Oligomenorrhea Sentence Examples
See also Anorexia nervosa; Bulimia nervosa; Menstruation; Oligomenorrhea; Sports.
Medical dictionaries define oligomenorrhea as infrequent or very light menstruation.
But physicians typically apply a narrower definition, restricting the diagnosis of oligomenorrhea to women whose periods were regularly established before they developed problems with infrequent flow.
With oligomenorrhea, menstrual periods occur at intervals of greater than 35 days, with only four to nine periods in a year.
True oligomenorrhea cannot occur until a young woman's menstrual periods have been established.
Oligomenorrhea can be redefined as amenorrhea if menstruation stops for six months or more; however, there is no universally agreed-upon cutoff point or timeline.
Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are also likely to suffer from oligomenorrhea.
Women with PCOS show menstrual irregularities that range from oligomenorrhea and amenorrhea to very heavy and irregular periods.
Professional ballet dancers, gymnasts, and ice skaters are especially at risk for oligomenorrhea because they combine strenuous physical activity with a diet intended to keep their weight down.
By definition, oligomenorrhea is a health concern only for women.
AdvertisementIt is estimated that about 5 percent of women in the United States in their childbearing years experience an episode of oligomenorrhea each year.
Oligomenorrhea related to the female athlete triad is more common in this group of women than in the general female population.
One study at the University of California at San Francisco found that 11 percent of female marathon runners had amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea.
Oligomenorrhea that occurs in adolescents is often caused by immaturity or lack of synchronization between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and ovaries.
Oligomenorrhea in PCOS is thought to be caused by inappropriate levels of both female and male hormones.
AdvertisementIn athletes, models, actresses, dancers, and women with anorexia nervosa, oligomenorrhea occurs because body fat drops too low compared to weight.
Emotional stress related to performance anxiety may also be a factor in oligomenorrhea in these women.
A young woman should see her doctor as soon as she notices that a previously regular menstrual pattern has become irregular; it is not necessary to wait six months or longer to have oligomenorrhea investigated.
Diagnosis of oligomenorrhea begins with the patient informing the doctor about infrequent periods.
A woman can assist the doctor in diagnosing the cause of oligomenorrhea by keeping a record of the time, frequency, length, and quantity of bleeding.
AdvertisementTo rule out specific causes of oligomenorrhea, the doctor may also order a pregnancy test in sexually active women and blood tests to check the level of thyroid hormone.
In adolescents and women near menopause, oligomenorrhea usually needs no treatment.
Most patients suffering from oligomenorrhea are treated with birth control pills.
When oligomenorrhea is associated with an eating disorder or the female athlete triad, the underlying condition must be treated.
Since homeopathy and acupuncture work on deep, energetic levels to rebalance the body, these two forms of therapy may be helpful in treating oligomenorrhea.
AdvertisementHerbs used to treat oligomenorrhea include dong quai (Angelica sinensis), black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa), and chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus).
For some women, meditation, guided imagery, and visualization can play a role in the treatment of oligomenorrhea by relieving emotional stress.
Many women, including those with PCOS, are successfully treated with hormones for oligomenorrhea.
For women who do not respond to hormones or who continue to have an underlying condition that causes oligomenorrhea, the outlook is less positive.
Women who have oligomenorrhea as teenagers may have difficulty becoming pregnant and may receive fertility drugs.
Oligomenorrhea can become amenorrhea at any time, increasing the chance of having these complications.
Oligomenorrhea is preventable only in women whose low body fat to weight ratio is keeping them from maintaining a regular menstrual cycle.
Adequate nutrition and less vigorous training schedules for female athletes will normally prevent oligomenorrhea.
When oligomenorrhea is caused by hormonal factors, however, it is not preventable, but is usually treatable.
Oligomenorrhea in an adolescent should be investigated, however, if the girl is heavily involved in athletics or if she is otherwise at risk for developing an eating disorder.