Old-world Sentence Examples
Holdings hands like an old world family; we were committing our lives together like marriage vows.
Though cultivated in sub-tropical countries such as Natal and the Southern states of the Union, it is essentially tropical in its requirements and succeeds best in warm damp climates such as Cuba, British Guiana and Hawaii, and in India and Java in the Old World.
The group is represented throughout the Old World as far east as Celebes, and has one living North American representative.
Most bats are insect-eaters, but the tropical "flying foxes" or fox-bats of the Old World live on fruit; some are blood-suckers, and two feed on small fish.
The best known and longest cultivated species is the old-world grape-vine, Vitis vinifera; a variety of this, silvestris, occurs wild in the Mediterranean region, spreading eastwards towards the Caucasus and northwards into southern Germany, and may be regarded as the parent of the cultivated vine.
Members of the group have existed in both east and west hemispheres since the beginning of the Miocene period; but in America they all became extinct before the end of the Pliocene period, and in the Old World their distribution has become greatly restricted.
The galls and the gallproducing form are much commoner in America than in the Old World.
The Suidae include the Old World pigs (Suinae) and the American peccaries (Dicotylinae), and are characterized by the snout terminating in a fleshy disk-like expansion, in the midst of which are perforated the nostrils; while the toes are enclosed in sharp hoofs, of which the lateral ones do not touch the ground.
In the Old World a large number of fossil forms are known, of which the earliest is the Egyptian Eocene Geniohyus.
Originally the family was an Old World type, but in the Miocene it gained access into North America, where the earliest form is Bothriolabis, an ancestral peccary showing signs of affinity with the European Miocene genus Palaeochoerus.
AdvertisementThe change thus established de facto owed its first diplomatic consecration to the developments of international politics in the Old World.
The student will find differences among anthropologists in the interpretation of these marks - some averring that comparative anatomy is worthless as a means of subdividing the American subspecies, others that biological variations point to different Old World origins, a third class believing these structural variations to be of the soil.
The concepts on which the peoples of the Old World have been classified, such as stature, colour, skeletal measurements, nationality, and so on, cannot as yet be used in America with Classifica- success.
On this old-world technical controversy we need not dwell.
In the temperate parts of the Old World this species is perhaps the most abundant of the plovers, Charadriidae, breeding in almost every suitable place from Ireland to Japan - the majority migrating towards winter to southern countries, as the Punjab, Egypt and Barbary - though in the British Islands some are always found at that season.
AdvertisementSmearing with gypsum (Tiravos, titanos) had a similar purifying effect, and it has been suggested that the Titans were no more than old-world votaries who had so disguised themselves.
The European porcupine (Hystrix cristata) is the typical representative of a family of Old World rodents, the Hystricidae, all the members of which have the same protective covering.
The Florida rice-rat (Sigmodon hispidus) is another well-known representative of the group. In the Old World the group is represented by the Persian Calomyscus, a near relative of Peromyscus.
Palma underwent considerable change in the 19th century, and the fine old-world Moorish character of the place suffered accordingly.
Acrodont, Old World lizards, with laterally compressed body, prehensile tail and well developed limbs with the digits arranged in opposing, grasping bundles of two and three respectively.
AdvertisementThey are an exclusively Old World family; they are most numerous in Australia (except New Zealand) and the Indian and Malay countries; comparatively few live in Africa (none in Madagascar) and in the countries from Asia Minor to India.
Just as the Later Roman empire was at once the supreme effort of the old world and the outcome of its exhaustion, so Neoplatonism is in one aspect the consummation, in another the collapse, of ancient philosophy.
It changed thought into an emotional dream; it plunged into the ocean of sentiment; it treated the old world of fable as the reflection of a higher reality, and transformed reality into poetry; and after all these expedients, to borrow a phrase of Augustine's, it only saw afar off the land of its desire.
Hernandez and Acosta shared the opinion of their time that the great fossil bones .found in Mexico were remains of giants, and that, as before the deluge there were giants on the earth, therefore Mexico was peopled from the Old World in antediluvian times.
Among the resemblances to old-world law was the use of a judicial oath, the witness touching the ground with his finger and putting it to his lips, thus swearing by Mother Earth.
AdvertisementGoats, in the wild state, are an exclusively old-world group, of which the more typical forms are confined to Europe and south-western and central Asia, although there are two outlying species in northern Africa.
It is their analogue, and to understand it we must understand them, not forgetting that Paul, as a Semite, and his hearers, as converted pagans, were imbued with the sacrificial ideas of the old world.
The Common Sandpiper is found over the greater part of the Old World.
Manichaeism was thus able to satisfy the new wants of an old world.
The typical rats and mice, together with their nearest relatives, constitute the sub-family Murinae, which is represented by more than three hundred species, distributed over the whole of the Old World except Madagascar.
The gerbils, which are widely distributed over the more or less desert-like regions of the Old World exclusive of the Malay countries and Australia, form the sub-family Gerbillinae.
The Old World porcupines, constituting the family Hystricidae, are terrestrial, stoutly built rodents, with limbs of subequal length in front and behind, and the skin covered with strong spines.
From all the lower levels where superstition and cruelty reign, from the depths of fear inspired by fetichism, we look on to the higher level of Judaism as the progressive religion of the old world.
A large spinning-mill and coalpits lend a modern touch in singular contrast with the quaint, old-world aspect of the place.
One of these, called after the name of an ancient town Apollonia, is the modern capital; Kastro is an "old-world Italian town" with medieval castle and fortifications, and an old town-hall bearing date 1365.
From those of all Old World swine or Suinae, the upper canines, or tusks, differ in having their points directed downwards, not outwards or The Collared Peccary (Dicotyles tajacu).
Groningen is the most important town in the north of Holland, with its fine shops and houses and wide clean streets, while brick houses of the 16th and 17th centuries help it to retain a certain old-world air.
Attractively situated on a hillside sloping gently to the Forth, its placid old-world aspect is in keeping with its great antiquity.
The government as restored by Andrea Doria, with certain modifications tending to impart to it a more conservative character, remained unchanged until the outbreak of the French Revolution and the creation of the Ligurian republic. During this long period of nearly three centuries, in which the most dramatic incident is the conspiracy of Fieschi, the Genoese found no small compensation for their lost traffic in the East in the vast profits which they made as the bankers of the Spanish crown and outfitters of the Spanish armies and fleets both in the old world and the new, and Genoa, more fortunate than many of the other cities of Italy, was comparatively immune from foreign domination.
The above list shows that the usual statement that crocodiles inhabit the Old World and alligators the New World is not strictly true.
Cape Fligely was the highest latitude attained by Payer, and remained the highest attained in the Old World till 1895.
This family contains numerous species, having a wide geographical distribution, ranging in the New World from the Arctic circle as far south as Patagonia, and in the Old World throughout the whole of Europe and Asia, but absent in Africa south of the Sahara, and, of course, Australasia.
Of the two existing generic representatives of the Camelidae (as the family in which they are both included is named), the Old World camels (Camelus) are characterized by their great bodily size, and the presence of one or two fleshy humps, which diminish or increase in size according to the physical condition of the animals themselves.
Be this as it may, the identification of a North American type of camel from the Tertiary strata of eastern Europe forms another connecting link between the extinct faunas of the northern half of the Old World and North America, and thus tends to show that the claim of America to be the exclusive birthplace of many Old World types may have to be reconsidered.
A lower jaw from the Pleistocene deposits of that continent has, however, been referred to the Old World Camelus.
As this story coincided with the birth (or crucifixion) of Christ it was thought to herald the end of the old world and the beginning of the new.
Instead of limiting himself to a narration of their political events, he examined their economic relations, their constitutions, their financial systems, and thus was enabled to throw a new light on the development of the old world.
They despised tradition and Old World ways and notions; and they accepted the Jeffersonian dogmas, not only as maxims, but as social forces - the causes of the material prosperity of the country.
The tradition of the old world was too heavily weighted with the Ptolemaic astronomy and the like to be regarded as other than a bar to progress.
Three other forms of the genus also inhabit the Old World - two of them so closely resembling the common bird that their specific validity has been often questioned.
The result is instructive when we turn to the numerous serpent myths and legends from the Old World and the New, to the stray notices in old writers, or to the fragmentary scraps of popular superstition everywhere.
The principal tracts still unmeasured and unenumerated (in any strict sense) in the Old World are the Turkish Empire, Persia, Afghanistan, China and the Indo-Chinese peninsula and nearly nine-tenths of Africa.
It is chiefly from the populations of the south-west of Europe that the New World is being colonized; but the territories over which the settlers and their recruits from abroad are able to scatter are so extensive that even the lower densities of the Old World have not yet been attained, except in a few tracts along the eastern coasts of Australia and North America.
The anthropoid apes are arboreal and confined to the Old World.
With the end of the Napoleonic wars in Europe the industries of the old world revived, and Americans began to feel their competition.
This old-world wisdom of the Hindus, a thousand years before our era, is worthily to be paralleled from the Manichaeism of about the year 400.
To the existence of an Old-World myth New Mexico owes its early exploration by the Spaniards.
Its northern shores were washed by the Sea of Tethys, which, at least in Jurassic and Cretaceous times, stretched across the Old World from west to east, and in this sea were laid down the marine deposits of the Himalaya.
Hoorn is distinguished by its old-world air and the beauty and interest of its numerous gabled houses.
And as man under a genealogical point of view belongs to the Catarhine or Old World stock, we must conclude, however much the conclusion may revolt our pride, that our early progenitors would have been properly thus designated.
Although the three divisions of savage, barbaric, and civilized man do not correspond at all perfectly with the Stone, Bronze, and Iron Ages, this classification of civilization has proved of extraordinary value in arranging in their proper order of culture the nations of the Old World.
The American deer include such New World species as are generically distinct from Old World types.
This genus is represented by several species, most of which are climbing plants, both in tropical America and in warm regions of the Old World.
In the short peace of 1697-1700 England and France were using all their influence, both in the Old World and in the New, to ingratiate themselves into the favour of the king of Spain.
The Insectivora (except a few shrews which have entered from the north) are absent from South America, and appear to have been mainly an Old World group, the only forms which have entered North America being the shrew-mice (Soricidae) and moles (Talpidae).
The beavers (Castoridae) are restricted to the northern hemisphere, whereas the dormice (Gliridae) and the mole-rats (Spalacidae) are exclusively Old World forms, the latter only entering the north of Africa, in which continent the former are largely developed.
The jerboa group (Dipodidae, or Jaculidae) is also mainly an Old World type, although its aberrant representatives the jumping-mice (Zapus) have effected an entrance into Arctic North America.
The civet-tribe (Viverridae), on the other hand, which is exclusively an Old World group, is abundant in Madagascar, where it is represented by peculiar and aberrant types.
The hyenas (Hyaenidae), at any rate at the present day, to which consideration is mainly limited, are likewise Old World.
The raccoon group (Procyonidae) is mainly American, being represented in the Old World only by the pandas (Aelurus and Aeluropus), of which the latter apparently exhibits some affinity to the bears.
Whether its birthplace was in Africa or to the north, it is, however, clear that the hollow-horned ruminants are essentially an Old World group, which only effected an entrance into North America at a comparatively recent date, and never succeeded in reaching South America.
The Antilocapridae (prongbuck), whose relationships appear to be rather with the Cervidae than with the Bovidae, are on the other hand apparently a North American group. The chevrotains (Tragulidae), now surviving only in West and Central Africa and tropical Asia, are conversely a purely Old World group.
In the Old World it seems to have reached the fringe of the African continent, where its wanderings in a wild state were stayed.
The pigs (Suidae) and the hippopotamuses (Hippopotamidae) are essentially Old World groups, the former of which has alone succeeded in reaching America, where it is represented by the collateral branch of the peccaries (Dicotylinae).
The main facts at the present day are, firstly, the restriction of the Prosimiae, or lemurs, to the warmer parts of the Old World, and their special abundance in Madagascar (where other Primates are wanting); and, secondly, the wide structural distinction between the monkeys of tropical America (Platyrrhina), and the Old World monkeys and apes, or Catarrhina.
This rodent, Muscardinus avellanarius, is the sole representative of its genus, but belongs to a family - the Gliridae, or Myoxidae - containing a small number of Old World species.
The fauna of Turkestan belongs to the zoo-geographical domain of northern Asia, and is only differentiated by the presence of species which have disappeared from the peripheral parts of the Old World and now find a refuge in the remotest regions of the uninhabited plateau.
Nor did they perceive that new ideas can be applied only by degrees in an old world.
The old world felt, as we do, his moral and mental greatness, his fire, his self-devotion, his insight.
In the west of North America, and in some of its islands, a pie is found which extends to the upper valleys of the Missouri and the Yellowstone, and has long been thought entitled to specific distinction as P. hudsonia; but its claim thereto is now disallowed by some of the best ornithologists of the United States, and it can hardly be deemed even a geographical variety of the Old-World form.
The narrow streets and cobbled alleyways are full of old world charm.
It has invested in all the modern equipment for a modern resort but has maintained its old-world charm.
The setting is downright creepy, sort of a Frankenstein's lab of torture mixed together with an old World War II bunker.
The Atlantic extrapolation of the New Deal presumed wage differentials justifying the transfer of production from the United States to the Old World.
Old World their old-world charm, thatched cottages tend to be a little dark inside.
Old Worlds quaint little row of old-world houses constituted the kennels of King Charles II.
Old World course, over recent years much of the old-world family atmosphere of the banks has changed.
Old Worldou plan of encouraging someone to redo his or her house with the elegant old-world, antique home style?
Old Worlded to rave reviews and is seen as a marriage of old-world elegance and modern design.
Old Worldpite being in a sense the first of the modern female detectives, Yvonne retains a slightly old-world, gracious flavor.
Those among us that still adhere to the fallen idols of their old world must become the pariahs of our New Society.
They had not needed to develop many of the agricultural techniques of the old world because of the natural riches of their lands.
Equally, tho, he does not agree that the best of the old world has thereby been entirely vitiated.
By far the most remarkable of all the Old World domesticated breeds is, however, the royal Siamese cat, which almost certainly has an origin quite distinct from that of the ordinary European breeds; this being rendered evident not only by the peculiar type of colouring, but likewise by the cry, which is quite unmistakable.
In the western hemisphere they range along the Mexican highlands and the Andes far into the tropics, while in the Old World the genus, well represented in the Himalayas and the hills of China, exists likewise in the peninsula of Malacca, in the Indian Archipelago and Malaya to the Philippine Islands and Borneo.
This observation is true not only of old-world writers like the Mercantilists, but also of Ricardian economics.
The hydrosphere covers nearly threequarters of the earth's surface as a single and continuous expanse of water surrounding four great insular land-masses known as the continents of the Old World (Europe, Asia, Africa), America, Australia and Antarctica.
Strigops and Nestor; but he began by making two great divisions of those that he did know, separating the parrots of the Old World from the parrots of the New, and subdividing each of these divisions into various sections somewhat in accordance with the names they had received in popular language - a practice he followed on many other occasions, for it seems to have been with him a belief that there is more truth in the discrimination of the unlearned than the scientific are apt to allow.
The Suidae are divisible into the true Old World swine (Suinae) and the American peccaries (Dicotylinae).
Some of the more northern American deer, such as the wapiti, reindeer and elk (moose), are closely allied to Old World species; but there is also a group of exclusively American deer (Mazama) - the only one found in Central and South America - the members of which are unlike any living Old World deer; and these must be regarded as having reached the western hemisphere at an earlier date than the wapiti, reindeer and elk (see Deer, Elk, Fallow-Deer, Muntjac, Musk-Deer, Pre David'S Deer, Reindeer, Roebuck, Water-Deer, &c.).
Another ritual, fascinating for the glimpse it affords of very old-world thought, is that of the Diipolia, the yearly sacrifice to Zeus Polieus on the Acropolis at Athens.6 In this an ox was slaughtered with ceremonies unique in Greece; the priest who slew him fled and remained in exile for a period, and the axe that was used was tried, condemned and flung into the sea; the hide of the slain ox was stuffed with hay, and this effigy of the ox was yoked to the plough and feigned to be alive.
Downtown Frankenmuth has wonderful restaurants, like the Bavarian Inn Lodge, and Old World architecture than can take you back a few centuries.
Southwestern furniture has an old world charm that creates a feeling of romanticism and nostalgia.
Although much of the furniture produced by the Amish is completely hand crafted using simple tools, there are some Amish furniture craftsmen that use modern technology combined with their old world skills.
The wood furniture is made with the old world values and integrity that the Amish have been so well known for.
Most of the furniture is crafted using old world skills and simple hand tools.
In Hooker's European category, you will find dining tables with Old World grand elegance in the Beladora collection.
Most of the items in the Horchow home décor catalog fall into the category of French Country style, English Country style, and Old World style, but there are pieces in the catalog to satisfy most tastes.
Horchow - While Horchow isn't the cheapest retailer in the world, they have a wonderful selection of unique kitchen furniture to choose from, especially if your tastes run to the Old World or French Country style.
Old-World Plaster Treatment - A distinctive design element in Tuscan style is the rough old-world plaster treatment.
The old world charm of this region can be brought home with the use of rich colors, natural materials, and unrefined textures.
Dress up dining tables or breakfast nooks with place mats or table runners made from woven straw or decorative old world fabrics like chenille or tapestry.
The kitchen Italian décor found in these kinds of homes epitomizes the old world charm most often associated with Italy.
This decorating style can give your home a cottage look and feel with a lot of classic floral designs and Old World elements.
Adding any of these old world accessories to your decor will help you achieve the traditional French country atmosphere you want in your home.
The holidays go hand in hand with the rich colors seen in Old World style design.
Whether your perfect Christmas décor is modern and edgy, or if an Old World Christmas is more your cup of tea, having a decoration theme in mind will help you select the right Christmas accessories.
If you want a Christmas tree that looks like it stepped off the pages of a Victorian novel, then an old world style Christmas tree might be right for you.
White Christmas tree lights are a must for an old world Christmas tree.
The beauty of old world Tuscany dates back into the 15th century, when decorating styles were an eclectic mix of many southern European cultures.
Touch of Class offers affordable tapestry wall hangings in many themes including Old World.
This style can have a rustic or old world charm.
There are also many historic examples of punched tin in Central and Southern Europe where it shows up on everything from primitive boxes to conical lanterns that cast a glow upon Old World interiors.
Often the next best option is a new hand-made fixture crafted with Old World techniques.
This type of fabric is very traditional, and works beautifully in French country-style interiors, traditional interiors or Old World decors.
The Tuscan style takes the Old World charm and brings it into the home.
Classic Persian and Asian rug designs will give your kitchen an Old World feel.
Artistica - Looking for a little Old World or Tuscan charm?
Pots, vases and other accessories in terra cotta colors are a great addition to an old-world Italian kitchen.
The great thing about choosing colors for an old-world Tuscan kitchen is that because they all come from nature they will all complement each other beautifully.
This will help enhance the old-world feel of a classic Italian country kitchen.
For this reason, a hammered copper sink is the perfect vehicle for bringing old world detail and charm to the home.
Add one to your kitchen or bathroom today to bring old world charm to your home.
Bathroom tile can now take on the appearance of three-dimensional wall paper with looks that move from contemporary to old world.
With rich colors and rustic accents, Old World decorating can transform any home.
Frequently, decorating in Old World style provides a worn, rustic and inviting atmosphere.
Tumbled stone tiles, textured and faux painted walls, dramatic draperies; adding texture to the room is a great way to introducing Old World style.
Many parts of Old World decorating revolve around using natural materials, or nature inspired materials, many of which have a natural texture and variation.
Be sure to include plenty of Old World accents in the design.
Wrought iron, pottery, terra cotta, damask draperies and a distressed finish can all help to complete the Old World design.
Tapestries and richly woven rugs are also a way of accenting the design in Old World style.
If you're completely gutting a room to remodel, or building from the ground up, include many interior architectural styles of the Old World.
Take the elements that speak to you, and leave the rest; no matter which way your design goes, the Old World style will speak for itself.
Renaissance takes you back in history with an elegant Royal flair.Kirsch also offers their Wrought Iron Collection which incorporates old world Spanish influences with modern designer elegance.
Others are better suited to elaborate style carvings such as those that will complement old world decorating styles.
Whether you are looking for bay window curtain rods, wrought iron rods to complete an Old World look or something sleek and contemporary, Umbra has the range of styles that you are looking for.
If you have old world style decorating in your home, consider the Orly, Doric or Lyric style rods at Umbra.
Available in rich metal finishes, these rods have decorative finials that are perfect for the old world style home.
The old world appeal is rich in wood finishes, cabinets and dining furniture.
Swag lamps come in a variety of styles, from Old World stained glass to 60s style fabric.
While some people associate tapestries with Old World style decorating, cool wall tapestries in abstract patterns, bright colors and modern prints are available to fit the contemporary home as well.
French country decorating ideas will give your home a cottage style look with a lot of classic floral designs and old world elements.
Adding any of these old world accessories to your décor will help you achieve the traditional French country atmosphere you want in your home.
The different prom makeup styles and tips run the gamut from smoky eyes to formal, old world glamour.
Give Me Liberty of London evokes old world charm.
A modern day approach to taking old world black-and-white glamour shots includes a girl carrying a surfboard while the sunsets behind her.
Buonopane captures old-world Italian cooking as well as the new traditions of the North End.
Canopy beds are often associated with an old world sort of grandeur, and may conjure up images of Victorian-themed décors or, perhaps more commonly, a young girl's bedroom done in shades of pink and white.
For example, some shower curtains combine old world nautical maps with harbor lighthouses in the foreground complete with palm fronds and picket fencing.
On your Mississippi cruise you will travel in traditional paddle-wheeled steamboats, which feature old-world charm and authentic Victorian décor.
With their historic and cultural appeal, cruises down Mississippi River routes are tempting vacation options for people who prefer old-world charm to the glitz of modern mega-ships.
The 19th century vessels combine old-world charm with modern conveniences and have become a popular vacation option for cruisers.
This allowed old world countries and empires to easily transport everything from goods and food to armies along local waterways.
This itinerary includes tours of medieval, gothic, and renaissance castles, as well as views of terraced vineyards, awe-inspiring countrysides, and old-world towns.
They have added old world features and custom sizes to make these windows fit your vintage home perfectly.
When choosing a stone pattern, think gray tones like slate for modern spaces and marble or rough-cut stone for an old-world look.
Bring some old world charm to your kitchen by selecting a richly colored marble, such as Giallo Sahara in a 4-inch square tile and running it in an offset pattern throughout the kitchen.
For a more modern version of the poesy ring, this company also offers a ring with the words "My beloved is mine and I am his" engraved upon the surface in an old world script.
Timeless and distinguished at the same time, a vest can be paired with a tux for snazzy old world style or thrown together with a pair of cords and a crisp white shirt to celebrate the change of seasons.
Many men choose to wear them beneath their blazers or long coats for a touch of old-world sophistication.
The blend of old-world service and modern technological convenience is one of the biggest perks of shopping at Slaters.
Specializing in heirloom varieties, this is a great place to find old-world varieties that have been around since before the advent of GMO practices.
Beautiful Old World architecture highlights the historical and cultural aspects of this beautiful city.
However, the company specializes in marketing classic designs, which fuse old-world aesthetics with modern-day finesse.
One of the oldest wine growing countries in the world, France offers a variety of Old World wines made from a vast array of grapes in multiple styles.
They've been around for centuries and many old world wineries have them.
Taking a walk through Lynmar's caves, one gets a feeling of old world meets new world.
It is a true blending of old world practices and the use of new world technology that you see many wineries adopting.
Apply this same format to other varietals to get a sense of similarities and variances that occur between Old World and New World wines as grapes go globetrotting.
Walking into the tasting room at V Sattui winery, you get the old-world charm some more-nothing art deco or nouveau here!
Chateau Renaissance - Located in Bath, Chateau Renaissance uses the old world method of spontaneous fermentation when making their wines.
For instance, if what you really enjoy are Old World French wines, then there's a good chance that a California wine club isn't for you.
Along with Bordeaux, many other wine regions around the world make both Old World and New World style Merlot wines.
Italian wine producers create world-class wines in primarily traditional Old World styles.
They can add a real sense of old-world charm.
While not necessarily practical, oil lamps have a certain old-world charm that electrical lights just don't have.
While they're not commonly used today, hurricane oil lamps still come in handy during power outages, and some people use them to light up outdoor areas or to decorate rooms where a little old-world charm is desired.
The Rockettes are known world-wide for their exquisite dancing, but it's the atmosphere and the old-world charm that make the Christmas show of the Rockettes such a delight for all audiences.
This historic, boutique hotel provides their guests with old world charm and service and surrounds them with world class restaurants, shopping and theatre.
The building itself maintains the old world look of a fine old hotel.
This grand dame of hotel suites, which was constructed as a private residence in 1926, showcases a stylish décor that blends contemporary sophistication with old-world glamour.
Available from Horchow and handcrafted in the United States by designer Jay Strongwater using old world techniques, the Colin Red Dragonfly Trumpet Votive is a magnificent work of art.
Many of these items can be found in miniature versions, perfect for ornament size designs that will lend an Old World style to your Christmas tree.
Simplicity-This adult pattern includes a modern Santa Claus, traditional old world Santa Claus, old-fashioned Mrs. Claus, and an elf costume similar to Buddy's in the Disney movie Elf.
Handbags by DMG specialize in old world craftsmanship and special tanning processes that create natural and beautifully distressed bags.
Olive Garden is a chain of casual dining restaurants focused on providing a menu of Old World inspired Italian food in a family-friendly atmosphere.
While modern techniques are employed in designing the shoes, the old-world craftsmanship and Stegmann's original commitment to quality remain.
Fur itself is an old-world detail that has been employed in fashion and accessories for centuries, but women have only grown to appreciate how chic it looks on boots in recent decades.
Frannie (ATWT) - A classic nickname for Francis, Frannie Hughes offers an offbeat, but modern take on the old-world name.
Rather than highlighting your own unique traits, you can show off your love for astrology in an old world tattoo done in the style of a vintage map or star speckled constellation.
Depending upon the chosen design, wooden alarm clock radios can add a touch of warm old-world charm or cool and contemporary style to any room of the home.
Large contemporary numerals under a hesalite glass crystal and a black leather strap complete the striking look of old-world and modern detailing.
For girls who prefer a more traditional look and feel, these old-world style Citizen Eco-Drive ladies' watches are models of perfection.
While the selections will be exquisite, the décor will not always be old world.
Some European lingerie stores have a kind of old-world ambiance, and many adhere to the traditional practice of not having fittings.
Christian music is a broad term that covers many genres, from old-world hymns to modern-day Christian rock music.
This invader downfall is reminiscent of the fate of many indigeous peoples of the New World, felled by Old World diseases brought by colonizers, only Wells turns it on its head.
The stories told in Episodes I, II and III combined an old world elegance of the Old Republic with political and mystical intrigues.
He eventually tries to help the brothers by confronting Lucifer (and also to save Kali, an old world spirit he'd come to love) and lost his life.
Today, Aveeno continues to concoct natural and feel-good skin care products with the same commitment to nature and old world recipes.
The restaurant has an up-scale old world decor, soft arm chairs in the lounge and outdoor dining in the warmer months.
The restaurant they opened is well known for its authentic old-world ambience, particularly the outdoor biergarten complete with strolling accordion player.
Of the Old World forms, the family Triconodontidae is typified by the genus Triconodon, from the English Purbeck, in which the cheek-teeth carry three cutting cusps arranged longitudinally.
In the Old World the boreal zone is almost sharply cut off and afforded no means of escape for the Miocene vegetation when the climate became more severe.
Its arboreal vegetation is richer both in genera and species than that corresponding to it in the Old World.
They are in fact in some degree comparable to sub-regions 3 and 4 in the Old World.
The western dry areas have the old-world leguminous Astragalus and Prosopis (Mesquit), but are especially characterized by the northward extension of the new-world tropical Cactaceae, Mgmmillaria, Cereus and Opuntia, by succulent Amar llideae such as A gave (of which the so-called American aloe is a type), and by arborescent Liliaceae (Yucca).
Amongst Rubiaceae, Cinchoneae with some outliers in the Old World have their headquarters at cooler levels.
In the New World, as already explained, the path of communication between the northerri and southern hemispheres has always been more or less open, and the temperate flora of southern America does not exhibit the isolation characteristic of the southern region of the Old World.
The broad Pacific depression seems to answer to the broad elevation of the Old World - the narrow trough of the Atlantic to the narrow continent of America."
The contrast between island and mainland was natural enough in the days before the discovery of Australia, and the mainland of the Old World was traditionally divided into three continents.
Sclater' was the first to divide the world into a few great " regions," the Palaearctic, Ethiopian, Indian and Australian forming one group, the " Old World " (Palaeogaea); and the Nearctic and Neotropical forming a second, the New World (Neogaea).
Vulturidae, Old World vultures, excluding Australia.
It appears, therefore, contemporaneously with Christianity, and is a sign of the world-weariness and deep religious need that mark the decay of the old world.
By proclaiming the reconciliation of science with the Christian faith, of the highest culture with the Gospel, Origen did more than any other man to win the Old World to the Christian religion.
The genus Avena contains about fifty species mostly dispersed through the temperate regions of the Old World.
He stands at the meetingpoint between the old world and the new era which begins with Zoroaster.
In Prussia, with its traditional loyalty and its old-world caste divisions, he believed that such a conception could be realized, and he took up an attitude half-way between those who would have rejected the proposal for a central diet altogether as a dangerous "thin end of the wedge," and those who would have approximated it more to the modern conception of a parliament.
The horse is supposed by these writers to have originated by separate lines of descent in the Old World and the New, from five-toed ancestors!
They contain a few genera chiefly old world tropical and subtropical.
Of the Muridae there are several genera and a large number of species, some of them evidently importations from the Old World.
The Brazilian people have the natural taste for art, music and literature so common among the Latin nations of the Old World.
Sydney has in consequence more than usually the appearance of an old-world town.
Anthracnose has been known in Europe for many years, but has only been observed in America since 1881, whither it was probably imported from the old world.
The furniture of an Old World design is freestanding.
Slowly, the winery grew into what it is today and although the buildings are relatively new, they appear to be from an earlier time-it does make one think there is an old-world connection.