Old-women Sentence Examples
At the festival Chthonia, a cow (representing, according to Mannhardt, the spirit of vegetation), which voluntarily presented itself, was sacrificed by three old women.
When the place was stormed the garrison consisted of two old women and five children who had concealed themselves in caves.
Ten girls, aged nine to seventeen years, two of them house servants, met during the winter of1691-1692in the home of Samuel Parris, pastor of the Salem Village church, and after learning palmistry and various "magic" tricks from Parris's West Indian slave, Tituba, and influenced doubtless by current talk about witches, accused Tituba and two old women of bewitching them.
Mar was arrested on a charge of magic, and died, whether murdered or from natural causes is uncertain, while his accomplices are said to have been the protomartyrs of witchcraft, scarcely heard of in Scotland till the reformers began to burn old women.
Flies and butterflies are forms which the souls are believed by some races to take, and the Esthonians of the island of Oesel think that the gusts of wind which whirl tornado-like through the roads are the souls of old women seeking what they can find.
The human race is interested in these experiments, though a few old women who are incapacitated for them, or who own their thirds in mills, may be alarmed.
To a philosopher all news, as it is called, is gossip, and they who edit and read it are old women over their tea.
And do you remember how we rolled hard-boiled eggs in the ballroom, and suddenly two old women began spinning round on the carpet?
Moscow society, from the old women down to the children, received Pierre like a long-expected guest whose place was always ready awaiting him.
It made him laugh, and he scoffed at the people and called them cowards and old women.