Offensive Sentence Examples
We must respect their traditions, no matter how offensive they are.
It was decided therefore to abandon offensive operations.
Sulphuretted hydrogen is a colourless gas possessing an extremely offensive odour.
The conception of a permanent confederation, bound together in offensive and defensive alliance for common objects, has not occurred to these hard fighters and stubborn asserters of their civic privileges.
Balashev replied that there was "nothing offensive in the demand, because..." but Murat interrupted him.
The pale clay-coloured gills, offensive odour, and clammy or even viscid top are decisive characters.
The crude product is very impure and possesses an offensive smell; it may be purified by forcing a fine spray of lime water through the liquid until the escaping water is quite clear, the washed bisulphide being then mixed with a little colourless oil and distilled at a low temperature.
This scorn was not offensive to his master.
Nevertheless he soon took the offensive.
The second class, who were equally offensive, consisted of those who practised blind experience, which is mere 3 Fil.
AdvertisementThus, without the previous consent of the estates, no new law could be imposed, rio old law abolished, no offensive war undertaken, no extraordinary war subsidy levied.
In 1875 Bismarck was suspected of a design of again attacking France, and Gorchakov gave him to understand, in a way which was not meant to be offensive, but which roused the German chancellor's indignation, that Russia would oppose any such scheme.
The Austrian attempt to break through ended in definite failure, and even its secondary object, that of preventing the Italian offensive on the Isonzo, was not attained.
But these were the French and British heavy guns (nearly 200 in number), which had been withdrawn when he stated that he could not renew his offensive, and a number of batteries now restored to the Trentino front, which had been stripped for the earlier fighting.
This was doubtless due to the extreme pressure of the days which preceded the offensive, and to the many modifications which had tb be made during these days.
AdvertisementSimultaneously Wladislaus contracted an offensive and defensive alliance with Venice against the Porte, a treaty directly contrary indeed to the pacta conventa he had sworn to observe, but excusable in the desperate circumstances.
The passage of a bill proposed by him (November 1 775) to arm and equip ships to prey upon British commerce, and for the establishment of a prize court, was, according to his biographer, Austin, " the first actual avowal of offensive hostility against the mother country, which is to be found in the annals of the Revolution."
Any criticism of their peculiar institution now came to be highly offensive to Southern leaders, and Calhoun, who always took the most advanced stand in behalf of Southern rights urged (but in vain) that the Senate refuse to receive abolitionist petitions.
Hobbes's conception of the state of nature antecedent to civil organization as a state of war and moral anarchy was obviously very offensive to churchmen.
James then entered at great length into the case, censuring the judges for the offensive form of their letter, and for not having delayed judgment upon his demand, which had been made solely because he was himself a party concerned.
AdvertisementIn a very offensive and quite unjustifiable tone, which is severely commented on by Sigwart and Fischer, he attacks the Baconian methods and its results.
His cause was subsequently espoused by Pope Nicholas in a manner highly offensive to the independent feeling of the Eastern Church.
Union between Greeks, voluntary or compulsory, and an offensive war against Persia, was the programme they propounded.
These conditions elucidate the fact that the Parthian Empire, though founded on annexation and perpetually menaced by hostile arms in both the East and the West, yet Later Illsnever took a strong offensive after the days of tory- of the Mithradates II.
This chief soon entered upon a series of intrigues in the Persian interests, and, among other acts offensive to Great Britain, suffered one Abbas Kuli, who had, under guise of friendship, betrayed the cause of the salar at Meshed, to occupy the citadel of Herat, and again place a detachment of the shahs troops in Ghurian.
AdvertisementUnder Hollywood's production code at the time, movies could not include nudity, criminal activity, or offensive language, or depict illegal drug use, venereal disease, or childbirth.
But if you only knew how offensive it was... as if I...
They must understand that we can only lose by taking the offensive.
He tried to avoid his old acquaintances with their commiseration and offensive offers of assistance; he avoided all distraction and recreation, and even at home did nothing but play cards with his mother, pace silently up and down the room, and smoke one pipe after another.
If you find either offensive, you can simply walk away and find another chat room environment.
From political jabs to sexist slams, the race to produce the most offensive T shirts is on, and many clothing manufacturers are happy to be taking part.
An expansion pack called United Offensive and a Mac OS X and N-Gage version is available.
The film may contain some mildly offensive scenes that might upset some younger children.
Unknown lyrics may be offensive to the recipient.
The organization uses some terms that many people on the spectrum find offensive, and while many families can relate to the hardships associated with the conditions, the portrayal seems skewed to the negative.
Asked not to play their song "Radio, Radio" due to offensive lyrics about the media, Costello did it anyway.
The Russians, then, at the beginning of June, were divided into three groups, the Southern, or offensive group (3 5,000), in the triangle Neuchwang-Haicheng-Kaiping; the Eastern or defensive group (30,000), the main body of it guarding the passes right and left of the Wiju-Liao-Yang road, the left (Cossacks) in the roadless hills of the upper Aiho and Yalu valleys, the right (Mishchenko's Cossacks and infantry supports) guarding Fenshuiling pass and the road from Takushan; the reserve (42,000) with Kuropatkin at Liao-Yang; the " Ussuri Army " about Vladivostok; and Stessel's two divisions in the Kwantung peninsula.
This was the only manifestation of the offensive spirit on Kuropatkin's part during the six months of marking time.
But the right of the 1st Army (12th division) was threatened by the gathering storm of the counterstroke from the side of Yentai Mines, and had it not been that the resolute Okasaki continued the attack on Manjuyama alone, the Japanese offensive would have come to a standstill.
A state of equilibrium was established, only momentarily disturbed by Kuropatkin's offensive on the Sha-ho in October, and by the Sandepu incident in the winter, until at last Oyama fought a battle on a grand scale and won it.
Moreover, growing in strength day by day, and aware that the Japanese had outrun their powers, he resolved, in spite of the despondency of many of his senior officers, to take the offensive.
The Russian commander-in-chief states in his work on the war that Bilderling became engaged a fond instead of gradually withdrawing as Kuropatkin intended, and at any rate it is unquestioned that in consequence of the serious position of affairs on the western wing, not only did Stakelberg use his reserves to support Bilderling, when the 12th division of Kuroki's army was almost at its last gasp and must have yielded to fresh pressure, but Kuropatkin himself suspended the general offensive on the 13th of October.
Kuropatkin was so far averse to retreat that he ordered a new offensive, which was carried out on the 16-17th.
Kuropatkin wished to continue the offensive, but his corps commanders offered so much opposition to a further offensive that he at last gave up the idea.
Towards the end of January, Kuropatkin took the offensive.
It was particularly offensive to Christians as tending to dishonour the Creator who is set over against the serpent as bad against good.
Peter's enthusiastic worship of Frederick resulted in a peace (May 5) and then (June 19) in an offensive and defensive alliance between Russia and Prussia, whereby Peter restored to Prussia all the territory won from her by Russia during the last five years at such an enormous expense of men and money, and engaged to defend Frederick against all his enemies.
But the Neustrians threw off the Austrasian yoke and entered into an offensive alliance with the Frisians and Saxons.
After his victory Charles took the offensive, and endeavoured to wrest Narbonensis from the Mussulmans.
Almost simultaneously a civil war broke out in the Crimea and the Porte declared war against the Venetian republic, with which Wladislaus at once concluded an offensive and defensive alliance (1645).
The arrival of Buell enabled the Federals to take the offensive next morning along the whole line, and by sunset on the 7th, after another sanguinary battle, Beauregard was in full retreat.
These rapid successes paralysed the Federal offensive.
Pope was at this moment about to take the offensive, when a violent storm swelled the rivers and put an end to all movement.
At the price of enormous losses both sides escaped defeat in the field, but Lee's offensive was at an end and he retired into Virginia.
Only twice more did the forces of the South strike out (Gettysburg, 1863; Nashville, 1864), and then the offensive was more of a counter-attack than an advance.
When on the point of resuming the offensive, McClellan was suddenly superseded by Burnside, one of his corps commanders.
Lee still held the battlefield of Fredericksburg and had not attempted the offensive, and in April he was much weakened by thedetachmentof Longstreet's corps to a minor theatre of operations.
Bugeaud resolutely adopted the offensive, reduced the weight carried by the soldiers in order to increase the mobility of his troops, and carried the war into the province of Oran, from which Abd-el-Kader drew his principal resources.
General Lee's offensive operations now ended, though Stuart's cavalry rejoined the main army at night and followed the enemy on July 2 to Evelington Heights, while Lee rested his army.
The commonview that the British Empire has been won by purely defensive action is not tenable, and from the beginning of her reign Englishmen had taken the offensive, partly from religious but also from other motives.
These successes roused natural alarm in the minds of the Belgae - a confederacy of tribes in the north-west of Gaul, whose civilization was less advanced than that of the Celtae of the centre - and in the spring of 57 B.C. Caesar determined to anticipate the offensive movement which they were understood to be preparing and marched northwards into the territory of the Remi (about Reims), who alone amongst their neighbours were friendly to Rome.
The French government, which by the fault of the British administration was allowed to take the offensive, had three objects in view - to help the Americans, to expel the British from the West Indies and to occupy the main strength of the naval forces of Great Britain in the Channel.
But the French were too weak in these seas for offensive movements, and therefore remained quiescent at Bourbon and Mauritius till the beginning of 1782.
Although the more typical goats are markedly distinct from sheep, there is, both as regards wild and domesticated forms, an almost complete gradation from goats to sheep, so that it is exceedingly difficult to define either group. The position of the genus Capra (to all the members of which, as well as some allied species, the name "goat" in its wider sense is applicable) in the family Bovidae is indicated in the article Bovidae, and some of the distinctions between goats and sheep are mentioned in the article Sheep. Here then it will suffice to mention that goats are characterized by the strong and offensive odour of the males, which are furnished with a beard on the chin; while as a general rule glands are present between the middle toes of the fore feet only.
Wellington resumed the offensive, and on the 19th of January 1812 Ciudad Rodrigo was taken by storm.
A volatile product of offensive odour obtained in the carbonization of bones for the manufacture of animal charcoal.
The Russo-Japanese War came to an end; the new offensive and defensive alliance with Japan was signed on the 12th of August; the successful AngloFrench agreement, concluded in April 1904, had brought out a vigorous expression of cordiality between England and France, shown in an enthusiastic exchange of naval visits; and the danger, which threatened in the early summer, of complications with France and Gemany over Morocco, was in a fair way of being dispelled by the support given to France by Great Britain.
As compared with Zinzendorf's own writings, this book exhibits the finer balance and greater moderation of Spangenberg's nature, while those offensive descriptions of the relation of the sinner to Christ in which the Moravians at first indulged are almost absent from it.
His eloquence favourably impressed Charles XI., but his representations were disregarded, and the offensive language with which, in another petition addressed to the king three years later, he renewed his complaints, involved him in a government prosecution.
It is possible that this resemblance is mimetic in the Batesian sense of the word, and that the Poecilogale, if inoffensive, profits by its likeness to the highly offensive and warningly coloured Ictonyx.
Regarded as a method of military organization, the feudal system of tenures was always far better adapted to the purposes of defensive than of offensive warfare.
His very virtues were strange and therefore offensive to them.
A bond was drawn in which Darnley pledged himself to support the confederates who undertook to punish "certain privy persons" offensive to the state, "especially a strange Italian, called Davie"; another was subscribed by Darnley and the banished lords, then biding their time in Newcastle, which engaged him to procure their pardon and restoration, while pledging them to insure to him the enjoyment of the title he coveted, with the consequent security of an undisputed succession to the crown, despite the counter claims of the house of Hamilton, in case his wife should die without issue - a result which, intentionally or not, he and his fellow-conspirators did all that brutality could have suggested to accelerate and secure.
In 1591 the States-General, after considerable hesitation, were persuaded by Maurice to sanction an offensive campaign.
Dunkirk, as a nest of freebooters who preyed upon Dutch commerce, was made the objective of a daring offensive campaign in 1600 by the orders of the States-General under the influence of Oldenbarneveldt in the teeth of the opposi tion of the stadholders Maurice and William Louis .
A defensive and offensive alliance with France was concluded early in 1635 against the king of Spain, and each party bound itself not to make a peace or truce without the assent of the other.
The principle of liberty of worship and of the press, which it laid down, was so offensive to the Catholics that the bishops condemned it publicly, and in the Doctrinal Judgment actually forbade their flocks to take the oath.
The offensive taste of rape oil may also be removed by treatment with a small proportion of sweet spirit of nitre (nitrous ether).
He did not scruple, in the ardour of conflict, even to maintain positions that he had resigned in the translation, and he was not afraid to assume the offensive by a counter criticism of three of Wallis's works then published.
For declaring offensive war the consent of the federal council must be obtained.
In the first period (roughly 1871-1899), which is characterized by the development of the offensive spirit, the fortresses, except on the French and Russian frontiers, were reduced to a minimum.
The treaties of peace between Prussia and the South German states were accompanied by secret treaties of offensive and defensive alliance, under which the supreme command in war was to be given to the Prussian king.
But Frederick was unwilling to break with Russia, with whom he was negotiating the partition of Poland; Austria in these circumstances dared not take the offensive; and Maria Theresa was compelled to purchase the modification of the extreme claims of Russia in Turkey by agreeing to, and sharing in, the spoliation of Poland.
On the 7th of February Austria and Prussia signed at Berlin an offensive and defensive treaty of alliance.
It has narrow streets badly paved and drained, and made still more dirty and offensive by the surface drainage of the upper town.
In the following year Tflsn, having received reinforcements, again assumed the offensive, and captured Medina after a prolonged siege.
He occupied Abu Klea wells and Metemma; recalled the amir Ibrahim Khalil, with 4000 men, from the Ghezira; brought to Omdurman thc army of the west under Mahmudsome 10,000 men; entrusted the line of the AtbaraEd Darner, Adarama, Asubri and El Fasherto Osman Digna; constructed defences in the Shabluka gorge; and personally superintended the organization and drill of the forces gathered at Orndurman, and the collection of vast stores of food and supplies of camels for offensive expeditions.
Philip now took the offensive himself, and in manoeuvring to get a good cavalry ground upon which to fight he offered battle (July 27), on the plain east of Bouvines and the river Marque - the same plain on which in 1794 the brilliant cavalry action of Willems was fought.
It was revived in a somewhat modified form in 1891 by Tricoupis, who suggested an offensive alliance of the Balkan states, directed against Turkey and aiming at a partition of the Sultan's possessions in Europe.
Moreover, the queen of England increased his difficulties by making him the bearer of offensive messages to the barons, and by contradictory instructions.
Failing this a charge of sedition was based on the rough draft of a petition to the queen that had been found among his private papers; the language of which was indeed harsh and offensive, but had been neither presented nor published.
On the 13th of October 1795 he fought a brilliant rearguard action at the bridge of Neuwied, and in the offensive campaign of 1796 he was Jourdan's most active and successful lieutenant.
Although a sturdy Lutheran the elector hoped at one time to unite the Protestants, on whom he continually urged the necessity of giving no cause of offence to their opponents, and he favoured the movement to get rid of the clause in the peace of Augsburg concerning ecclesiastical reservation, which was offensive to many Protestants.
In the autumn Louis himself took the offensive, and royal troops overran Picardy and the Maconnais to Burgundy itself.
To a reader not acquainted with the peculiar nature of the man, which led him to regard what commended itself to him as therefore objectively true, they must be, moreover, entirely unintelligible and, from their peculiar, pietistic tone and scriptural jargon, probably offensive.
By the treaty of Worms in 1743 an offensive alliance was formed between Great Britain, Austria and Sardinia.
The westerly winds, however, sometimes bring across the bay the offensive smells of the great abattoirs and meat-curing establishments (saladeros) at the foot of the Cerro.
Though it soon appeared that the imputation was false, Khalid, on his return, was furious, and uttered very offensive words against the caliph.
Krauss was convinced that an offensive against Italy from the Trentino was practicable, and, if accompanied by a simultaneous attack on the Isonzo front, would lead to great results.
But if his offensive were so far successful, if he had once cleared the way to the plains - then perhaps the stiff-necked Falkenhayn might change his mind, and take advantage of the opening offered by an Austrian success.
He believed he had shut the doors fast against any ordinary attack, and he did not think that Conrad could spare troops for an offensive on the grand scale, or that, if he could, he would make his big effort in the Trentino.
He assumed, moreover, that Conrad had reasonably accurate information about the forthcoming Russian offensive and would not risk attacking at such a distance when the Russian threat was imminent.
Cadorna was sceptical of an offensive in strength, and thought that the reported movements in the Trentino signified a limited attack, to be undertaken with the object of hampering his offensive towards the east.
Army had advanced at various points beyond the limits laid down by Cadorna, and in these sectors the army was aligned for offensive action.
Although Cadorna was still sceptical in regard to an offensive in force, he increased Brusati's artillery strength by 18 batteries of middle-calibre guns and gave special orders for the supply and transport of ammunition.
The troops in the Val Lagarina and the Val Sugana were not included in this force, which was to make its offensive between the two valleys, where only supporting attacks were to be carried out.
The offensive opened on May 14 with a very heavy bombardment along the whole line from the Val Lagarina to the Val Sugana; but the concentration of fire was most intense between the Vallarsa and the Upper Astico, and against this sector, the following day, the main infantry attack was launched.
The attacking divisions were beginning to lose their offensive value, and the reserves were insufficient.
But even before the news of the disaster had reached Bozen it was clear that the offensive against Italy had failed.
Great Britain, prodigal of protestations of goodwill, alone remained; and to her Mahmud turned with a definite offer of an offensive and defensive alliance.
Before, on the 9th of July, the Russian fleet, with the Russian troops on board, weighed anchor for the Black Sea, there was signed at the palace of Unkiar Skelassi the famous treaty (July 8, 1833) which, under the guise of an offensive and defensive alliance, practically made Russia the custodian of the gates of the Black Sea.
Denying any form of moral sense or conscience, he regards all the social virtues as evolved from the instinct for self-preservation, the give-and-take arrangements between the partners in a defensive and offensive alliance, and the feelings of pride and vanity artificially fed by politicians, as an antidote to dissension and chaos.
Preparations had been made for a continuation of the offensive which had been broken off in Sept., and it was not possible, given the difficulty of communications and the risk of imminent attack, to take up those positions best adapted for defence.
Army, and the reserves already under way, to stem the enemy's offensive.
This contingency had been studied, and preparations for a new line had begun, during the Austrian offensive in 1916, and Cadorna had ordered the work to be continued during the interval.
Krauss accepted failure for the moment, hoping for an early spring offensive farther west.
Army was still aligned for an offensive, and though a complete modification was impossible, certain changes might have been made.
Bordeaux capitulated on the 9th of October, and the Hundred Years' War was terminated by the expulsion of the English, who were by this time so fully occupied with the Wars of the Roses as to be unable to take the offensive against France anew.
Reitz, one of the founders of the Bond, in 1889 committed the Free State to an offensive and defensive alliance with the Transvaal.
To the unaided eye the disease is seen as purplish brown or blackish blotches of various sizes, at first on the tips and edges of the leaves, and ultimately upon the leaf-stalks and the larger stems. On gathering the foliage for examination, especially in humid weather, these dark blotches are seen to be putrid, and when the disease takes a bad form the dying leaves give out a highly offensive odour.
It is a poisonous colourless gas, with a characteristic offensive smell.
The treaty of 1854 was a treaty of alliance offensive and defensive.
On the 30th of March 1855 Dost Mahommed reversed his former policy by concluding an offensive and defensive alliance with the British government.
It is stated to form with alum-water a size or cement highly offensive to vermin, and with two parts of wheaten flour the material for a strong bookbinder's paste.
After a new survey of the situation in 1909-10 by Marshal von der Goltz it was decided to treat Macedonia as a self-contained theatre of war garrisoned at all times by a large army with Shtip (tip) as its area of war concentration, and to constitute in Thrace a covering army which would be reinforced by the troops from Asia as they successively arrived, up to the strength adequate for offensive operations against Bulgaria.
The role of Greece, when she acceded to the league, was by offensive operations from Thessaly to bind as many hostile troops as possible, incidentally occupying the country which it was intended to acquire.
But this was the limit of his offensive possibilities, and the weather presently brought operations to a close for the time being.
The scheme, whatever it was, was abandoned at the last moment in favour of a general offensive, as in Macedonia.
From these positions the four corps advanced on the 21st and 22nd in accordance with the order to take the offensive, and two encounterbattles ensued, one of which, the engagement of the Bulgarian I.
And while the necessary movements were being carried out, Abdalla again took the offensive, with the reorganized four active corps, and the XVII.
A general offensive had been ordered.
The Bulgarian scheme of operations, necessarily offensive, suffered from the weakness of having two objectives - the Ovche Polye and Salonika - and being based on two main lines of communication diverging towards the rear - Kyustendil and Seres - Drama.
The scheme, therefore, was to begin with a succession of outpost affrays along the whole line (which could be represented as a provocation suffered), and then to strike vigorous offensive blows (a) from Seres towards Salonika, (b) from Strumitsa and Radovishta against the Vardar at Krivolak and Gevgeli (Gyevgheli), (the link between the Serbian and Greek armies); and (c) a blow from the region of Kochana towards Egri Palanka.
But the Serbians, and also the Greeks, were disposed in considerable depth, and the Bulgarian soldier had little heart for the offensive once it became evident that the enemy was determined to fight.
By the night of July 1 the offensive had died down, and it was the allies' turn to counter-attack.
Their new offensive was twofold - local attacks by the I.
The new allied offensive, therefore, begun all along the Serbian line on the 15th, and starting on the battle-front above mentioned (Golemi Vrh-Sivakobila-Obochna), resolved itself into a series of local combats with the object of cutting off as much as possible of Ivanov's rearguard detachments and of making strategic connexion with the Greek left at Pehchevo.
Though internal disturbances again broke out, the Bohemians after this success assumed the offensive, and repeatedly invaded Hungary and the German states.
Harrison's offensive operations being thus checked, he accomplished nothing that summer except to hold in check Proctor, who (May 1-5) besieged him at Fort Meigs, the American advanced post after the disaster of the river Raisin.
The jackal, like the fox, has an offensive odour, due to the secretion of a gland at the base of the tail.
It is forbidden to establish within an urban district without the consent of the council any offensive trade, business or manufacture.
In 1149 Manuel recovered Corfu and prepared to take the offensive against the Normans.
On the death of Theodore (13th April 1868) many Shoans, including Ras Darge, were released, and Menelek began to feel himself strong enough, after a few preliminary minor campaigns, to undertake offensive operations against the northern princes.
In the spring of 1716 the emperor, having concluded an offensive alliance with Venice against Turkey, appointed Eugene to command the army of Hungary; and at Peterwardein he gained (5th of August 1716) a signal victory over a Turkish army of more than twice his own strength.
He pointed out the disadvantage of a submarine in attempting to stop such an armed vessel for search, and emphasized that armament on a merchantman had every appearance of being offensive.
Grant directed the offensive reconnaissance of Belmont in the autumn.
His last and most offensive book was his Pantheisticon (1720).
The immediate withdrawal of the offensive passage, and a sham prosecution instituted against the printer, extricated Swift from his danger.
But he soon showed petulance towards the civil authorities, from whom he came to differ concerning the political ends in view; and he now found severe critics, who doubted his capacity for directing an offensive war; but the government yielded to his plans for an oblique, instead of a direct, movement upon Richmond and the opposing army.
It is a colourless, extremely poisonous gas, possessing a characteristic offensive smell, resembling that of rotting fish.
Michael withdrew to the mountains before this overwhelming force, but, being joined by Báthory with a Transylvanian contingent, the voivode resumed the offensive, stormed Bucharest, where Sinan had entrenched a Turkish detachment, and, pursuing the main body of his forces to the Danube, overtook the rearguard and cut it to pieces, capturing enormous booty.
South of the Danube its chief political interest centred in the Kutzo-Vlach communities in Macedonia, which were the object of a Panhellenic propaganda most offensive to Rumanian nationalism.
His great taxing budget was that of 1918, introduced during the early stages of the great German offensive.
It is observable that most of the abuses which are remedied by it are regarded as having sprung up since the accession of Henry II.; but the most offensive afforestations have been made under Richard and John.
But their offensive action proved so successful and so profitable that, after a short time, the whole manhood of Denmark and Norway took to the pirate life.
Then he took the offensive himself, by persuading his parliament to pass the Statute of Mortmain (de religiosis).
But his most offensive act was to promote to the position of chief councillor of the crown, and disperser of the royal favors, a clever but vain and ostentatious Gascon knight, one Piers Gaveston, who had been the companion of his boyhood, and had been banished by Edward I.
From that time with onward the English took the offensive with great France.
He had been wayward, unwise and occasionally revengeful; but his provocation had been great, and if few tyrants have used more violent and offensive language, few have committed such a small list of actual crimes.
Apparently he hoped thereby to gain vantage ground for an interference in Spanish politics, which would have been most offensive to Ferdinand.
Early in the summer of 1814 he undertook offensive operations, and his forces occupied Fort Erie, and, on the 5th of July, at Chippawa, Ontario, defeated the British under General Phineas Riall (c. 1769-1851).
Similarly on land, the post it occupied between northern Greece and the Peloponnese materially influenced its relation to other states, both in respect of its alliances, such as that with Thessaly, towards which it was drawn by mutual hostility to Boeotia, which lay between them; and also in respect of offensive combinations of other powers, as that between Thebes and Sparta, which throughout an important part of Greek history were closely associated in their politics, through mutual dread of their powerful neighbour.
The Prussians occupied the northern part of Wurttemberg and peace was made in August 1866; by this Wurttemberg paid an indemnity of 8,000,000 gulden, but at once concluded a secret offensive and defensive treaty with her conqueror.
The Austrian forces in the Netherlands were, however, so weak that they could not take the offensive.
Ferdinand of Naples, rashly taking the offensive before his allies were ready, was defeated and forced to seek a refuge in Sicily.
In Italy the allies took the offensive with an army partly Austrian, partly Russian under the command of Suvarov.
The directors having resolved on the offensive in Germany, the French crossed the Rhine early in March, but were defeated by the archduke Charles at Stockach on the 2 5th.
After the emeute of August 10 and Lafayette's flight he was appointed to the command of the "Army of the Centre," and at the same moment the Coalition assumed the offensive.
In 1777 he informed the American commissioners that France acknowledged the Republic and was willing to form an offensive and defensive alliance with the new state.
The evacuations possess a peculiarly offensive odour characteristic of the disease.
Should no improvement occur death may take place in from one to three weeks, either from repeated losses of blood, or from gradual exhaustion consequent on the continuance of the symptoms, in which case the discharges from the bowels become more offensive and are passed involuntarily.
Arsenic compounds can be detected in the dry way by heating in a tube with a mixture of sodium carbonate and charcoal when a deposit of black amorphous arsenic is produced on the cool part of the tube, or by conversion of the compound into the trioxide and heating with dry sodium acetate when the offensive odour of the extremely poisonous cacodyl oxide is produced.
This defeat of the rear-guard, famous for the death of the great Roland and the treachery of Ganelo, induced the Arabs to take the offensive once more and to conquer Septimania.
The military The return rule of the marquis de Sgur eliminated the plebeians of feud.2!from the army; while the great lords, drones in the Isin tothe hive, worked with a kind of fever at the enforcement offensive.
After having separated the Piedmontese from the Austrians, whom he drove back into Tyrol, and repulsed offensive reprisals of Wurmser and Alvinzi on four occasions, he stopped short at the preliminary negotiations of Loben just at the moment when the Directory, discouraged by the problem of Italian reconstitution, was preparing the army of the Rhine to re-enter the field under the command of Hoche.
In 1270 Etienne Tempier, bishop of Paris, supported by an assembly of theologians, anathematized thirteen propositions bearing the stamp of Arabian authorship; but in 1277 the same views and others more directly offensive to Christians and theologians had to be censured again.
To this petition Ambrose replied in a letter to Valentinian, arguing that the devoted worshippers of idols had often been forsaken by their deities; that the native valour of the Roman soldiers had gained their victories, and not the pretended influence of pagan priests; that these idolatrous worshippers requested for themselves what they refused to Christians; that voluntary was more honourable than constrained virginity; that as the Christian ministers declined to receive temporal emoluments, they should also be denied to pagan priests; that it was absurd to suppose that God would inflict a famine upon the empire for neglecting to support a religious system contrary to His will as revealed in the Scriptures; that the whole process of nature encouraged innovations, and that all nations had permitted them, even in religion; that heathen sacrifices were offensive to Christians; and that it was the duty of a Christian prince to suppress pagan ceremonies.
In countries which were not feudally organized - in Castile, for instance - vassal meant simply subject, and during the revolutionary period acquired a distinctly offensive significance as being equivalent to slave.
To reduce them to pure slavery would, in the case of Castile at least, have been dangerous, and would also have been offensive to the Christians, who were themselves fighting for emancipation.
In the worst cases the larvae even die after the cells are sealed over; a strong characteristic and offensive odour being developed in some phases of the disease, noticeable at times some distance away from the hive.
It was enough for them to be able to tie down the Conservative government to such measures as were not offensive to Liberal Unionist principles.
On the 13th of February 1902 he was presented with an address in a gold casket by the city corporation, and entertained at luncheon at the Mansion House, an honour not unconnected with the strong feeling recently aroused by his firm reply (at Birmingham, January II) to some remarks made by Count von Billow, the German chancellor, in the Reichstag (January 8), reflecting the offensive allegations current in Germany against the conduct of the army in South Africa.
Under his guidance the Venetians adopted a singularly bold and ingenious policy of offensive defence.
Negotiations were renewed in 1370 when Charles of Navarre did homage for his French possessions, though he was then considering an offensive and defensive alliance with Edward III.
The southern states he treated with equal moderation, and thereby was able to arrange an offensive and defensive alliance with them.
They are colourless liquids, which are insoluble in water and possess a characteristic offensive smell.
In February 1638, for the part he had taken in importing and circulating The Litany and other publications of John Bastwick and Prynne, offensive to the bishops, he was sentenced by the Star Chamber to be publicly whipped from the Fleet prison to Palace Yard, Westminster, there to stand for two hours in the pillory, and afterwards to be kept in gaol until a fine of Soo had been paid.
This crude process is now classed amongst the noxious trades, owing to the offensive stench given off, and must be considered as almost extinct in this country.
He claimed to have re - pelled the outflanking movement of the French in the battle of the Marne, but he was nevertheless compelled, in consequence of the faulty disposition of the German forces in the line of battle and the success of the Allied offensive, to withdraw his army be - fore what he described as overwhelming odds to the Aisne posi - tions.
Tiyan's armies fought tenaciously and successfully in defense of the small kingdom; what would they do if channeled into the offensive?
The agriculture minister, condemned the new legislation as "offensive and liberal."
Clive eats pub curry SIR CLIVE has added fisticuffs to his already formidable verbal arsenal of offensive weapons against business rivals.
It did not take long for the gipsy charm offensive to turn bitter.
More information on seizure types There has been criticism that the word ' brainstorming ' is offensive to people with epilepsy.
From here, the Regiment attacked the bridgehead at Remagen, its last offensive action of the war.
Salhi interested me because he commanded a mechanized brigade that faced a 1995 INC rebel offensive in northern Iraq.
There is a small cesspool, one of which had been closed by the tenants because of the offensive smell.
Some of his one-liners and retorts are hilarious, as he makes the character instantly charming and never offensive.
It is likely that Iraq is continuing to develop its offensive chemical warfare.
These lyric segments, deemed offensive by the moral majority have been joined together by Correa to form an absurd musical collage.
Although I see amused condescension, which can be offensive to the modern eye, I don't detect any malice.
The officers ' uniforms cowed the most offensive of the rowdies, but I don't think the terror was very deep-seated.
I won't bother repeating his words, suffice to say they are the usual offensive diatribe.
It covers any unwanted conduct which violates a person's dignity or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.
However, he has not stressed the point that this school is being blatantly discriminatory in a particularly offensive way.
Her characters are easily duped by an extremely offensive man.
Offensive material may get through and some perfectly innocuous sites may be blocked.
Even tho it's content may hinder on the offensive and vulgar in some parts, its all in good jest and absolutely hilarious.
Rather, they should restrict themselves from making offensive jibes at minority ethnic groups.
In franchise mode, create an offensive lineman that is 45 years old.
Exeter were on the offensive for most of the half, dominating the midfield.
My days were made miserable by a steady stream of offensive comments.
When it was originally published, six of the poems were banned as being offensive to public morals and Baudelaire received a fine.
With a garrison of 200 men, the only offensive armament was the 81mm mortar.
Silent black and white newsreels, for all their visual power, seem somehow less frightening, immediate, offensive than actual audio archives.
Do not visit sites or download files containing obscene, pornographic, discriminatory or otherwise offensive material.
A chewable, tasty tablet that helps control offensive breath odors in cats.
On 21 March 1918, the German Army launched a massive offensive against the British lines near the town of St Quentin.
Whenever the prudes mount a censorship offensive, their favorite line of attack is suicide.
Al Qaeda is living in the expectation of resuming the offensive.
As part of the anti-social offensive, the logic of the bourgeoisie is that there are no problems which belong to the whole society.
But the Charter is a great stimulus for us to re-examine the means by whereby the Neo-liberal offensive was carried through.
An ideological offensive was launched to create a climate of fear, insecurity, intolerance and personal greed.
It also played an important role in the Strategic Bomber offensive and the daylight raids in support of the allied offensive in Europe.
The german offensive which began on 27th May 1918 had both.
One U.S. official called it a " charm offensive.
However, as the RAFâs night bomber offensive grew, they were used with the Pathfinder Force and in other roles within Bomber Command.
She also presented the open-ended coverage for ITV News on the night the US started their bombing offensive in Kabul in Afghanistan.
If you usually carry a penknife, make sure you leave it behind as the police could conceivably construe it as an offensive weapon.
Last year's most offensive TV advert was for Mr Kipling mince pies, which showed a woman giving birth during a nativity play.
Losing an entire command platoon had thrown the communist offensive into total disarray.
Animal rights extremists used psychological warfare, verbal abuse, criminal acts and very offensive propaganda in their quest to close our business.
The article explained the purpose of the exercise as being that some Moslems reject the modern, secular society... Offensive Danish Cartoons?
Fisher soon made amends as he grabbed the offensive rebound from a missed shot and added 2 more points of his own.
A policeman and sometime stand-up has been suspended because jokes he tells in his act have been deemed offensive.
The UK's Future Carrier Based Aircraft needs to be a balanced aircraft that combines both stealth and an offensive capability.
At the risk of being historically offensive, a fearsome tigress and a quiet flirt.
A great big tomcat, with one eye, giving me the most... offensive look!
Kolchak then unleashed a full offensive into southern Russia from Perm.
Yesterday, another activist was arrested for possessing an offensive weapon, taking the total number of arrests to 39.
The system is designed to detect and block potentially wrongful code or illicit or offensive content.
The imperial family were renowned for their beauty, and the princesses of this race were sought as brides by Byzantine emperors of the dynasty of the Palaeologi, by Western nobles, and by Mahommedan princes; and the connexions thus formed originated a variety of diplomatic relations and friendly or offensive alliances.
In rear of these lines VerdunToul and Epinal-Belfort, respectively, lie two large defended areas in which under certain circumstances the main armies would assemble preparatory to offensive movements.
So great was Bismarcks distrust of Italian parliamentary instability, his doubts of Italian capacity for offensive warfare and his fear of the Francophil tendencies of Depretis, that fof many weeks the Italian ambassador at Berlin was unable te obtain audience of the chancellor.
So far was he from desiring a rupture with France, that he had subordinated acceptance of the portfolio of the interior in the Depretis cabinet to an assurance that the triple alliance contained no provision for offensive warfare.
They are no longer used as an armoury from which opposite sides may draw effective weapons, offensive or defensive; nor on the other hand are they cast aside as the rubbish of an ignorant and superstitious age.
All patristic students now recognize the great inequality of these authors, and admit that they are not free from the faults of their times; it is not denied that much of their exegesis is untenable, or that their logic is often feeble and their rhetoric offensive to modern taste.
In 1201 he assumed the offensive, conquered Holstein, together with Hamburg, and compelled Count Henry of Schwerin to acknowledge the over-lordship of the Danish crown.
In 1735 Frederick wrote, or inspired the writing of, the Histoire du prince Titi, a book containing offensive caricatures of both king and queen; and losing no opportunity of irritating his father, "he made," says Lecky, "his court the special centre of opposition to the government, and he exerted all his influence for the ruin of Walpole."
His attacks on privilege had won him the hatred of the nobles and the parlements, his attempted reforms in the royal household that of the court, his free trade legislation that of the "financiers," his views on tolerance and his agitation for the suppression of the phrase offensive to Protestants in the king's coronation oath that of the clergy, and his edict on the jurandes that of the rich bourgeoisie of Paris and others, such as the prince de Conti, whose interests were involved.
The central idea of his teaching was that naval supremacy is the condition precedent of all vigorous military offensive across the seas, and, conversely, that no vigorous military offensive can be undertaken across the seas until the naval force of the enemy has been accounted for - either destroyed or defeated and compelled to withdraw to the shelter of its own ports, or at least driven from the seas by the menace of a force it dare not encounter in the open.
Wellington assumed the offensive, and by various movements and feints, aided the guerrilla bands by forcing the French corps to assemble in their districts, which not only greatly harassed them but also materially hindered the combination of their corps for concerted action.
Timby (1819-1909), who in 1843 had filed a caveat for revolving towers for offensive or defensive warfare whether placed on land or water, and to whom the company building the "Monitor" paid $5000 royalty for each turret.
But licensing is associated with strict segregation, and it results that the great cities are conspicuously free from evidences of vice, and that the streets may be traversed by wonien at all hours of the day and night with perfect impunity and without fear of encountering offensive spectacles.
Neither of the heroines has any but the rudiments of a moral sense; but Roxana, both in her original transgression and in her subsequent conduct, is actuated merely by avarice and selfishness - vices which are peculiarly offensive in connexion with her other failing, and which make her thoroughly repulsive.
On his return from Elba it is true that Murat, the king of Naples, took his side; but recklessly opening an offensive campaign, Murat was beaten at Tolentino (May 2-3), and he found himself compelled to fly in disguise to France, where the emperor refused him an audience or employment.
Unfortunately, Venice, for her own safety's sake, insisted on the publication of Wladislaus's antiTurkish alliance; the Porte, well informed of the course of Polish affairs, remained strictly neutral despite the most outrageous provocations; and Wladislaus, bound by his coronation oath not to undertake an offensive war, found himself at the mercy of the diet which, full of consternation and rage, assembled at Warsaw on the 2nd of May 1647.
The forces left south of Corinth were enough to occupy the attention of Grant and Rosecrans, and almost contemporaneously with Lee's advance on Washington (see below), Price and Bragg took the offensive against Grant and Buell respectively.
For an offensive war, only the active army, the reserve, the Ersatz and the 1st levy of the Landwehr would be really available.
The agitation, however, on the Catholic question had quickened the sense of the wrongs of Ireland, and the Irish Catholics were engaged ere long in a crusade against tithes and the established church, the most offensive symbols of their inferiority in the state.
His work constitutes the oldest commentary in the world on Genesis and part of Exodus, an enlarged Targum on these books, in which difficulties in the biblical narration are solved, gaps supplied, dogmatically offensive elements removed and the genuine spirit of later Judaism infused into the primitive history of the world.
Baird Smith indeed urged an immediate assault upon Delhi, on the ground that audacity is the best policy in Indian warfare; but it was not until the arrival of Nicholson on the 7th of August with the last Punjab reinforcements that the force was strong enough, in the opinion of its commander, to take offensive action.
Michael withdrew to the mountains before this overwhelming force, but, being joined by Báthory with a Transylvanian contingent, the voivode resumed the offensive, stormed Bucharest, where Sinan had entrenched a Turkish detachment, and, pursuing the main body of his forces to the Danube, overtook the rearguard and cut it to pieces, capturing enormous booty.
The tune he was whistling, his gait, and the gesture with which he twirled his mustache, all now seemed offensive.
In view of all this information, when the enemy has scattered his forces in large detachments, and with Napoleon and his Guards in Moscow, is it possible that the enemy's forces confronting you are so considerable as not to allow of your taking the offensive?
Also due to the loss of the Congo, rentier incomes declined in the Kennedy offensive period in Belgium.
This is described as a ' safety net for children ' and is used to protect children from offensive content.
Sexism in advertising, through offensive images of women used to sell products for example, is not outlawed by the Sex Discrimination Act.
Farting causes offense almost everywhere but even sneezing loudly in public can be offensive.
The UK 's Future Carrier Based Aircraft needs to be a balanced aircraft that combines both stealth and an offensive capability.
A great big tomcat, with one eye, giving me the most... offensive look !
One cartoon, arguably the most offensive, depicted a male in eastern turban with a bomb in it.
Unfortunately, both the POUM and CNT leaders vacillated instead of going on the offensive, giving the counter-revolutionary forces the upper hand.
Confronted by health zealots out to ban tobacco, Nick goes on a PR offensive, spinning away the dangers of cigarettes.
Suck on the Zilopop for two minutes after eating offensive smelling food and your breath will be fresh again.
In the event that the scent of pine is offensive to either you or your cat, this type of litter is not a good option.
Following the legal procedures can seem like a daunting task, and it may be almost offensive to some parents who feel as though they are being forced to prove their worthiness as parents.
While the games aren't as potentially offensive as many violent war games are, they do involve simulated fighting.
None of the images posted by users are available for viewing until they have passed a filter for offensive content.
Perhaps they use language that is offensive, or they continue to discuss inappropriate topics, despite other visitors telling them to leave or to be quiet.
Many school boards have voted to change potentially offensive mascots such as "Warriors", "Redskins" and "Chiefs."
You'll want to make sure that if you're considering doing a prayer you'll not doing something that is unconstitutional or offensive to those people who do not share your beliefs.
The offensive player lines up her pennies in a row and flicks the pennies toward the goal, advancing her location on the table by progressively passing one penny through the other two pennies.
Suggestive or lewd comments can be offensive and detract from the occasion.While a wedding speech should be unique, there are some basic elements that you can incorporate to get you started.
Ribald or off-color jokes that may be offensive to parents, grandparents, or guests.
Jerry Seinfeld offered a statement to smooth the waters and identify that the offensive comments Richards made were "a horrible, horrible mistake."
Her Emmy speech will be edited due to the offensive remarks she made.
Some celebrity photo websites can contain ads that display nudity or offensive material.
Europe. They have, when in bloom, a very offensive odour.
Removing offensive weeds by hand or using a garden hoe is often the best choice if you have weeds growing near plants, flowers or vegetables you want to keep healthy.
Tea tree oil does have a scent that some people may find slightly offensive.
Sometimes guys just love to be rude and crude and purchasing one of the most offensive T shirts available can help with this unconventional pastime.
However, as the world's most offensive T shirts continue to grow in popularity, the selection is no longer limited to obscure websites and the creativity of screen print shops.
Perhaps considered the mother of offensive T shirts, screen prints focusing on the wonders of drugs and alcohol have been around for decades.
This site, which labels itself as where all the bad shirts go, will provide you with a pictorial preview of each offensive tee they carry, while also giving you adequate color and sizing options.
Childhood icons turned evil are popular on many offensive T shirts.
Think you have a flair for the offensive?
The others are more offensive, but may suit whomever you have in mind.
Still, when necessary, men did dress in black, double-breasted dinner jackets (previously considered extremely informal and even offensive) and matching ties.
The rudest t-shirts are the ones that hold nothing back - there might be some derogatory language, a particularly suggestive catchphrase, a potentially offensive graphic or some combination of these things involved.
Once your partner gets to know you much better, you might be able to break out the offensive t-shirts every now and then.
In and of themselves, logo T-shirts aren't necessarily offensive.
It has been shown that animals that are fed a raw food diet do not have that offensive odor that many pets have.
Back then, women didn't find the use of the word "stout" offensive, but instead were overjoyed to find a store that offered clothes designed to fit women of size.
Be sure to choose something funny, and avoid sites with content that someone would find disturbing or offensive.
He can control sand and even create more sand if it's needed and use it for offensive or defensive moves.Gaara has unusually light blue eyes with no visible pupil.
The organization has called for a boycott of the game and is petitioning the makers to remove the offensive content toward American Indians.
In it, the company formally apologized for the offensive content and said they do not condone any of the atrocities that occurred in the history of the American West.
You pick a rookie offensive star and a veteran defensive star that will be the main characters in your story.
Some argue that this game lacks strategy, but in reality, formulating an offensive or defensive attack plan and deciding which weapons to use and which field to battle help make Chaos Field more than just a simple button-masher.
In such circumstances, the game camera is positioned by default over the offensive players' shoulders.
Receivers now have more realistically individualized skills and offensive ground games have been improved with the addition of the "truck stick" feature on the right analog stick.
When you go to write a text message on Xbox Live, if you enter the word "Halo", it gives you a message saying offensive text, cannot be sent. is one of the least offensive of these kinds of sites, with easily searchable sites (once the search box is located in the crowded design) and game categories such as strategy, adventure, and text-based.
However, this can be offensive to the one hurting, diminishing their pain and disregarding their hurt.
Images of Ireland that many Irish find hugely offensive, such as leprechauns, have propagated the myth that all the Irish have red hair, even though very few do or ever have.
Employees who do not truly understand what this type of harassment is frequently exhibit behaviors that have the potential to be perceived as offensive or intimidating to co-workers.
This type of harassment occurs when unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature results in unreasonable interference with job performance or if the conduct creates a working environment that is offensive, intimidating, or hostile.
Be sure to take out any piercings the employer may find offensive, usually anything more than a pair of earrings on a woman.
A midwife without a nursing degrees is sometimes called an Empirical Midwife or lay midwife but this terms is often considered offensive by many in the profession.
Celebrity bloggers have been debating on a topic that many older pregnant women would find offensive.
This edition of the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary also removed many words considered offensive or obscene.
Like the two previous editions, it is devoid of words considered obscene, offensive or not fit for family game play.
Many of the craziest songs may include foul language, rude noises, or potentially offensive lyrics, and they should be used with care.
Funny Christmas presents can be great gag gifts or a lighthearted gift for someone special, but take care so that the gifts are not offensive or inappropriate for the recipient.
It's fair to say many pickup lines are cheesy if not downright offensive.
In some areas of the world, speaking with your hands is considered distracting, odd and for some, offensive.
This is offensive to people from the Middle East.
Often incongruence in speech and facial response can become confusing and offensive.
For example, in some parts of the world the hand gesture for hello is offensive.
Sense of Propriety - You don't have to be prudish to simply feel that some things are appropriate and occasionally downright offensive.
So be careful, because what is arousing prose to one person can be ridiculous or offensive to another.
Consider what kinds of slang is used - not so much to decide if it's offensive, but more to determine if it is going to be a turn-on for your Valentine.
If your lover sends you something that seems shocking or even offensive, try to take it in the spirit of love it was intended, and let him/her know what a more appropriate message would be.
Quest Personals does not monitor the content in its mailboxes, but you can block callers that you find offensive by pressing eight.
There are also advice columns and articles about how to find a doctor, which most actual doctors find either amusing or offensive.