Old man Sentence Examples
The old man woke with a start as the woman smiled and set aside her book.
The old man looked concerned.
Here in dwells an old man with whom I would like to converse.
The old man and child were playing checkers in the comfortable den when a housekeeper called them to dinner.
Fred just snorted, but Dean noted the old man didn't deny the question.
The old man smiled as he stomped on the brake.
We'd better tell the old man he needs to get hopping.
He wished the old man would spit it out, whatever was bugging him.
He would have hauled Fred along for company, but the old man had a date, so Dean was on his own.
I understand from Dawkins' son his old man was paying Josh pretty well to be his mine manager—up until August of 1961 when Josh disappeared.
AdvertisementWhen the old man tried to engage him in further conversation—this time about Pumpkin Green and the general irresponsibility of today's youth—he excused himself on an important errand and left Westlake standing in the hall.
It is difficult to elicit sympathy for a silly old man caught up in dark dealings.
The mine sits on a few hundred acres old man Dawkins owned.
Dean had trouble remembering who was who but all were of like mind in their affection for the old man who turned up the charm meter a notch or two.
Dean was sure the old man and his dilapidated old Scout had done this a thousand times before.
AdvertisementAnother woman, a very tall blond, stood a few paces back, a smile on her face, watching the old man.
Dean couldn't think of any reason not to confirm its authenticity to the old man and did so.
His old man was a miner and lived in Ouray when Fitzgerald was a kid—a snot-nosed bully, I suspect.
The old man was careful of privacy and territory and would take nothing without first asking.
The old man excused himself and followed Dean to the kitchen.
AdvertisementDean could picture him and the old man breaking into the storage building in the dead of night.
The old man looked defeated, with all his natural feistiness absent, left outside in the sunshine.
What remained in the darkened room was a beaten old man.
Dean left the cell confident that the old man was coping, but he was beginning to mirror Fred's concern with his past.
The mixed news produced a sense of relief that Martha was, according to Fred, temporarily safe, but she seethed at what she saw as Fitzgerald's vindictiveness at attacking them through the old man.
AdvertisementDean didn't press the old man for whatever he knew nor did Fred offer any information.
The old man was still dressed in a dark suit after attending the funeral.
The old man sighed, looking every bit his age.
Both Deans heard it but the old man appeared not to have noticed.
Both men felt the old man had probably killed him, but Westlake's brief disclosure was insufficient to pursue the matter and as both men were dead, there was little incentive to do so.
Brandon Westlake was portrayed as a delusional old man bent on killing any and all witnesses to his half-century-old deed.
The old man was waiting for her on the other side of the peak.
But periodically he forgot the utter uselessness of arguing with the opinionated old man.
It remained a sore point with the old man.
Now that you're past forty and bordering on geezerdom, you're beginning to sound like a dirty old man.
I've always been a dirty old man.
Now I'm just an older dirty old man.
The only other skaters were a mother and her four-year old pig-tailed professional level daughter and an old man who skated like a retired gold medalist.
Dean smiled and gave the old man a pat on the arm.
He gave no indication he and his mother were leaving and joined Fred at the table when the old man offered him a bowl of cereal.
I wouldn't want to see an old man cry.
The old man looked indignant.
If the old man was going to sulk, Dean thought, might as well get it out in the open and allow him to vent a little steam.
The old man read them eagerly.
He owed Fred a "gotcha" after the hard time he'd given the old man about his electronic sales adventures.
Fred had taken care of the early morning chores as Dean poured himself his first cup of coffee, dreading the inquisition he knew would be forthcoming from the old man.
Dean knew the old man was itching to raise the more important topic of Jerome Shipton's death.
Plus, Dean thought, it would give the old man a good excuse and ample time for some world-class snooping.
Cynthia and the old man do more running Bird Song than you and I'll bet you could use the dough.
Dean wanted Fred to answer the damned thing but the old man was too nosy to move.
I thought the old man might want it.
The old man picked at his red suspenders.
I think I'm feeling a bit like a dirty old man.
But it was more than Dean's charity that kept the two together, although at times Dean questioned the relationship as well as his sanity for putting up with the old man.
The cousin had to be the illegitimate daughter of the old man.
He felt little concern, however; let the old man read about a real mystery instead of his fictional sleuth stories.
The old man opened the door with a barrage of questions, allowing Dean no chance to escape the interrogation.
He knew Fred would be waiting up for him, but decided to let the old man cool his heels, punishment enough for setting up the evening's activity on the sly.
After the young couple took their key and fairly skipped away, the old man retreated to the back room, leaving Dean alone with the stack of registration forms.
Dean presented the facts unemotionally but as soon as he mentioned Scranton, the old man caught the coincidence and could hardly contain himself.
The old man was undeterred.
Dean had given Fred the business the entire trip from Parkside but the old man remained undeterred.
He handed the old man ten dollars and was handed a slip of paper with the phone number from the rental sign Mrs. Glass was apparently an early riser and answered the phone on the second ring.
And there was a smell of cigarette smoke, a definite no-no, one of the few points on which he and the old man agreed.
Dean lifted the old man in one swing and carried him to his bed.
It was apparent the old man was feeling much more chipper, reveling in his notoriety.
Let the old man think of something—after all, he'd been the one to make the Scranton connection, however tenuous, in the first place.
He knew the old man wouldn't miss the service and spotted him in the far right corner.
He should have guessed something was up—the old man wasn't even playing his twangy music.
The old man looked up with a broad smile.
Much as Dean had misgivings and knew he was being manipulated, Fred's suggestion made sense, and he reluctantly agreed to let the old man lead the prey to him.
The old man grabbed a metal trashcan from the curb and in one motion swung it at the car, scoring a direct hit on the windshield.
Dean tossed Arthur Atherton's note at the old man.
The old man then smiled the warmest smile Dean had seen in a long time.
The old man was dressed in jeans and a western shirt complete with a string tie, turquoise clasp and a Nero Wolfe paperback in his back pocket.
The old man held out a cup of coffee to his stepson, who continued trying to catch his breath.
They thought they were busting some con artist who was trying to rip off you and the old man and then you show up and damn near kill them!
When you and the old man began getting close, we stepped in.
The old man is something else.
But I've got to say, this whole gig would have gone a lot smoother if you and the old man hadn't been so nosy.
The old man has his eye on you.
An old man who'd been there for many years.
Did this old man tell you how he wronged me?
I'll bet old man Medena was upset.
He is a beneficent and venerable old man of the sea, full of wisdom and skilled in prophecy, but, like Proteus, he will only reveal what he knows under compulsion.
He died on the 17th of June 1696, a disillusioned and broken-hearted old man.
In a cottage in the environs of Paris called Le Moulin joli, there sat at the same table an old man engraving and an old woman whom he called his meuniere also engraving.
The only idea of a god known to be entertained by them seems to be that of the Euahlayi and Kamilaori tribe, Baiame, a gigantic old man lying asleep for ages, with his head resting on his arm, which is deep in the sand.
On seal-cylinders he is represented as an old man with flowing beard, with the crescent as his symbol.
The only survivors of the flood, and of the conflagration that followed it, were an old man and a pumpkin-seed.
This was split open by a thunderbolt, the old man sacrificing himself to save the lives of those who were inside, and from it there issued the progenitors of the present races of men, beasts, birds, fishes and plants.
In the very hour of success, however, Conrad was struck down by the emissaries of the Old Man of the Mountain (the chief of the Assassins).
That doom was postponed; but Catholics everywhere saw with pain the harsh treatment accorded to a defenceless old man.
Alexander Knox says, "So fine an old man I never saw !
In this way Voltaire, who had been an old man when he established himself at Ferney, became a very old one almost without noticing it.
It is told, however, that Moawiya summoned an old man named `Abid ibn Sharya from Yemen to Damascus to tell him all he knew about ancient history and that he induced him to write down his information.
Richard also threw himself into the disputes respecting the crown of Jerusalem, and supported Guy of Lusignan against Conrad of Montferrat with so much heat that he incurred grave, though unfounded, suspicions of complicity when Conrad was assassinated by emissaries of the Old Man of the Mountain.
The mode of discipline practised by the pedantic and irritable old man who stood at the head of this institution was not at all to the young student's liking, and the impression made upon him stimulated him later on to work out his projects of school reform.
The old man holds his bow still raifed.
He was succeeded by Tozawa Benshi, an old man of over seventy in 1909, who, using clay from Owari or Hizen, has turned out many porcelain statuettes of great beauty.
Pilocereus, the old man cactus, forms a small genus with tallish erect, fleshy, angulate stems, on which, with the tufts of spines, are developed hair-like bodies, which, though rather coarse, bear some resemblance to the hoary locks of an old man.
It was symbolized by the Greeks as an old man in a more or less sitting posture, with a goat and her kids in his left hand, and a bridle in his right.
He may be called the inventor of poetical satire, as he was the first to impress upon the rude inartistic medley, known to the Romans by the name of satura, that character of aggressive 1 "And so it happens that the whole life of the old man stands clearly before us, as if it were represented on a votive picture."
In art, Oceanus was represented as an old man of noble presence and benevolent expression, with the horns of an ox and sometimes crab's claws on his head.
He is represented as an old man with one eye.
In Europe the corn spirit sometimes immanent in the crop, sometimes a presiding deity whose life does not depend on that of the growing corn, is conceived in some districts in the form of an ox, hare or cock, in others as an old man or woman; in the East Indies and America the rice or maize mother is a corresponding figure; in classical Europe and the East we have in Ceres and Demeter, Adonis and Dionysus, and other deities, vegetation gods whose origin we can readily trace back to the rustic corn spirit.
The upper division of the Old Red Sandstone is found only in Hoy, where it forms the Old Man and neighbouring cliffs on the N.W.
The Old Man presents a characteristic section, for it exhibits a thick pile of massive, current-bedded red sandstones, resting, near the foot of the pinnacle, upon a thin bed of amygdaloidal porphyrite, which in its turn lies unconformably upon steeply inclined flagstones.
His organization of the military force in London against the Chartists in April 1848, and his letter to Sir John Burgoyne on the defences of the country, proved that the old man had still something of his youth about him.
In that year he bought from Mr Linton, Brantwood, an old cottage and property on Coniston Lake, a lovely spot facing the mountain named the Old Man.
When the controversy broke out, Arius was an old man.
The detached pillar or stack called the Old Man of Hoy (450 ft.) is a well-known landmark to sailors.
But in the decline of life he reaped the bitter fruits of his lack of self-control, and sank into the grave a weary and brokenhearted old man.
He had, besides, a relish for Hobbes's wit (as he used to say, " Here comes the bear to be baited "), and did not like the old man the less because his presence at court scandalized the bishops or the prim virtue of Chancellor Hyde.
The old man left but a pittance; and of that pittance almost the whole was appropriated to the support of his widow.
Frances Burney, whom the old man had cherished with fatherly kindness, stood weeping at the door; while Langton, whose piety eminently qualified him to be an adviser and comforter at such a,time, received the last pressure of his friend's hand within.
But his hair had become white, and though he spoke again with much of his former vigour, he was now an old man.
The latter customs are not, however, observed on the death of an old man.
His mummy, found in the cachette at Deir el Bahri, is said to be that of a very old man.
At last, in the spring of 1822, after a prolonged siege in his island fortress at Iannina, which even the outbreak of the Greek revolt had not served to raise, the intrepid old man was forced to sue for terms. He asked and received an interview with Khurshid, was received courteously and dismissed with the most friendly assurances.
Athenodorus Cordylion, also of Tarsus, was keeper of the library at Pergamum, and was an old man in 47 B.C. In his enthusiasm for Stoicism he used to cut out from Stoic writings passages which seemed to him unsatisfactory.
Shakespeare introduces Siward and his son, whom he calls young Siward, into the tragedy of Macbeth, and represents the old man as saying when he heard that his son's wounds were in front, "Had I as many sons as I have hairs, I would not wish them to a fairer death."
Thus the Old Man of Hoy in Orkney is a huge column of yellow sandstone between 400 and 500 ft.
Sozomen himself had conversed with one of these, a very old man.
But Cornwallis was now an old man and broken down in health.
As he would not yield, they at last took the building by storm and put him to death, an old man of eighty.
The old man - he was born in the year 640 - was released by Yazid b.
On his way at Puteoli, the passengers and crew of a ship just come from Alexandria cheered the old man by their spontaneous homage, declaring, as they poured libations, that to him they owed life, safe passage on the seas, freedom and fortune.
Several years after his death the secret of the hiding-place of his vast stores of wealth is said to have been revealed by an old man to the emperor Tiberius II., for whose charities to the poor and the captives they furnished an opportune supply.
Metternich protested against a course which would result, in his opinion, either in a war or a revolution in France; King Leopold enlarged on the wickedness and absurdity of risking a European war for the sake of putting an end to the power of an old man who could have but few years to live; Queen Victoria urged her ministers to come to terms with France and relieve the embarrassments of the "dear King"; and Lord Melbourne, with the majority of the cabinet, was in favour of compromise.
Sometimes Ulysses is represented as aged and worn by toil, so that Penelope, for instance, cannot recognize him; sometimes he is really in the prime of heroic vigour, and his appearing as a beggarly old man is the work of Athena's wand.
The broken old man became feverishly anxious to propitiate offended Heaven, and save himself another Blenheim or Malplaquet, by exterminating the enemies of the Church.
When the congress of Vienna gave the pope back his dominions, the one thought of the broken old man was to restore, as far as possible, the ancient order of things.
About the year 1893 he began to publish short stories, some of which, such as Enris, The Fortress of Matthias, The Old Man of Korpela and Finland's Flag, are delicate works of art, while they reveal to a very interesting degree the temper and ambitions of the contemporary Finnish population.
And yet it is this placid kindly fresh-coloured old man who has come down to us as the author of that book the Imitation of Christ, which has been translated into more languages than any other book save the Bible, and which has moved the hearts of so many men of all nations, characters and conditions of life.
He is a very old man telling of circumstances which occurred in his youth.
If he is not a Villehardouin or a Carlyle, his battlepieces are vivid and truthful, and he has occasional passages of no small episodic importance, such as that dealing with the Old Man of the Mountain.
The only contribution which need be made here to the controversy is to point out that if Rabelais was born in 1483 he must have been an old man when he died, and that scarcely even tradition speaks of him as such.
In art he is depicted as a vigorous old man with long hair and beard, his body terminating in a scaly tail, his breast covered with shells and seaweed.
They have told us how he never shot at a bird perching nor fished with a net, the creatures not having in such a case a fair chance for their lives; how he conducted himself in court and among villagers; how he ate his food, and lay in his bed, and sat in his carriage; how he rose up before the old man and the mourner; how he changed countenance when it thundered, and when he saw a grand display of viands at a feast.
The poem describes the wanderings of the bride in search of her lover, and her final discovery of him as an old man on his death-bed, in a public hospital which she had entered as a nurse.
The northern half is included in the celebrated Lake District, and contains such eminences as the Old Man of Coniston and Wetherlam.
He was now an old man of seventy-seven years, honoured with the friendship of princes, recognized as the most distinguished of Italian humanists, courted by pontiffs, and decorated with the laurel wreath and the order of knighthood by kings.
Through faith, which is a firm and certain cognition of the divine benevolence towards us founded on the truth of the gracious promise in Christ, men are by the operation of the Spirit united to Christ and are made partakers of His death and resurrection, so that the old man is crucified with Him and they are raised to a new life, a life of righteousness and holiness.
From faith proceeds repentance, which is the turning of our life to God, proceeding from a sincere and earnest fear of God, and consisting in the mortification of the flesh and the old man within us and a vivification of the Spirit.
Wolfe Tone, who a few months before had patronizingly described him to Talleyrand as "a respectable old man whose patriotism has been known for thirty years," was now disgusted by the lying braggadocio with which Tandy persuaded the French authorities that he was a personage of great wealth and influence in Ireland, at whose appearance 30,000 men would rise in arms. Tandy was not, however, lacking in courage.
To meet such formidable opponents, Brian, now an old man unable to lead in person, mustered all the forces of Munster and Connaught, and was joined by Maelsechlainn in command of the forces of Meath.
In Plato's Parmenides, Socrates, "then very young," meets Parmenides, "an old man some sixty-five years of age," and Zeno, "a man of about forty, tall and personable," and engages them in philosophical discussion.
At last Oedipus guessed correctly that it was man; for the child crawls on hands and feet, the adult walks upright, and the old man supports his steps with a stick.
During the struggle between the families of Wittelsbach and Luxemburg, which began in 1342, there appeared in Brandenburg an old man who claimed to be the margrave Valdemar.
Bordeaux slid off to greet a withered old man.
The old man and child were playing checkers in comfortable den when a housekeeper called them to dinner.
But the old man surprised him with a subdued reaction.
I never even knew the old man owned land out here until I got this phone call and a bunch of e-mails talking about making an offer.
His old man was a miner and lived in Ouray when Fitzgerald was a kid—a snot-nosed bully, I suspect.
I understand from Dawkins' son his old man was paying Josh pretty well to be his mine manager—up until August of 1961 when Josh disappeared.
When the old man tried to engage him in further conversation—this time about Pumpkin Green and the general irresponsibility of today's youth—he excused himself on an important errand and left Westlake standing in the hall.
If I gave the bastard the boot now, like he deserves, my old man would have my hide.
The old man perused the wine menu with a studious eye, mispronouncing the items with enough of a smile so you never knew if he was kidding or ignorant.
He even considered not mentioning Mrs. Glass's phone call to Fred but dismissed the idea as being too dishonest with the old man.
Let the old man think of something—after all, he'd been the one to make the Scranton connection, however tenuous, in the first place.
He should have guessed something was up—the old man wasn't even playing his twangy music.
When Dean returned to the house he knocked on Fred's bedroom door until he heard the old man grumble to wakefulness.
Dean had showered and changed and was sitting under a tree licking a frozen yogurt desert and chatting with a group of riders from Texas when the old man strolled up.
He fought to live for a helpless old man.
Did the policeman reprimand the old man?
A somewhat grudging acquiescence from the old man gave me a clear day in which to make my observations.
They misunderstand the old man in the shop, who they assume to be a redneck bigot.
The symbolic transformation from old man to young man represents the continuity of proletarian struggle in the post-modern age blah blah blah!
Check out the video clip - at least four burly blokes trying to drag an old man out of his seat.
The third victim of bogus callers on February 8 was a 69 year old man living at Bucks Hill.
I turn, and there, just behind me, lies a tiny old man in a large casket.
I screamed at it to let go, and I could have sworn I heard the old man chuckle.
The old man left the courtroom with tears in his eyes.
A 34 year old man sustained an open fracture of the distal femur with bone loss.
There was an old man who could tap dance and he taught my brother how to play a hornpipe so that he could dance.
It's odd to think of, but perhaps I thus became as inexplicable to the old man as he had been to me.
The paper by Dr. Sagar Saha and Dr. Clare Dollery describe the case of a 33 year old man who used khat heavily.
They dug a bit further to the outside loo & an old man was in the toilet laughing his head off.
We met an old man cycling along in the guise of the ancient mariner.
He meets an old man marooned by the traffic.
At about half past midnight on the morning of Friday 23 April a 68 year old man robbed by two young men.
You are no doubt thinking your old man has gone potty.
Like some superhuman tennis prodigy, he was already overshadowing his old man.
Maybe reward the old man for putting the toilet seat down!
McCartney seems so shameless, and there isn't much worse than an old man try to act like a precocious and adorable youth.
During the night a twenty six year old man was killed by shrapnel from a grenade - the first death of the events.
The old man seemed shrewd enough not to allow his money to be taken with impunity.
The old man beamed at him, looking insufferably smug.
The old man then did a very strange thing.
His little con job was to rip off the old man who held a tight hand on the purse strings.
He died a lonely old man in 1993 leaving a wealth of largely undiscovered treasures behind which span 50 years.
My nails need trimming as well, in fact I am a rather unkempt old man at the moment.
The line then descends to Wrynose Pass (1270 ft.), from which the Duddon runs south through a vale of peculiar richness in its lower parts; while the range continues south to culminate in the Old Man of Coniston (2633) with the splendid Dow Crags above Goats Water.
He is represented as a morose and grisly old man in a black sailor's cape.
What's the matter with you, old man?
In Richmond, Virginia, one Saturday morning, an old man went into the market to buy something.
The old man who had bought the first turkey was standing quite near.
When they reached Mr. Johnson's house, the old man politely handed him the turkey and turned to go.
I saw an old man the other day, to my astonishment, making the holes with a hoe for the seventieth time at least, and not for himself to lie down in!
But what is to be done, old man?
The old prince always dressed in old-fashioned style, wearing an antique coat and powdered hair; and when Prince Andrew entered his father's dressing room (not with the contemptuous look and manner he wore in drawing rooms, but with the animated face with which he talked to Pierre), the old man was sitting on a large leather-covered chair, wrapped in a powdering mantle, entrusting his head to Tikhon.
The old man was in a good temper after his nap before dinner.
She felt, as courtiers do when the Tsar enters, the sensation of fear and respect which the old man inspired in all around him.
When Prince Andrew entered the study the old man in his old-age spectacles and white dressing gown, in which he received no one but his son, sat at the table writing.
The old man continued to fold and seal his letter, snatching up and throwing down the wax, the seal, and the paper, with his accustomed rapidity.
The old man got up and gave the letter to his son.
The old man was silent.
What? asked both princesses when they saw for a moment at the door Prince Andrew and the figure of the old man in a white dressing gown, spectacled and wigless, shouting in an angry voice.
From the study, like pistol shots, came the frequent sound of the old man angrily blowing his nose.
Hardly had Prince Andrew gone when the study door opened quickly and the stern figure of the old man in the white dressing gown looked out.
He had arranged this for himself so as to visit his neglected estates at the same time and pick up his son Anatole where his regiment was stationed, and take him to visit Prince Nicholas Bolkonski in order to arrange a match for him with the daughter of that rich old man.
The old man already knew everything.
When everything was ready, the stranger opened his eyes, moved to the table, filled a tumbler with tea for himself and one for the beardless old man to whom he passed it.
Pierre flushed and, hurriedly putting his legs down from the bed, bent forward toward the old man with a forced and timid smile.
Rostov brought them to his quarters, placed them in his own lodging, and kept them for some weeks while the old man was recovering.
The man's neighbor on one side whispered something to him, pointing at Rostov, who noticed that the old man wanted to speak to him.
That gray-haired man, she said, indicating an old man with a profusion of silver-gray curly hair, who was surrounded by ladies laughing at something he said.
This person was a gray-bearded old man in a woman's cloak, with a tall peaked cap on his head.
The old man is here and his son's expected any day.
If your betrothed comes here now--there will be no avoiding a quarrel; but alone with the old man he will talk things over and then come on to you.
If the old man came round it would be all the better to visit him in Moscow or at Bald Hills later on; and if not, the wedding, against his wishes, could only be arranged at Otradnoe.
He is an invalid and an old man who must be forgiven; but he is good and magnanimous and will love her who makes his son happy.
Don't you understand that it is as mean as beating an old man or a child?...
The old man seemed livelier than usual.
She, poor innocent creature, is left to be victimized by an old man who has outlived his wits.
The old man feels he is guilty, but cannot change himself.
A comely, fresh-looking old man was conducting the service with that mild solemnity which has so elevating and soothing an effect on the souls of the worshipers.
The old man was still sitting in the ornamental garden, like a fly impassive on the face of a loved one who is dead, tapping the last on which he was making the bast shoe, and two little girls, running out from the hot house carrying in their skirts plums they had plucked from the trees there, came upon Prince Andrew.
A large crowd of militiamen and domestics were moving toward her, and in their midst several men were supporting by the armpits and dragging along a little old man in a uniform and decorations.
You begrudged your lump of a son," a little old man suddenly began attacking Dron-- "and so they took my Vanka to be shaved for a soldier!
Following the battalion that marched along the dusty road came priests in their vestments--one little old man in a hood with attendants and singers.
In fact, however, though now much farther off than before, the Rostovs all saw Pierre--or someone extraordinarily like him--in a coachman's coat, going down the street with head bent and a serious face beside a small, beardless old man who looked like a footman.
That old man noticed a face thrust out of the carriage window gazing at them, and respectfully touching Pierre's elbow said something to him and pointed to the carriage.
Gerasim, that sallow beardless old man Pierre had seen at Torzhok five years before with Joseph Bazdeev, came out in answer to his knock.
It was when Pierre (wearing the coachman's coat which Gerasim had procured for him and had disinfected by steam) was on his way with the old man to buy the pistol at the Sukharev market that he met the Rostovs.
Pierre, coming out into the corridor, looked with pity and repulsion at the half-crazy old man.
Involuntarily he noticed a Georgian or Armenian family consisting of a very handsome old man of Oriental type, wearing a new, cloth- covered, sheepskin coat and new boots, an old woman of similar type, and a young woman.
The little barefooted Frenchman in the blue coat went up to the Armenians and, saying something, immediately seized the old man by his legs and the old man at once began pulling off his boots.
The old man was already sitting barefoot.
The commander of the militia was a civilian general, an old man who was evidently pleased with his military designation and rank.
Trembling and panting the old man fell into that state of fury in which he sometimes used to roll on the ground, and he fell upon Eykhen, threatening him with his hands, shouting and loading him with gross abuse.
Having similarly explained his views and his magnanimity to Tutolmin, he dispatched that old man also to Petersburg to negotiate.
The old man was living as a convict, submitting as he should and doing no wrong.
Well, one night the convicts were gathered just as we are, with the old man among them.
So he comes up to the old man like this, and falls down at his feet!
And the old man said, 'God will forgive you, we are all sinners in His sight.
The paper arrived and they began to look for the old man.
And suddenly he saw vividly before him a long-forgotten, kindly old man who had given him geography lessons in Switzerland.
It was no longer the commander-in-chief speaking but an ordinary old man who wanted to tell his comrades something very important.
The contemptuously respectful attitude of the younger men to the old man in his dotage was expressed in the highest degree by the behavior of Chichagov, who knew of the accusations that were being directed against Kutuzov.
Prince Vasili, who having obtained a new post and some fresh decorations was particularly proud at this time, seemed to him a pathetic, kindly old man much to be pitied.
Many a night patrol meant a wrestling match with some randy old man you were patrolling with.
One might say tricked by Mick into criticizing Aston and therefore giving Mick the opportunity to reprimand the old man.
Maybe reward the old man for putting the toilet seat down !
McCartney seems so shameless, and there is n't much worse than an old man try to act like a precocious and adorable youth.
He was an old man with spare, sinewy limbs and long strands of unwashed, unkempt hair.
A 24 year old man had been stabbed with a kitchen knife.
As a chaplain, I was asked to testify as a character witness for a forty year old man on remand.
The boys are transfixed by the old man 's face.
Holding the old man 's haughty, twinkling eyes, I brushed past them both.
An old man brought in a broken windup toy, called Hoppity, to sell.
From the beginning, it seemed that this stooped, wizened old man did n't consider himself to be important at all.
Instead we looked on at a wizened old man spinning stories.
Consider the advice below before pulling out your wallet for that dusty first-edition print of Hemingway's "The Old Man and the Sea."
From there we are launched into a heart-wrenching race against time to save the old man from certain death.
Allegedly, the 80's star, with the help of someone else, handcuffed a 28 year old man to a hook in his home.
There is no better way to escape from Old Man Winter's chilly grip than to sail away on a Christmas cruise.
Take a break from Old Man Winter with a Christmas Nile cruise.
If you are looking for a luxurious escape from Old Man Winter and the hectic holiday rush, then consider splurging on a 26-night Seabourn Sojourn cruise.
Their current top five Neil Young tabs are Hey, Hey, My, My, Don't Let it Bring You Down, Tell Me Why, Rockin' in the Free World and Old Man.
Go back to the Old Man and the Sea book on the counter.
An old man was able to convince Nian to eat beasts of prey instead of people.
The old man told the people that Nian was afraid of the color red, the light of fire and loud noises.
Once the holidays have passed, Santa's costume can be reassembled into many different looks, including a forest gnome, a wizard or even an old man.
The classic look of the leprechaun is that of a mischievous old man no taller than a child, dressed all in green.
If you are a 50 year old man with an OK Cupid profile that specifies wanting to date a woman under 25, the site will only suggest women to you who are also looking for men your age.
The story unfolds as an old man reads a story about two lovers to an old woman in the nursing home.
It was a shrunken old man with no hands and empty eye sockets.
So the old man led him across the street to the family cemetery where they found her gravestone.
The men later found bits of bone and fur, and assumed that the old man had mortally wounded the creature.
In the story, and old man is on his death bed.
The old man had once been betrothed to her, and she died of consumption before the wedding.
She told them that the butterfly was Akiko's loving spirit leading the old man to a reunion with his heart's true love.
Fall golf vacation packages are the ideal getaway for frugal athletes who are looking to hit the greens one last time before Old Man Winter arrives.
By March, most people are tiring of Old Man Winter's bitter chill and are looking to escape to warmer climates.
A Barney & Friends favorite is I Love You, which sounds like the song This Old Man.
The Old Man setting up a "cuss" jar in an attempt to cut down on the amount of swearing done by the shop's employees.
He lost the challenge, but it was Rick who had work the late night hours because The Old Man was upset he risked $2,500 of the shop's money on the bet.
From the author who never featured aliens in his novels until this point, the Grand Old Man jumps into the alien inventing market with a vengence.
Maybe you could hire on as a nanny at Old Man Taylor's ranch.
You shouldn't be cooped up with a sour old man every evening.
I started to move along the sidewalk and an old man stepped out of a doorway and passed right through me!
A kindly old man researched it for me.
I'm an old man.
The old man looks at Howie like puss on a pudding and Howie doesn't know why; it's really tense.
Dean paid no mind that the old man wasn't in the know about the latest Hollywood styles and so informed him.
Dean didn't even offer a quip about Fred's tightness with a buck and his moth-eaten purse as the old man called over a waitress to do the duties.
My old man beat me like a tom-tom at an Indian dance and he didn't need that much of an excuse.
He raised the topic as much to take Cynthia's mind off Martha's departure as from any serious concern about the old man.
He stopped Fred when the old man began to excuse himself.
The old man smiled as he poured another drink.
We used to go there to bail out the old man.
Mostly meant the old man was in jail again, or they was looking to find him and put him there.
Whatever the old man said, it elevated Cynthia's mood a few notches on the normalcy meter.
If it was so valuable, why didn't old man Dawkins develop it?
He's just like our old man.
The old man said nothing but shook his hand.
He too congratulated the old man.
The old man sat crumpled in the grotto where Martha's bones had rested.
The old man was as nattily attired in his customary fashion, but his eyes betrayed his lack of sleep.
Her old man beats her like a tin drum and he's gonna kill her if he finds where she is.
Dean called as he neared the boy and old man.
Donnie joined the old man in the back office.
Dean was tired and slept so soundly he never heard the old man come in.