory " (rO SE E7rLSEtKrucOv).
Directed Ten Days To Be Suppressed In The Calendar; And As The Error Of The Julian Intercalation Was Now Found To Amount To Three Days In 400 Years, He Ordered The Intercalations To Be Omitted On All The Centenary Years Excepting Those Which Are Multiples Of 400.
It Was Therefore Proposed To Employ A Period Of 160 Years, In Which One Of The Intercalary Months Should Be Omitted; But As This Period Was Too Long To Be Of Any Practical Use, It Was Never Generally Adopted.
AdvertisementAnother Had Previously Been Given By Gauss, But Inaccurately, Inasmuch As The Correction Depending On A Was Omitted.
Several additions were made by Briggs to the original work of Ferishta, but he omitted the whole of the twelfth book, and various other passages which had been omitted in the copy from which he translated.
It omitted Sind altogether, and confined the new province to the Pathan trans-Indus districts north of the Gomal.
The parallelism, which is required to avoid aberrations, otherwise introduced by the prism or grating, may often be omitted in instruments of small power.
The lines of the trunk series are double but for the sake of shortness the least refrangible component is here omitted.
AdvertisementIn the American Prayer Book the office of Commination is omitted, with the exception of the three concluding prayers, which are derived from the prayers and anthems said or sung during the blessing and distribution of the ashes according to the Sarum Missal.
Stories tell how on one occasion a merchant, who had bought several cases of sardines at Nijni-Novgorod, found that they contained forbidden print instead of fish, and at another time a supposititious copy of the Kolokol was printed for the emperor's special use, in which a telling attack upon a leading statesman, which had appeared in the genuine number, was omitted.
The story has been attacked more vigorously than any other portion of the Fourth Gospel, mainly on two grounds, (i.) the fact that, in spite of its striking character, it is omitted by the Synoptists, and (ii.) its unique significance.
The trade with the Far East, which, though not very large for any one market, is important in the aggregate, is a good deal specialized, and since the 1 000 omitted.
In many houses, especially those where ornament is of no consequence, the rafters are now omitted, or only used at wide intervals, somewhat stouter sash-bars being adopted, and stout panes of glass (usually called 21-oz.) 12 to 18 in.
The name is derived from the fact that it is celebrated with elements consecrated the day before, the liturgy being omitted on this day.
This doubtless arose from his having at first omitted altogether from his view of the question the great counteracting agency of moral restraint.
I may be accounted for by the supposition that the commencement of the narrative had been omitted by the editor of xvi.
In this first public edition (12mo), the title was changed to Elementa philosophica de cive, the references in the text to the previous sections being omitted.
The propositions on the circle, forty-six in number (shattered by Wallis in 1662), were omitted by Hobbes when he republished the Dialogues in 1668, in the collected edition of his Latin works from which Molesworth reprints.
Should the leaf be intended to be cured as green tea, the fermenting process is omitted and some other processes applied, but in India very little green tea is manufactured.
But the editors omitted, altered, added, separated, combined and so forth entirely at their pleasure, actually making some changes which seem to have been thought improvements of style.
The Conservatives were prepared to vote for it; the Radicals and Centre opposed it; the decision rested with the National Liberals, and they were willing to accept it on condition that the clause was omitted which allowed the state governments to exclude individuals from districts in which the state of siege had been proclaimed.
On this Taaffe had probably calculated, but he had omitted to inquire what the other parties would do.
Indispensable links, both in expression and in the sequence of events, are often omitted, so that to understand these histories is sometimes far easier for us than for those who heard them first, because we know most of them from better sources.
Some passages are evidently fragmentary; and a few detached pieces are still extant which were originally parts of the Koran, although they have been omitted by Zaid.
Zaid may easily have overlooked a few stray fragments, but that he purposely omitted anything which he believed to belong to the Koran is very unlikely.
Under the Vth Dynasty this method was so much the rule that the words of numbering were commonly omitted.
It is a plausible conjecture that the original narratives of J and E also contained directions for the construction of an ark,' as a substitute for the personal presence of Yahweh, and also for the erection of a "tent of meeting" outside the camp, and that these commands were omitted by R P in favour of the more elaborate instructions given in ch.
In the Orosius, by omissions and additions, Alfred so remodels his original as to produce an almost new work; in the Bede the author's text is closely adhered to, no additions being made, though most of the documents and some other less interesting matters are omitted.
After the Augsburg 2 He read the usual service, but omitted everything that taught a propitiatory sacrifice; he did not elevate the Host, and he gave both the bread and the cup into the hands of every communicant.
The progressive theologians and clergy, moreover, assumed a hostile attitude, and, in 1800, even the Curia omitted the Year of Jubilee.
But it was not the highest or the most important part, and might be omitted altogether.
Conway, in his Omitted Chapters of History disclosed in the Life and Papers of Edmund Randolph (New York, 1888; 2nd ed., 1889), greatly exaggerates Randolph's work in the Constitutional Convention; the commoner view underrates him and makes him a "hair-splitter," and a man of no decision of character.
Great as Gardiner's influence had been with Henry VIII., his name was omitted at the last in the king's will, though Henry was believed to have intended making him one of his executors.
The chronological scrupulosity of the earlier writer has made no impression on his follower; he has either wholly omitted or inaccurately repeated the chronological data.
Sometimes he omitted in the written speech a subject on which he had spoken.
Africa and Spain are omitted from this catalogue, because the Abbasids never gained any real footing in Spain, while Africa remained, at least in the first years, in only nominal subjection to the new dynasty.
Not that he omitted other inferences (irio-mcs).
Aristotle might be allowed, indeed, to have omitted no essential point of the understanding.
If we proceed instead by the method of integrating the equation H -h =6(v-w)dp/d6, we observe that the expression above given results from the integration of the terms -dh/R0 2 +w(dp/d9)/R9, which were omitted in (25).
At a later stage in our subject the conception of the ideal rigid body is introduced; this enables us to fill in some details which were previously wanting, but others are still omitted.
One point must not be omitted, namely, the homogeny of the endostyle of Amphioxus and the thyroid gland of Craniata.
Nor should Raleigh, Drake, Hawkins, the semi-buccaneer explorers of the ocean, be omitted.
The grapes from which the stalks are partly or wholly (and occasionally not at all) removed are crushed by treading or some other simple method, but sometimes even this is omitted, the juice being expressed by the weight of the grapes themselves, or by the pressure caused by incipient fermentation.
In fact, while the king confirmed in their situations those who had held crown offices under Elizabeth, Bacon, not holding his post by warrant, was practically omitted.
Dr Lea has, however, omitted the most striking authority of all.
Lastly, statistical research has shown that the children of the married British clergy have been distinguished far beyond their mere numerical proportion.8/n==Authorities== - Henry Charles Lea, History of Sacerdotal Celibacy (3rd ed., 1907, 2 vols), is by far the fullest and best work on this subject, though a good deal of important matter omitted by Dr Lea may be found in Die Einfiihrung der erzwungenen Ehelosigkeit by the brothers Johann Anton and Augustin Theiner, which was put on the Roman Index, though Augustin afterwards became archivist at the Vatican (Altenburg, 1828, 2 vols.).
Sometimes both whale and mineral oils are used, but in most cases the whale oil is omitted.
The dietaries already mentioned, the whey cure, the grape cure, the meat cure and the vegetarian cure, are all more or less systems of starvation, one or other article of ordinary diet being either reduced to a minimum or omitted altogether.
This direction was omitted in the second Prayer-book; but the " Ornaments Rubric " Church of of Queen Elizabeth's Prayer-book seemed again to make them obligatory.
Under Hofmeyr's politic control all declarations inconsistent with allegiance to the British Crown were omitted from the Bond's constitution.
These, possibly, were omitted by the compiler of P, because they had already been dealt with elsewhere, or they may have been transferred to other connexions.
In observations upon ripples the factor involving h may usually be omitted, and thus in the case of water (p= I) ?3 g ?2 T = 2 2 4, r (3) simply.
From the articles substituted in the London convention of the 27th of February 1884 for those of 1881, the word " suzerainty " was omitted.
Ecclesiastical ceremonies are part of the divine service; most of them have apostolic origin; and those connected with the sacrament must not be omitted by priests under pain of mortal sin.
He was also employed by Prince Napoleon on the Correspondance of Napoleon and afterwards published certain letters, purposely omitted there, in the Revue historique.
Among the sources of the Simon-legend we have omitted the pseudo-Clementine literature and a number of Apocryphal Martyria, Passiones and Actus.
For the reception of his parishioners he had three tables well covered - one for gentlemen, the second for husbandmen, the third for day-labourers; and this piece of hospitality he never omitted, even when losses or scarcity made its continuance difficult.
The king, who had shown him favour throughout and who had forbidden his being tortured, directed that he should be hanged till he was quite dead and that the usual frightful cruelties should be omitted.
This section was written therefore after 134 B.C., when the breach between John Hyrcanus and the Pharisees took place and before the savage massacres of the latter by Jannaeus (95 B.C.); for it is not likely that in a book dealing with the sufferings of the Pharisees such a reference would be omitted.
The term "elect" was, however, omitted even in formal documents when the sovereign was addressed or was spoken of in the third person.
The central gauge is useful for correcting and checking the others, but in such a perfectly simple case as the straight valley above assumed it may be omitted in calculating the results, and if the other four gauges are properly placed, the arithmetical mean of their results will probably not differ widely from the true mean for the valley.
It is a curious accident that we have no information about the respective merits of the candidates for a degree in this year, as the " ordo senioritatis " of the bachelors of arts for the year is omitted in the " Grace Book."
In effect this rite was a repetition of baptism, the water of the font alone being omitted.
The second point, however, is omitted, so that we write it o 0037 or 0037, this expression meaning i 8 - 0 1 o of i o = T-08-030v, On the same principle, since 37% of 45% is equal to M of -14-05w = i _o y ou = v o +(3 6 r$ 0f i oo), 3% of 2% can be expressed by 0006.
A different method was used by Diophantus, accents being omitted, and the denominator being written above and to the right of the numerator.
A number of this kind is called a surd; the surd which is the pth root of N is written ¦JN, but if the index is 2 it is usually omitted, so that the square root of N is written, /N.
In B The Terminal O'S Of The Partial Products Are Omitted.
It is, however, maintained by some that, except in the case of the sick, the only legitimate method of receiving absolution in the Church of England is in the public services of the congregation; and the Church of Ireland has recently made important alterations even in the passages that concern the sick, while the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States has omitted that part of the visitation service altogether.
He found a preposterous excuse for repudiating the treaty by which he was bound, by declaring that some details had been omitted in its formal ratification.
Vere was banished to Ireland, but at his masters desire omitted to leave the realm.
It imposed a new oath from which the words which disqualified the Jews were omitted.
The story cannot be omitted in the most summary account of Burke's life.
In 1860 De Morgan endeavoured to render their contents better known by publishing a [[Syllabus]] of a Proposed System of Logic, from which may be obtained a good idea of his symbolic system, but the more readable and interesting discussions contained in the memoirs are of necessity omitted.
Sometimes the small bulb on the left is omitted.
By an amendment of 1882 the word "white" was omitted and by an amendment of 1908 it was provided that those foreign-born and unnaturalized in order to become electors must have declared their intentions to become citizens before the 1st of December 1908, and that "the rights hereby granted to such persons shall cease on the first day of December A.D.
The chaetae are omitted.
But when in 1812 Russia, attacked by Napoleon, had in great haste to conclude at Bucharest a treaty of peace with Turkey, and omitted to make sufficient provision for the security of her allies the Serbs, the Turkish army invaded and reconquered Servia, occupying all its fortresses.
The oldest texts belonging to the heroic cycle are not preserved in any MS. before 110o, and though the sagas were certainly committed to writing several centuries before that date, it is evident that the monkish transcribers have toned down or omitted features that savoured too strongly of paganism.
It is noticeable that the virtue of Benevolence, which has played so important a part in Christian ethics and in modern altruistic and sociological theories, is omitted by the ancients.
Tycho Brahe, when compiling his catalogue of stars, was unable to observe Lupus, Ara, Corona australis and Piscis australis, on account of the latitude of Uranienburg; and hence these constellations are omitted from his catalogue.
Much that is of interest and value must necessarily be omitted in any sketch of so elaborate a system, and for all points of special interpretation reference must needs be made to the many elaborate dissertations on or about the Kantian philosophy.
I looked up for clarification with the knowledge I'd been omitted from the decision phase of our discussion.
They omitted mentioning the finger bone but assured their guest they had strong that evidence the bones were different.
Nothing from the original tapes was omitted; one or two quick fades were done to make cuts less abrupt.
The policy emulatedrecent statements and by omitted any direct reference to international verification.
The following chapter was omitted from give the anarchist a Cigarette in the final stages of editing down the size of the original manuscript.
Two respondents stated the actual strain of beagle used, four omitted to confirm that the dogs used were in fact beagle used, four omitted to confirm that the dogs used were in fact beagles.
A series of trailing commas may also be omitted.
If the optional comma separated host list argument is omitted or the special string global is given, the global cell configuration is displayed.
Someone had omitted to ask the loco crew to take it easy.
When specified as bonded potential cutoffs are omitted from input.
When the value def is omitted, one is assumed as name.
When specifying times using this style, fields that are omitted default as follows.
This message means that the closing delimiter was omitted.
Or limiting immigrant finally we find excellent is omitted these are the.
I have omitted them from the formula in the heading above because they didn't come out well in the italic font I used.
Where the name for which a prior right is claimed contains a hyphen, the hyphen cannot be omitted from the domain name.
Zoroaster, whose aim was to promote monotheism, apparently omitted these gods from the Gathas in favor of Ahuramazda.
The DVD carries an upgraded ' R ' rating in the US for a brief scene involving nudity which was omitted from the original.
A public constructor for this class has been purposely omitted and applications should use one of the constants from this class.
This is an optional parameter; if it is omitted, assumed to be the same as the key alias.
In Denderah we have an example of the second group, in which the massive pylon is omitted.
If EXPR is omitted, returns square root of $ _ .
Bonds marked with b carry a benzo substituent, omitted here for clarity.
Gockel'S Mean Values Of I And Q Would Be Reduced To 0.31 And 1.38 Respectively If His Values For July Which Appear Abnormalwere Omitted.
If the exceptional July values at Freiburg were omitted, the summer values of I + and Q would become 0.33 and 1.25 respectively.
As his people pressed southward, they omitted to possess themselves of the coasts; and what was worse for the future of these conquerors, the original impetus of the invasion was checked by the untimely murder of Alboin in 573.
The belief, which is still held by the Chinese, that the excrements of animals retain the properties and peculiarities of the animals from which they are derived, led to the use in medicine of these disgusting remedies, which are still sold in drug shops in China, and were only omitted from the English Pharmacopoeia as late as 1721.
The ring of this compound is ruptured by caustic soda with the formation of perchlorvinyl acrylic acid (5), which gives on reduction ethidine propionic acid (6), a compound containing five of the carbon atoms originally in the benzene ring (see Zincke, Ber., 18 94, 27, p. 33 6 4) (the carbon atoms are omitted in some of the formulae).
In the Diaspora admission of converts may have been made easy, circumcision being sometimes omitted, but the conditions became gradually more severe, until they reached their present form.
The truth seems to be that his results are in some cases of little importance, in others of questionable correctness, and that, in the abstractions to which he has recourse in order to facilitate his calculations, an essential part of the real conditions of the problem is sometimes omitted.
It has, however, been interwoven with an account of the Garden of Eden from some other source (see Eden; Paradise), and perhaps in order to concentrate the attention of the reader, the description of the origin of " earth and heaven " as well as of the plants and of the rain, appears to have been omitted.
On the 30th of July 1804 a similar breve restored the Jesuits in the Two Sicilies, at the express desire of Ferdinand IV., the pope thus anticipating the further action of 1814, when, by the constitution Sollicitudo omniurn Ecclesiarum, he revoked the action of Clement XIV., and formally restored the Society to corporate legal existence, yet not only omitted any censure of his predecessor's conduct, but all vindication of the Jesuits from the heavy charges in the breve Dominus ac Redemptor.
But, as such an appointment was obviously convenient, the lords petitioned for a steward; and a fresh commission was accordingly issued in an amended form, which recited the petition, and omitted words implying that the appointment was necessary.
In 1893 the disqualification was made no longer retroactive, the two-year clause was omitted, and the test oath covered only present renunciation of polygamy.
Warburton boldly admitted the fact and turned it against the adversary by maintaining that no merely human legislator would have omitted such a sanction of morality.
Links to Specific Sections within the Current Document The technique is the same except the filename is omitted.
If EXPR is omitted, returns square root of $ _.
In this edition, accents on the transliterated Japanese words have been omitted due to them not being present in most european character sets.
The range for the y and z axes and any of the individual limits may be omitted.
In addition, the zip code of the ceremony location is omitted.
Oxidation, an important process in black tea, is omitted or greatly reduced.
The second edition, published in 1991, included word corrections and many of the words omitted from the first edition.
The number 9 was sacred to the Chaldeans, so it was omitted since they believed the number 9 would always disappear.
Prior to 1935, it's interesting to note that write-in candidates were allowed if those on the voting committee felt someone of accomplishment had been omitted from the nominations.
Many details have been embellished or omitted.
Nothing wrecks a scary mood as much as someone saying, "Wait, I forgot to mention she has only one hand" or something else you may have omitted.
The date and address formats have been omitted to save space, but this letter would be set up on the page so it is in single file, proper business block format.
In addition, due to the exclusion of most carbohydrates, the benefits of fiber and other nutrients from complex carbohydrates are omitted.
This list may have omitted some healthy foods you like.
This aspect of fitness is the factor most commonly omitted when defining physical fitness, and yet, it is an extremely important facet of being fit.
The Scots under Leslie followed him, occupied Doon Hill commanding the town, and seized the passes between Dunbar and Berwick which Cromwell had omitted to secure.
It is sometimes suggested that the 'cello part is best omitted and these works played as violin sonatas.
On the principle of contradiction this division is both exhaustive and exclusive; there can be no overlapping, and no members of the original genus or the lower groups are omitted.
The prayer itself tends to be slurred over, or even omitted.
The opisthodomus is sometimes omitted.
T h e buccal nerves and ganglia are omitted.
In reading the service he altered or omitted phrases which seemed to him untrue, and in reading the Scriptures pointed out errors in the translation.
Further special stipulations regarding the Turkish lottery bonds were made, but these are, as before, omitted.
Female proselytes are admitted after the total immersion in a ritual bath, though in some Reformed congregations this rite is omitted.
The peduncular muscles have been purposely omitted.
The natives are found chiefly in Zoutpansberg district, 1 For most purposes this military element is omitted in the census returns.
He left a gap to the north of the circular fort which formed the centre of the Athenian lines, the point where Epipolae slopes down to the sea, and he omitted to occupy Euryelus.
Where the name of a District is omitted, it is the same as that of Headquarters.
In combining these two and using them as a framework for the poems, the compilers have altered, added and omitted.
Naturally, when both documents made statements which were nearly identical, one might be omitted; so that neither account need be given in full in the composite passage.
Failing to appreciate this fully, Wellington omitted to order an immediate concentration on his inner (left) flank as Blucher had done, and the danger of Blucher's position was thus enormously increased.
The record of status, too, was made optional, and in 1856 was omitted from the schedule.
If we omitted it we should have to assume this, and equation (6) would give us the velocity of propagation if the assumption were justified.
Part of the original work omitted by the final editor of our book is preserved in the Opus imperfectum, which goes back not to our text, but to the original Martyrdom.
The equations of motion are now, the co-ordinates x and y being measured in feet, 2 (26) - -rr- - C, dt2 dty - g' * These numbers are taken from a part omitted here of the abridged ballistic table.
Less important are the Itture Sopherim, or five passages in which the scribes have omitted a waw from the text.
At present, both in N and B, Hebrews is placed after 2 Thess., but in B there is also a continuous numeration of sections throughout the epistles, according to which I to 58 cover Romans to Galatians, but Ephesians, the next epistle, begins with 70 instead of 59, and the omitted section numbers are found in Hebrews.
At the revision of the Prayer-Book in 1552 all mention of reservation is omitted, and the rubric directs that the communion is to be celebrated in the sick person's house, according to a new form; and this service has continued, with certain minor changes, down to the present day.
Probably RJE omitted the name in ii.
Moreover, the spike on the end of a baseball cleat is also omitted with soccer cleats, due to the potential of injury.
We have here, therefore, a notice drawn from a distinct source which connects itself with the other omitted passage, xvii.
Unfortunately, Dr Sommer, in his study on the Sources of Malory, omitted to consult these texts, with the result that the sections dealing with Lancelot and Queste urgently require revision.
There, on the 16th of December, he issued a decree (omitted from the official Correspondence) declaring le nomsne Stein an enemy of France and confiscating his property in the lands allied to France.
In this list, while certain occurrences in rocks of undetermined age in little-known regions have been omitted, many of those included are of merely academic interest, and a still larger number indicate fields supplying at present only local needs.
Murat reported the movement of the Saxons on the previous day, but omitted to send a strong detachment in pursuit.
In the Church of England, however, it was retained among the episcopal ornaments prescribed by the first Prayerbook of Edward VI., and, though omitted in the second Prayerbook, its use seemed once more to be enjoined under the Ornaments Rubric of Elizabeth's Prayer-book.
The sign X coming immediately before, or immediately after, a bracket may be omitted; e.g.
If the operator 12d X is omitted, the statement is really an equation, giving Is.
When a, b, X are regarded as constant, the first factor may be omitted, - as indeed should be done for consistency's sake, inasmuch as other factors of the same nature have been omitted already.
The text shows a curious mingling of sources; the real primitive Perceval story, the Enfances, is omitted; he grows up in his father's house and goes to court at his wish.
The Enfances story is omitted, and there are parallels with the German Parzival, with Wauchier de Denain and with Gerbert, while much is peculiar to the Perlesvaus itself.
The coloring, harmonious but subdued in tone, held a place altogether secondary to that of the outline, and was frequently omitted altogether, even in the most famous works.
The Imari ware, even though its thick biscuit and generally ungraceful shapes be omitted from the account, shows no enamels that can rival the exquisitely soft, broken tints of the famille rose; and the Kakiemon porcelain, for all its rich though chaste contrasts, lacks the delicate transmitted tints of the shell-like kwan-yao.
According to the Alexandrian computation, this was the year 5787 of the world, and 287 of the Incarnation; but on this occasion ten years were omitted, and that year was thenceforth called the year 5777 of the world, and 277 of the Incarnation.
The complete autograph of the biography, acquired by John Bigelow in 1867 from its French owners, upon collation with Temple Franklin's edition showed that the latter contained 1200 emasculations and that it omitted entirely what had been written in 1790.
In northern Mexico net-work, rude lace-work in twine, are followed farther south, where finer material existed, by figured weaving of most intricate type and pattern; warps were crossed and wrapped, wefts were omitted and texture changed, so as to produce marvellous effects upon the surface.
Collier preferred the version of the Book of Common Prayer issued in 1549, and regretted that certain practices and petitions there enjoined were omitted in later editions.
In 1570 Presbyterian views found a distinguished exponent in Dr Thomas Cartwright at Cambridge; and the temper of parliament was shown by the act of 1571, for the reform of disorders in the Church, in which, while all mention of doctrine is omitted, the doctrinal articles alone being sanctioned, ordination without a bishop is implicitly recognized.
This promise was carried out, but two charters appeared, one being a revised issue of Magna Carta proper, and the other a separate charter dealing with the forests, all references to which were omitted from the more important document.
On the other hand, unexpurgated copies were made in Matthew's lifetime; though the offending passages are duly omitted or softened in his abridgment of his longer work, the Historia Anglorum (written about 125 3), the real sentiments of the author must have been an open secret.
On the passing of the Act of Supremacy (November 1 534), in which the saving clause of convocation was omitted, he was attainted and deprived of his see.
The conflict between Saduceeism and the sopherim was hardly so intense in his days as to warrant the supposition that he omitted the name of Ezra intentionally.
According to Lactantius, it prophesied the overthrow of Rome and the advent of Zeus to help the godly and destroy the wicked, but omitted all reference to the sending of the Son of God.
He also brought out the first literary periodical published in Japan, namely, the Waseda Bungaku, so called because Tsubouchi was professor of literature in the Waseda University, an institution founded by Count Okuma, whose name cannot be omitted from any history of Meiji literature, not as an author but as a patron.
In working to a first approximation, the small term nc/V may be omitted in the expression for s.
Matritensis 10041 (begun in the year A.D 94 8), the words are omitted under the heading council of Constantinople but inserted under the heading council of Toledo, in the former MS., above the line and in a later hand, which shows conclusively how the interpolation crept in.
But the phrases of the creed seem to have needed sharpening 1 The first person who doubted the authorship seems to have been Joachim Camerarius, 1551, who was so fiercely attacked in consequence that he omitted the passage from his Latin edition.
I supply a word here and there, sometimes a sentence, and suggest something which she has omitted or forgotten.
The means for changing the length of the tube and the distance of C from the scale are omitted in the figure.
The Ontological argument is omitted; but we have already observed that there is a discussion of divine ' Paul Janet's Final Causes seems to follow Mill in this (" the fact of Finality "), but without naming him.
Later, however, as in the Commentary on this work written by Synesius to Dioscorus, priest of Serapis at Alexandria, which probably dates from the end of the 4th century, a changed attitude becomes apparent; the more practical parts of the receipts are obscured or omitted, and the processes for preparing alloys and colouring metals, described in the older treatise, are by a mystical interpretation represented as resulting in real transmutation.
Certain features of Paulicianism noted by Photius and Petrus Siculus are omitted in Esc. One of these is the Christhood of the fully initiated, who as such ceased to be mere "hearers" (audientes) and themselves became vehicles of the Holy Spirit.
In 1797 she presented to the Royal Society an Index to Flamsteed's observations, together with a catalogue of 561 stars accidentally omitted from the "British Catalogue," and a list of the errata in that publication.
While trying to feed his army he omitted to fight it, and, with the chance of overwhelming the Prussians by one great effort of marching, he delayed the necessary orders till too late, and the Prussian II.
The Annales were first published in 1554, but many important passages were omitted in this edition, as they reflected on the Roman Catholics.
Characteristic of the omitted portions are the friendship which sprang up between Jonathan and David and the latter's appointment to a command in the army.
In most books, the I, or first person, is omitted; in this it will be retained; that, in respect to egotism, is the main difference.
To understand in what this dependence consists it is necessary to reinstate another omitted condition of every command proceeding not from the Deity but from a man, which is, that the man who gives the command himself takes part in the event.
If a decennial period be taken, then-for the purpose of the new calculation -the earliest year is omitted and the latest year added, the number of years continuing at ten.
The is-i is omitted by a through a simple scribal error.
The facsimile on page xv [omitted from etext] gives an idea of how the raised dots look.