Of-choice Sentence Examples
Cynthia emerged with a tray of drinks and Dean was surprised that beer was the beverage of choice.
It never sat well with him that those charged with enforcing Death's mission served not out of choice but obligation to the deity that stole their souls.
It's my freedom of choice.
The Tea-Table Miscellany is "A Collection of Choice Songs Scots and English," containing some of Ramsay's own, some by his friends, several well-known ballads and songs, and some Caroline verse.
Trumbic on his part could not enter a purely Serbian Cabinet without prejudicing that freedom of choice of his compatriots in the Dual Monarchy, upon which the moral case of the Yugosla y s depended.
Several other works appeared after his death, among them The General History of the Air designed and begun (1692); a "collection of choice remedies," Medicinal Experiments (1692-1698); and A Free Discourse against Customary Swearing (1695).
But, as worship became more thoroughly organized, it was invested with increasing solemnity; the freedom of choice was gradually restricted; and inasmuch as lections were regularly taken from the Old Testament, it was only natural that other lections read alongside of them should gradually be placed upon the same footing.
The various calculations are not quite easy to harmonize, but the extent of choice for the year of Herod's death is limited to the years 4 and 3 B.C., with a very great preponderance of probability in favour of the former.
The successor of the Aztec king was customarily a chosen brother or nephew, the eldest having the first claim unless set aside as incompetent; this mode of succession, which has been looked on as an elaborate device for securing practical advantages, seems rather to have arisen out of the law of choice among the descendants of the female line, found in American tribes of much lower culture.
This habit restricts the field of choice and has operated unfavourably on the political life of the nation.
AdvertisementThough opposed to a monopoly of political power in the South by the great slaveholders, he deprecated anti-slavery agitation (even favouring denial of the right of petition on that subject) as threatening abolition or the dissolution of the Union, and went with his sectional leaders so far as to demand freedom of choice for the Territories, and protection for slavery where it existed - this even so late as 1860.
Green's Prolegomena to Ethics can see how awkward is the Hegelian transition from " one spiritual principle" to different men's individual freedom of choice between good and evil.
Dorner maintains that hopeless perdition can be the penalty only of the deliberate rejection of the Gospel, that those who have not had the opportunity of choice fairly and fully in this life will get it hereafter, but that the right choice will in all cases be made we cannot be confident.
In this way hardy rhododendrons of choice sorts, greenhouse azaleas, the varieties of the orange family, camellias, roses, rare conifers, clematises and numerous other plants are increased.
Another industry of importance, especially in the district of Tondo, is fishing, and the city's markets are well supplied with many varieties of choice fish.
AdvertisementThe appointment of permanent doctors (Kassenarzle) at a fixed salary has given rise to much difference between the medical profession and this local sick fund; and the insistence on freedom of choice in doctors, which has been made by the members and threatens to militate against the interest of the profession, has been met on the part of the medical body by the appointment of a commission to investigate cases of undue influence in the selection.
It is a matter of words whether or not we should call this sensory belief a judgment; but it is no matter of choice to the logician, who regards all the constituents of inference as judgments; for the fundamental constituents are sensory beliefs, which are therefore judgments in the logical sense.
And that the right or wrong of choice depends not on the cause of choice but on its nature, he illustrates by the example of Christ, whose acts were necessarily holy, yet truly virtuous, praiseworthy and rewardable.
There is no necessary connexion between Edwards's doctrine of the motivation of choice and the system of Calvinism with which it is congruent.
The adventurous orchid-hunter, however, has penetrated deeply into their recesses in search of choice varieties, and collectors of these valuable plants are largely indebted to Colombia for their specimens of Cattleya Mendelli, Warscewiczii and Trianae; Dowiana aurea; Odontoglossum crispum, Pescatorei, vexillarium, odoratum, coronarium, Harryanum, and blandum; Miltonia vexillaria; Oncidium carthaginense and Kramerianum; Masdevalliae, Epidendra, Schomburgkiae and many others.
AdvertisementThey are very hardy, and yield mutton of choice flavour.
Stoic loyalty to a belief in responsibility based on freedom of choice appeared difficult to reconcile with a belief in an all-pervading Anima Mundi, a world power directing and controlling actions of every kind.
Freedom exists for Thomas, if it exists at all, only as the power of choosing what is necessarily determined by the intellect to be choiceworthy, the various possibilities of choice being themselves presented by the understanding to the will.
But the contribution made by psychology to the solution of the problem has taken the form not so much of a direct reinforcement of the arguments of either of the opponent systems, as of a searching criticism of the false assumptions concerning conative processes and the phenomena of choice common alike to determinists and libertarians.
But, nevertheless, the new light thrown upon the unity of the self and the more careful and accurate scrutiny made by recent psychologists of the phenomena of decision have rendered it no longer possible either for determinists to deny the fact of choice (whatever be their theory as to its nature) or for libertarians to regard the self or the will as isolated from and unaffected by other mental constituents and antecedents, and hence, by an appeal to wholly fictitious entities, to prove the truth of freedom.
AdvertisementAnd if freedom of choice be a possibility at all, it must in future be regarded as the prerogative of a man's whole personality, exhibited continuously throughout the development of his character, displayed to some extent in all conscious conative processes, though especially apparent in crises necessitating deliberate and serious purpose.
But the process by which such freedom is eventually to be gained must, if the prize is to be worth the having, itself exhibit the gradual development of a self which, under whatever limitations, possesses the same liberty of choice in its early stages as in its latest.
The science of morality must be content in its search for causes to recognize the rationality of choice as a real determining agent in human affairs.
Freedom in the sense of complete liberty of choice would seem to lead to the conclusion that free agents are irresponsible, unaccountable.
It is true that a consistent advocate of indeterminism must deny that the will is determined by motives, and must admit that no reason can finally be given for the individual's choice beyond the act of choice itself.
Moral conduct is conduct which follows upon the choice of ends, and to give a reason for the choice of an end in any particular instance is either to explain the nature of the end chosen and thus to describe the choice (a process which can in no sense show that the act of choice was itself necessitated), or it is to find the ground of the particular decision in its relation to an end already chosen.
The recognition of such a necessary opposition is involved in the determinate act of choice.
The continuity of a man's life and purposes would be equally apparent whether he habitually performed the same acts and made the same decisions in virtue of his freedom of choice or as the product of necessary forces moulding his character in accordance with fixed laws.
Just as the phenomena of sudden conversion, complete revolutions of character occurring to outward appearance in a momentary space of time, are no valid argument against determinism - they may be due to the sudden emergence of elements in life and character long concealed - so what looks like the orderly and necessary development of a character growing and exhibiting its activity in accordance with fixed laws may in reality be due to innumerable secret struggles and momentous decisions, acts of choice of which only the results are outwardly apparent.
Augustine is fully aware of the theoretical indispensability of maintaining Free Will, from its logical connexion with human responsibility and divine justice; but he considers that these latter points are sufficiently secured if actual freedom of choice between good and evil is allowed in the single case of our progenitor Adam.
There still remained unassigned the greater part of the Cherokee Strip besides a tract embracing 1,887,800 acres of choice land in the centre of the Territory, and the agitation for the opening of this to settlement by white people increased until in 1889 a complete title to the central tract was purchased from the Creeks and Seminoles.
Behetrias, called plebeian lordships, were districts and townships of peasants who were bound to have a lord, and to make him payments in money or in kind, but who had a varying freedom of choice in electing their lord.
The social context clearly constrains the teacher's freedom of choice and action, restricting the ambit of the teacher's autonomy.
Diagnosis of E. histolytica infection Historically, light microscopy has been the method of choice to diagnose amoebiasis.
Depending on budget, there's an enormous amount of choice.
It is non-invasive and has replaced arteriography as the investigation of choice in the assessment of carotid artery disease and in post-operative graft surveillance.
Whether we're film buffs or football junkies, or want to follow Big Brother online, we're in a world of choice.
The excellent food includes a massive self-service buffet with loads of choice including vegetarian options.
Cocaine is still seen as the upmarket club and sex drug of choice and its use confers social cachet and respectability on its users.
Choice of Drug Unless contraindicated (e.g. jaundice or known hypersensitivity ), rifampicin is the drug of choice for meningococcal chemoprophylaxis.
They all symbolize certainty and sameness in a volatile universe, where the world's wealthier people are offered a cornucopia of choice.
This is the reason why it is the kitchen countertop of choice for many.
Either a person has acquired a domicile of choice in this country or she has not.
These stretching exercises, which may be performed in the home with the help of a therapist, are the treatment of choice.
The terrorists ' weapons of choice are high explosives.
Then, an almost feverish activity began, pervaded by a strong sense of delight at the unaccustomed freedom of choice.
The routine elective removal of the gallbladder is a curative treatment, and for most patients with symptomatic gallstones remains the treatment of choice.
Is it too heretical to provide freedom of choice?
Of course, there are those who claim that digital offers no real step change and that this concept of choice is merely illusory.
Our splendid main battle tank is almost impervious to the rocket propelled grenade, which is the weapon of choice of the enemy.
Adoption of a travel plan may confer ' employer of choice ' status in the recruitment marketplace.
You have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache.
For suspected meningitis the drug of choice is benzyl penicillin.. .
The most studied seizure precipitant has been anxiety, with relaxation being the countermeasure of choice.
The reggae rhythms reflected the sound of the streets of London, where reggae rhythms reflected the sound of the streets of London, where reggae briefly became the Punk fans second music of choice.
The method of choice would be automated fluorescent dye terminator cycle sequencing.
Donald Martin's witness box weapon of choice was pure vitriol.
Towns are rife with gang warfare and the weapons of choice are all manner of armored vehicles, fully equipped with various lethal weaponry.
Before cotton became the substance of choice for lamp wicks, dried folded Mullein leaves were used for this purpose.
Where he went wrong was in his ignorance of the special circumstances of the French nation, and his consequent blindness to the fact that the historical method of gradual progress was impossible where institutions had become so utterly bad as they were in France, and that consequently the system of starting afresh, to which he reasonably objected, was to the French a matter not of choice but of necessity.
It can easily be shown that men do as a matter of fact attach moral adjectives to environment, temperamental tendencies, natural endowments, instinctive desires, in a word to all or most of those forces moulding character, from which, according to libertarians, the individual's freedom of choice should be clearly distinguished and separated, and to which it can be and is frequently opposed.
They swear by him, they offer him to you as they would a dish of choice sterlet.
The instrument of choice for these measurements is a radionuclide calibrator, the main component of which is an ionization chamber.
The reggae rhythms reflected the sound of the streets of London, where reggae briefly became the Punk fans second music of choice.
This is the 100th year of the Harley Davidson, the steed of choice for the classic biker pack.
It 's not as if we 're suffering from surfeit of choice !
Once again, my trusty telescopic carp rod was the tool of choice.
Please award yourself a large glass of whiskey or your tipple of choice on my behalf !
Chemotherapy has not always been a treatment of choice for tonsil cancer.
His proof of the well ordering property used the axiom of choice to construct sets by transfinite induction.
Underwhelmed by the lack of choice they picked one and took it to the counter, cold hard cash in hand.
Simply unzip the archive to a folder of choice.
Donald Martin 's witness box weapon of choice was pure vitriol.
The public began to demand soft, wall-to-wall carpets with plenty of choice at all price points and in all fibers.
Just choose small glass votives or jar candles in a color that matches the bear of choice for the shower theme.
No matter where you buy fresh fruit locally there just isn't the same level of choice involved.
Cotton is the primary fabric of choice used in bed sheets.
Many online bookstores carry both new and used copies of books, and it's very easy to select the used copy as your book of choice.
Once consigned to the dustbins of history, the turntable found new life as the instrument of choice for DJs and as an essential component for any collector of LPs.
Game Boy Advance SP - For most this is the system of choice.
As technology has increased, so has the range of choice within bikes; that has added to the number of accessories or options available.
If you are going to sell online, either set up an account with the auction site of choice or build your web page with shopping cart.
Retail Me Not allows you to enter your store of choice to find relevant coupons.
If you plan on racing kayaks, then these kind of kayaks should be your kayak of choice.
Graphite shafts offer better vibration absorption and they're easier to swing, so they're usually preferred by the average golfer whereas steel shafted clubs are typically the club of choice for the pros.
For example, if you are buying a shirt that comes in different colors, there will probably be a pull down menu that selects you select your size and the color of choice.
Whether you are co-parenting out of choice or circumstance, accept your position and that of your counterpart.
You have a lot of choice when it comes to the design of your outdoor table.
The all-weather wicker resin material is made of polyethylene (PE), which is the resin of choice for durable environmentally friendly and recyclable outdoor furniture.
For more than four decades consumers have been choosing Craftmatic beds as their bed of choice.
Acting as a skin softener, cocoa butter has long been the moisturizer of choice for generations of women.
You can go for an old fashioned, antiqued nautical theme by using off-white, red, and blue as your colors of choice or go more modern with white, red and blue.
Previously known as a shade primarily for those who are fair-skinned, pink is now an acceptable color of choice for women of all ethnicities.
The liner is available in a variety of colors and styles - whether you choose dark and defined or light and natural, the technician can create your look of choice.
Jimmy Coco's tanning method of choice is the spray tan, and for your convenience, it can be done by a pro at your home or office.
My brush of choice is the NARS Bronzer Brush, available at Sephora.
Use your foundation of choice over your foundation, but don't add it to your eyelids or under your brows.
Lightweight medium-coverage foundation makeup is ideal for women of any age or skin color, and it may be the best foundation makeup of choice during the warmer months.
While a certification test would fit the bill in some cases, others had to return to school for additional degrees and endorsements in order to continue teaching their subjects of choice.
You can click on the store of choice and go from there.
His subjects of choice are naked women, and he typically shoots in black and white.
Known for his seductive and intimate shots of the world’s most famous supermodels, actors and singers, Testino is often the photographer of choice for A-list celebrities, such as Madonna, Kate Moss and Gwyneth Paltrow.
The wide range of decorative and straight-edged scissors offered by Fiskars gives you plenty of choice to find the option that best fits your paper crafting needs.
Usually, substance abusers will feel anxiety as a side effect of their drug of choice or from withdrawal symptoms.
Soy milk is a dairy-free, lactose-free alternative to dairy milk and is the milk of choice for many vegans and vegetarians who do not want to consume dairy.
As silver and other white colors become more popular, many women are choosing white gold as their setting of choice for wedding rings.
Consider using silk wedding flowers to save money if your flower of choice is not in season.
That way you won't have to keep up with it-and everything else-when you're on your way to your country of choice.
Instead of additional desserts, have the wedding cake be the one sweet of choice in addition to a fruit salad.
A jacket, whether suit, sport, or tuxedo, is often the layering piece of choice for men.
Light bulbs, soda cans, and other makeshift pipes may be the pipe of choice for your loved one.
The person is either actively using, recovering from the event or seeking out more of his or her substance of choice.
The site also recommends accessories to go along with your curtain of choice.
Simply wrap, drape or twist your material of choice around the rod and a custom window treatment is created in minutes.
It is often the fabric of choice for wedding gowns and lingerie.
While buttercream remains the most popular frosting for its good taste and ease of use, fondant is increasingly becoming the frosting of choice among professional cake decorators.
Possession of a controlled substance…twice - cocaine and crack cocaine were his drugs of choice.
The last celebrity standing is the winner and has a cash prize donated to their charity of choice.
These T-shirts can be difficult to find in local shops, but purchasing them online provides an amazing amount of choice.
For a timeless appeal and a feminine look, Laura Ashley has been a brand of choice for decades.
Check the off-season for your destination of choice if your goal is to save money or sail with fewer crowds.
With approximately thousands of dog shirt retailers offering hundreds to thousands of T-shirt designs on their Web sites, the variety of choice is nearly overwhelming.
The breed of choice for fighting is the "Pitbull", although Rottweilers, Doberman Pinschers, and German Shepherd Dogs have also been exploited.
Dog fleas, Ctenocephalides canis, are named for their host of choice.
Breed clubs, those devoted to promoting a particular breed of dog, set up display booths filled with informative material and photos to help the public learn more about the dog of choice.
Do not cut the leaves of choice kinds, but use leaves of common sorts with choice flowers.
Cuttings may be successfully struck during the summer months; but this is unusual except in the case of choice varieties, or when pot roots are desired for the following year.
In sun or shade it is most valuable for the spring or rock garden, or for a border of choice hardy bulbs, and where it is sufficiently plentiful, for edgings to American plants in peat soil.
It is precious for bare spots in the rock garden or the margins of choice beds.
In such soils, it is suited for the margins of beds of choice and dwarf shrubs.
The hardier varieties are admirable for artistic gardening, their fine forms being very effective when tastefully grouped on the fringe of beds of choice bushes and when touching and seeming to spring out of the grass.
All you need is a sunny window and your herbs of choice.
In times past, it was the treatment of choice because of necessity.
The name wasn't changed to until the end of the 1960s when the popularity of rock-n-roll music made the guitar the instrument of choice among newbie musicians.
You measure the client's roof, as always, including figuring pitch, and then enter the roof measurements and materials of choice into the program.
For many homeowners, installing laminate floor has been the home improvement project of choice because it is a durable flooring that requires little maintenance.
There is an abundance of choice found in gemstones.
Its status as the outerwear of choice was challenged in this period by the great coat, which went a long way towards keeping a man warm and dry.
You may be just learning to tie your necktie knot of choice and not feel comfortable branching out on a regular work morning.
You'll find that smart coats like peacoats or asymmetrical zip jackets that hit at the hip are most flattering, and by all means do not select a full-length trench coat as your jacket of choice.
Don't forget your hat of choice or the insect repellant.
There's plenty to choose from, whether your sport of choice is baseball, football, basketball, hockey or Nascar.
Cowhide is the leather of choice for these jackets for the purist because of its durability and comfort, but the selection options are not limited to cowhide.
In as much as men's tweed jackets can be associated with country estates and academics, hardly style mavens, tweed is also a fabric of choice for hipsters.
You're not limited to bridal shops when your dress of choice is less formal.
This was even more so when pantyhose and tights took precedence over stockings as the legwear of choice.
Heels are most often the shoes of choice worn with tea length formals, but there isn't one standard heel height in vogue.
Through the following decades, several factors caused more women to choose panty girdles as their foundation garment of choice.
If you have something specific in mind, you may sometimes need to browse a little harder, but you should have a fine range of choice.
So whether you are engaged in a high-impact team sport or something considerably more low-key like yoga, you can find a good selection of items for your activity of choice.
This is one reason hooded parkas are the jacket of choice for skiers, hikers or just for day-to-day activities like sitting in the stands at your son's football game or going for a walk on a blustery day.
Sleek cigarette pants or leggings may not be your go-to pant of choice under normal circumstances, but you can pull them off easily with a sweater coat on top!
Out of that, $1.00 goes for a beverage of choice and $1.00 toward the prizes.
Nasal pillow masks are often the mask of choice for these individuals.
His solution of choice for the breathing problem is the Thornton Adjustable Positioner (TAP).
Sleep apnea is among the services offered by the dentistry and the product of choice is the OSB Robson Sleep Apnea appliance.
The Lemtosh by Moscot Originals seemed to be his shades of choice when he was promoting Public Enemies in London.
The clean lines and slightly urban style make these the city guy's best friend for looking hot, grabbing attention and feeling good about his accessories of choice.
Your optical shop of choice should be able to take your prescription and a frame you pick out to design a pair of polarized fishing glasses.
Use your cleaner of choice in conjunction with a soft cloth.
They offer goggles, helmets and accessories, as well, to give you the style and protection you need to enjoy and succeed in your sport of choice.
Ask how long your lenses of choice are intended to be worn.
Finally, if your sport of choice consists of swimming, scuba diving, snorkeling, or a combination of all three, you won't be left out of the fun either.
Before you book, look at your resort of choice to see if they are offering any packages that include passes to the various Disney attractions.
The majority of sellers use PayPal as their preferred method of choice.
Each superhero and villain you will encounter has their own selection of choice phrases they will say while interacting with each other.
Throughout the football season, you are able to get NFL Madden player updates downloaded directly to your gaming console of choice.
Does the site offer games for your platform of choice?
As a result, they have become the format of choice for high-definition movies after beating out HD DVD in the so-called format wars.
Semi-automatic pistols are her weapons of choice and never doubt her courage, because that is her other weapon.
Sure, prices will drop eventually, but you may have to wait months for the game of choice and, by then, the game probably will have lost its appeal.
Pinot Noir rose to popularity as the wine of choice in the movie "Sideways."
By 1920, aluminum cutters with red or green handles or aluminum straps had replaced tin as the material of choice for cookie cutters.
Kerosene was the fuel of choice for most homes after 1850 or so.
By planning ahead, you can make sure that your destination of choice will be available when you arrive.
Of course, you want to make sure that the phone you purchase will be able to be used in your area and with your carrier of choice.
Talk with your mobile operator of choice about these fees and get them to provide you with a final estimate of how much a particular plan will cost you per month.
By far the least expensive option for using cell phones in Europe or the rest of the world is to invest in an unlocked phone and then purchase a prepaid SIM card in your country of choice.
When doing a comparison of cellular phone services, you will also want to look at what handsets are available from your carrier of choice.
The conventional route would be to go to your wireless carrier of choice and purchase your preferred mobile phone that way.
Even if you are not with Verizon, there is surely a great new Android phone available through your carrier of choice.
It is usually the treatment of choice and is used to relieve symptoms and achieve long-term remission of the disease.
Adequate calcium intake is essential for the rapidly growing bones of teenagers, but milk has often been replaced by soft drinks as the beverage of choice among this age group.
Acyclovir (Zovirax) is the drug of choice for herpes infection and can be given intravenously or taken by mouth.
It is still a drug of choice in developing countries because it is so inexpensive, although some resistance has developed to it.
As of 2004, it was the test of choice for many gastroenterologists (doctors specializing in diseases of the digestive system).
Fasting plasma glucose is the test of choice unless a child is exhibiting classic symptoms of diabetes, in which case a random (or casual) plasma glucose test is acceptable.
C-section is generally the delivery mode of choice for premature babies due to the other risks these infants face (such as lung immaturity).
For those children with ADA deficiency, ADA infusions are the accepted treatment of choice.
The drug of choice is metronidazole (Flagyl), with penicillin the second choice.
In these cases removal of the eye (enucleation) is the treatment of choice.
When the decay has advanced to the pulp, pulling the tooth is often the treatment of choice.
This is very effective and is the treatment of choice.
Bone marrow transplantation (BMT) is in the early 2000s becoming the treatment of choice for CML because it has the possibility of curing the illness.
In chronic lymphoid leukemia (CLL), chemotherapy is generally the treatment of choice.
In chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), the treatment of choice is bone marrow transplantation.
Horror stories or movies may serve the same purpose for teens but not for children who cannot exercise the same level of choice by leaving the theater and should not be exposed to disturbing movies.
In the early 2000s SSRIs have replaced tricyclic antidepressants as the drugs of choice in the treatment of depressive disorders, primarily because of their improved tolerability and safety if taken in overdose.
Oral corticosteroids, or anti-inflammatory drugs, are the treatment of choice for an extremely severe, but rare type of destructive inflammatory acne called acne fulminans, found mostly in adolescent males.
Deviled eggs used to be the snack of choice at the movies before popcorn took over that spot.
Generally, black is the color of choice.
Hot rollers were the styling tool of choice for women for decades, and even today they hold the same importance.
If you've been through your lice removal method of choice and you're still finding eggs, try to remove them with your fingers.
Long before straight and sleek styles ruled the runway, curling irons were the styling appliance of choice.
Once the invention of the flat iron popularized the hair market, straight styles have become the texture of choice.
Just be sure it's dry before you get dressed, and check the likelihood of rub-off from your mixture of choice with your hand before leaving the house.
Of course, not all famous homeschoolers had the same amount of choice that modern families do in selecting a preferred method of education.
In most cases, you will be correct by using this word as this is the greeting of choice of the Sinhalese (majority) population.
Before you get started, as with all other positions in your home country, you should make a list of things you want and need from a job in your country of choice.
Email and phone communication are not the methods of choice when it comes to conducting business.
This is why it is so important to find the very best interest rates available and to study the interest rates offered by your mortgage lender of choice.
Countless old wives tales and myths abound for achieving the gender of choice.
The estrogen component has an effect on both the quality and quantity of the breast milk produced, making the mini-pill the contraceptive of choice in such cases.
Nylon, and cotton canvas are the two main materials of choice for beach umbrella construction.
Today, one-inch thick steel poles are the material of choice for greater durability.
The materials of choice are rubber and plastic, and these thongs are usually quite inexpensive as well.
In one of Valerie Bertinelli's recent television appearances, she said that one of her preferred swimsuit brands of choice was the Body Glove brand.
Bikinis may be the suit of choice for sun worshipers, but you'll find them in every cut imaginable, from the skimpiest thongs to the fullest scoop bottoms.
Light padding provides even greater and you can match it with a wide array of choice bottoms.
Rescue suits are designed for both military and civilian use, and are the wet suit of choice for water rescue teams.
If your husband or significant other persists in wearing the same old pair of long swim trunks each year, count your blessings for the freedom of choice your man has when it comes to swim wear.
Today both men and women benefit from the freedom of choice in swimwear and swim trunks.
To avoid this problem, only shop for mini swimsuit styles at trusted online locations, or shop in person, where you can examine your swimsuit of choice carefully before buying.
Lycra and Spandex weaves are the materials of choice used by most manufacturers, but mesh is also very popular.
So, if your suit of choice during the summer doesn't leave much to the imagination, you'll need regular appointments to remain hairless and as attractive as possible when sunbathing or swimming.
Sleeveless rash guards may be the swimwear of choice for several reasons.
Bikinis tend to be the outfit of choice for wrestlers, so you will find a few.
Styles vary by store, so you'll need to do some in-depth shopping to find your swimsuit of choice.
You'll also find cats, horses and even ferrets as patients, but dogs seem to be the patient of choice.
Again, when it comes to this particular style, black seems to be the preferred color of choice.
For decades, a light and easy dress has been the outfit of choice for women, all summer long.
These halter looks are never-fail, and they can be styled very effectively, depending on how you put together your outfit of choice.
Avoid wasting time and money on shipping by finding out information about your pieces of choice before you buy.
After your meat of choice is inserted, then you need to reattach the end wheel.
Popcorn is the snack of choice at the movies and is a favorite among people of all ages.
What began as a quest to discover Mr. Buddy's murderer and weapon of choice has changed faces through the years, but the simple, old-fashioned charm remains.
Type of wreath - there are many different styles of wreath available, therefore you should have plenty of choice.
Morehouse describes itself as "the best college in the nation for educating African Americans," and "the College of Choice for black men."
If a gift of $50,000 or more is given to the Foundation, the donor is able to direct that gift to a project of choice.
If you have someone in your life that enjoys the outdoors and working out, you have a wide range of choices depending on her sport of choice.
While there is no guarantee you will find exactly what you are looking for, there is a lot of choice and a clever mask-maker can adapt a template to suit their style.
There is a lot of choice and the items are designed with an eye for accuracy.
A variety of dating sites do provide this service, so if the idea interests you, look for it while shopping for your dating site of choice.
Similarly, the ring's metal should be chosen to avoid contrasting - white gold and platinum are the metals of choice because they are strong enough to protect a valuable stone but their neutrality will not clash with the stone's color.
These days, you have a lot of choice when it comes to the materials used in your wedding bands.
A plain, gold band was most often the ring of choice for men in previous decades.
White diamonds have been the diamonds of choice for wedding and engagement rings for years.
Diamonds are the most common stone of choice for an eternity band, although they may be set with another type of precious or semi-precious stone.
These days, diamond jewelry has become the gift of choice for the 10-year anniversary.
Visit The Bag Forum for pictures of celebrities and their Fendi bags of choice.
Soft sided golf travel bags offer less protection than hard sided models, but they are the case of choice for golfers seeking maximum storage.
Leather has been the material of choice for wallets and handbags for many years.
An open-face wallet is sometimes the accessory of choice for men who prefer less bulk in their pockets.
For many years, navy blue was also the corporate uniform color of choice for many suit wearers.
Just slide your products into the pockets and place the liner in your purse of choice.
Simply fill it up and insert Presto into your bag of choice.
Simply choose your personalization of choice.
Deciding which style is best for you really depends on where you plan to where your ruffled piece of choice.
Barbie doll homes can be built from plywood sheeting and shingled with a style of choice.
When each child arrives at the party, paint his or her face with a small decoration of choice.
But for the great white shark that terrorized Amity Island in Jaws, humans are his meal of choice.
John Williams' Oscar for Best Musical Score (who knew a shark had its own theme music?) presaged his ascendance as the composer of choice for movie blockbusters.
The standard IMAX screen is 72' wide and 53' tall but can be larger and IMAX is currently the technology of choice for large format special venue presentations.
Manolos are the shoe of choice these days for everyone from celebrities to brides-to-be.
For years, they were the shoes of choice for Olympic athletes, known for their three stripes on the side of each shoe.
By the 1960s, the shoes had been adopted as part of the uniform of choice by the skinheads.
Athletic shoes like the Women's Racer Athleta D. and the Men's Pump Causeway are designed for your comfort while you're burning calories and getting into shape--no matter what your workout of choice is.
With a quirky, yet wearable, style, they're the celebrity footwear of choice all over the world.
Since wedge sandals are the shoes of choice for summer and even into fall, shoe lines are offering quite a few styles to choose from!
The hottest boots for riding on your transportation method of choice are usually leather!
Even on flat city trails, if you will be trekking across dirt, mud and rocks, a hiking boot should be your footwear of choice.
For the men with physical jobs, work boots may be the shoes of choice.
You may want to check with a podiatrist to make sure your child's feet are normal and not likely to be damaged by the sport of choice.
Stegmann wool clogs may be the footwear of choice for millions of people around the world, but they also may well be the standard by which other comfort shoe brands measure themselves.
These shoes may even surprise those who wouldn't normally consider the clog as their shoe of choice.
That's no knock against flats, of course - it's just that heels are usually the shoes of choice to wear with long, flowing gowns, little black dresses and anything remotely dressy and upscale.
Though the patterns differed from tribe to tribe, the moccasin itself was the staple footwear of choice for Native Americans throughout the country.
Subtle embossing includes a tiny stamp of your brand of choice found near the heel, but you can go over-the-top with all-over embossed designs for a textured look and feel.
At their height in the early 80s, they continued to prevail in various forms and their footwear of choice was nearly always the classic black Doc Marten boots.
They were popular shoes for girls of all ages in the 1980s and the shoe of choice during the summer months.
Some find it such a breeze, the boots have become their footwear of choice for wearing on airplanes.
Not only are flats no brainers in the versatility department, they also seem to be the shoe of choice when it comes to ruffle sandals.
Black is the traditional color of choice for footwear to coordinate with men's suits, followed by burgundy or oxblood.
After you've gotten home and cleaned your new tattoo, it's time to apply your aftercare product of choice.
A tattoo just above the waistband of low-rise jeans has become the body placement location of choice for many women.
In some cases, you may be able to make special requests for your machine of choice.
Mobil also offers destination guides and partner with Kayak for booking hotels, flights, and cars to the destinations of choice.
Road maps are generally the directional resource of choice for those electing to travel by car or recreational vehicle.
Today Omega's fashionable and dependable Speedmaster is the watch of choice for Agent 007, James Bond, and many celebrities from film, sports and music adore their Omega watches.
Luminox Watches are the watch of choice for Navy SEALs.
Once the watch of choice by football players and sports figures, because of its durability, the company revamped their image to represent quality, style and grace.
This wide variety of choice means that there is bound to be the perfect watch available!
The Beauty is the watch of choice for female celebrities like Oprah Winfrey due to its combination of delicate beauty and rugged durability.
With this in mind, it is better to keep your version of Internet Explorer updated, even if Firefox is your browser of choice.
By the end of 2009, it appeared hybrid and alternative fuel automobiles were the vehicles of choice for the car buying public.
For over 150 years, the DeLong Sportswear company has been the jacket of choice for many schools all over the country.
Have the kids sit at the table or outside when enjoying their sweet drink of choice.
Consistent participation in an aerobic activity of choice is key to burning a consistent number of calories to avoid weight gain.
You can check out the number of calories your particular exercise of choice will burn by visiting here.
However the main problem with the whole gym philosophy tends to be found in the fact most people feel lost and misguided when they get to their fitness center of choice.
Salads make a healthy low-fat dinner option, but be sure to check the label on the salad dressing of choice.
Check the LoveToKnow Shoes site for tips on selecting the perfect shoes for your fitness activity of choice.
Set a training schedule that eases you into the exercise of choice - perhaps starting with 20 minute sessions a few times a week and working your way up to more frequent and strenuous sessions of a longer duration.
A button to add to your browser that will translate your word of choice into French.
They may never see the spotlight again as the bra type of choice for the majority of the female population, but they may never be forgotten completely.
You really can change your attitude by changing your underwear of choice!
Cotton still remains the fabric of choice.
Thus, lingerie manufacturers created the open bottom girdle with six garters attached, perfect for holding up thigh-high stockings, and this was the undergarment of choice in the 1940s and 1950s.
Though thongs diminish the appearance of lines, they are certainly not the undergarment of choice for all women.
Even if your lingerie of choice didn't make the list, chances are, your lover thinks it's just as sexy as you do.
Pretty and flirtatious, the sexiest thongs are really a matter of choice.
Whether you opt for prima cotton or Supima cotton, having this as your fabric of choice means feeling cool and comfortable.
Once the domain of exotic dancers, the skimpy panties are now the lingerie of choice for everyone from teens to mature women.
Torpedo bras may never see the spotlight again as the bra type of choice for the majority of the female population, but they may never be forgotten completely.
You'll just need to take your girls to a specialty shop where your brand of choice is sold--or take a gamble and order online.
Lanz nightgowns are a great purchase for those watching their budget, as well as those who want their selections of choice to really flatter.
Customers have a lot of choice when it comes to mobile music.
Soulseek is the P2P network of choice for the indie kids in us all.
Because of this, MP3 is the file of choice for P2P networks, downloads, and of course, the wildly popular portable MP3 players - yep, that's how you can carry 1,000 songs in your pocket.
MySpace has tons and tons of free music; see if your band of choice has a page.
For years now, Ladytron has been the electronica outfit of choice for other electronica musicians, but maybe not so much with your average music buyer.
Anyone who can read sheet music well enough can use it to play his instrument of choice.
Make a few of your favorites, and encourage your guests to bring their dessert of choice to add to the party.
Size counts when it comes to your transportation of choice.
You can do this by asking for a free test run of your limo of choice.
For a 1920s party, mah johngg would be the game of choice.
The fighter of choice of the Imperial Fleet, the TIE fighter has the appearance of an eyeball suspended between two tiles.
You click on what you want to watch and it changes the "channel" to the program of choice.
As the Witch-king he established his realm in the north, and his weapons of choice were the sword, morgul knife and mace.
Some salons may offer discounts for groups, so be sure to check with your salon of choice.
Blue is again the color of choice for the formal Mess Dress uniform of the United States Air Force.
The fabric of choice was wool, which wicked moisture away from the body to keep the men cooler in the summer, but it also trapped body heat in the cooler months to help keep them warm.
Whether you are a nurse, lab assistant or a technician, scrubs are the standard uniform of choice.
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