Ogres Sentence Examples
Two girls are transformed into hideous ogres by a magic cabinet.
Very good face that reminds me of Jes Goodwins old ogres.
Turn 5. High Elves The Silver Helms refuse to charge the fear causing dragon ogres!
The reason is simple; he is not the Ulysses of the Trojan war, but a being of the same world as Polyphemus himself - the world of giants and ogres.
Ironreign new it would not hold for long, some of the other ogres began trying to climb the battlements.
That both choose to remain as Ogres rather than retain their human forms avoided a happy but somewhat staid and expected ending.
Owned by the Ogres of the region, they offer fantastic awards for the winners.
The question then is - How long must the name of Ulysses have been familiar in the legend (Sage) of Troy before it made its way into the tales of giants and ogres (Mdrehen), where the poet of the Odyssey found it ?
As the pair escaped, they almost flew into the frog ogres.