Offerings Sentence Examples
Someone check the local papers for sales offerings the last week.
At the front is a large slab, sometimes carved, with a small aperture in it, through which offerings might be inserted.
Perhaps that's why many of the citizens of the picturesque town decided they might as well enjoy mother nature's offerings rather than remain locked indoors for six or seven months.
Of a far more complicated nature than these offerings are the Soma-sacrifices, which, besides the simpler ceremonies of this class, such as the Agnishtoma or "Praise of Agni," also include great state functions, such as the Rajasuya or consecration of a king, and the Asvamedha or horse-sacrifice, which, in addition to the sacrificial rites, have a considerable amount of extraneous, often highly interesting, ceremonial connected with them, which makes them seem to partake largely of the nature of public festivals.
Everywhere preparations were made not for ceremonious welcomes (which he knew Pierre would not like), but for just such gratefully religious ones, with offerings of icons and the bread and salt of hospitality, as, according to his understanding of his master, would touch and delude him.
One of their most popular offerings (of those available in the United States and Canada) is the SPH-A900, more commonly referred to simply as the Blade.
In front of the former, as in front of those of Heracles and Zeus, stood a huge altar for burnt offerings, as long as the facade of the temple itself.
The Epidaurians had been accustomed to make annual offerings to the Athenian deities Athena and Erechtheus in payment for the Athenian olive-wood of which the statues were made.
Upon the refusal of the Aeginetans to continue these offerings, the Athenians endeavoured to carry away the images.
The sacred tablet on the back wall of the sanctuary is carved in low relief in limestone, and consists of two figures, apparently a priest and his assistant making offerings.
AdvertisementIt received from its estates, from tithes and other fixed dues, as well as from the sacrifices (a customary share) and other offerings of the faithful, vast amounts of all sorts of naturalia; besides money and permanent gifts.
The principal other ceremonies of this class are the new and full moon offerings, the oblations made at the commencement of the three seasons, the offering of first-fruits, the animal sacrifice, and the Agnihotra, or daily morning and evening oblation of milk, which, however, is also included amongst the grihya, or domestic rites, as having to be performed daily on the domestic fire by the householder who keeps no regular set of sacrificial fires.
To appease these, offerings are made to them either direct or through the mediation of the Devas (domestic or agrarian deities); and if these avail not, the Menyepi or Great Sacrifice is resorted to.
At a later period, pari passe with the spiritualization of the god, comes a refinement of the tastes attributed to him, and the finer parts of the sacrifice, finally it may be only its savour, are alone regarded as acceptable offerings.
Combined with this sacrifice of the fruits of the earth to the Creator in memory of creation and redemption, and probably always immediately following it, was the sacred meal at which part of the offerings was eaten.
AdvertisementAnother special characteristic of Israel's religion in Canaan was the considerable increase of sacrificial offerings.
This element of public confession for sin became more prominent in the days when synagogal worship developed, and prayer took the place of the sacrificial offerings which could only be offered in the Jerusalem temple.
Traces remain of the circuit wall, and of a sanctuary with copious terra-cotta offerings; the large necropolis yields constant loot to illicit excavation.
The mosaics of the choir (547) are due to Justinian, and, though inferior in style, are remarkable for their splendour of colouring and the gorgeous dresses of the persons represented, and also for their historical interest, especially the scenes representing the emperor and the empress Theodora presenting offerings.
Although the offerings at the festival were bloodless, the ceremony of the presentation of the airapxai was probably accompanied by animal sacrifice (Farnell, Foucart); Mommsen, however, considers the offerings to have been pastry imitations.
AdvertisementIt is held in high veneration by the Sinhalese, and numerous pilgrims ascend to the sacred spot, where a priest resides to receive their offerings and bless them on their departure.
While recognized by a temple of her own in Nippur and honoured by rulers at various times by having votive offerings made in her honour and fortresses dedicated in her name, she, as all other goddesses in Babylonia and Assyria with the single exception of Ishtar, is overshadowed by her male consort.
There were also public slaves; of these some belonged to temples, to which they were presented as offerings, amongst them being the courtesans who acted as hieroduli at Corinth and at Eryx in Sicily; others were appropriated to the service of the magistrates or to public works; there were at Athens 1200 Scythian archers for the police of the city; slaves served, too, in the fleets, and were employed in the armies, - commonly as workmen, and exceptionally as soldiers.
As offerings meat, milk, show-bread, fruits, flowers and consecrated water were used.
The owners of adjacent lands assembled at the common boundary stone, and crowned their own side of the stone with garlands; an altar was set up and offerings of cakes, corn, honey and wine were made (later, a lamb or a sucking pig was sacrificed).
AdvertisementThen one of the king's concubines and his cup-bearer, cook, groom, messenger and horses were strangled and laid by him, and round about offerings of all his goods and cups of gold - no silver or bronze.
The bestowal of alms, offerings of rice to priests, the founding of a monastery, erection of pagodas, with which the country is crowded, the building of a bridge or rest-house for the convenience of travellers are all works of religious merit, prompted, not by love of one's fellowcreatures, but simply and solely for one's own future advantage.
Guru Arjan, who was in charge of the great Sikh temple at Amritsar, received copious offerings and became a man of wealth and influence, while the sixth guru became a military leader, and was frequently at warfare with the Mogul authorities.
Six of the statues bore special names, and offerings were made to them as to the statues of the gods.
Many of the tombs, which were built of crude brick, were provided with gardens, and there were shelves or altars on which were placed the offerings to the dead.
Yahweh appears to plead with His people for their sins, but the sinners are no longer a careless and oppressive aristocracy buoyed up by deceptive assurances of Yahweh's help, by prophecies of wine and strong drink; they are bowed down by a religion of terror, wearied with attempts to propitiate an angry God by countless offerings, and even by the sacrifice of the first-born.
But although the use of the potters wheel had long been understood, the objects produced were simple utensils tc contain offerings of rice, fruit and fish at the austere ceremonials of the Shinto faith, jars for storing seeds, and vessels for commor domestic use.
This paved road is easily recognized as it zigzags up the hill, with treasuries and the bases of various offerings facing it on both sides.
Remains of offerings found in this region include those dedicated by the Cyrenians and by the Corinthians.
A raid on Delphi attempted by the Persians in 480 B.C. was said to have been frustrated by the god himself, by means of a storm or earthquake which hurled rocks down on the invaders; a similar tale is told of the raid of the Gauls in 279 B.C. But the sacrilege thus escaped at the hands of foreign invaders was inflicted by the Phocian defenders of Delphi during the Sacred War, 356-346 B.C., when many of the precious votive offerings were melted down.
Funds are raised from the voluntary offerings of the corps, from open-air and other collections, from friends interested in evangelical and charitable work, and from the profits on publications and general trading.
The offerings which are for the templeservice in Neh.
Moreover, we know that the Ethiopic Church did long possess a chapel and altar in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and, though we have been unable to find travellers' testimony to this older than about 1497, it is quite possible that the appropriation may have originated much earlier.(fn 5) We know from Marco Polo that about a century after the date of Pope Alexander's epistle a mission was sent by the king of Abyssinia to Jerusalem to make offerings on his part at the Church of the Sepulchre.
Luther and his contemporaries had not in any degree the modern idea of progress, which first becomes conspicuous with Bacon and Descartes, but believed, on the contrary, that the strangling of reason was the most precious of offerings to God.
A prayer was said to the Lar every morning, and at each meal offerings of food and drink were set before him; a portion of these was placed on the hearth and afterwards shaken into the fire.
On these occasions the Lares were crowned with garlands, and offerings of cakes and honey, wine and incense, but especially swine, were laid before them.
The gods received tithes of the produce of trade and of the field, in kind or in ingots and golden statues, and these tributes, with freewill offerings, erected and maintained the temples.
The golden statues were votive offerings; thus a man and his wife offer four statues for the health of their four children, and a man offers to Dhu Samai statues of a man and two camels, in prayer for his own health and the protection of his camels from disease of the joints.
Thus a sangu had a definite share in the offerings, a masmasu a different share.
The sacrifices and offerings were acknowledgments of divine bounty and means used to insure its continuance; the Arab was the " slave " of his god and paid him tribute, as slaves used to do to their masters, or subjects to their lords; and the free Bedouin, trained in the solitude of the desert to habits of absolute self-reliance, knew no master except his god, and acknowledged no other will before which his own should bend.
His more important books, of which English translations have been published, are the poems Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (1913), The Crescent Moon (1913), The Gardener (1913), Songs of Kabir (1915), Fruit Gathering (1916), Stray Birds (1917), The Lover's Gift and the Crossing (1918); the plays Chitra (1914), The King of the Dark Chamber (1914), The Post Office (1914),.
The elements are gifts or offerings.
Twice a year, in spring and autumn,' a Chinese ruler goes in state to the imperial college in Pekin, and presents the appointed offerings before the spirit-tablets of Confucius and of the worthies who have been associated with him in his temples.
To them, under the name of Lares, it was the solemn preoccupation of male descendants to offer food and sacrifice and to keep alight the hearth fire which cooked the offerings.
Miracles occur at their shrines, and the surviving relatives who guard them wax rich off the offerings brought.
A statue of the Virgin stands on a rock projecting above the grotto, the walls of which are covered with crutches atld other votive offerings; the spot, which is resorted to by multitudes of pilgrims from all quarters of the world, is marked by a basilica built above the grotto and consecrated in 1876.
The Egyptians did not stop at the mummification of the human body; sacred animals, birds, reptiles, fishes, and even insects were treated in a similar way, and the meat offerings deposited with the wealthy dead were likewise "preserved."
At the same time the ko (" life," "activity," and almost "ghost,") which clung to the neighbourhood of the tomb and enjoyed the ghosts of offerings in ghostly fashion, had some of the independent enterprise which the bai possessed in abundance.
Thus a West African native who wants a suhman takes a rudely-cut wooden image or a stone, a root of a plant, or some red earth placed in a pan, and then he calls on a spirit of Sasabonsum ("a genus of deities, every member of which possesses identical characteristics") to enter the object prepared, promising it offerings and worship. If a spirit consents to take up its residence in the object, a low hissing sound is heard, and the suhman is complete.
Human sacrifices were slain on several occasions, and vast offerings presented to the spirits supposed to preside over the volcanoes, especially during the periods of actual eruptions.
This famous navigator, who named the islands in honour of the earl of Sandwich, was received by the natives with many demonstrations of astonishment and delight; and offerings and prayers were presented to him by their priest in one of the temples; and though in the following year he was killed by a native when he landed in Kealakekua Bay in Hawaii, his bones were preserved by the priests and continued to receive offerings and homage from the people until the abolition of idolatry.
Just as it is the custom of French people, of all ranks and creeds, to decorate the graves of their dead on the jour des morts, so in Germany the people stream to the grave-yards once a year with offerings of flowers.
The priestly families, we learn, hearing that the God preached by Gregory needed not sacrifice, sent to the king a deputation and asked how they were to live, if they became Christians; for until then the priests and their families had lived off the portions of the animal victims and other offerings reserved to them by pagan custom.
The religious associations of the place date from the prehistoric age, when, before the states of Elis and Pisa had been founded, there was a centre of worship in this valley which is attested by early votive offerings found beneath the Heraeum and an altar near it.
In front of it was a series of pedestals for votive offerings, including two colossal Ionic columns.
Just as the ancients hung their offerings on trees, temple columns and the images of the gods, so offerings were made to the Cross, to the Virgin Mary and on altars generally.
According to Herodotus, two maidens, Opis and Arge, and later two others, Hyperoche and Laodice, escorted by five men, called by the Delians Perpherees, were sent by the Hyperboreans with certain offerings to Delos.
Finding that their messengers did not return, the Hyperboreans adopted the plan of wrapping the offerings in wheat-straw and requested their neighbours to hand them on to the next nation, and so on, till they finally reached Delos.
Otherwise offerings and even human sacrifices in exceptional cases are made to the suhman.
The suhman can, it is believed, communicate a part of his powers to various objects in which he does not dwell; these are also termed suhman by the natives and may have given rise to the belief that the practices commonly termed fetishism are not animistic. These charms are many in number; offerings of food and drink are made, i.e.
The tax probably originated in a tribute levied by a conqueror or ruler upon his subjects, and perhaps the custom of dedicating a tenth of the spoils of war to the gods led to the religious extension of the term, the original offerings to deity being "firstfruits."
Such supplies might be obtained by forcible raiding or as tribute of conquered countries, or perhaps as the free offerings of simple savages awed by the arrival of ships and civilized well-armed crews, or again by royal missions in which rich gifts on both sides were exchanged, or lastly by private trading.
As to the manual rites of the daily cult, all that can here be said is that incense, purifications and anointings with various Oils played a large part; the sacrifices consisted chiefly of slaughtered oxen and geese; burnt offerings were a very late innovation.
This cult was a positive duty binding on the children of a dead man, and doubtless as a rule discharged by them with some regularity and conscientiousness; at least, on feast-days offerings would be brought to the tomb, and the ceremonies of purification and opening the mouth of the deceased would be enacted.
Or again, contracts might be made with a neighboring temple, the priesthood of which bound itself to reserve for the contracting party some portion of the offerings that had already been used for the divine cult.
There is probably a superstitious reason for the preference shown by the dead for offerings of this kind; no wish is commoner than that one may receive bread and beer that had gone up on to the altar of the local god, or with which the god had been sated; something of the divine sanctity still clung about such offerings and made them particularly desirable.
They made the gods like men, and no offerings were presented in the temples.
His palace was at Medinet Habu on the west bank of Thebes in the south quarter; and here he built a great temple to Ammon, adorned with scenes from his victories and richly provided with divine offerings.
The next year, 1450, Nicholas held a jubilee at Rome; and the offerings of the numerous pilgrims who thronged to Rome gave him the means of furthering the cause of culture in Italy, which he had so much at heart.
The gods were worshipped as the givers of the kindly fruits of the earth, and, as all over the world " bread and salt " go together in common use and common phrase, salt was habitually associated with offerings, at least with all offerings which consisted in whole or in part of cereal elements.
Pottery models of offerings are found in the ashes, and these were probably the substitutes for sacrifices decreed by Cheops (Khufu) in his temple reforms. A great clearance of temple offerings was made now, or earlier, and a chamber full of them has yielded the fine ivory carvings and the glazed figures and tiles which show the splendid work of the Ist dynasty.
The tomb-pit is surrounded by chambers to hold the offerings, the actual sepulchre being a great wooden chamber in the midst of the brick-lined pit.
The Kamares Cave was found to be a sanctuary, not a dwelling, but the offerings consisted almost entirely of pottery of M.M.
The tombs, which are chambers cut in tiers in the hard clay of the hillside, were used with few exceptions for repeated burials, and the ejected offerings had been scattered down the slope.
The nobles and gentry clung to the wealth of the old church; the preachers, but for congregational offerings, must have starved.
In some cases, however, the father of a family was priest in his own household and presented offerings and prayers to the family god.
The usual offerings to the gods were food.
Hence offerings, &c., were made to appease their anger.
The first-fruits of a crop were usually dedicated to the gods to prevent them from being angry; and new canoes, fishing-nets, &c., were dedicated by prayers and offerings, in order that the gods might be propitious to their owners in their use.
The chieftain acts as father and priest to the tribe; but at the greater festivals he chooses some one specially learned in holy offerings to conduct the sacrifice in the name of the people.
The pine and oak were sacred to him, and his offerings were goats, lambs, cows, new wine, honey and milk.
Aetiologists connected both offerings with the Cretan expedition of Theseus, who, when driven ashore at Delos, vowed a thank-offering to Apollo if he slew the Minotaur, which afterwards took the form of the eiresione and Pyanopsia.
So on their votive offerings some of these rulers designate themselves as patesis, or over-priests, of En-lil.
At Athens, Asklepios Amynos had a sanctuary with altar and well, and among the votive offerings have been discovered models of snakes.'
According to it God demands not ritual nor sacrifice nor offerings.
These stones are anointed with oil, and worshipped with prayer and offerings, and are also used for purposes of divination, in which, and in various omens, there is a general belief.
In honour of the Horae a yearly festival (Horaea) was celebrated, at which protection was sought against the scorching heat and drought, and offerings were made of boiled meat as less insipid and more nutritious than roast.
A festival was held in their honour every year, superintended by a special priesthood, at which the offerings consisted of milk and honey mixed with water, but no wine.
His reign is represented as a golden age of peace and prosperity and the great wealth of the sanctuary is said to have taken its beginning from the offerings at his tomb.
Richard furnished the chronicler, Matthew Paris, with material for the life of Edmund Rich, and instituted the offerings for the cathedral at Chichester which were known later as "St Richard's pence."
Although undoubtedly offerings of food were made to the gods in very early Roman times on such occasions as the ceremony of confarreatio, and the epulum Jovis (often confounded with the lectisternium), it is generally agreed that the lectisternia were of Greek origin.
As a result of six months' work, Wood's "earliest temple" was recleared and planned, remains of three earlier shrines were found beneath it, a rich deposit of offerings, &c., belonging to the earliest shrine was discovered, and tentative explorations were made in the Precinct.
To support this greedy mob offerings flowed in in a constant stream from votaries and from visitors, who contributed sometimes money, sometimes statues and works of art.
In comparing pagan with Christian usage it is important to remember that the lamps in the pagan temples were not symbolical, but votive offerings to the gods.
This pronouncement, indeed, though it certainly condemns the use of ceremonial lights in most of its later developments, and especially the conception of them as votive offerings whether to God or to the saints, does not necessarily exclude, though it undoubtedly discourages, their purely symbolical use.'
By the Jews the book is called Wayyikra (rtrir.) from the first word of the Hebrew text, but it is also referred to (in the Talmud and Massorah) as Torath kohanim (ow5 min, law of the priests), Sepher kohanim ("2 i o, book of the priests), and Sepher korbanim (ow,p, vn, book of offerings).
A series of laws affecting the priests and offerings, viz.
Characteristic of the priestly calendar are (1) the enumeration of " holy convocations," (2) the prohibition of all work, (3) the careful determination of the date by the day and month, (4) the mention of " the offerings made by fire to Yahweh," and (5) the stereotyped form of the regulations.
Through this one entered a large open space, filled with votive offerings and containing a large exedra.
The outer side of this curve is bounded by a row of treasuries, similar to those found at Delphi and Olympia, and serving to house the more costly offerings of various islands or cities.
At the north of the precinct was a broad road, flanked with votive offerings and exedrae, and along the boundary were porticoes and chambers intended for the reception of the OEwpiac or sacred embassies; there are two entrances on this side, each of them through extensive propylaea.
Within the precinct there were found many statues and other works of art, and a very large number of inscriptions, some of them giving inventories of the votive offerings and accounts of the administration of the temple and its property.
At the close of the Peloponnesian War the Spartans gave to the people of Delos the management of their own affairs; but the Athenian predominance was soon after restored, and survived an appeal to the amphictyony of Delphi in 345 B.C. During Macedonian times, from 322 to 166 B.C., Delos again became independent; during this period the shrine was enriched by offerings from all quarters, and the temple and its possessions were administered by officials called i€poirocol.
He thus made it possible for the half-converted and rude tribes to remain Buddhists while they brought offerings, and even bloody offerings, to these more congenial shrines, and while their practical belief had no relation at all to the Truths or the Noble Eightfold Path, but busied itself almost wholly with obtaining magic powers (Siddhi), by means of magic phrases (Dhdrani), and magic circles (Mandala).
It is extremely interesting to find a similar poem in the recently discovered mimes of Herondas, the fourth of which is termed " Women making offerings to Aesculapius" (Acranirly avar,OE2aat Kai Ovaci ovaac).
Again, the funeral offerings of food, clothing, weapons, &c., to the dead are absolutely intelligible and purposeful among savage races, who believe that the souls of the departed are ethereal beings capable of consuming food, and of receiving and using the souls or phantoms of any objects sacrificed for their use.
Enriched by the offerings of his pupils, and feasted with universal admiration, he came, as he says, to think himself the only philosopher standing in the world.
Although his favourite method was by word of mouth, yet signs were sometimes used; thus Calchas interpreted the flight of birds; burning offerings, sacrificial barley, the arrow of the god, dreams and the lot, all played their part in communicating the will of the gods.
Neglect of many other parts of the pilgrim ceremonial may be compensated by offerings, but to miss the "stand" (woquf) at Arafa is to miss the pilgrimage.
There is no precise arrangement; but the subjects, following a general introduction, are the bishop and his duties, penance, the administration of the offerings, the settlement of disputes, the divine service, the order of widows, deacons and deaconesses, the poor, behaviour in persecution, and so forth.
Portable altars and tables of offerings were used in pre-Christian as well as in Christian ritual.
Considerable obscurity exists as to their other functions, but they seem to have been charged with providing food for the visitors to the temples, with the care of certain offerings, and with the arrangement of the sacrificial banquets.
Herodas (Mimes, 4) gives a description of one of his temples, and of the offerings made to him.
They marry and work, and sometimes even bear arms like their parishioners, from whom a large part of their income is derived, in the shape of offerings and fees.
Sacrifices of fowls and sheep are made at many places at sacred stones and altars, both in thanksgiving at times of harvest, &c., and as propitiatory offerings.
The king as a sphinx, in certain religious scenes, makes offerings to deities; and elsewhere he tears his enemies in pieces.
But it is found that among the lowest or least cultured races, such as the south-eastern tribes of Australia, who do not propitiate ancestral spirits by offerings of food, or address them in prayer, there often exists a belief in an " All-Father," to use Howitt's convenient expression.
The most interesting buildings are the cathedral church of the Assumption, founded in 1377, and completed with a modern facade copied from that of the Pantheon in Rome; the church of St Veit, on the model of Santa Maria della Salute in Venice; and the Pilgrimage church, hung with offerings from shipwrecked sailors, and approached by a stairway of 400 steps.
The votive offerings in clay, amber, bronze, ivory and lead found in great profusion within the precinct range from the 9th to the 4th century B.C. and supply invaluable evidence for early Spartan art; they prove that Sparta reached her artistic zenith in the 7th century and that her decline had already begun in the 6th.
In 1907 the sanctuary of Athena "of the Brazen House" (X aX KlocKos) was located on the Acropolis immediately above the theatre, and though the actual temple is almost completely destroyed, fragments of the capitals show that it was Doric in style, and the site has produced the longest extant archaic inscription of Laconia, numerous bronze nails and plates and a considerable number of votive offerings, some of them of great interest.
The chief points were (I) the lawfulness and expediency of certain terms employed by the Jesuits in naming God Almighty, such as Tien, " Heaven," and Shang-ti, " Supreme Ruler" or "Emperor," instead of Tien-Chu, " Lord of Heaven," and in particular the erection of inscribed tablets in the churches, on which these terms were made use of; 2 (2) in respect to the ceremonial offerings made in honour of Confucius, and of personal ancestors, which Ricci had recognized as merely "civil" observances; (3) the erection of tablets in honour of ancestors in private houses; and (4), more generally,- sanction and favour accorded to ancient Chinese sacred books and philosophical doctrine, as not really trespassing;on Christian faith.
His tomb, which is handsomely built of stone, is still to be seen in Brunei, and is constantly visited by Malays, who leave money and various articles on the tomb as offerings to his memory.
He was amazed at the wild scramble prompted by his tossed offerings, especially the beads.
This provides needed competition to interexchange carrier offerings which were expensive and cumbersome operator-to-operator affairs in many cases.
Philo explains that the offerings of frankincense laid on the golden altar in the Inner Temple were more holy than the blood offered outside.
Neither will I offer burnt offerings unto the Lord my God of that which doth cost me nothing ' .
Four small stone cists stood round the top of this and each contained small pots, which possibly held food offerings.
The alliance sees Accurate's solution become complementary to ADP Wilco's Tarot and Gloss offerings.
My offerings to the Gods last night - slightly congealed goat filets in a crisp golden breadcrumb jacket - obviously did the trick.
Labels blame the precipitous falloff on piracy and online file-sharing, while some consumers point to lousy music offerings.
This feast, with its offerings, was also the nation's harvest festival.
In other words they're the usual teen fodder we've come to expect from genre offerings like this.
Multiple audio channels and noise-reducing headsets complete the entertainment offerings.
Meat mains include interesting offerings such as minced lamb with parsley, pine kernels & onions or whole quail seasoned with coriander.
The most likely explanation seems to be that they were votive offerings.
On none of the occasions of the sin offerings, the trespass offerings, none of those was anyone ever sprinkled with blood.
The priests shall offer his burnt offering and his peace offerings, and he shall worship at the threshold of the gate.
John fished a homemade soft pellet paste over a bed of pellet and chopped corn and meat offerings.
He sent young men to offer burnt offerings and sacrifice peace offerings of oxen to Jehovah.
If anyone has been unfortunate enough to have sampled the offerings at their franchised outlets will be aware how poor the quality is.
Offerings includes breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, bar snacks, cocktails, wood-fired pizzas and pastas.
He then prostrated himself nine times before the tablet and made offerings of silk and jade.
We should feel that we are actually in the presence of the living Buddha and make prostrations and offerings accordingly.
I sometimes write my own comments on these offerings and I invite readers to do the same.
Health insurance offerings rho by regressing eg employe age liability claim will.
Offerings of cat statuettes and mummified cats, as shown here, were presented at temples.
On one recent afternoon the offerings included Nicky Clarke electric hair straighteners, a leather three-piece suite and a barely used 20GB iPod.
Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury.
He dutifully trotted after the controller, up to the temple where offerings were being made to ram horned gods.
Archeologists have recently found well-preserved Yew wood carvings at ancient sites of springs and wells which were probably votive offerings.
Alexander himself first visited the site of Troy and there went through those dramatic acts of sacrifice to the Ilian Athena, assumption of the shield believed to be that of Achilles and offerings to the great Homeric dead, which are significant of the poetic glamour shed, in the young king's mind, over the whole enterprise, and which men will estimate differently according to the part they assign to imagination in human affairs.
Hence, after all the offerings had been collected, and before they were solemnly offered to God, it became a custom to recite the names both of the offerers and of those for whom they offered, the names being arranged in two lists, which were known as diptychs.
Animal sacrifices became much more frequent, and included not only the bloody sacrifice (Zebah) but also burnt offerings (kalil, `olah) whereby the whole animal was consumed (see Sacrifice).
All are of the malignant type, to be propitiated only by acceptable offerings from persons who desire to visit the locality where it is supposed to reside.
The problem of the atonement is the means or condition of the restoration of man to God's favour; this has been variously found (a) in the endurance of punishment; (b) in the payment of compensation for the wrong done, the compensation consisting of sacrifices and other offerings; (c) in the performance of magical or other ritual, the efficacy of the ritual consisting in its being pleasing to or appointed by God, or even in its having a coercive power over the deity; (d) in repentance and amendment of life.
Here the connexion of Artemis with the Hyperborean legend (see Apollo) is shown in the names of the maidens (Opis, Hecaerge) who were supposed to have brought offerings from the north to Delos, where they were buried.
As such they were sanctified by the blood of the sacrifices and burnt offerings.
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By going to the website, you can obtain more information about which stores are available at a specific outlet center, as the store offerings vary by location.
You may even be able to earn discounts for shopping and have access to exclusive information about sales and special offerings at stores in the outlet malls.
There are also many different offerings out there, but perhaps the best and most well known are the Amazon Kindle, Barnes and Noble Nook, the Apple iPad and the Sony Readers.
You can browse product offerings by category which include holiday items, basket filler, fruit basket kits and biodegradable containers.
There are bargain-brand cat litters on the market, but most premium cat litter, including Arm and Hammer's various offerings, will cost more than the bargain brands.
Although these non-alcoholic offerings might not seem like a big deal, use them as an opportunity to be creative.
Most have a wide selection of computer security offerings that meet both advanced and basic needs.
Check out the various online merchant account offerings before you apply.
You can also peruse the other Capital One offerings including auto loans, home loans, and the various banking products offered through the company.
For this reason it is important to review the various Visa gift card offerings and choose a card that features the least amount of fees and provides the most ease of use.
If you're getting help, make sure to ask about the comapany's educational offerings.
You can start by looking at the Bank of America MBNA website to look at their card offerings.
For more information regarding the MasterCard offerings from Chase, visit the Chase website.
Because of the many different services and offerings available, doing a comparison of the different features is essential to make the right choice.
Many other groups and organizations provide recent information about identity theft as it pertains to their particular mission or business offerings.
The benefits to consumers range between program offerings, based on what partner businesses decide to offer.
The first offerings on the list deal with the topics of pre-nuptial agreements and preparing for divorce.
Just a few short years ago, Klean Kanteens were given out as offerings at fairs and the like and as their popularity grew, so did customer demand.
One of the most interesting tea offerings are flowering teas, which are carefully wrapped and hand-sewn tea "balls" that open up into a gorgeous flower when steeped in hot water.
With its wide array of nicely scented products, enjoy these offerings as part of your beauty and relaxation regimen to create a home-spa.
In addition to the new offerings, there are a huge range of vintage, salvaged building items, such as windows, iron railings, moldings, and even hardwood floors.
Their offerings are slightly toned down - they can be a good place to start shopping if you're not sure quite how dramatic you want to go with your look.
Visit their websites to locate stores in your region and request a home decor catalog if it is offered to get a sense of their offerings.
The corporation imports most of their offerings and attempts to find unusual decor items.
Pottery Barn, Restoration Hardware, and even IKEA have full bedroom sets to show off of their product offerings.
Some of their continuing education offerings include the Live Green, Live Smart™ "Green Build Science" program, vacant staging, and senior move management.
Among its offerings are a wide array of western-themed artwork such as mountain vistas, cowboys, log cabins, horses, and bear cubs.
As the company's color offerings become widely known, they stimulated the organization's growth into a colorful array of cosmetic and beauty products.
Combine that amidst the large offerings, buying perfume online is sure to lead to a great deal for you.
Lush Cosmetic's commitment to using fresh ingredients and producing handmade products provides consumers with an array of very unique offerings to choose from.
We relish collecting the latest seasonal offerings, as well as every new cream, stick, powder, or shimmering item available at the department store counters.
Recent offerings include Almay lipstick, Secret deodorant and John Frieda hair care.
The sample selection changes frequently, so it is advisable to check back at least weekly for the newest offerings.
Mark's trendy offerings are perfect for the fad crazed gal who wants to update her wardrobe, while sparing some cash for her beauty needs.
Product offerings differ from country to country, but many of the more difficult to purchase items can be found online.
Bare Escentuals takes pride in their top quality mineral offerings.
I was essentially sold after that, and became much more interested in Stila's offerings from then on.
The recent advent of rich, whipped cosmetics means that everything from blush to eye color is now creamer than ever, and Flirt Cosmetics Eye Shadow Mousse is easily one of the most lush offerings out there.
Right now, they have 120 course offerings; the most valuable may be their complete GED program.
If you have several smaller items, consider combining them into a "lot," a single auction that combines several offerings.
Other eBay fixed price offerings appear in the eBay stores.
You should also check the offerings of websites offering resources for your specific profession.
The University of Missouri Columbia's online offerings include a Master of Education degree with early childhood education, gifted education, literacy, and social studies concentrations.
With the increasing number of schools offering Internet-based instruction, if there's a school you'd love to attend, visit the college's website to see if there are any online degrees amid the traditional offerings.
One example of the online offerings for people interested in Star Wars games is the Star Wars Combine web site.
Fortunately, online banking is arguably an even safer way to deal with your finances, and the offerings from Chase make online banking easy, even for those who have never done it before.
SimCity was one of the first offerings by EA, and this site allows you to play the real game.
If you are interested in playing, check out the following websites for a great overview of all the free online offerings from Scooby and his friends.
Go to Virtual NES for similar offerings as many of the other sites with a few unique features.
As with traditional photography, you might consider starting off with a cheaper line of equipment and work your way up to more advanced offerings.
For budget shutterbugs, the best-selling brands in the industry showcase their finest offerings at a price anyone can afford.
Exploring the culinary possibilities of health foods opens a treasure chest of nutritive offerings.
While online photography courses can be very beneficial, you may also wish to investigate the offerings available from your local community college.
Hallmark has long been known for greeting cards, but in recent years the company has expanded their offerings to include Hallmark scrapbook photo albums.
Though Fiskars is known throughout the world as a scissor company, the scrapbooking world enjoys a myriad of Fiskars offerings in addition to the classic scissors.
Once you have tested out their offerings, you can then purchase a membership for further instruction.
To find out more about special offers and other resort offerings, contact China Peak by phone at 559- 233-2500 or by emailing the resort at
Each meditation session follows arati (offerings) and chanting the Guru Gita.
With the diverse offerings of the Gallatin County 4-H, students are sure to find something to pique their interest.
Two-piece camouflage dresses dominate the current offerings from online suppliers.
The course offerings also include religious education.
As you can see, the education is comprehensive and there are course offerings available for students in a wide variety of different subjects.
Visit My Groomsmen Gifts and review their stylish best man offerings.
Encourage wedding guests to partake in the many offerings the area has while they are visiting, and your civil wedding in Bournemouth will be enjoyable and memorable.
Instead, try to find favors that maximize the season's offerings while minimizing labor.
Amongst the offerings at Wilton, you can find perfectly sized cake pans, pre-tinted fondant, cake toppers and pastry bags of every size.
With shows such as Flavor of Love, The Surreal Life, Celebrity Fit Club and Hogan Knows Best (among others) the network's reality show offerings have proven successful.
Look for knock off designers to roll out their latest offerings shortly after an awards show (think Oscars and Emmys).
The Row is a high-end line with expensive offerings.
There are lots of other offerings on the site, including the ability to add more celebrity birthdays for inclusion in the list, a chat room, and the chance to upload your own photos.
Whether you enjoy classic movies and TV shows or newer offerings, here are some more famous actors of African American descent.
Although some of the offerings are not strictly pants and fashionable white onesies abound, the variety of clothing for infants and toddlers is surprising.
Offerings from BDC include the popular seersucker Easter variety, complete with pink checkered trim and bloomers.
If your school doesn't offer any foreign study programs, you can also check out the offerings of other universities, as they will often allow guest students to fill available spots in international courses.
In-state or out-of-state - Are you satisfied with your state's educational offerings, or are you willing to pay extra for a special program in another state?
Possible major - Once you've decided what career fields interest you, compare the offerings in those areas at each potential school.
Find out the offerings ahead of time so you're not disappointed when you arrive for the first day of school.
The College Savings Plan Network provides a 529 locator, so you can research your state's offerings.
Some of the offerings are quite specific, like the NCAA scholarships for student athletes and the American Chemical Society's programs for minority students pursuing chemistry-related degrees.
In addition, the Liberal Arts offerings are plentiful, ranging from physical sciences to behavioral sciences, with English and performing arts in between.
As the popularity of online education grows, accredited online schools increase their numbers of students, faculty, programs, and course offerings.
Class offerings continued to expand as the Dayton YMCA relocated to larger buildings and gradually became known as the YMCA college.
It can be a lot of work to declare an independent major, but it's worth it if you know what you want to pursue and can't find it among the traditional course offerings.
The school's offerings tie the creative arts together with more applied fields like Administrative Assistant or Business Management.
Updated course offerings, such as distance learning options and online degrees, are designed for people who need flexibility and the opportunity to study at their own pace and in their own environments.
Green River provides three locations throughout the Tacoma-Auburn region in addition to its online course offerings.
However, not all of the college's offerings are academic.
Visit the CCBC website for additional information on campus locations, course offerings, and financial aid.
For example, a business program that meets the standards of the Wall Street Journal's top business schools has been held to an independent review of that program's offerings.
In addition to formal master's degrees, many institutions offer graduate certificates, career certificates or a la carte course offerings in graduate-level work.
Superior's unique offerings include a degree program in sustainable management and a program in communicating arts.
Troy State assists distance learners by regularly evaluating these course offerings and having faculty and staff available for students' questions.
Universities are likely to have a greater variety of course offerings and a larger selection of majors.
The degree offerings range from nursing to business to education to counseling, religion and psychology.
Since schools want to make sure that establishing such programs is worth the effort before they take the plunge, the selection of doctoral degree offerings is expanding at only a very gradual rate.
It can be time-intensive to search specific schools' degree offerings, so consider using a search engine or related reference tool to find potential programs.
Following is a brief overview of the offerings at these institutions.
With knowledge of where online degrees in the UK can be earned, as well as some of the different programs and offerings at each school, you can now make a more informed choice about distance learning courses and degree programs.
Because of the school's physical roots, there are numerous PhD offerings from the school online including a PhD in Theology and Apologetics.
Now you know about all of the offerings you can take at the University of Missouri program for distance learning.
If you decide to pursue a paralegal degree at an institution that lacks such approval, make sure to compare the scope and quality of their offerings with those required by the ABA.
Before you pick a program for your paralegal certificate, it's wise to compare each potential choice based on its course offerings, tuition costs, reputation, and accreditation.
Design and technology offerings include computer programming, network management, and graphic design.
For others, sports offerings are important, and still others care most about location.
Because of its location in the extreme western part of the Caribbean, western Caribbean cruises are the most common offerings for passengers departing from Texas.
Itineraries include a plethora of spiritual offerings from workshops with leading religious speakers to concerts with celebrated Christian singers and Bible classes with fellow believers.
At nine days, the Nile Explorer is the shortest of the Viking River Cruise offerings.
For current offerings, visit the Airtours Holiday website.
Check the itinerary and package inclusions for more information on current offerings.
For more information on the current cruise offerings or to book a sailing, visit the Avalon Waterways website.
To find last minute offerings and get alerts about deals, register on the company's website.
In an effort to protect their dogs from toxic dangers, many dog lovers are turning to organic dog toys as a natural alternative to more traditional offerings.
The company originally only sold livestock but after many customers requested feed for the animals that were sold, Burpee decided to broaden his product offerings into seeds.
Now that you know the history and products available from the Burpee Seed Company, take time to review their specialty offerings.
Clapton offerings included Can't Find My Way Home and Cocaine among many others.
Check out a few of the offerings the site has by the band like Enter Sandman, St. Anger and Master of Puppets.
Fret Play - Fret Play tab offerings include Burial at Sea, In the Blood, Psycho, The Powers That Be and more.
The offerings include famous BOC songs as well as lesser-known selections.
Finding Dylan tabs is extremely easy, and you'll find Internet tablature offerings as well as printed songbooks.
While these are only the most popular songs on the website, it goes to show just how diverse the offerings on the website are.
The Lowe's website offers many of the same products you'll find in stores, as well as numerous other offerings.
You can wear them with a short-sleeve button-up shirt in plain or tropical colors, or pair them with polo tops or tees; the choice is yours with these versatile offerings.
Unfortunately, that's the extent of their offerings for women, and while it's true that the company promotes a drug-free lifestyle, they've never claimed to support a pro-women's equal rights one.
In addition to such brands as Gucci and Elie Tahari, you'll find more reasonably priced offerings like Original Penguin and Loomstate.
The offerings grew exponentially throughout the decade.
Among the offerings are classic lambskin car coats, chic trench coats and sharp two-button blazers.
A company of such long-standing reputation as Florsheim not only offers a wealth of choices in stylish socks for men, but also makes an effort to provide earth-friendly materials in their offerings.
All of these brands have organic offerings that can be found in stores and on their website.
Take a look at the offerings and choose the certified organic varieties to avoid the "Dirty Dozen" completely.
Argan Oils - If you want the pure oil, which many people feel is the best use of organic argan oil, then you may want to look at some of the offerings available on this site.
Organic offerings include stuffed animals and dolls.
The tea comes in a variety of flavors with offerings from virtually every type of tea leaf as well as herbs and newly emerging blend trends.
This variety is one of the strengths of the company and its offerings.
Many conventional seed companies restrict their offerings to a few hybrids, but organic and heirloom seeds usually have a multitude of choices that include both old favorites and unique varieties.
These are only a couple of the gorgeous offerings at this site.
Jessica London is well-known for catering to the extended size market, and this two-piece sleepwear set is a prime example of their wonderful offerings for the taller woman.
Price Grabber - The offerings are a little limited here, but remember to keep an eye on the inseam length to make sure you're purchasing tall jeans and not petite.
You can also shop among the bridesmaid dress offerings for something suitable.
You might want to search in the informal dress section or even look into the bridesmaids or reception dress offerings.
In addition to the offerings on their website, Discount Elegant Bridal invites its customers to search the selections from several designer websites.
Shoppers who want to purchase the Dana Buchman items sold at high-end retailers can look online at sites like 14 to 24W or Designer Apparel, which may have small numbers of plus size offerings in stock.
Pictures of the product offerings are high quality and tasteful.
Once you find a retailer who offers a variety of women's plus size trouser socks, get ready to peruse the offerings.
You don't even need to have the salary of a Hollywood star to own a silk panty collection, with today's blends and less expensive offerings.
Sock Dreams has got you covered with their offerings of a number of different styles, fabrics, and fashions in plus sizes.
Today's plus size upscale offerings are worth a second look, thanks to their elegance, quality and attention to detail.
Old Navy's selection changes frequently, but it is best to shop for sundresses during spring and especially summer, when new offerings are constantly available.
Even improving the nutritional quality of Meals on Wheels offerings would do a lot to ensure that poor, house-bound seniors are getting the nutrients they need.
When you sign up to receive the Road Scholar/ Elderhostel catalog, you can also choose to receive updates on special values and offerings, new programs and exclusive information on upcoming trips.
If you don't see a nearby center in this list, call centers in your region to inquire, as many organizations do not advertise all of their offerings for seniors.
One of the advantages of shopping at Costco is that you can buy a few pairs of glasses for the price of one if you choose their budget offerings.
They can't rely on flash and brand names to draw in their primary sales, so they use their high-quality offerings to keep repeat business from both the standard and business (wholesale) consumer.
Check the company's website or your local Pearle Vision store to find out the latest offerings, or you can sign up for promotional emails on their site so that you don't have to remember to check back.
The free-form pool includes a children's water play area and waterslide, while a playground, arcade, tennis courts, and two story fitness center round out the hotel's offerings.
Make sure to check the hot deals page on their website regularly for package offerings that include hotels, meals and entertainment as well.
Visit the Christmas Town site to learn more about special offerings, hours and changes.
If you are planning a Disney World vacation as only part of your Orlando experience, you may want to explore chain hotels placed strategically between Disney World and Orlando's other great theme park offerings.
In addition to having plenty of thrill rides to please adventurous park goers, Kings Island consistently wins awards for their kid-friendly offerings.
Even though the Wii is largely marketed as being different from the other two major offerings on the market, it is also perfectly capable of providing a more conventional experience when it comes to video games too.
In this way, the core game actually pre-dates many of the other offerings that came along in later years.
Original Mode tries to shake things up a little by adding in a few waves of smaller enemies, more in line with most other offerings in this genre.
You want the current generation of home video game consoles, but you can't decide between the three main offerings.
It's a decent little snack that should keep you entertained between meatier role-playing offerings.
The question is, does it have the chops to compete with more modern offerings in the role-playing genre?
Some of the better offerings include Cake Factory, Bunnies Kingdom Cooking Game, and Sue Meal Baking.
In some of these offerings, you will be given the task of finding words hidden amongst a jumble of letters.
Last but not least, it's hard to ignore Microsoft's puzzle game offerings.
Like previous offerings, you can also choose how fast the karts can go, based on 50CC, 100CC, and 150CC engines.
It does take some time to get used to and the more difficult songs are a lot more challenging than the initial few offerings.
The show has traditionally been a way for video game makers to preview their upcoming Christmas game offerings to big buyers (Toys R Us, Best Buy and the like) and to sell, sell, sell.
The Sony PlayStation 2 is a much more affordable option than the current generation offerings and the massive library of existing games is a very big draw.
The other prominent player in Canada's mail order game rental market is Canflix, a company that focuses much more on its DVD movie collection than it does its video game offerings.
Simply boot this up, and it will list all of your downloads as well as keeping you in the loop for when there are new offerings available.
Thankfully, most offerings come with a useful tutorial or training mode that will walk you through most of these complexities.
SpinTop Games, based out of Vancouver Canada, offers a wide variety of casual games and Rainbow Web is one of their offerings.
Gamers are anxiously awaiting a few new offerings in the RPG arena.
Every reputable school will have a package they send to prospective students with information about the school as well as on the video game design program and how it fits in with their overall educational offerings.
It is still important, though, to consider some of the lesser known or unconventional offerings on all of the major consoles too.
If you're looking for a good laugh to expand on your love of Mario and the Xbox 360, you'll want to see some of the video game comic offerings that can be found for free on the Internet.
For the gamer, they've got pictures from popular titles like Super Smash Bros, Crazy Taxi, and Street Fighter, as well as more obscure offerings like Loom, Deathkarz, and The Moon Project.
However, more complex offerings can sometimes come with instruction books thicker than most magazines.
First, some of the most successful, best-selling video games have been very violent offerings.
This target demographic yearns for more complex offerings, and oftentimes these types of games come with sexual or violent themes.
Unfortunately, the WWE has also given us some of the worst wrestling games of all time, from very early Playstation offerings like In The House to the Dreamcast's WWF Royal Rumble to just about any of the Xbox titles.
Furthermore, the game looks and sounds good, with both the visuals and the soundtrack blending elements of past Wild Arms games with more typical anime/j-pop style offerings with solid results.
The Xbox is also the console to do the best job of promoting and including online play in its offerings.
All three of these white wines are a perfect match for many of the region's seafood offerings, such as crab, shrimp, or halibut.
Winemakers at the Hayman & Hill winery in Sonoma County infuse their passion for winemaking into all of their product offerings, and this Cabernet Franc is no exception.
This is the lower priced Cabernet from Eberle and it makes me hunger for their more "select" offerings.
The floral delivery service, FTD, has expanded its offerings to include an array of products including wine and Champagne gift baskets.
At such low prices, however, there's no risk in trying other, more recent offerings from Castle Rock.
In the meantime, visit Joseph Phelps website to learn what offerings the winery currently has available.
Non-vintage (NV) Port makes up the majority of Port offerings.
In addition to the delicious wines, members will receive a ten percent discount in the gift shop as well as other perks, such as discounted rooms, VIP seating during the summer concert series and advance email alerts on new wine offerings.
The train then brings you back to where you started, refreshed and full of the best regional culinary offerings.
This wine of the month club sends out monthly offerings of hard to find California wines from some of the top small wineries in the region.
With a variety of different offerings designed for all budgets, you can sign up for any number of programs that will have you receiving a steady flow of highly rated California wines.
If you've been looking for the perfect way to get your hands on hard to find fine wines from California, then one of the Gold Medal offerings just might be for you.
Additionally, you can find many of the firm's offerings on eBay, listed with the seller ID 1001Originals.
The emergence of the high-powered 3G network has helped with handset offerings as well.
They have since gone on to expand their offerings beyond that initial release.
Here are a few of the most popular offerings in the market today, from the multimedia-centric to the ones catered specifically to the "power user."
An inexpensive alternative is to get your maps from Google Maps, and even say that these are even more up-to-date than official offerings from larger GPS companies.
Some of these offerings will only work with touchscreen-based phones, such as the Nokia 5800 and N97, so do read the descriptions carefully.
Among the offerings are songs from Enrique Iglesias, Soulja Boy, Lil Wayne, and T-Pain.
Since HTC and T-Mobile released the original T-Mobile G1, several other Google phones have been released, including some notable offerings from Sprint in the United States.
The offerings are organized based on a number of different categories and you can sort based on whether the app is free or paid.
The great thing about the open development of Android apps is that there will always be new offerings released almost every day.
Apple has a policy of keeping its product offerings as family-friendly as possible and it seems that they were further motivated to reduce the level of sexual content in the App Store.
Don't like the offerings made available through your carrier directly.
This is quite different from the more 3D appearance of some other smartphone offerings.
Here are a few of the current offerings, of the time of this article's writing.
That extra money goes into a "wallet" for incidental costs that fall outside of the regular offerings attached to your plan.
Both charter and magnet schools generally have smaller classes and enhanced extracurricular offerings.
While some of the offerings on a mainstream site like this are in the $500 range, Amazon also has a wide selection of ballroom gowns priced at $200.
For example, LearnToDance includes free online line dancing lessons among their many offerings - but only for two songs.
The Baryshnikov Arts Center currently has a very full calendar of offerings, which are not only limited to dance events.
It is true that in times of sadness and distress, words can be far more comforting than material offerings.
From the menu, you can select as many of the fields as you'd like, and the website will display a list of job offerings categorized by employment opportunity and area of employment.
Many different occupations and disciplines are listed within the job offerings section of Verizon's website.
Some websites featuring government job listings may have better offerings and help than others, but don't count them out.
Most mortgage lenders dealing in loans for primary residences also offer mortgage loans for investment properties, although some lenders only do this to expand their offerings.
With so many available lenders within the Austin area it is important to take the time to compare their various offerings.
You may obtain fixed and variable rate loans with interest rates around 4 percent, depending on the offerings of financial institutions.
Be aware that offerings change often depending upon which politicians are in office, and you would be wise to check your state government website regularly to see if there is anything new available.
There is bound to be some type of grant to suit your purpose under the extensive offerings available.
Most banks that offer this listing offer it online free of charge so prospective buyers can peruse the offerings and find a suitable property.
A wide array of exfoliating and body wrap services, manicures and pedicures, and personal trainer services complete the varied list of spa offerings.
Sunday's jazz brunch includes many fine offerings from the hotel's Japanese restaurant.
For $28, diners can pick a Black Angus filet with spinach crepes or other dinner offerings.
Tributes of incense and food offerings are made to family ancestors.
Here's a closer look at the main fabric offerings you'll find at your favorite retailers.
I also felt like there was a huge need to help moms with their swimwear offerings, and thought I could address both issues at the same time.
Quality offerings are paired with must-read shopping suggestions and descriptions.
The one-piece offerings from Venus are anything but plain.
Men's swimwear offerings are often those that are no longer sold in stores or on the company websites.
Today's padded offerings have come a long way since the early days, where your pad may or may not have stayed in place!
You'll also find flattering padded swimwear styles, including one- or two-piece offerings.
Some of their pleated bandeau offerings feature bottoms with side ties or beading at the hips.
Some of the store's most unique offerings are high-end and collectible items, such as a child-sized battery-powered Ferrari or a Madame Alexander Rockette's doll.
Clearance specials for the budget-conscious and limited edition autographed collectibles are among the offerings at Ringside Collectibles.
These pants easily complement a wide range of tops, from white oxford shirts to silky offerings.
For those looking to make the game fun and easy to learn, check out the offerings from The Chess House for family chess sets, books and DVDs geared towards children and special online instruction.
One of this site's most popular offerings includes kits to make gel candles that resemble apple, blueberry, strawberry, or peach pie.
In many of those religions, the significance of votive candles is tied to the religious traditions of making offerings.
From special event announcements to updates on tithes and offerings, church fundraising letters are used for a wide variety of purposes and many examples can be found on the Internet.
Is this a specific, one time cause, or are you aiming to boost the general tithes and offerings for the year?
Fresh ideas and unique offerings appeal to many.
If you fall into that category, you do not have to look further than your community to find an excellent collection of holiday musical offerings.
Bygone civilizations in Europe, and particularly in Scandinavia, deemed it necessary to "call back the sun" with rituals, offerings, and celebrations.
These three sites are some of the best free offerings out there, but there are more.
They update their lists often to so you never miss out on the latest offerings, and user feedback clues you in to which programs are best.
For a more filling meal, Boston Market has several gluten free offerings, including their rotisserie chicken and roasted turkey breast.
Holiday specialty items may tempt you with savory offerings.
In less than ten years, this designer has become one of the hottest names in fashion with even more offerings on the way for interested patrons.
While students especially have the need for backpacks, many others, from journalists to real-estate agents to parents can find ample uses from among the Eastpak offerings to transport their daily necessities.
However, unless you're ready to hop on a plane to Florence, you may want to peruse the offerings of other similar designers.
Ultra-fashionable types will definitely gravitate towards colorful seasonal offerings, while those with more timeless affinities may find themselves drawn towards rich leather and neutral hues. - Backpack purse designs offered by range from the super sophisticated Piel Leather's "Ladies Red Hot Backpack" to the casual offerings from Billabong and Jansport.
And for those who prefer lightweight bags or just don't like to carry leather, there are numerous offerings available, too.
The collections are vast and the offerings are numerous.
While the brand started with handbags, current Kathy Van Zeeland offerings have expanded to include luggage, watches, jewelry and clothing.
His horoscopes are not your average newspaper zodiac offerings; he has an impressive command of the English language and his predictions are rich in imagery.
Offerings for kids usually include arts & crafts, swimming, games, and kid-friendly food.
Whichever you choose, there are now religious home schooling offerings for most of the major religions.
Again, actual offerings vary by location, but all children's museums offer some form of fine arts development.
Craft offerings are as diverse as play-dough recipes, windsocks, greeting cards, and jewelry projects.
Smocked waists, floral prints and ruffled pantaloons are just some of the ultra feminine offerings in the party dress category.
The offerings are based on popular characters that children who watch the shows on the channel are already familiar with.
Once you've decided on why you want to participate in a parenting class and decided on the type of class you really think will benefit you and your family, choosing a class from the nearby offerings will be an easier task.
The gallery's oldest offerings date from the silent screen era; prices are based on availability and condition.
At present, their oldest offerings are scene and title cards from the 1920's.
The Directors Fortnight showcases little-known filmmakers; these selections are considered the most radical offerings to be seen at Cannes.
The hardest part (besides the standing in line, which can be arduous for the movies with the most buzz) will be deciding among the hundreds of offerings.
Other sites around the web have similar offerings as well.
While many of the sites offering Arabic movie downloads over-promise and under-deliver, there are a few truly high quality offerings.
The simple website at Screenplay 451 has few offerings, but the formats of the scripts are crisp and easy to ready.
The film is curious as the previous effort did not receive as much as other Pixar offerings in the box office, although merchandising deals since the release have been quite productive.
While each of the upcoming movie sequels out there may appeal to different audiences, there are still a lot of passionate offerings for those who are unaware of what they want.
The site's selection of over 1,600 titles includes offerings such as Redbook, Shape, Seventeen, Rolling Stone, and Newsweek.
Many are long-established companies that either have brick-and-mortar locations and diversified online offerings, or are only online institutions.
For a lesser price than the Go Pass, you choose your top three attractions from 28 offerings.
From there, the business grew to have over 9,000 stores in 2010 and a menu that includes offerings that range from pizza pies to sandwiches, appetizers and desserts.
Animal prints feature heavily in Manolo's 2006 Spring/Summer collection, with zebra print open-toe Mary Janes and leopard print pumps taking center stage alongside black, tan, and sequined offerings.
Visit to view photos of all of their current offerings.
The line includes a variety of glamorous offerings, such as bejeweled sandals, ruched boots and tailored dress shoes.
You can also choose to receive periodic emails that include new offerings and special deals.
The new offerings this line offers are sure to find their way into major fashion magazines like Vogue and Elle.
It may not be as good as finding shoes in person, but if you can view photos and get a feel for measurements, you'll find a lot of offerings at this auction site.
After the summer shoes are marked down and fall shoes begin popping up on shelves, expect to find some formal shoes among the offerings.
These unique shoes adapt well in the water and on land, making it one of the most versatile offerings for outdoor enthusiasts.
One of Sperry's most popular offerings for women is the plaid boat shoe.
While you won't find designer names or designer prices here, you will find offerings to fit every budget.
Dearfoams has a strong history, with its offerings of "Shoulda-Shams" shoulder pads in the 1940s and today meeting men's and women's needs with a variety of stylish slippers and casual footwear.
There are plenty of great offerings available out there that meet these needs, but few are recognized as closely by their names as Steve Madden.
Fall is definitely the time to start checking out the offerings more closely, and wintertime will typically see a slew of styles become available in a range of colors.
It's wise to keep a close eye on the collection at the Kohl's Web site, since the offerings change frequently.
Jeanne Lanvin's high quality and intuitive offerings were well known around Europe in the beginning of the last century, which secured her status as a prominent couturière.
In fact, Lanvin offers excitingly trendy footwear options that remain true to the goals of designer offerings.
These shoes are a step above the ordinary dark offerings sold by other skater shoe brands.
Other heeled offerings include the black patent leather Symphony and the fetching faux-snakeskin Transform.
Color selections include neutral offerings like white, tan, brown and black, but you'll also find some soft pink and vibrant purple designs as well.
The boot offerings from Gabor are all ankle-cut varieties, perfect for pairing with a dark pair of tights and a short skirt or for wearing under slacks.
It's worth checking back often, since offerings change regularly.
The savings on Last Chance offerings can be substantial, and just another way to bargain shop one of the top athletic names in the world.
Basic pink and white footwear is available, but so are silver and metallic offerings.
These multiple platform offerings of traditional television shows allow viewers to watch their soaps where they want, when they want.
Maenads expect offerings or tributes from those that sell libations.
In the television series, Maryann's after more than tribute or offerings to her, she is trying to summon her God.
If you prefer a touch of realism over a stylized butterfly design, take a look at the offerings available at Tattoo Designs Free.
Special offerings of child-sized bathrobes, children's toiletries, a wide array of toys, coloring books, and games are meant to please children of all ages.
These websites will have broader offerings that include special fares such as student discounts, itineraries through smaller airports and traveling during non-peak travel days and times.
Elegant and lively, the Breitling Cockpit Lady Diamond Orange Ladies Watch features SuperQuartz movement, a calendar, and many other fantastic offerings.
The 1/20th second chronograph, analog alarm, date display, 20 atmospheres water resistance and luminescent hands rounds out the offerings.
When compared with the offerings manufactured by the company's more costly competitors, Seiko watches for diving emerge as sterling examples of craftsmanship and style at an affordable price.
A favorite among the hip and funky-fashion oriented, most of Juicy's offerings are faux-jewel embellished watches.
Learn more about ladies Accurist gold watches by browsing the offerings at the company's official website.
The offerings vary widely on this tab, so you may want to bookmark it and visit regularly.
While most of the offerings are handbags and clothing, a watch or two will show up occasionally.
To better understand the offerings provided by Invicta, check out the scope of their catalog.
Learn more about Skagen's offerings and let yourself be tempted into surrender.
To help you get started on choosing the perfect timepiece, browse a sampling of the company's offerings in the following sections.
I also want to continue to teach, but am not sure in what capacity because I want to expand class offerings and I'm not sure what direction they will take.
Completing a specialized baby yoga program allows you to add the specialization of baby yoga to your course offerings and to your areas of expertise.
Offering classes seven days a week, and flexible prices ranging from drop-ins to a yearly unlimited membership, the Yoga Center has the flexibility both in course offerings and in pricing to fit just about any yoga goal and budget.
Other offerings include "Twilight Yoga" for ultimate relaxation at the end of the week, or "Urban Flow" class to energize yourself.