Omit Sentence Examples
It is simpler and more respectable to omit it.
When he spoke of the execution he wanted to pass over the horrible details, but Natasha insisted that he should not omit anything.
This narrative is followed, with the exception of the last part, by Luke, who as usual is inclined to omit anything which could be regarded as derogatory to the Apostles.
To divide one decimal by another, we must reduce them to the same denomination, as explained in § 76, and then omit the decimal points.
It is probable that he was the author of the law which left it to the discretion of the pontiffs to insert or omit the intercalary month of the year.
He must omit what is tedious or irrelevant, and suppress what is tedious and necessary.
Some people choose to omit this section.
And in the choice of what should be included the précis-writer will often omit the points some subsequent investigator may most especially want.
If there is a part that feels unnatural, omit or edit it.
Our guide can help you decide what to keep and what to omit.
AdvertisementThose who omit the hyphen should be subject to an on-the-spot fine.
At the same time, according to Catholic teaching, such Indulgence was not a mere permission to omit or postpone payment, but was in fact a discharge from the debt of temporal punishment which the sinner owed.
We omit propositions, curtail them, and even express a judgment by a single term, e.g.
In contrast, more confident parents may omit items that can often streamline the process of adjusting to a newborn infant.
Leave a voicemail message where you deliberately omit every other word and act like the message is important, but not "life threatening."
AdvertisementEither omit the scent altogether or keep it subtle.
We omit, however, one of the most important, viz.
The Armenians are equally strict; but (adds Rycaut) " the times seem so confused and without rule that they can scarce be recounted, unless by those who live amongst them, and strictly observe them, it being the chief care of the priest, whose learning principally consists in knowing the appointed times of fasting and feasting, the which they never omit on Sundays to publish unto the people."
Cooks Tip If you find peppers cause problems omit them and add 1 extra courgette and 100g pitted black olives.
Note that having the user merge relies primarily on the user to not accidentally omit some changes, and thus is potentially error prone.
AdvertisementIn particular, be very careful not to omit the final semicolon.
Lower-quality settings may omit the salad fork and tablespoon, and many manufacturers offer single piece replacements for popular sets.
To make a Bay Breeze cocktail, omit the grapefruit juice and garnish, and use pineapple juice instead.
In addition to hydrating the skin, omit the use of granular exfoliants while self-tanning, unless preparing the surface of the skin for the initial application.
If you like the way your page looks with no title, or would prefer to have the extra room for more photos or journaling, feel free to omit the title from your page.
AdvertisementIf the mixture tastes too tart, omit the lemon juice and instead increase the orange juice to about a quarter of a cup.
Children with a reading disorder may confuse or transpose words or letters and omit or add syllables to words.
You can also play with the allergenic and digestive qualities of your bread by modifying a recipe to omit eggs or dairy while using alternative sweeteners such as agave nectar or honey instead of cane sugar.
Gluten-Free Goddess has created a zucchini bread that looks harvest fresh, but it has been modified to omit dairy (and eggs, if necessary).
However, when modified to omit potentially harmful sweeteners while boosting nutrition through alternative flours, zucchini bread can be quite a nourishing food.
A Paleo diet indicates that the bulk of Amsterdam's recipes attempts to omit dairy and carbohydrate products altogether and focus on high protein elements such as almond flour and quality meats and fowl, a more ancestral approach to eating.
Many of her recipes feature unique substitutions and ingredients such as coconut milk, buckwheat flours, alternative sweeteners, and even options to omit eggs and dairy.
More importantly, families can omit objectionable material from the curriculum.
If you are driving, and have no need for air travel, you can click on the selections to omit that cost from your trip.
In some cases, it might even be best to omit this line entirely.
You won't have to buy expensive foods made only by the diet company or omit entire food groups.
It is possible to eat vegetables and fruit still, but you must omit dairy or whole grains, which can pose a meal challenge and a lack of diversity within your diet.
Vegetarians and vegans should omit the animal-based products.
Omit the name of the song if you are interested in finding sites dedicated to a single band or musician.
We have more in the Latin translation of Rufinus; but this translation in by no means trustworthy, since Rufinus, assuming that Origen's writings had been tampered with by the heretics, considered himself at liberty to omit or amend heterodox statements.
Since bg, A omit the words 6TL.
The definition of the ordinal number requires some little ingenuity owing to the fact that no serial relation can have a field whose cardinal number is 1; but we must omit here the explanation of the process.
Having been convicted of the libel he was liberated later in the year under circumstances that only became clear in 1864, when six letters were discovered in the Record Office from Defoe to a Government official, Charles Delaf aye, which, according to William Lee, established the fact that in 1718 at least Defoe was doing not only political work, but that it was of a somewhat equivocal kind - that he was, in fact, sub-editing the Jacobite Mist's Journal, under a secret agreement with the government that he should tone down the sentiments and omit objectionable items. He had, in fact, been released on condition of becoming a government agent.
In the momentum equation (4) we may now omit X and it becomes 0.+P(U - u) 2 =poU2.
Just as the Gathas (the ancient Zoroastrian hymns) omit Gaokerena, and the Hebrew prophets on the whole avoid mythological phrases, so this old Hebrew thinker prunes the primitive exuberance of the traditional myth.
And this food is called by us Eucharistia, and of it none may partake save those who believe our teachings to be true and have been washed in the bath which is for remission of sin and rebirth, and who so live as We should probably omit the words bracketed.
In 1099, by a decree of Pope Paschal II., children might omit the wine and invalids the bread.
It was almost necessary that he should select what he thought most important for description, and at times omit what we deem of more importance.
Then the copyist's eye is apt to slip from the first of two similarly written groups to the second; and he will thus omit all that is between.
Two Lunar Years Would Thus Contain 25 Months, Or 738 Days, While Two Solar Years, Of 3654 Days Each, Contain 7302 Days.V The `, Difference Of 72 Days Was Still Too Great To Escape Observation; It Was Accordingly Proposed By Cleostratus Of Tenedos, Who Flourished Shortly After The Time Of Thales, To Omit The Biennary Intercalation Every Eighth Year.
This Gives One Day To Be Suppressed In Sixty Four; So That If We Suppose The Months To Contain Each Thirty Days, And Then Omit Every Sixty Fourth Day In Reckoning From The Beginning Of The Period, Those Months In Which The Omission Takes Place Will, Of Course, Be The Deficient Months.
No sketch, however brief, can omit a reference to the Anglican bishop of South Tokyo, Edward Bickersteth (1850-1897), who from his appointment in 1886 guided the joint movement of English and American Episcopalians which issued in the Nippon Sei Kokwai or Holy Catholic Church of Japan, a national church with its own laws and its own missions in Formosa.
He had received large subscriptions for his promised edition of Shakespeare; he had lived on those subscriptions during some years; and he could not without disgrace omit to perform his part of the contract.
Moreover, though they both accepted the general scheme of St Mark's narrative, each of them was obliged to omit many incidents in order to find room for other material which was at their disposal, by which they were able to supplement the deficiencies of the earlier book.
This makes them omit sensory judgments, and count only those which require ideas, and even general ideas expressed in general terms. Sigwart, for example, gives as instances of our most elementary judgments, " This is Socrates," " This is snow "- beliefs in things existing beyond ourselves which require considerable inferences from many previous judgments of sense and memory.
If they are meant to refer to the same occasion, as is usually assumed, 3 it is hard to see why Paul should omit reference to the public occasion of the visit, as also to the public vindication of his policy.
Uncertainty in regard to the value of the peso led the compiler to omit the equivalents in U.S. gold, but according to foreign trade returns these totals represent gold values, which at 4s.
But the proper condition of the application of the method is that it shall not through prejudice of system omit a single fact of consciousness.
You will need to omit any spaces or characters which are not alphanumeric.
A problem you may be referring to is that in earlier times in Derwent, they did omit the digit in the kind code.
If a dynamic mic mic is used, omit R1.
We did not omit the work of Birmingham on grounds of spite or wilful neglect.
Operators conveniently omit this evidence when quoting from reports, and only select the parts that indicate an inconclusive result.
To omit this from your new draft seems a bit presumptuous.
You can omit all details of ' private ' individuals, or show only restricted information about others.
Notwithstanding his reverence, therefore, for the great scholar with whose name it is associated, and to whose memory he would pay both grateful and humble tribute, he has ventured to omit or rewrite all those portions of the original article which he considers no longer tenable, while retaining every word which is still valuable.
The only drawback is that rather than omit anything which Paracelsus may have composed, he has gone to the opposite extreme and included writings with which it is pretty certain Paracelsus had nothing to do.
If return address information is printed at the top of your business letterhead omit the heading except for the date.
The whipping-post was in 1908 still maintained in Delaware, and whipping continued to be prescribed as a punishment for a variety of offences, although in 1889 a law was passed which prescribed that " hereafter no female convicted of any crime in this state shall be whipped or made to stand in the pillory," and a law passed in 1883 prescribed that " in case of conviction of larceny, when the prisoner is of tender years, or is charged for the first time (being shown to have before had a good character), the court may in its discretion omit from the sentence the infliction of lashes."
Sense is the evidence of inference; directly of analogical and inductive, directly or indirectly of deductive, inference; and therefore, if logic refuses to include sensory beliefs among judgments, it will omit the fundamental constituents of inference, inference will no longer consist of judgments but of sensory beliefs plus judgments, and the second part of logic, the logic of judgment, the purpose of which is to investigate the constituents of inference, will be like Hamlet without the prince of Denmark.
With this definition it is usual to omit the first symbol e l, and to write i or A I - 1 instead of e 2.
The Roman conditions were practically recognition of papal jurisdiction, the use of unleavened bread and permission to omit Filioque if all books written against the Western doctrine were burnt.
The only exception which they allowed to this general rule was in the case of certain passages, especially in the last chapters of Luke, where the " Western " authorities omit words which are found in the Neutral and Alexandrian texts.
Nor can even so cursory a sketch omit to mention Bernardino Ochino and the Anabaptist Hiibmaier.
All they demanded was to be allowed permission, whilst remaining as ministers in the church, to omit the usage of certain ceremonies to which they objected.
We might as well omit to study Nature because she is old.
Boris rose to meet Rostov, but in doing so did not omit to steady and replace some chessmen that were falling.
Integrating with respect to f from f =z to f=a, where a is a line very great compared with the extreme range of the molecular force, but very small compared with either of the radii of curvature, we obtain for the work (1,G (z) - 111(a))dw, and since (a) is an insensible quantity we may omit it.