Oculars Sentence Examples
The eye-pieces or oculars through which, in case of visual observations, the primary images formed by the objective are viewed, are of quite secondary importance as regards definition in the central portion of the field of view.
This Is Produced In The Same Amount, But In The Opposite Sense, By The Oculars, Which Are Used With These Objectives (" Compensating Oculars "), So That It Is Eliminated In The Image Of The Whole Microscope.
The weak compensation oculars resemble a Huygenian eyepiece with achromatic eye-lens, whilst the more powerful ones are of a different construction.
The low-power PLAN is quite useful when viewing a wide field with high eyepoint widefield 10X oculars.
Micros, 18 53, p. 236; 1854, pp. 18-24) published an arrangement of prisms, which, however, imparted a pseudomorphous impression if image-forming oculars were not used, and in 1854 a second system (fig.