Of-course Sentence Examples
It was true, of course.
Yes, of course you did.
There was only one answer, of course.
It wasn't true, of course.
On Jefferson's election, Burr of course became vice-president.
Later, however, a disastrous expedition sent to aid the Libyans against the Greek colony of Cyrene roused the suspicion and anger of the native soldiery at favors shown to the mercenaries, who of course had taken no part in it.
These writings were of course very numerous, and formed a vast mass of literature.
Subordinate supernatural beings (angels and demons), though of course accepted as real, are ignored as having no importance for life.
I'd call him, but of course he wouldn't be able to answer!
That great nim ural feature of Egypt, the Nile, was of course one of the gods; mer name was Hapi, and as a sign of his fecundity he had long and dulous breasts like a woman.
AdvertisementAnd, whereas Justinian's constitutions contained in the Codex were all issued in Latin, the rest of the book being in that tongue, these Novels were nearly all published in Greek, Latin translations being of course made for the use of the western provinces.
It was a matter of course that saints' days and church festivals were abolished as having no warrant in Scripture; Sunday alone remained, as the principal day of preaching.
The fine was in effect remitted by the king; imprisonment in the Tower lasted for about days; a general pardon (not of course covering the parliamentary censure) was made out, and though delayed at the seal for a time by Lord Keeper Williams, was passed probably in November 1621.
A double inking apparatus is of course necessary, and the inking arrangements are placed at the two extreme ends of the machine.
When available, a silicious rock containing copper or the precious metals is of course preferred to barren lining.
AdvertisementThe testimony of Josephus, who often names the temple hill "Moriah," is of course not original, and of no weight.
The difficulties in the way of successful invasion are of course not understated, as it was the object of the writer to exalt the prowess and perseverance of the faithful.
The Scots confession, though of course drawn up independently, is in substantial accord with the others then springing up in the countries of the Reformation, but is Calvinist rather than Lutheran.
The word "bond" is of course a mere translation of obligatio.
Contracts between private individuals are of course within the provision.
AdvertisementThe Herhaz, though not important in length of course or drainage, also, like the Seafid Rud, breaks through the Elburz range from the inner southern scarp to the north.
This name, which survives in the modern Herat, has of course no connection with that, of the Aryans.
The possibility that Zoroaster himself was not a native of East Iran,but had immigrated thither (from Rhagae?), is of course always to be considered; and this theory has been used to explain the phenomenon that the Gathas, of his own composition, are written in a different dialect from the rest of the Avesta.
The decisive factor was of course their military superiority.
Subscription to the restored orthodox doctrine was to the Iranian a matter of course.
AdvertisementThe victory on the plain of Karnal, whether accomplished by sheer fighting or the intervention of treachery, was the natural outcome of the previous situation, and the submission of the emperor followed as a matter of course.
In cultivation the potato varies very greatly not only as to the season of its growth but also as to productiveness, the vigour and luxuriance of its foliage, the presence or relative absence of hairs, the form of the leaves, the size and colour of the flowers, &c. The tubers vary greatly in size, form and colour; gardeners divide them into rounded forms and long forms or "kidneys," and there are of course varieties intermediate in form.
In 1904 an official estimate made the population 2,181,415, also including the Litoral (59,784), but of course all census returns and estimates in such a country are subject to many allowances.
Sufficient time must of course be allowed for the formation of the drops; otherwise no simple results can be expected.
If we make CR=z, and suppose z to vary, the shape of the bubble of course remaining the same, the values of y and of a will change, but the other quantities will be constant.
The time of vibration is of course itself a function of the nature of the fluid and of the size of the drop. By the method of dimensions alone it may be seen that the time of infinitely small vibrations varies directly as the square root of the mass of the sphere and inversely as the square root of the capillary tension; and it may be proved that its expression is - V C?
The evidence to hand shows that on heights and in open country, especially in the north, there may be few or even no Schizomycetes detected in the air, and even in towns their distribution varies greatly; sometimes they appear to exist in minute clouds, as it were, with interspaces devoid of any, but in laboratories and closed spaces where their cultivation has been promoted Lhe air may be considerably laden with them Of course the distribution of bodies so light and small is easily influenced by movements, rain, wind, changes of temperature, &c. As parasites, certain Schizomycetes inhabit and prey upon the organs of man and animals in varying degrees, and the conditions for their growth and distribution are then very complex.
There is of course the possibility in this case that the toxin was a proteid, but was in so small amount that it escaped detection.
The origin of antitoxin is of course merely a part of the general question regarding the production of anti-substances in general, as these all combine in the same way with their homo logous substances and have the same character of g toxin.
The process is of course observed by means of the microscope, but the clumps soon settle in the fluid and ultimately form a sediment, leaving the upper part clear.
The steppe flora penetrates into the mountains, ascending some 1100-1200 ft., and in sheltered valleys even up to 5500 ft., when it of course comes into contact with the purely alpine flora.
But the question of course arises, May not the epistle, in whole or in part, have originally been more of a treatise in epistolary form than at first sight appears?
The Bulgarians of course say they are not schismatics, but a national branch of the Church Catholic, using their sacred right to manage their own affairs in their own way.
The war of course made the distinction stronger; under the kings who were chosen for the purposes of the war national Gothic feeling had revived.
If the troops halt for several days, of course they require either a more densely populated country from which to requisition supplies, or a wider area of cantonments.
T here are of course a great number of important industries which have a general distribution throughout the country, being more or less fully developed here or there in accordance with the requirements of each locality.
In conclusion, there are of course some grounds for the Tubingen view, but they are wholly inadequate to bear the structure that has been raised upon them.
The governing classes are of course Russians, who constitute also the merchant and artizan classes.
He was strangely unlike the commanders of his time in many respects, though as a matter of course he was, when he saw fit to follow the accepted rules, equal to any in careful and methodical strategy.
Each of the associated churches is requested to look after a parish, not of course with any attempt to exclude other churches, but as having a special responsibility for those in that area who are not already connected with some existing church.
But, in fact, serfdom naturally took the form of an ugly ownership of live chattels on the part of a privileged class, and all sorts of excesses, of cruelty, ruthless exploitation and wanton caprice, followed as a matter of course.
The remarks already made on the corresponding taxes levied for imperial purposes of course apply to these.
The new channel into which the river flows is of course so much land lost, while the old bed constitutes an accession to the adjacent estates.
The same tendency is of course expressed in the "Logos" of the Fourth Gospel.
These books are of course anonymous, most of them being translations and adaptations.
On the other hand, those Antinomians for whom his Calvinism is not strong enough, may study the Pilgrimage of Hephzibah, in which 1 He had resumed his pastorate in Bedford after his imprisonment of 1675, and, although he frequently preached in London to crowded congregations, and is said in the last year of his life to have been, of course unofficially, chaplain to Sir John Shorter, lord mayor of London, he remained faithful to his own congregation.
No certain guide has been found to tell which stars are nearest to us; both brightness and large proper motion, though of course increased by proximity, are apparently without systematic average relation to parallax.
He left a large number of writings, which cannot of course be compared with those of an Origen, a Basil, or a Gregory of Nyssa.
Civil wars have of course been a serious obstacle, but it was announced by President Reyes in 1907 that the revenues were increasing.
But of course it must be remembered that not merely were munitions provided in 1917 and 1918 on an unprecedented scale, but that prices had risen enormously until, towards the close of the war, they were about double those of four years before.
But before old age came on him, Boudin's father abandoned seafaring, and the son gave it up too, having of course no real vocation for it, though he preserved to his last days much of a sailor's character, - frankness, accessibility, open-heartedness.
After the reservoir begins to fall - in this case at the end of February - no ordinary change in the variation of demand can affect the question, subject of course to the cumulative demand not exceeding the reservoir yield for the assumed year of minimum rainfall.
The rate of flow is largely dependent upon the proportion of bitumen it contains, and is of course retarded by mixing it with sand and stone to form what is commonly called asphalt concrete.
At this high part of the structure the intensity of pressure will of course be much less than its permissible intensity.
In the case of the Neuadd dam this difficulty was met by deliberately omitting the mortar in transverse joints at regular intervals near the top of the dam, except just at their faces, where it of course cracks harmlessly, and by filling the rest with asphalt.
And though this is of course by far the more valuable aspect in which any such contribution to science can be looked at, the other must not be despised.
In this way an exact comparison of the weights in vacuo can be computed, but of course the simplest way of arriving at the result would be by the construction of a strong air-tight case which can be completely exhausted of air by an air-pump, and in which the weighing can then be effected in vacuo.
Most of the pyrites consumed in the United Kingdom come from Spain; this Spanish pyrites generally (not always) contains enough copper (say 3 or 4%) to make its extraction from the residues ("cinders) a paying process, and this of course cheapens the price of the sulphur to the acid manufacturer.
The deputation appeared as a matter of course before the commissioners, and were dismissed.
The zero, called " nought," is of course a different thing from the letter 0 of the alphabet, but there may be a historical connexion between them (§ 79).
Finger-counting is of course natural to children, and leads to grouping into fives, and ultimately to an understanding of the denary system of notation.
A decimal is of course a series of this kind, e.g.
How far and in what sense this ground of necessity renders them personal are of course questions still to be solved.
One of the important functions of a fold is its direction; this of course depends upon the orientation of the axial plane.
There is nothing distinctively Turkish in the combination of crescent and star which appears on the Turkish national standard; the latter is shown by coins and inscriptions to have been an ancient Illyrian symbol, and is of course common in knightly and decorative orders.
It Feudelism is of course untrue to sayas was so often done by early historiansthat he introduced the feudal system into England.
It was of course impossible that the nation or the baronage 5hould accept such a preposterous rgime, and Edward was soon involved in.
The bill of course passed the Commons.
The war, while it lasted, was of course the main preoccupation of British ministers and of the British people.
Troops were of course sent from England to maintain the British cause; and Sir George Colley, who enjoyed a high reputation and had experience in South African warfare, was made governor of Natal, and entrusted with the military command.
The real truth is not of course revealed at once, and many episodes in 19th-century history are still shrouded by official secrecy.
The epithets hyperbolic and parabolic are of course derived from the conic hyperbola and parabola respectively.
And we thus see that the two parabolic legs represent a contact of the line infinity with the curve, - the point of contact being of course the point at infinity determined by the common direction of the two legs.
We may from each of the circular points draw tangents to a given curve; the intersection of two such tangents (belonging of course to the two circular points respectively) is a focus.
Lord Rockingham repeated these tales to Burke, who of course denied them with indignation.
Richard Burke was received with many compliments, but of course nothing came of his mission, and the only impression that remains with the reader of his prolix story is his tale of the two royal brothers, who afterwards became Louis XVIII.
Very noteworthy is the fact that, with the exception of Madagascar (and of course Australia) the squirrel family (Sciuridae) is also found in all parts of the world.
Porcupines enjoy a very wide range, being represented throughout the warmer parts of the Old World, with the exception of Madagascar (and of course Australasia), by the Hystricidae, and in the New World by the Erethizontidae.
The latter are abundant throughout the northern hemisphere, and have even succeeded in penetrating into South America, but, with the exception of the Mediterranean zone, have never succeeded in entering Africa, and are therefore of course unknown in Madagascar.
Habitual temperance was of course in all cases regarded as an absolute duty; and " the bridegroom " being absent, the present life was regarded as being in a sense one continual " fast."
Augustine's (erroneous) interpretation of the Millennium (Rev. xx.), as a parable of the Church's historic triumph, stands for the final eradication of primitive " enthusiasm " in the great Church, though of course millenarianism has had many revivals in special circles.
The seven sacraments of course have their place in the body of the system, and are exhaustively studied.
Even if He should still be taken as the prophet of the divine goodwill, yet the loss of any serious estimate of sin makes good nature on God's part a matter of course.
Gregory of Nyssa's Great Catechesis is an instruction to catechists how they should proceed - though of course stating the writer's theology and apologetic, with his belief in universal salvation.
They were more than one or two, and of course they had a formidable look, but so also had the alternative and the lost opportunity.
In 1876 this policy revived as a matter of course in the cabinet, and as spontaneously, though not upon a first provocation, became popular almost to fury.
The result of their labours was often decreed as a matter of course.
Heaps of cast-iron can be seen already upon many of the large farms. Of course a great many extra parts are bought to take the place of those which break most frequently, and some men are always kept at work repairing machines in the field.
He was the moving spirit of the sentant du peuple and other journals, in which the most advanced theories were advocated in the strongest language; and as member of assembly for the Seine department he brought forward his celebrated proposal of exacting an impost of onethird on interest and rent, which of course was rejected.
It would of course be impossible to reduce the ideas of such an irregular thinker to systematic form.
From such passionate errors the truly wise man will of course be free.
Christian Wisdom, so far as it is speculative, is of course primarily theological; it has God, as the highest truth, for its chief object, and is therefore necessarily grounded on faith.
Even in the second sense it hardly seems that the freedom of a man's will can be an element to be considered in examining what it is right or best for him to do (though of course the clearest convictions of duty will be fruitless if a man has not sufficient self-control to enable him to act on them); it is rather when we ask whether it is just to punish him for wrong-doing that it seems important to know whether he could have done otherwise.
It is to be noticed that the resulting equation is a,b,c x= d,b,c,, ,, a' b' c' d'b' c' an, b", cn d", b", c" where the expression on the right-hand side is the like function with d, d', d" in place of a, a', a" respectively, and is of course also a determinant.
But, though the abnormal prosperity was thus suddenly brought to an end, the genuine trade ' of the port has steadily advanced, subject of course to occasional fluctuations.
His indebtedness to Luther is of course great, but his spiritual kinship with Martin Bucer of 1 This edition forms a small 8vo of 514 pages, and 6 pages of index.
Fish, especially salmon, and game should of course be added to the list.
The earl left one daughter, Elizabeth, who was of course a royal ward.
These laws were of course systematically evaded.
The obligations contracted in support of the war, amounting to about $3,000,000 were of course nullified by the Fourteenth Amendment.
But the impression gained from the narratives is of course due to the narrators.
The rainfall, which also has an important bearing upor the culture of peoples, will be found on the whole to be greatest in the third zone and also in the eastern highlands, and of course least in the desert, the steppes and savannas standing midway between the two.
The foreign trade of the country is of course carried on mainly by sea, and of the land commerce by far the largest proportion is with or through France.
Such an iiistrument was of course incompatible with the monarchical or any other form of government.
Thus they make no pretension of any but business discussions at their conferences, and much benefit to all concerned follows as a matter of course.
As fractions of intervals can only be estimated in this method, a measurement with such an eyepiece scale can of course not be as exact as with a screw micrometer ocular.
Instead of first drawing the object and the objective micrometer, they can of course be projected at the same moment on a scale on the drawing board.
On the other hand the genealogy of Ardashir has of course been connected with the Achaemenids, on whose behalf he exacts vengeance from the Parthians, and with the legendary kings of old Iran.
The poem is a rehandling of the great theme of Valmiki, but is in no sense a translation of the Sanskrit epic. The succession of events is of course generally the same, but the treatment is entirely different.
Nutrition is of course holozoic or saprophytic in the colourless forms, holophytic in the coloured; but these divergent methods are exhibited by different species of the same genus, or even by individuals of one and the same species under different conditions.
The judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah (which of course they believed to be under the waters of the lake, in accordance with the absurd theory first found in Josephus and still often repeated) blinded these good pilgrims to the ever-fresh beauty of this most lovely lake, whose blue and sparkling waters lie deep between rocks and precipices of unsurpassable grandeur.
On the return of Wilfrid from France, where he had been sent to be consecrated to the same see, a dispute of course arose, which was settled by Theodore in favour of Wilfrid after three years had passed.
Formerly, when substances were principally classified by obvious characteristics, the word included such a body as "oil of vitriol" (sulphuric acid), which has of course nothing in common with what is now understood under the term oils.
The pressure in the refrigerator being reduced by the pump and maintained at such a degree as to give the required boiling-point, which is of course always lower than the temperature outside the coils, heat passes from the substance outside, through the coil surfaces, and is taken up by the entering liquid, which is converted into vapour at the temperature T i.
Distilled water is frequently used, as well as the water produced by the condensation of the steam from the engine, which of course must be thoroughly purified and filtered.
The surrounding matrix will of course show the mould of the cast, with its elevations and depressions reversed.
The streets are of course narrow and winding; but the houses are well built of stone.
It is of course necessary in such cases that the circulation shall be perfectly free, in order to prevent the accumulation of steam under pressure in the interior of the casting.
The earrings would go well with her white lace and satin wedding dress – and her wedding ring, of course.
Such improvement in the administrative performance of the NASS section 4 team, however belated and incomplete, is of course very welcome.
There was a contrary opinion of course!
As you can tell, I am darkly ironic, of course.
The nursery rhyme version we know now is much longer of course.
The big surprise of course for 2004 is just how much I used the airframe - a test bike which I still have.
Applied to the situation in Great Britain today, this of course sounds grossly alarmist.
At present any landlord has of course to have a license to sell alcohol.
You should of course always be careful and avoid dark alleyways at night.
And yet, in spite of every critically analytic bone in our body, we do of course absolutely love this game to pieces.
For the Advent purists this is of course anathema.
These trains of thought will of course be familiar to anyone who has studied anthroposophy.
Socialists should of course unconditionally condemn the homophobic bigotry of these performers.
It is, in truth a futile scramble, unless of course you're Chelsea and have a shady Russian billionaire to back you.
No, of course they're not blackmailing Snow.
This started a blood feud between the Bruce and MacDougall clans; the Bruce had of course supported William Wallace.
Her mother and some friends busily planned a bridal shower, keeping Rebecca in the dark, of course.
The answer of course is a good stout brolly.
Nobody complained of course as we were on our way home and we would have settled for a witches broom.
Games, vibrate alert, calculator, alarm function - of course all these features are already built-in to the O2 XDA IIs!
Varieties include butternut, acorn, spaghetti, delicata, sweet dumpling, turban, and of course the mighty pumpkin.
All those prophecies of impending calamity were outright bollocks, of course.
And of course protecting Peebles-shire cattle and maidens from the Gaelic caterans and reivers.
In this situation the role of the Queen herself is of course purely ceremonial.
And of course he's well known as a powerful wart charmer... .
The ROM, RAM, and CPU were kept external for reasons of efficiency, and analog circuitry of course.
But of course the Government has also to foster the right economic climate to enable businesses and individuals to plan for the long term.
Some clever clogs could do it in 30 minutes of course.
You can of course enjoy a cognac with your coffee.
Under the bonnet & other performance accessories Of course not all bolt-on goodies were there to make the motorist more comfy.
Mohammed Ali was of course the master of the press conference.
At this of course the Countess was very contrite.
In our opinion a study so narrowly based cannot of course be scientifically credible.
To suggest that X is anything other than a man would tax most reasonable peoples ' credulity, of course.
At the back of my critique of the myth of modernist method is of course a critique of the notion of postmodernity itself.
There are many museums in Constance but also take a look at the minster with of course the usual ancient crypt.
But, of course they couldn't get anything done without a nice cup of tea... !
He reads well, can do simple math, writes a messy cursive and of course is a delight to his family.
T he train of course is as packed as our previous commute and the art of metro newspaper folding is an equally deft skill.
I have never been able to find out what these are - I may of course be totally deluded.
Any university engineering department worth its salt should of course be doing that any way.
The Shah, the main sponsor, was eventually deposed of course.
To his loyal devotees this is of course another ' test ' of their faith.
Those readers with direct experience or an encyclopedic knowledge of the Arts establishment will not be so discomfited of course.
The practice of our politics Of course it is for each individual party to frame its own response to the challenge of voter disengagement.
But, you must of course have a DOS boot diskette.
I wouldn't want to use grossly disproportionate force of course.
By being honest of course i unforgivably disrespectful katie have the task.
That of course means that there will be an unexpected dissonance within what would have been clearly identifiable scientific, yet artificial parameters.
And Bonnie has been issued with her own hotel name badge and job title - ' general dogsbody ' of course!
The mind-numbing drudgery of office work should not be overlooked, of course.
By playing a duet with Liz Doherty, of course.
Provide guidance and advice re suitability of course and advice re additional support available Eg dyslexia support and basic skills.
This is of course a much broader requirement than just electronic library services but is nevertheless closely connected with them.
But of course we don't, and eagerly embrace old and new photos of the supernatural with as much gullibility as any Victorian.
And of course cliffhanger endings at the end of episodes - So what are those brackets for?
And of course fiscal procedures - for the first time legally enshrined in the code for fiscal stability.
There was of course a color change from that initially envisaged.
It is of course obvious that the reason sometimes errs in some of these statements.
It has of course deadbeat escapement with Maintaining power.
External examiners ' reports A second source of course feedback is external examiners ' reports A second source of course feedback is external examiners ' reports.
Exempt supplies where exempt supplies where exemption has NOT been waived will of course remain exempt.
And of course to make the fundamental observation that architecture is the result of human agency and practical exigency.
Anything that is not explicable in any of these terms can of course be attributable to culture.
We meant of course that Mr Nicolme is a detective in the police farce.
You will of course be able to demonstrate strong commercial acumen, entrepreneurial flare and have excellent written and verbal communication skills.
Cyclists and horseriders can of course cross a footway to reach a route which leads off the road.
Working back again, we come of course to the story of the humans, the snake and the forbidden fruit.
You then full-size them in separate monitors... Of course you need a PC with 3 graphics cards.
That is fine for one-off remedies, sometimes badly needed, tho short-term efficiency gains are of course very valuable.
Can of course fit a thicker head gasket, or retard the timing.
Zimmer describes the experiences and influences that helped forge his theory, including the early geologists and of course the voyage on the Beagle.
However, lack of rain is not enough as of course you need sunshine and warmth to ripen grapes.
It's a shame that people have to become more guarded as they grow older but of course you do.
This is of course in addition to evaluating the web site for conformance to usability design guidelines and standards.
Katherine and Nicola have their lanterns in their right hands, and Louise of course has hers in her left.
For the price you simply can't buy a better holster (IMHO of course ).
So I went out to say howdy and see what news they would bring armed of course.
The trick of course is to find an alternative a priori hypothesis.
I refer of course to the now infamous whale tail.
Malebranche himself maintains that his view of God follows from divine infinity, which of course has a scriptural basis.
The latter would of course be highly inflationary ", concluded Mr Provan.
It's all down to historical interpretation, of course.
Other events take stripes river daysmcgregor Iowa resistance of course.
Make sure you've got a decent ISP with 99% uptime or better - that's of course elementary.
Disappointing to watch from the sidelines but nonetheless proud to be part of the squad and of course very jubilant to see them win.
You can no longer remain in the background - unless of course you condone the killing of innocent animals in this terrible way.
Guy of course will be a big laddie by then.
The forces of good have discovered your evil lair - you being an evil witch of course.
The Corporation of Leicester made no attempt to prosecute the alleged Secularist lawbreakers, who had of course broken no law.
There are of course good and bad politicians, but the idea that they are all without exception useless layabouts is complete rubbish.
In particular, I like the way TrainSignal cover all learning methods, instructor lead, video and of course text material.
It is of course vital to cure not only the symptom but the original prob- LEM.
And of course a working knowledge of the properties of metals could easily lend itself to deception and fraud.
The story of English lexicography is of course a major topic in itself.
The issue of women's lib was of most concern of course.
We spent the whole morning on the tracks in this superb forest and noted many birds and of course a few lifers.
But if he did not do so we should of course not litigate further.
And of course we got a lodger, actually TWO!
It of course symbolizes the emptiness of Volpone's love which is nothing more than carnal lust in fancy dress.
Maelstrom of noise and fizzing energy, of course.
When I went to Florida, of course I had to adopt a manatee - mine's called Durante.
Well, we had another jolly matinee of course.
That's an Old testament miracle, of course.
This could of course be random chance, but then again the near misses do often seem to be of debatable status.
Like Oscar they are both rescued mongrels, of course!
Oh and of course the little one will be breastfed and then eat homemade organic mush.
If you begin by presupposing naturalism, then of course what you wind up with is a purely natural Jesus!
No, of course we should not be endlessly picking the fluff out of our own navels.
Golf, walking, beaches, historic sights and of course Edinburgh are all nearby.
Success of course is a very nebulous term, sometimes failure is easier to spot than success!
A multi-screen cinema, an Asian cinema and of course the historic Harrow School, alma mater of such notables as Sir Winston Churchill.
Peter Singer is of course somewhat notorious in the bioethics field for his outspoken advocacy of euthanasia.
Oh of course if I'm in a relationship this activity is perfectly OK!
Music consistently outwits all attempts to store, own, quantify and of course sell it - as I pointed out last time.
One could of course compose a panegyric of love, and many have done so.
Hanging out with the super rich is of course par for the course for a New Labor politician.
Good uses of passives There are times of course when you should use a passive.
Except of course food and other perishables, which are often bad purely as a consequence of being old.
The final method is of course to use plasterboard.
He loved pomp, and accepted many titles and awards - especially British honors; of course all unearned and therefore quite worthless baubles.
Your dog eats cat poop, but you still let her kiss you (but not immediately afterward, of course ).
In any matter touching church preferment you would of course be listened to.
Now, of course we have disposable pull-ups that do get wet well that's a success for real diaper campaigners.
This of course creates a certain friction with orthodox rabbis, who tend to look backward, at tradition.
Too keep us riff raff out of his hair of course.
This group will of course publish the detailed recommendations, and will consult widely within the University as it goes about its duties.
English Partnershipsâ support for brownfield regeneration is of course not limited to the National Coalfields Program.
Many patients are not successfully resuscitated, of course.
The B has always received much attention from the locals, which of course have been deprived of classic roadsters.
How to pack a rucksack There is of course an art to packing a rucksack.
Better of course to be stuck in a ' good rut ' than a bad rut.
You'll likely be working with a wider variety of horses, and of course the western riding saddle is completely different.
And of course my three grilled sardines with a healthy wedge of lemon and side salad of crisp tho slightly tired salad vegetables.
Well, I felt like a complete schmuck, of course.
Beyond Emmanuel, Hort's fame rests of course on his New testament scholarship.
But if not and you wouldn't be seen dead watching sci-fi, forget I said that, of course.
The Royal Navy later used it - ineffectively, of course - to treat scurvy, an illness caused by vitamin deficiency.
The British imposed strict secrecy of course on the Ultra production process.
All this relatively sedentary activity gave me plenty of time to look around me, of course!
French shallots are of course important to the production of french reed tone, no doubt.
Got totally shitfaced afterward, which of course I don't do now.
You can set up start menu shortcuts to the same target, of course.
But of course there's one more twist in the tale, designed to bring a final shudder to the audience.
There is of course the initial one off cost for making and erecting the signboard.
Whilst they may raise a smile, they do of course mask a very real problem.
The first half should focus on your choice of course (subject specific ).
They are old timers of course but still sprightly and Shelley's voice is still good, and so distinctive.
The most widely accepted reason for the Irish growth spurt is of course the large inflow of overseas direct investment, mainly American.
And I am of course a big fan of talking squid in space.
It was of course the B2 spirit stealth bomber.
Moreover, she deduced that the Union Jack's chief sub-editor must of course be Tinker.
The costumes of course look very period Japanese and for the girls are quite sumptuous.
It was in Cuba that Hemingway enjoyed fantastic bluewater fishing for marlin, broadbill swordfish and, of course marlin.
Lots of Mexican specialities, shrimp and of course lobster in many forms including soft tacos (very yum ).
Blair's red tape hurting British firms - well of course big business will accuse Labor of hurting them.
The last PrepCom could be assigned the additional tasks of procedural preparations for the next Review Conference, of course.
The slightly more relaxed tempo is a trick of studio production of course.
He then crawled out of the hatch and was in open space (although securely tethered to the capsule, of course ).
This is of course due to the vicious thorns, which are not to be taken lightly.
I have of course saved the best til last.
We accused him of being drunk and having a secret tipple, but he wasn't of course.
And the jokes get worse as the evening wears on, and of course they get funnier as they get more tortuous.
It provides a short introduction and overview of food toxicology which of course includes a number of toxins of microbial origin.
All that is needed for this way of lighting is of course some lights, a power strip and a 12 volt transformer.
The soloists from Canterbury were of course first class, the boy treble especially touching the emotions.
The successful candidate will of course be an exceptional audio and copy typist with pr... Home page link only.
Such nearly unanimous punditry can of course be wrong.
I of course had that bad incident with one, but I remain largely unprejudiced.
These officers were initially in charge of minimizing damage to those listed priority monuments, a task that of course proved unrealistic.
You invest in the world's only flushable toddler urinal of course.
By simply denying the historical veracity of these reports, of course!
And of course we were meant to enjoy it; that is why it is told in such a wonderfully vivid way.
These are of course critical terms of opprobrium which only recently acquired a new meaning and a new vogue.
Witnesses of course require to be advised that any claim for expenses require to be properly vouched.
This in itself isn't a problem, of course - a simple nostalgic wallow through the archives is always welcome.
These programs were recorded from the ATV Elstree Studios at Borehamwood, now of course home to the BBC and especially well-known for Eastenders.
The Tay ferries are featured, as of course is Dundee's more general maritime history, including whaling.
Infection followed operations almost as a matter of course and the dread scourge 'hospital gangrene ' spread from one ward to another like wildfire.
If you can get a window seat that's an improvement, of course.
This is of course optional - a simple ' tick ' on your proof sheet will ensure plain wrapping.
Here's a brief guide to some of the best Xmas themed records ever made - not including our own, of course!
Do you think that spinning yarns... Of course it is.
And of course there is our food yum yum yum. see you all soon.
The further assumption, that the modified notions thus gained have an objective meaning, and that they somehow correspond to the real order of the existing world which of course they can never actually describe, depends upon a general confidence which we must have in our reasoning powers, and in the significance of a world in which we ourselves with all the necessary courses of our thoughts have a due place assigned.
It was of course well known, as a necessity of Maxwell's mathematical theory, that the polarization and depolarization of an insulator must give rise to the same electromagnetic effects in the neighbourhood as a voltaic current in a conductor.
The forms of energy which are most readily recognized are of course those in which the energy can be most directly employed in doing mechanical work; and it is manifest that masses of matter which are large enough to be seen and handled are more readily dealt with mechanically than are smaller masses.
The line of writing is of course continuous, there being no break, although there is a space between words.
This preposterous proposal was of course not even discussed, and the movement caused a strong feeling of reaction against Socialism and of hostility to the government for its weakness; for, however much sympathy there might be with the genuine grievances of the working classes, the September strikes were of a frankly revolutionary character and had been fomented by professional agitators and kept going by the dregs of the people.
The non-empirical moralist will not of course admit that duty to the community or to mankind is a final definition of the ethical ideal.
Again, Anaximander may be said to prepare the way for more modern conceptions of material evolution by regarding his primordial substance as eternal, and by looking on all generation as alternating with destruction, each step of the process being of course simply a transformation of the indestructible substance.
Finally, it is to be observed that Locke had a singularly clear view of organic arrangements (which of course he explained according to a theistic teleology) as an adaptation to the circumstances of the environment or to " the neighbourhood of the bodies that surround us."
If the heat were allowed to accumulate in the leaf unchecked, they have computed that its temperature would rise during bright sunshine at the rate of more than 12 C. per minute, with of course very rapidly fatal results.
Ecological Adapt ations.It is now possible to consider the ecological adaptations which the members of plant cornmunties show in a given geographical district such as western Europe, of which England of course forms a part.
No people were more bountiful to ecclesiastical bodies on both sides of the Channel; the foundation of a Benedictine monastery in the i Ith century, of a Cistercian monastery in the 12th seemed almost a matter of course on the part of a Norman baron.
It is of course necessary in accurate work to state the conditions of the reaction.
Difficulties have been found in the supernatural or marvellous stories which would be taken as a matter of course by contemporary readers, and efforts are often made to recover historical facts or to adapt the records to modern theology without sufficient attention to the historical data as a whole or to their religious environment.
The two anther-cases in an orchis are erect and nearly parallel the one to the other; the pollen-masses within them are of course in like case, as may be thus represented II, but immediately the pollen-masses are removed movements take place at the base of the caudicle so as to effect the bending of this stalk and the placing the pollen-mass in a more or less horizontal position, thus -, or, as in the case of 0.
It is an admirably lucid, and even elegant, exposition of the Ricardian economics, the Malthusian theory being of course incorporated with these; but, notwithstanding the introduction of many minor novelties, it is in its scientific substance little or nothing more.
The commentaries are of course intolerably diffuse and tedious, a great deal of them is now quite unreadable; yet, on the other hand, one has not unfrequently occasion to admire the sound linguistic perception and the critical talent of the author.'
The chief merit of the scheme perhaps is that, contrary to nearly every precedent, it begins with the lower and rises to the higher groups of birds, which is of course the natural mode of proceeding, and one therefore to be commended.
He believes, with the Jews, in a restoration and extension of the city of Jerusalem; he assumes that this city will be the seat of the Messianic kingdom, and he takes it as a matter of course that there all believers (here he is at one with Barnabas) along with patriarchs and prophets will enjoy perfect felicity for one thousand years.
Phis epistle has of course been subjected to the same criticism as has been directed against the other epistles of Ignatius (see Ignatius).
In most of such works the journey is of course imaginary, but in some cases it is a true record of travelling or campaigning, and has been found to contain information of value concerning the condition at certain times of outlying parts of the kingdom.
This catena of time-references is of course unique in the Gospels as a basis for a chronology of the ministry; and it is not reasonable to doubt (with Loisy, loc. cit., who suggests that the aim was to produce an artificial correspondence of a three and a half years' ministry with the half-week of Daniel; but many and diverse as are the early interpretations of Daniel's seventy weeks, no one before Eusebius thought of connecting the half-week with the ministry), that the evangelist intended these notices as definite historical data, possibly for the correction of the looser synoptic narratives and of the erroneous impressions to which they had given rise.
He does not of course contemplate labour as the only factor in production; but it has been supposed that by emphasizing it at the outset he at once strikes the note of difference between himself on the one hand, and both the mercantilists and the physiocrats on the other.
Besides these direct services imposed upon the states, each state is of course practically limited in its legislative and executive action by the power of the Federal judiciary (in the exercise of its function of interpreting the Constitution) to declare invalid laws passed or acts done inconsistent with the Federal Constitution, or with statutes passed by the Federal legislature within the scope of its authority under the Constitution.
A judgment of the Supreme Court is only a judgment on the particular case before it, and does not prevent a similar question being raised again in another lawsuit, though of course this seldom happens, because it may be assumed that the court will adhere to its former opinion.
If placed upon Europe it would extend from Rome to the North Cape, but latitude is of course only one of the factors influencing climate, the arrangement of the ocean currents and of the areas of high and low pressure making a very wide difference between the climates of the two sides of the Atlantic. In reality the Pacific coast of Canada, rather than the Atlantic coast, should be compared with western Europe, the south-west corner of British Columbia, in lat.
In weaving the sources together the compilers had some acquaintance of course with past history, but on the whole it manifests itself only slightly (see Jews, § 24), and the complete chronological system belongs to the latest stage.
On the same prelate fell the task of conducting a public controversy with the archbishop of Armagh, George Dowdall, which of course ended in the conversion [From Anglo-Norman Invasion] him as lord-lieutenant, the litany was chanted in English, both cathedrals having been painted, and scripture texts substituted for " pictures and popish fancies."
The stream bottoms of alluvium are modified by loess and humic deposits, and are of course very fertile; but hardly more so than the loess of the uplands.
If such a machine could be constructed with reasonable mechanical efficiency to compress the air to a temperature but slightly above that of the cooling water, and to expand the air to a temperature but slightly below that required to be maintained in the room, we should of course get a result approximating in efficiency somewhat nearly to the figures given in Table I.
They followed the course of a broad stream and passed several more pretty cottages; but of course they saw no one, nor did any one speak to them.
They still have the hand-operated machine from the 1940s that was used to make the first Legos, but it is of course now a museum piece.
I reasoned that if I could show how poverty will end, then of course hunger would end as well—how many rich people do you hear about going hungry?
War is the ultimate barbarism, the primitive belief that fighting determines who is right—but of course it doesn't.