Olive-branch Sentence Examples
If there is a close relative who dislikes the fiancé, invite the person to the party as a way to extend an olive branch on the condition that she comes without judgement.
The empress reassured him by fresh honours and distinctions on the occasion of the solemn celebration of the peace of Jassy (2nd of September 1793), when she publicly presented him with a golden olive-branch encrusted with brilliants.
Surely we should take it upon ourselves to extend the olive branch of reconciliation?
This agreement is represented on coins of Scaurus - Aretas kneeling by the side of a camel, and holding out an olive branch in an attitude of supplication.
He'd extended an olive branch and come back empty-handed.
The official insignia of the flamen Dialis (of Jupiter), the highest of these priests, were the white cap (pileus, albogalerus), at the top of which was an olive branch and a woollen thread; the laena, a thick woollen toga praetexta woven by his wife; the sacrificial knife; and a rod to keep the people from him when on his way to offer sacrifice.