Old hand Sentence Examples
These old hand cuttings provide additional habitat diversity and are an integral part of the natural hydrology of the bog.
If you're an old hand at reading plans and making furniture, you probably won't have a problem.
It doesn't matter if you are a new drinker or an old hand.
One of the most collectible of the old hand tools, Stanley woodworking planes are considered by many to be collectibles that are meant to be used.
Clever parents figured out that the trick was to have something that was all in one, which was also an ideal way of recycling old hand towels.
It's great for children and an eye-popping experience the first time you see it -- even if you think you're an old hand at all things web savvy.
Whether you are new to felting or an old hand at it, needle felting kits are convenient ways to create special projects.