Old Sentence Examples
My parents used to listen to those old songs.
The old woman spoke to one of the younger women.
It is an old dream.
She was becoming a bitter old maid.
And the words of the old minister came true.
How old is he?
I'll beat Old Prickly, all right.
What's the point of living to a ripe old age if you can't enjoy yourself?
He was a very little boy, but before he was three years old he could read quite well.
It shall be on your family's behalf that I'll start my apprenticeship as old maid.
AdvertisementWhen Aesop was about twenty years old his master lost a great deal of money and was obliged to sell his slaves.
The car was six years old now, but it was in good shape and still had low mileage.
They would all get together and wash her old car, winding up in a gleeful water fight.
Come on down, Old Dan Tucker.
My father lived to be ninety years old, and he never went on no fat diet.
AdvertisementAll that July the old prince was exceedingly active and even animated.
Six-month old Dandy nickered to his mother, but Casper was busy talking to Princess and Dawn.
At least at this point, the old house was paying for itself.
The car had been shut up long enough that it smelled of old upholstery.
In Richmond, Virginia, one Saturday morning, an old man went into the market to buy something.
AdvertisementBenjamin Franklin lived to be a very old man, but he never forgot that lesson.
Most of the old men answered that they did not know of any such person.
I love old cars.
It's old, but still in good condition.
Some might be that old, but to remember back then, they'd be more'n ninety.
AdvertisementWatch, and as soon as the soldiers are ready to start, hang a lantern in the tower of the old North Church.
When the old bell-wether at the head rattles his bell, the mountains do indeed skip like rams and the little hills like lambs.
She didn't like putting her mother's old China in the dishwasher.
At ten years old, Jonathan was almost as tall as she was.
An old Cat was in a fair way to kill all the Mice in the barn.
When they reached Mr. Johnson's house, the old man politely handed him the turkey and turned to go.
The human race is interested in these experiments, though a few old women who are incapacitated for them, or who own their thirds in mills, may be alarmed.
One of the old men nearest to him looked round, but his attention was immediately diverted by an exclamation at the other side of the table.
I'm old and weak and this is what you wanted.
Maybe Nick and Angela would like to go with her to visit the old place in the mountains after she graduated.
It makes me feel old.
A blue haired old lady with a walker and her mate hauling an oxygen tank looked at me as If I was the Boston strangler.
Just then Dorothy, who had risen early and heard the voices of the animals, ran out to greet her old friends.
It's the same old wolf that has been skulking around here all winter.
So, when he was eighteen years old, he ran away from his pleasant home and went to sea.
On the day appointed, forty gray- bearded, honest old men stood before the caliph.
By the midpoint of the twentieth century, America's dreamers were preoccupied with the future—and not just any old future, but the great and glorious future that seemed inevitable.
He basically followed old agriculture; he planted a lot of seed and hoped for rain.
He has filled the old skins of dogma with the new wine of love, and shown men what it is to believe, live and be free.
Poor old Nancy is growing old and very feeble.
What old people say you cannot do, you try and find that you can.
A man who has at length found something to do will not need to get a new suit to do it in; for him the old will do, that has lain dusty in the garret for an indeterminate period.
To a philosopher all news, as it is called, is gossip, and they who edit and read it are old women over their tea.
Old Rostov could not tell his wife of what had passed without tears, and at once consented to Petya's request and went himself to enter his name.
Princess Mary noticed to her surprise that during this illness the old prince not only excluded her from his room, but did not admit Mademoiselle Bourienne either.
At dinner that day, on Dessalles' mentioning that the French were said to have already entered Vitebsk, the old prince remembered his son's letter.
I just didn't see any point in spending money on new clothes when my old ones still had a lot of wear in them.
You and Fritz are both old enough to be her father.
I'm an old man.
I got the word from this friend, an old maid clerk who likes me 'cause I didn't treat her like shit like everyone else does.
We'll kick it up old school.
Yeah, speaking of that, are you ever going to tell me how old you are?
All who reach old age must lose their strength and become like him, feeble and gray.
The first mechanism is the creation of things, an old and familiar approach.
It will know everyone who is supposed to be in the house and alert you when someone else is in the house (replacing the family dog of old in whom we never fully placed our trust).
Belle, our dog, my other companion, was old and lazy and liked to sleep by the open fire rather than to romp with me.
The old man was living as a convict, submitting as he should and doing no wrong.
Staring out the bay window at the old house, she abandoned her coffee cup on the window sill.
The old house groaned with each gust of wind, but it felt like a happy house.
Of course, we still had Old Charlie, but he wasn't much account.
It's an heirloom of sorts; a big old house - too much for me to take care of and work the ranch as well.
Maybe you could hire on as a nanny at Old Man Taylor's ranch.
Dad's old truck had been sitting at Mary's since it broke down.
The appliances were modern but the cabinets were old and solid.
There was an old treadle sewing machine with carved drawers and even a grandfathers' clock, stating the permanent time of three p.m.
Don't try to fool and old fool.
Cade launched into an investigation of the old truck while Cynthia and Mary caught up on the latest gossip.
I think it's wonderful that you have preserved an old way of life.
A kindly old man researched it for me.
No warrior wants to die of old age, he said.
The bones weren't that old.
His soul was … lost soon after we threw your old body into the deepest chasm in the mortal world.
Dean thought before answering, wondering how much to admit to Donald Ryland, regressing back to his old detective days.
Now, six months later, in spite of the windshield pockmarked from the gravel roads of Ouray County, it felt like an old friend.
The wind blew the entire night, creaking and groaning about the old building in a mournful dirge.
Fred had taken care of the early morning chores as Dean poured himself his first cup of coffee, dreading the inquisition he knew would be forthcoming from the old man.
Dean knew the old man was itching to raise the more important topic of Jerome Shipton's death.
Fitzgerald answered but Dean intervened, grabbing the old man's arm.
Dean knew Fred was chomping at the bit to dig into this caper, as he called it, but just to flip his switch a bit, Dean started the conversation with the old man's love life.
Plus, Dean thought, it would give the old man a good excuse and ample time for some world-class snooping.
Cynthia and the old man do more running Bird Song than you and I'll bet you could use the dough.
Then added, in a mocking voice, 'We were intimate, and all our old love came flowing back!'
He could hear the strains of some lost cowboy lover coming from Fred's room, a sure sign the door to the old man's room was open.
I spoke with a nice lady at the new paper but she said all the old records were in some basement.
Fully alert, he listened, but heard only night noises, the ticking of the hall clock, a slight breeze, the ever-present furnace rumbling heat to the old building.
She's weak and needs time and rest, but she has her old zest.
I want assurances from you and that horrid old Mr. O'Connor that the integrity of my family name will not be stained with unproven lies!
We don't get much chance to turn the old clock back.
Why did Shipton go back to old Virginia?
Don't mean old times are better than new times.
Mrs. Lincoln formed a pillow behind the old man's head.
Dean wanted Fred to answer the damned thing but the old man was too nosy to move.
They were both now forty years old.
I thought the old man might want it.
The check was written with an old fashioned fountain pen.
At first I didn't think so, but the fact that he had the old suicide note with him makes me think he at least considered it, if the opportunity presented itself .
He would never feed on a woman under 21 years old.
This one had that old money, all-American boy swagger that begged for something cute.
They'd make it a game night or sit around getting wasted on twenty-year old scotch recounting countless, crazy times they had through the years.
How old are you?
I have never told you how old I am.
Well judging from your art collection and furnishings at Fairhaven I would guess you're about a hundred and fifty years old.
I think I'm feeling a bit like a dirty old man.
Hey, how old are you anyway?
Pretty old, I have to be going now.
You know how old we are.
Fine. I am three hundred and twelve years old.
What am I, five years old?
Carmen held the gate open as the old truck sputtered through - and then died.
The shed at Hugson's Siding was bare save for an old wooden bench, and did not look very inviting.
The old horse panted a little, and had to stop often to get his breath.
He knew where the old North Church stood, but he could not see much in the darkness.
He walked up and down the river bank, leading his horse behind him; but he kept his eyes turned always toward the dim, dark spot which he knew was the old North Church.
He was not old enough to be a soldier, but he could be a scout--and a good scout he was.
Mr. Webster rode in front, and Daniel, on the old gray nag, followed behind.
When Otanes was twelve years old, his parents wished to send him to a distant city to study in a famous school that was there.
Old story-tellers say that he alighted on the back of a large fish, called a dolphin, which had been charmed by his music and was swimming near the ship.
In the old statehouse, the wise men of Connecticut were sitting.
The old man who had bought the first turkey was standing quite near.
Almost anybody could rig up an old boat like that.
When Robert Fulton became a man, he did not forget his experiment with the old fishing boat.
Find all the old men that live on the mountains or in the flat country around, and command them to appear before me one week from to-day.
But suddenly, at a narrow place, they met a very old man, hobbling slowly along over the stony way.
Until I was ten years old, my family lived in rural east Texas.
I made a terrified noise that brought Viny, my old nurse, to the rescue.
Mother and teacher and Mrs. Hopkins and Mr. Anagnos and Mr. Rodocanachi and many other friends went to Plymouth to see many old things.
The ancient cannon, which look seaward, wear a very menacing expression; but I doubt if there is any unkindness in their rusty old hearts.
I look upon England today as an old gentleman who is travelling with a great deal of baggage, trumpery which has accumulated from long housekeeping, which he has not the courage to burn; great trunk, little trunk, bandbox, and bundle.
And each visitor, though politeness prevented his showing impatience, left the old woman with a sense of relief at having performed a vexatious duty and did not return to her the whole evening.
To this letter the old prince had replied affectionately, and from that time had kept the Frenchwoman at a distance.
His tone and expression awoke an old unwelcome feeling.
As a matter of fact, he hadn't said that since he spent half the night with his old flame.
Seconds literally ticked away on the old grandfather clock in the next room.
I'm going back to the old place in the mountains.
Having everyone run her life was getting old.
That must make you about five years old.
Did she think Giddon was implying that she was getting old?
I always thought he felt more pity than love for the old lady.
We're probably the only roommates in Tulsa with such old fashioned rules.
She tugged the curl from his hand and turned to the old piano as a diversion tactic.
He coaxed one melody after another from the old piano, and then finally he folded the lid down.
It's about time he did something with this old house.
She settled into the old rocker and snapped on the lamp.
And that old furniture she brought here.
I mean, he's a twenty eight year old man, for heavens' sake.
You shouldn't be cooped up with a sour old man every evening.
An old sickle mower and rake with their high metal seats were the only items she recognized.
I remember seeing some pictures of Granddad on an old rake like that.
You know, Cade, there are others who feel the same way you do about the old ways.
All that wasn't bad enough, but she had to drag up that old rumor – and I thought you believed it.
They had moved the antique furniture out of her old downstairs room and put it upstairs months before he was born.
We were rolling in euphoria when an old friend from my Amherst, Massachusetts childhood telephoned with an invitation to visit her family cabin in New Hampshire.
In the old days there was a hand pump in the kitchen and no hot water you didn't boil yourself.
He's thirty-six years old and starting life over; he's an empty box.
It was a Sports Illustrated swim suit issue so old they were wearing one piece suits.
A car was parked in front of me, an old Ford.
The people were dressed in old fashioned clothes.
I started to move along the sidewalk and an old man stepped out of a doorway and passed right through me!
How old was she when she died?
How old was Howie?
How many seventeen year old virgins do you know?
As if on cue, an old car with more rust than clear metal chugged to a stop at the dollar store.
We took seats on an old leather sofa and side chair while our hostess sat behind the desk that dominated the room.
It replaced an old wooden one that burned.
She added, Most old pictures and records went up in smoke when the old building burned.
I've set up the same old power sources as New Hampshire and I managed to gather up about a third of the same plants.
Off to one side was an old fire ring but no buildings or people.
Ma won't even talk about it but I read some old newspapers.
In another case, a missing twelve year old boy turned out to be a runaway.
The child, an eight year old girl named Marcia Stonehurst, was still in bed at one o'clock.
Holdings hands like an old world family; we were committing our lives together like marriage vows.
The case was only hours old when Betsy spotted it giving us hope for the boy's recovery and the perpetrator's arrest.
It took place in Cleveland where seven year old Eric Campbell was abducted from his Karate class.
You won't know if the source is male or female, old or young, from the east or west or how long the tips will keep coming.
Forget anything much more than forty-eight hours old and anything where a nearly exact time of abduction isn't known.
This case was a twelve year old girl, shot in cold blood as she sat alone at the poolside of her California home.
The perpetrator proved to be a thirteen year old girl, scarcely known to the victim, jealous of an older boy's changing affections.
Eric was a seven year old who was abducted by a couple and held for ransom.
Part of me was hesitant to answer but something in the old man's voice gave me confidence he possessed no untoward ambitions.
The old man and child were playing checkers in the comfortable den when a housekeeper called them to dinner.
She maintained her files on an old computer used exclusively for word processing.
Howie surprised us all by buying a fairly large home north west of town on the Old Walpole Road.
For working quarters we secured a thirty year old building, recently vacated, on the beautiful main street of Keene.
During the interim we learned the sad news of the death of the Alabama Deputy Sheriff who was shot multiple times after stopping the kidnapper of eight year old Jennifer Morley.
To ask Brennan directly might lead to us so I made up a story we were checking old cases to see if someone released from prison might have returned to this type of crime.
I mentioned finding the old name of Willard Humphries and asked if Brennan could check if he'd been released.
Frankie Lloyd Cummings was a fifty year old drifter who killed teenage runaways.
A comfortable bed replaced the cot utilized in Peabody and absolute darkness proved more conducive to sleep than the leaked light that often snuck into our old quarters.
Same old, same old, if you ask me.
We've been stalking guys like him with some success for years, the old fashioned way.
The article was penned by our old Boston nemesis, Ethel Reagan.
The cover pictured a character looking like Carnac the Magnificent from the old Johnny Carson TV show.
You wouldn't need a specific date or time and you could probably find your old home, given enough tries.
She's Julie's nine year old daughter.
The eight year old son of a popular rapper named Buzz-Cousin was abducted for a million dollar ransom.
Here in dwells an old man with whom I would like to converse.
Betsy lined up two likely abductions and she was anxious to get started, Quinn had already performed his part, setting his apparatus appropriately for a rural Iowa location where a twelve year old boy had gone missing.
The break-in was only hours old and we knew the exact location from Howie's first visit.
They've got fifty agents going all over the state of Idaho looking for an old lady.
That's what they do; chase old unresolved cases.
I haven't been this frightened since I was seven years old and got locked in our cellar.
We old folks have some business to discuss.
Shut up; I told you not to interrupt... anyway, the damn thing went too fast for the old folks... over two miles an hour, I guess.
I'll go back to being good old Martha but indulge me tonight, will you?
I figured these abductions mirror some old case, and then there's a time break of a few years, like he was away.
Howie is kind of tired and the old lady, his mother, isn't doing well.
I'll try to dig up an old case file if you decide you want my help.
I was growing to love this town, with its simple history, proud of its old homes and field stone fences, telling the world it was a place worth staying.
He paused before saying he thought Howie suspected it might have been Molly's father or some old boyfriend.
Naw. He said Julie never talks about that old stuff and my guess is he doesn't want to open a can that might be messy.
The old lady babbled something to her husband about Howie, and naturally, Howie doesn't know what guy is talking about.
The old man looks at Howie like puss on a pudding and Howie doesn't know why; it's really tense.
That's the old lady who claims she's the psychic tipster but has seen God and now quit.
The poor old woman may have believed it herself.
I drove south toward town on the West Surry Road but instead of following Court Street, turned back north west on the Old Walpole to Howie's home.
It was a long conversation with the old gentleman.
I've been checking old cases too, real old ones, to see if I can get a handle on when our friend Grasso started in business.
How old is Grasso?
It was always young girls so I started looking at old unsolved cases; missing children as well as murders.
It's tough on these old cases, especially if it's considered solved.
The old man woke with a start as the woman smiled and set aside her book.
He had this funny, prissy way of talking, old fashioned-like... using big words when he didn't have to, always trying to impress.
I lined up behind an old fellow whose odor almost caused me to skip the meal entirely but I stuck with it and was rewarded by a tasty bowl of chicken soup and a fresh baked roll.
Our clerk-driver wheeled his old wreck like a big apple cabbie.
She's only four months old, for God's sake!
There can't be many that old.
She is naked except for an old tee shirt of mine which, out of my benevolence I allowed her to wear.
I'm not old enough to know how, Dusty said, convinced Talon was psychotic in addition to sadistic.
At barely ten years old, he'd been too weak to fight off full-grown men, too weak to protect her.
I'm old enough, and I'm going to protect you from bad guys.
Guess I'm just too old.
An older man with dementia left to rot and finally die in an old folks' home.
Rainy, a brooding Guardian with striking green eyes and a shock of dark hair, was his youngest station chief at a youthful two thousand years old.
Jake led him into the Gregorian mansion, whose stone walls resembled an old school fortress.
It'll get old for you one day.
It's old, maybe as old as him.
Just when I start to like you … you know, it's amazing even a man who's thousands of years old can act like a twelve-year-old.
She had no old wounds she was reopening.
Yes. It didn't hurt he's old enough that he's had time to build his power as well.
You are looking well, Zamon, for being a million years old.
She didn't recognize the two men before her, but they were dressed much like the two death dealers that tried to turn her over to Harmony in her old apartment.
Forty years old and having a baby!
She told him the news and all the sunshine left the old man's smile.
How old were you?
Yeah. The old guy who's always taking pictures.
Someone told Caleb about this old mine and this thing they swore was in it.
That's when I knew what everyone says about old mines being dangerous is true.
He was old, but not Indian-old.
Dean paid no mind that the old man wasn't in the know about the latest Hollywood styles and so informed him.
The Buen, as everyone referred to it, was located in a hundred year old structure previously known as the Scott-Humphries Building, which had remained vacant for over twenty-five years.
Dean didn't even offer a quip about Fred's tightness with a buck and his moth-eaten purse as the old man called over a waitress to do the duties.
My old man beat me like a tom-tom at an Indian dance and he didn't need that much of an excuse.
He raised the topic as much to take Cynthia's mind off Martha's departure as from any serious concern about the old man.
The old geezer is probably just pulling our legs.
The two remained that way, blanketed in the comforting stillness of the old house and one another's arms.
When Saturday's daylight arrived to David Dean's exhausted eyes, the time had slipped past his usual rising hour and voices and footsteps rattled the old timbers of Bird Song.
You'd think the old guys had found gold.
David Dean, without a remote control, had difficulty with the TV and these two old fogies were out surfing the net like a couple of Silicon Valley youngsters.
Before old Pop Dawkins croaked, those guys hardly spoke to each other.
They found some old bones.
He stopped Fred when the old man began to excuse himself.
The old man smiled as he poured another drink.
Fred just snorted, but Dean noted the old man didn't deny the question.
We used to go there to bail out the old man.
Mostly meant the old man was in jail again, or they was looking to find him and put him there.
Whatever the old man said, it elevated Cynthia's mood a few notches on the normalcy meter.
Kind of a drag, but he meant well and his old lady's cooking was something.
Cynthia's speech about Billy Langstrom seemed as old as the Gettysburg Address, but far less remembered.
Let the old guy and his lady friends paint up some signs.
The mine sits on a few hundred acres old man Dawkins owned.
Old Paul Dawkins had a California address when he bought the land.
Kiss a bunch of old ladies for me, Weller said as he hung up.
Dean had trouble remembering who was who but all were of like mind in their affection for the old man who turned up the charm meter a notch or two.
The old gals could certainly put away the suds.
The woman remembered the call because it took some work for her to dig up the old information.
I looked up the ownership but the records were nearly fifty years old.
The clothing was obviously quite old and now that it was out of its container, reeked of dampness and dirt.
The thing Martha saw had on a plaid shirt on, and these clothes are definitely old.
And where would someone get clothes so old and dirty?
If it was so valuable, why didn't old man Dawkins develop it?
I'm too old to need vitamins.
Dean was thankful they both wore old hiking boots as they stepped forward, gazing with trepidation as the cool breath of the mine met them.
It was an hour later before they saw their first vehicle, an old Scout, battered and muddy, coming out of a side trail below them.
The old photographer was surprised as they were.
In my younger days I slept on the ground half the summer, but old age makes you stiff.
The old man smiled as he stomped on the brake.
Westlake twisted around the seat once more and after a struggle pulled out an old step pump.
Cynthia looked to her husband for agreement but before he could second her suggestion, Westlake once again jammed the old vehicle in gear.
Westlake plugged forward, his nose nearly at the windshield, which was spider-webbed with nicks and cracks, as the old car crawled higher.
He chatted nonstop about the good old long-past summers.
Dean was sure the old man and his dilapidated old Scout had done this a thousand times before.
Nowadays, you'd be scared someone would kidnap a child but in the old days, no one ever thought of that stuff.
Me and Bertha here might be too old to drive all the way from Kansas, but we're still at home on these Jeep roads.
All I do is pull the battery and store the old gal together with half my gear and the next summer she's as raring and ready as I am.
Another woman, a very tall blond, stood a few paces back, a smile on her face, watching the old man.
I started checking my old man's papers and I found these reports— way back when he first bought the property.
But I sure took a close look at my old man's will.
But even old Mr. O'Connor at least had a name.
His replacement early morning audience consisted of two old ladies from Indiana who'd just checked in, Pumpkin Green, and Paulette Dawkins.
Then he added, Maybe I can buy my old costume.
Amid boxes, lamps, and glassware of every description sat the old man, atop a trunk, snuggled between the two maiden ladies from Indiana.
After a nod of her head, Paulette's hand shot up and the auctioneer all but cheered as he looked about for another sucker, his voice sounding like an old Lucky Strike commercial.
With Fred's approval, he dashed up to the old man's room to fire up his computer and do so.
Dean couldn't think of any reason not to confirm its authenticity to the old man and did so.
At least you live here in Ouray and have a business, even if Bird Song is only a year old.
Moved into his father's old house.
His old man was a miner and lived in Ouray when Fitzgerald was a kid—a snot-nosed bully, I suspect.
He's just like our old man.
Ma thought mammograms were for old ladies or women with big boobs.
But if there was an old skeleton up there, I wonder whose it could be?
So did her sister who was visiting, and the old guy who owns the gift store on the block with the Post Office.
I saw you pick up the old gentleman— the juror.
The bones are probably forty years old.
Here was this old geezer acting like I was a human being.
I was enthralled—an eighteen year old at the time, but I never forgot him.
Here was this guy—yes, an old married guy— who listened when I said something.
My mother left when I was nine days old.
Who could do something desperate, like covering up an old murder?
I'm not going to ride in some old buggy and make a fool of myself!
A band tooted practice blasts, someone was yelling directions through an old fashioned megaphone, which were ignored, and Suzanne, whose nightly music show serenaded the tourists, warmed up the Star Spangled Banner in a voice that needed no mike.
There, amid a cluster of floats, Boy Scouts and ballerinas, four of Fred's lady friends were in the final stages of hanging bunting about a beautiful old touring car whose vintage or name Dean couldn't identify.
A man Dean didn't recognize turned around and shook his hand before starting the old car.
If he, Cynthia, and Fred were tasked with simply finding the identity of the old bones, the chore would be difficult at best and limited to Fred and his cronies researching old records.
The old man was careful of privacy and territory and would take nothing without first asking.
Do you know how old the guy is?
Cynthia asked "They were old cigarettes—not like Patsy smokes," she said and then added quickly, "gotta go."
When Dean didn't introduce himself, Faust gave Jennifer what he meant as an "old boy" pat on her arm and added, "Checking out the property one last time?"
Then she asked, Why do you say the bones are forty years old?
The old man excused himself and followed Dean to the kitchen.
He would have hauled Fred along for company, but the old man had a date, so Dean was on his own.
The old man said nothing but shook his hand.
We'd better tell the old man he needs to get hopping.
Dean climbed the stairs to the old man's room.
Dean could picture him and the old man breaking into the storage building in the dead of night.
Look, Fred, if you're worried about some old beef, forget it.
They ask friends just old enough to buy it for them.
He closed the door to Brandon Westlake and told the old photographer-antique collector to come back after nine o'clock, claiming a need to do his own Internet work.
However, it begged the question of what had caused the old guy so much concern in the first place.
Today's program was scheduled for a different track—meeting with the old timers, the curmudgeons, over their morning coffee meeting at Diversions Coffee House.
Clearing up some old cases, are you?
It was Blackie Rowland's old workings, back during the war, Roger answered.
Dean pulled out the photocopies of the old newspaper ads requesting information on Josh published first by Edith Plotke and later by her father.
Old Ed was a piece of work, wasn't he?
I understand from Dawkins' son his old man was paying Josh pretty well to be his mine manager—up until August of 1961 when Josh disappeared.
In addition to the four Dawkins, there was Pumpkin Green, the grocery cart vagabond, and old Brandon Westlake, camera buff supreme.
He too congratulated the old man.
The Fred O'Connor Cyber Cafe was unplugged from electronic connection to the world at large, as the old gentleman was taking his sweet time moving his belongings downstairs.
Fred's freebie hookup was the only show in town, in the mind of the rich old cheapskate.
Sister Edna, assuming the bones were old and broken props—albeit realistic ones—couldn't discard them fast enough.
Patsy Boyd apparently lifted a set of keys from a worker in the lodgings where she and Martha were temporarily quartered and made her escape in a twenty-year old Buick.
While the old gent's hasty departure was out of character, his rapid exit caused the Deans no concern.
When the old man tried to engage him in further conversation—this time about Pumpkin Green and the general irresponsibility of today's youth—he excused himself on an important errand and left Westlake standing in the hall.
It's the old guy—Fred O'Connor.
The old man looked defeated, with all his natural feistiness absent, left outside in the sunshine.
What remained in the darkened room was a beaten old man.
Dean left the cell confident that the old man was coping, but he was beginning to mirror Fred's concern with his past.
The mixed news produced a sense of relief that Martha was, according to Fred, temporarily safe, but she seethed at what she saw as Fitzgerald's vindictiveness at attacking them through the old man.
He'll let the old guy out tomorrow morning.
If you're begging for the old man, don't bother.
By the time we became an item, my mother was dead and there was no reason in his mind to resurrect old ghosts.
Perhaps the body is much younger—only ten or twenty or thirty years old.
When Fred gets out of jail, we'll have to send him back to his old newspapers—begin all over again.
I really ought to go down to the jail and visit with the old guy.
Dean didn't press the old man for whatever he knew nor did Fred offer any information.
The old man looked concerned.
Get your ass down here and drag this old coot home!
Dean was more than pleased to hear his old friend's voice.
He smiled beneath his handlebar moustache, a scene from the old west.
The old man was still dressed in a dark suit after attending the funeral.
The old man sat crumpled in the grotto where Martha's bones had rested.
Brandon Westlake sighed, the tiredness in his old body apparent.
It brought a further smile to the old man's face.
Life is too short to spend it with repetition of old dreams that never happened.
When I called Billy to tell him I was coming out this summer, he mentioned he'd found some old bones in a mine but he was afraid of getting in trouble for breaking in.
The old man sighed, looking every bit his age.
Blackie had this old Ford, too, and he was teaching me to drive it.
He called me an old fool.
Both Deans heard it but the old man appeared not to have noticed.
Both men felt the old man had probably killed him, but Westlake's brief disclosure was insufficient to pursue the matter and as both men were dead, there was little incentive to do so.
Brandon Westlake was portrayed as a delusional old man bent on killing any and all witnesses to his half-century-old deed.
It's the oldest bond there is, old enough to keep the mating bond from shifting when she wins her deal.
He lifted a small soul-tracking device off the table, a round compass whose edges were lined with symbols from a dead language too old for him to read.
In the course of a few months, the old understanding between Immortals and demons – that humans were off-limits – crashed to the ground.
Gabriel understood why the old standard was gone.
Setting foot in Deidre's old apartment again was surreal.
On a mission to ensure there was a clean slate between his mate and Darkyn, Gabriel waited in the middle of Deidre's old apartment for the Dark One to arrive.
Destiny would be two years old before long.
He had been helping train her, and when she was old enough to have a foal, it would be his.
May was less than a week old and the temperature was still volatile.
It wasn't like in the old house, where she would have slept cold, got up to a colder house and had to start a fire in an old stove, then wait an hour until she could no longer see her breath.
The old farm house had been wrapped in insulation and sided.
A metal roof replaced the old shingles.
In all, it barely resembled the old house.
Carmen saw Alex's truck parked in the drive of an old vacant house where she had admired some healthy quince bushes.
On Saturday Carmen left Alex with Jonathan and Destiny, heading for the old house.
Nearing the old house, she spotted an unfamiliar truck parked beside the road.
It did that sometimes near the old house.
He had red hair and drove a blue truck – I think maybe an old Ford, but it might have been a Chevy.
A man was waiting for me at the old house - a man with red hair.
He simply made no attempt - so unlike Alex – at least the old Alex.
The ride turned out to be a trip to the old house to see how things were coming along.
The old stove had been replaced with a large fireplace.
The old house with its dark blank windows was eerie.
She stared at the old house.
He was quiet for a while and when she glanced up at him, he was looking off toward the old house.
At twenty-six years old, she must've done something pretty bad in a past life to deserve this.
It was old, silver, and covered with Celtic knots.
How old is the compass?
This compass is only a few thousand years old.
Death is going old school.
Death … you used to take care of the really old angels, and Gabe visited the little ones all the time.
It's kinda cool, except that Toby isn't old enough to research everything yet.
The bedrooms were on the second floor, the master larger than her old apartment.
Darkyn was old enough to read the compass.
Hannah had succeeded in landing a big fish blueblood, a descendant of Italian royalty, whose old money placated the chilly welcome she received into a lifestyle far, far different from her own.
She thought the man before her old because of his silver until her vision cleared and she saw his face.
A favor from an old friend who doesn't want to see you in pain.
No. I'm, um, apparently unaffected by the…talents of other…guild guys, unless they're, like, really old.
He'd long since stopped trying to escape, knowing the magic of Hell and the Dark One was too old for him to break.
The old man was waiting for her on the other side of the peak.
With the old man's help, she caught the last ferry across the channel just before sunset.
The old man, Liam, had fed her and given her a handful of euro coins before putting her on the ferry.
A sprawling castle with thick walls, an old portcullis, and torches glowing along the walls rose up before them.
She tugged the heavy door open by its old iron handle and gazed into a large square of grass, a courtyard, around which many similar rooms with heavy doors were arranged.
We have a member of the healing guild on staff, but her skill wasn't old enough for you.
It gets old and I think I've done damn well in this sick world of yours.
He walked a familiar path to a graveyard so old, not even legends remained about its location or the importance of those buried there.
He was hundreds of thousands of mortal years old, but less than half a dozen in angel years.
Her gaze settled on the statue of Rhyn, whose large eyes held an ominous look too old for his chubby little face.
She retrieved it and hugged it, not at all certain what the new Toby would and wouldn.t want that the old Toby had loved.
You can stay in your old room.
It was an understanding as old as the Dark One, who had stopped his demons once before when they launched attacks on humans.
Kris gave me one of Andre.s old jobs.
Her words fed at the small piece of him that didn.t want to live in Hell forever, that still thought he could go back to the Immortals and his old life.
He was gracious and gentle with the old woman.
They were like old friends who came to visit after a long absence.
He looks to be about twelve years old.
But periodically he forgot the utter uselessness of arguing with the opinionated old man.
You can make fun of that stuff, but a lot of wild things happened around this old mining town a hundred years ago.
Dean was reluctant to admit it, but the old gent had met with some success.
The town of Ouray, while only a century and a quarter old, was rich in history and Fred O'Connor, together with a cadre of widows with similar interests, spent many hours reading Ouray's old newspapers and written accounts.
It remained a sore point with the old man.
Now that you're past forty and bordering on geezerdom, you're beginning to sound like a dirty old man.
I've always been a dirty old man.
Now I'm just an older dirty old man.
The only other skaters were a mother and her four-year old pig-tailed professional level daughter and an old man who skated like a retired gold medalist.
Dean smiled and gave the old man a pat on the arm.
Two ladies are flying all the way from Boston to buy some old underwear, a yellow dress and a bunch of junk?
I mentioned how this here place was a boarding house in the old days and now it's a fine bed and breakfast.
You said so yourself when you checked the old records.
Perhaps I can get the smell out of that old dress.
The woman rummaged through the colorful attire in a frenzy until she retrieved and turned off a large old fashioned alarm clock.
If they are that old, they're certainly worth saving.
The old man was as nattily attired in his customary fashion, but his eyes betrayed his lack of sleep.
He gave no indication he and his mother were leaving and joined Fred at the table when the old man offered him a bowl of cereal.
He's not going to get her committed without a few miles of red tape but just the threat of a lockup could drag her back to old Virginia.
Cynthia smiled, remembering the early-days' confusion of opening the bed and breakfast, two newlyweds and one old man, operating on piggy bank finances and not an ounce of experience among them.
Gladys Turnbull was pounding away on a lap top computer in a corner of the parlor while young Martha and Donnie played a game of Old Maid on the sofa.
Fred and his juvenile helpers had located a picture of Reverend Martin and his wife in an old museum collection of early Ouray papers and photos.
Her old man beats her like a tin drum and he's gonna kill her if he finds where she is.
Dean hoped Edith would tell the old witch where to stuff it, but instead she looked as if she had just won an auction bid for a coronation gown.
I wouldn't want to see an old man cry.
The old man looked indignant.
He is seventy-six years old!
If the old man was going to sulk, Dean thought, might as well get it out in the open and allow him to vent a little steam.
Most women were putty in the old man's hands, but Claire Quincy had pushed all the wrong buttons and short-circuited his good nature.
The trio sat around the office desk, looking over one another's shoulders at the neat handwriting in the old notebook.
And, by Dean's interpretation, agreeing the old bitch got what she deserved.
The boots were a little tight and his legs weren't exactly locked together, but the old exhilaration of gliding over the snow returned immediately.
Dean called as he neared the boy and old man.
Miss Worthington spent the day waiting on Claire and showing her and her sister the old newspapers on microfilm at the library.
The old man read them eagerly.
I'm about to go blind reading them old microfilm newspapers.
When you read the old newspapers and see the ads, you realize how self-contained Ouray was back then.
He owed Fred a "gotcha" after the hard time he'd given the old man about his electronic sales adventures.
Fred, I know you're an old geezer, but Roosevelt died during World War Two.
I love the old geezer but the few times he starts talking about the old days, I tune him out.
Then there was only silence and the night sounds of the old building as Cynthia lay awake next to this man she loved.
Donnie joined the old man in the back office.
The building sat amid a cluster of cottonwoods that had grown there for an old man's lifetime, while a weather-beaten barn stood off to the side, showing its tired age.
The house is empty except for old Mrs. Cummings, who snores away her darkness.
We did some digging in old records at the museum as well.
Nope. It'll seem like old times.
Besides, I still have some of my old supply of Tums.
I been trying to find out some poop about that guy on the Internet but it's a whole lot easier checking out hundred year old folks than living ones.
I do feel better but I'll still be glad when things get back to normal and I'm comfortable my mother is her old self again.
Good old Jerome has a knack for making enemies.
Sort of like old times, ain't it?
The old man picked at his red suspenders.
Connor's 22 year old sister Deborah immediately displayed her attraction to Jackson.
The only picture Katie had of her family was an old family photo.
There was only one way to keep from getting old, and life in an old withered body still sounded better than the alternative.
I guess he couldn't picture himself in my old jalopy.
I thought we agreed there was no point in using your mother's old dishes when we could just serve our food from the pans we cook it in?
The old spinster is in a bad mood today.