Off-of Sentence Examples
Rinse the etching cream off of the glass.
Such rents were called mal or mail in contrast with the gafol, ancient rents which had been imposed independently, apart from any buying off of customary services.
Peculiar to Arcadia is the title Athena Alea, probably = "warder off of evil," although others explain it as = "warmth," and see in it an allusion to her physical nature as one of the powers of light.
Peel the protective backing off of a magnet sheet and carefully align the card stock on top.
You may also want to taper off of caffeine before starting to avoid the headaches.
Once you know what you have been eating, you can plan to lose one pound in a week by shaving 500 calories off of each day.
If the scale discourages you easily, then stay off of it.
Lifting your bottom off of the floor to lift your pelvis completely is called a lift.
Raise your hips off of the mat about six inches.
Lift your butt and hips off of the floor until your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.
AdvertisementThose who cheat and progress ahead too quickly may find themselves falling off of the narrow trampoline, rather than getting air and slimming down as a result.
Everyone can use this same method to improve their running, whether it be shaving a few tenths of a second off of a sprint to going just one more mile on the way to the triathlon challenge.
As you tighten your buttocks and abdomen, tilt the lower part of your pelvis off of the floor.
Tuck your chin into your chest and raise your shoulders just a little ways off of the floor.
Lift your upper body up off of the floor.
AdvertisementI'm off of here.
She worked tirelessly all night to clean the blood off of Jule.
She screamed and launched off of it.
Deidre pushed herself up carefully, unable to take her eyes off of Gabriel.
Will you lie down and stop pulling the covers off of me?
AdvertisementShe raised her bracelet to the light, watching the colors reflect off of it and turning it pinkish-gold, like the prisoner's bracelet.
He'd meant it as a joke only, something to make her feel better and take her mind off of the chaos around her.
Katie frowned. In the course of a day, Gabe had gone from emotional to unaffected when discussing Death. He was distracted, and she felt like she was talking to someone completely different. Blaming herself for taking his mind off of their survival, she fell silent and followed him. Briars and branches caught her pant legs, and she found herself slowing to push more and more of the jungle's flora out of the way. Gabe, too, began to struggle with the bramble, and she noticed the jungle no longer laid their path before him. Instead of clearing away to allow them passage, it stayed where it was, obstructing them.
He'd have a way of keeping my mind off of things. I think the demon side of him makes him a better Immortal than people like Kris.
Do you want me to keep my buffalo off of it?
AdvertisementHad she really changed or would she regret this marriage after the new wore off of their relationship?
Then, when the twins came along and I got through a day without feeling so lost, I thought they were a good way to keep my mind off of you.
He slowly picked up his fork, never taking his eyes off of her.
Here, magic emanated off of everything and filled her with its energy.
A bellow sounded in the forest behind them, and moonlight gleamed off of the tips of falling arrows and the raised swords of the men that followed them.
She brought him humans to feed off of and – in the lean years where they'd been struggling to survive – she let him drink from her.
All the right angles she abhorred weren't taking the edge off of him this night.
Within seconds, the woman was hanging off of Xander's arm, throwing herself at him.
The large predominance of imports over exports after 1884 was a result of the falling off of the export trade in live stock, olive oil and wine, on account of the closing of the French market, while the importation of corn from Russia and the Balkan States increased considerably.
It always consists of true parenchyma, and is entirely formed by the cutting off of segments from an apical cell.
The summer pruning of established wall or espalier-rail trees consists chiefly in the timely displacing, shortening back, or rubbing off of the superfluous shoots, so that the winter pruning, in horizontal training, is little more than adjusting the leading shoots and thinning out the spurs, which should be kept close to the wall and allowed to retain but two or at most three buds.
He found that they were wholly inadequate, and summed up his views in a remarkable letter to the Directory (23rd of February), wherein he pointed out two possible alternatives to an invasion of England, namely, a conquest of the coast of the north-west of Germany, for the cutting off of British commerce with central Europe, or the undertaking of an expedition to the Orient which would be equally ruinous to British trade.
The corpse of the vampire, which may often be recognized by its unnaturally ruddy and fresh appearance, should be staked down in the grave or its head should be cut off; it is interesting to note that the cutting off of heads of the dead was a neolithic burial rite.
A portion of the body may die in consequence of the disturbance of its nutrition by inflammation, or of a cutting off of the bloodsupply, as by pressure upon, or injury to, the blood-vessels.
Unsettled claims by French citizens led to a breaking off of relations and the occupation of Mitylene by France in November 1901; the rupture was of short duration and Turkey soon gave way, according complete satisfaction both in this matter and on certain other French demands.
Subsequently to the floating off of the entosternite the approximation of the nerve cords took place in the prosoma, and thus they were able to take up a position below the entosternite.
Since the first advent of white colonists many springs and pans and small streams have dried up, this desiccation being attributed, not so much to decreased rainfall, as to the burning off of the grass every winter, so that the water, instead of soaking in, runs off the hard, baked'ground into the larger rivers.
With the latter system practically as much sugar is obtained from the canes as by diffusion, and the resulting megass furnishes, in a well-appointed factory, sufficient fuel for the crop. With diffusion, however, in addition to the strict scientific control necessary to secure the benefits of the process, fuel - that is, coal or wood - has to be provided for the working off of the crop, since the spent chips or slices from the diffusers are useless for this purpose; although it is true that in some plantations the spent chips have to a certain extent been utilized as fuel by mixing them with a portion of the molasses, which otherwise would have been sold or converted into rum.
Such alterations in temperature produce strains which frequently result in the chipping off of small fragments of the material composing the stone.
And this belief was the fundamental principle that determined the marking off of the writings of the first, or apostolic, age from the rest.
Among extinct Tertiary mammals we can actually trace the giving off of these radii in all directions, for taking advantage of every possibility to secure food, to escape enemies and to reproduce kind; further, among such well-known quadrupeds as the horses, rhinoceroses and titanotheres, the modifications involved in these radiations can be clearly traced.
Investigation has shown that the change is due to the splitting off of sulphuric acid during the process, and that green-coloured chromsulphuric acids are formed thus - ii?
The foreign element included 45,753 Chinese (a falling off of 25313 since 1890), and 10,151 Japanese (an increase of 9004 in the same decade).
The turning off of some 15,000 Chinese (principally in 1869-1870) from the Central Pacific lines who flocked to San Francisco, augmented the discontent of incompetents, of disappointed late immigrants, and the reaction from flush times.
Almost the same scenes followed the laying off of Laramie in April 1868, when 400 lots were sold during the first week and 500 habitations were erected within a fortnight.
He at once arrested his march; but the pressure of famine in the capital, caused by the cutting off of supplies from Asia and the presence of the large Russian force, compelled Mahmud to yield, and on the 3rd of May a firman ceded Adana to Ibrahim under the pretext of appointing him muhassil, or collector of the revenue.
The falling off of exports is due to the decreased demand for China tea, for which Amoy was one of the chief centres.
The dying off of older branches and the vigorous growth of shoots nearer the apex of the stem produce a form of tree illustrated by the stone pine of the Mediterranean region (Pinus Pinea), which Turner has rendered familiar in his " Childe Harold's Pilgrimage " and other pictures of Italian scenery.
The term "drainage" is applied generally to all operations involving the drawing off of water or other liquid, but more particularly to those connected with the treatment of the soil in agriculture, or with the removal of water and refuse from streets and houses.
Immediately after the sack of Lawrence, John Brown and a small band murdered and mutilated five pro-slavery men, on Pottawatomie Creek; a horrible deed, showing a new spirit on the freestate side, and of ghastly consequence - for it contributed powerfully to widen further the licence of highway robbery, pillage and arson, the ruin of homes, the driving off of settlers, marauding expeditions, attacks on towns, outrages in short of every kind, that made the following months a welter of lawlessness and crime, until Governor Geary - by putting himself above all partisanship, repudiating Missouri, and using Federal troops put an end to them late in 1856.
The power of the crown was increased by the confiscation of the great Sturlung estates, which were underleased to farmers, while the early falling off of the Norse trade threatened to deprive the island of the means of existence; for the great epidemics and eruptions of the 1.4th century had gravely attacked its pastoral wealth and ruined much of its pasture and fishery.
This casting off of the episcopal yoke was followed in 1332 by an internal revolution, which admitted the gilds to a share in the government of the city and impressed upon it the democratic character which it bore down to theFrench Revolution.
For lenses of short focus the diameter of the pupil is too large, and diaphragms must be employed which strongly diminish the aperture of the pencils, and so reduce the errors, but with a falling off of illumination.
The cutting off of the chief maximum can be effected by a suitable diaphragm in the back focal plane of the objective.
The large loss of light, which is caused in dark-field illumination by the cutting off of the direct cone of rays, must be compensated by employing exceptionally strong sources.
She ate fast, ravenous for real food after surviving off of scraps at the Black God's house.
She brought him humans to feed off of and – in the lean years where they'd been struggling to survive – she let him drink from her.
Damian rents houses wherever they're needed and sets up stipends for Guardians and Naturals to live off of.
He was living off of the proceeds of illegal drugs trafficking.
But when he reached down to unzip his pants, i managed to grab ahold of his hair and pull him off of me.
I wonder how the first ascenders navigated off of the hill?
When he is fishing bloodworm and joker he sometimes fishes with his bait just touching or slightly off of the bottom.
There is a visitors ' car park off of Ferrers Lane.
The citadel atop the hill at the center of the city was clearly visible, light reflecting off of it's gilded dome.
The viking glider uses a winch to get off of the ground.
The anti-Semitic hysteria over the Iraq war certainly has taken quite a bit of heat off of certain higher-ups, hasn't it now?
Mommy grabs Sammy and tries to get lipstick off of spiky little tongue.
We get none of the biological absurdities of abduction lore, no switching off of witnesses, no mind rays.
In case you cant find a spot, Kew Gardens has a pay and display parking lot off of Kew Green.
The Guinea Grill, Mayfair W1 The Guinea Grill is located in a quiet mews in Mayfair, just off of Berkeley Square.
It will also create a discipline of not living off of your entire paycheck.
In 1885, Sarah Anne Henley, after a lover's quarrel, tried to commit suicide by jumping off of it.
We also repositioned the stop board to its new position for trains coming off of the mainline.
The savage repression of local populations usually did enough to put people off of joining any local resistance force.
Yet, it would kill the poor hapless schmuck she fed off of?
I was very pleased to pick up a rather spiffy WTF T-shirt off of Little Paul.
It is simply felt that " social togetherness " takes the " edge " off of the reason why we are all there.
Or Naomi wolf off of this learning capability that.
The falling off of the crop, especially in 1899, was due to bad seasons and to insects, notably the Cycloconium oleog-inum, and the Dacus oleae, or oil-fly, which have ravaged the olive-yards, and it is noticeable that lately good and bad seasons see1n to alternate; between 1900 and 1905 the crops were alternately one half of, and equal to, that of the latter year.
Secondly, native forms often disappear with the clearing off of the original forest or other vegetation, in which case their recession is to a certain extent unavoidable, and the fauna which has established itself in the presence of cultivation is needed to replace them.
Before the beginning of the campaign, Rostov had received a letter from his parents in which they told him briefly of Natasha's illness and the breaking off of her engagement to Prince Andrew (which they explained by Natasha's having rejected him) and again asked Nicholas to retire from the army and return home.
Natasha's illness was so serious that, fortunately for her and for her parents, the consideration of all that had caused the illness, her conduct and the breaking off of her engagement, receded into the background.
In 1885, Sarah Anne Henley, after a lover 's quarrel, tried to commit suicide by jumping off of it.
Also another pub off of regent street near you called the RED LION.
They also rinse off of the fabric with just a few drops of water.
Sora bolted up, and Jiminy fell off of his head, and on to the table.
She described people with great sheets of skin hanging off of their bodies; grotesque swollen faces; torsos covered with large blisters.
This kite has been big enough to lift a friend of mine, who weighs over 100 kg, off of the ground.
The gnawing off of a limb is so common that it has been given the term ' wringing off ' by trappers.
A flea living off of a dog's body is an example of parasitism.
Many pediatricians encourage parents to wean their babies off of the bottle by the time they are one year old.
Did we leave any baby shower favors off of the list?
While it may be tempting to take your child off of the Zantac, you may be opening him up to more problems if his reflux becomes more difficult to control.
Many infants thrive off of photographs and paintings with strong color contrast, and they also tend to gravitate toward items involving lights and music.
Even better, Wal-Mart thrives off of seasonal business, so you can always find cute PJs for preemies to fit the theme of the latest holiday.
This lead can be lengthened or shortened as needed, to help keep it nearby and off of unwashed surfaces.
Soon you will wonder how you ever lived without a way to get your favorite images and text off of the computer and into your hands.
The site boasts discounts of up to 50 percent off of retail.
You can then just sit back and wait for your table to be delivered so that you can enjoy everything from drinking coffee off of it to enjoying a family game night.
Maybe you simply prefer to eat off of the subtle design of fine dinnerware and want some as your primary set of plates and bowls.
While you may fall in love with the leopard print plates you should consider that you will be eating off of them for years to come.
The increased accuracy will help you take several strokes off of your game.
Can you walk and run comfortably without feeling like you might step off of the belt's path?
When you sign up online as part of an order, you'll automatically get an extra ten percent off of your online orders for a year.
By signing up for a membership card, you'll receive forty percent off hardcover bestsellers, twenty percent off adult hardcovers, and ten percent off of almost everything else.
Ebates, mentioned above, gives you a percentage off of your purchases at select retailers.
Smart Bargains has a home furnishings sections where you can save over half off of regular prices.
If a light is bounced off of a mirror, that lens is a reflector.
In addition to those options, there are flatter models designed to be set directly onto your lap, keeping the heat of the laptop off of your skin and sometimes allowing space to use your mouse.
There is the option to choose a used iPad if you'd like to shave a few dollars off of the price, but read the seller's feedback before choosing to purchase a previously-owned model.
The list of notebooks that they sell is extensive and gives you a few important details up front, so you don't have to click off of the main page to find out if a particular computer is a good option for your needs.
Zero coupon bonds are attractive because these bonds are purchased at a discount off of the face value of the bond.
Preferably, you should meet at a public place or take someone with you, since you are- after all- meeting a stranger off of the Internet.
If you know how much you are saving off of your local big box retailer, you can ensure you actually are getting a good bargain online.
Not only will she be surprised and touched that you actually remembered from all that time ago when she said it, but you will also have one person crossed off of your holiday shopping list.
An estate sale involves the auctioning off of all the belongings of person after their death.
Savvy shoppers can save even more off of the already discounted items by joining the Premium Outlets' VIP Shopper Club.
For example Calvin Klein offers an additional 10% off of your entire purchase and Perfumania offers $5 off a purchase of $50 or more.
This mall is located just off of Interstates 40 and 85.
The mall was located just off of Interstate 94 at Highway 50 in Kenosha, WI.
The Hewlett-Packard website still holds all the drivers necessary for running the printer off of your PC-compatible computer.
Due to lack of space, some felines develop the habit of napping in the boxes to get off of the hygienic floors.
Within three days, I kid you not (and please know each individual's results will vary), Cappy was not only totally off of his valium but he was happy again!
If your pet craves cheese and can't keep his or her paws off of the cheese tray, try this cat-friendly variation.
Used in conjunction with training, it can help you keep your cats out of trash cans and off of other places you don't wish them to be.
There are products that you can buy at the store that will keep fleas off of your cat.
Once you have the fleas off of your cat, you can keep them off by being diligent about flea control in and around your home.
As you find fleas on your pet, drop them into the oil.Once you have the excess fleas off of your cat, you can begin to use a topical flea killer.
When using a public computer, always log off of any sites that require passwords and close the browser window before you walk away.
They may include an introductory interest rate or a percentage off of your first purchase.
He or she does this to take advantage of insurance coverage or to keep certain illness, such as HIV, off of his or her record.
Depending upon the specific outlet, your savings can range from ten to seventy-five percent off of the regular price of the furniture.
Stop-start hybrid cars run on regular gasoline when they are moving, but they operate off of stored power when they are idling.
Your doctor may have you taper off of valerian before surgery or may simply adjust the anesthesia accordingly.
Don't you think it's time to get that parsley off of the side of your plate and into your tea cup?
Sanding - After you have scraped most of the old paint off of the beadboard, go over the surface with a medium-grained sandpaper to remove any residual paint.
Buying directly from an importer or a factory warehouse can save you over 50 percent off of the standard furniture store prices.
The savings can be significant - up to 70 percent off of suggested retail pricing.
Pottery Barn, Restoration Hardware, and even IKEA have full bedroom sets to show off of their product offerings.
If you have an adjoining smaller bedroom that you can spare, then use it to create an elegant dressing and lounge area off of your new bathroom.
Wipe excess paint off of the brush before you start to paint.
You can play off of this theme with several different art objects.
Rub the wax into the finish of the sink wherever water stops beading up off of its surface.
The print design can wear off of the rug much faster when placed in a high traffic area of your home.
Sunflower kitchen décor brings rich, warm colors to the space, giving you a palette to jump off of.
You can save up to 75% off of retail prices on vine rugs, plus get free Federal Express delivery.
Lush soaps are cut off of a big handmade block and served up in a variety of fun scents and colors.
It had smudged off of the waterline a little, but the top lid was still going strong.
My lashes looked good after hours of wear, so the mascara didn't smudge under my eyes or flake off of the tips.
It plays off of the shadowy shades of the eye makeup for an overall intoxicating look.
You get to cast a much wider net when looking for partners online than you can when dating off of the Internet.
While sites like Napster and iTunes make a handsome profit off of selling music, there are a number of ways that you can find your favorite tunes online and free of charge.
Remember to always practice common sense safety when chatting with or meeting people off of the Internet.
This can take a lot of the burden off of players all around, leaving you more time to scheme about how to secure the perfect trade or ponder who you will be choosing and in what order at the annual league draft.
Keep in mind that shopping at an outlet can save you up to 40% off of Gap merchandise for the entire family.
These little gems are based off of the famous Tamagotchi pets, portable little virtual pets that existed on your key ring.
The process of getting videos off of your camera and onto the Internet used to include a complicated procedure of using various video converters to get the file onto your computer before you could share it online.
This is because many facets of modern culture is based off of many of the ancient Hebrew texts discovered by archaeologists.
In addition to being interchangeable, flashes used by digital SLRs are able to bounce off of ceilings and walls.
If you will be using flash, bounce it off of another surface instead of using it directly on the baby.
The trick is to bounce light off of the ceiling or drape loose fabric over light fixtures to give your glamour figure photos a subdued look.
Since many people find cutting the roast off of the ribs a pain, a newported roast offers the best of both worlds - flavor and convenience.
Save the ribbon off of a gift basket to make a pretty bow for a scrapbook tag.
Cut the buttons off of old clothes before turning into rags.
You can find coupon codes for free shipping, a percent off of a specific product or a discount on a total order.
It is well known for being 4000 feet off of the valley floor on the Grand Mesa.
It upset Jesus that these men made a profit off of the people's desire to worship God.
At the very least, those who do not cheat should be cognizant of their role and not allow others to cheat off of them.
Someone with a background in your chosen business can help you get your idea off of the ground, and help you avoid some common pitfalls.
Other popular screens are "JC" instead of Superman, "God wants You To Be (play off of YouTube) saved", "Jesus."
It's just that easy," (a play off of the well-known Staples 'Easy' button), and "Jesus died for [my space] in Heaven."
However, physics projects can help make the discipline leap off of the page and into real life situations.
If your school has its prom off of school grounds, then the possibilities are endless when it comes to the decorations.
If you look around your hometown and cannot find the prom dress for you, then you could try the online route and buy your dress off of an online dress shop.
The new plant feeds off of the water and coconut meat inside, until roots also push through and a new palm tree is born.
Unfortunately the ring slipped off of his finger and a search was begun.
She had a Vera Wang dress on that her friends had helped her purchase off of EBAY and her hair was done up with a silk sash.
Andie took off her glasses for the wedding, so she held onto my arm while we walked into the park off of 81st Street.
You want your wedding reception to be classy but still be able to play off of the fun of the day.
All you have to do is learn to play off of the rich tones in the tablecloths or accentuate the beauty and magic of the fall season.
Traveling can be very costly and often requires time taken off of work or school.
The second I finished reading my letter I physically felt a grey dark cloud lift off of my shoulders.
After the petals fall off, the capsule can be cut and the opium gum on the inside is scraped off of it.
Focus on purchasing quality products since you can often save between 20 and 50 percent off of the original prices.
Following the performance, she was booed off of the stage.
Beyonce, fresh off of landing the distinguished honor of "Most Desirable Woman" by, has now landed the coveted Sports Illustrated modeling gig.
Many speculated that the move to join the highly rated television show was a public relations ploy to take attention off of her pending divorce settlement.
Following American Idol, Jessica Sierra toured with the show's finalists, but after that, she was unable to get a music career off of the ground.
He hits golf balls off of tees for a living.
At the end of their song, Timberlake was to rip a patch off of Jackson's outfit.
He went through his entire fortune very quickly and just didn't make enough off of U Can't Touch This to pay for his lifestyle and that of all his employees.
The site offers one and two day premium sales on designer brands with as much as 50 to 75 percent off of retail prices.
With rotating themes throughout the year, you can create entire ensembles off of one look, and relish in their huge variety of seasonal wear.
Although the prices are a bit higher, the site routinely offers coupons accessible from their home page for free shipping or for a percentage off of your purchase price, so make sure to watch for deals when shopping.
They will receive one-third off of the cost of tuition.
Be sure you can get time off of work and that you have someone to watch your home.
In most cases, booking less than 90 days before departure can net you up to 65 percent savings off of rack rates.
Try walking her on a six foot long leash, and watch for the moment she takes her focus off of you.
Consider block and Tiffany style letters, block slide on charms and decorations that you can change simply by sliding them off of the collar.
If people and machines are kept off of the soil, it will remain raised in comparison to the surrounding soil.
Water plants in the morning to allow the water to evaporate off of the leaves.
Any branches that appear to be dead may be safely trimmed off of the plant, no matter what time of year.
Mulching and watering well helps, or using a special cloth called shade cloth to keep the hot sun off of them.
Simple guitar chords are based off of guitar chord structures.
If you prefer your tabs in print form as opposed to reading them off of a computer screen, there are some great tab books available for Seether's music.
Take the present strings off of your acoustic guitar.
Finger picks are little rings with pointed tips coming off of them that are placed on the tips of the fingers on the right hand.
Most monorail lights only attach to an energy source at one point in the ceiling, so you can run as many lights as you'd like off of one transformer and switch.
The entire structure will be built off of the placement of the door.
If you want unobstructed views from specific seating areas in the enclosure, you'll need to sight them, place the door and determine the correct sizes of panel to move off of this point.
The plating off of plated metals may wear thin allowing the base metal to show through.
A spin off of the Italian charm bracelet, Italian photo bracelets differ from conventional picture charm bracelets in several ways besides the charm attachment method.
Boardroom Ties has these ties for $32.99, which saves you about forty percent off of the recommended retail price.
Pants that hang off of your hips are generally unflattering.
You get ten percent off of your first purchase from the store as long as you use your card, then you get a $25.00 Rewards Certificate when you get 1,000 Rochester Rewards Points.
On the other hand, crop dusting and other common practices add chemical residues to the air, the ground, and the water, This eventually leads to the die off of native plants and animals, if it is not controlled.
Organic coupons are a great way to get money off of organic products while not compromising on the benefits of organic food.
People gather the pollen from the bees as they enter their hives to deposit their collections, using a screen device that brushes it off of their legs.
In the face of unrelenting pressure to farm cheaply, organic local farmers, our teachers, neighbors and friends, were being driven out of business and off of their lands.
For a more gourmet variety, you will probably need to buy them off of the Internet.
A spring jacket is designed to keep the cooler air off of you, which comes in handy if you're wearing a sleeveless or short sleeve top in anticipation of a warm spring day.
A plus size women's lightweight waterproof jacket will not only keep the chilly air off of you, but it will also prevent you from getting soaked, either in a light rain or a downpour.
Women with apple shapes (or who carry more weight around their midsection) should look for maxis with empire waists, which will take the focus off of the roundest part of your body.
When you put on one of these beautifully designed one piece bathing suits, it takes at least an inch or more off of your stomach and waist.
Secondary sources include eating off of ceramic ware that is brightly colored, which commonly imported from Mexico, Asia and other Latin American countries.
This takes the burden off of your family, but understand that your attorney will take a portion of your assets as a fee.
Some retailers plan senior shopping days, offering a percentage off of all purchases.
For instance, the Midwest retailer Meijer extends seniors a 15 percent discount off of all general merchandise purchases one Monday a month.
Living More members receive a daily 10 percent discount off of Rite-Aid brand products, cash prescriptions, and hearing aid batteries, a 10 percent discount off of all purchases on Tuesdays, and additional monthly coupons and specials.
Senior guests can save 15 percent or more off of standard room rates seven days a week.
Amtrak travelers can save 15 percent off of adult rail fares when they reach the age of 62.
In the summer, it keeps the sun off of your face.
A good cut can take years off of your appearance and make hair care that much easier for you.
Discounts typically include a certain percentage off of your entire order or a predetermined dollar amount taken off of your total purchase, such as $10 off of a $50 order.
Fast food eateries offer senior citizen discounts such as discounted or free drinks to anyone aged 55 or older, or a percentage off of their total order.
What ski goggles do is protect your eyes from the sun's UV rays; they can be extremely harsh when reflecting off of the snow on a bright or overcast day.
The sun's rays are incredibly bright and even more likely to burn you when reflected off of the snow.
Sometimes the discounts will come in a form of a store discount or special offer, like $25 off of any order, or $25 off of your next order after you make a purchase over a certain amount.
Another feature you can get to counteract the glare from the sun bouncing off of the snow is a pair of polarized lenses.
That takes the guesswork out of how long shipping will take as well as shaving a bit off of the price.
The IR reflects off of objects in the dark, and re-enters the lens of the night vision goggles.
Light that is reflected off of flat surfaces, like that of a road or smooth water, usually reflects back horizontally.
If you are finding that you cannot slide the lens off of your eye, then you will want to use a few rewetting drops in your eye to moisten the lens.
These types of night vision goggles are made to read the heat that is emitted off of living organisms and objects.
Playing off of an old look Erik Estrada started back in his C.H.I.P.S. days, the glasses are used to further accentuate the show's comedic look at authority.
Look for online coupons that can bring savings on shipping and often provide you with a discount off of the overall price of the lenses.
The makeup of regular sunglass lenses doesn't enable them to break down the horizontally polarized light, so while the brightness of the sun isn't so unbearable and you may have UV protection, you still get the glare off of the water.
Some of the experts claim that these lenses can reduce the intense glare that is caused by the sunlight reflecting off of snow, while other experts argue just the opposite.
The way this protects your eyes from very bright light from the sun or reflected off of the ground, such as off water or snow, is as follows.
This is because the mirrored coating can be manufactured to reflect visible light of a certain range, so the color that people see being reflected off of your glasses can be anything you like.
That reduces the bulk caused by other lenses and again takes a bit more weight off of the bridge of your nose and your ears.
They operate for 12 hours off of a single 3V battery.
They run off of two AAA batteries and they weigh .45 kilograms.
Serengeti sunwear should be cared for by blowing any loose materials off of the lenses before polishing them with a soft cloth.
When your eyes are unprotected, sun reflecting off of sand, water, or snow can cause an acute inflammation of the eye called keratoconjunctivitis.
Sometimes, this can result in you getting a discounted price off of what they would cost you retail.
To remove the clip-on, lift it off of the frame.
While you're reading, you want to be able to concentrate on what you're reading, not how much your reading glasses are pinching or falling off of your nose.
Next, Featherstone created a clay mold of flamingos based off of pictures from National Geographic.
After reflecting off of a flat surface, the light rays have a focused, horizontal orientation, which normally causes glare.
When an inconsistency is present, you'll notice it as a wave in the light's reflection, or a dead spot where the light source doesn't reflect off of the lens the same way or with the same sheen in one spot on the lens as another.
Since vacationing is no joke (and not exactly inexpensive) every little bit off of the bottom line is well worth tracking down those discounts.
It was based off of the very first Indiana Jones movie just released in theaters.
While not considered nudity, you can blow the clothes off of the Statue of Liberty in Twisted Metal 2, released in 1996.
There are a number of fun games that fall outside this genre, but they'll also get you off of the couch and sweating in no time.
Whether you base it off of a movie, improve on an existing title or come up with it as a result of an amazing dream, use your creative thought process and picture your new game world.
The unit runs off of 2025-sized button cell batteries.
You join a boat run by Kat, who is a scientist looking to catalog the ocean's creatures off of Manoa Lai.
There is no danger of being eaten by sharks, falling off of the boat and hitting your head, or worse, eating bad sushi and getting sick.
In response to the ratings change, several major retailers have pulled GTA 3 off of the shelves.
The mushroom should bounce off of your head and back into the air.
A game based off of the TV show Law & Order was removed from the shelves because an image of a deceased infant on the cover.
If you can stave the pangs of nostalgia, Mario Kart Super Circuit will delight the pants off of you.
Multiplayer mode only offers one table where up to eight players can compete for the high score, all off of one cart.
For $5, you can have The Mii Station create your Mii based off of a photograph you send them.
Gory acts such as decapitation, pulling the arms off of an opponent, or tearing their bodies in half were just a few of the moves.
Sony sells one for $24.99 or you can grab the 3GP Converter off of virtually any freeware site.
Generally speaking, a refurbished PlayStation 3 will sell for between $50 and $100 off of the original retail price.
I had to get mine off of Ebay, but I got them at a reasonable price, even though they are collector's items.
Acting as your as a PDA the touch screen of the DS not only organizes the need-to-know data of the game, but keeps all of this information off of your main screen so you can see what is in your pockets without taking you away from the game.
They run the servers off of donations, so you dont have to pay to play unless you want to access some of the more advanced features of the game or power up your account with various special things.
While they may be some of the more reliable machines (retailers usually test the consoles before buying the used ones off of customers), these used video game systems are also among the most expensive.
Below you will find some ideas for shaving a few dollars off of your next purchase... and every purchase after that.
For example, an electronics or toy store may offer $5-10 off of any purchase over $100.
Many video game enthusiasts are not even aware that they are purchasing a Canadian product when they pick certain games off of the store shelf.
Seriously, Yukes must have been working off of an old, taped 2003 Pay Per View or something when they selected the characters for Smackdown! vs. Raw 2006.
This means jumping from cars, bouncing off of walls or climbing on whatever is around them in order to score points and earn a reputation.
Since the calls are increasing, we now have a 'script' we read off of about what we are doing for the launch.
When you aim your shot, you'll get two separate guidelines coming off of the ball that you're aiming at.
The vineyards are gone now but San Antonio still operates, producing wine at their original spot on Lamar Street near downtown just off of I-5.
On the desk sits an ashtray with a lit cigar slowly burning, waiting for its owner to take the next long draw off of it.
St. Clement's yellow Gothic-Victoria house built by Fritz Rosenbaum in 1878 is easy to spot off of Highway 29 just north of St. Helena.
It is located off of exit 42 on the New York State Thruway at the southwest end of Seneca Lake.
This model was created to take a load off of your vehicle, but without losing any luxury.
As you drive, the detergent and ice mixture will scrub all leftover matter off of the walls.
A hand or hydraulic crank is used to lift the top off of the base and the soft sides slide out and are supported by poles.
In the United States, Virgin Mobile operates off of the Sprint CDMA network.
After all, downloading all the free Sidekick 3 themes you want off of the internet onto your computer isn't all that useful if you can never send the cell phone theme over to the Sidekick 3 itself and get it up and running.
Trials should be performed through the gradual tapering off of medications and should always be done under a doctor's supervision.
The bronchioles are small branches off of the more major bronchi or airway tubes that run through the lungs.
The light from the otoscope will reflect off of the surface of the eardrum.
You will be taking the stem off of the mushroom and stuffing the stuff into the cap, so look for a mushroom that has a cap at least 1 ½ inches across.
In order to really enjoy swing dance, you need to get out on the floor and move, taking the online dance steps off of the screen and into your dancing shoes.
Most choreographers work off of 8-count sequences, which add ease to memorization and also fits the rhythm of most styles of music.
Most dance competitions want to attract more people, not less, and make money off of the entrance fees (usually both a general fee and a per-dance charge) so they will have many different levels available.
Many coaches and instructors glean steps off of YouTube, and if you are in the habit of doing so, it is always wise to comment on the video to ask permission.
Try it out after you've had a little practice reading and executing choreography off of such a page of instructions.
The class starts at a novice pace, gauging its progression off of the most introductory student.
If you've checked all of these things off of your list and are still having difficulties, then there may be an elemental imbalance in your wealth sector.
Information on that person's parents and other direct-line ancestors are then drawn as lines off of the original person.
Wrap your hair around the barrel in a spiral motion, being careful to keep your fingertips off of the barrel of the iron (a heat resistant glove will also help, and is available at Sally's Beauty Supply).
The glue may have loosened enough to pull them off of the strands without other aids.
Oval faces tend to look their best in either a classic bob shape or longer layers that gently sweep off of the face exposing the soft curve of the oval.
Lap dogs were employed to keep insects off of humans as needed, since the standard house flea would jump from human to pet rather than infest in their hair.
These claw clips help to ensure that your hair stays off of your face, which helps to lessen any impatience you may feel during the blow drying process.
After blow drying hair smooth with a large round brush, pull the top portion of hair back, either pulling completely off of your face or leaving your part intact.
Many, many homeschoolers are working off of one income and still provide their children with a quality education.
Is your partner going to take time off of work after the baby's born?
If you are working outside the home, try to take some time off of work until you recover.
Longer stints of taking the drug increase your chances of getting pregnant when you come off of the medication.
In order to do this, she had gone off of the pill to prepare her body.
In addition, working women will need to find out how much time they can spend off of work.
Alcatraz, or as it is less affectionately known, The Rock, is an island of notorious repute in the San Francisco Bay, just over a mile off of the City's touristy Pier 39 and Fisherman's Wharf.
Most arrived by ship coming around the horn and with the many ships anchoring in the bay off of San Francisco.
It can be reached from either the South Airport Boulevard Exit off Highway 380 or the San Bruno Avenue/San Francisco International Airport Exit off of Highway 101.
Kimpton, the company who owns Hotel Monaco as well as many other fine hotels throughout the United States, themes each of their hotels off of a distinct storyline.
Some are based off of art or literature, others derive their themed décor from personal health and wellbeing.
In the rush of everyday life, however, it's easy to get distracted and take your eyes off of your kids.
This suit draws the focus upward, to take emphasis off of your derriere.
It should be big enough to keep the sand off of you and your belongings, even when you sprawl out to soak up the sun.
This is definitely a notice-me color, but it's done in such an elegant way that folks won't even know why they can't take their eyes off of you.
If you want to take the emphasis off of a fuller bottom, switch and wear a solid bottom with a patterned top.
Miracle Bra bathing suits pivot off of the push-up bra model, bringing lift and cleavage to your favorite swimsuits.
Much of this has to do with the reflection of light (in this case, the sun's light) bouncing off of the material.
If you just find this team of women all too stunning to take your eyes off of for too long, there are products you can buy that showcases their beauty.
Choose the ones that take the emphasis off of the waist and hips and put the spotlight on the upper body.
Coupons may offer a percentage off of the purchase of dolls, books or accessories.